mrk85edgxsua · 1 year
Naughty America - Cory Chase gives student tips on making a women's pussy dripping wet milking sleeping wife huge nipples Indian Girlfriend Blowjob Compilation Desi boy deep anal fuckung Gorgeous Tiny Teen Fuck Toy Mlp hentais comente se quiser falar comigo Hot lesbians Eliza and Scarlett loves a pussy fuck Blonde with strap on fucked redhead la pelada de la mamona Pee on myself in the bath
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butwhybother · 2 years
The Lord Ruler had "a small wooden flute" in his hidden chamber. But that's not THE flute, is it? It's not the trailman's flute that Hoid gave Kaladin?
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bearditorium2 · 2 years
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androshchuk-run · 3 years
Kaiserwald Run Cup evening trail route🏃🏃🏃
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ollierachnid · 7 years
Wait. So if the English are Kingsman (United Kingdom) and the US are Statesman. (United States)
Does that mean the Aussie equivalent would be Trailman? (Australia)
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kingjasnah · 2 years
did we ever come to a conclusion on rashek's flute btw i can't even remember what the theory was about
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deutschedame · 5 years
Rant time: So, I shared the following post on Facebook:
“ I'm fucking furious to only find out today that the Dayton shooter murdered his trans brother, NOT his sister. Every single news outlet dead naming and misgendering him for days. Most ppl still don't know about it. Is that how we honor the fucking victims? I'm so fucking angry." --Oregon Trailman 
Flash forward a few hours later (because of different time zones) and I see a comment from my uncle saying I used “poor judgment” when posting. I sent him a PM and it turns out he was mad about the use of swear words. I explained that I found the content more important than the language and told him I’ll be more careful posting next time. My uncle is 78 but super liberal, so he agreed that misgendering is never ok. 
Several hours later, about to go to bed, text from my mom: “I know you’ll be mad at me, but will you PLEASE take down that vulgar post?! There are plenty of other articles instead...do it for me?”
My mom’s “do it for me” rhetoric is nothing new and is a typical strategy of manipulation for her. I am so bugged by this BS. Like, she watches SNL all the time and all kinds of crazy movies or radio shows where people do not hold back with the use of “fuck.” But now she is too fragile for that, apparently? Also the fact that I KNOW she messaged me privately, because she wants to uphold her image on social media a) by not showing that she reads “that kind of stuff” and b) because she doesn’t want her friends/family to know how she treats us when they’re not around. This woman was so emotionally abusive and found a way to make language destructive without swear words, but NOW she is too righteous to stand the fact that her daughter would dare to share a post (again, not even my OWN WORDS!) using “fuck”? What makes me mad is that I gave in and deleted the original post, then just quoted the post inserting [...] where “fucking” was. Next time I will just change the settings about who can see it. Why do I even have Facebook if I can’t post half the things I want to without worrying about what random relatives will think? This is why I feel so much freer and safer on Tumblr, tbh.
tl, dr: When the revolution comes, it will NOT be fucking prim and proper, or family-friendly. Respecting trans lives does not come with a side of “feel good content.” It is their fucking lives and identities that are being ignored. 
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karlsauraus · 5 years
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I know grafting is done in the spring. But who the fuck cares. I do it in August because that’s when I seem to get around to it. It still works, just enough time to get a flush of growth before the season ends. I’ve never had this before though. This is Trailman flowering as it breaks bud. How crazy is that?! It’s actually a crab apple, but often argued the best tasting summer ‘apple’ and is very precocious in producing fruit. I’ll say!! Guess it can flower and bees will love it’s nectar, but no fruit. It needs to heal first. Will there be fruit next year though? Usually takes a 2-3 year time frame to establish budwood.
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bruno-in-barovia · 5 years
Session Two
Before I get into what happened in the basement, I should note that by the time we got to the stairwell down, most of us had found some kind of armor or clothing. I managed to get my hands on a full set of plate armor, which chafed a bit since I had nothing underneath but was way better than nothing. I felt a lot more prepared for whatever we would find once I had that comforting weight on me.
Anyway, we headed downstairs and started exploring this really grim catacomb beneath the house. There were cots and some other necessities in this one sparse-looking living space. We could hear faint chanting coming from deeper in the basement. I realized what we were most likely going to find there, and the notion had me on edge.
Zazear kept running ahead to explore, so Elliott volunteered to keep him in check. Opal and Lith stuck with me for the time being, and so our group split in two to keep exploring.
The three of us found a section of the basement that was more of a mausoleum, with four coffins, each labeled with the name of a member of the family that had lived here. We went upstairs to get the bones of the two kids, Rose and Thorn, and we laid them to rest. Their ghosts faded away once the coffin lids were closed. Two tallies resolved, praise Athros.
We rejoined Elliott just as Zazear came rushing back from where he had apparently been scouting the next room. His fur was all puffed out, and he announced in a furious whisper, “There’s somebody in the well!”
Naturally, we had to see for ourselves. We huddled around the edge of the well and peered in all together, and sure enough, there was a HUGE man standing in it. He and Elliott exchanged a greeting, and he seemed decent enough, so we did our best to pull him up and he managed to get over the lip of the well with our help.
He introduced himself as Haku. We all had to take a minute to take in the sight of him. He’s over seven feet tall, with bulging muscles, literally bulging, I don’t know how his skin holds it all in. Lith seemed into it. I’m not sure what that’s about.
Haku said he was looking for his brother, which is how he entered the house in the first place. Elliott got his jaw off of the floor enough to make a comment on his size—rude, Elliott, I thought you were some kind of gentleman—and Haku seemed taken aback. He gave himself a good look over, and he had no explanation for it. Apparently he only remembers being a normal sized human prior to finding himself in the well. I’m not sure what to make of that, but it reeks of dark magic. I’ll have to keep an eye on him, no matter how friendly he is.
The six of us moved on together, since Haku reasoned we were his best bet at finding his brother. We opened one door and got pounced on by a grick, so that was exciting. Lith torched it, but it got some good licks in on us before that. The next enemy was a lot worse. We somehow stumbled into a handful of ghouls and had to fight them off. That was not fun. Even with the armor, I got bit pretty bad, but thankfully Opal was ready to heal me up.
We found some chests in another living area, and there wasn’t much in them but we each took something. This place is as good as abandoned. I found a few moss agates and tucked them away for safekeeping. You never know what will come in handy when you’re stuck in unfamiliar lands and have nothing to barter with.
The next couple of rooms had some unsettling stuff in them. There was some kind of statue of a man labeled “Our Dread Lord Strahd” in one. Even if it weren’t for the skeletons chained to the walls all around it, calling somebody a “dread lord” is never a good sign. By that point I was pretty sure there was some bad necromantic juju going on in this house. And all throughout this, the chanting continued in the distant lower levels.
The statue of the dread lord guy was holding this orb thing when we first walked in. Opal started examining it right away, and then she took it down and held it. She made a face after a second and then suddenly rushed out of the room to where the others were exploring down the hall. I heard Lith’s voice and then Opal came back in without the orb. She said that she couldn’t use the orb but a sorcerer like Lith could. Elliott and Opal and I kept investigating that room for a while longer, but we didn’t find anything interesting. Then the yelling started from the others down the hall.
Our group came running, of course. What we found was... yikes. So Lith, Zazear, and Haku were in this tiny room that had a headless corpse on the floor and a headed one standing up, talking to them. She was horrible. She kept moving and talking all weird, I don’t know how to describe it, manic and syrupy and snarling in turns. Obviously I cast a sacred flame as soon as I saw her. For as freaked out as we all were, it was a relief that that thing went down as easy as it did. I burned both bodies while the others explained what had gone down before our trio rejoined them.
The undead woman was the lady of this house--the mother of those two kids, who she had locked away to die months earlier. Gods, it’s sickening. The other corpse was her husband, and he had been hanging from the ceiling when they first walked in. Then Lith had disturbed a painting on the wall and she had climbed out of it. Zazear showed us the note he had found in the husband’s pocket. Apparently he’d noticed his wife becoming... whatever she was now, and felt like he might go the same way and harm his children. Um. I have some thoughts on that logic. But yeah. So that was the last of this family, except for the missing baby that Angela was talking about earlier. Walter.
At this point, we’d been on the move for over a day without food, but we were so close to the source of the chanting. It was coming from down another flight of stairs. It took some arguing, but we resolved to scout out the next section of the basement and come back to rest if there wasn’t anything progressing. We wouldn’t be any good to the baby (who at this point I had doubts was still alive, given that the rest of the household apparently died months ago) in our current state.
The first room at the bottom of the stairs had relics all around the niches in the walls. Opal said they were fakes, but Lith didn’t believe her. She took a couple of bone daggers anyway. We looked around a bit more, and didn’t find much aside from a small dungeon (everything in it was long dead) and then a water entry of some kind with a portcullis. The chanting was coming from beyond it, but we couldn’t see anyone. The words were clear by now: “He is the Ancient, he is the Land,” over and over.
Nothing seemed to be changing, and we were all hungry and tired. Elliott didn’t want to wait before going through the portcullis and facing the (definitely necromancers). I half agreed with him, because necromancy really shouldn’t be left to its own devices any longer than necessary, but also, we weren’t at our best necromancer-fighting shape at the moment. He was outvoted, and we went back to the previous section to rest a bit.
We still hadn’t found anything by way of food, and by this point it had been more than a day and a half since we got stranded. Luckily Elliott thought to examine that grick we’d killed earlier, and trailman that he is, decided it was worth trying. Lith finished cooking it, and Elliott used a little bard magic to make it taste better. The dog he picked up, Lancelot, was perkier after getting something to eat. I’m not sure how that little guy survived for the last few months without food or water.
After sleeping, we returned to that water entry. Haku lifted up the portcullis—I guess the whole unnaturally-large muscles thing is handy—and we stepped into this big watery chamber with a stone altar on a dais in the center and a path running around the edges of the room.
It was empty at first, but then this circle of floating cloaked figures faded into view around the room. The chanting changed and became louder, insistent. “One must die. One must die. One must die.”
We stood there looking at each other. Lith made the first move, pointing at Lancelot in Elliott’s arms. “Give them the dog!” Elliott refused. Opal and Zazear seemed to agree with Lith. I was petrified. One the one hand, who knew what would happen if we didn’t do something, and it was awfully convenient that we happened to have one living thing with us that wasn’t a party member. On the other, that felt gross to even consider. And my deity wouldn’t look kindly on me for participating in a necromantic ritual as self preservation. Haku seemed a little lost, his gaze darting around the room frantically. Lith tried to take Lancelot from Elliott, and they started a tugging match. We were all arguing, shouting over each other, all while the chanting got louder and louder around us.
Haku let out this wild yell, and he charged at the altar, bringing an axe he’d grabbed earlier down on the stone with so much force that it cracked in two. I’m not sure if it was his actions or if we had just run out of time, but the chanting stopped. All the ghost cultists called out, “The end comes! Death be praised!” and faded away.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then this mound of something began to move at the other end of the chamber. As it rose above the water line, we could make out the shapes of bones and things in it. Oh gods.
We spread out around the room to fight it. At one point, it lashed out at Elliott and enveloped him. His face would poke out of the mess every once in a while and he’d try to tell us something before getting sucked back under.
Finally, the monstrosity burst apart under our attacks, leaving behind an exhausted Elliott... and a crying baby? I’m retching a little just recalling it’s face. It was crying black tears. It was obviously undead, but Opal insisted on magically checking to be sure. Yep. I started forward to burn it, and Lith and Opal stopped me, pointing out that we knew where its resting place would be. So we all headed upstairs to put the baby to rest in the crib from earlier.
As soon as the body touched the crib bottom, it faded away. There was a rumbling around us, and the house started to fall apart. We all rushed down the stairs and made it out the door just before the whole building collapsed behind us. Everything that we had picked up from the middle levels of the house—mostly armor and weapons—started to rust and disintegrated off of our bodies as we ran. Zazear and Lith were the only ones who had taken or made makeshift clothing from the decrepit upper level and the basement, so the rest of us were down to our underwear again.
In the ruins of the house, the shapes of Rose and Thorn flickered, mouthing their cries for help from earlier. But... hadn’t we put the ghosts to rest? They shifted into another person’s shape then, and then another, flickering so fast it was hard to distinguish the different people. One lingered a little longer than the rest, causing Haku to make a sharp noise in reaction. It was his brother’s shape. The visions disappeared for good once they had all been cycled through.
The house must have been drawing people in for years like a sick people-trapping death... trap. Poor Haku. He says that his brother can’t be dead, and he’s sticking with us to keep looking. It’s sad to see someone that deep in denial. 
There was a man not far from the house who we ran into after this. He introduced himself as Vasili and gave us some of his supplies, as well as directions to the closest village, Barovia, which we learned is also the name of this whole valley. We’re getting our bearings now. Who knows what we’ll find in Barovia. If this house was any sort of a sign for what’s ahead, I think I’m going to need new armor.
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purplewave · 4 years
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1992 Trailman equipment trailer Selling with no reserve or minimum bid Bidding is open now View more pictures and place your bid on this item at https://ift.tt/2GspgdZ View this and all trailers in this auction at https://ift.tt/36pnrJm https://ift.tt/2GqOglP
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fishing-exposed · 4 years
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@TrailLifeUSA: Fathers, Trailman, and Mentors with Trail Life Troop GA-3106 spent a day trout fishing on the lake. Nearly every boy was able to catch a fish, and boys learned to clean, prepare, and cook their catch. https://t.co/nLJ2Es6GgE #TrailLifeUSA https://t.co/lM6LOJ78Yu
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thelastgherkin · 7 years
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TFNation Roundup: BotCon 2015 Lift-Ticket
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thegriceworld · 5 years
SHS Senior to receive Trail Life Freedom Award Sunday
Daniel McAlhany a Statesboro High senior and Trail Life Trailman, will received this Sunday the prestigious Freedom award from Trail Life USA.   Daniel McAlhany is the first person from Statesboro to receive this award.   The award ceremony to be held on Sunday, October 20 at 4pm at First Baptist Church in Statesboro.
The Freedom Award is meant to recognize young men who epitomize the Trail Life…
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quarlingruns · 5 years
Trailman Danmark - Video from Trailman ultra
Trailman Danmark – Video from Trailman ultra
Trailman posted a video from sundays Trailman Winter edition (read the recap of the race here) almost at the end I am featured in the red shorts from the back.
I fell like Mike Wazowski from Monsters INC.
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androshchuk-run · 3 years
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Today's running adventures called "Trypillia - Shari Chasu" 🏃🏻‍♂️ have come to an end.
Route "Trypillia - Balls of Time" Trail 🏃🏻‍♂️
The route of the trail race 🏃🏻‍♂️ "Trypillia - Layers of Time" for 24 kilometers consisted of one circle and had 3 CP. The highlight of the trail was its marking, because we had to run in two colors (orange and crimson), which changed from time to time and the fact that before the start of the trail runners could not get acquainted with the track and download it. Although I never used this advantage during trails, today I would not mind having a track on the phone. And the very beautiful surrounding nature, which always accompanied the runners. 🏃🏻‍♂️
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ollierachnid · 7 years
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Trailsman (Australian Spies) icon (For my new blog @the-trailsman)
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