#tor vanny
sallymew4 · 2 years
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i decided to start watching the entirety of TOR Season 2, so here are some doodles i did while watching the first couple of episodes :) a bunch of these are (out of contextually) based on events in said episodes so if they dont make too much sense my bad heahehae
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La "Biomuseologia" di Maurizio Vanni sbarca negli States
Da Los Angeles, a Sarasota, passando per Washington e New York. La “Biomuseologia” di Maurizio Vanni, museologo, storico dell’arte, curatore e autore del libro “Biomuseologia. Il museo e la cultura della sostenibilità” (Celid) su come rilanciare i musei in chiave ‘green’ – in armonia con gli altri gradi della sostenibilità - sbarca negli Stati Uniti, in un tour che porterà l’autore a presentare l’edizione in inglese del manuale nelle principali metropoli americane, per incontrare direttori e membri di board museali, galleristi, presidenti di fondazioni, editori, artisti e businessmen coinvolti in materia. Chi è Maurizio Vanni? Museologo e storico dell’arte, specialista in valorizzazione e gestione museale. Lavora per la Soprintendenza Archeologia, Beni Culturali e Paesaggio per le province di Lucca e Massa Carrara, è docente di Museologia per il turismo (UNIPI), di Marketing non convenzionale alla Facoltà di Economia di Roma Tor Vergata nel Master “Economia e Gestione della Comunicazione e dei Media” e di Governance e gestione culturale presso il Conservatorio Luigi Boccherini di Lucca nel Master “MaDAMM”. Ha curato più di 700 eventi, tra mostre e progetti legati alla museologia del presente, e ha tenuto corsi, seminari, convegni e lectio magistralis in sessanta musei e quaranta università di oltre trenta paesi del mondo. Intervista a Maurizio Vanni Scopriamo la storia dietro la creazione di questo libro grazie all'intervista che abbiamo realizzato prpoprio con l'autore ovvero Maurizio Vanni: Qual è l'obiettivo di Biomuseologia? Obiettivo ampliare le conoscenze, capire come i musei e le strutture che producono cultura negli Stati Uniti si rapportano con i concetti espressi nella nuova definizione di Museo di ICOM (Praga agosto 2022) attraverso i termini di sostenibilità (economica, sociale, ambientale e olistica) e di inclusione (responsabilità sociale). Ma anche studiare le soluzioni messe in atto Oltreoceano, per capire quale strada stanno prendendo i musei, a livello internazionale, prendendo come riferimento uno dei paesi più all’avanguardia nella valorizzazione museale e gestione museale del mondo. Quali sono i difetti nella gestione dei nostri musei? Oggi un museo deve essere gestito come un’impresa privata, ma senza produrre utili. C'è, da parte loro verso di noi, la sensazione di avere pessime capacità di gestione. Questo perché non siamo in grado di valorizzarlo a dovere. Le nostre lacune sono evidenti, non soltanto dal punto di vista dell’impatto ambientale dei musei. Oggi queste strutture devono essere esperienziali, inclusive e sostenibili, mentre in Italia ci si preoccupa principalmente dell’aspetto economico. Infine, le strategie e le nuove modalità di profilazione dei pubblici rivestiranno un’importanza sempre più rilevante nell’ottica di un coinvolgimento orientato alla fidelizzazione Cosa vuol dire Biomuseologia? La Biomuseologia, oltre ad affiancare la Biomuseografia nel progettare strutture museali ex novo, ha dunque come priorità la riduzione dell'impatto ambientale di strutture storiche, rispettando le linee guida del Ministero della Cultura. Una sfida non più impossibile, grazie alla tecnologia: vernici green, pannelli fotovoltaici trasparenti, strategia no waste grazie al riciclo avanzato, utilizzo di materie prime certificate vanno incontro alle esigenze ambientali Foto di Nino Carè da Pixabay Read the full article
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officermaddie23 · 1 year
What roles the EverQuest characters would have if they were the cast of Vanessa Presents how to care for a winged gremlin child
@mellowwolflady knowing some of their personalities these roles would best fit them
Felix- Gregory
Larkoris Emeraldscale- Vanessa
Dr Nanl- Stanley
Khati Sha- Millie Fitzsimmons
Demonitius Sly`Tor- Charlie Emily
Zlandicar- Henry Emily
Emperor Ssreazha- William Afton
Klepto Kenny- Tashaki
Firiona Vie- Luis Cabrera
Xerish the creator- Elizabeth Afton aka Vanny
Krunosh- Glamrock Freddy
Tolapmuj- Glamrock Chica
Legendlizard- Montgomery Gator
Fippy Darkpaw- Roxanne Wolf
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brokenpooltable · 2 years
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goldemas1244 · 2 years
1, 12, and 26!
Thanks for the ask! Get ready though, because it's going to get a little bit longer (Thank goodness Tumblr automatically shortens long posts).
1. Gender and pronouns?
I'm a female-presenting genderfluid! My pronouns are she/they/he!
12. Favourite flag(s) visually?
There are so many flags in the community I've decided to compile a list for this question.
Here's a Top 5 (not in order):
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So's first up is the gay flag. It's like prismarine.
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(I know there's a bit of controversy on this one. Don't mind me if it's not the actual gay flag or something. As long as it's been used to represent the gay it's a flag.)
Next up would be the pansexual flag. Love how bright this is. Looks like Paddle Pop Rainbow (which if you haven't had is my absolute favourite ice cream).
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Then there's the omnisexual flag. Like those retro pink skies and blue seas. Hotline Miami or something.
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There's also the leather pride flag. Blame me for being a part of the subculture (per my last check), but I love how collage-y it looks. It reminds me of Frankie Stein.
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And finally there's genderfaun! It's such a naturally mesmerising combo of colours I can't complain!
26. Some characters you headcanon as LGBT+?
Ohoho you decided to be brave with this one~. Here's a few lists of but a few. Know that I don't know every single gender there is and I'm just picking those closer to home.
Spring Bonnie - Trans ftm, Gay
Springtrap - Bisexual
Scraptrap - Trans mtf, Asexual
Toxic Springtrap - Trans ftm, gay
Flaming Springtrap - Gay
Michael Afton - Non-binary, Aromantic
Henry Emily - Non-functional bisexual
Phone Guy/Dude - Bisexuals
Plushtrap - Trans mtf
Vanny - Lesbian
Roxanne Wolf - Lesbian
Montgomery Gay-tor
Red Spy - Bisexual, Trans ftm
Blu Spy - Gay gay homosexual gay
Red Sniper - Gay, Aromantic
Blu Sniper - Bisexual
Optimus Prime - Bisexual
Megatron - Disaster gay, asexual
Rodimus Prime - Disaster bisexual
Starscream - Aromantic, Disaster pansexual, Trans mtf
Soundwave - Superiorgender, Asexual
Sunstorm - Pansexual
Sandstorm (G2?) - Asexual
Prowl (IDW) - Look at that tits-to-waist ratio and tell me he doesn't identify as a snack
Barricade (TLK) - Bear pride, Leather pride, Bisexual
Galvatron (AOE) - Gay
Crosshairs (Bayverse) - Pansexual, Aromantic
Drift (Bayverse) - Gay, Non-Binary
Hound (Bayverse) - Bear pride
King Candy/Turbo - Aromantic, Asexual
General Grievous - Canonically polygamous, headcanonically bisexual
Doctor Strange - G A Y L O R D
OCs (technically characters too, right?)
Golden Fazbear Green: Polyamorous, Genderfluid, Bisexual, Leather pride, and anything else that I may be
Mas Lovelent - Aromantic, Asexual
Bastion Remnant - Butch lesbian
Camaro Eypoh: Pansexual
Rainstorm (Transformers) - Non-binary, gay
Rookie Rainstorm (DC) - Gay, Polyamorous
Sun Drizzle - Pansexual
Mare Imbrium - Rookie Rainstorm but functional gay now
(Y/N) - Bisexual, Leather pride
There's actually more but I'm getting quite sleepy. Thanks for the ask! Feel free to submit more!
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thedisasterracers · 2 years
Are there nicknames for everyone?
Vanellope: Yep, for me it’s van, vanny, princess (I personally hate that one.) president, booger face (Ralph calls me that.) glitch, and Nelly (rancis calls me that one.)
Taffyta: Mine it’s taff, taffy, strawberry head, and lollipop monster cuz I lick too many lollipops that Gloyd decided to call me that. Curse you.
Candlehead: I know the nicknames I have is which is candles, can, sticker kid, flamethrower, Cupcake (Gloyd calls me that he’s so sweet.) and finally the cute arsonist because I caused too many fires over the past few years…
Rancis: I have my fair share of nicknames it would have to be Ran, choco boy, Butterfingers, Rancid (I hate this one with a passion.) and finally rancy (Vanellope calls me by that but I dislike how the boys use it when they are supposed to not do that.)
Gloyd: Mines are definitely the best out of all of y’all, ok mine are G, sticker face, (Candles put stickers in my face and I don’t mind.) Prankster, face ache (Torvald calls me that.) the jokester, Pumpkin, (Candlehead calls me by it and it’s very creative in my opinion.) candy stealer, and finally candy corn face.
Swizzle: You guys can guess mines but imma spare you for now it’s mainly the swizz, the big s, Flirty dude, Best wingman, and Swizzy. (Jubi calls me by that sometimes.)
Crumbelina: Surprisingly enough I do have enough nicknames to go off by but the ones that are most commonly known which is crumbs, Lina, tiramisu, the cookie dancer, Cookie Monster (idk who made that up but probably Gloyd.) and crumbly.
Minty: Mod these are overused but I got my fair share of mine, Mint, mintz, minty breath, STG, (“stronger than goku” it’s a joke me and my friends make) leaf face, Green fighter, then there’s Minty Ziki… (I spelled my name wrong ONE TIME and swizzle thought it was funny to make it as a joke.)
Adorabeezle: The ones I have is adora, breezy, ice pop, Wholesome child, axe wielder, and the best cutesy twin sister (Nougetsia calls me by it.)
Snowanna: It’s shown that mine are cool cuz it’s snow, Anna, snowy, Snowflake, Ice anna, and my favorite of them all is freezy hands because me, adora, and nougetsia have cold hands and when someone touches it, they feel cold.
Jubileena: I got some good zingers here which is Jubi, jubilee, cherry face, pie lover, Cherry pie, cherry bomber, Abrazador de cereza alegre, (It’s in Spanish.) red head, and the last one is sleepy red.
Citrusella: Of course the ones I have is pretty weird I can explain it, there’s Blue head, Cit, Ella, berry face, Ojos de arándano, (Thats also in Spanish.) The big rude blueberry aka TBRB, (I can be rude sometimes.) Blue moon, (I stay up at night.) and I saved the best of the best and it’s the blue basher
Torvald: There are too much to name but I’ll call out the ones that fit me, batterbutter, Tors, Butterscotch lover, and then there’s my favorite and most chill one it’s Big chill sis.
Nougetsia: I have only a few and it’s nouget, sia, yogurt fan, Mochi face and brumblebee.
Sticky: Oh this is good I think the only nicknames I have is Stick, sticks, bubblegum, Best bubbly girlfriend, (Nouget calls me by it she’s very cute.) and the last one is Wips…
Sakura: I have a few it’s cherry blossom, saks, sakka,(It was Gloyd who called me that.) and finally I have the best of the best nicknames which is The flash swordsmen because I do have swords that can be dangerous and are not dull like other swords would be.
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this-is-scrap · 5 years
what’s their home life like?
Well, to answer that, you need to know that Atlas and Vanny have another sibling! He has the most steriotypical norweign I could find (Torbjørn) and is the youngest of the family at age 14.
But, going to home life... It’s... weird but oddly more normal then you’d except. Atlas goes to college but he lives in his parents’ house, not on campus. Because of that, he’s Always close to his Family. He’s not too close to his parents, mainly because of their judginess on his lifestyle, but he knows they just want the best for him. On Ness and Tor, they’re less appreciative of their parents, but usually don’t say anything.
On the three siblings, their relationship is basically this:
Atlas - Ness: Get along really well and only argue from time to time.
Atlas – Tor: Who is this small devil child and why is he forcing me to listen to heavy metal?
Ness – Tor: Screaming match every five seconds, but can find compromisse on scary movies.
And yeah, that’s kinda it!
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sallymew4 · 2 years
ok but this is literally Vanny with Circus Baby ????? i know it’s not just me thinking this. ALSO i knoowww i said i kinda only ship TOR characters in like ideas and less actual shipping, but i really do love the gfs. theyre so sweet and in love and i <3333
PS !!!!!!! i only ship these two characters in The Oddities Roleplay canon. outside of that, in the actual FNAF canon, it would be pretty gross, considering one is a literal dead child ahaha
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brokenpooltable · 2 years
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Uh tor art
Can u tell I like vanny
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brokenpooltable · 2 years
Glamrock Vanny au 😎
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Glamrock Vanny au 😎
Glamrock Vanny au 😎
Glamrock Vanny au 😎
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brokenpooltable · 2 years
who are ur TOR ships pls tell
Ahh well I uhh *scratches head*
I don’t really have many—
Vanny x circus baby is definitely my most favorite ever!!!!! 💜💜 I love them sm
As for others, ig nedd bear x lefty (don’t ask) and chica x el chip!! (Although I think pig patch x chica was canon at some point—)
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