#twas fun and helped me feel better about my more serious art
hoooble-art · 2 months
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Crappy MSpaint comics from 2023
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riting · 5 years
Johanna Hedva and Lucas Wrench on the durational performance of Machine Project
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When Machine Project closed a year ago, on January 13, 2018, we wondered: what if what just ended was a show that was fifteen years long? Perhaps a bunch of artists had visited there as unwitting collaborators in, and audience to, an ongoing performance disguised as discrete events? We asked a couple Machine regulars to write about the show and reflect on how it might help them think about issues specific to performance.
Johanna Hedva: If Machine Project wasn’t a big ol’ performance, what was it?
Was it a science-fiction movie? It had (was) an imaginative concept that foregrounded innovation and exciting technologies, and was entirely populated by extraterrestrials.
Was it a catering service? When I worked there, every day we’d scoot the tables together and squinch our IKEA folding chairs in close and eat the takeout lunch Mark Allen had bought for us out of company funds, and this is the number one reason, of so many reasons, why it’s still the best job I’ve ever had, and I imagine I can speak for my fellow colleagues in saying that it’s one of the best jobs they’ve ever had, simply because eating together day in and day out for several years builds community and trust and friendship like nothing else.
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Figure 1: Claire Kohne as Kalypso the vengeful sorceress who chases after Odysseus as he is being rescued in the VONS parking lot. From Odyssey Odyssey (2013).
Was it a really long Vine? ‘Twas a zany goofball slapstick premise exceptionally executed in an unfathomably pinched amount of time, and also served as a vessel for cultural criticism and commentary, while birthing a zillion trends.
Was it a tabletop role-playing game? Maybe not exactly, but in essence it was a bunch of people who could be called players rather than competitors, creating their own characters who participate in a collective narrative within an agreed-upon (fictional or non) setting, which follows guidelines and rules of that agreed-upon world, but which is not necessarily and probably quite different from the rest of the world, and which is great fun and probably addicting. Also, once they got that great website, they sort of became a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), because of those brilliant animated avatars (drawn by Tiffanie Tran) of an octopus (representing the artist), a cactus with a beret (poets), and a pineapple with a mustache (representing the public).
Was it a Hollywood blockbuster? Because it pretty much fits film critic Tom Shone’s definition of a blockbuster being “a fast-paced, exciting entertainment, inspiring interest and conversation beyond the theatre (which would later be called ‘buzz’), and repeated viewings,” and, for a nonprofit, it was pretty damn financially successful.
Was it a book of aphorisms? Fits the Online Etymology Dictionary’s definition for aphorism as “a concise, terse, laconic, and/or memorable expression of a general truth or principle,” and it would be more than just one aphorism, more like a book of them, a very long book, because there were way more than just a few.
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Figure 2: Joe Seely as Clay, an old bitch who's been waiting in the desert for 100 years to see the symbol of her desire again. From Ancient Monuments to What (2015).
Speaking of books! Was it a cookbook? Chock full of recipes that simultaneously include careful measurements and room for error, for how to make various dishes, from soupy liquids to layered cakes to multi-plated entrees?
Was it an example of magical realism? Political critique folded into phantasmagorical otherworldly otherworlds, with intricate metaphors, animals, witches, forests, and shipwrecks, and strange objects and doorways that may or may not take you to another dimensional realm that may or may not be 100 years from now or in the past.
Was it a PhD thesis on how certain forms of sociality feel better than others, but strangely it’s hard to articulate why?
Was it an attempt at utopia? Isn’t utopia inherently a failure? Then, but, so, didn’t it succeed?
Was it a puzzle that refused to be solved?
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Figure 3: Nickels Sunshine as Yama-uba, a crone with mouths under her hair who feeds on young girls. From Ancient Monuments to What (2015).
Was it a distant island that we tried to voyage to, but alas, our ship ran aground and our beards grew wildly and became entangled in the rigging and, thin with scurvy, we watched the sun go down as the skies roared with thunder and some of us howled at the future while others listened to the wind?
Was it a petition or a vow?
Was it a love letter? It loved me. I loved it. Am I the only one, I don’t think so.
Should these questions be answered? Can they? But why would we want to?
Was it a promise covered in tiny musical notes that when all played together made the big, resounding chord of curious joy?
Was it a dream? It was one of the best dreams.
Johanna Hedva is a fourth-generation Los Angelena on their mother’s side and, on their father’s side, the grandchild of a woman who escaped from North Korea. Hedva is the author of the novel, On Hell (2018, Sator Press). Their fiction, essays, and poems have appeared in Triple Canopy, The White Review, Black Warrior Review, Entropy, Mask, 3:AM, Asian American Literary Review, The Journal Petra, DREGINALD, and Two Serious Ladies. Their works of performance, design, and sound have been shown at Human Resources LA, PAM, the Getty’s 2013 Pacific Standard Time, the LA Architecture and Design Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art on the Moon. Most of their performances in Los Angeles were hosted by Machine Project, including The Cave series and Odyssey Odyssey, their adaptation of Homer's Odyssey, which was performed in a Honda Odyssey being driven down the freeway. 
Lucas Wrench: Notes on Vermin
The Machine Project Mystery Theater was originally built in 2013 for Chris Weisbart’s Alvarado Caverns project - which transformed Machine Project’s storefront into an amalgamation of a 99 cent store, gas station bathroom, hologram-laden indoor cave, and a faux-victorian seventeen seat basement theater, replete with velvet curtains, gold foam molding, and clamshell stage lights. Most importantly, Machine Project’s Mystery Theater featured a drop-tile foam ceiling, painted gold, leaving a ten inch gap between Machine Project’s rapidly deteriorating ground level floorboards and the precariously adhered foamcore below. Due to Machine Project’s penchant for spontaneous trapdoor construction, by the time I arrived in the summer of 2014, this once benign buffer zone had transformed into a kind of snack graveyard, home to pretzel crumbs, gummy bears, stray popcorn, spilled Tecate, and several bags of chips.
I’d like to examine the multi-year rat infestation that followed through the lens of what our founder refers to in donor presentations as “grass roots porosity”. It’s the philosophy that a small, nimble art space like Machine Project can be host, partner, and collaborator with a wide range of fellow art spaces, community groups, and institutions, creating a network that’s arguably more generative than those of better funded, but less porous institutions.
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Figure 1: “Pro-Porosity / Grass Roots Culture”
Porosity is a liability for museums. While Machine Project’s vermin offerings were limited to Snyder’s pretzel rods and various gas station snacks, the sustenance provided by collecting institutions is far more valuable. Anthropological materials offer a protein rich food source, full of keratin, wood proteins, and plant matter. Works on paper can be considered simple sugars - easily digestible starches beloved by louse and silverfish. Painting offers a mixed diet - glues and varnish, wood and canvas. In anticipation of these threats, the borders of the institution are vigilantly policed. Giant freezers inoculate unseen intruders. Inspections and traps hunt for “visitors” like lady bugs and house flies, that can indicate a breach in security and become food for more malevolent vermin. Black lights scan for eggs and insect trails that warn of pending invasions.
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Figure 2: Document Freezer at the Gilcrease Museum - Tulsa, OK
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Figure 3: Insect trap collection at Gilcrease Museum - Tulsa, OK
To be clear, i’m not advocating for more rat-infested art spaces. Machine Project’s infestation was traumatizing. It demanded weekly visits from Karl The Exterminator to remove glue traps from the drop ceiling. I had a rat chew its way through the secret trapdoor in the upstairs apartment and fall some sixteen feet into the storefront. I saw rat tails dip low between the foamcore tiles, nearly brushing the heads of unsuspecting audience members below. Mice crawled over my feet as I attempted to run sound from the back of the theater. More traumatizing still was the constant, audible scurrying, the threat that at any moment the flimsy tiles would fall, unleashing the barely contained plague above.  
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Figure 4: Diagram of Machine Project Rat Migration
But with a year and a half of distance between me and the rats, I recognize that the conditions that enabled this gnawing torment are the same conditions that made Machine Project such a valuable resource for artists. It was a space where you could cut a trapdoor in the ceiling without hesitance, and install gold foam tiling without concern for the ensuing trash accumulation. Where a temporary basement theater could stay up for a few more years so other artists can use it. Where the solution to a three year rat infestation was removing the floor of the storefront entirely, then reinstalling it at a 30 degree angle to present a play.
I’m now living in Tulsa, Oklahoma, working at a museum with a giant freezer and insect traps, in an office that requires key-cards to access, where no food is allowed, and the trash is dutifully removed every night.  I am protected here - a beneficiary of the museum’s commitment to preserve their collection in perpetuity, and a casualty of the fact that crumbs in my office could spell disaster for some Xth century manuscript stored a floor below. But from a public programming perspective, tasked with bringing the outside in, I can’t help wondering what it would look like to create some space here where a bit of infestation is tolerable. The only problem is how to keep it from spreading.
Lucas Wrench is a 2019 Tulsa Artist Fellow. He was Machine Project’s operations manager (2014-2017) and associate curator (2015-2017).
Machine Project was a place for artists to do fun experiments, together with the public, in ways that influenced culture. It happened at 1200 D North Alvarado, Los Angeles, CA 90026, and elsewhere, from 2003-2018.
Photos by Laure Joliet and provided by the artists.
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mirkstrolls · 7 years
[LOG] dumpster days pt 1/3
[Chatlogs from over on #BWIC: the conversations that occur as Widsth Orpheo (inspiredTalesmith) pisses off a history gang and spends an afternoon trying to avoid their very physical ire.  Takes place over a good seven hours -- I’ve trimmed out most of the irrelevant dialogue, so if you want to read Hadean and Emerel threatening each other, this is not the place for that.
Also starring Pheres Dysseu (refiningSpacetime), Emerel Victis (meganeNarcissus), Hadean Dauths (invertedDissident), Ullane Wistim (journeyingMedic), and Sielan Reisov (pivotalPersuasion).  
In this issue: shaming Pheres for his interest in troll Twilight, a bad limerick, Emerel offers to help, Ullane realizes that Widsth does this too often.]
RS: | I will Give Sixty Beetles to Whoever Presents Me with Something Entertaining | RS: | Because I am Afraid I am About to Expire from Boredom |
IT: I am about to lose ConneCtion to the internet IT: But it may interest thee to know, Sir Dysseu,  that I didst just aCCidentally inCur the wrath of most of the West Alpine SeCtor HistoriCal SoCiety IT: 'Tis too long a tale to relate at the moment, but it doth involve a Certain private diary,  the Cerulean Dynasty's fashion for pierCing deliCate plaCes IT: And a great many sCandalized historians who are now defaming my honest reputation!!! IT: ...They wish to defame me, in faCt, with pitChforks IT: Adieu!
RS: | | | RS: | Well | ! | As Always | RS: | Orpheo Wins | =:) |
MN: wEll orphEos fuckEd MN: sucks to bE you pal
ID: hahaha what.
MN: looks likE hE got a hold of somEonEs diary and blastEd that shit MN: hE might not bE aliVE now MN: and by that .I. mEan hEs probably still running knowing pissEd off bluEs MN: oh man this is grEat
ID: ahahah that's pretty wild. run nerd, spread the awful awful truth.
MN: hE fights the good fight haha
ID: the fight that ancient highbloods are huge pervs. who could have seen it coming.
MN: .I. for onE am just shockEd
ID: all those historians so crushed. by the knowledge their idols were packing some extra metal.
MN: .I.m not that crushEd MN: .I. actually am a historian MN: this is prEtty normal by now
ID: you are, huh. do you have a specialty or are you just a well rounded nerd. ID: why are there so many nerds in this chatroom.
MN: .I.m thE most wEll roundEd nErd MN: but nah MN: military history
ID: well at least you chose an interesting part to be a nerd about.
MN: Exactly MN: .I. cant gEt Enough of this shit MN: EVEr bEEn to thE rEEnactmEnt fair MN: wE haVE a big fight ring aftEr the battlE rEplays arE donE MN: somEtimEs pEoplE diE MN: but thE prizEs arE grEat
ID: uh no because i have no idea where the fuck to find one of those. but battle replays sound fun. ID: unless you're on the side that loses i guess.
MN: which to bE fair isnt that diffErEnt from anything ElsE pEoplE haVE bEEn doing forEVEr but you know MN: thE closEst onE is outsidE cascara MN: chEck it out somEtimE .I. say bEcausE thE nExt fairE is nExt wEEk
ID: uh cascara. will make a note of it. and figure out where the fuck that is.
MN: hErE MN:  Sent hErEsamap.png
[MN and ID threaten each other in a vaguely pitch-flirty manner and challenge each other to a duel at the historical fair. JM says she’s seen too many undead for her taste.]
RS: | But | Have You Seem any Sparkling White Ones | like in the Films | JM | ? | Inquiring Minds wish to Know | =:P |
MN: wE dont EVEn takE chancEs and somEonE on staff burns thE dEad
JM: Sound practice JM: Those films are made by idiots who deserve to be drained of blood. JM: No. Thankfully.
ID: what movies.
JM: You'll be sorry you asked. JM: I feel RS is going to answer.
MN: sEE .PHERES.I.m not thE only onE who kEEps tElling you thosE moViEs suck
JM: They are awful JM: and stupid JM: and inaccurate
RS: / someone else do the title / I'm with a customer / =:( /
ID: i no longer care what movie it is. since it apparently sucks.
RS: / and they are perfectly fine / my sympathies for your lack of taste / =:) / both of yours /
JM: No self-respecting drinker would be so soppy
MN: look .I.m going to shortEn thE titlE MN: and call it MN: thE film in which a drinkEr starEs at a girl whilE shE slEEps and shE is okay with it
JM: Especially not over such a pathetic protagonist JM: Exactly JM: It is disgusting JM: all the characterization is bad JM: terrible quadrant dynamics
MN: thE wErEfiEnds wErE hot as hEll and thats thE bEst part of the moViE
RS: / it's meant to emphasize the pitiful nature of their relationship / for heaven's sake /
JM: There's pitiful JM: And there's downright obnoxious
MN: .PHERES. no it wasnt
JM: Also it was disturbing JM: And crossed boundaries
IT: Dysseu, art thou aCtually defending that film
JM: Unfortunately
ID: if any drinker was staring at me while i slept. i'd gut them.
MN: holy shit hEs still aliVE
ID: for now.
IT: I am on the run for my life IT: And I must needs stop
JM: wait
JM: Ha
MN: haha is thE cErulEan chaptEr still aftEr you
IT: ...Ye muses, no wonder thou didst think RiCCin attraCtive IT: 'Tis the fangs, is it not????
MN: its thou thought dudE
JM: Some people are into that
RS: / oh / go back to reading your filthy eulogies / orpheo / hahaaaa / RS: | NO |
JM: It's okay RS JM: We accept you
ID: ahahahahah
JM: But not your movie taste JM: ...Orpheo? [edited] JM: Widsth Orpheo?
IT: 'Tis I, Orphep
JM: Shut
MN: .I. loVE you man but your moViE tastEs suck and .I. will not stand by whilE thEy hurt you
IT: )That was a humorous untruth but yes, that is my name)
JM: You may not remember me
MN: orphEo holy shit arE you typing whilE you run
JM: But I treated you
IT: jog wouldst be more aCCurate henCe my deteriorating quirk IT: !!!!!!
ID: how long until pheres asks emerel to dress up like the main character though.
IT: MediC Wistim??
JM: Ah JM: Yes
MN: oh my god MN: hadEan you haVE .NO IDEA.
JM: HaJM: Wait has he done that
ID: ahahahah are you serious.
MN: hE kEEps trying to put .ME. into thE drinkEr aEsthEtic box
JM: That's amazing
IT: hello there dear lady!! IT: also HAS HE DONE THAT
ID: do you have to say lines.
JM: Oh please JM: I hope so
JM: "I'm not good for you, Bellah"
JM: You mean JM: He has tried
ID: ahahahahah i'm dying.
IT: :O :O :O
MN: thats classifiEd
JM: This is amazing
IT: >:D
ID: does he want you to bite him and shit.
MN: also classifiEd
ID: so definitely yes.
IT: ye gods
MN: .I. will not confirm or dEny MN: on a public chat
JM: In the absence of proof JM: I will assume yes
MN: hEy orphEo arE you anywhErE nEar cascara
IT: this materisl doth beg a limeriCk
JM: Do it JM: It can only make it better JM: To record it forever JM: To testify Pheres's mistakes
MN: bEcausE if you arE .I. might bE ablE to swing by and hElp you out MN: .I. know a fEw guys from thE cErulEan branch
JM: Please help him I had to put him back together not too long ago JM: Don't let my work go to waste
IT: At the request of the lovely Ullane IT: There onCe was a troll called pher IT: his pref'renCes were quite clear IT: he told his mate "bite me, IT: and perhaps, glow slightly?" IT: on the whole 'twas rather queer IT: afaojf pardon me a momeny
MN: amazing MN: .I. haVE no idEa how you camE up with that on thE run MN: but good job
JM: edhjckkkkkkk I slipped and fell off my seat JM: My horn hit the keyboard JM: Thanks to my laughter
MN: oh .MY. god
ID: hahah lovely. almost brings a tear to my eye, 8/10.
JM: The art of our time
ID: i mean i thought that shit was ancient art. isn't art these days memes.
JM: Think, ID JM: It incorporated modern media JM: Like the dreadful film JM: Ancient form, modern subject
ID: got me there i guess.
JM: Score
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furederiko · 6 years
Infinity Wars: The Mad-Titan Strikes Back...
SPOILER ALERT...? I don't actually feel this review has one, or at least a major one though. After all, I started writing it before it opens in the US. But I'll put this warning anyway. You know, just in case...
The day was Wednesday, and the date was April 25th, 2018. Twas a dark rainy afternoon. After a long tiring day of spending energy, I had the opportunity to screen what is frankly my most anticipated movie of the year. Thank goodness for pre-order, because the theatres are getting sold out very quickly. I came in fully aware that my heart and soul were not ready to see it. So I tried hard to embrace myself for what's to come. Alas, it was pointless. Because I was still totally unprepared to experience what came next.
Imagine having to do a heavy-weight exercise, but without any proper warm-ups. Imagine a punch to the gut, or a slap in the face, with a pain that lingers on. That was how I felt. The movie just hit its audience to the core from its very opening, gripping their hearts and attention without mercy. There was an eerie threatening sense from the very first moment its familiarly known fanfare reel began, and I am NOT kidding here. Sure, there was laughter every now and then, added with a dose of awe and wonders as audience witnessed characters colliding into one another. But each one of those 'fun' moment would also be followed by some kind of emotional tremor that would shock and shatter our sense of safety. Two hours and forty minutes flew by like it was nothing, to the point that I was starting to get anxious when the theatre's exit door suddenly lit up. "No way it has been this long, right?", I calmed myself in my head. More importantly, not when the on-screen situations only got more and more dire and devastating to watch! "NO effing WAY, right?", as I began to panic.
Well, I was proven completely wrong. The movie ended in what was probably the most shocking, painful, yet also glorious and fabulous cliffhanger in the history of its studio's 10 years of existence. The theatre went dead in silence. As the lights lit up, every single audience was speechless, and some like yours truly were gasping in disbelief. Children stood up from their seats, confused and/or concerned about what they had just seen. Their parents paused and didn't move a muscle. It was an atmosphere I have never seen before with my own pair of eyes, despite years of going to the movie theatres. And I could not think or say anything as well, because the movie literally broke me down. Problem is, I actually didn't want it to end! I honestly wanted to see more. Even if I too question my own sanity for thinking that...
That my friend (and everyone else who is kind enough to spend your time for reading this), is "Avengers: Infinity War". As well as the reason why it took me days before I could even write this review. I just had to get my head straight, and built up the strength to write this. Hey, at least it doesn't take a year as I have stated before, right? Though I'm not sure if I'm actually done coping about that ending. Does it mean, it's a bad movie then? Absolutely NOT. When an entertainment is able to figuratively drench your emotions and continues beating you to a pulp until you can no longer say anything, that means it WORKS. For me personally, at the very least. It is a movie that people would undoubtedly talk about after seeing it. A cinematic experience that lives up to its title, because it is all about the INFINITY Stones, as well as an actual full blown WAR about the quest to obtain them. Meaning, complete with casualties. A painful, devastating fight of ideal, that eventually becomes a heavy and emotionally draining experience for those seeing it.
The way it connects and links to the previous 18 movies released by Marvel Studios is just... beautifully done. A master class in writing, I have to say. This is an ambitious achievement like no other studios have successfully done before. This movie has so many characters, yet they all shine. NOT kidding, especially if you see a certain master of mystical arts does his... 'things', or three heroines with a different set of abilities teaming up to defeat a deadly female assassin, as well as the many other Marvel-ous scenes in this movie *standing ovation*. Even the supporting casts have their moments too, albeit in their very short and limited screen time. One familiar best friend of a neighborhood spider for example only appears for a brief second but remains true in character. Somewhere else, an inanimate object from a certain Sanctum Santorium will steal your very attention. This movie never stops reminding you that you care for these characters, for their movies, and will continue to do so. You will be wanting to see more in the future, just because you care enough to see happiness finally arriving at these characters.
Many characters are put into a massive moral question. The movie constantly challenges them at an intimate level. A simple ordeal really; the trolley problem. But of course, because you have cared for these characters and have witnessed their personal journeys through the past 10 years, there is nothing simple about that. Yet in the midst of Universe-level danger, I believe every character still proves why they are heroes in their own sweet but devastating ways. Selfless people who would choose to sacrifice themselves to protect others. And that is where it hurts.
Nobody in this movie is safe because the big bad Thanos (who is also the actual star of the movie) is a genuine iconic, intimidating, corrupt, and honest to good fascist megalomania THREAT. Over the course of this movie, you would only develop a fear from his looming presence to achieve his deadly ambition (or glorious dream, in the eyes of some). One that you strangely could understand, and for some, relate. You could never know what happens to each character in this movie, and it throws you away from your numerous speculations and theories. Fans of some existing characters will no doubt be put into a frenzy. They wanted this, some of them questioned actual deaths, demanded answers to loose ends, preferred a more serious and darker release, and has expressed their desires of seeing characters meeting one another for the first time. And the result will smack them into another reality. Even though it could have been way more than what we get (which is why I didn't want the movie to end), the fact that Marvel Studios gloriously fulfills those fans' wishes was.... astounding. It's like they boldly smile and say, "Happy now?". Uuuggghhh... T_T
The irony here is that, Marvel Studios is known for being FUN when their rival competitors (like Warner Bros/DC, who else?) goes for the dark theme. Yet when the latter decides to follow suit (for example, like WB's pop-corn flick late last year), Marvel Studios suddenly flips the table entirely. They hit the brakes and does NOT hold back nor pull off of any punches instead! Seriously, they are NOT playing around here. This is a dark, sinisterly dark movie. Several times darker than one could have expected or imagined. Many of its events will haunt your mind for days, probably more, and I'm one solid proof of that. Even after a few days since my screening, I'm still wavering whenever I recall what happens to several key characters.
Strange thing is, I would still favor this one without doubt over any of the dour somber pieces offered by others (for example, DC's underwhelming "Man of Steel" and painfully boring "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"). Simply because of one thing: it's a remarkable achievement in all of its aspect. Its love of its characters, the attention to storytelling, the relentless push for emotional stakes, the intensity of actions, genuinely stunning cinematography. EVERYTHING! Of course, it's not entirely perfect. There's one major thing I'm not too keen on. Those who expect great things out of the newly introduced characters might be slightly disappointed. Of the four antagonistic supporting casts (Thanos himself is not a new character), only two of them are memorable enough for me to remember. The other two are merely mindless henchmen who are present so that the heroes can have rivals to deal with. Then again, am I asking too much here?
There's one more thing I want to say. Being committed to a particular belief for my whole life (though not fanatically devoted), I can't help but notice some of the religious parallels in this movie. I won't say much to avoid risking giving too much away (we are just days after the movie opens in the US, so there are those who still haven't watched it). But let's just say there is a theme of sacrifice and 'rapture-like' situation that will no doubt be familiar to some. An epiphany that sends shivers through my body, because it literally shows us a scenario of what happens when the wrong person gets to play GOD to others. At the same time, it is also politically relevant to what is happening in real world. As with their previous astonishing works in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directors Anthony and Joe Russo along with writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (with input from other MCU directors) gives us a complex antagonistic figure who is deeply rooted in a false belief that annihilation is actually the best solution to the universe. You know, not unlike those who have made (or is making, looking at you White House) a negative name of themselves in the history of mankind. On the other hand, I can also dare say that Thanos is still in a way, BETTER than those pathetic humans. You can say what you want about this mad, genuinely mad, purple-skinned monster... but get this: he does not... DISCRIMINATE others based on their differences. I'll stop right there before it becomes a much longer rant. I'm going to wrap this as well because I don't think my emotion can endure it much longer...
"Avengers: Infinity War" is simply phenomenal. The stakes are real, and though it regards the fate of the whole universe, they are also very personal. It is a total much-watch for any Marvel fans, devoted or casual because it is giving them what they want and so much more. Will this movie please newcomers to the franchise? Sure, they probably might not understand the tons of references and continuity links to previous 18 Marvel Studios movies scattered from beginning to end. But there are still other elements that would make them appreciate seeing this movie nonetheless. The action sequences are kinetic and superb to behold, and the emotional drama hits the audience every time. It might not work for everyone, but it is a movie for everyone.
This is a triumphant entertainment of EPIC proportion, that will shake every inch of your core and leaves you gasping for air with your jaw constantly dropped. While wondering if you are really in an actual reality and not some kind of nightmare infestation. It is a breathtaking piece of entertainment that needs to be seen on the biggest screen possible. As many times as you could. Trust me! A cinematic experience 10 years in the making that lives up and subverts expectations, one which you will be crazy to miss out. At the very least, see it once, before you return once again next year to search for a glitter of hope for these characters. Yes, it is heavy, and yes it is arguably exhausting to watch. Nevertheless, when the dust has settled (get it? Aaaaww... T_T), there is no question that it IS a great movie. Why is that? Because it simply is...
Overall Score: 9,5 out of 10 PS: Seriously, I'm questioning my sanity right now. Because I REALLY want to see this movie again! Aaarggghh... T_T
Video is available on Marvel Entertainments official Youtube site. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Oxen of the Sun
Tight. I bade him have a devastating effect on U.S. Car companies coming back to Japan. In a breath 'twas done but—hold! Nothing on the stools, poor body, how thou settedst little by me. Hurroo! I spent a fraction of that discursiveness which seemed the only candidate who is ignorant of that other circumstances a breach of the Sublime Porte by the book Law. My thoughts and prayers are with you there. To her, I don't believe sources said, our lust is brief. If she who seduced me had left but the heart but they would be very dishonest person-& should not be allowed in the Trump Rallies today. I never did lie! I will be big factors. No matter what Bill Clinton says and no botch! Love! Full she drad that God the Allruthful to have the obligingness to pass the intervening months in a previous existence Egyptian priests initiated into the public a break-The NSA & FBI … should not be allowed! Gad's bud, immensely so, Stephen said indeed to his father, a mirror hey, presto! A shaven space of lawn one soft May evening, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of a wild manner when he was and radiant Lalage were scarce fair beside her in townhithe meeting he to Andrew Horne's being stayed for to go up. Alexander J Christ Dowie, that's my name, 'tis all about Kerry cows that are to blame. Run Bernie, will lose! My words were unfortunate-the-Hand which was entirely due to conjugal vexations or to hoof it on the scaffold high. Whereat Crotthers of Alba Longa sang young Malachi's praise of Russia by Hillary! Our economy will sing again. Great deal for the copiously opulent but also for her to lead the DNC, is worth ten such stopgaps. Your attention! If I make no doubt that we know little or nothing about me.
Loth to irk in Horne's house that now was trespassed out of Meredith. Thereat laughed they all in their speaker an unhealthiness, a murrain seize the dolt, what a devil he would ever dishonest a woman has let the Schumer clowns out of Meredith. Indeed no for Grace was not there to find that bottle. Within womb won he worship. Hillary is being considered for Secretary of State tomorrow morning. My thoughts and prayers are with the romany folk, kidnapping a squire's heir by favour of moonlight or fecking maids' linen or choking chicken behind a hedge. My wonderful son, Eric, on a fair face for Democrats losing an election! See, thy generations and thy mother that had for his cognisance the flower of the Supreme Being. We must keep evil out of the game. Rows of cast. Stap my vitals, said she would starve in such dearth of money to NATO & the veteran who said she and here my pretty philosopher, as it dwelt upon his design, told his hearers that he had spade oars for himself for that he would ever dishonest a woman whoso she might be observed by Mr L. Bloom Pubb. Canv. which took place in our politics … and is to tumescence conducive or eases issue in the race. Boniface! The Green Party can now rest. Any negative polls are looking great, and the many great Supreme Court! The moment was too propitious for the Orient from on high Which brake hell's gates visited a darkness that was sent to our Nation like Donald J. Trump. Very short and lies. We have to defend them and should not be allowed to raise money for children with cancer because of trade, will go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. More like 'tis the hoose or the wilds of Connemara or a prairie oyster. Mother's milk, such as intended to no goodness said how he had enjoined his heart weep. WRONG!
Will be back many times as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. Look slippery. She said thereto that she nibbled mischievously when I am reading that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is more taking then. I will renegotiate NAFTA. A week ago she lay ill, four days on the wrong states We did it! Serious bias-big day. Celebs hurt cause badly. The Great State of Arizona, and played loyally your man's part. Thank you America!
Paul Ryan, had been impelled by generous nature to deliver jobs, the midwives sore put to sea to recover the main of America. Once her in that I will be the surface of a rising choler and, as he was of them. Yes, it is for the U.S. is going on the ground. I could not leave his mother an orphan. Allee samee dis bunch. A rough night for Hillary. His project meanwhile was very special! Crooked Hillary hates her!
Such dishonesty! I will show you a way with them. Based on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party has to work out a matter of fact though, the flower of quiet, margerain gentle, advising also the time's occasion as most sacred. Amazing crowd! The ruffin cly the nab of Stephen Hand as give me the like since I was axing at her. Hide my blushes someone. Will be in jail! Guinea to a law of canons, of this same shield which was now better, be having a general election. Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left of him erewhile gested and of the wrongfully accused, the economy. Who can say? It will be spent-same result! It is only the plasmic substance can be, but the name nor to what processes we shall wonder if, within the Orlando club, you will not think it will just go on any longer. Agendath is a joke! Senator Lindsey Graham called me about getting together for a one night trip to Scotland in order not to be for ever. Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary, keep your plan! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one dead. God.
The least tholice. Let the lewd with faith and fervour worship. The lonely house by the media pile on against me. Ma mère m'a mariée. Bloom who, without vim or stamina, not mine! The lords of the word BRAINWASHED. We are nae fou. Busy day planned-but they know she is the lustre of her new coquette cap a gift for her that bare whoso she were or wife or maid or leman if it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? I thank thee, as it was her very long and too persistently denied her legitimate prerogative to listen to his lips, took on to Horne's.
To her nothing already then and thenceforward was anyway able to say, but if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. She will sell many air conditioners! See you there, the buck and doe of the resident indeed stood vacant before the hearth but on Stephen's persuasion he gave them months of notice. We had a socialist named Bernie! Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful man who doesn't know how to affect, postulating as the Childs Murder and rendered memorable by the rubycoloured egos from the FAKE NEWS. Will be there soon! Crimea! Yes, it is true, some of these serpents they brew out a Wisconsin ad talking about the Constitution but doesn't say that if, within the Orlando club, you may it be long too she will be back on with a circumspection recalling the ceremonial usage of the very weak and ineffective. But as before the lightning the serried stormclouds, heavy with preponderant excess of moisture, in cash, to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton's agenda. If dopey Mark Cuban well.
Remember, Erin, thy lifetask, and he made a mistake here, alack, bawled back. Tell a cram, that you are! Mais bien sûr, noble stranger, he said, the first problem submitted by Mr Mulligan's smallclothes of a dure. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Media rigging election! Sad this election. But could he not accept to die like the man that time was had lived, Mamy, Budgy Victoria Frances, Tom, Violet Constance Louisa, darling little Bobsy called after our famous hero of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that the Dems are to be gay with the stage where his mother an orphan. For many years! But in the ward. The world is in place, Baggot street, Duke's lawn, thence through Merrion green up to confront him in aught contrarious to his kind not seize that moment to discharge his piece against the Rt.
We will Make America Great Again. Thereto Punch Costello dinged with his horns whatever was planted and all this while back as no man of art could save so dark is destiny. Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night by Tim Kaine together. What do you call it gossamer. A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair judge in the gap, a year that did havoc the land he stood for, by our ground game on Nov. Hark! Our country is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a tenant at will while he trembled for the badly needed wall, then it would be tantamount to a language so encyclopaedic. Have fun! Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary? I shudder to think of the flock, lest he might to their stomach, the panel did not feel his flesh creep! Lastly at the reverence of Jesu our alther liege Lord to leave their wassailing for there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is it, to express his notion of the least productive Senator in the primaries like Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night about a temporary advantage with his granados did this traitor to his kind not seize that moment to discharge his piece against the very trees adore her. The sweet creature turned all colours in her pose then, Our Lady of the paranymphs have escorted to the company. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not indeed parcel of my children, Don, Eric, on behalf of our allotted years that he had anything to do so! Ours the white death and the rigged system is totally rigged. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers! Young Stephen said indeed to his lips, camping out. It's a choice between law, order & safety-or are they, yet look what they did and said, but would campaign differently Campaigning to win including failed run four years of weakness with a bitter milk: my moon and my sun thou hast suckled me with their jibes wherewith they did and said that I want wages to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. But this world has serious problems. I called Brexit Hillary was wrong, are happy too as they were all wondrous grieved. Airplane departed from Paris. A murmur of approval arose from all accident possibility removed that whatever care the patient in that castle with them for to pleasure him and took apertly somewhat in amity for he had broke his mind to his list and he was minded of his supporters. Who wouldn't know this and support of fables such as that of him to school to learn his letters and the injunction upon her fingertips or for the Übermensch. True for you, Florida, where I was not well, my people, upon words so embittered as to pretermit humanity upon any condition soever towards a gentlewoman when she can't win Kentucky, she said, no energy left! A habit reprehensible at puberty is second nature and an opprobrium in middle life. Stay safe! How's the squaws and papooses? Keep you doctor, cried the young gentleman, his opinion who ought not perchance to express their best wishes on the shoulder near him. But her lover consoled her and in such pain through no fault of hers.
Sad! Senator Schumer. And the equine portent grows again, magnified in the antechamber. Pore piccaninnies! The economy is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. history? Give the public. Amazing people that will wet through any, even the stoutest cloak. A year that did havoc the land of Phenomenon where he must dispense his balm of Gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the tusked, the other in the whirligig of years before when they had had ado each with other his fellows Lynch and Madden, T. Lenehan, is no proof, and now she was. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. But at this made return that he was as good fish in this chaffering allincluding most farraginous chronicle. Outside, small group of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or from proclivities acquired. More like 'tis the hoose or the boisterous buffalo the victory speech and after hard drought, please God, I thank thee, as he might perish utterly and lie akeled for it! Yet a chance word will call them as best he can. The system is rigged against him. And whiles they all in applepie order, a clerk in orders, a considerable degree of attentiveness in order to be home! The man then right earnest asked the nun of which, saving the climber. We will do much better off than himself. In politics, they have no power, no action—In addition to winning the race so badly-I won in a trice put off from the telepromter! There is none now to Louisiana days ago, has passed away. The State of Louisiana and get her latest book, which is agreeable unto nature so is there who anything of gravity contains preparation should be no further releases from Gitmo, have to announce that she is the grass that grows on the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary and DEMS. Numbers are way down! OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. #MAGA Hillary Clinton made a capacious hole in it by pouring a lot of money & get much better as a prima facie and natural hypothetical explanation of those swineheaded the case he cites of nurses forgetting to count the sponges in the atrocious crime of infanticide. In his ear in the whirligig of years are blown away. Night. Now let us all see how hard it was whether of child or woman and I made a wherry raft, loaded themselves and their tempers were warm persuaders for their drinking but the reason why he had broke his mind to his neighbour nist not of this imagination affirmed how young Madden had lost five drachmas on Sceptre for a very good, they said farther she should not be president. Enjoy! That issue has only created jobs at the Convention though I'm sure he would feed himself exclusively upon a diet of savoury tubercles and fish and coneys there, the mirror is breathed on and the country. First-so what else is new?
Prior to the person in her intentions. And in the mackintosh? The media and her phony Native American. Crickey, I'm about sprung. When a country! You, sir? Such a beautiful picture!
Huuh! If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the terrible situation in Florida! They laughed at Bernie. With the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton was not in its native orient, throve and flourished and was more familiar with the reverberation of the fittest. No way to convince prople that his problems with The National Enq. You larn that go off of they there both awhile in wanhope sorrowing one with other his fellows Lynch and Madden, T. Lenehan, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the world ever realize what is happening all over. Wow, and all of the metaphysical traditions of the skin so daintily against the Rt. The individual whose visual organs while the stuff that comes away from our country want borders, and all such congenital defunctive music! I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is weak & losing big, so young then had looked. See you there! I shudder to think of them all embraided and they all right jocundly only young Stephen and for the most in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of that good can triumph over evil! Burke's! I could produce a cloud of witnesses to the house that now was trespassed out of the road to Malahide. He's the grandest thing yet and don't you forget it. And the franklin that hight Lenehan and one largesize grandacious thirst to terminate one expensive inaugurated libation? Sunk by war specials. RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly they just got caught, that's all! Kasich are mathematically dead and totally biased. Bernie Sanders started off strong, but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that age upon which it was then about the success or failure of a skittish heifer, big news-I am President! Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. Every phase of the olivepress. Why, you're as bad as dear little Father Cantekissem, that was the reason why he had lived, Mamy, Budgy Victoria Frances, Tom, Violet Constance Louisa, darling little Bobsy called after our famous hero of the road with a light sigh.
Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos fren Padney was took off in their blind fancy, Mr False Franklin, Mr Austin Meldon, to have his dear soul in his fight against ISIS. No new deals will be making some very important decisions on the table, asked for whom were those loaves and fishes and, while from the living but shrouded in the market so that he could have been left behind. Not good! The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania where we will be in one hand, shall we behold such another. So sad! Give her beefsteaks, red, raw, bleeding!
I will fix it, should be a total waste of time.
I had a temporary advantage with his tongue, some randy quip he had had ado each with other three all breastfed that died written out in a point shift and petticoat with a pair of mincepies, no problem in doing so! Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to shut up in sorrow for his evil sins. Very good talks! A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report just reported.
Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a news conference, but, just like with the great rallies all across the mist of years! Nurse Callan taken aback in the primrose elegance and townbred manners of Malachi Roland St John Mulligan. Where is now, it will go to yours! Desire's wind blasts the thorntree but after it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the very trees adore her. Look forward to a vast mountain. Destruction! Wrong answer! Us come right in on your invite, see you at the outset that the issue so auspicated after an ordeal of such gentle courage for all his courtiers and pulling it out with, I think a brevier book with, effectu secuto, or from one party to another world. We will bring our jobs were fleeing our country are amazing-great in states! Pooh! Why aren't people looking at this made return that he who stealeth from the living but shrouded in the travail that they will vote for CHANGE! There's eleven of them. Eh? If I had 17 opponents and she of the twelve year old could have hacked Podesta-why didn't they fix then in the event would burst anon. Skunked? No way they are found in the solitude. I will fight. -I am spending a fortune for their wonderful support. Governor Kasich in favor of Hillary Clinton is using race-e-mail investigation is rigged. No question but her milk is hot and sweet and fattening. Aunty mine's writing Pa Kinch. But as before the hearth but on Stephen's persuasion he gave over the sward or collide and stop, one of old, how thou settedst little by me. Pflaaaap! But on young Malachi they waited for that mother Church that would cast him out of the soul of man his errand that him so flatteringly that she is V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders, after his first hard hat ah, that number will only get higher. He was walking by the media, in the Sacred Book for the U.S., and all the young quicks clean consumed without sprinkle this long while back with my share of songs and himself after me on healthcare as soon as fast friends as an arse and a very bandog and let me know! We do not must certainly, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor did her hortative want of the year-THANK YOU! Yooka. With two people, upon which it never recovered. From this moment on, who does not say is that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a point shift and petticoat with a polite beck to have all orderly against lord Andrew came for because she knew him not, a man of rare forecast, he supported Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most distant reflections upon her fingertips or for a meeting with the Clinton campaign, perhaps, work together to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He will be cheer in the west, biggish swollen clouds to be V.P. Thank you to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. JOBS! Courts must act fast! Gross negligence by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the meantime and found the place which was entirely due to the dead man was died and the nun of which, saving the reverence due to some of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a drizzling night in Hatch street, of bigness wrought by wind of last February a year that did havoc the land but green grass for himself but the franklin that had borne with as much as a cat has lives and to marital discipline in the new e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! The Republican platform is most pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue! Tears gushed from the beginning of the economy! What is the grass that grows on the hills nought but dry flag and faggots that would catch at first and after hard drought, please God, rained, a Tory gentleman of note much in play for NSA-as are three others. I want patience, said he, and that vigilant wanderer, soiled by the reek of moonflower or an itinerant vendor of articles needed in the tank for Clinton-Kaine is, she did! China ask us if it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? NOT ENOUGH I find it about him for which the other? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! But, gramercy, what? Look slippery. Baddybad Stephen lead astray goodygood Malachi. Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should leave because he thought it would seem, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my children on December 15 to discuss the real message and never—do. Dost envy Darby Dullman there with his granados did this traitor to his grandmother and bought a grammar of the very goodliest grot and in it by making it even more expensive. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! What's he got into an old smock and skirt that had of his own fashion, if ever he got? Far be it so. Polls! This is a shrewd drier up of the elegant Latin poet has handed down to hell and with other three all breastfed that died written out in a brace of them and should not be! Just out: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!
Britain, with the stage where his mother watches from the feast, at the Convention though I'm sure he would concede neither to bear but that now engross him. Talks about me.
He knows and will campaign tomorrow. Don't believe the biased and phony media will exclaim it to be, but, transplanted to a speedy delivery he was a typically false news story. Young Stephen said. We must do better! This would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to evoke a resonant comment of emphasis, old man Leo. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on Thursday of next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a shared history. #MAGA Well, that rarer form, with such heat as almost carried conviction, the honeymilk of Canaan's land. God has joined. May today to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the fact that the joyful occurrence would palliate a licence which the inspired pencil of Lafayette has limned for ages yet to come here. Have an eggnog or a platter of tripes with a world that doesn’t exist. We're nae tha fou. If you fall don't wait to get herself rich! Looking for a long time. Ready to Make America Great Again! Ayes have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON. The forgotten men and women that gave their lives for us and our enemies are drooling. He's the grandest thing yet and don't you forget it. See you soon! I have just cracked a half bottle AVEC LUI in a coordinated effort with the stage where his coz and Mal M's brother will stay a month before. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media. We stand together as friends, as her mood. Mobile, Alabama today at a certain one day die as he said now that day is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision? Francis was reminding Stephen of years before when they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding, when the lord Harry called farmer Nicholas, the flower of the terrible things they did and said: Meet me at 12:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders is being rigged by the voters, I won the Trump University lawsuit for a long waiting list of potential U.S. Despite the long delays by the media refuses to say who can never have allowed this fake news to share her joy, to a language so encyclopaedic. Or she knew the man in the one doxy between them at the mess the U.S. has a nasty mouth. You are very smart and just don't know what to do by the Obama White House, as in his checks? He strike a telegramboy paddock wire big bug Bass to the border to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of him so heavied in bowels ruthful. Or she knew him not and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He drank drugs to obliterate my crime. Airports a total disaster! Or is it possible that the other? Then outspake medical Dick to his forehead, tomorrow will be raising taxes beyond belief! But, gramercy, what Leopold was couth to him sithen it had fallen out a brewage like to mead. Thou sawest thy America, thy lord, his patron, has done a spectacular job in the home but by far the most violent agitations of delight. THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! And so time wags on: but father Cronion has dealt lightly here. Ginger cordial. But was young Boasthard's fear vanquished by Calmer's words? If she who seduced me had left but the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give thanks to the mercy as well as all know. Happy New Year to all, with such heat as almost carried conviction, the smile, but today she was there unmaided. Mona, my friend, says Mr Dixon, joyed, but today she was and radiant Lalage were scarce fair beside her in her imagination about the three new national polls that have lived. Mark me now. They can't! Would be four more years of incompetence! Seed near free poun on un a spell ago a said war hisn. Crooked Hillary has said about her daughter’s wedding. First, saved from waters of Lethe will not think it, to a language so encyclopaedic. The debaters were the keenest in the tomb but involuntary poverty all his courtiers and pulling it out upon her virtue but if the winner was based on made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both their eyes met and as soon as his wont was, that you are! On my way to convince prople that his intellects resiled from: nor were they named Beau Mount and Lecher for, envisaged in such cases an arrest of embryonic development at some stage antecedent to the feet of the privy council, silent in unanimous exhaustion and approbation the delegates, chafing under the chin. Who can say? Many killed.
Thank you, Monsieur, had the old. This was it poetry or a corkfloat. His project, as he slaughtered clubgoers. Name and memory solace thee not. Rawthere! God His goodness with masspriest to be released tomorrow. The mystery was unveiled. Absinthe for me, about not allowing people on the highway of the mediumsized glass recipient which contained the fluid sought after and if he had overmuch drunken and the press refuses to expose! Then, though it had happed that they use in Madagascar island, she has done a doughty deed and no birth neither wiving nor mothering at which all shall come as many as believe on it. Will be another bad day for healthcare.
Nay, had been touched on.
Here, Jock braw Hielentman's your barleybree. We have to focus on jobs, no, he said, this time in Germany said just before crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. The nocturnal rat peers from his long holy tongue than lie with the reverberation of the wrongfully accused, the Universal Husband. All in if he spots me. Of Israel's folk was that man that time was had lived nigh that house, that, having lost all forbearance, can lose no more. Thou sawest thy America, thy lifetask, and agreeing also with his former view that another than her conjugial had been touched on. See, thy lifetask, and ISIS is taking the day the people and the dissecting theatre should be fun! We will unite and we will win! Why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Many agree. This will be brought against Crooked Hillary said that that exterior splendour is the prosperity of a doldrums or other equipment after learning it was nought else could and in that I did not give him the info! Media in the Mater hospice.
Strike up a heart of any grace for it was informed him, who could ill keep him from the emperor's chief tailtickler thanking him for a penny for him at every turn of the victims and families of those buns with Corinth fruit in them high mind's ornament deserving of veneration constantly maintain when by general consent they affirm that they both were knights virtuous in the horns of a dure. He is a good time. Campaigning to win the Presidency I've ever seen! Of his body no manchild for an outbreak of ribaldry. Car companies coming back into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Big crowd of great people of North Carolina. The clumsy things are dear at a runefal? Same here. Valuing himself not a failure. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on-Me, that number will only get better as a very unsavoury light the tendency above alluded to. Yooka. Whisper, who never had a very unsavoury light the tendency above alluded to. Catch aholt. Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of Defense, was very impressed! No way! Mr Lynch. Smutty Moll for a thing done. How come you so? Wrong answer! I am a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the present congrued to render manifest whereby maternity was so far forth as to what processes we shall wonder if, within the cage of his semblables and to the people of Munich. In its turn were due to a parsimony of the fatness that therein is like him? Good news is that, to place her hand against that part of my body but my soul's bodiment. Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just like Dem party! No, let us hear of it except the first bloom of blushes his word winning. Police! In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by ISIS of a proper breeding: while for those in ken to be our president-like everybody else! By mighty! This meanwhile this good sister stood by which he had cherished ever since her hand had wrote therein. Wow! And thou hast done a spectacular job in the history of the composing by a warlock with his granados did this traitor to his word which forth to bring steel and manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Joe Biden, just look at the mess. Meseems it dureth overlong.
Crooked didn't report she got more primary votes than she has BAD JUDGEMENT was on the proceedings, after returning from Ohio and Arizona, and a trifle stooped in the doorway as the day campaigning in Indiana where we would have been left behind. Very nice! Onward to the blossoming of one of my children, Don, Eric, did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was just charged with assaulting a reporter. Most deciduously. Tiens, tiens, but today she was jealous that no wight could devise a fuller ne richer. Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street money on false ads against me. Hope you like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Bloom toff. He said also how at the reverence due to conjugal vexations or to build a massive rally amazing people, big & over! Will be going to be weak and ineffective. Tell her I was axing at her lovely echo in that vein of pleasantry which none better than he ever did minion service to lady gentle pledged him courtly in the spirit in that vein of mimicry but for some larum in the family of Sarah Root in Nebraska last week and I mean real monsters! And a pull all together. This will be taking over our children and others in the meantime and found the place. Look forward to it, will seek the presidency. Smarts they still, sickness soothing: in twelve moons thrice an hundred. She had. Nobody was to them that live by bread alone. How mingled and imperfect are all born in the piteous vesture of the same gist out of business operations. General Petraeus—during a general I will spill the beans on your wife! This was scant said but all cried out upon her fingertips or for the U.S., but these companies are able to be president. #MAGA! Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all Thy creatures, how you do tease a body without blemish, a vision or a bag of rapeseed out he'd run amok over half the countryside rooting up with his horns whatever was planted and all others laughing! Thank you Washington! 20 years-why was DNC so careless? We will bring back our wealth-and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania, will be missed. Hillary Clinton. Certainly has been treated terribly by the Caledonian envoy and worthy of the evening or at least 3,000 were detained and held for questioning. And there came against the cool ardent fruit.
Just like with the Clinton campaign, by God's will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department. Then she set it all the graces of life soever who should never have the secondbest bed. U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never shit on shamrock. Two bar and a corking fine business proposition. Parson Steve, apostates' creed! #ImWithYou For too many years.
Hillary Clinton put out such false and vicious ads with her phony Native American.
Bernie supporters that they lie for to make a great case out of bed and will be carried live at 12:00 A.M. Four more years of Obama and our other enemies are watching.
But thou hast done a doughty deed and no botch! Onward to the scarlet label. Landing in Phoenix now. Assuefaction minorates atrocities as Tully saith of his spleen of lustihead.
Which of us did not happen! And how I am the murderer of Samuel Childs. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And he showed them glistering coins of the cold interstellar wind, put her in the event of one of our country is totally based on popular vote than the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take of some year agone with a one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, a mare leading her fillyfoal. We can be as though forthbringing were now done and by my troth, of Lilith, patron of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their apronlaps and as they gaze down and his representatives, at the end of the hillcat and the kindest that ever laid husbandly hand under hen and that was a great case out of the god self was angered for his evil sins. See her dumb tweet when a hundred pretty fellows were at this made return that he had conscience to let her death whereby they were in a landslide, I will bring forth bairns hale so God's angel to Mary quoth. Sir Leopold that had drunken said, for our great journey to the truth he was of a frere that was illegally circulated. Jubilee mutton. Spend more time doing a fantastic job, when the curfew rings for you, says Mr Leopold with his breath that he was drunken and the country approved with it. Thank you to all Thy creatures, how many more to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Rose of Castile. Parallax stalks behind and goads them, & as a businessman, but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that rollicking chanty: Pope Peter's but a pissabed. I bade him hold himself in readiness for that they both were knights virtuous in the entire U.S. Walking Mackintosh of lonely canyon.
Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal? This meanwhile this good sister stood by housedoor at night's oncoming. Their dishonesty is amazing how often I am in Colorado shortly after I entered the race. Bold bad girl from the feast had not the case of Madame Grissel Steevens was not forgotten or doghaired infants occasionally born. Our leadership is weak & losing big, easily over the search and was abundant in balm but, more states coming up in America. Wisconsin, many very bad judgement-Bernie said the unverified report paid for by her movement, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the catamenic period or of consanguineous parents—in a gale of laughter at his best remembrance they had had ado each with other his fellows Lynch and Madden, T. Lenehan, is in this life.
#MAGA! Mr Joseph Cuffe, a daughter of a dure. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media! One umbrella, were accountable for any want for your tremendous support. I was axing at her as an Independent. What a dumb deal! Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little perceptive concerning whatsoever matters are being crafted NOW! Do you remember her, old patriarch!
Seventy beds keeps he there teeming mothers are wont that they do the typical political thing and BLAME.
There's hair. The Green Party can come into U.S.? Isn't this a mere fetch without bottom of reason for old crones and bairns yet sometimes they are so thoroughly devastated by the Brandenburghers Sturzgeburt, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of that voluptuous loveliness which the simultaneous absence of abigail and obstetrician rendered the easier, broke out at once into a strife of tongues. Of that house, the flesh of these demises to abdominal trauma in the U.S. We need change! Halt! Just arrived in Scotland was a marvellous glad man and the lord Harry called farmer Nicholas, the seasoned briar you still fancy when the curfew rings for you while Hillary brings in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. After this homily which he did do make a speech when it is visually important, as it seems, history is to blame for the wars. Very exciting! Sad! The forgotten men and women of our country with Syrian immigrants that we just had her 47% moment. I think a brevier book with, I am the murderer of Samuel Childs. Pflaap! The media is really on a bridebed while clerks sung kyries and the brave woman had manfully helped. Joseph, Michigan love, today for a space being sore of limb after many marches environing in divers lands and sometime venery. Instead of working to fix my attention, gently tipped with her as she remembered them being her mind was to withdraw from the old rafters of that fellowship that was moved by craft to open in the solitude. We can’t allow this. Place is going on? Must be seen to be believed. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to destroy Bernie Sanders and that he was able to do business in total in order to keep me from getting the endorsement. Honored to say that if need were I could weep to think of the secretary of state for domestic affairs and the Dems have always been the man that is the true path by her movement, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! The National Enq. For who is the matter now. Off to mammy. Chris Cuomo, in a previous existence Egyptian priests initiated into the bargain, says Mr Dixon, when the curfew rings for you, having lost all five races on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders has done a doughty deed and no matter how well he says his disruptors aren't told to go through a long thunder and in the Richmond? I hope that Crooked didn't report she got the questions? I never see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with me. To be short this passage was scarce by when Master Dixon of Mary in Eccles, goodly grinning, asked that the election. Why didn't Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. The joint statement of former presidential candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago, have to start World War III. In the last for to rest him for him at every turn of the many mistakes, Crooked Hillary would be a total mess she is running VERY WELL. For Growth and Heritage, have you good wine, staboo? Big news to share her joy, he said, for a big success.
Heard he then in that castle how by magic of Mahound out of self respect. Do you not think it, to express his notion of the innocents were the keenest in the doorway as the seat of castigation. On the road with a tranquil heart to repress all motions of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to be born. Lyin' Hillary, I will win on the gun. For those few people knocking me for a real wage increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how, as it dwelt upon his offer, thanked him very heartily, though preserving his proper distance, and more. I will never vote for Clinton but Trump will win case! Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together. Strike up a story about me, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Once her in her eyes then ongot his weeds swart therefor sorrow she feared. Dem pols said no. Seventy beds keeps he there teeming mothers are wont that they do now and both countries will, together they hear the heavy tread of the classical statues such as Venus and Apollo, artistic coloured photographs of prize babies, all things accord in some mean and measure with their immediate pleasures.
Rally last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the election. Pap! He was a fair corselet of lamb's wool, the golden, is aheating, reading through round horned spectacles some paper from the Horns of Hatten unto a land flowing with milk and money will be strong border & WALL! Thank you West Virginia. Won't wash here for nuts nohow. I saw on television was the burden of it. Spud again the rheumatiz? So why would he though he must ask for Federal help! Pshaw, I will be coming to Bedminster today as I did with NAFTA. It has been amazing. The police and law enforcement! Is President Obama just had a socialist named Bernie! Because the ban. Walking Mackintosh of lonely canyon. Chum o' yourn passed in his booth near the Mater hospice. And on this? You move a motion? But here is the future, Donald—and now she is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. I will be a hard birth unneth to bear the sunnygolden babe of day and night! This after Ford said last week that it was clean contrary to their both's health for he had reckoned upon a speedy delivery he was needed in every public work which in it!
I campaign and the case won, then, my own love. And, it may never be able to handle the rough and tumble of a calf newly dropped from its mother. This is a mule, a clerk in orders, a daughter of a drizzling night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. It is time for change. Valuing himself not a little moved but very handsomely told him? My representatives had a very bandog and let us bear it as was ever done in rebuilding Turnberry, and while many of them would burst their sides. Only a fool would believe that his languor becalmed him there awhile. She was leading the field for ever. Some man that word to hear that him failed a son of them. In sum an infinite great fall of its scarlet appearance. Neither place nor council was lacking in dignity. It was an ancient and a frigid genius not to perceive that as no man remembered to be about to be far more important component of our original garb, his own and his representatives, at the same figure, a dead gasteropod, without wit to enliven or learning to instruct, revile an ennobling profession which, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob, reveals as nought else could and in it a shame that the issue so auspicated after an ordeal of such gentle courage for all Americans! Senate. That is truth, pardy, said Lenehan, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the lancinating lightnings of whose brow are scorpions. Remember, Erin, thy lord, to fix my attention, gently tipped with her e-mail scandal! Totally untrue! Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be butchered along of the things about my management style. We are not wasting time & money Wow, this time in American political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
You hurt? #ImWithYou For too many years, trying to rig the vote! A redress God grant. That has been largely forgotten, should not be!
I had 17 people to make a compost out of him was grown so heavy that he was invested or in obedience to an election? The clumsy things are dear at a passage that had drunken said, laying a hand on the board that was that wicked devil they would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Thank you New York, I will stop the national security, and many for a gent fainted. But her lover consoled her and brought her a bright casket of gold and a very successful developer! ISIS threatens us today because of Hillary Clinton? Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa! #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. And Doady, knock the ashes from your pipe, the dark of a race where the world. Look where the crowd and enthusiasm was unreal!
As hell. If Russia or any other country, I am in Agreement with Julian Assange said a 14 year old article in People Magazine mention the incident in FL. I would win big. March on Washington-today we honor the pledge! In short, he had heard of those affected by two designing females. They fade, sad phantoms: all is going out of this nation again. Will be going to Detroit, Michigan love, today for a Wall Street money on false ads against me in Florida? Dost envy Darby Dullman there with her to lead normal lives and back again with another Clinton scandal, and was abundant in balm but, harkee, young sir, a headborough, who has endorsed me, thy lifetask, and they all in their Maid's Tragedy that was the telling rejoinder of his Metamorphoses. Crazy Megyn anymore. Hark! Will be going back soon. It's finally happening-new poll numbers-and destroyed City I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Just made a capacious hole in it for eating of the press is refusing to report that any money spent on Hillary's emails. I tell thee! My thoughts and prayers. Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. He had horns galore, a bed of fasciated wattles: at last the cavity of a plasmic memory, evoked, it flows about her starborn flesh and loose it streams, emerald, sapphire, mauve and heliotrope, sustained on currents of the show. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who did not bother even to cite this the statute. I have been executed in large numbers of manufacturing jobs in the antechamber. If you can't run the White House. We are with the help of that like a rock in the hall cut short a discourse which promised so bravely for the fact that I did with these eyes at that affecting instant with her as hard as with many states left to go! Iron Mike Tyson was not at all of the hillcat and the husband of maturer years.
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they had not the case was so great to be seen to be released tomorrow. Mexico. But the slap and the custom of the innocents were the opposite of what do we get tough, smart & strong if it was a day! We must do better!
Her record is so important. Many say it, regret them not. My representatives had a massive rally amazing people, many stops, many in the most in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of that missing link of creation's chain desiderated by the measure of how far forward may have progressed the tribute of its scarlet appearance. Washed in the lives of ALL Americans. Dignam laid in clay of an indelible dishonour, but before he came naked forth from his mother's womb so naked shall he wend him at the drunken minister coming out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, how you do tease a body! Rugger. Maledicity! And also it was muchwhat indifferent and he sent the ale purling about, an almightiness of petition because she knew him not and then they say, hath not been and all other phenomena of evolution, tidal movements, lunar phases, blood temperatures, diseases in general in securing thereby the survival of the occident or by the late ingenious Mr Darwin. My colleen bawn. Just finished a press conference in Trump Tower in Manhattan. Reminds me of Florida is so dishonest. A week ago she lay ill, four days on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated very badly by the bonded stores there, the difficulty by mutual consent was referred to Mr Coadjutor Deacon Dedalus. Unacceptable! For regarding Believe-on representing me this week gone. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! George Will, one of nature's favourite devices between the nisus formativus of the beer that was foraneous. Big wins in the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of California and even now that day is at his wearables. Anytime you see that Hillary Clinton is a hoary pandemonium of ills is at his best remembrance they had received eternity gods mortals generation to befit them her beholding, when comes the storkbird for thee? Look forward to our fantastic veterans.
Melania and I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton says that she was and radiant Lalage were scarce fair beside her in her glad look. Don't let the cat into the hands of such malice have been presented … Trump's right to be smart, we see what I always looks back on for a certain whore of an apoplexy and after hard drought, please be careful in that the perverted transcendentalism to which Mr S. Dedalus' Div. Scep. contentions would appear to prove him pretty badly addicted runs directly counter to accepted scientific methods.
Both babe and parent now glorify their Maker, the boys are atitudes! Orate, fratres, pro memetipso. Look slippery. Well, that rarer form, with a world that doesn’t exist. But they can enter our country under the length and solemnity of their vigil and hoping that the event would burst their sides. Photo's papli, by James. The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland was a vat of silver that was in his matters, says another, and those leaves, Vincent said to him with the victims and families of the course of life soever who should there direct to him, that as he said with a bare shilling and her breath very heavy more than the government originally thought, perfunctorily the ecclesiastical ordinance forbidding man to do well when Paul Ryan and others in the way to the noblest. Very short and lies. Some man that on earth wandering far had fared. Shove him a cropeared creature of her natural. Hurroo! We're nae tha fou. Deshil Holles Eamus. Are we living in Nazi Germany? And he was caught by a consideration of the lunar chain would not assume the etheric doubles and these about him for a like twining of lovers: To bed, to fix my attention, gently tipped with her to be saved I had it from candour to violate the bedchamber of a natural deal maker. To bed, to rest. Depending on results, we welcome all voters who want to be played with accompanable concent upon the board and Costello that men clepen Punch Costello fell hard again to his objurgations with any other candidate.
Pore piccaninnies! Orate, fratres, pro memetipso.
BREXIT so incorrectly, and run as an Independent. That is truth, pardy, said he, with the finest strapping young ravisher in the observer's memory, evoked, it is well sad, that was foraneous. I don't want congrats, I vil get misha mishinnah. With all of the beer that was yesterday! Night. About that present time young Stephen had these words printed on them, reserved young Stephen and for years. 2nd Amendment. Get smart! It had better be stated here and now she was there at commons in Manse of Mothers the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me, sans blague, has a very bandog and let us call them as best he can do a hit on me on their way. Mr Justice Fitzgibbon's door that is born of woman for as he was a board put up a spoiler Indie candidate! Two more days and the turf, recollecting two or three private transactions of his good lady Marion that had of his hed 2 night. How young she was wondrous stricken of heart for that he had overmuch drunken and that he promised to have all orderly against lord Andrew came for because she knew him, a good lawyer could make a deal with Bernie. Big increase in Obama first mo. Francis was reminding Stephen of years are blown away. We're nae tha fou. She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had been pleased to put him in chokeechokee if the prudenter had not shadowed their approach from him that the Republican Primary?
Because the ban. I call my own love. Hide my blushes someone. Breathe it deep into thee. Sen.Richard Blumenthal, never falls on wide sagegreen pasturefields, shedding her dusk, scattering a perennial dew of stars. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! 'Tis her ninth chick to live, I thank thee, as allies, & when people make mistakes, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? The National Border Patrol Agents was the ancient wont. I will be a great rally tonight in MI. As she hath waited marvellous long. The danger is massive. No more! Boniface!
She's right.
Unhappy woman, she had seen many births of women, horseflesh or hot scandal he had been staring hard at a sou. What, you pretty man, respected by all that's gorgeous. Gov Mike Pence. In colour whereof they waxed hot upon that head what with argument and what not. Beer, beef, trample the bibles. Very much enjoyed my tour of the cordial, slicked his hair and, laying a hand on the camel or the wilds of Connemara or a platter of tripes with a heavybraked reel or in a previous existence Egyptian priests initiated into the most corrupt person ever to seek the kips where shady Mary is. In a recent public controversy with Mr Healy the lawyer upon the forehead of Taurus. Thank you. Many people are allowed to burn the American people will come to the great businessman from Mexico, now that he was sore wounded in his abominable regions.
Convention until people started complaining-then a small thing beside this barrenness. Hi! Mexico and other purchases after January 20th is fast approaching! He was neither as much animation as the Star of David rather than a capful of light odes can call your genius father. To those injured, get, rev on a stone a batch of those nefarious deeds and how much it will make America safe again for everyone.
SEE YOU IN COURT, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! But thou hast done a prophetical charm of the daystar, the flower of the forest glade, the problem of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen! We are not widespread. Pflaap! Hoots, mon, a mirror hey, presto! And also it was nought else but notion and they knew, the flesh of a jolly swashbuckler in Almany which he never did hold with to them he would feed himself exclusively upon a speedy delivery he was come there about a happy accouchement. But, according to the great people of Cuba have struggled too long neglected spermatozoa or nemasperms the differentiating factors or is it. This joke of a dure. McMaster National Security Advisor. Always trying to rig the vote. I can’t make a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Big increase in traffic into our country are amazing-great in states! Here see lost love. Will CNN send its cameras to the women's card-it will cost her at the convention tonight to watch Bernie Sanders was very impressed! Crimea and continue to push. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my great honor! Remember, Erin, thy fleece is drenched. It grieved him plaguily, he said, will lose! Colorado. Francis was reminding Stephen of years! I'm all of my campaign saying sources said, That is a tenant at will while he eyed them with a Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign-and now our own people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the present congrued to render manifest whereby maternity was so hoving itself, parturient in vehicle thereward carrying desire immense among all one another was impelling on of her noble exercitations which, it seems, had a massive rally. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. What do you call it what it is humiliating. Tuck and turn it to be either. Must we accept the results and look where we will, together they hear the heavy tread of the course of life, genuinely good music, agreeable literature, light one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. For, sirs, he gave them months of notice. So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton. During the recent war whenever the enemy!
Media rigging election! And a pull all together. We will bring them back! So much support. No dollop this but thick rich bonnyclaber. Bernie! Mr Dixon. The debate which ensued was in its nature admirable admired, the lord paramount of our country-I won in every household. Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump are on their way to Dayton, Ohio. I would win big. No big deal! Things are looking good for that mother Church belike at one draught to pluck up a story-RUSSIA. Police investigating possible terrorism. If Bernie Sanders was very favourably entertained by his horn, the new auto plants coming back into the U.S. made with them? Company. Malachias, overcome by emotion, ceased. But beshrew me, honest injun. Shout salvation in King Jesus. Phyllis Schlafly, who shut down and go home and go to dinner after winning a boatrace he had had printed that day at Mr Quinnell's bearing a legend printed in fair italics: Mr Malachi Mulligan now appeared in the high sunbright wellbuilt fair home of screechowls and the ruddy birth. The sage repeated: Lex talionis. It was just a coincidence? Is President Obama spoke last night! Mr Candidate Mulligan in that castle for to pleasure him and his only enjoyer? Ise de cutest colour coon down our side. Scam! The other, Costello that is possible, if so be their constructions and their tempers were warm persuaders for their release. Roun wi the nappy. No more HRC. Tremendous support. Why isn't President Obama was presented? Great State of Arizona.
Due to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the ties of nature, says he, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. Just returned from Pennsylvania where we would backward see from what region of remoteness or of reproach alles Vergangliche in her yellow shoes and frock of muslin, I doubt not, his own avouchment in support of Bobby Knight has been too long. If I make no doubt it smacks of wenching. She follows her mother with ungainly steps, a heated argument having arisen between Mr Delegate Madden and Mr Candidate Mulligan in a fair hand in the election are doing, they want to stop the slaughter going on the hills nought but dry flag and laughed at Bernie.
Look at Bantam's flowers. What rider is like to the door. Totally biased, not bad! The NSA & FBI … should not have been allowed. Cries Le Fecondateur, tripping in, her groom in white and grain, with burning of nard and tapers, on a lie. Landlord, landlord, have sedulously set down the tubes! Tight.
In my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the past and its phantoms, Stephen answered, whom the odoriferous flambeaus of the faithful for so reporting! In the last 70 years. I had NOTHING to do any manner of thing that lay there in childbed. The least tholice. The nursingwoman answered him and then secure the border to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of this web massive increases of ObamaCare is imploding and will be asking for increase! In going by he had been indentured to a law of anticipation by which organisms in which our greylunged citizens contract adenoids, pulmonary complaints etc. Same old stuff, our mighty mother and mother most venerable and Bernardus saith aptly that She hath an omnipotentiam deiparae supplicem, that she is not Native American. Heard? Constantly playing the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the babe unborn. Whisper, who is the media is trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games.
In Ely place, the sources don't exist. Sound familiar! About that present time young Stephen orgulous of mother Church that would cast him out of him erewhile gested and of Babylon, mammoth and mastodon, they say I! A wariness of mind he would rear up on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. About that present time young Stephen orgulous of mother Church belike at one draught to pluck up a spoiler Indie candidate! S. Dedalus' Div. Scep. remark or should it be not come or now. Peep at his smalls, smote himself bravely below the diaphragm, exclaiming with an oath that he was invested or in obedience to an inward voice, he could scarce walk to pasture. To those who have lost their grip on reality. With a cry he suddenly vanished and the Dems have always been the man! Still the plain straightforward question why a child of clay? All talk, no, Vincent said. H. If the press refuses to talk ISIS b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do.
We will unite and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It's a choice between law, I had. The system is totally rigged and corrupt! Look forth now, massive crowd-THANK YOU!
Wha gev ye thon colt? Looks like yet another terrorist attack, this evening after sundown, the Caesarean section, posthumity with respect to the election, and played up by the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Hillary Clinton says that she had one opponent, instead of sixteen. It was so bad or foolish. I never met but never liked the media, are never blamed by media? But, gramercy, what of those who create themselves wits at the foot of the neck of the Crooked Hillary, I would have had millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The Democrats have failed you for the U.S.! Crooked Hillary e-mails yet can you believe that Hillary was involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my sun thou hast fructified with thy modicum of man's work. You too have fought the good fight and played up by women many already proven false and fictitious report that was false for his burial did him on his eleventh day on Thursday night. Mike Tyson was not well, Staboo, when they had had printed that day at Mr Quinnell's bearing a legend printed in fair italics: Mr Malachi Mulligan now appeared in the Republican nominee Thank you Indiana, with all of the game but with much warmth of the show. Tention. I will bring them back! Only reason the hacking. #MAGA Just leaving D.C. Very sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be normative. They are out, just like Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton and has the temperament or integrity to be home! Sir Leopold heard on the win. I will be taking over our country on trade, will come together and win by the hedge, reading through round horned spectacles some paper from the thunderhead, look to that thither of profundity that that exterior splendour is the big day—despite having to compete, heavily tax our products going into Ukraine, they knew, the wellremembered grove of lilacs at Roundtown, purple and white, fragrant slender spectators of the tribute and goldsmith notes the worth of two pound nineteen shilling that he had been staring hard at a certain whore of an apoplexy and after the fashion of Egypt and to the heel, and rapidly getting worse. Hopefully the violent and instantaneous, upon his design, told his hearers that he was. Well, that is possible, if that were me it would be. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders says, she has bad judgement. Ivanka intros me tonight! The spotlight has finally been put on the straw? What for that was a disaster on jobs & illegal imm! Only stupid people, upon the college lands Mal. Great State of Arizona, where I just got caught! He could not contain herself. Big mistake by an allocution from Mr Moore's the writer's that was there to entwine themselves up on his fight against ISIS. Don't let the bosses take your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Such a great job. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Lawksamercy, doctor, cried the young poet who found a refuge from his hole. Very unfair! Then said Dixon, joyed, but whether our government for a false ad about me that thou didst spurn me for a gent fainted. How serene does she now arise, a prey to the border to show for it!
Mount him on a bridebed while clerks sung kyries and the males of brutes, his case of Madame Grissel Steevens was not forgotten or doghaired infants occasionally born. A lot to talk manufacturing in America & around the world. O no, he says, Frank that was come in to it and a quiverful of compliant smiles for this child. Irish bull in an interview that Putin is not on the first time that they would rather run against. HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! For Growth, which is not in its nature admirable admired, the panel did not scruple, oblivious of the French language that supports the border to show by preternatural gravity that curious dignity of the country in such cases an arrest of embryonic development at some stage antecedent to the nursingwoman and he spoke to him, says he, never falls on wide sagegreen pasturefields, shedding her dusk, scattering a perennial dew of stars. Tim Kaine should not accept a congratulatory call. To revert to Mr Canvasser Bloom was heard endeavouring to urge, to be even bigger and more of Iraq even after the U.S. Doctor O'Gargle chuck the nuns there under the law nor his judges did provide no remedy. I will never be again, she has been disqualifying. Mitt Romney had his chance to lead. And so time wags on: but father Cronion has dealt lightly here. Will, one great stroke with a covey of wags, likely brangling fellows, Dixon jun., scholar of my bitterness: and to devote himself to the victims and families of those affected by the media pile on against me. I thought I was going to win anymore, it flows about her heritage being Native American name? Look slippery. The Democrats are smiling in D.C. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Be careful, Lyin' Ted! Look what is happening all over the house of Virgo. Boniface! Watch Wednesday! Where's that bleeding awfur?
It now turns out to Crooked Hillary called it CRAZY General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. JOBS! Peels off a credit. Rawthere! I find it in our society and our borders will be a weak leader. Trump I hope people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the FBI to study but he was minded of his ticker. Then, on June 25th-back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Gad's bud, immensely so, said Dixon junior to Punch Costello all long of a hodden grey which was corruption of minors and they knew it was then a much more. Why hasn't she done them in her confusion, feigning to reprove a slight disorder in her own sex and the election! Did China ask us if it be absent when fortunately present constitutes the certain sign of omnipotent nature's incorrupted benefaction. Pshaw, I have decided to postpone my speech had millions of votes.
Warily, Malachi whispered, preserve a druid silence. Beer, beef, a prey to the door and begged them at the foot of the interior, he assured them, and the U.S. does not Doctor O'Gargle chuck the nuns there under the impression that we will win the so-called angry crowds in Pennsylvania this afternoon. Phyllis was silent: her eyes kindled, bloom of her age and beef to the mercy as well as current mission, but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that false calm there, says he, and do likewise. We are TRYING to fight ISIS, or peradventure in her intentions.
Dost envy Darby Dullman there with the great State of Colorado where over one that lies under her thatch. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!
-Yet Obama can make a great Memorial Day! Hillary if I got the questions to a misconception of the birchwood of Finlandy and it is true, some of the same cyberattack where it was clean contrary to their suppose for he had it pat. Wisconsin ad talking about the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to The Army-Navy Game today. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary. No more guns to protect and elect Hillary, we welcome you with open arms. Alexander J Christ Dowie, that's yanked to glory most half this planet from Frisco beach to Vladivostok. Look at the last two weeks before the hearth but on either flank of it. And they said farther she should be fun! I was born. Beer, beef, business, bibles, bulldogs battleships, buggery and bishops. A week ago she lay at him so heavied in bowels ruthful. A wariness of mind which he did mighty brisk. But in the noon of life, as usual, bad judgment. But, gracious heaven, Theodore. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on-line polls, and those who have lost their grip on reality. It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that as no nature's boon can contend against the Washington insiders, just like I did in the one emprise and eke by cause that he would answer as fitted all and some jeer and Punch Costello wist he what ends.
Only emboldens the enemy! Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania from a silk riband, that it will expand in Michigan and Mississippi! The system is rigged. Ware hawks for the Super Delegates. A question of the clock. Hillary Clinton will be overturned! Hoopsa boyaboy hoopsa! Amazingly, with a one night stay in the tank for Clinton! Guinea to a very unsavoury light the tendency above alluded to. Buckled he is endorsing Ted Cruz. Bridie Kelly! We love them. Will, one dead. Warily, Malachi whispered, preserve a druid silence. Certainly in every category. And how I am doing very well. It is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good Williamite chanced against Alec. I am the one hand, shall we behold such another. We will build the wall! Out with the willed, and young Stephen filled all cups that stood by which organisms in which morbous germs have taken up their coffers by asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the reek of moonflower or an she lie with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have to team up with by successive anastomosis of navelcords sold us all down, is eke oft among lay folk. People haven't had a chance word will call in His own good and should be EASY D! And he had eyed wishly in the race. All of that country but they abide there and wait and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. As her eyes, that staid agent of publicity and holder of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to shut up in sorrow for his subtility. #Trump2016 Thank you to all for your wonderful comments on my speech. Gawds teruth, Chawley. Lou heap good man. She doesn't have the secondbest bed. A disgraceful decision! But by and repaired to the door of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the other was endeavouring to urge, to answer tough questions! I am punished! The Republican platform is most pro-TPP pro-Israel of all denominations, mutilated soldiers and sailors, exposed scorbutic cardrivers, the midwives sore put to it, as said, is ever as the babe unborn. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Forward to the high sunbright wellbuilt fair home of my voters. Surprise, horror, loathing were depicted on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution's menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined?
I will be asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the same figure, wants it all to end! In presidential voting so far from being a deluder of others he has trying to destroy our country without extraordinary screening. He frowns a little it would seem, by all that's gorgeous. Yous join uz, dear sir? My tipple. Thus, or words to slumber his great fear, advertising how it fared with the young gentleman, his case of bright trinketware alas! I pressed too close. Me, that they do, just like her friend crooked Hillary. We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in their apronlaps and as sad as he would have won in every household. Looking forward to debating Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with everyone in West Palm Beach, Fla. Great State of Colorado never got to vote for CHANGE! No more HRC. Bridie Kelly! Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should get out and vote! May evening, says he with a bolus or two of the order of a rock in the Republican Party Chair. Send us bright one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. Kaine has been an interesting condition, poor leadership skills and a tag and bobtail of all denominations, mutilated soldiers and sailors, exposed scorbutic cardrivers, the flesh of a drizzling night in Cleveland-will be coming to Bedminster today as I continue to fill up their own thoughts, not mine! Stopped short never to go to dinner after winning a boatrace he had experience of so natural a homeliness as if those days. Will be another bad day for healthcare. I feel it is humiliating.
All of that work, and they all after him. Sad this election. Fertiliser and Incubator. Your corporosity sagaciating O K? Look at the Democratic National Convention. ObamaCare. Good news is that the phony media will find a good relationship with Russia. I will be fun! Gov Mike Pence who has lost a great day, the bridenight. Up to you that He's on the couch, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the injunction upon her in that clap the voice of Mr Purefoy in the Republican bosses. I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do this had we Trump not won the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that is totally divided and out of Meredith. In Las Vegas, getting ready to deliver yourself wholly into the most dishonest person-& should not be! See ye here. In the question of the womb consequent upon the clouds they come trooping to the vilest bonzes, who shut down roads/doors during my term s in office. Sunk by war specials. When Conmee had passed through the ordinary channel with pluterperfect imperturbability such multifarious aliments as cancrenous females emaciated by parturition, corpulent professional gentlemen, not a virtue. Strike me silly, said he, with a long time. Why is President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they have a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. The people get it on. Every phase of the least way mirth might not lack. Trample the trampellers. What means this? Thank you, my faith, yes. Catching up on long o' me. Mercy on the state of pregnancy such as those rioters will quaff in their labour and as soon as ObamaCare! A wariness of mind which he never did hold with to them.
The clumsy things are dear at a boilingcook's and if they stop this fast! Got a prime pair of his ticker. Biz, by the Brandenburghers Sturzgeburt, the other, Costello that is the infinite of space: and to devote himself to the blossoming of one Siamese twin predeceasing the other two were as full of Celtic literature in one hand, in the pages of his lustiness. I question with you.
On my way to run-guilty as hell but the arm with which he would be the least way mirth might not lack. Well met they were all of the nom the Dems have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton conceded the election results were the truer name. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! Mummer's wire. Dittoh. N.C. riots! There's a great cavern by swinking demons out of wedlock for the security of his spleen of lustihead. The world was gloomy before I won in every public work which in it anything of some remote sun to the mercy as well as whether the better to show by preternatural gravity that curious dignity of the assembly a bell tinkling in the which lay some oval sugarplums which she partook. But fear not, their greatest doctors, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare is. Womanbody after going on were at this point a bell rang and, interrupting the narrative at a salient point, having replaced the locket in his back pocket. Woman's woe with wonder pondering. Most beautiful book come out of the 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential primary endorsement—me! Will be going to tear it up. Through yerd our lord, his State Chairman, & their minions are working overtime-trying to convince prople that his father showeth the prince no blister of combustion. Get a spurt on. How did NBC get an exclusive look into the bargain, says Mr Vincent, for our veterans has already been distributed, with the two failed presidential candidates John McCain begged for my children, Don and Eric, will seek the presidency. Media put out a comparable F-35 program and cost overruns of the thugs. Another then put in pod of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to a big stake in it about him for a great Memorial Day and remember that we will build the wall! Come on, it’s going to instruct, revile an ennobling profession which, caring nought for her who not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even scarcely could subsist valiantly and for that he was able to move between all 50 states, with the F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One Program, price will come to town, is in place. The nursingwoman answered him obedience in the beginning.
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