#ts!us papyrus
shouldbedrawingrn · 14 days
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thought that sprite looked familiar lol
ts! underswap got me in a chokehold
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dumbassv32 · 1 month
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yippeee yayyy
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pubbieprince · 2 months
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your honor i love them
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nameisrequiredd · 4 months
Someone asked me why I thought Sans was dead in Ruthless when so many think he’s not. I completely overwrote. Of course, you’re free to have your own theories, this is just a few of my thoughts! Under the cut!
Anyhoodles, here is why Sans is definitely dead.
First of all, the parallel with the Evacuation Neutral. When you compare his and his brother’s attitude there and his and his brother’s attitude in Ruthless, the contrast is… pretty striking. 
It’s clear Sans is giving a lot more of himself in Ruthless compared to the Evac Neutral. Sans isn’t all-powerful or immortal. In evacuation Neutral, he comes to the fight intending to reason with us. The moment he feels he somewhat succeeded in doing that? He withdraws himself. More interestingly, though? He’ll withdraw himself EVEN if he doesn’t succeed in doing that. If you try to kill him after he spared you, he’ll leave anyway, before he can come close to reaching his own limit. 
It’s implied in both runs that the monsters have a plan: Sans takes care of the “stalling the human” part while Alphys and Papyrus take care of the evacuation. Apparently, Sans is just supposed to stall the human long enough for the evacuation to finish and Papyrus to come back. Everybody knows Sans has space-bending tricks, so everybody knows he can get out of the fight anytime if he wants to. And that’s exactly what he does in evac Neutral: he sticks to the plan, because it frankly wouldn't be fair of him to lie to his relatives, and this human isn’t worth his life anyway. 
In Ruthless, though? It’s clear Sans came here with a different intention. The deal is that he’s here to stop you, make sure you never get past him, and if not then so help him he’s not gonna let himself get spared. At first, it looks like he’s going along with the initial plan, up until he gets that phone call. This is the point in evac Neutral where he would have withdrawn himself. Here, though? His goal is different, so the fight keeps on going even though it’s straining him. It’s slowly, but surely, taking its toll on him. As Chara so nicely pointed out: “He can’t keep up this charade forever.” If he’d come here intending to make the fight end with something that isn’t either our or his death, he would have let himself be sparable, and he wouldn’t have put himself at risk by ending up completely exhausted. Moreover, it’s noticeably not Papyrus calling him to tell him the Evacuation’s over. It’s Alphys. After all, getting a call from Papyrus asking him where he is would have weakened Sans’ resolve. (There’s a few hints that Papyrus is actually spamming his phone and that Sans is purposefully ignoring the calls because he definitely wouldn’t go to the end of his decision otherwise. If you manage to spare Sans ((for real)) in Ruthless (this is my strongest argument so I keep it for last :P) then the first thing he does is pick up a call from Papyrus as though he’d been waiting to do that the whole time lol.) 
Second of all, what’s most interesting is that the words his Ruthless fight ends with are:
Sans is giving up.
Funny terminology there. Obviously, Sans in Ruthless isn’t in the same mind space he is in Evac Neutral. His HP is lower in Ruthless. His speech doesn’t hold a speck of hope anymore. He resorts to threats instead of sharing his feelings. He’s giving the fight his all, and in the end, his best efforts weren’t enough. What is there left to do for him besides giving up? Why would he refuse our mercy if he intended to get out of this with both of us alive? In a way, he’s almost forcing us to kill him if we want to proceed. At this point, Sans doesn’t want to live in a world where we get past him, and that’s… pretty cowardly of him, if I’m honest with myself. 
The most logical (but not only) piece of evidence? Papyrus’ reaction. In the evac Neutral, Papyrus is jolly from start to finish. (which sort of shocked me at first!) He knows full well Sans isn’t in any danger, and he’s completely into helping you out in your “JOURNEY OF ATTONEMENT!” even if Sans told him you didn’t spare him. Even if you killed almost every monster in Starlight Isles. In Ruthless though, Papyrus looks pretty upset starting from the beginning of the woods. He knows full well that at the end of the day, the way our encounter with Crossbones plays out is up to Sans himself. True, the plan is that Sans will quit the fight as soon as things start looking risky. But that doesn’t mean Sans in Ruthless wants that. And Papyrus knows his brother pretty well, so it’s only natural he would pick up on Sans looking more resigned. It’s only natural that he’d start doubting Sans’ intentions.
On the bridge, he tells us he’s too late, and that “if we’re here, then…” He knows Sans silently decided we wouldn’t get past him. And what surprised me, is that Papyrus doesn’t blame us. He knows that ultimately this was Sans’ choice, because if Sans has a weakness, then it’s the fact he’s prone to giving up. This was Sans’ choice, so it’s Papyrus’ job to convince him otherwise: there’s nothing Papyrus can’t talk Sans into or out of, and both of the brothers know that. If Papyrus is too late, then it’s not because he didn’t come back on time to face us. It’s because he didn’t come back on time to convince his brother there was another way. 
And that’s a huge piece of evidence, too: you could argue that when you kill Sans in Ruthless, well, Sans isn’t really dead and just went hiding somewhere. But like, what the heck??? Why would he do that to his family??? In every evac Neutral, he goes back to the monsters to inform them of how his fight played out. Why would he let them think he’s gone??? This… just doesn’t make sense. Plus Captain Splosion (or whatever he's called) talks about Sans past tense too. He’s all like “Your brother would have been proud of you” and what does Papyrus have to answer to that??? What does he have? He would have been proud of me, but am I proud of myself? There’s so much more I could have done. “I’VE BEEN DOING MY BEST… BUT MAYBE THIS TAKES MUCH MORE THAN THAT.”
Of course, if Sans is still alive, then all this analysis doesn’t hold much value. So here is my biggest piece of evidence as to why he’s not:
This isn’t the only way the fight can play out. Though it looks at first like you have no choice but to spam fight to get it over with, much in the same way UT Sans’ geno battle forced you to, TS!US Sans isn’t that far gone yet. He does think you’re irremediable… so he won’t take your mercy, because he knows full well you’re not genuine and don’t really deserve it anyway (true.) However, if you go through a certain sequence of actions (I found this detail and the hints showing us it’s feasible very neat) then reminding Sans of his brother pushes him to consider giving up on giving up. “You tell Sans his brother would really miss him.” To which Sans answers something like, “are you serious there?” and points a dozen blasters at your face. Ultimately? This is enough to convince him, and he quits the fight. 
When you get to the bridge, you’re back on Evac Neutral. Papyrus tells you something along the lines of “...NOT THAT I DOUBTED HIM, BUT…” He doesn’t tell you that if you abort your genocide run earlier. He's actually a lot more on edge than when you abort your geno run before getting to his brother's battle... and that's because he's fully conscious of what was at stake. If you CAN spare Sans after all by reminding him he’s still got things worth living for, then doesn’t that automatically validate the alternative, namely killing Sans after he gave up?
Sans wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of seeing him fall down. So he used the best substitute; a Crossbones cutout. What better way to describe death than having a cardboard falling over? There's a lot of better ways, obviously, but Sans doesn't find any of them as funny.  
To summarize, it wouldn’t really make sense from a game-play perspective to have three Sans fights where none of them take an unexpected turn, and where fighting Sans and killing him isn’t an option. Anyway, here’s a line from Sans’ wiki: “EXP on KILL: 75”
That being said, this "death" we're talking about might be more metaphorical than it is physical. I could see Sans refusing to die by our hand only because he doesn't want to give us EXP, refuses to make us stronger. If he's alive, then it's only technically speaking; whatever he's plotting might as well result in his death. He gave up on this run--- this alternative life of his, he gave up on it, and he won't make a come back unless we've left the underground or we're close to ending the world. I still think that would be far fetched. Maybe Sans is dead but just cheated so we wouldn't benefit from it. That would be actually funny. XD
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vesper-the-great · 29 days
Grabbing him by the scruff
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mothinflamesdoodles · 12 days
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npc-readen61 · 7 days
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A scene from TS!Underswap Ruthless Route. This really impressed me...
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toonnytotal · 3 months
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daveofstride · 1 year
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desertrose244 · 3 months
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
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More skeleton shenanigans (full doodle page under the cut)
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slipperysheep · 4 months
more silly art!!
I'm not the best at coloring/backgrounds I realize, but like, omg I love this little bit of dialogue and decided to expand on it a bit
I'm also starting to use different brushes so y'know
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nameisrequiredd · 2 months
Someone was going to do this sooner or later, but I still can't find it.
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
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More handwriting headcanons, but this time it’s for various Papyruses!
Obviously there are more Papyruses that exist, these are just the main ones that came to mind first :P
Font names and reasoning under the cut:
Papyrus: Papyrus (because…. c’mon. we all know why)
Stretch: bRee (he gets lowercase letters because he’s a sleepy guy, and the only reason the Ts look a little sharp is because he was probably thinking about Smart Guy Shit again)
Edge: COLORS OF AUTUMN (upper case letters because loud, and sharp like his personality)
Crooks: kindergarden (his letters are big but not all caps because he’s lost some of the spark that would’ve otherwise made him more like OG Paps, and his handwriting is a little wibbly wobbly because head trauma impairs your motor skills sometimes, making it hard to keep your hand movements, or even just regular movements, smooth and steady)
Mutt: alanis hand (he gets lower case and small because he’s another sleepy guy with no confidence)
Charm (UL Paps): Bigdey Demo (dude gets fancy halfway cursive handwriting because he’s a fancy boy. being fancy and stylish is his whole thing, and he adds little hearts in sometimes if he’s in a particularly good mood)
Jupiter (OT Paps): PIGMENTDEMO (personality wise, I just feel like he’d be very similar to OG Paps, and they probably have a lot of the same habits and things, which could easily carry over into their writing. Their handwriting is similar, but still visually different at the end of the day)
Tango (DT Paps): Rock Salt (big letters and all caps here because he’s a louder, more outgoing guy, and even if he’s not super confident 24/7, that’s still the image that he likes to display to others, so they get the impression that he’s the most confident man on the planet. His handwriting is also a bit fancy in its own way, which kinda reflects his whole thing with dancing)
Phantom (DT Paps): Coffee House (ominous looking, sharp, and all caps, because he is literally the creepy dude who tells Dust to maim people and be homicidal. Sometimes he uses lower case, but when he’s especially worked up about something, he goes back to his all caps ways)
Cider (FT Paps): A Hundred Miles (his letters aren’t the biggest, but he still uses all caps. It’s nice looking, if a little on the messy side sometimes because he does so much with his hands on the farm, and they’re probably sore by the time he finishes)
Grim (RT Paps): Silent Reaction (all caps cursive is a nightmare to look at, and he’s been around long enough that he’s painfully aware of that, so he’s brought it down a few notches and uses proper capitalization. He’s had centuries to make his handwriting nice and neat, and while he does like making it look nice, he’s often more concerned about getting all of his work done. Little bonus is that he unintentionally makes the dot above the i look kinda like a candle flame)
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mickedy · 2 months
Big old TS!Underswap thoughtpost. Spoiler free :p
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* It's really visually striking in almost every sense of the term. The areas are beautifully colored and the characters are all so well designed and the spritework is pretty fantastic. So many little character animations that bring the game to life. I like that the overworld sprites try to replicate the battle sprites, as opposed to the original Undertale that scaled down their designs into little low-pixel chibi things. It gives TS!US it's own visual identity which I appreciate.
* CHARACTER WRITING!!! Oh my god. The character writing. Oh my god? Probably the most in character Undertale fangame I've ever seen. Everything from the character interactions to the dialogue down to the humor feels like something Toby would authentically write. You'd think swapping everyone's roles around would make it difficult to keep the characters... in character, but actually it's astoundingly good. Toriel and Asgore have the same motives, but the difference here is that Asgore was banished to the ruins after waging war on humanity. Sans is a pretend superhero in a big old PR thing orchestrated by Papyrus. It's awesome. I give huge props to the character writing for those last two specifically. It works. You'd think an Underswap fangame would be horribly OOC but actually. It just works. it all works so well.
* Character writing+. There are loads of new characters that actually feel like monsters that could exist in the original game. There are two cartoon henchmen named Larry and Harry that are rivals to Crossbones and they are my absolute favorite of the new characters added. So many loveable characters here (which makes the No Mercy run all the more difficult... so props to TS.)
* Game mechanics. Lots of new game mechanics added. There's a journal that keeps track of the monsters you've encountered and how you've dealt with them, plus a collectibles menu and even a quest system. (The quests seem to be integrated into the morality system which is a really cool spin on the morality system of the original Undertale; the game even commends you for going out of your way to complete quests instead of barreling through areas! It makes me wonder how much of the "control" aspect is at play here.)
* The Human. The human has a lot of little character quirks and dialogue and animations that really make them such an endearing protagonist. I could talk about this character all day. Chara fans will love this one.
* Character writing. Mentioning it again. So good. Really good characters. Oh my god
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* I dont even know
* The music is good but it's just kind of "good" when the rest of the game is so much more polished. I feel like there could be more... instruments in a lot of the songs. I don't know, I'm sure they were trying to replicate the chiptune style of Undertale music, but if they went through the trouble if changing up the art style then I'm not sure why they couldn't put a spin on the music style also, it kind of clashes with the theme. A very small complaint though. Muffet's battle music is so so catchy it's been stuck in my head.
* I dont know what else
* The No Mercy run is scary and it made me scared :scared:
* Sans is sidelined for this mysterious masked superhero guy named Crossbones?? Why'd they even bother putting Sans in the game. And who is this enigmatic Crossbones fellow...
* for real though i have very little complaints here its so so polished. Please please please play TS!IUnderswap i will dedicate the rest of my life trying to convince everyone to play it. It currently goes up to this universe's version of Waterfall but there's about 6 or 7 hours worth of content here already.
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 months
Greetings! Writing commission details:
Commissions: Closed.
Fandoms I will write for:
Genshin Impact, Undertale, Deltarune, Undertale Yellow, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (I only watch the anime, so-), my own OCs
AUs I will write for:
Genshin: SAGAU, modern au
Undertale: Underfell, Underswap (I prefer TS!US' version so I will write for it in default unless you want the original), Flowerfell, Farmtale, Underplayer
Genshin: Venti, Xiao, Wanderer, Aether, Xingqiu, Gaming
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Napstablook, Mettaton, Muffet, Mad Mew Mew, Asgore, DR!Asriel, Dalv, Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Frieren, Himmel the hero
My OCs (pictures below, in order): Vee the purple witch, The Janitor, Elwin the elven rogue, Eye of the Storm (has a name instead of them being Reader-insert, Genshin, no pics sorry)
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Will write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mildly suggestive, selfship (reader/canon), OC/canon, friendships, yandere character/reader
Won't write: Homophobia, pedophilia, incest, gore, smut, self harm, anything nsfw
Rules (sorta):
If you want me to write for your OC, please give me detailed information about them. I wouldn't know how to write them if you don't. Character sheet and/or a picture would be nice. If you don't have a written personality for them, we can quickly discuss how you at least imagine them to act in the fic in DMs. I can also just give it my own interpretation if you wish, but I will charge you $2 for the extra effort. Keep this in mind.
For reader-insert, I usually write the Reader to be strong and determined, so if you want a more subdued personality, please let me know or I will default to this one.
For 500/1k word fics, love letters, and headcanons, please give me a scenario to work on. I only write one shot fics for commissions, so don't try to ask for a multi-chapter, please. I am busy with college, so one shots are all I can afford to write.
And tell me if you are okay with me posting the commissioned piece on Tumblr or if you'd like to keep it for yourself.
You can ask me for updates on your commission. But please understand I have a life outside of social media that I gotta prioritize (like my studies) so it may get delayed a little depending on how large your commission is. I also prioritize smaller/less wordy commissions so I can give them out immediately, so don't be mad.
I reserve my right to reject a commission if I feel like I couldn't do it.
Languages I can/will write in: English and Filipino
For my Filipino friends, I accept both Paypal and GCash. I'd like it more if it was Paypal/ko-fi, though.
For overseas commissioners, Paypal/ko-fi only.
You can pay me the full amount as soon as we finalize your commission or you can pay me the full amount once I finish your commission. I'd appreciate it if you do the first option but I won't hold it against you if you choose to do the second. Everyone doesn't want to get scammed.
However, if you do not pay and ghost me, I will modify the work to my taste, post it on my ko-fi page, and then block you from my Tumblr/Discord.
Now that you're done reading, reply to this post immediately to get a slot and if you make it, I will DM you my Discord handle for further discussion. I have a small slot for now because I don't wanna get overwhelmed. I will reopen immediately once they're done, though, so don't worry if you miss out!
First come, first serve.
Slots: 3
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