#turtle recall 2024
signourneybooks · 6 months
Turtle Recall 2024 | Journey Through Discworld | Reading Challenge
It is that time of year where we announce new reading challenges for the new year and yet again, I will be hosting the Discworld Reading Challenge for another year. I’ve not been as active in the last two years as I wanted to. But a new year, means new goals and resolutions. GOAL Read books set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. This challenge isn’t to read the whole of the series as I know that…
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 22 days
TMayNT Day 10: Favorite Turtle Curseword
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Day 10 of @tmaynt! As I was thinking of what to draw for this prompt, I realized I couldn't recall the Rise turtles ever actually saying "What the shell?" or something similar... but I know the 2003 boys sure did use it a lot! So, here's an attempt at an '03 turtle!
(TMayNT 2024 Masterpost)
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bzhitstruth · 3 months
About hints and patterns
Throughout the history of GGDD, we have noticed that they sometimes act as messenger birds for each other - one hints at some event, and then it happens to other. This is a direct hint.
But there is another type of hints - when the event that one of them hints at has already happened before, but we don’t know about it yet and don't understand this hint. But then the other person tells us about this event, and only then does it become clear to us that the hint has already been made. If we don't consider this a coincidence, then we will have to admit that such information could have been known to another person only through personal communication, because it was not publicly known about it.
I want to recall a few examples of such cases, they occurred over a not very long period of time - less than a year.
All this is fake, CPN and empty thoughts. Clownery. 🤡
DD's “Water show” — GG's vlog
On July 10, 2023, the event was held in Beijing dedicated to the premiere of One and only. DD participated in it, he danced and splashed water on the audience. While dansing DD made a couple of gestures that the turtles paid attention to - the “figure eight” and the famous “chongya” gesture. Everyone, of course, remembered the meaning of these gestures and was glad that DD made them. But then it turned out that he did them for a reason.
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On July 11, GG’s vlog was released, and suddenly both of these gestures appeared in this vlog. Can this be considered two coincidences that occurred within 24 hours?
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No one, of course, knew in advance what would be in GG’s vlog, the vlog was filmed a long time ago, but it turns out that DD knew this the day before the vlog was released.
October 3, 2023 DD, while in Paris, shows off his Leica camera. The turtles remembered that once upon a time GG also had Leica, and assumed that DD probably received the gift from GG.
But the next time a shocking surprise awaits us - at midnight from October 4 to 5, the congratulation to GG appears on his birthday and GG's photos with Leica, and even the camera model is similar. GG’s photos were taken back in the summer, and DD told us that “GG will appear with Leica tomorrow.” In this case, the version of coincidence seems quite weak.
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"Do everything for your love"
On November 8, 2023, a new DD endorsement (YaYa) was released. A post appears on the brand’s Weibo account, the text of which contains words spoken about DD: “他为热爱全力以赴” (“he does everything for love”).
On November 9, NARS live stream with GG is released, at the end of which GG gives the wish speech, including saying: “希望大家为自己热爱全力以赴” (“I hope everyone will do everything for their love”).
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As you can see, he uses the same phrase almost verbatim. It is not known what of this happened first - the stream was recorded or the advertising text was agreed upon, but if this accordance was intentional, then it was possible to find out the details only through personal communication. It could be a coincidence, but after a few months the following happens:
GG's vlog - Anta advertising
On March 1, 2024, XZS posts Milan vlog, where the viewer is offered the concept of a circle and round objects, the idea of the cycle of life or another interpretation. The image of the moon also runs throughout the vlog.
On March 2, the advertisement for Anta is released, in the video we see a suspiciously similar concept - a round basketball that flashes throughout the entire video and (suddenly!) turns into the moon above building, and the drawing of a lace that resembles the stylized name “border” in GG's vlog. There are even sunset. Even the text for the post uses the same words 边界 (“border”) - 去探索,多元未知的边界 "Go explore diverse and unknown borders” (full video is here).
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I don't know what the brand had in mind, unless consider it pure coincidence, but they certainly couldn't make an ad copying GG's vlog concept overnight! Of course, it was known about the “border” and the stylization of the name since the GG's October vlog, but a circle, a setting sun, a ball that turns into the moon? Next day. How?
The Coin
And now, this coin. Five days passed between GG's vlog and the release of Chang Feng Po Lang trailer, but the consistent appearance of the coin that is the "protagonist" of the vlog and the coin that DD rubs his cheek with in the trailer is amazing. If you pay attention, even the sizes of these coins are the same.
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I don’t think that the image of the coin in the vlog was subordinated only to the idea of hinting at the imminent release of the series with DD, probably the idea is much deeper, but what do we know about GG’s creative thinking and about his ability to convey a message very subtly?
All this could be considered coincidences if this didn't happen so often and according to the same pattern: event - hint – explanation. I’m sure I haven’t listed everything and there is more, this is just what I noticed.
Perhaps this is one of the things that keeps us firmly in this "rabbit hole" - their connection, which sometimes manifests itself in unexpected ways, their ingenuity to show this connection. I would compare them to the ocean, which always seems to remain the same, but which you never get tired of looking at.
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Hello everyone!
This March, I will be hosting a Spy Kids art prompt series! I'm calling it March of the Spy Kids, after the month the original movie was released in.
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Click on the keep reading button to learn about the rules and the prompts. ⬇️
The rules to this are:
Use hashtag #March of the Spy Kids or #March of the Spy Kids 2024, either with or without spaces.
Make sure it is only related to Spy Kids.
No NSFW, in__st,
Do this in any medium you want! Digital art, traditional art, pixel art, writing or comic.
You don't have to do every single one of them. You can skip some if you want, especially if you don't have the time
There's no set order. You can do any of them in any order, except for the last two days.
Most importantly, have fun!
Never send an adult to do a kid's job!
How to do the prompts
Favourite character(s): Draw or write about one or more of your favourite characters
Favourite villain(s): Draw or write about one or more of your favourite villains
Favourite gadget(s)/vehicle(s): Draw one or more of your favourite gadgets or vehicles, or write an analysis about them
Favourite movie(s): Draw or write anything that represents one of your favourite movies in the series
Screencap redraw/Favourite scene(s): Either grab a screencap to redraw, or draw or write one or more of your favourite scenes in a new way,
Siblings: Draw or write about either one or both sibling protagonists. Choose either the Cortez siblings, the Wilson twins (and baby, if you like), or the Torrez-Tango siblings
Parents: Draw or write about either one or both spy parents. Choose either the Cortez parents, the Wilson parents, or the Torrez-Tango parents
Piblings: Draw or write about a spy uncle or aunt. Choose either Uncle Felix, Uncle Machete, or Aunt Marissa.
Grandparents: Draw or write about a spy grandparent. Choose either Grandpa Valentin or Grandma Helga.
OC: Draw or write about your Spy Kids OC
You have been activated: Draw yourself as a secret agent, Spy Kid or not
New Player: Draw yourself as a Game Over player/avatar
Fooglified: Draw yourself as a FoOglie
Ships: Draw or write a ship, romantically, platonically or queerplatonically (no NSFW or in__st)
Headcanons: Draw or write out any Spy Kids headcanons you might have
Chibis: Draw any character or more as small chibis
Family time: Draw or write about any family, birth or found, from the series, either in a group or just a few family members
Floop it up!: Draw or write about anyone from Floop's FoOglies. Either Floop, Minion, the Thumb Thumbs, or Carmenita and Junito.
Crossover: Draw or write Spy Kids in a crossover with another series (ie. Ben 10, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kids Next Door etc.)
AU: Draw or write any character in an AU
Create a gadget: Got a new silly gadget idea fit for a Spy Kid? Draw it out and/or tell us what it does
Robot buddy: Either draw one or all of the Spy Kids' robot buddies (R.A.L.P.H., Argonaut, Bronson), or design your idea of a new robot buddy
Spy outfits: Either draw your favourite spy outfits, or design your idea of a new spy outfit
Strange creatures: Either draw one or all of the strange creatures throughout the franchise, mutant or otherwise, (FoOglies, Romero's mutant animals, Pogo Toads), or design your idea of your own strange creature.
Your assignment is...: Draw or write about the Spy Kids or Spy Families in any mission scenario anywhere in the world
Formal/undercover fashion: Draw any character who's a spy in formal wear, or clothes they're wearing while undercover.
Relaxing time: Draw or write about any character in their down time or on a holiday
Colurful: Draw any character in a colourful palette of your choosing
Memories: Draw or write a character flashing back to or recalling a memory (either canon, semi canon or headcanon)
Brithday/anniversary: Either draw or write a character celebrating a birthday, or draw an anniversary piece of SK1 (doesn't have to be big)
Free day!: Draw or write literally anything
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pkmntrainersquid · 4 months
Waltz of the Snowflakes
[a video, titled "Dekilou gym battle: Challenger Nika "Squid" vs Leader Augie - Jan 26, 2024. Winter field, 4v4"]
After a brief league intro card, the video begins. Some info pops up in the video layout, including current temperature and weather, just above freezing but raining. The camera is focused on a small frozen pond. On either end of the pond is a pontoon platform, frozen in place. Sparsely populated spectator stands can be seen, many people not wanting to be outside in the poor weather.
Squid is on one platform, wearing her cowboy hat and a light winter coat. He's bouncing one leg slightly as a sign of nerves, or if you know them well enough, to focus through the pain of her bad ankle.
The other platform holds Augie, the Dekilou Gym Leader. He looks to be in his early thirties, sporting a dark beard under a cap. He's wearing cargo shorts and a light rain jacket with league branding on it. A fishing rod is mounted to the platform, line dangling into a hole in the ice.
A drone camera flits past, gathering aerial shots and zooming in on Augie. "So you're the one Zephyr was talkin' aboot, eh? Now, I knows it's your first gym battle, but given your experience we'll give 'er a bit more challenge." He smiles.
"Wouldn't have it any other way." Squid replies. Hovering a hand over their first pokéball, the battle begins.
Given analysis of past battles against challengers going for a second or third badge, Squid was betting on his first opponent being Abomasnow. Thus, Shortgrass hit the field, the small fire rodent using its claws for traction on the wet ice.
The temperature dipped as Abomasnow appeared. Rain shifted to sleet and then to snow, giving the ice-type a boost to its defenses and moves.
Squid's strategy is to have the Embrush get in close, hit it with Incinerate, and slide out of its range. This works once, dealing massive damage as an Ice Punch misses Shortgrass, sending out energy that freezes the slush on the court.
Augie laughs, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You're fighting a gym leader here, y' should figure I got something to deal with fire-types." Squid registered this a bit late, yelling for Shortgrass to get farther away as the leader gave his next command. "Channel that failure into a Stomping Tantrum!"
The Abomasnow roars, slamming its arms down on the ice as Shortgrass scampers away. A wave of energy pulses out through the ice sheet, causing water to spray upwards as it cracked. The little fire-type squeaks as she gets hit by the move and sent flying. "Shortgrass!" Squid cries, as the Embrush lands unconscious nearby.
They recall her to her pokéball. "You did good, bud. Take a rest."
Taking a moment to think of a new plan and regain her balance on the now floating platform, Squid sends out Humus. The Skiddo hops across the ice flows, able to deftly pick safe landings. "Humus, Take Down!"
Leaping across the battle court, the grass-type cloaked itself in energy before hitting Abomasnow. The large pokémon was pushed backwards, tipping the iceberg up out of the water. Humus managed to get a foothold, but fell over when the ice hit the water again. A Powder Snow struck while he was getting back to his hooves.
Humus stood, shaking from the ice attack and cold water soaking his fur. One more Take Down finishes off the Abomasnow, but Squid is getting worried. It took almost two of her pokémon to remove the first opponent.
Augie sent out Avalugg next, the large pokémon shoving ice out of the way to land in the water. "Alrighty then! Charge ahead and use Ice Fang!" Barreling forward, the Avalugg readies its jaws to clamp down on the goat pokémon.
"Jump onto its back with Bulldoze!" Humus leaps up as the ice turtle snaps at where he was. Dropping back down, energy pulses out from his hooves, directly into the icy shell. Cracks spread out across its back and Humus hops to a nearby ice flow, wincing as the Frostbite continues to damage him.
The Avalugg swings around roaring, readying another Ice Fang. "Give it your all! Take Down!"
Humus' horns met Avalugg's jaws, both imparting their energy on the other. When the mist settles, both pokémon are completely worn out. Their trainers recall them. At this point the weather returns to rain.
"Uffda, that was powerful! Let's see how you deal with this though." He sends out his third pokémon, a Quagsire. It lands in the water, swimming through the path Avalugg made.
"Orpheus! Your turn!" The Procezant takes to the sky, circling the pond.
"That's the pokémon Zephyr told me aboot then? Good. Quagsire, use Chilling Water!" The salamander ducked underwater, drawing in frigid pond water and spitting it up at Orpheus.
"Ominous Wind, build up your squad!" Ghostly winds whip across the water, kicking up the waves and making Squid take a wider stance for balance. Several Spirit Doves form, flying around their leader.
The Quagsire began launching an Avalanche attack up at Orpheus. The chunks of ice fly wildly, aiming for quantity over quality. Two Doves take hits in place of the flock leader, but one does strike true. As they splash back into the water, the surface refreezes from the excess ice energy.
"Air Slash! Take 'em out!" Orpheus swooped low, gathering his troops to launch the attack. This proves enough to take Quagsire out of the fight.
Augie laughs again, grabbing the fishing rod. "Got me down to my ace, eh? But this battle isn't over yet!" He casts it into the pond, the pokéball at the end sending out a rocky fish pokémon. The Sturgeode slid forward into an open section of water, the gems along its stomach scraping the ice.
Now under the ice, it silently repositioned itself as the Procezant tried to pinpoint it from above. "Orpheus, send the spirits in for an Aerial Ace!"
The Spirit Doves dive, phasing through solid ice to try finding their target. Augie nodded to himself. "Interesting... The two of you fight well together. And with the little ghosts too. But let's reel in this battle here. Sturgeode! Rock Blast!"
Crash! Crash! Crash!
Large rocks smash through the ice, seemingly from all around the arena as the Sturgeode kept in motion while attacking. The first dissipates the flock of ghosts and the other two strike Orpheus, who drops from the sky. Calling the bird back to his pokéball, Squid sends out his final pokémon, Remmi. The remoraid dives into one of the holes in the ice, beginning an underwater battle.
The camera switches to a submerged view, dim light filtering through the ice sheet onto the plants and driftwood at the bottom. Sturgeode and Remmi are face to face, circling each other in the water column, listening for their trainers commands.
The battle resumes as Sturgeode uses Psychic to slam Remmi into the ice. A Bullet Seed breaks the bigger fish's concentration, freeing the remoraid who takes to the weeds to hide.
Sturgeode starts glowing as it builds up more psychic energy in its crystals, prepping for a powerful attack when Remmi reappears.
Thunk thunk from Squid's platform.
The aboveground camera catches the flash of orange from Remmi's Fire Blast before it blows apart the ice with steam. The Sturgeode was also thrown into the air, flipping tail over tip.
"Remmi! End this with Aqua Jet!" The remoraid burst from the pond cloaked in water, flying straight up to collide with her opponent.
Both splash back down into the water, but the armored fish is too tired to continue fighting.
"YEAH! Remmi we did it! That was so cool!" Squid celebrates, her pokémon leaping out of the water and into their arms as the video ends.
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tehuti88-art · 3 months
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3/18/24: Rough sketch for a potential reboot of my childhood world, The Animals. This is...either Rabbit, or Bunny, I can't recall the name anymore. I suspect it's Bunny, as I think he was a friend of Turtle and Kitten, who are children. My Bunny toy was yellow. A complication arose when I bought replacement toys recently, as it turns out there is a yellow Bunny...and an identical blue Bunny. Hm. Twins...? Anyway. I messed up his muzzle and jaw a bit so he might need some work. He'll have more info on my Toyhou.se soon.
[Rough Bunny Sketch 2024 [‎Monday, ‎March ‎18, ‎2024, ‏‎3:09:15 PM]]
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oldsalempost-blog · 4 months
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                            Volume 7 Issue 10                            Week of February 12, 2024                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  Newcomers voice their concerns to me about the free rein of development in our beautiful county.  Ripping and scarring the earth to place multiple cookie-cutter houses in the name of progress is inane that many buy in as truth.  Truth is when destruction of our resources and way of life is damaged and extinct, we as homesteaders, farmers, and families will be left breathing the dust that developers leave in their wake.  People have been leaving polluted cities for years. The answer is not to build more homes nor industry.  The answer starts with each one of us who cares.  “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss written in 1971 is not a fable nor a children’s tale.  It is a book that tells truth.  And no one is listening.  LRMartin
TOWN of SALEM:  * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat, Winter hours 9am-1pm. *   The Town Hall will be closed Presidents’ Day, Feb. 19.  We have been gifted seed funds to repave Barksdale subdivision.  Town Council meeting Feb. 20 at 5pm.  Republican primary election polls on Feb. 24, 7am-7pm at the community building.    
SALEM LIBRARY:  Hours Monday 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm. Closed 12-1 each day for lunch.                         Struggling with your technical device?  Each Tuesday between 2-3 PM, bring your Kindle, iPad, smartphone, laptop, or other device and we will assist you to the best of our abilities.  Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.  (Information from the oconeelibrary.org website).
Jottings from Miz Jeannie  by Jeannie Barnwell       The title of this "Jottings" is also the thesis (main idea).                                                                                  Aging is Compulsory, Gaining Common Sense is Optional   Last week I registered at a Greenville hospital, a candidate for throat surgery. The population of the waiting room were the most down-trodden, sorry  looking humans that I had ever observed. They slumped over as they waited to be called to go under the surgeon's scalpel.   "This is my opportunity to   perk up this group of pajama clad losers," Says I to Me.   I banged at the registration window. "I need service here!  I have driven ALL THE WAY FROM TAMASSEE, and I am eager for my SEX CHANGE OPERATION to commence!"   The patients all leaned in and were no longer a bunch of lethargic losers.  The receptionist ushered me to the Gender Reassignment Ward. "Hey, Just a darn minute!  I was only kidding. I was trying to get a rise out of the other patients.  Actually, I am extremely delighted with the female body parts assigned by my Maker!"   "Calm down WOSTER.  We understand your anxiety."   "Why are you calling me WOSTER?  My name is Jeannie BARNWELL. I live in Tamassee.  You may have heard of me.  I am well known for stopping 18 wheelers on Highway ELEVEN to rescue box turtles."   " WOSTER” is an unoffensive appellation for gender-complicated  patients.  The WO  is for  woman,  and the STER is for mister.  Suddenly, the staff from the Ear. Nose & Throat Dept came to escort me for my  panendoscopy (removing a polyp.)  I left my polyp in Greenville, BUT gained a new-found respect for not cutting up and acting the fool in a HOSPITAL.     Miz Jeannie loves All of Y'All!!!
ASHTON RECALLS:  *  I came across a Salem Graded School honor roll in a 1914 Keowee Courier. I thought perhaps some of today's residents might recognize some names.*  by Ashton Hester                                                                 
1914 SALEM SCHOOL HONOR ROLL - (The following story was in the February 4, 1914 Keowee Courier). . .Following is the honor roll of the Salem Graded School for the month beginning December 11, 1913, and closing January 16, 1914. . .First Grade--Columbus Rochester 97, Loyd Meroney 93, Donald Moss 93, Mattie Allen 92, Oscar Grant 92, Homer Moss 91, Janie Allen 91, Clara Nicholson 91, James Sloan 91, Mary Littleton 90. . .Second Grade--Newton Smith 98, Kerby Hunter 97, Elbert Haggerty 96, Ernest Rochester 95, Edith Pike 94, Waddie Anderson 91, Lester Abercrombie 91, Ollie Nicholson 90. . .Third Grade--Maggie Smith 100, Dewey Hunter 98, Mattie Grant 98, Pearl Pike 98, Lillian Grant 98, Jessie Mae Ward 97, John Moss 94, Ila Nicholson 93, Ola Hunter 92, Willie Grant 92, Donald Meroney 90. . .Fourth Grade--None. . .Fifth Grade--Hettie Green 94, Leora Smith 93, Aline Whitmire 91. . .The teachers are Mary E. Cobb, first and second grades, and Jessie Mae Martin, third, fourth and fifth grades.
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 2pm-7pm. Events this week:  Wed:  Bring your own Vinyl, Valentine, & food and join us for a Vinyl Night of Love Songs. Thurs: TRAIL TALK at 6:00pm  Bring your own food.   Fri: Food: MAC ATTACK  Music: ERIC CONGDON at 6:30pm   Sat–Food:  LOBSTER DOGS Music: JUSTYN FOX at  6:30pm  *Featuring Pisgah Coffee Roasters and fresh brewed delicious coffee made to order.  More information call 864-873-0048
House of Raeford Farms Chicken Sale: You are encouraged to order before items sell out. But you must preorder online before Feb 29th  ( Items could sell out before the cut off date). Pick up your fresh chicken on Saturday, March 2nd between 9am and 12pm.  Type in House of Raeford Farms, Greenville, SC and scroll down to the preorder section. Choose Salem Location. Place your order and pay online.  Do not forget to pick up your order!! 
March 2nd, 2pm-5pm Second Annual Alumni Gathering 2pm-5pm  Call your classmates to meet up!                                                                                                  *March 23rd, 7pm  Oconee Mountain Opry $10          * Change from the original published date*.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
The Eagles Nest Treasure Store is open every Saturday morning 9am-12pm.  We are accepting donations during that time or call 864-557-2462.  Information on sponsorships, events, volunteering, donations, or rentals call 864-280-1258.      
                                                            CHURCH NEWS                                                                                                                                                            Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691, worship at 10:30 a.m.                 Feb. 18 Message by George Harper, Feb. 25 Message by Mel Davis.
Like us and listen to the service on Facebook: Bethelpresbyterianchurchwalhalla   
Boones Creek Baptist Church, 264 Boones Creek Road, Salem invites you to join us for regular worship service on Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10am and followed by worship at 11am.                                                         Salem Methodist Church: 520 Church Street, Salem.  9am for breakfast, 9:30am for Sunday School, and 10:30am for Worship.  You may tune in to our live service on Facebook or view it later on our website.        
FREE TREES :  Tree Giveaway at Shaver Complex in Seneca 2/23 from 12-2. Two free trees per household. Reserve online at www.treesupstate.org/freetrees.   There will be another tree giveaway  at the World of Energy on 3/23 from 9-11.
11th Annual BELLFEST 2024:   FRIENDS OF LAKE JOCASSEE will host BellFest 2024 at Devils Fork State Park on Saturday, March 16 from 10am-3pm.  Celebrate our rare Oconee Bell, Shortia galacifolia! 
SC VENUE CRISIS:  This is a real issue that will affect every small and large business due to increased insurance premiums ( 24%) to all venues who sell alcohol.  Musicians, food trucks, and people on vacation will have fewer venues and restaurants to choose when businesses will have to close. There will be a rally Feb 20th at the State Capitol in Columbia to support legislation  to help the venue crisis and  hold individuals accountable for their own personal behavior.                      
                                                                                                                              Quote this week by someone you know:  If money would save the world  I would worry more about money.  But I think only prayer will save this world. Keep praying! God hears! LRM  
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perryvonvicious · 5 months
Annual End-of-Year Survey (2023!)
1. How did you ring in the new year for 2023? 
I was probably asleep. Otherwise, I likely wished my wife a Happy New Year, as we would have been just sitting in the living room, doing nothing.
2. Who did you kiss at midnight/your first kiss in 2023? 
My wife.
3. What did you do in 2023 that you'd never done before?: 
Wrestled in Japan.
4. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 
I don't make new year's resolutions.
5. Did anyone close to you give birth?: 
6. Did anyone close to you die?: 
Tommy Smothers.
7. What places did you visit?: 
Disneyland, and Japan, 
8. What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?: 
A tan.
9. What dates from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?: 
Not a specific date, as I’m not good at remembering those, but Fall of 2023: My first time traveling to, and wrestling in, Japan!
10. What was your biggest achievement of the year?: 
I went on a 3-month tour, wrestling in Japan.
11. What was your biggest failure?:
I didn’t make it to Tokyo Disneyland.
12. Did you suffer illness or injury?: 
Many little injuries while training in Japan.
13. What was the best thing you bought?: 
A second resin printer. I can’t recall many other purchases.
14. Whose events required celebration?: 
I don’t know.
15. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: 
A few of my former coworkers.
16. Where did most of your money go?: 
House projects.
17. What did you get really, really, really excited about?: 
Wrestling in Japan.
18. What song will always remind you of 2023?: 
Jushin Liger’s entrance theme.
Compared to this time last year, are you: 
a) Happier or sadder?: Happier.
b) Thinner or fatter?: Thinner.
c) Richer or poorer?: Same-ish?
19. What do you wish you'd done more of?: 
I don’t know. I felt like I did pretty good this year.
20. What do you wish you'd done less of?: 
21. Did you fall in love in 2023?: 
I fell in love in 2007.
22. How many one-night stands?: 
23. How many people did you kiss? 
My wife.
24. What was your favorite TV program?: 
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: 
I don't think so.
26. What was the best book you read?: 
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (and its sequel: A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor) by Hank Green
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?: 
I can’t think of any.
28. What did you want and get?: 
A contract to wrestle in Japan.
29. What did you want and not get?: 
Mental stability.
30. What was your favorite film of this year?: 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?: 
I turned 39. I do not recall what I did..
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: 
Can’t think of much. I enjoyed this year.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?: 
Gym shorts and t-shirts/tank tops.
34. What kept you sane?: 
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: 
Adam Savage and/or Taylor Swift
36. What political issue stirred you the most?: 
Probably a few, but I'm not interested in discussing that.
37. Who do you miss?: 
I missed my wife while I was in Japan. Now I miss my Japanese friends. [shrug]
38. Who was the best new person you met?: 
Everyone in Japan. The wrestlers, the fans, the company staff… everyone. I miss my little number 1 fan Nina, as well as a nice fan I met named Mayu.
39. Who were your closest friends in 2023? 
In no particular order: Torres, Rip, Delmi, Levi, Anton, Jet Wei, Kodai.
40. What are you doing to ring in 2024? 
I’m wrestling on NYE, but by midnight I’ll be home, relaxing with my wife.
41. Who do you plan on kissing to ring in 2024? 
My wife.
42. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023: 
If you’re tenacious, eventually the world will bend to your will.
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