#trans girl steve harrington
gueswho · 2 years
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Pushing my trans fem Steve agenda
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bowiebond · 2 years
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T4T + WLW | Harringrove | MTF Butch Steve | Genderqueer (She/They) Billy
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“High praise coming from the shiny new Queen herself.”
“Shut up and kiss me, Stevie.”
“My apologises, princess.”
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
When Mike Wheeler, red faced and still faintly tear stained, asks him how he knew he liked both Steve doesn’t know how to tell him it was his sister.
Before Nancy Wheeler it had only been boys. Before Nancy Wheeler Steve had been sure he was gay and knew well enough to keep it to himself; dating around enough to earn himself a protective reputation. Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been Marcus Summers, from the baseball team, during freshman year. Steve had gone to every game, and had been forced to make up excuses about schoolwork and his other commitments when asked why he hadn’t tried out for himself. Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been Tommy Hagan. The summer between seventh and eighth grade had been very kind to Tommy, he was sunkissed and boy next door sweet, Steve had wanted to hold his hand and count the freckles across the bridge of his nose. 
Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been his first love, a boy who only visited one summer, the year Steve turned ten. His name had changed every time they hung out but he’d favored E’s. Eli, Emmett, Elliott, Eric, Excalibur, Excelsior, and once for about an hour Wayne. His hair brushed his chin in pretty brown curls and his big brown eyes were always bright with excitement. He always got storm off mad when any of the other boys they’d played with that summer said he was acting like a girl, E would run off to the woods and Steve would always follow. E always came up with the best games anyway, he didn’t like playing soccer or HORSE or anything else with rules that couldn’t be bent; he preferred imagination games where they were knights or wizards. He didn’t laugh when Steve said he always liked playing house, but never wanted to be the dad because why would he want to be someone who never wanted to spend any time with his kids. E who, while insisting on being called Samwise all day, was his first kiss.
Cause he knows what Mike wants to hear. He’s seen the way Mike and Will have danced around each other since the last portal closed. He’s heard the things Mike has said to and about Will. He’s heard all about the week that Will was in the Upside Down. He’s heard all about the summer of ‘85. He’s heard all about the final off again that seems to officially mark the end of Mike and El romantically. He knows that Mike wants him to say that he’d never even thought about boys before he met Eddie. That there’s just something special about Eddie that makes him want to give up his lady killing ways. That Eddie was different. That it was okay that he was having these scary new thoughts, maybe Will was just an exception.
And Steve doesn’t know how to have that conversation. When he realized he liked both it was a relief, that maybe he could have something normal and wouldn't have to spend his life lying or hiding. 
But Eddie was different. Eddie was special. Eddie was probably it for Steve which is scary in a different way that he’s not ready to touch yet -- not when it’s only been three months.
There’s never been another girl since Nancy Wheeler, not really
There will never be another boy after Eddie Munson.
So he tries to help, as best he can. It’s easier with Eddie there, not quite dozing against his shoulder -- the kid’s emergencies always seem to come so late at night these days. “When I was ten, there was a boy whose name kept changing who decided prince charming should get to kiss his faithful knight. And when I was sixteen, your sister-”
Mike’s goodwill diminishes quickly as his sister gets introduced to the conversation.
“Stevie,” Eddie says. It’s not an admonishment for bringing up Nancy. It’s awestruck and watery. “You remember that?”
“Of course I remember the first boy I ever loved," that word catches up with him a second later. Remember. 
Cause there's Eddie with his riot of brown curls and his Bambi eyes. Eddie, who has explained why soft feminine words chafe against his skin leaving him itchy and anxious. Eddie, who has an Uncle in Hawkins. Eddie who moved to town the summer before he entered high school with a buzzed head and his mother's last name. Eddie who finally settled into an E he liked best.
"Wheeler, here's a tip from me to you," Eddie says, his advice is always better received than Steve's anyway, "if you have to ask you probably already know."
"Straight people don't really spend much time wondering if they aren't really straight," Steve agrees.
They don't rush Mike out the door, a crisis is a crisis and even in the wake of new discoveries Mike deserves to be heard out. Deserves a chance to cry and rage and feel those emotions someplace safe from his Reaganite father -- just as much as Will deserves to have someone who knows what they want come to him, deserves better than experimentation.
They cross the bridge from late into early by the time Mike sets off. The sun is creeping up over the horizon and Mike looks solid, certain; the dawn hints at the man he is growing up to be. Though every instinct of Steve's begs him to drive the kid home, Eddie's soft hand lingering at his hip holds him fast. They wave instead, encouraging Mike to go home and to bed before he does anything; knowing his front bike tire is already pointed toward the Byers-Hopper place.
"The first boy you ever loved, huh, Stevie?" Eddie teases before the door has even managed to click shut.
"And the last, I'm hoping, if I play my cards right."
"You were always pretty good at that. You were the only person that summer who called me by my name, except Wayne."
"It was your name." He knows that's too simple. Knows how hard Eddie has had it, continues to have it. But that summer it had been that simple, Eddie trying on names like shirts each one fitting until they didn't. "For what it's worth, I like Eddie a lot more than Excalibur."
"Oh fuck off, I was going through a fantasy knight phase. Which I know you remember."
"Right a phase, and how much longer is this fantasy 'phase' going to last?"
They're the kind of tired that makes you feel drunk, when Eddie tackles Steve and sends them both to the floor and to giggles. Eddie might not have been his bi awakening, but Steve is pretty fine with him being his everything else.
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shares-a-vest · 17 days
Steve walks into the living room with two coffees in hand to find Eddie slumped on the couch and staring – no, glaring – at two of their cats, Gandalf and Ozzy.
Two cats who typically prefer to be anywhere other than occupying a space with any living, breathing humanoids.
Eddie tsks and folds his arms, leaving Steve with no choice but to abandon his Garfield mug on the coffee table and risk his partner no doubt whining for it with a limp arm the moment he gets himself comfortable on the couch.
As soon as Steve sits down, Gandalf scurries away and disappears behind the recliner chair.
"What's wrong?" he frowns, chuckling low so as not to wake their napping daughter in the next room.
"What could I have possibly done to make them loathe me so?" Eddie laments, his eye following as Ozzy jumps onto the nearest window sill to bask in the afternoon sun peaking in.
"Well, Gandalf has always been an asshole," Steve offers, taking a sip from his coffee as Eddie splutters in indignation, "Remember when we first got our bedroom all set up and he jumped on my face in the middle of the night?"
"A terrifying act of vengeance," Eddie shudders at the memory.
"I thought I was suffering an actual goddamn heart attack."
As if on cue, Eddie reaches out a hand for his mug and makes a tiny, 'eh'-sound. Steve purses his lips and leans forward to fetch the mug nonetheless.
He hands it over and they sink back in unison.
"What about Ozzy then?" Eddie asks.
"Well, I mean we did just leave them with Nance for a week – "
"– I knew Wheeler would be a terrible Cat Aunt," Eddie gulps through a mouthful of piping-hot coffee and clenches his jaw.
"Eds, that wasn't what I was going to say," Steve elbows him in the side, "We left the cats with Nance for a week and then just... came home again with a tiny human in our arms."
Before he can say any more, Eddie jumps up, discards his beverage on the coffee table in such haste he splashes some liquid on the new TV Guide and runs to the window. He scoops up Ozzy, who goes limp at the sudden contact. Eddie snuffles into the top of the menacing furball's noggin, cooing unintelligibly.
"I'm sorry, my dearest familiar," Eddie cries out with the utmost theatrics, "My noblest of companions. I didn't mean to abandon thee. I was merely protecting the Princess of Stinky-Town, Joanie of House Munson."
Steve rolls his eyes.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Let's pretend that the upside down doesn't exist for a second.
Eddie still befriends Mike, Dustin and Lucas at school, but he doesn't meet anyone else. He knows of Steve Harrington, knows that he used to rule the halls of Hawkins High but, despite Dustin's constant begging for Eddie to meet him, he never really does.
Sure, Steve waved at Eddie whenever he dropped the kids off at hellfire and he offered to change Eddie's flat tire once, but that's it. After Eddie graduated, their paths never really crossed again.
Not until years later when they're both older and wiser and a little bit drunk in a bar far from the prying eyes of Hawkins.
Eddie bumps into a tall woman at the bar and the countless apologies he had ready instantly died on his tongue when she turned around and gave Eddie a dazzling smile. "Hi, Eddie. Didn't think I'd run into you here." She says with a light laugh. She has a really pretty laugh, and smile, and eyes and her hair looks so soft.
It takes Eddie's brain three business days to reconnect and realise that this gorgeous woman knows his name. He hadn't introduced himself, and yet she is smiling down at him like they're old friends.
"I'm sorry, have we met?" He waves over the bartender and orders himself and the mystery girl a drink.
She thanks Eddie for the drink and leans in closer to be heard over the music. "We went to high school together but I've, uh, definitely changed since then." She laughs and it's clear there's some joke he's not getting but he laughs anyways. He doesn't want her to walk away. He needs to know everything about her and he's trying so hard to remember everyone he went to high school with.
"Did we really go to school together? I think I would remember someone as gorgeous as you." He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear so that he can see her face properly. Her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of red, and she steps closer to him. "What's your name?"
"Stevie." She says softly, her voice a little shaky. "Harrington. My name is Stevie Harrington."
Eddie furrows his brows and takes a step back to really take her in. "I didn't know Steve had a sister."
Stevie throws her head back and laughs, it's a gorgeous sound. Eddie's scared he's fucked up by not remembering that Steve had a sister but then she meets his eyes and there's something there that feels oddly familiar.
"I don't have a sister, Eddie." She says and takes a sip of her drink, her eyes watching over the rim of the glass for Eddie's reaction.
"What -" And then everything finally clicks in his alcohol clouded mind. "Oh. Oh."
He can see it now, he can see that the ghost of someone he hardly knew clings to parts of her; the moles, the pouty lips, the kind hazel eyes. They are all features he used to find himself staring at during school, features he can’t stop staring at now.
"Is that a good oh?" She asks quietly, her hand fiddling with her bracelet nervously.
Eddie motions the bartender for another round of drinks and moves closer to Stevie, a gentle smile pulling at his lips as he says, "Definitely a good oh. I was actually, uh, Edwina before I was Eddie." He pulls his leather jacket aside to point at his bare chest underneath, at his top surgery scars. Stevie's mouth forms a soft 'oh', and the tension in her body leaves as she realises that she's safe, she's with someone like her, someone who understands.
He's never told anyone his dead name before, but he could see the fear in Stevie's eyes, fear that she'd said too much to the wrong person.
All that fear is gone now as she smiles, really smiles, down at him.
There's an excited energy radiating off her as she takes another sip from her drink and bumps her shoulder with Eddie's. "I'm glad you bumped into me tonight." She admits.
"Me, too." Eddie beams up at her, her heels making her tower over him, and he's honestly never been happier.
He hopes that this time, they can maybe be more than just acquaintances.
Maybe even more than friends.
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nymime · 8 months
I been looking some pics of Dita Von Teese, And holy shit, my mind just say Steve Harrington or Stevie Harrington, specially the ones in lingerie…. and corsets too.
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pics: here
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wheatnoodle · 2 years
Robin notices everything when it comes to Steve. Even the things he doesn’t notice about himself.
It’s at Family Video during a slow shift when she walks to where he’s bent over the counter. Her fingers card through his hair and grip, tugging the locks in her fist.
“Your hair’s getting long,” she comments, extending the o in long, “so pretty.”
When he’d usually bat her hand away with a remark of needing a cut, he stays quiet. Instead, she watches as his cheeks tint pink and the corners of his mouth twitch in a smile.
“You should keep growing it.” She says and smiles, tucking strands behind his ears. He nods with a muffled ‘yeah’, chewing on his lower lip.
So he keeps growing it. It touches his shoulders and he keeps playing with it, tucking it behind his ears, tying it back. Max uses his head to teach El how to braid.
He’s sleeping over Robin’s house one night and he’s sitting in the floor next to her desk chair, watching close in fascination as she paints her nails under her light. She glances at him every now and then with a little smile, finishing up her nails as quick as she can. Her smile grows when she turns in her seat to face him.
“Okay, gimme your hands. You’re turn,” she says and his face burns red, stuttering over excuses but Robin’s already grabbed his shaking hand and rested it in her lap. “Do you want this color or a different one?”
“Uh…I thought this one was kinda nice…” Steve says and he reaches on to the desk to pluck a bottle of baby blue polish from her small collection.
“That’s gonna be so pretty with your skin, babe.” Robin gasps and grabs it from his hand, shaking the bottle and cracking it open. When she finishes painting, she blows on his nails, admiring her work. “Well? What do you think?”
Steve takes one of his hands back. He holds it out in front of him, staring at the blue paint on his finger tips. It’s takes a few moments but soon he’s smiling brighter than Robin’s ever seen. He looks at her, his pupils blown with a giddiness she’s grown accustomed to and finds rubbing off on herself. She giggles with him and holds his hands, admiring his nails.
“They’re so pretty,” Steve says, looking between his nails and Robin’s face with such awe she can’t help but reach out and tuck his hair back.
“That’s because you’re so pretty!” She smiles at him, her brain working in overtime. She’s never seen him so happy. Dustin tries to get their attention over the walkie but Robin’s quick to shoot him down with an excuse of “girls night” and she doesn’t miss the way his eyes light up at her words. She keeps painting his nails for him and it takes forever for him to stop hiding his hands at work.
Months pass and Robin takes him out to the mall with her because she needs new clothes for when her aunts and uncles come to visit and she needs to look like a “normal” girl. They’re looking at skirts and Robin hates it more than anything, she’s grimacing at every bit of flowy fabric. But Steve? He’s holding them so delicately in his hands, feeling the material and appreciating the colors.
Robin stands next to him, props her chin on his shoulder and asks “do you wanna try it on?”
Steve’s like a deer caught in headlights. He drops the skirt on the ground with a gasp, crouches down to pick up the hanger, hits his head on the rack as he stands back up. “No, no, Robin. No. I cant.” And he’s shaking his head and hanging the skirt back up but he can’t get the hook on the rack. His hands shake and she can tell he’s getting frustrated so she takes the hanger from his grip and links their arms at the elbow.
“C’mon. Let’s go try it on,” she says and drags him to the dressing room. It takes a bit of work but finally Robin convinces him and she’s tugging his jeans off his ankles and pulling the black skirt up his legs. She looks at him through the mirror while she smooths the material over his legs. It hugs his hips and his butt, makes his waist look oh so skinny and feminine. The fabric flows gently over the tops of his thighs, making his long legs longer, showing off the muscle definition in his calves and thick thighs. “Oh yeah. We’re buying this.”
She gives Steve no room to argue, not like he could with how he’s staring at himself. And if they take an extra ten minutes in the dressing room because he can’t help but start crying, that’s between them and the mirror. Robin carries the skirt to the register, looking at the jewelry hanging by the cashier.
“Ooo, do you think the ruby one or the diamond necklace would look nicer on their skin? We’ve never bought them jewelry before, just haven’t had time to think about it,” Robin says to the cashier and steps out of the way, motioning to Steve behind her. His…their…cheeks are stained pink and they’re staring at Robin with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. She just told this cashier the skirt isn’t for her and then asked about jewelry to go with it.
The cashier looks at them, squints her eyes and nods. “The ruby. Definitely.”
Robin switches to purely androgynous pronouns for the next few years and nobody really questions the gradual changes in Steve. How their hair is always braided and done all nice, why their nails are always changing colors. Dustin even compliments the flick of eyeliner that Nancy has drawn on their lash line. Points to his own eye and says “that stuff on your face? That’s good shit”
Robin and Steve move away together because of course they do. They end up on the west coast, finding solace in the acceptance that is the SoCal gay community. They haven’t seen the kids or anyone from Hawkins in a couple of years, what with them all going off to college and the threat of the end of the world at bay.
Finally, they can invite everyone out for the holidays. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie, even Argyle who had gone to Indiana that one time with Jonathan and wouldn’t even consider leaving him behind there and just stayed. They all fly out and it’s this big reunion at their house where they’re all told to dress nice so they can take cute pictures.
Robin is in a new deep maroon pantsuit, her lipstick the same shade as her outfit. She’s greeting the guests and calls on her lovely housemate to leave the kitchen and come say hello.
Out walks Stevie in a dress that matches Robin’s suit, her nails red and her hair curled with the top half of her long locks tied in a ponytail. Everyone’s quick to jump on her, complimenting her look and asking how she’s been. It’s an easy switch for them from Steve to Stevie and referring to her with she/her pronouns just feels right. It takes Mike a second before Nancy smacks him on the arm and he greets his old babysitter with a hug and tells her he likes her perfume. Though in his head, all he’s thinking is “holy shit hot guy from hometown is now hot girl with boobies don’t look at boobies don’t look at boobies don’t look at boobies don’t look-“
Eddie’s just standing there in SHOCK. His whole world has just been flipped upside down (no pun intended). He was positive he was gay, hell, he was crushing on Steve back when he lived in Hawkins. But now he’s staring at this girl, at Stevie, and he’s just blown away. King Steve the Hair Harrington is the prettiest girl he’s ever laid eyes on and oh no, is that his crush coming back to him? With a vengeance??
He walks over to say hello, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles in a way he can brush off as joking if it steps too far, but she’s looking at him with her big brown eyes and a little smile on her face and tucks her hair behind her ear. And her nose scrunches when she giggles and fuck, Eddie’s whipped.
Robin’s been watching them all night, how Eddie sits with a hand on her knee and pulls her seat out at the table.
So there really isn’t any surprise when she wakes up the next morning and Eddie still hasn’t left.
But then again, neither has Nancy😏
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steddie-my-heart · 5 months
Thinking about Sweet Home Alabama AU Steddie.
Trans Eddie and Steve married right out of HS after Eddie gets pregnant. When they lose the baby, Eddie bolts for NYC needing to live his life. Ends up becoming pretty famous on the music scene. Starts dating someone famous too. They get engaged. Eddie now has to go back home to Hawkins to get Steve to sign the divorce papers that he's been returning for the past few years.
Lots of snark and fighting between the two. The whole party is still around - some married with kids. Lots of fun memories.
Eddie finds out about Steve's glass-making business. How he was trying to better himself to get Eddie to come back.
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Transfem!Steve Harrington ❤️‍🔥
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hotluncheddie · 28 days
t4t chubby autistic steddie GO
i have been thinking about this (nsfw from twitter!!) art lately so i am here with u <3
even tho i get nervous to write trans characters, idk why, i just don't wanna mess it up i think
but im doing my best!! bc autistic and gender exploration are very lovely wonderful cozy subjects so i'm gonna focus on that
this is such a string of ideas but - 4 u <3 :3c
Stevie leaves with Eddie and Robin, taking their trust fund and leaving their parents to it - too the rest of their lives - without her. Like the Harringtons always hoped, really.
Stevie doesn't need them, the money is useful but they offer nothing more to her.
She's able to buy an apartment. In Chicago. With her loves. They learn how to live. How to live together. How to be at peace.
There's big bright widows in the main space, with light and air and the sunset. The two bedrooms are cozy and warm and it's a place for them all to grow.
'There's chips here.' Eddie says. They have a matching day off and she's trying to practice what it is to do nothing, to truly rest. Eddie helps, by being there, keeping her still with his hands and his love.
But Stevie tenses up, she was snacking, has been snacking, trying to learn her hunger signals better - what they feel like to her. It was always a rule not to east in her room, not to eat between meals. But she was hungry, she had a snack.
'I'm not judging, I'm saying so we remember to take it out next time one of us goes to the kitchen.' Eddie says, coming back from changing the tape, kissing her. Kissing her and kissing her.
Stevie relaxes.
'You've gained a little weight.' Robin says, laying on Stevies thighs on the couch, crocheting while Stevie watches sports and rubs her knuckles agains her teeth, twirling a strand of Robins hair in her fingers.
She looks down at her best friend. Robin looks back at her.
Robin smiles.
'It's good. You look more like you than you ever have before.'
Stevie smiles back. Tries not to cry.
Stevie letting herself change, relax. Unlearn those eating habits that helped her feel in control. Instead allowing herself to enjoy, and eat the things she wants to, the things she likes.
Eats pasta every night for a month and doesn’t feel bad about it. Doesn’t force herself to eat kale because she hates it, spinach is good enough. She is good enough.
Eddie gets little chubbier, in this new life. After recovering from nearly dying. Explains to Stevie in his long lilting way that he likes it, feels more protected, like his skin isn’t so fragile now.
He’s never liked his body but now he truly knows how short life is, and, maybe he can learn to like this new one. In this new place, in the love that surrounds him.
Plus, the bats destroyed his chest. So without that in the way, no longer lurking and potentially ruining his day. He realises he can shed that background fixation he always seemed to have with thinness. The idea that it would make him look more masculine or more androgynous. Curves were for girls and Eddie was not. That.
But now, now, who fucking cares. He’s alive. He needs to eat.
Steve feels a finger trailing over her hip, dipping into the band of her underwear, skimming over her crack and the the ridges of stretch marks that lead up to her waist.
'So so pretty' Eddie whispers, and it's filled with so much awe, so much grace, so much reverence and love.
Stevie shivers, feeling endless and grounded and like her body is here and hers and everything she ever dreamed of because it exists now.
She puts her hand under her loose shirt, cupping her belly. Skin still sleep warm and the energy of her palm seems to cover her whole body in warmth, in light and softness. Tinging and bright. Still being traced lightly by the love of her life. But being loves by her own hands, now, too.
She exists. And finally, everything is beautiful.
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I can't stop thinking about a steddie gilmore girls au it's stuck in my head.
Obviously it's ftm Steve as Lorelai (honestly trans Steve is just perfect)
Oc/El for Rory
Robin as Sookie
Mtf Chrissy as Jackson
Eddie as Luke
Tommy as Christopher
Carol as Michel (hear me out!!!)
I know I'm missing a few characters but I'm just assuming it's the party as the other young characters so you figure it out but omfg I'm rewatching gilmore girls and I can't stop thinking about it.
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gueswho · 1 year
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More trans fem stevie for the soul
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Room/character closeup #2 (going in order from most to least popular based on the poll)
~Eddie & Steve's room~
Edit bc I accidentally posted this before I meant to: spoilers ahead for my full house au, as can be expected
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Did you notice the pattern on the rug bc it's important to me that you notice the pattern on the rug I spent a good bit of time searching for this one specific rug guys I'm serious about this. Is it incredibly dark humor? Yes. But it is humor nonetheless
One of my first priorities/things I took into consideration when working on this room was that I didn't want it to be too bright or have any sort of potentially eyestrain-y patterns. Steve has suffered repeated head trauma and I wanted his room to be a safe space where he doesn't have to worry about triggering a migraine or fucking with his vision or getting dizzy just from his surroundings. Hence why they have a darker, more subdued palette than most of the other rooms (which I guess you don't know yet since this is only the second one I've shown you but just trust me on this)
Beyond that, I admittedly had a pretty difficult time trying to figure out what I could do that I felt like both Steve and Eddie would vibe with decor-wise while still being a cohesive theme
Didn't want it to lean too far either way into metalhead freak or preppy golden boy territory, and besides I do think Steve's whole aesthetic isn't entirely his own and is at least partly influenced by the expectations placed on him, so I tried to go for a fairly neutral sort of vibe here
For some reason I settled on some blue jean lookin ass wallpaper, a rug patterned with the our-dimension-version of the critters that very nearly took their lives, and a few choice items to put on the walls
First off, the ship painting
This was sort of an unexpected last minute addition, partially bc I thought it looked nice with the rest of the room and partially as a character reflection
I wholeheartedly believe that Eddie Munson would fucking love anything pirate related, he probably was a pirate for Halloween at least once growing up, and he just thinks sailing ships are super cool. Plus the painting just felt like it would appeal to a fantasy nerd lol (it reminded me of the chronicles of Narnia actually but that's not really important)
And as for Steve, at least in this au but I know I'm not the only one who thinks so, he really likes water. Being in it, on it, around it- he likes swimming (refer back to his noted complicated feelings about the pool from my basement post), he likes the beach, he likes the ocean, and he likes sailing. He hasn't been many times but I'd totally buy the Harringtons having been on a yacht or some shit at one point or another. This character note may or may not be related to both his job at scoops ahoy* and him being on the swim team in high school, which is one of those things that at this point I honestly don't know if it was at all canon or if it's just one of those headcanons that become so popular in fandom that it feels that way, and at this point I can't be bothered to fact check it
*I think either he had a prior interest in sailing-related stuff and that was part of what initially drew him to that job specifically, or that working there sparked an interest which only grew with time, like maybe some of the silly slogans and terms used in ice cream flavors and maybe even the uniform stirred his curiosity/memories of going out on the water with his folks during the summers before they decided he was old enough to be left home alone for weeks at a time, and he started looking into actual sailing and found out he really liked it. (He can't stand the uniforms now though bc they trigger traumatic flashbacks, for both him and Robin)
Next, the bass/electric guitar on the wall, which I feel is pretty self explanatory honestly. It's Eddie's (although he does offer to teach Steve how to play- haven't decided yet whether Steve takes him up on that)
And then there's the horses (photo? painting?)
This is where the whole "horse girl eddie munson" thing came from; the whole idea was initially born of me trying to decide what I could put on their wall, liking this poster and asking myself if Steve and Eddie struck me as people who were into horses. As it turns out the answer was "hell yeah" and it spiraled into an entire fic idea of its own, which can be found here. As for this au, the background of them both having a "horse girl" phase/being into the idea of cowboys is still a thing, but obviously it doesn't progress the same way as that did (steddie cowboys my beloved but these particular multiverse variants are stuck playing house with their traumatized found family and slowly realizing that they actually enjoy co-parenting >:3 and this way everyone gets to stay together)
Also, speaking of the steddie cowboys thing this inspired, Eddie is trans in the full house au but Steve is a cis man (unlike in the other au). However Steve does have some gender moments here and there, like the kids "jokingly" calling him mom and him lowkey vibing with it (oh no I'm already doubting my ability to stick to the Steve being cis plan- bigender Steve agenda where did you come from??)
But yeah basically both of them are secretly horse nerds lol and that's something they discover while they're arguing over how to decorate (aka when they agree on this poster) and end up bonding over
And now for a note about their placement in the house (specifically who they share a floor with)
I've already explained that/why I wanted them on the same floor as Dustin Lucas & Erica, although I don't think I mentioned that Lucas and Steve are really close in this au* and it goes without saying that Dustin is super close with both of them
*it just feels right to me; also Steve was the only one of his friends to come watch his basketball game and Steve did chew Eddie out about that whole situation at some point but by now everyone is pretty much on good terms
Sometimes when any of the kids- but especially any of those three- have bad nightmares or can't sleep, they bunker down in Eddie & Steve's room,* the door of which is always open (metaphorically that is, but once they start dating... well let's just say the kids better knock or they're going to have yet another reason to be scarred for life lmao)
*some may think they're too old for stuff like this but I say- fuck that. A major theme of this au is acknowledgement of how these guys have had a large portion of their childhood stolen from them and the people around them are working to help them get it back, to let them just be kids and to make them feel safer than they have in a long time, so they're allowed to be "childish" and that's going to play a part in many of the events and details of this au. The same goes for the older guys too btw; like with this example specifically if Robin or Steve is the one waking up from a nightmare they find the other and both crash on the couch together for the night. You're never too old to seek comfort from your loved ones
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starrystevie · 1 year
a very sincere and heartfelt thank you to all the artists drawing beautifully transfemme stevie harrington with curves and a belly and thick thighs
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shares-a-vest · 9 months
Prompt: Airport (Discord Drabble)
"Is it that one?"
Steve perks up a little as Joanie points to yet another plane rolling by on the tarmac. The five year old is pressed against the big glass window, mashing her little index finger into it to indicate the plane she is talking about.
But it isn't that one.
Steve huffs, settling back in his seat.
He feels his cheek flush beneath his hand, arm propped up on the arm rest of the uncomfortable rigid blue chair that is gradually giving him a twinge in his left hip.
It has only been two weeks.
Two weeks of Eddie tagging along on a tour with some metal band Steve is too tired to remember the name of. They'd personally hired Eddie to help them on the press junket portion of their tour after a radio appearance at the station.
It was a big opportunity for Eddie, and the pay was too hefty to pass up.
But two weeks has ended up being too long for Steve, considering the pair of them haven't been separated for any more than three days since Spring Break of '86. Even then, they were only separated by a hospital corridoor, heavy pain meds and top secret nurses telling Steve he wasn't allowed to see Eddie.
He shuts his eyes, trying not to think about it.
Joanie gathers up the cardboard sign they'd stayed up bedazzling the night before, spotting her father's unmistakable frizzed curls as he descends a set of boarding stairs.
"Dad!" she screeches, whipping around and fumbling with her sign.
She was right, it is Eddie's plane.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Calling a tomboy an actual boy is not as progressive as you think it is :/
As someone who is trans, am I not allowed to head canon characters in a show as trans? I know that canonically Max is a tomboy but I take canon, eat it and spit out my gay little hcs. I'm just having fun
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