#tw mental instibility
cryptikats · 6 years
Whats the weirdest head canon you have for Wilford?
Weirdest one, eh? hmm.. I mean I have some unusual-ish ones I guess?? idk what to really call weird anymore lmao. But there’s more than one to be quite honest…so I guess I’ll make a small list underneath the read more! [Update. I wrote a lot, and I’m sorry]
-Wilford, once being a big-game hunter, knows how to cook really well. He specializes in meats mainly. But a good pass time for him is cooking and baking. You would think that he would make wacky meals, but in reality that’s not the case. 
-As we know about Dark, he is the embodiment of Damien, Celine, and the entity (a full house if you ask me, hah). In an RP @lost-inhibitions and I share, we have it to where Wilford actually has a huge chunk of this entity with him. That’s why he’s so bat shit. He’s like a bottle of water that was overly filled with this thing, that his mental capacity kinda just gets zapped every now and then. This causes him to become rather delusional. Yet interestingly enough, Wilford isn’t truly ditsy. He knows a lot. 
-Alongside knowing a lot, the entity causes Wilford a lot of strain on his mind. So although he may know possibly more things than Dark, he can’t outright say anything. So you really have to focus on the riddles that leave this man. He’s clever and quick witted, so everything he says could very well be crucial information. 
-At night time, when we sleep, our minds naturally sort out memories and such.(it’s really cool! Def look it up!)  It happens to Wilford too. But during this time, William’s mentality (which sleeps while Wilford is awake) awakens and rushes into panic as he realizes hes trapped in a sleeping husk. Interestingly enough, with just enough strain, this can cause William to wake up and gain control of his body. Often times, he finds that his time is very much limited due to him panicking again, and the entity shut him down to bring out his more “stable” half.
-Wilford and Dark are inseparable. And this is due to the entity being split up in both Wilford and Dark. At this point the two are like magnets. So lets say these two get pissed off at each other and Dark ends up in location A, Wilford: location B, then these two will eventually meet up at location C. Most times they can pick up on each other. Dark is a little more aware of this ‘gut feeling’ and what it is. But Wilford over thinks the feeling to the point he just goes “Idk why but I need to walk in this direction. Oh hey, its Dick, I mean Dark.” But isn’t Wilford smart?? Isn’t that what you said, Crypti? Yes. But that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of over analyzing things to the point its all just “meh”. He can still be confused.
-You cant kill him. Just like you can’t kill Dark. The entity in them wont allow it. But because Wilford has so much of this Cthulhu type thing inside him, it will heal any harm done to Wilford much quicker than Dark. 
-Wilford can warp and distort your reality if you piss him off, or if he’s bored and wants to pick at your brain. It’s one way for him (mostly the entity) to gather information. But experiencing this isn’t fun. Imagine the room growing overly saturated with colours. Things start to warp. It’s hard to walk. Everything’s loopy!! Yeah, its no fun house.
-As stated in my recent post, Wilford has a tough time with his appearance. If his mustache grows too big, much like Williams, he will grow antsy and trim it. Same goes for his hair colour. Pink is known to be a comfort color, as it is also a playful one.(It’s a colour that resembles many things, but these two are typically universal). When we are hurt emotionally most of us seek comfort or the other! So that’s what Wilford subconsciously picks. Or maybe it was William. But point is, Wilford does his best to keep his appearance very much different from William. An entity can’t control a panicked body so easily after all. Not without shutting the body and mentalities down.
-Uuh. Lets list some not so sad ones… Okay well, if he’s frustrated, his mustache twitches. He wont scratch it. Just..He’s gotta twitch it. Wilford also fidgets a lot to settle himself down if bothered.
- He’s totally down to wear dresses. Mainly cause in the 30′s William would’ve gotten taken down by society standards. So Wilford expresses Williams inner “I want to try that”. Plus he likes the feeling of different materials. Hell. This guy wore heels and such to an interview. But he will typically stick to the button ups and slacks because its an attire he cant fully let go of. I wonder why.
-Aside from the tv station, I imagine that he actually had a small podcast. He would tell his viewers about his wacky life and about Dark; many only assumed they were made-up stories. But the podcast had to be shut down due to cryptid hunters trying to find out where Dark, or even Wilfordwas. Technically, intruders would be no big deal to get rid of, but it’s mostly Dark who convinces Wilford to lay low, and not do anything that would cause them to go into hiding, and start new, again.
I know there’s more, but I….Wrote a lot. I’ll just add on to this when I can compile more! Sorry for typos!
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