radiomurdeer · 2 months
@top-shelf-tender gets a starter cause we're both thirsty hoes
From the balcony Alastor observed the happy chattering between everyone. It's nice to take a break, when everyone had been working so very hard. Learning to fight, preparing the defenses. All contributed and now was time to relax.
Even Alastor could admit he needed the brief reprieve, even if he didn't feel the urge to join them down below. There's a pounding behind his eyes, the afterimages of the dark magics he'd been studying for the upcoming battle leaving imprints with every blink. Like an itch in the back of the mind, making his laughter just a bit more manic than usual. What he needed was something to ground him, to bolster his soul for the upcoming battle tomorrow.
But his usual favorite toy was looking at Angel Dust with those wide eyes again. Laughing at something Angel Dust said. Hands touch, and Alastor could nearly see the connections solidifying between them. Chains of a different type, and oh dear Husker you have no idea do you? What Angel had to offer was fleeting and ephemeral. Perhaps Husk needed Alastor to make a point, give him a bit of a reminder.
Alastor waited, chatting with Niffty until she went off to do some last minute cleaning. It was only Husk and Angel Dust at the bar now, and Alastor decided this was as good a time as any. He slipped away to his own room, and giving a sharp tug to the chain connecting Husk. This time there wasn't any choice in the matter. Alastor had a point to make, to both his pet and the spider. Like how he'd summoned to Husk to the hotel months ago, reality warped and bent, connecting the two points in space long enough to deposit Husk at his feet.
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angie-long-legs · 2 months
Girls' Night
Closed RP Starter for @top-shelf-tender
A flurry of goodbyes passed between the gaggle gathered in the hotel parlour. Prior to tonight, Angel Dust had made a point of not inviting the hotel crowd to his drag shows - somehow, being seen by them in drag seemed far more intimate than if they were to attend his lewd striptease and pole shows. But when Charlie had spotted a glamorous pin-up on Angel's wall of him in all his drag finery, she had practically begged him to let her and Vaggie see him perform. Her excited squeals and eager, puppy-dog eyes made it nigh impossible to say no - even when she inevitably escalated it into a "bonding exercise", a "girls' night" for the ladies of the hotel to "really get to know eachother". Angel had to admit, though, he'd had a lot more fun than he had expected. Other than Niffty making a bee-line for some menacing looking leather daddies (who, thankfully, found her rather adorable), and Cherri trying quite aggressively to persuade the stage engineer to let her take over the pyrotechnics, the night had gone surprisingly without a hitch.
Doing his damndest to swallow these highly unwelcome nerves, Angel sidled up to the bar with an exaggerated swing in his hips, playing up the charm in an effort to disguise his nagging insecurity. He plopped himself down on a stool and shot Husk a saucy grin.
As the crowd trailed off to their respective rooms, Angel found himself to be the last man standing. His eyes flicked up to allow himself a glance at the demon behind the hotel bar. He had been deliberately avoiding his gaze, feeling a touch vulnerable in his current get-up. The outfit he had picked for the show consisted of a hot pink dress that had a flouncy skirt short enough for his legs to be on full display. His make-up was pink to match and flecked with glitter, and the wig he had chosen was platinum blonde with tidy ringlets that bounced around his shoulders. Usually, being in drag had his confidence soaring, and he would revel in the warm glow of adoration he elicited from the sinners that drooled over him with wide, hungry eyes. Sure, his work had no shortage of those, but being admired as a glamorous beauty queen as opposed to a hot, naked body? It was a rare glimmer of control, a beautiful mirage he could spend forever chasing. When he was in drag, it was his choice, his art, and he called all the shots. But, around Husk... well, he would be lying if he hadn't breathed a silent sigh of relief when Charlie suggested making the outing a girls only affair. Sure, he pushed Husk's buttons, and having his advances rejected when he was playing up the pornstar persona was one thing, but the idea of getting shot down when he was like this felt far more sour.
"So... what's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?"
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statiicstag · 1 month
x @top-shelf-tender
Somehow Alastor's grin stretches even wider, far past what would be considered normal and into uncanny valley territory. Still yet, his voice is bright and pleasant, a complete juxtaposition to the sarcasm Husk greeted him with.
❝ Ah, I know! My compassion truly knows no constraints! ❞ Both arms come around and in his hands is a box topped with a silken red bow, which he holds out to him for the taking.
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❝ You are going to open it, aren't you? ❞ He's not above batting his eyelashes, which he does now, if only for the sake of being obnoxious. They're both well aware Husk doesn't have much of a choice except to take the gift, whether he'd like to or not.
Given he chooses to take it and open it, inside the box is...a rather silly looking top hat.
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radiostarsz · 1 month
"Something changed"
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Alastor's voice crackled with an unsettling static. There was a palpable sense of curiosity in his tone, his fingers flickered against the wood counter. His gaze was intense and his eyes were fixated on Husk's face, as if trying to find some hidden secret. " You have seemed to be in much higher spirits as of late, Husker! "
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"I haven't seen you smile like this since, well, ever. I am surprised to see you so happy..." Alastor's grin grew larger , sharper, twisted. His head tilted. "I didn't know you had it in you, my friend! This newfound joy seems to be doing wonders for you! I am proud!" he tapped twice over the counter and a small glass already filled appeared."Cheers to the unlucky fella! May he bring more happiness to your days and nights to come!" He laughed heartily at his own joke It was a short condescenting laugh.
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antlered-host · 18 days
Alastor smiled and hummed as he walked down the street. It really was a horrible day in Hell. He spun his staff as he took a nimble step out of the way of a wayward sinner already partaking in bloodshed so early in the morning. Perhaps it was still night for this poor injured sinner. Either way, it didn't really matter to him, just as long as they kept to themself.
Regardless of whether he was interested in watching the show, he was out with a purpose. He was out in search for his own wayward sinner this morning. Husker had a bit more to drink than usual the night prior and he had a habit of... wandering off. Sure, Alastor could just summon him back to the hotel by force, but he had found his lost cat in too many compromising situations to pass up the opportunity to see him in another. He would simply wander the streets within walking distance to the hotel, focusing his search on areas his drunken acquaintance might have decided were more interesting, and he would show up sooner or later. He always did.
After about thirty minutes of wandering, Alastor saw a familiar flash of red in a nearby shop window. Specifically, the pet shop. Alastor's smile widened further as he approached the glass. He began to chuckle upon finding the curled up, sleeping form of his bartender sitting in the display window as if up for adoption.
He took a few moments to fully take in the sight before tapping roughly on the glass with a claw.
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outofradios · 2 months
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@top-shelf-tender asked: “Are you out of your fuckin’ mind? Like, more than usual?”
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Humming can be heard from the radio daemon as he twirls the knife he currently had in his hand.
Hands working carefully with a sharpened blade as it slices through raw meat with ease, he had always been awfully skilled when it came to knives after all.
How was this long pig or actual another type of meat that was anyone's guess to what the meat actually was.
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Now the culinary arts had always been a passion of the radio demons; it was after all just another way for him to express himself, be it more tame than his other hobbies.
"Good morning to you as well." He sassy remarks before he stabs his knife into the chopping board so he can turn his attention to the cat. "No more then usual." He sing song as he goes back to making breakfast for everyone after all he had schedule to keep to. "Now are you going to keep standing there questioning my sanity or lack there of it or are you planning on helping me make breakfast?"
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hellsdisneyprincess · 2 months
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
Charlie smiled warmly at his reassurance. "I really appreciate that, Husker. I have no idea where things are going, especially with Heaven and what they plan to do now, but I'm glad I have your support."
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sirserpentine · 29 days
@top-shelf-tender / Blood Ball
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"Husssssker, old chap! Is that you under that marvellous costume?!" Sir Pentious called out, sauntering over with a drink in hand and a little bit out of breath. What a night this had already been! So many sights, fancy people with their fancy costumes and the most divine music you could probably find in all of Hell. Pentious had danced his scales sore and a chatter with a friend was just the kind of break he needed.
He circled around the feline, clapping his hand in admiring delight. What a gent could be found under the scruffy exterior!
"I must say, you look as sharp as a knife! You should wear a coat more often, dearie!"
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culling · 6 days
{{You know I gotta ask it, boo. How many shots to boink the cat? 😏}}
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smile splits jaw open, cracked like ribs inside cage, or perhaps a more fitting description would be shards of bottles crunched beneath feet. low laughter emits, frequency recieved tenfold : red glow to his slit gaze, personality finding life behind rows of ruinous teeth. “ about a dozen, i’d say! ” ( distorted voice rings through microphone : and it ain’t for liquid courage! ) hand spins, amber stained glass appearing betwix fingers. “ oh, i’d do it sober -- but cheap booze just adds something special, don’t you think? may our breaths reek during such an abhorrent act! ” there’s not a shred of irony to be found, so it seems as though the radio demon is completely & utterly serious!
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lettherebemonsters · 25 days
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Even though it takes a while, Husk ends up being one of the very few Adam gradually opens up to. And the stuff he talks about absolutely shock Husk, since he had always assumed that Adam's issues were just garden variety stuff everyone else had.
Husk actually felt a twinge of empathy for the first man once he learned more about Adam's situation with his wives and kids. It reminded him a lot of stuff that happened when he was alive.
Sometimes, just to annoy Husk, Adam will make dog noises to scare him. Husk fucking HATES it and even ends up hissing at Adam like the cat he is. Adam just woofs back at him with a tongue sticking out.
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nifft · 2 months
“Niff, you’ve GOT to stop stabbing bugs with my cocktail umbrellas. What do you even do with ‘em afterwards?”
"Aw, Husk! I'm only borrowing them!"
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"I always make sure to put them right back for you," She offers him a serious nod as she says this.
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radiomurdeer · 2 months
After Mimzy's departure and the absolutely touching reconciliation things had more or less settled down. The poor beleaguered wall was once again repaired and Alastor wasn't surprised to find that Lucifer had left at the earliest opportunity with vague promises. The inhabitants of the hotel were separating into happy little groups, bolstered by the good feelings left in the wake off Charlie and her father reconnecting. Charlie and Vaggie had wandered off, hands clasped. Husk and Angel Dust were practically doing the same, in each other's space and comfortable.
Alastor narrowed his eyes at the soft gazes, the way Husk's pupils showed more black every time he looked at Angel Dust. The hint of a smile on the normally dour face. The deer demon's grip tightened on his cane. Sorting through his chains, he found the one belonging to Husk and gave it the gentlest of tugs as Alastor slide away to shadow and into his room. Another small tug, insistent, as he went deeper into the bayou he'd made by twisting reality to suit his whims. The chain would only have the faintest of glows, it wouldn't due to let everyone know on what a short least he kept his favorite pet.
He paced while he waited, wandering deeper into the world he'd made, reminiscent of what he remembered from life. Today had been stressful, and he'd taken it out unfairly on Husk. He couldn't blame the feline if he didn't want to come when called.
But Alastor wasn't always considerate of what Husk wanted.
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hellsbroadcaster · 6 days
∗ 15﹕ what  is  your  favorite  dynamic  trope  to  write ?
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love a good enemies to lovers trope. A lot of my fav ships are kind of this dynamic of push and pull and toxicity. I like when they are worst for each other but also still somehow are the best for each other.
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antlered-host · 7 days
💗 {{I know we already have threads, but I couldn’t resist x3}}
Send 💗 to pull my muse into a sudden hug and hold them tight, refusing to let go
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Alastor froze at the sudden hug, confused. He squirmed just a little bit, but found himself unable to escape the cat's grasp.
"Husker. What do you think you're doing?"
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perditicn · 7 days
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@top-shelf-tender || continued from [ x ]
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        There wasn't much fondness held for the garden by Alastor, caused simply by its primary keeper, but he didn't mind going up there. As long as Lucifer wasn't also present when he was since, without the King of Hell's presence to cause agitation, he could at least see the decency in the area. Even if parts of it felt particularly petty to him.
But the entire little issue he had with Lucifer was beside the point at the moment. It's not like Alastor would much prefer to linger on it at the moment anyhow.
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        Alastor didn't hesitate to follow after Husk as he carried the watering pail to the next cluster of flowers, likely due to the ' Sure ' that'd been given that permitted him to keep the cat sinner company. Although, even if Husk had denied his company Alastor would have remained anyways — choosing instead to make himself a bother to the other. But such a route hadn't occurred so it didn't much matter what he would have done if denied.
        “ At the moment? No. ” He answered the inquiry.
He wasn't required at the moment and he hadn't anything to occupy himself. So why not simply come to keep his ' favorite ' cat company? And as Husk put it; He didn't have anything better to do at the moment.
        Alastor let a silence settle between them after his initial answer as he watched Husk tend to the flowers, presence looming nearby with the soft yet droning tone of static making it clear he remained near. He hadn't felt the need to speak since it wasn't like he'd sought Husk out for a specific reason. No task or job to assign the feline to do, nothing in particular at all.
So, he allowed his gaze to filter away from Husk for a few minutes as he allowed himself to take in the garden itself. The topiaries, the fountain, the plants that seemed specifically picked to be petty towards him. He didn't visit this part of the hotel often, the reasons as to why not needing explaining, so he didn't typically bother taking in how it looked since his visits tended to be quite brief. Typically as brief as possible to avoid the little project's owner.
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        “ You know, ” He finally speaks, breaking the quiet, as his gaze snapped back upon Husk, “ I wouldn't have expected this of you. ”
He knew full well the feline took up activities around the hotel, Husk had been put to work as an employee of the hotel due to Alastor's dragging him there after all. But gardening hadn't been something Alastor expected of him. Even if such gardening at the moment extended to just watering the already existing plants.
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angie-long-legs · 7 days
Husk: Al you should totally edge me
Alastor: Ok how's this! *disappears for 7 years*
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