#trying to remember how to use premier pro
ashandalder · 7 months
Just a bit of MV daftness inspired by the entirely lit with pink gels corridor scene at the end of Season 3, Episode 21: Knock, Knock, Who's There.
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ode2rin · 1 year
can you see right through me?
pairing. mikage reo x gn!reader
genre. fluffy fluff | pro-athlete!reo | established relationship | reo spoiling you (i mean it’s reo) | a light angst if you squint hard !! 
warnings. 2.1k wc | characters are aged up ! | reader wears a dress | mentions of insecurity | inspired from a taylor swift song (ik i’m sorry i’m crazy abt her) | proofreading? nah we don't know her | (lmk if i missed any?? i suck at making these)
in which: you see more behind reo’s gift-giving love language
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“hey, love! look what i got!” reo called out, as soon as he entered the apartment.
no “i’m home” in a sing-song voice or “baby, where are you?” in a needy whine, like he usually does. instead, he was grinning - full on beaming, actually. it was evident how his voice sounded so excited, like he was dying to show you whatever he brought home.
you peered out from the kitchen to look at your beaming boyfriend. and literally, you felt your jaw drop from the sight of your lover carrying what seemed like a hundred amount of shopping bags in his toned arms. you bet it was heavy, as the veins in his arms were slightly popping. 
reo had said he was going out to pick up a “few things” on the way home. these are totally not a few things. you knew reo had a habit of going overboard when it came to shopping. but this one, this one was an extreme shopping spree. he was practically bouncing with excitement as he showed you everything.
he began to rummage through the bags, pulling out various items with each sentence he spoke. you could see the excitement in his eyes, as he showed off his purchases. he held up a beautiful dress, admiring its design, “look at this, baby! the shop attendant said this one just came in and only two people have this in japan, can you believe that? well, i got the third one! i thought how good it would look on you then got it -” he paused for a moment, looking at you with an impish grin, “- i mean, i got it for you, my love.”
reo then pulled out a box of skincare products, “and look at these! i remembered you were running out of these last night, so i got a few for you. the salesperson said they're the only stocks they've got, so i had to get them all!”
reo then held up a pair of shoes, “oh, and these! i saw them and thought, ‘that’s the perfect pair for my love!’” he twirled them around. “and this one’s my favorite!” he exclaimed, holding up a beautiful necklace, “the color of the gems complement your skin so good! maybe let’s go out tomorrow, and try if you’ll like this? what do you think, love?”
he was rambling on and on, his excitement infectious. you couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, even as you struggled to process everything he was saying. clothes, jewelry, shoes, skincare, and are those freaking boxes of limited edition nespresso capsules?
before you could even answer, reo's eyes widened as he suddenly remembered something else he had to show you. “oh! and i got us tickets to the premiere showing of the movie you told me about! i was hoping we could go? to make up for the movie night i missed.”
ah. now, you have an idea what this is all about.
reo and you have a weekly movie night, it started when you first moved in with him. it’s a tradition that you both cherish, a small but meaningful way to unwind and connect amidst the chaos of daily life. a tradition in your relationship that you both look forward to as it’s your sweet escape from the grueling responsibilities that comes with adulthood. it was nothing grand, it’s just you and reo, getting cozy on the couch of your shared abode, surrounded by pillows and blankets. sometimes he’ll pick out the movie, most of the time, he gives you the power to it.  regardless of who picks the movie, you both lose yourselves in the story, laughing and crying and feeling all the emotions that the characters are experiencing. you share thoughts and opinions, discussing the plot twists and character arcs, and sometimes even acting out your favorite scenes together. 
it’s a simple tradition, but it’s one that brings you both so much joy. and that’s why, when reo missed movie night 2 nights ago because of practice running late, he felt like he had let you down. 
when he came home later that night, it was well past midnight and you had long since fallen asleep on the couch, the remnants of your popcorn and half-finished drinks still on the coffee table. but as he tiptoed in, trying not to wake you, he couldn't help but notice the soggy popcorn and feel a pang of guilt for missing your movie night. the morning after, he woke up early and was all over you, showering you with kisses and apologies for being late. you held him through it, playing with his hair and telling him that it was no big deal, that you understood how important his career was to him.
looking at it now, perhaps the assurance you gave was a bit insufficient to ease reo’s guilt to say the least. determined to lift off what he might be feeling, you turned off the stove and went to where your boyfriend was. he looked at you curiously as you cupped his face in your hands.
“thank you for being so thoughtful and buying me these, reo. i appreciate all of this baby, i do. but i know you. so spill my love, what is this all about, hmm?” you asked, staring at him, with a small smile as you let out a hum.
from then and there, reo felt like you’d seen right through him. 
you’re right. reo, missing the movie night, lingered through his thoughts far longer than it should be. you said it was fine, so it should be fine for reo. except that it’s not. 
a few moons ago, reo’s life was all easy they come, easy they go. it was the upside of being born into privilege. but when he chose to chart his own course, everything changed. nothing came easy anymore. he had to prove his existence to earn the things that mattered most. the soccer career that made him a star, and the love of his life - you, who brought him a happiness he never knew existed - he could only live this life because he proved himself worthy. 
but what they don’t tell you about constantly proving your worth is how restless you grow at the slightest possibility of losing everything you've worked for. 
reo felt that he had to make it up to you because he fears the notion that his one mistake could be the beginning of a pattern, a repetition of his rich yet absent parents' reckless lifestyle filled with empty apologies and unfulfilled promises. the weight of this realization petrified him, leaving him with a burning desire to make it up to you. so he did, in the only way he knew best - shower you with gifts.
and that basically sums up how reo went to an all out shopping spree. in his defense, he was only supposed to buy the skincare you ran out of. grab then leave, that was the plan. but things at the mall definitely escalated as reo passed by a designer boutique. before he knew it, he was walking out with shopping bags overflowing with designer clothes, shoes, and accessories.
apparently, your perceptive eyes caught on to this. at first, you thought it was just another day of reo being him, with his fondness of giving you gifts. but at the mention of the movie tickets, his scheme gave him away. and now he’s here, standing before you, face held by your soft hands.
reo couldn't bring himself to meet your eyes, so he focused on the marbled floor beneath his feet. “i...i wanted to make it up to you for missing movie night,” he stammered. “i know you said it was okay, but it wasn't okay for me. i feel like i let you down.” he struggled to articulate the knot of insecurity that had been building inside him since he missed the date. he struggled to tell you how it felt like a crack in the foundation of your relationship, and how terrified he was that it would widen into an irreparable chasm. “i’m sorry,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “i just wanted to show you how determined i am to make it up to you.”
your eyes softened as you took in his words. your hands instinctively reached up to gently brush away the hair covering his eyes. his big purple eyes that you love so much. it was one of the many few things that made you fall in love with him. you couldn't help but be drawn in by the deep purple hue of his eyes, so full of confidence and power when he was on the field, yet so tender and vulnerable in your presence. 
“i must have been a superhero in my past life to be loved by someone like you, my sweet reo..” you chuckled at the cheesiest of the thought. he smiled at the sound of your laughter.
it was true though. he was charming, attentive, thoughtful, a gentleman through and through. he was everything and more. so to say that you were lucky to have him was the understatement of the century. it was as if having the moon and the stars align just for you, as if fate smiled at your direction. to be loved by someone like reo mikage was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of security, knowing that even the slightest misstep could cause him to worry about losing you. but it was that very worry that proved just how much he cherished your love, like a precious treasure that he held in the palm of his hand. who could ever leave someone like that? a fool, that’s who.
you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, your hand still caressing his cheek. then you pressed a kiss to his left cheek, on to his right, and finally to his lips.  as you leaned in and brushed your lips against each of his features, a softness washed over you, the warmth of your affection for him filling every inch of your being. “i know that you felt bad, love. but you do know that i love you, right?” you murmured against his lips, “and missing our movie night doesn’t change a thing about that, baby. i love you for who you are, reo. not for what you do.”
as your words sunk in, reo felt like you had seen right through him. for so long, he had believed that his worth was tied to what he could offer, but you had shown him that he could be loved simply for being himself. the weight of that realization lifted from his shoulders, and he felt a rush of warmth spread through his body.
“how could you say things like that and expect me not to do everything for you?” he whispered, the love in his heart for you growing even stronger.
but you just smiled at him, your eyes filled with a tenderness that made his heart skip a beat. “i don't expect anything from you, my love,” you said softly. “just come home to me, and we'll figure everything out together.”
“that, i can promise to do everyday.” 
in this home, he could just be reo, no longer compelled to prove his worth or live in fear of losing everything he had worked for. with you, he was enough.
“i’m sure you do.”
who could ever leave someone like reo mikage? a fool, that’s who. but who could stay? without a doubt, you could. 
as you both settled into your evening skincare routine later that night, with no traces of any heaviness from what happened earlier, reo turned towards your side of the sink and asked, "can we still go to that premiere, love?" his eyes twinkled with excitement.
“only if you promise that you won’t do this again. baby, this is a lot! and that moisturizer, you brought enough to last me for months! what were you thinking?!” you exclaim, holding up the said moisturizer.
reo chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "i guess i got a little carried away."
“you definitely did. the amount of paper bags i had to fold was insane. if you’re hiding more, i would really smack you. i swear, reo mikage.”
reo gives you a mischievous grin, his eyes shining with amusement. "oh, i wouldn't dream of hiding anything from you, love." but he can't help but feel a twinge of guilt as he remembers the other bags he left in the car. no need to mention it now though. he'll just have to sneak out later and grab them when you're fast asleep.
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note. PURE WORD VOMIT I AM: SORRY came up with this because i’m convinced mikage reo is an “archer”  just like me fr ;) so this is my interpretation of the song esp the “do you see right through me?” !!
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If you woke up as the villainess in a romance novel you can’t remember reading, what would you do?
How would you survive when you remember nothing… not even the person who is trying to murder you?
Discover secrets, find or reject romance, and guide your amnesiac villainess to a future based on your choices and deductions in our upcoming mystery/horror/otome roleplaying game, Save the Villainess.
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To get more information on and test the upcoming beta demo for Save the Villainess, our upcoming vilainess isekai otome/mystery roleplaying game, sign up to our mailing list! 
Please look for the confirmation email; it will be sent within 24 hours of you joining our mailing list. It may end up in your spam/promotions/social folder. If you have any problems, please email us at contact @ bestlaidplans . net!
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Character and Title Art: Somate Studio
Theme Song: JunbugP
Backgrounds: Saleha Chowdhury / @arodude, Karel Kok, Somate Studio, Son Hyunh
Trailer: Best Laid Plans Productions; Animations Done in Ren'py Engine and Present in Game; Trailer Assembled in Adobe Premiere Pro; Glitches Created in Adobe After Effects
Marketing Materials: @studioghostlegs
Logo: Yan Moe/Khoai-sama
Special Thanks to JunbugP, @studioghostlegs, @lovebirdgames, Dina, @foxglovegames, @tuffmallowinteractive, Cirro, Foxxy, Mari, Marj, Millie, and Miss Choco for trailer design support and feedback!
For more, check out our complete list of social media accounts.
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gx-gameon · 3 months
I wanted to ask how does this AU deal with season 2 when Jaden goes on his solo trip into the ocean to find himself and ultimately meet the Neo Spacians!
This ask really made me realize I need to rewatch Gx again because so many things happened.
Everything in this au is fluid until I can get a true rewatch in, as things will move and shift.
But to do this we need to look back a little.
It’s Jaden’s second year and he calls Yugi on like the first day of classes. And at first Yugi is worried because Jaden just left home, he wasn’t schedualed to call until a week later. Yes he loves his son, and is so excited to hear from him, but he’s also a dad who worries for his baby boy.
But Jaden calls and tells him with all the excitement in the world that he just dueled Aster Phoenix! And he won! And sure it wasn’t Asters real deck, but the duel was so much fun and Jaden can’t wait to duel him again.
He’s talking a mile a minute and Yugi is doing his best to keep up. But wait, Aster Phoenix? Jaden are you sure? Because Yugi knows Aster Phoenix. He’s the duelist prodigy who has taken the Pro-leagues by storm.
Seto hates the kid because he uses Hero cards and he wanted them to be signature cards for Jaden like his Blue-eyes, or Atem’s Dark Magician, or Yugi’s Gandora/Silent Magician. Yugi had stoped him from getting Pegasus to private all the hero cards. Telling Seto Jaden already made his own Archtype and Seto sent them to space (it was before they knew Jaden. And sure Jaden doesnt remember them, but that doesn’t make Seto feel any less guilty, he’s been trying to get them back for years, but hasn’t found the pod yet)
But Yugi is excited for his son. Glad he’s having fun and being safe. But he wonders why Atser would duel Jaden. Let alone do it with a fake deck. Something doesn’t sit right with him.
Yugi, Atem, and Joey go to see Aster’s next match. They were planing to go anyway as it is Zane’s first pro-league duel and they want to see one of Jaden’s friends duel. Plus it’s always nice to check out the Pro-league to see who’s coming up.
I think the dueling community in this world has a tiered pro level. The ‘pro-league’ being in the middle. Think like professional football in England (I’ve been watching Ted Lasso) mainly because I don’t think Zane and Aster are at the same level as the DM crew yet. They would be dueling at the top level, we’ll call it the premier league for now. (But let’s be real Kaiba probably named it the Blue-eye’s League, or something like that)
And they watch Zane Lose. Badly. Joey feel bad for the kid. Knowing how he’d feel if his little sister and all of her friends watched him lose his first match on national television. That’s rough.
Atem is not a fan of Aster. The way he talks to his opponent does not sit well with him. Even less so since this is one of Jaden’s friends.
Yugi agrees with both of them. He’s planning to call Jaden after the match to check on him and how his friends are doing after watching that. And he doesn’t want to admit it, but Seto was right. It feels wrong to watch someone else duel with the cards he’s always associated with his son. Especially with the way Aster uses them.
The three are about to leave, Joey suggesting a group call with Jaden, as he misses his littlest buddy, when they hear it. They hear Aster call out Jaden on national television. Saying Jaden copied his deck and a bunch of other nasty things about their boy.
Yugi’s furious, because how dare this boy. He doesn’t even know Jaden. His son has used those cards since they came out. Far before Aster made them popular. But with one interview he’s screwed Jaden’s professional career. If Jaden goes to the pro-league right out of Duel Academy with his hero deck, all anyone will talk about is this interview. He’ll face an up hill battle to prove to everyone he isn’t copying Aster’s deck.
Plus it just isn’t true. Because Jaden loves those cards. He can communicate with their spirits. Something Yugi is pretty sure Aster cannot do.
But Yugi’s trying to keep it together. Because on his right is Atem full of righteous fury and all the holier than though energy that his life as a Pharaoh filled him with. The man’s ready to march down there and challenge Aster to a duel. And on his left is Joey ‘You mess with my friends you mess with me’ Wheeler. Joey who hands have been rated E for everyone since before Yugi and him were even friends. He’s just as likely to march himself down there and punch the kid as he is to duel him.
And as much as Yugi wants to defend his son, his first priority is Jaden’s safety. Because how could we explain why we want to challenge Aster (a 14/15 year old) to a duel? Without revealing our connection to Jaden? Nothing the Kid said should upset them. After all Jaden Yuki has no relation to Yugi Mouto or Seto Kaiba. Jaden doesn’t want people knowing who he is yet, and it’s dangerous to reveal Jaden to the world like that. How many people would try to hurt him to get to Seto? Or Yugi himself?
He’s able to reason with his two rightfully angry companions. He’s just grateful his husband didn’t come. There would have been no stopping Seto from dueling Aster into the ground for daring to say such bold faced lies about their son.
They call Jaden afterwards and he tells them that while he’s sad Zane lost and it kind sucked to have Aster call him a copy cat, he’s still excited to duel Aster again. A hero on hero fight sounds so fun. And Yugi is so proud of his son. How he’s excited to duel and become friends with Aster. Joey rolls his eyes and mutters something about Muto men and befriending rich snobs.
Yugi relaying the call to Seto is the only thing that stops Seto from ruining Aster’s life.
Now on to the main event
Aster comes and challenges Jaden to a duel and this one he wins with his Destiny hero’s. But that’s not all. Jaden can no longer see his cards. He can’t see any card.
He calls his Dad in a panic that night and tells him all about the duel and how he can’t see any cards. Even Winged Kuriboh abandoned him. And he’s in tears because this is his Dad. He can’t let his friends know how bad this is hurting him but his Dad has always been there for him. Has always been his shelter.
And Yugi’s heart breaks. He’s coming. He doesn’t care anymore he’s coming. He tells Jaden to wait it out for a day or two while he gets some things sorted out and then he’ll come get him. (He’s trying to figure out how to quietly pick up Jaden, without a Kaiba-copter) he also doesn’t want Jaden to drop out. They can figure this out together.
He tells the rest of the DM crew and they all want to come, but Yugi doesn’t want to overwhelm Jaden. He’s going to go alone. Seto wants to come to but realizes that his own anger at Aster and the situation won’t help Jaden. The best he can do right now is support Jaden and Yugi. (And dig up all the dirt he can on Aster Phoenix) if Jaden decides to drop out, he’s over hauling the school, he’s got to make those plans as well. The Slifer dorm needs some updates (wait till he finds out Crowler and Bonaparte are trying to tear down Jaden’s dorm.)
But he can’t let Yugi go completely alone. Not when Jaden needs them. So they take the yachts out. (Look me in the eyes and tell me Kaiba doesn’t have a yacht) the DM crew are all aboard. They want to be there for Jaden.
The plan is Yugi will take one of the smaller life boats to duel academy and meet up with Jaden. The two can sail out and have a talk. If Jaden feels better and wants to go back to school great! But if he wants a longer break then they can head back to the yacht and meet up with the rest of the family. Jaden will be surrounded by support while they figure this out.
So Yugi heads out to meet up with Jaden. The pick up goes great. It’s late at night, Jaden sneaks out no problem (something for Yugi to worry over later) and the two head out.
What they aren’t expecting is to get hit by a “falling star” and get transported to the duel spirit world.
Yugi is protective at first. Jaden’s going through it right now. He doesn’t even have his deck! So when they are challenged by the dueling alien-robot thing. Yugi’s ready to kick it to kingdom come for messing with his kid. He’s got a lot of pent up rage at this point from feeling helpless to protect his boy. (He’s still having problems with the fact Jaden fought the Sacred Beasts last year)
But Aquos steps in and tells them it has to be Jaden. And Yugi’s about it to tell this duel spirit to take its opinion and destiny and shove it where the sun don’t shine. He’s been in this rat race to long to be bullied by ‘destiny’ he’s changed it enough times to know it’s not set in stone. He’s protecting his son.
Or he was until Aquos point out the Kaiba Corp Satellite to them. And inside, would you believe it? It’s the cards Jaden made as a kid. The cards Seto sent to space and has been look for like a mad man ever since he and Yugi found out they were Jaden’s cards.
‘So this is why Seto never found them.’ Yugi thinks. ‘That tech of his that got him to the afterlife to battle Atem must have been in these Satellites as well. After all they shot themselves into another dimension. And while he’s trilled that Jaden has those cards again, and he can see them, and Jaden’s smiling again. He can’t help but worry about where Jaden’s other card is. If his deck ended up in this dimension. Where had his spirit protector, Yubel, ended up?
But it’s something to worry about later. Jaden duels the alien robot thing. Yugi knows this is Jaden’s true deck. If anything is going to get him back on his feet it’s this duel. So he encourages his son and supports him through the duel, the same way Yugi’s friends always supported him.
After Jaden wins the two wake up back on their boat. They’re groggy and disoriented, when they hear a voice calling out to them. They look up and the Kaiba Yacht is heading their way. (They all got worried when Yugi didn’t come back)
Jaden gets to spend some time with his family. It helps a lot. His new cards have given him the boost he needed. But it’s even nicer to have his family around. He stays with them for a few days. (Seto sends a message to the school as one Mr. Yuki. Stating that they have picked up their son for a family emergency. No one can say Jaden is skipping class. But the staff does not pass this message on to Jaden’s friends. They think Jaden ran away or is missing)
While he’s away all the other events still happen. He arrives just in time to duel Aster again. Winning with his new deck and convincing Aster that he’s not only strong, but that destiny is crap, and he should join Duel Academy (Téa is so proud of her nephew and the power of friendship he’s using on this lonely little teenager. Aster should be good friends with Jaden and cannon is a coward for not doing more with them after season 2. They’re going to be good friends by season 3 in this au)
I always thought throwing Jaden on a remote part of the island to remove him from the plot was wild. Like I get it and it’s fun, but in this Au he’s having family time and getting to know his new deck.
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majaloveschris · 8 months
Maja hi! I have some thoughts about marriage stunt but nobody agrees with me because other mods never posted my ask. I just believe it was selling her show (wn) just before its end date of selling. I mean they tried to get a better buyer of it but they couldn’t and gave up. I thought it was because of his tiff movie but yesterday its trailer was released however they didn’t do any stunt. I also want to remind that he never used this stunt to sell his works(tgm, ghosted…) ghosted had bad reviews as well. He didn’t try to cover them. Every actor can have bad reviews, these movies are not his dream jobs. We all know this. Also remember how they tried to wrap up on june. He did alone sightings. He did podcast. But then suddenly they went to bermuda. Just before Simon’s timer and netflix is releasing wn’s rights news. And the marriage rumors, only bad pr to him. But it brought more fame to her. It only works for her again. I think it was last push before wn selling got wrapped up they tried to find a better producer but they couldn’t. If you noticed, after simon’s statement, she deleted her promo post. And we never got any sightings, or even trolling from them. Which we all know it was busy three weeks, sightings, trollings, articles. Actually when there were rumors, Gully was in canada, and justin will be at there too. They made justin posted from pt. L&D rumors debunked by releasing the location by l&d. he also got gene kelly, after these happened. They deleted her from his imdb. Red pill article is deleted as well. It looks like they wrapped up to me. He got what he wanted (GK movie). I feelike we are out of the wood finally.
I'm going to share your ask, but share my thoughts with you.
I really love how positive you're, but I don't know if it's that easy. Talking about his projects, she was at the Ghosted premiere; however, I agree that if this is PR for him, it's definitely not about selling his projects or covering up bad reviews, but more about getting projects or maybe that Gene Kelly project out of it. It's weird she deleted the WN post; I don't really see the point of it, even if they don't want her in the movies (I think there was an article about WN getting 3 movies). I'm actually interested in the fact that if they actually don't want her in it, it is because of the things people found out about her, and because even though more people have gotten to know her because of Chris, most of them don't really like her?
It definitely seemed like in the summer that this whole thing (if this is PR) had come to an end; he deactivated his social media accounts; there were no birthday posts or the whole podcast; but then the whole wedding thing happened.
I wouldn't necessarily say that him having that Gene Kelly project in IMDb Pro and them removing Alba as his wife from it means too much. That Gene Kelly project appears from time to time, or maybe never even leaves, so I wouldn't really put too much hope into that. I'd rather say don't put too much hope into anything they do or say. The only thing we can do is wait and see how this whole thing ends.
The problem here is that if this was only for PR reasons and there wasn't even a wedding, that doesn't really help the situation right now. They either need to fake a divorce or say that there was only a party in MA and they went on a vacation with friends in PT. Acting like nothing happened won't really help. Prior to the whole wedding thing, they could've just simply broken up and gone on with their lives, but that won't be that easy anymore.
These are obviously only plays if this whole thing is PR.
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anthonyartz1109 · 2 months
Here's the full animation, complete after about 4ish weeks
I spent almost every in the studio trying to finish this and I did one all-nighter just to render it
It is definitely one of my proudest animations and I'm more than happy with the way it turned out and that I actually managed to finish it considering how big the animation was in comparison to the other animations I've created
When making this animation, which really emphasised the validation of my process of making animatics, I learnt that colouring/inking the animation can take just as long as trying to animate in TVPaint and that is all thanks to the pixilation in TVPaint's canvas'
The pixilation makes it really annoying to select the areas you need coloured/inked and, even if you increase the selection depth, if it thicker than the lineart, it will select the whole canvas
I say it every time and I'll say it again, TVPaint would be so much better if it was, at basis the same, but had passive features that are to today's standard of animation software
I've never programmed a software so I don't know how difficult it is, but it's an industry software, the developers can afford to make those updates >:(
The camera movements, timing, and putting all the scenes together was all done in after effects and to be honest, I was working off of muscle memory with after effects
For the most part, it's one of adobes not-as-complicated software which was why it was simple enough for me to remember how to do what I wanted to do for this animation; can't stress enough how important those camera movements are and how much it adds to the animation
There were two parts to the sound, to edit the sound where I needed to (making the bear running sound from editing the sound of a horse galloping), I used audacity which I would say I am well versed in using because I use it all the time
To put the sounds in the animation and have them play at the right times, I used premiere pro, another of adobes software's that aren't too unnecessarily complex to use, again allowing muscle memory to kick in to do what I needed to do
The music, which isn't copyright free, is 'Since U Asked' by Swim Good Now and I thought it fit the scene perfectly in my opinion
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ivanpshenichnyy · 2 months
Reflection 3
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
This journey has definitely helped me to improve many of my skills and learn new ones. As I did this project alone, I had to delve into multipe roles like filming, editing, directing and producing which was so fun.
To film, I reserached about existing filming apps on iPhone and I found an app called Blackmagic Cam, which I used to film 90% of my footage. It's much more powerful and useful than the standard camera, as it offers many feautres like framing, colouring, auto corrections, various filming modes, easier control for zooms and fields deepth, and ability to change FPS, lens and etc. It was very intersting to explore it, and it felt like a trial of a professional camera. Even though it made the whole process easier, it was still challenging for me to get the right angles, shots and composition so I had like 20 different takes for each scene, and I had to pick the best ones on post production. My father helped me to film some shots, and for example I remember me explaining how to use the grid in the app (rule of thirds) to film they way I needed it to be.
I've never written any plots before so it was new to me. I've researched genres, plots of the films I loved, different narratives, and conventions. I had to learn how professional scripts are structured and write them myself. I cultivated my ability to brainstorm ideas. Then I've read about character archetypes which helped me to craft my own protagonist. It was interesting to delve into a bit of psychology. Also I learned how to make a good and understanable plot with deep meanings in a short amount of time and not much dialogues.
I've learned about many technical aspects like micro elements of film such as camera shots, angles, sound, and mise-en-scène and other elements like writing script and filming that I could later practically apply while doing my preliminary exercises. Now I know about resolutions, aspect rations, codecs, bitrate settings, frame rates, audio rates, sound design and distribution strategies used by actual movie productions. Also now when I watch the movies, I notice all these micro elements and it's a very interesting perspective to look at films because I can appreciate and understand the artistry and cratsmanship behind filmmaking. By the end of coursework I was much more confident about analysing movies and using these technical terms, than in the start.
In one of my previous posts, I told that I had to change the plot idea as my filmings didn't go well. That part was stressful because I would come home after a few hours with no good footage, trying to improve it which didn't work. But failing was part of process. I learned from my mistakes and they allowed me to evolve and use my strengths and be more pragmatic, which allowed be to convey meaning better. Ultimately I was much happier with my final idea.
One of the most important parts was the post-production. I already had some experience with software such as Premiere Pro, Photoshop and Audacity but I also experimented with new ones like Adobe Audition and After Effects. I was always interested in the behind the scenes processes behind those cool animations and sound effects. This project allowed me to gain these insights. I watched a lot of youtube tutorials and made changes every day since I started editing my project. I learned how to properly cut, trim vides, make fades, add transitions, use Lumetri Color tools, add sound effects, add titles, I learned about export and render settings and other things.
Also one of the most fundamental skills was the project management. Now when I finishing my coursework, I understand how crucial it is to have clear understanding of deadlines and have schedules for each phase of production. If I organised my time more effectively, I could of saved so much time.
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shellysmediamusings · 9 months
Algorithms of oppression reflection
Algorithms of oppression explores the impact that the algorithms of search engines shape our understanding of the world and how biases present in algorithms may be a negative consequence of this. 
Noble touches on a good point that I think many people forget. All tech companies, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc. all exist to make money and earn capital. I did catch myself in the line of thinking that these platforms are neutral and existed to provide a service. It’s easy to think Google engineers really just want you to find that word on the tip of your tongue, or Facebook’s coders just want to make sure you can save your child’s baby pictures. In reality, these companies want to be profitable, and many times this results in a marginalized group being further marginalized on these sites. 
I found an article that discusses biases of AI and thought it was pretty interesting: 
Noble’s discussion of Dylan Roof was very interesting to me. While I agreed with her summation of Google radicalizing Roof to kill worshipers in Charleston, I also think the topic of Trayvon Martin specifically made me think a lot about the internet and activism. In particular, I thought about the first time I ever saw a video of a Black man or woman killed by police. I think I was probably very young, maybe under 15. I agree that more people should film their interactions with the police in an attempt to capture the truth, but I do wonder if seeing this content at such a young age is beneficial to anyone. At age 19, when George Floyd was murdered by police, I was completely used to seeing these videos. Her discussion of Dylan Roof made me think more about how the algorithm optimizes these videos. I know they’re important for people to see, they are an accurate depiction of reality, but I do think it’s weird content like that gets pushed. 
I recognize these videos have to be seen, but algorithms pushing them creates a bit of cognitive dissonance for me. Really not sure how to feel! 
The other readings this week surrounding different forms of digital inequality were also very interesting. I agree with the Robinson et al. piece that digital inequalities will soon be as prominent as other divides in our society. A phone in your pocket that can connect you with others, deliver an answer in seconds and create engaging content is becoming a sign of privilege. Of course, the Stevens et al. piece describes how these devices can be negative as the tensions and problems faced in real life are then replicated online. 
This article I found discusses the algorithmic feedback loop and how this may make inequalities worse rather than minimizing them: 
Overall these readings made me think a lot about how white privilege thrives online and also how my own white privilege made me unaware of a lot of these issues. I feel like I fail to notice these small trends that do point to very large inequalities. . 
I wanted to explore the problem Noble first examined a little bit on my own. 
I decided to see the difference in googling just “why are men” and “why are women” to see if any algorithmic bias would be present. I googled the following items to try to note any changes. Maybe Google knew this was a problem from Noble’s work and altered the auto-fill, but this is what I got! 
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I really wanted to do a different medium for my reflection this week but cannot remember my Adobe login for Premier pro! Hopefully next week!!!!
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dpinoycosmonaut · 9 months
by Bert A. Ramirez / September 18, 2023
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Photo from FIBA.com
Basketball’s premier test, the FIBA World Cup, has been decided, but a look at its best individual performers is worth taking for dyed-in-the-wool roundball aficionados.  After all, this is the same event where the country, no matter how early in the sport’s history it was, and its greatest player ever, Carlos Loyzaga, first gained recognition.  Remember 1954?  That’s almost 70 years ago now but it was when the Philippines, led by King Caloy, achieved a podium finish in basketball’s World Cup (still called World Championship then), a feat that, to this day, no country in Asia has matched.
And Loyzaga, The Great Difference to fans and historians alike, was then among the five best players in the world, having been named to the event’s All-Tournament Team.
Fast forward to 2023, and for the first time in its history, the FIBA has come up not only with its traditional All-Star Five but also an All-Second Team to honor this year’s best individual performers.  People now know, of course, that Dennis Schroder, by virtue of his having led Germany to its first-ever world championship, won the tournament’s Most Valuable Player award, following Ricky Rubio of 2019 champion Spain who didn’t make it to this year’s competition, in winning the honors.
Schroder leads four other players on the tournament’s All-Star Five, which also includes Bogdan Bogdanovic of losing finalist Serbia, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander of bronze-medal winner Canada, Anthony Edwards of fourth-placer USA, and Luka Doncic of seventh-placer Slovenia.
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Photo from FIBA.com
Making it to the inaugural All-Second Team, meanwhile, are Arturs Zagars of surprise fifth-placer Latvia, Simone Fontecchio of No. 8 Italy, Jonas Valanciunas of sixth-placed Lithuania, Nikola Milutinov of Serbia, and Franz Wagner of the champion Germans.
If one would be more discerning, he would notice that all members of both teams, with the exception of All-NBA First Teamers Gilgeous-Alexander and Doncic, belong to just the second tier of players in the NBA.  For that matter, Schroder and Rubio, the last two MVPs in the FIBA World Cup, are not even NBA All-Stars, and three of the players on the World Cup All-Stars – Zagars, Fontecchio and Milutinov – are not even in the NBA – yet.
But this doesn’t mean the quality of players in the FIBA World Cup is not at par with that of the acknowledged top pro league in the world.  If anything, the latest denouement of the world competition just proves two things – efficient teamwork and commitment to a system will always be an advantage in basketball wherever it is played, and, second, if one is to go with the concept of winning with the best individual players, it better be with an overpowering cast similar to the original Dream Team where the US won by an average of 45 points, the biggest average winning margin in Olympic history next only to the Bill Russell-led 1956 US team’s 53.5-point winning edge.
One, however, has to qualify that that one and only Dream Team was not only made up of great individual players – despite the fact that one, Larry Bird, was already hobbled and was in his last tournament, it turned out, before retiring – but also of players whose instincts for team play were unmatched and whose passing skills seemed to have been with them since birth.  Try Magic Johnson, Bird, John Stockton, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, who averaged no less than five assists in their careers, both in the regular season and the playoffs.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that this year’s FIBA World Cup standouts should be dismissed.  They deserve recognition as much as their more heralded predecessors in world competitions, whether it be the World Cup or the Olympics, and should thus be extolled.
Schroder, for one, proved that perseverance pays off in the end.  Having tied a dubious tournament record for most missed shots in a game when he shot just 4-of-26 from the floor in Germany’s 81-79 quarterfinal victory over Latvia, the 6-foot-1 point guard that has played for seven NBA teams delivered when it counted most.  He helped his team beat the US 113-111 in that fateful semifinal matchup with 17 points and a game-best nine assists, and then followed it up by scoring a game-high 28 points in the finals against Serbia, including a deft driving layup that iced the contest and the championship with 21.4 seconds left. 
Schroder averaged 19.1 points, 6.1 assists, 2.0 rebounds and 1.4 steals for the tournament as he deservedly won the MVP trophy.
Bogdanovic, meanwhile, was the most consistent player on the Serbia side, topping his team in scoring with 19.1 points while also norming 4.6 rebounds, 3.3 assists and 2.1 steals, sixth in the tournament.  He led the Serbians to their decisive 95-86 triumph over Canada with 23 points in the semifinals and had 17 points and a game-high five assists in the final.
Gilgeous-Alexander, who until he hit a rough patch against Serbia in the semifinals, battled for the tournament’s scoring championship, was one of the FIBA Worlds’ top all-around players, averaging 24.5 points, 6.4 boards, 6.4 feeds and 1.6 steals.  Gilgeous-Alexander asserted himself in that third-place game against his NBA counterparts on the US squad, putting up a big double-double with 31 points and 12 assists as he combined with Dillon Brooks to give the Canadians that historic first-ever podium finish.
Edwards, who assumed the role of primary scorer for the Americans with the absence of such guys as Kevin Durant and Jayson Tatum, led the US with 18.9 points while also averaging 4.6 rebounds, 2.8 assists and 1.1 steals.  He had a personal high of 35 points in a meaningless 110-104 loss to Lithuania in the second round.
Doncic was the tournament’s top scorer with an average of 27.0 points per game as he became the only player to score 200 points in this year’s games with 216.  This is besides averaging 7.1 caroms and 6.1 assists and finishing third in the games in steals with 2.5 per contest.  The Dallas Mavericks’ franchise star had 29 points, 10 rebounds, eight handoffs and three steals as the Slovenians salvaged seventh place with an 89-85 victory over Italy.
The All-Second Team, on the other hand, may not be that star-studded but it’s made up of players who were no less impactful in determining their team’s fortunes.
Zagars, for example, must have made a lot of heads turn by leading Latvia to a surprising fifth-place finish despite missing top player Kristaps Porzingis.  Zagars, a 6-foot-3 guard, averaged 12.4 scores and a team-leading 7.4 assists, orchestrating the Latvians’ team-oriented style that saw five of them average double figures in scoring and, most importantly, coming up big in the clutches.  In Latvia’s surprising 98-63 blowout of Lithuania for fifth place, for example, the 23-year-old Zagars set a World Cup record with 17 assists without a single turnover.  But Zagars’ coming-out party came during that heartbreaking 81-79 quarterfinal loss to Germany, during which he was red-hot with 24 points on 9-of-17 floor shooting while passing for eight assists, both game highs.
Fontecchio, meanwhile, normed 18.0 points and 5.6 rebounds as he continued to be one of Italy’s premier players.  In that 78-76 comeback win over Serbia, for example, which dealt the Serbians their only loss in the tournament before the finals and clinched for Italy a quarterfinal slot, the 6-7 Fontecchio had a game-best 30 points, seven caroms and three assists, hitting what turned out to be the marginal basket with 33 seconds left.
Valanciunas led Lithuania in both scoring and rebounding, finishing with norms of 14.8 points and 8.8 rebounds, which ranked sixth in the tournament, while also averaging 1.3 blocks.  The 6-foot-11 center, now with the New Orleans Pelicans, became only the second player after Jose Ortiz of Puerto Rico to have recorded multiple double-doubles in three World Cup tournaments since 1994.
Milutinov, meanwhile, was the second-best player on the Serbian team as he averaged 12.1 points and a team-best 8.4 boards.  The seven-foot center, who plays for the Greek League squad Olympiacos, provided Serbia its primary option inside in these games with his 66.1 percent shooting from the field.
Wagner, who injured his ankle right in Germany’s first game against Japan and subsequently missed the next four games, earned his slot for having been instrumental in the Germans’ historic championship triumph.  He averaged 16.8 points, a team-best 6.8 rebounds and 3.0 assists in the four games he played for the Germans, and it may be safe to say that his team wouldn’t have finished on top had he not recovered.   The 6-foot-10 forward, a two-year veteran with the Orlando Magic, played a crucial role in Germany’s 81-79 quarterfinal victory against Latvia, taking over when Schroder struggled with just nine points as he led his team with 16 points and eight caroms.  He also scored 22 in his team’s semifinal triumph over the US and, finally, capped his memorable campaign with 19 points in the championship match.
For the first time in the World Cup, the tournament has also come up with awards for the Best Defensive Player and Best Coach, and winning these seminal honors are Dillon Brooks of Canada and Latvia headman Luca Banchi.
Brooks, the feisty former Memphis swingman in the NBA now with Houston, was the primary defensive force for Canada, helping the Canadians to a crucial 100-89 victory over Doncic and Slovenia in the quarters with his physical one-on-one defense and holding down the US’ potent wing scorers in their 127-118 overtime victory over the Americans to clinch a historic bronze medal even while burning the hoops in this one with a tournament-high 39 points, including 7-of-8 from three-point range.  
Banchi, of course, might have done the most with the least by leading an undermanned but gallant Latvian squad to fifth place in its first-ever World Cup.  With Banchi orchestrating the Latvians, the latter showcased a beautiful brand of team basketball that saw them average 24.4 assists throughout the tournament, the most among the eight quarterfinalists and third among all teams, as they bucked the absence of Porzingis while overcoming a lot of other talented, more loaded teams.
This year’s FIBA World Cup might not have seen the best players right now with the missing NBA superstars from the game’s cradle, the US, along with what arguably may be the best big men in the world today, Nikola Jokic of reigning NBA champion Denver, who could have made a huge difference in Serbia’s campaign, and Giannis Antetokounmpo of Milwaukee, who could have provided Greece an irresistible force on the floor, as well as such other stars as Jokic’s Nuggets teammate Jamal Murray of Canada, Domantas Sabonis of Lithuania, Al Horford of the Dominican Republic and this year’s top NBA draft pick Victor Wembanyama of France.
But, as Schroder, Gilgeous-Alexander and Doncic have shown, the game wouldn’t be short of talent and elite brand of basketball as long as its practitioners will continue to move on with unbridled passion for the sport regardless of the circumstances and the continuum.  Loyzaga and company, among the game’s pioneers, had paved the way for today’s generation of players with what then was the best brand of basketball, and the best performers in this year’s World Cup have certainly upheld that tradition.
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valmepublishing · 1 year
The Pro’s Guide to Coloring Books
Leave a Comment / Adult coloring books, Children's coloring books, Coloring books for creativity, Coloring books for stress relief, Nature coloring books / By valmepublishing
How to Add Color and Life to Every Page
Right Tools
If you’re ready to take your coloring book hobby to the next level, you need to start using the right tools. Luckily, Amazon has everything you need to color like a pro, including high-quality colored pencils, markers, and gel pens.
A great place to start is with the Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils, which are widely considered the best colored pencils on the market. With their smooth, blendable colors and versatile point, you’ll be able to create stunning pages with ease.
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To add depth and texture to your coloring, consider using gel pens, like the Gelly Roll Gel Pens. These pens have a unique, translucent ink that can be layered and blended to create unique, three-dimensional effects.
Basic Supplies
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In addition to the right tools, you’ll also need a few basic supplies, like a good quality coloring book and some blending tools, like blending stumps or Q-tips. Amazon has a wide selection of coloring books to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that fits your style.
Once you have all the right materials, it’s time to start coloring! One of the keys to coloring like a pro is to take your time and be patient. Start with lighter colors and build up to the darker colors, blending and layering as you go.
Another important technique to master is shading. To create depth and dimension in your coloring, vary the pressure you apply to your pencil, marker, or pen as you color. The lighter the touch, the lighter the color; the harder you press, the darker the color.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Coloring like a pro is all about finding what works for you and what makes you happy. Try different techniques, like cross-hatching, stippling, and scrapbook paper, to create unique, one-of-a-kind pages.
Finally, remember to have fun! Coloring books are all about relaxation and creativity, so don’t stress about making perfect pages. Just enjoy the process and let your creativity flow.
Whether you’re a seasoned colorist or just starting out, The Pro’s Guide to Coloring Books: How to Add Color and Life to Every Page will help you color like a pro in no time. So go ahead, grab one of the Amazon coloring books below and get ready to create some stunning, vibrant pages!
Coloring the Middle Ages: Experience the Medieval Life and Culture through ColoringLegendary
Legends: A Coloring Book of Mythical Monsters
Sweetheart Garden: An Afrocentric Romantic Coloring Adventure
Exploring the Deep Sea: Coloring the Mysterious Creatures of the Abyss
Beautiful Birds Coloring Book: 30 Beautiful Birds You Might Not Have Heard About 
Downtown Dreamscapes: A Colorful Adventure
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teamnovanti · 1 year
Why Novanti is So Inactive, and Other News
Hey everyone! I’m not sure if you even remember this channel at this point, but Novanti is still around. In fact, I’m planning on releasing our first big video of 2023 in just one or two weeks from now! But, where were we?
Simply put, all of us have been quite busy with… quite a few things, school being one of them. And it gets tiring, too. I know you’ve heard this many times, so to cut to the chase, none of us in Team Novanti have had time to do stuff on the channel, as much as we’d like to. Nor is Novanti anywhere near the top of any of our priorities.
Watch the video below, or keep reading:
In the past, I tried to hold myself to a weekly upload schedule on Novanti. That was easier when my videos were mostly gameplay with not much scripted commentary, and whatever videos were scripted were much simpler than the average Novanti video nowadays. Unfortunately, due to the amount of research, planning, and editing that goes into today’s Novanti videos, I’m going to completely ditch the idea of an upload schedule for Novanti. Novanti is not the only channel I run anymore; in fact, I run two others, but I put much less effort into those than I do into Novanti, and honestly, I have a lot more fun just screwing around with my videos and sharing things I think are funny or that I just want to share. I try to run Novanti by the same ethos, but I think I’m just… artificially holding my standards too high for Novanti.
My last video made in Premiere Pro, which was my 1,000 subscriber special, was probably my best work of video editing I’ve done. But not only do I not even use Premiere Pro anymore, I don’t think doing this same style is… productive. Videos on serious and important topics don’t mesh well with the style I’ve built up doing videos on Geometry Dash. So, I’m going to start anew with how I edit Novanti videos, with a style that fits my new content better.
To be honest, recording my voice is the hardest part. For those of you who’ve seen my long-unlisted cancel culture video, my voiceover was… utterly terrible. Way too fast for many people to understand, not to mention me getting caught on a few words. Fun fact, that’s actually how I normally talk. In all honesty, it takes me quite some effort to talk slowly enough for everyone to understand me. It’s even harder when reading scripts. This is the biggest factor in why I rarely ever upload. Not because of how I edit, not because of creating the scripts, but creating a voice over of them. Mostly because of problems with how I speak that are almost entirely out of my control, and I’m not even beginning to talk about voice dysphoria, nor will I. That’ll be for a future video. All I’m going to say is, if I start to sound different in the future, know that it’s for the better, but don’t expect any changes to my voice for at least a few months.
Now, for some other updates. If you haven’t heard yet, we have a Tumblr now! teamnovanti.tumblr.com, it’s in the description. We’ll be posting channel updates to Tumblr, just as we will resume doing on Twitter, but Tumblr’s lack of a word count gives us another opportunity. We will be posting full video transcripts to Tumblr, so that our content can become more accessible to those who may have a hard time hearing us. Full captions will also be on our videos, as always. If you have any better suggestions as to where we should put our video transcripts, let us know.
As stated in the beginning, I’m hoping to upload my first big video of 2023 in just a week or two, that video being the Inclusive Language introduction video. I’m going to talk about gender-neutral language, pronouns, and more in it, and I plan on adding more videos to a potential series about inclusive language, though my actual plans may vary.
That’s all for now. See you soon, hopefully, and happy new year!
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barbarewjohnson · 2 years
Facebook Video Creation Kit: How to Make Videos That Drive Results
In today’s social media landscape, video is more important than ever. And with Facebook’s new Video Creation Kit, businesses of all sizes can easily create high-quality videos that drive results.
The Facebook Video Creation Kit is a free, online toolkit that includes templates, graphics, and tips for creating videos that are optimized for Facebook. With the kit, businesses can quickly create videos that are tailored to their specific goals and objectives.
Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or boost sales, the Facebook Video Creation Kit can help you achieve your desired results. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
How to Create Facebook Videos that Engage Your audience
1. The first step to creating engaging Facebook videos is to come up with a concept that will resonate with your audience. Keep in mind what kind of content they generally respond well to, and try to come up with an original angle that will capture their attention. Remember that people are more likely to watch a video if it’s entertaining, informative, or both.
2. Once you have a solid concept, the next step is to start putting together your Facebook video creation kit. This should include everything you need to shoot and edit your video, including a camera, tripod, lighting equipment, and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. If you don’t have access to all of this gear, don’t worry – there are plenty of great smartphone apps that can help you get the job done (see our list below).
3. Once you have all the necessary equipment, it’s time to start shooting! Be sure to frame each shot correctly and pay close attention to lighting – this will make a big difference in the quality of your final product. When editing your video, be sure to add captions or subtitles so that viewers can follow along even if they can’t hear the audio clearly. Finally, consider adding some music or sound effects which can really help set the tone and engage viewers from beginning to end.
By following these steps carefully, you should be able create Facebook videos that perfectly engage your target audience – good luck!
Tips for Creating Better Facebook Videos
1. The first step to creating better Facebook videos is understanding what makes a good video. There are a few key elements that all successful videos have in common. They are interesting, visually appealing, and tell a story that connects with the viewer.
2. Once you understand what makes a good video, you can begin planning your own Facebook videos. The best way to do this is by using a facebook video creation kit. This will help you plan out your shots, edit your footage, and add any special effects or music that you want.
3. After you have created your video, it is important to promote it properly. The best way to do this is by adding tags and descriptions that accurately describe your video content. You should also share your video on other social media platforms and websites to get more people interested in watching it.
What Makes a Good Facebook Video?
There is no one answer to the question of what makes a good Facebook video. However, there are certain elements that all successful Facebook videos share. First and foremost, a good Facebook video must be entertaining. It should also be visually appealing and easy to understand. Finally, a good Facebook video should be properly formatted and optimized for the social media platform.
The best way to ensure that your video meets all of these criteria is to use aFacebook Video Creation Kit. These kits contain everything you need to produce a high-quality video, including templates, graphics, music, and more. With a little bit of effort, you can create a video that will captivate your audience and get them engaged with your brand.
How to Increase Views and Shares for Your Facebook Videos
If you’re looking to increase the views and shares for your Facebook videos, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, make sure your videos are high quality and offer something unique that viewers will want to watch. Secondly, use effective titles and descriptions that accurately reflect what’s in the video and entice viewers to click on it. Thirdly, utilize Facebook’s sharing features to help get your video out there. For example, share it on your personal profile, in relevant groups, and with pages that have a similar target audience. Finally, promote your video through paid advertising on Facebook. By doing all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to increasing the reach of your Facebook videos!
The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Effective Facebook Videos
When creating a Facebook video, there are some important dos and don’ts to keep in mind. First, let’s start with the dos:
Do use engaging visuals: Make sure your videos are visually appealing as people are more likely to watch a video that captures their attention right away. Good visuals can be anything from colorful graphics to on-screen text.
Do film in landscape mode: This is especially important if you’re planning on running ads with your video as Facebook gives preference to landscape videos in the ad algorithm.
Do keep it short and sweet: People have short attention spans, so it’s important to make your point quickly and concisely. The ideal length for a Facebook video is under two minutes.
Don’t forget about sound: Many people scroll through their feed with the sound off, so it’s important to still capture viewers even without audio. Use subtitles or captions so people can still follow along even if they can’t turn up the volume.
Don’t neglect your thumbnail image: Your thumbnail image is what will show up on someone’s feed before they click play, so make sure it’s eye-catching and represents your video well.
Don’t ignore calls to action: If you want people to take a specific action after watching your video (like subscribing to your page), make sure to include a clear call-to-action at the end of your video
Why You Should be Making Facebook Videos
Hey everyone! In today’s blog post, we’ll be discussing the importance of Facebook videos and why you should be making them! As you may know, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2 billion active users. That’s a lot of people that you could potentially reach by creating videos for Facebook!
One of the great things about Facebook videos is that they are highly shareable. If your video is creative and informative, there’s a good chance that people will want to share it with their friends and family. This can help to increase your brand awareness and get more people interested in what you have to say!
Another reason to start making Facebook videos is that they are a great way to build relationships with your audience. By regularly posting engaging and interesting content, you can develop a rapport with your viewers which will make them more likely to become loyal fans and customers. Plus, if you take the time to respond to comments and questions, you’ll further improve those relationships.
So what are you waiting for? Get started on making some awesome Facebook videos today!
Overall, the Facebook Video Creation Kit is a great way to create videos that drive results. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can create high-quality, engaging videos that will capture your audience’s attention and get them to take action.
The post Facebook Video Creation Kit: How to Make Videos That Drive Results appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
Facebook Video Creation Kit: How to Make Videos That Drive Results
In today’s social media landscape, video is more important than ever. And with Facebook’s new Video Creation Kit, businesses of all sizes can easily create high-quality videos that drive results.
The Facebook Video Creation Kit is a free, online toolkit that includes templates, graphics, and tips for creating videos that are optimized for Facebook. With the kit, businesses can quickly create videos that are tailored to their specific goals and objectives.
Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or boost sales, the Facebook Video Creation Kit can help you achieve your desired results. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
How to Create Facebook Videos that Engage Your audience
1. The first step to creating engaging Facebook videos is to come up with a concept that will resonate with your audience. Keep in mind what kind of content they generally respond well to, and try to come up with an original angle that will capture their attention. Remember that people are more likely to watch a video if it’s entertaining, informative, or both.
2. Once you have a solid concept, the next step is to start putting together your Facebook video creation kit. This should include everything you need to shoot and edit your video, including a camera, tripod, lighting equipment, and software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. If you don’t have access to all of this gear, don’t worry – there are plenty of great smartphone apps that can help you get the job done (see our list below).
3. Once you have all the necessary equipment, it’s time to start shooting! Be sure to frame each shot correctly and pay close attention to lighting – this will make a big difference in the quality of your final product. When editing your video, be sure to add captions or subtitles so that viewers can follow along even if they can’t hear the audio clearly. Finally, consider adding some music or sound effects which can really help set the tone and engage viewers from beginning to end.
By following these steps carefully, you should be able create Facebook videos that perfectly engage your target audience – good luck!
Tips for Creating Better Facebook Videos
1. The first step to creating better Facebook videos is understanding what makes a good video. There are a few key elements that all successful videos have in common. They are interesting, visually appealing, and tell a story that connects with the viewer.
2. Once you understand what makes a good video, you can begin planning your own Facebook videos. The best way to do this is by using a facebook video creation kit. This will help you plan out your shots, edit your footage, and add any special effects or music that you want.
3. After you have created your video, it is important to promote it properly. The best way to do this is by adding tags and descriptions that accurately describe your video content. You should also share your video on other social media platforms and websites to get more people interested in watching it.
What Makes a Good Facebook Video?
There is no one answer to the question of what makes a good Facebook video. However, there are certain elements that all successful Facebook videos share. First and foremost, a good Facebook video must be entertaining. It should also be visually appealing and easy to understand. Finally, a good Facebook video should be properly formatted and optimized for the social media platform.
The best way to ensure that your video meets all of these criteria is to use aFacebook Video Creation Kit. These kits contain everything you need to produce a high-quality video, including templates, graphics, music, and more. With a little bit of effort, you can create a video that will captivate your audience and get them engaged with your brand.
How to Increase Views and Shares for Your Facebook Videos
If you’re looking to increase the views and shares for your Facebook videos, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, make sure your videos are high quality and offer something unique that viewers will want to watch. Secondly, use effective titles and descriptions that accurately reflect what’s in the video and entice viewers to click on it. Thirdly, utilize Facebook’s sharing features to help get your video out there. For example, share it on your personal profile, in relevant groups, and with pages that have a similar target audience. Finally, promote your video through paid advertising on Facebook. By doing all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to increasing the reach of your Facebook videos!
The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Effective Facebook Videos
When creating a Facebook video, there are some important dos and don’ts to keep in mind. First, let’s start with the dos:
Do use engaging visuals: Make sure your videos are visually appealing as people are more likely to watch a video that captures their attention right away. Good visuals can be anything from colorful graphics to on-screen text.
Do film in landscape mode: This is especially important if you’re planning on running ads with your video as Facebook gives preference to landscape videos in the ad algorithm.
Do keep it short and sweet: People have short attention spans, so it’s important to make your point quickly and concisely. The ideal length for a Facebook video is under two minutes.
Don’t forget about sound: Many people scroll through their feed with the sound off, so it’s important to still capture viewers even without audio. Use subtitles or captions so people can still follow along even if they can’t turn up the volume.
Don’t neglect your thumbnail image: Your thumbnail image is what will show up on someone’s feed before they click play, so make sure it’s eye-catching and represents your video well.
Don’t ignore calls to action: If you want people to take a specific action after watching your video (like subscribing to your page), make sure to include a clear call-to-action at the end of your video
Why You Should be Making Facebook Videos
Hey everyone! In today’s blog post, we’ll be discussing the importance of Facebook videos and why you should be making them! As you may know, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2 billion active users. That’s a lot of people that you could potentially reach by creating videos for Facebook!
One of the great things about Facebook videos is that they are highly shareable. If your video is creative and informative, there’s a good chance that people will want to share it with their friends and family. This can help to increase your brand awareness and get more people interested in what you have to say!
Another reason to start making Facebook videos is that they are a great way to build relationships with your audience. By regularly posting engaging and interesting content, you can develop a rapport with your viewers which will make them more likely to become loyal fans and customers. Plus, if you take the time to respond to comments and questions, you’ll further improve those relationships.
So what are you waiting for? Get started on making some awesome Facebook videos today!
Overall, the Facebook Video Creation Kit is a great way to create videos that drive results. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can create high-quality, engaging videos that will capture your audience’s attention and get them to take action.
The post Facebook Video Creation Kit: How to Make Videos That Drive Results appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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realtylong · 2 years
Ffmpegx final cut pro
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For example, they both ship decoders for DV, various RLE flavors, and raw video with their operating systems. Don't use any of these, preferably ever.īoth companies also have their own implementations of standard codecs. Apple has 8BPS, Animation, Sorenson 3, and a few others I can't remember. MS has Video 1 (MSVC), MS-MPEG4v2-3, WMV7-9, and VC1. MS and Apple have both released proprietary codecs. Is it just MS pushing a particular format, or is it MS and Apple both? I know its hard to imagine DV not spanning across platforms however, that is certainly the case.
Nevertheless, I imagine if windows can play a video "straight out of the box" it will be able to edit it with any app that is installed thus I have made that my basis or goal. I have no idea if most editing apps are quicktime based. Well, I have tried to make a point of my problem involving editing but I may have been unclear, besides which, most attempts have not played correctly in any event, so that may have tended me to not specify enough. And I imagine that as long as MS is pushing their own formats, it won't ever exist. If you're looking for one format to rule them all, it just doesn't exist.
Regardless, a machine with an editing app on it would be a far cry from "straight out of the box" and I can't imagine one that doesn't come with support for the DV codec in an avi as daishi suggested.Īlso, are all these people bringing in portable HDs as well? How exactly are they getting this DV footage (or God forbid uncompressed) back home?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most (certainly not all, but most) PC editing apps QT based anyway, and therefore already have QT? I haven't used a PC for video in awhile so that may have changed. I think most of the original advice assumed you were just trying to play the files on each platform, not edit.
Most people would say "just install quicktime" or other sidesteps, I've gotten to the point where now I just want to find something as generic as possible for myself. As I said before most people would say "just install quicktime" or other sidesteps, but that always seemed to me to be avoiding the issue. I've talked to a number of people since I exhausted general google searches and I never have gotten much of an answer. I have a number of other duties I have to take care of and I really don't have time to teach each person what a codec is, what to install, and all the minutia.īeing naive I thought there was going to be a very simple, very common format I could tell everyone to use, and write instructions for, a cross-platform format. No harm there, but a very healthy portion of these people, despite wanting to edit video, do not have the same general knowledge base I have to figure out what codecs needs be installed and so on. More often than not these students also have adobe premiere or some such program on their windows computer at home and would prefere to edit there. and they want to put some film into a digital format. However, a number of students frequently come in to use the machine because they don't have a vcr or av switch etc. For my own part, using various codecs on various os's isn't a big deal. care to explain your situation? Sure, I work in a university general lab doing various odd jobs one of which is managing an iMac used for audio/video editing. I don't understand a situation where one would need to be editing-capable, but yet limited to what os has. Just find some dv vfw codec and install on windows machine. Bidaum, yes, os's don't pack a lot of when it comes to video, so you'll probably have to back up on your original request.
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luxebanana · 2 years
Hitfilm pro trial
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Most people don't edit MP4 on the timeline. VEGAS 15 isn't much different from 14, which isn't really a huge difference from VEGAS 8. It has well-implemented GPU Acceleration for Playback and Rendering (for both Intel iGPUs and Discrete Nvidia/AMD GPUs) while VEGAS has almost none (only NVENC/QSV support for H.264/HEVC Encoding). The difference between Premiere and VEGAS is that Premiere makes better use off your hardware.
Premiere Pro doesn't use that much resources, though of course you will use more as your project grows. See in Microsoft Store (opens in new tab) Works with popular file formats and project files.If you're looking to try out a new video editor or are considering getting into video editing, I highly recommend trying out VEGAS Pro 15, though remember that if you want a free trial, you'll have to go through Vegas' website (opens in new tab). Its initial cost is high but competitor's subscription costs can add up over time and surpass VEGAS Pro 15's price in a couple of years. The $399.99 price tag is hefty, but depending on what you use VEGAS Pro 15 for could be justified. The interface isn't fresh or modern but is very functional and customizable allowing you to create a comfortable workspace to get work done according to your preferences.
It has powerful features, a relatively low learning curve if you've used professional video editing apps, and it works with popular file formats and project file types. I've been on a quest for an excellent video editor that's available in the Microsoft Store and VEGAS Pro 15 has bumped out any competition for that top spot. It has a great feature set, and performs some tasks very easily such picture-in-picture editing. But just because Vegas Pro 15 is different doesn't mean it's bad. I've used Premiere Pro for years and I admit that using any program, no matter how good it is, seems very foreign at first. Workflows take time to develop and are hard to change, so if you're used to being on another video editing program, switching to VEGAS Pro 15 can seem awkward. This makes it so that you don't wall yourself into a Vegas ecosystem when many other creators will likely be using other programs. It's also leaps and bounds above the competition that's within the Microsoft Store, which generally speaking doesn't even approach professional video editing.Įven if you're planning on editing your own videos from start to finish within VEGAS Pro 15, it's nice that it supports Premiere Pro project files as well as other industry standard file formats and project types. It might not have every single feature that Premiere Pro has, but for a large number of users, it will get the job done. VEGAS Pro 15 is a professional video editor with support for color correction, chorma keying, subtitles, multi-cam editing and more. These dominate the professional workspace of video editors but VEGAS Pro 15 has a good reputation and is one of the first apps that people look at when it comes to Premiere Pro alternatives. When it comes to video editors, the industry standards are Adobe's Premiere Pro, and Final Cut Pro if you're on Mac.
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jmdbjk · 2 years
GCF Tokyo
Jimin and Jungkook, Part Four. November 8, 2017.
(go back to pt. 3 here)
I wish I could remember the exact date I watched it for the first time, some time during the summer of 2021. I wish I could go back and watch it with fresh eyes and blank context of who they were. But as it was, I had a slight idea of what it was all about, but still didn’t know what to expect.
When the last image of Jimin cuts to the end frame my brain was dumbfounded.
My first impression was that it was very well done. Loved the music. The pacing was balanced and the edits were clean meaning the visuals were edited well with the audio track. It had a narrative flow: leaving on a plane, arriving at the hotel at night then the next morning the taxi to sightseeing and shopping, the restaurant, the amusement park and all with visual images that were compelling (I mean, it was Jimin, need I say more?).
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But the idea that these two went on a weekend trip alone and JK videoed it and edited it and the focus of the video was on Jimin really left me a little confused. I immediately started digging into it and learned who Troye Sivan was, the song, the lyrics, watched the video again and again to see the editing. I read about the “behind” story of how the trip came about and all the chatter about it when it happened. 
Did Jungkook set out to shoot all this footage for the specific purpose of creating a message to show the public? Or was it all an organic process where he was just trying to learn some video/editing techniques, and just emulating a tutorial he found on YouTube? I believe it was both. He has stated a few times that he is very deliberate in his work and choices. Detective Army think this is the YouTube tutorial Jungkook followed. I agree. 
The tutorial stresses the importance of the music in setting the mood and creating the cadence of the video and gives advice on how to choose music. 
Jungkook chose a song by an openly gay artist. He specifically chose a song that was copyrighted, that he had to seek permission to use. Jungkook received permission to use this Troye Sivan song for this video...let that sink in.
The tutorial gives a lot of technical tips on color and image manipulation in Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software. Jungkook chose the specific footage clips to edit to the song lyrics. (Imagines JK sitting at his computer staring at images of Jimin while experimenting with color filters and luminosity...sorry, geeked out on creating art for a moment.)
He didn’t have to publish it on their official YouTube (that has 65 million subscribers). He didn’t have to show anyone at all. But he did. He could also have had it taken down if the feedback was totally not what he was aiming for... 
(pause a sec to engage critical thinking: we’ve heard Jungkook mention a few times “now Army will always think that about me...” when things inadvertently happen or are said about him)
The real deal was when I read the comments from people who had no idea who they were. That’s when I wished I had also viewed it the first time not knowing. I think that’s when I fell in love with them and their bond.
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I think I’ve watched that thing dozens of times. I see Jimin ducking his head to hide his face from people in crowded spaces so they won’t be recognized and I see his huge smile and how much fun he obviously had even though I can imagine him begging to get off that damn tea cup ride as it spins around. The slo-mo of Jimin during the lyric: “I hope you’re waiting at the end” was especially meaningful...(getting all feely again just thinking about it).
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Oh my god, the freedom they must have felt during that trip! And I especially love that it seems Jimin had no idea what JK’s intentions were while he had his camera in Jimin’s face all that time and even a moment when Jimin is gesturing for Jungkook to “turn that thing off already!” Jimin was perfectly natural, no onstage persona anywhere and it showed.
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I am sad I missed the total chaos that erupted when Jungkook unleashed this video upon the world. I am also sad that the chance of them ever experiencing something like that again, going on a getaway totally alone with no security accompanying them...highly unlikely again for a long time. 
Watch it here: November 8, 2017: Golden Closet Film in Tokyo with JM
In the afterglow of that, by December 8, 2017 we have this V Live where they are looking through photo posters and photo fans (the kind you fan yourself with when its hot). This part is at 10:17 in this  V Live: JM & JK Live! 🐶🐰
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There was this shift between them after GCFT. Things leveled up even more in 2018. There was a lot more of “what was that???!!!” going on when we saw them.
go to Part Five ...
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