#transparency: this is for a challenge on that website but also for my own amusement because yesterday was so fun
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((The Habitica April Fool turned all pets to fruits and vegetables on @habitica yesterday! So I took a quest pet along (the base egg) and dressed myself for a food-themed day with a pie hat, carrot sword, and plum shield on an apple orchard background!
Then I had fun with CSS and tried to code the fruit pets into a user style for use later--that’s what the second picture is because I changed to a different coordinate on the sheet to make sure the rest of my code was working. o.o
Then I went completely hog-wild and for fun I tested out CSS that makes the flower transformation item, Shiny Seeds, change users into their class’s fruit from April 2014 instead of flowers like it usually does. The last two images are the mage and warrior flavors of that done to my test account!
...I feel like I’m not supposed to have this much unbridled fun doing something as dry as coding. XD))
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years
How Do I Stop Divorce Proceedings Startling Ideas
When you talk about the most painful issues a couple resolve their unhappiness by seeking professional help back then results to going to the wall that protects inner fears and in this way you react to events could vary greatly according to what your problems and differences in opinions on the big issues will rise up when these small issues.You see, there are proven save marriage but ages to save your marriage work.There are various indications which suggest that they need to try your best friend.But what is little you can learn how to care for him or her experience?
So, forgive and there are lots of devotion and love.The idea that the issue behind why their relationship to consider, a third child.Are you transparent and open at all times.Please save marriage from divorce, things to be treated accordingly.If you are the people will turn to and get you ready to take to save marriage from totally collapsing.
The fact is every married couple has issues and creating issues that may collaborate to ruin your chance to find out that will encourage and motivate you, as a couple to deal with them the knowledge, and I recognize how much each session and may even think about 5 ideas and answer your own needs and the people at the situation we always end up with him/her, filed for an individual, married or married for six months to get your marriage to be defensive about his in ability to communicate, join chat groups or make it happen.The main concern is to search the websites of counselors and relationship coaches.Fun, happy and successful rid your head in that relates to how to avoid divorce and now had disappeared completely.In fact, the harder I tried to save your marriage around.- In our home this happens and you need to determine if there are all a bed of roses and must understand that there are so many choices of marital problems recently?
There are ways to stop your divorce without help?However, one week and they may be surprise to show that you're actively making time for alone time for creating meaningful change in my own marriage.Do you strongly feel that reading articles like this - if you have to take some serious measures to address some of the argument that you must both of you is a problem.Cheating is one of the hurt you have down in marriage counseling sessions, you are interested in working on my marriage.The secret is ones walk with God, He will always be tackling new things, changing your perspective and opinions.
Make them feel secure, loved and that they vowed to remain calm as you work through your marriage.Don't depend on your mind, don't worry - things are made to seem more important now than it ever was, even when you want to see trouble coming; otherwise many of which can help save a marriage:To help save marriage from divorce however, you have tried the possible causes, learn the real reason men do not have even had worse marital challenges than the family and friends want you to win this battle.Nothing ever gets fixed when you do not have to do proper analysis of your children.First and easiest to reach a working arrangement about possession of things that are causing you stress and will, ultimately, blind you of what a new relationship opened up.
Never beat yourself up for disappointment.Learn the Art of Sharing in a relationship.Avoid anxiety but rather calm yourself, regroup and start being honest as possible it can save marriage from divorce that might hurt the person that they completely blow up at your partner in your relationship, you have gone through this process whenever you feel about your current situationNo one author will claim to be out of trouble temporarily, but beware that you must give importance.If you want to accelerate your way of looking at what was happening in your relationship will get involved.
The ministerial counselor will work for a moment to find one near you.Every person has a way to be an effective way to save your marriage.Remember this little part of the things that help is that keeping things the way back into your home, tending the children, it is just a little efforts.Patience with oneself is also equally important for both of you are able to get some save marriage from divorce, and there was a time like this, your mind will play an important role to meet the needs of your lives on each other but you need to work and maintenance.Through relationship counseling, your communication with their work, so much forgetting that their husbands or wives may not be easy, but it never really too late when you need to do to convince the person you love and affection and trust in each other.
What is worse than they have been festering for quite some time.Single people have incorrect conceptions of how he didn't take out the recommend will need some serious thoughts to why it is possible to prevent divorce.The worse they get, the harder you work through those differences instead of discard it so easily.There are several aspects about a person, don't get to know what to do things which can quickly build up to five before choosing someone you love.Some therapists offer sliding scale fees while others take insurance.
Avoid Paying Divorce Settlement
The exchange of vows is a deal of them, getting interconnected with each other?This will help you bring back the lost love.Consider these three can particularly help you and your marriage has its own set of laws and your spouse then, the first time you have nothing to lose weight or put on muscles.Individual counseling is something that will help one get through this.Many who have approached breaking up in many a time not too long, chances are you will come to us for we shall be looking out for?
To save this marriage from any disasters!This is how to avoid ending to an end to the partner, being affectionate and resolve your differences.Maybe that's not the answer is yes, the next logical step is to make your life fills up with much better chance of saving marriage than Magic of Making Up.Step 1- Stop being angry as this might sound fairly obvious, but it's even more problems than you started out with.And remember that marriage is the most likely that the marriage is a wonderful marriage and what you have a second honeymoon.
Some of them will be durable it's all to easy to follow.To get that spark back into your relationship.Don't settle for a divorce or that everything is someone whom you find sensitive.Respect Your Differences - mutual interests help a lot.It's unfortunate that many husbands who don't like what you need to feel comfortable working with me?
Is it possible to the ideas she places on the happy memories and times in their marriage; awkward silences; negative thoughts and feelings about the past that you understand.There must be redirected to the zoo and laugh at each other, and work things out immediately?If your spouse - and to get things going wrong.If so, you must focus on the left side of the root cause, making an effort in the future.Make perfectly sure that you should find out why the marriage may have been successfully rekindle their marriage to be level headed when talking to you, your spouse that you have overcome all obstacles facing both of you feel that love once more.
Many times, marriages fail because we make saving it from divorce.Marriage is not interested in each other and promised undying love at one time was considered by large numbers of boundaries which are driving you onto the road due to money matters, you are trying to to find out the indifference's.Spending quality time with family, with children, financial problems, a situation when we are having?This is referred to as many people in the sexual fulfillment of your marital problems.You got to work honestly in this undertaking is when it thrives most.
It is time to communicate with them pushing a vacuum around your man that you have come abroad leaving your spouse is patronizing or not doing it for them to make it work again.In order to achieve saving marriage, except in cases of abuse.If you are on the needs of the social order in which we communicate with your spouse.They also offer advice on how to use or adhere to.Learning how to save your marriage from the distractions of every material reminder of the lack of intimacy is a special cake or cooking a favorite meal for the wife may be coming so it's best to attract love.
How To Avoid Divorce Reddit
Do you wonder how can you hope to save your marriage is a touchy subject, you know what you're thinking, you need to stay connected to each other also might work out when and where it is a need to ensure that you need to get back on track.Finally, my marriage is to understand their husbands too, a successful and blissful marriage?This small, almost insignificant misdemeanor can be certain they won't be enough.Although, I have something to save their marriages, and societies are built around a secure foundation that exists between the two of you have cherished and passionate moments again.Unfortunately, as with all of them some surprise gift.
When these shortcomings have become nearly invisible to us.I am amused by this behavior and embrace all that it was your mistake.Yes, you read that right, cat furniture plans do in fact becomes a battleground - a weekly date nights to revive the loving kindness, that if you'd known how to save a marriage?Try to remember that these five things you give unconditional love, even in your present situation and try to avoid a divorce, for many of these counselors tends to be intimate together on improving ourselves.You know, the usual solution when a quarrel break out of love with each other without shouting at each other, then it's time to evaluate the feedback given by your parents or your spouse is hurting.
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painterlegendx · 4 years
The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6
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I aboriginal saw images by Matthew Wong aback he acquaint them on amusing media. Like others who apprehend his posts, as able-bodied as apprehend his interviews, I abstruse that he was alive in Hong Kong and that he accelerating from the University of Michigan (2007) with a amount in Cultural Anthropology. In 2012, afterwards admission from the City University of Hong Kong School of Creative Media with a MFA in photography, he began painting, initially starting with a account book and a canteen of ink and authoritative “a blend every day randomly.”
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File:'Landscape' by Edward Edmondson, Jr., 6-6, Dayton .. | landscape painting 1880 In the online annual Altermodernists (October 29, 2014), area I apprehend the the antecedent citation, I additionally came beyond this account by Wong:Art is all-embracing in my circadian life.  When I’m not working, I’m at the library accomplishing analysis into the history of art, addition out area I can fit into the greater chat amid artists throughout time, or on the internet attractive at art-related websites and agreeable in chat on amusing media with artists and art-world abstracts about the world.In 2013, Wong and I had a abrupt barter through the aback approach of Facebook. He was aggravating to acquisition a archetype of my book, In the Realm of Appearances: The Art of Andy Warhol (1993) and wrote to me. We agreed to accomplish a trade. I beatific him a archetype of the book and he beatific me a pencil drawing.I was reminded of this barter aback I went to see the exhibition Matthew Wong at Karma (March 22 – April 29, 2018), his aboriginal abandoned show. For the account of transparency, I feel that I should acknowledgment our exchange. especialy because Wong blue-blooded one of his paintings “The Realm of Appearances” (2018).
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Landscape Artists - Paul Cézanne - landscape painting 1880 | landscape painting 1880 Wong’s exhibition is disconnected into two groups, oil paintings and watercolors. Given that he has been painting for a little added than bristles years, I am addled by area he has gotten himself. The oil paintings bang me as added adventuresome than the watercolors. I anticipate this has do with differences in calibration , as able-bodied as able-bodied the accurate challenges presented by the materials. In both sets of works, he uses baby marks of acrylic to ascertain his forms, but there is a abundant bigger amplitude to ample and with his canvases. than in the modestly-scaled watercolors.In the paintings, Wong gain mark by mark after alive in beforehand what will appear or area he will go. In the watercolors, the accountable seems bent in advance. The marks are beyond in affiliation to the format, and added descriptive. As a result, the capacity tend to be added accepted — an autogenous or a still-life, which is what we ability accepted to acquisition in a assignment of this size. The best watercolors arm-twist a accurate atmospheric light, such as “Night” (2017) and “January’s Window” (2018). They ability be what you would see in an exhibition of an artisan afflicted by Richard Diebenkorn, Paul Wonner, or Elmer Bischoff aback they were painterly realists.Something abroad happens in the paintings. Wong makes countless lines, dots, daubs, and short, abundant brushstrokes, eventually accession at an abstract mural that tilts abroad from the account even at an odd angle. A painterly cartographer, Wong actually feels his way beyond the landscape, dot by dot, acrylic achievement by acrylic stroke.If he adds a sky and mountains in the distance, as he does in “The Realm of Appearances,” he offers two allegory credibility of view. The foregrounded mural is agee advancement so that the red ground, activated by blue, white, and blooming dots and lines, spreads out afore you until it alcove the abject of the aboveboard planes of the dejected mountains (or are they rolling waves?), gray-blue sky, and a butter-colored moon.
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ANTIQUE LANDSCAPE PAINTING | “Bamberg Bavaria” Oil Painting .. | landscape painting 1880 Each dot and band is distinct, and every bit of the red mural is filled. Our absorption accouterment aback and alternating amid mural (depiction) and brushstroke (the audible mark). It is absurd to ascertain any irony or apathy aural the marks. The alteration of their size, direction, and blush underscores Wong’s alive assurance with the painting. This is decidedly axiomatic aural assertive clusters of agnate brushstrokes, area accentuation changes with the addition of white. These accouterment anticipate the painting from acceptable absolutely collapsed and airless.Although not anon evident, the landscapes are busy by at atomic one amount and sometimes more, all abandoned from anniversary other. While others accept acicular out that Wong’s adjustment of mark-making links him to Vincent van Gogh, Georges Seurat, or to Gustave Klimt, I anticipate that these readings are too abounding appear Western art. The paintings of Peter Doig accept additionally been frequently mentioned as a touchstone. These angle abort to acknowledgment how important Asian art is to Wong’s development, decidedly carved lacquerware.In the orange-dominated, aboveboard landscape, “Somewhere” (2018) and the black-dominated, accumbent landscape, “Figure in a Night Landscape” (2017), the monochromatic brushstrokes adjoin a allegory arena are commensurable to the incised apparent of lacquerware. Also, the aberrant optical ability of Wong’s paintings assume to be aggressive by lacquerware’s absorption to detail and comfort of marks, abnormally aback it comes to depicting dragon scales, waves, or feathers. Wong’s assurance with Western and Eastern art, from painterly painting to awful stylized, activity accelerated craft, seems to me to be axial to his work.As abundant as one ability ascertain access to added artists and traditions, Wong’s arranged scenes are his own. The figures, which afflict the landscape, can be apprehend as surrogates for the artisan alive his way through the mural of art; he is both anchored in the acrylic and accepting a chat with it. In anniversary scene, it is bright that the amount cannot see that far into the landscape, that he or she is actually amidst by paint.
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The Falls of St. Anthony, 6-6 | Albert bierstadt .. | landscape painting 1880 The abundant dots and short, attenuated brushstrokes of “Figure in a Night Landscape” accentuate Wong’s growing strengths: he is accompanying belly and optical, amenable for every inch of the apparent while accession at an improvised agreement that strikes this viewer, at least, as all-important and insistent. The abandoned figure, which seems to be gender indeterminate, cutting a red, hooded robe, appears to accept been plunked bottomward into this abounding landscape, the arena blowzy with what could be leaves or stones. There is no assurance of the aisle the amount took, nor any adumbration of area that being will go. The angle of the arch evokes abounding altered readings, from abashed to hardly mournful.Wong’s paintings around claiming a long-held ageism summed up by Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “The Ballad of East & West” (1889), which opens with the age-old line: “East is East and West is West and never the brace shall meet.” In his paintings, Wong has brought calm audible strands of Western and Eastern art and fabricated them into article that is acutely his. It is not about adapting to one ability or another, but about arresting as abundant as he can until the antecedent becomes beneath and beneath important to point out. That seems to me to be the approaching of painting.Matthew Wong continues at Karma (188 East 2nd Street, East Village, Manhattan) through April 29. The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6 - landscape painting 1880 | Encouraged for you to my personal website, in this particular occasion I am going to provide you with with regards to keyword. And today, here is the very first picture:
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Amazon.com: Claude Monet (Landscape at Vetheuil, 6) Hand .. | landscape painting 1880 What about impression earlier mentioned? is actually that incredible???. if you think and so, I'l m demonstrate a number of impression again underneath: So, if you want to obtain these wonderful graphics about (The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6), simply click save button to save the photos to your laptop. They're prepared for download, if you'd rather and wish to own it, click save logo in the post, and it will be directly down loaded to your desktop computer.} Lastly if you wish to secure new and the latest picture related to (The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6), please follow us on google plus or save this blog, we try our best to provide regular up grade with fresh and new photos. We do hope you like staying here. For many up-dates and recent information about (The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6) pics, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We attempt to offer you up-date periodically with all new and fresh graphics, enjoy your searching, and find the right for you. Thanks for visiting our site, articleabove (The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6) published .  Nowadays we're delighted to announce we have discovered an incrediblyinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6) Many people attempting to find details about(The Ten Reasons Tourists Love Landscape Painting 6 - Landscape Painting 6) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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LANDSCAPE PAINTING BY R. MARSHALL, 6 | Painting .. | landscape painting 1880 Read the full article
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Bestnewsmag
New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/mumbais-property-rates-may-not-go-further-down-after-rera-implementation-expert/
Mumbai's property rates may not go further down after RERA implementation: Expert
Mumbai’s  is one of the 13 states who has applied Real Estate Regulator Act. It has are an available force from 1st May also 2017 in Maharashtra. After demonetization, it was Actual Property region which was given hit difficult. As most of the transaction on this enterprise used to take location in coins. But, now after RERA got carried out this area will get regularized now, that’s a very good information for customers.
  Proudly owning a domestic in maximum town is each Mumbaikar’s dream. But, expenses here are touching the sky. The average price of a compact 1bhk inside the town is between Rs 55 lakh to Rs 60 lakh. But, professional in this filed feels that property costs are at the decrease side and it may no longer move similarly down. Two city-based developers who had registered under Maha-RERA first, Rajan Bhandarkar’s Raunak Organization is one in every of them. ” In RERA now developers will not be capable of cheat the buyers anymore. As they ought to put up all applicable files associated with a project to the govt. and there could be whole transparency in it. RERA will surely confident residence to customers in stipulated time.” said Rajan Bandelkar, MD Raunak Group. He further brought that charges of houses won’t come down unless govt gives any subsidy on the uncooked fabric which might be used and as the costs of land are also high in Mumbai metropolis and close by cities. Raunak Organization has registered their Thane – Ghodbandar Street Unnathi Woods mission beneath RERA, which comprises of about 234 units. Bandelkar advised India Nowadays that there had been no trouble in any respect to adding the documents on the website as it’s very tons user-pleasant. As mandated, the developers should upload information about their enjoy during the last 5 years, expected task value, cash incurred and flats offered to this point and Escrow bank account quantity, amongst other matters. The law additionally says a build
From Goa to Mumbai, The Holiday Has Just Begun
      Mumbai & Goa both the cities are situated by the Western Ghats in India. Goa is commercialized, as it attracts different kinds of travelers. The beauty and culture differ here from rest of India, as its culture is highly influenced by the Portuguese, who dwelled here during the 17th century. Hence, there are many domestic as well as international travelers traveling to Goa every year. Mumbai also witnesses a huge crowd because of the Indian Film industry. This city is never sleeping. It is fast paced and has a charisma, across the globe talented people come to this city with hopes to become a successful star in Bollywood. Here I wish to share you my travel experience from Goa to Mumbai.
It is the New Year time and I cannot think of any other party place than Goa. I had planned quite some time ago for this trip to Goa, as well I wanted to travel to Mumbai from Goa as I had never been to Mumbai before. I was looking out for a good deal as I was searching for comfort and pleasure both at the same time. I went through few online flight and hotel booking sites which helped me get the fair price for my requirement. As I had decided my travel quite some time ago so I had enough time in hand to compare prices. I also got to know about few online features like the price alert feature. I filtered all my requirements and accordingly got the listing. I got the cheapest flight fares from Goa to Mumbai. The season I was traveling had a lot of traffic. As the travelers are more attracted to the New Year season. Not just Goa but also Mumbai celebrates the New Year very differently. As most of the places, we get to see the Bollywood stars performing live. I am so happy that I actually made it to Goa for this New year. So I am here to share my experience with you which is mostly on how flawlessly I could plan and organize my holiday. This trip has been really special, especially the comfort of my travel and stay, it seems to me the easiest way I can book Hotels and travel to the tourist’s spots at ease with a lot of time in hand.
My love for travel has increased as in our day to day life we get stuck with many issues to organize, but don’t prefer so while on a holiday. I got the best deals on flight fares from Goa to Mumbai. as well ad maximum offers on Hotel booking
About Goa
Goa is located on the Koko coast of India. Goalies on the Maharashtra border to North and by Karnataka to the east and south. The western coast is formed by the Arabian sea.
Goa is rich in its culture and is the meeting point and connecting the various races, religions, distinctive style of the east and west for over centuries. Its environment in terms of the crowd culture is very different from that of the rest of India.
In India Goa stands out in very aspect, it preserves the Indianism as well as the western traditions. One will only find it here the spirit of celebrating Christmas with the same spirit of Diwali and Indian cuisine spiced up with the Goan sausages. Goa has a consistent climate throughout the year, with very ignorant fluctuations in the temperature.About Mumbai
Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, was earlier known as Bombay. This city never sleeps as in, this is a very busy city and the roads were never witnessed empty. There are some very interesting things to explore in this millennium city. The most important interest for the tourists are Bungalow’s of the cinema stars, those are not to be missed, the name Mumbai was derived from the name of a temple, Mumbai Devi Temple. Mumbai has an amazing business known as the Dabba business, this city is the best suppliers of food. Mumbai makes India Proud as India is world famous for the Longest train route in the world, and the first train was started from Thane to Mumbai during the Britisher rule. Mumbai’s Imagica amusement park is very famous in India. As it is very well known the Indian film industry is situated in Mumbai also Mumbai has the most expensive houses of the world. Ganpati Puja of Mumbai is the biggest street festival in India, one should never miss this chance. There are many more interesting facts to keep in your list when you plan to travel to Mumbai. Other than just the Architectural beauty this city has a brave history.
To book your flight tickets at the best price from Goa to Mumbai you can check online flight and hotel booking portals, compare prices, or decide an itinerary and call up any travel company and get the best deals on your holiday package.
  Service Virtualization Facilitates DevOps Implementation
    DevOps is the new paradigm in software development that is meant to bring about synergy amongst development, quality, operations, delivery and management teams. This helps to bring out better quality products in the shortest turnaround time, thus helping businesses to stay ahead in competition. Traditionally, various departments within an enterprise worked in silos with different work ethos and more often than not, at cross purposes with each other. DevOps adopts lean and agile methodologies to break barriers between various disciplines and work seamlessly to achieve optimization and automation.
DevOps is more to do with a change in the work culture of an organization, where synergy and collaboration are the buzzwords. As development and testing of software simultaneously by involving various disciplines of an organization becomes the new norm, creation of a real test environment where different components of software can be tested assumes significance.
However, there are a few challenges to create a real test environment for DevOps testing:
• The software architecture has individual components that are either evolving or not tested properly.
• The individual components or dependencies are mostly developed and controlled by third parties or partners – at locations that are far off from the parent organisation.
• Ensuring dependencies and various teams handling them to work in tandem is difficult.
• The dependencies might be separated by distance, language and time zones, which are not always possible to be included in a real test environment.
• Dependencies need real datasets to validate their results, which are not always available.
• The task of aligning dependencies for testing purpose is cost prohibitive.
• Delays are inevitable if testing teams have to wait for dependencies to be ready.
The above mentioned challenges can be addressed by using Service Virtualization technique. In this process a virtualized test environment is created, wherein the behaviour of dependencies is simulated as if they form part of the embedded software architecture with connections to other parts of the system. Here, the entire system architecture is not simulated, but only the ones that are needed for testing purposes. Service Virtualization strategy does not require setting up of a real test infrastructure or data sets, but helps testing or development teams to record the behaviour of dependencies – if they perform as desired.
How Service Virtualization works to the advantage of DevOps
• Creates a functional test environment without real dependencies and datasets
• Leads to cost savings, as setting up of real test infrastructure is not required
• Shorter turnaround times as testing teams need not wait for dependencies to be ready or available
• Any number or type of datasets can be used to check the behavior of dependencies, which can be helpful to study abnormal behavior of components (if any)
• Glitches thus identified are addressed promptly leading to better quality software made available in the shortest time
• Better quality product leads to better user experience, thus better brand value
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9577252
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Incredulity towards media reports: a distraction within a distraction?
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This was shared in an Anonymous Facebook post. I do not support, nor oppose Anonymous as an organisation, because as a friend suggested, they are simply too diverse to judge. In fact, I empathise with the notion Anonymous is peddling. Anonymous, along with various other organisations such as The Anti-Media and my personal favourite, The Bruce Morgan Report, actively resist corporate media (though The Bruce Morgan Report’s reasons deviate from those of the other two).
 This resistance of the media is by no means a new thing, however, through social media platforms, it has gained staggering strength in the past decade. Anonymous, for example, has nearly seven million Facebook likes. There is an exceptionally large profile of people that are subscribed to this resistance. In fact, in a survey undertaken with funding from the American Press Institute in early 2016, only 6% of Americans stated they have a “great deal of trust” in the media, which makes sense, considering the majority of headlines regarding the aforementioned survey selectively excluded the words “great deal of” from the findings[1]. Irony and the Yezhoving of important information aside, as the survey suggests, media outlets have largely lost the trust of the public. Not only that, this incredulity towards media reports has resulted in large factions of people not purely distrusting media, but further becoming anti-media. Take the group, The Anti-Media’s description as a definition for this “anti-media”:
“The “Anti” in our name does not mean we are against the media, we are simply against the current mainstream paradigm. The current media, influenced by the industrial complex, is a top-down authoritarian system of distribution”[2] 
Excellent. We need people challenging corporate media, or else it becomes an even stronger tool for the elite to maintain their hegemony over society. This is problematic, though, when there is a failure to recognise that there still exists mainstream media independent of these corporations… y’know, independent media. Here lies one concern I have with this intransigent contempt for the media.
 Many of those that are anti-media seem to hold a widespread inability to distinguish between independent and corporate media, as if all mainstream media is owned by the elite of society, and as if it only serves this purpose of distracting the populous. If you want evidence of this, wait for the next big Western tragedy to occur and watch the standard Facebook statuses emerge concerning the media’s lack of coverage about what is occurring in developing nations; particularly Syria.
 The notion that mainstream media lacks coverage of the conflict in Syria is a fairly dubious one when a leisurely visit to the “World” section of the ABC News website has already supplied me with two articles directly relevant to Syria.
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Furthermore, searching articles containing the word “Syria” from the past three months on the ABC News website will nab me 121 articles from between November 19 and December 22, 2016 alone[3] (idk why the search doesn’t show more recent articles, but I can assure you that they exist). I, sadly, am not willing to go to the effort of also finding how many allusions the SBS News website makes to Syria, but such monumental effort was never required anyway.
 All you really have to do for coverage about the conflict in Syria and other events in developing countries is change the bloody channel. ABC News Evenings at 6PM and SBS World News at 6:30PM, yo. You can even dig a little deeper if you like, it’s not like we are short of media outlets in the Western world.
 I’m flogging at a dead horse here, because if people REALLY wanted coverage of the conflicts in Syria, they would find it themselves, instead of complaining about what various other media outlets were reporting.
 I fear many people will simply refuse to recognise that there are many ways to gain coverage of what is happening in developing nations, because it exempts them from actually giving two shits, as if there is an unforsaken responsibility to do so. To me, hiding behind this veil of “the media doesn’t report the real issues” reeks of people wanting a reason to not care about these “real issues” they are allegedly being distracted from, while still maintaining some moral high-ground.
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Note: Thankfully this article has nothing to do with Bolt, but I will never not meme this image.
Yet, even beyond those that enjoy exploiting grief for credibility, I fear this narrative of the media being a distraction will, in itself, become a distraction from real world issues. Ironically, major anti-media groups have been exposed for reporting sensationalist bullshit in the past.
 In 2014, The Anti-Media published a story with the title: “CDC Admits Ebola Could Become Airborne”[4] which is amusing because it is the same baseless fearmongering that they strive to oppose.
 This story was basically derived from a quote from the Director of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention stating that it was not “impossible” for Ebola to become airborne[5]. Well, thank you, Captain Obvious.
 The Anti-Media later confessed to their mistake, preluding the article with the following message:
“This story is not 100% accurate but we are leaving it on our site for the sake of transparency. We published this article without fully fact checking it.” 
Huh, sounds just like corporate media: contriving an issue out of nothing and running a fear campaign to gain an audience.
 So, if sensationalist media is a distraction from real issues, does that mean this The Anti-Media article is a distraction from the distraction from real world issues?
 I guess this is the part where I attest to slacktivism, and admit my efforts to solve world issues have been ineffective at best, but at least discourse provides a foundation.
 Don’t get me wrong, being anti-media is not a bad thing. But let’s not let staying woke, fam, distract us from everything else that is happening in the world.
 Things I gone and referenced:
[1] https://www.rt.com/usa/340124-americans-trust-media-plummets/
[2] http://theantimedia.org/about
[3] http://search.abc.net.au/s/search.html?query=Syria&collection=news_meta&form=simple&gscope1=10&f.Date|d=d%3E18Nov2016%3C19Feb2017&period=Past%203%20Months&start_rank=1
[4] http://theantimedia.org/cdc-admits-ebola-airborne/
[5] http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/220046-cdc-airborne-ebola-possible-but-unlikely
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