#top gunk
dulcetines · 1 year
Aku baru tau alasan nama anak goose di labuan baju dipanggil geprek karena nicknamenya rooster ya (baru nonton)
+ kelakuannya bikin orang pengen ngegeprek doi beneran
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gunkbaby · 1 month
Devastating: motherquake measuring 9.9 on the cunter scale in 2019 revealed to be caused by woke transgender cannibals 😱😔
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sesanghe-myah · 3 months
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omg, he’s so bootiful 😍💕
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gunkreads · 15 days
Probably a nit i'm picking here but I've noticed that when people's praise of a story annoys me, it's almost always because they're praising an individual element of that story that, in my eyes, doesn't fit into a cohesive whole or add anything to a larger narrative structure or set of themes.
I feel like it's very easy to find individual elements of storytelling--in my experience, usually worldbuilding details or elements of character arcs--that absolutely floor you. Pretty often, a story will have several of those elements, sometimes in a row! They don't make a story good.
What's the in between? Where do we go on the way from point to point? Are these compelling revelations or arcs presented with adequate lead-in and follow-through, or do they appear from nowhere? Do facts about the setting get insinuated before and after they're explicitly revealed, or are they presented to you and subsequently ignored?
The latter cases of these usually end up coming together to make stories that are fucking GREAT to talk about and reflect on, but a little painful to actually read, watch, listen to, or play critically. One of my all-time favorite TV shows is a prime culprit of this: Into the Badlands. It's a show full of the baddest ass ideas on paper that just don't get executed all that well. Shit comes outta nowhere, but when it's on screen, it's awesome! Then it's gone and forgotten. I love the show a lot, but it's just not stitched together well.
Another great example: Destiny. This game/series is infamous for having a story told almost entirely offscreen. There's a reason the Grimoire (effectively all the written background lore) is published as its own collection of books. The problem is, none of these amazing stories are delivered well-- and by "well", I mean "at all". It's a video game whose primary story is incredibly basic, but has a shitballs bonkers universe of history behind it that makes that main story goddamn insanely compelling! That history, though, is told almost exclusively through in-game, completely skippable text files. It's provided many a deep and mellifluous British youtube narrator with an entire decade long career of turning the written lore into narrated slideshows. But if you only play Destiny (yknow, the thing you're supposed to do with a game), that shit's straight up not there! It's certainly gotten better at times (Witch Queen), but it's a bad average. Hell, it's a bad median.
This isn't about ideas that conflict or are dissonant; I've found plenty of stories that pull dissonant ideas together into a compelling whole (cough cough Wheel of Time). This is about stories that can't deliver all those ideas in a cohesive way, and it's about how eager fans tend to be to praise a story that's a pile of shiny parts on the floor. You don't walk into the junkyard to see a pile of disassembled parts and say "What a nice car", you say "This engine could run, these tires have plenty of tread, this strut's bearings are still good". A story made of quality components is not automatically a good story. One of the best functions of fandom is to collaboratively assemble that car, though! We just need to acknowledge that the pile on the ground is not a car.
Here's my call to action: check the fucking glue. What's holding the good elements of a story together? How do these things tie in thematically to each other, and how are they juxtaposed within the linear narrative that makes those ties effective? Does the message of one good element overlap significantly with another, and does that overlap weaken or strengthen each element? Is the story using its medium well, or at all?
Enjoyment of a story has little relationship with how cohesive the narrative is; I think we all know that by now. I still think it's worthwhile to ask yourself whether your story is a good STORY or a collection of good IDEAS.
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collgeruledzebra · 5 months
oh when the bachelor gets back to the capital or wherever he ends up now that thanatica is gone and cleans out that bag of his you KNOW the grit in the bottom is going to be capable of starting an entirely new epidemic
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Someone in the comments is using the interdimensional cosmic love video to connect to a past lover who they used to meet in dreams but tragically died 6 years ago irl. Idk what to say. I really hope it works out for them
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madscientiststims · 1 year
places my hand on the mirror. my most popular boards are sillies... who am i...
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getting my ugly fucking thight cystic zits/clogged hair follicles i always get plus what i literally do think is just an imitation of a cold and i’m about to message the nurx people stat…….its so annoying i’m ovulating right before i’m finally losing my virginity 🫥
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dulcetines · 1 year
teh aku kan iseng nyari2 bacaan icemav ringan di tumblr dan hampir semua diasosiasikan dengan top gun (unlike kpop ff mereka bisa jadi tukang bubur naik haji). teteh sendiri gimana liat icemav apa selalu harus berhubungan dengan topgun dan navy?
yes but personally i'm having so much fun adding local elements to it you know. making it feel like home. kaya km tau gasi di depan fasilitas topgun ada yg jualan papeda enak. iceman aslinya orang batak. "bro kantin bro" "ngapel dulu bro". mamat dilabrak tukang parkir topgun karena gak punya kartu emoney. etc
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david-watts · 1 year
feels weird that I might be moving out of this room today... if so, fucking finally
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fagknowledge · 2 years
God I feel so fucking great right now thank you juice boxes and also prescription opioids
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wabblebees · 2 years
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dreadwhoop · 2 years
Awesomenauts Top 100 - 21/10/2022
Don't forget to use your clown currency for Bozo Gunk! Last day 24th!
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Here's this week's Top 100!
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Skolldir - 15 (-1)
Froggy G - 12 (--) Penny - 10 (-1) Raelynn - 09 (+1) Sentry - 06 (--) Ted McPain - 06 (--) Ayla - 06 (--) Lonestar - 05 (--) Clunk - 05 (+2) Skree - 04 (--) Max Focus - 03 (--) Yuri - 03 (--) Gnaw - 03 (--) Chucho - 02 (--) Nibbs - 02 (--) Jimmy/Lux5000 - 02 (+1) Dizzy - 01 (--) Smiles - 01 (--) Deadlift - 01 (--) Rocco - 01 (--) Ix - 01 (--) Qi'Tara - 01 (--) Leon - 01 (--) Scoop - 00 (-1) Coco - 00 (-1) Swiggins - 00 (--) Snork Gunk - 00 (--) Vinnie & Spike - 00 (--) Commander Rocket- 00 (--) Voltar - 00 (--) Derpl - 00 (--) Genji - 00 (--) Ksenia - 00 (--) Yoolip - 00 (--)
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waitinginthecorner · 2 months
My fish is getting too big for a (I think) 20/30 gallon tank...he's gonna need something bigger soon. He's such a big boy I cannot believe how big and strong he's gotten. My sweet special boy
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comfycozycrossfox · 4 months
sorry i just looked into accutane and not to be dramatic but if they try to do all of the pregnancy test shit they do to women to me if i try to get on that i WILL straight threaten to sue, absolutely fucking not 😂 no. not putting up with it. legally im male i dont give a shit.
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My dads not back meaning I have to put away the dishes which means I can put them away correctly for once
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