#too sick for typey
Multiple story time:
Listening to your music made me super duper sad when I was sick cuz I couldn’t breathe and probably because I couldn’t sing along. I can mimic your voice probably the best out of any mimic singing I do. It’s just THAT WAY. I don’t know why, sometimes it’s kinda creepy. I’m not about to sing along in like…. Opera style. Unless you had some opera type music of course lol. Lyyyyyke, I wouldn’t sing like Frank Sinatra if I was singing along to a Britney Spears song ya kno. Hmm… that actually sounds like a super fuckn awesome combo though. 🧐 hm…
I was actually getting REALLY fuckin pissed after my natural, bored, monotone, robotic-sounding speaking voice came back. Yes I am aware that when I am bored, it is annoyingly obvious. Haha. BUT still, !GONE! was my loud and beloved shrill-squeak “Gibby voice”. The Gibby voice is just an adjustment of my ‘Courtney is really excited’ voice. Going further back, as I’ve said before (because I definitely repeat myself on here for the purpose of releasing repetitive, maddening energies)…the Gibby voice is originally a toned down derivative of *THE* Penny voice. However, not NEARLY as loud. Penny was VERY loud. Penny was definitely my loudest character voice EVER…and that’s pretty fuckin loud, man. I gta show you Penny. I can’t believe I haven’t taken a photo of her and shown you yet. Wow. My entire family, especially my aunt Nancy and my mom, STILL fkn talk about Penny and how gdamn loud she was. When I was a kid, doing my pretend Penny talking, they would say things like “Penny is quite loud for this time of night. I think Penny needs to go to bed.” Hahaha. I just drooled cranberry juice laughing. I got cranberry juice on my favorite white comforter!!! Nooo!!! Fuck, hold on a sec…
Okay I’m back. They also STILL use a bunch of funny quotes from things that I or Penny said in all seriousness, when I was just a kid. I’ll have to ask them which ones they remember and write them down. There are many..& they are more adult-sounding than something that came from the mouth of a five year old. I’ve always been crazy. Who cares.
They also still laugh about the time at Watercountry, when I started with some huge, fat-muscled, bald, biker dude w a Hell’s Angels tattoo. Started w him at the lazy river, over an inner tube that I was reaching for first. That dirty, dirty , kid piss-filled place. Ugh. Anyway, I mean, this guy SAW that I almost had it. Plus, I was super young and wanted to be with my cousin, not ALONE sitting in a huge fuckin tube that I could barely move in, in order to catch up w her. Like wtf dude. So I got pissed when he just grabbed it and didn’t give it to me. I even remember that this guy was fuckin by himself. Like ..DA FUK?! So I grabbed the tube out of his hands and gave him a “really dude?” kind of child mean mug. My mom said that he looked at her and my aunt like “Yo, your fucking kid has some nerve to do that to ME.” So they look at each other n then looked at him like “🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know man, I didn’t do it…I didn’t birth her.” haha.
“I didn’t birth her, I just bought her.” Bahahaha. 😏 N I was candidly, off and relaxing in MYYY goddamn inner tube.
Rewind for a second, I hate the spelling of the word squeak too.. remember my minor bitch fit over the word “tweak” not having two Es? Same animal here. Even Jillian Jigz HATED tweak not having two es and she’s a grammar tyrant. She even spelled it with two Es. Mostly because that word for us meant something on a whole other level, kind of making it a whole different word. I suck at spelling sometimes. Most words I have misspelled were either done on purpose… or I was braindead at the moment. My entire self likes to fly around in the atmosphere by myself sometimes. Oh yeah, or if I’m using speak type, it likes to use the wrong word entirely. The new download for my shit iPhone, my spell check and my speaky typey was absolutely at a disconnect with life…& my soul. It’s getting much better now. Definitely learning my way of talking muuuuuch better. If my speak type was a real human, it would have already hung itself from a rafter.
Speaking of my flying around in the atmosphere and day dreaming. Once at the end of the year, one of my teachers told us all to stand at the blackboard (yes it was actually still a blackboard) …actually it was a super vintage green board. Yup, chalk. I don’t know why it was green but that specific section of the school was complete with fantastically-rusted 60s hardware and appliances. So, standing in front of our decked out 60’s style accommodated classroom, this teacher went and sat at every person’s desk, mocking aka doing his best impression of each person in the class. IAs soon as I knew what his plan was I was thinking… oh no….😬. But when he got to me, he just sat there and stared out the window. I would always just sit there and stare out the window at the two huge maple trees that blew so pretty pretty in the wind. The school was on top of a huge hill, so they were always dancing. Wachusett was HUGE and now, it’s even bigger. Sometimes you couldn’t even get to class in time because five minutes wasn’t long enough to beat the traffic to your next class. This fucking math teacher that used to drool and spit and have fun with the sides of her mouth had menopause and would open the windows in winter. She was such a bitch about it and said if we didn’t bring a jacket then tough cookies we wouldn’t be able to go get it. Nobody was able to go get their jacket in between classes, it was impossible. She probably knew this and did it on purpose and said that on purpose because she was a fucking client I’ve been looking for her online for years to send her awful messages and I can’t find her ass. I’m not even joking. I already sent one of my math teachers messages about how much he’s basically a piece of shit. Everyone hated her. She drooled on one of my homework pieces one time and I circled it and I wrote Mrs. Tolis drooled on this” and purposely passed it in. This is the same teacher that grabbed Julian‘s homework off of my desk that I was making for her and crumbled it up and threw it in the trash because on the back of it I was drawing a picture of her being rabbit and drooling like a dog. I don’t know if she saw it or not but I hope she did. Before she could walk away I grabbed it back and then the whole classroom gasped and then she grabbed it back from me. It’s like bitch that’s someone’s homework.. TF?! She almost got fired one year cuz, funny enough Meredith, the nose flarer’s sister told us she taught the wrong material for a complete semester. Good times. They ripped outcthe best parts of the school and made it ugly and boring. There was this huge glass staircase at the front of the school. A shit load of people fell down that thing many times but who cares it was so cool. Now it’s gone the year after we graduated in 2003 they ripped out everything and redid the parts they ripped out. Now it looks stupid. my other favorite part of the school was the incredibly creepy gymnasium in the back. There were two gymnasiums in the front and then one down a really narrow creepy hallway which had other hallways that led to it that were never lit. The downstairs bathroom was creepy too.. because you had to use another long narrow creepy hallway that was never lit to get to it. Then there was a few really weird classrooms down in the basement where that lone bathroom was, that had tables and desks and chairs all toppled all over each other in it and they didn’t use either of them. They could’ve totally used that for so much stuff but for some odd reason they didn’t use it. I bet somebody got killed in there or something and they didn’t want to use it. So they kept throwing old broken shit on top of the last old broken shit that they threw in there. It looks like a wood bonfire except it was old metal chairs and desks. Shit’s probably haunted or something. Lol. It looked like a perfect place for a haunted, abandoned school horror movie or somethin. It was awesome. They bulldozed ALL of that away. That’s some despicable bs I tell you. We were the last year students to use it which was weird.
Even in middle school we had this really old hallway for the seventh and eighth grade wing. We were the last grade to use that old shit too, so they let us draw pictures and write all over it. Of course a ton of people just wrote a bunch of shit about other people and people got in trouble. My friend Joe had the most pink slips out of anybody in our grade & probably out of any grade that has ever been there. It was over 40 I think it was like 45 or something actually I’m gonna ask him because it might’ve even been in the 50s. At one point in time he didn’t give a shit and he purposely kept trying to get pink slips to see how many he could get by the end of 8th grade, the last year we were there. Eighth grade isn’t always the last year out of school. West Boylston school had the middle school wings connected to the high school wings..because it was so small. They never gave homework and it was the easiest shit ever it was like retard school. Anyway I love to change subjects it’s fine. Anyway, A lot of his pink slips were for really stupid shit. Like, talking. “Oh no! He spoke again! Send him down to the principal!”
There was this one time in 8th grade Spanish class when I said something funny outloud, I don’t remember what I said but he could not stop laughing and had to go in the hallway. Every time he came back in after he was done laughing, I would look at him and he would just start laughing n had to go back in the hallway. Fuckin Joe, good times man, gooooood, good fuckin times.
Speaking of that specific Spanish class…the teacher, Mrs. Scarcella, would always say “AAAAHORA!” aka “Noooow…” At LEAST ten times before moving on to the next subject during EVERY freaking class. She’d flare out her nostrils and would say it the exact same way every damn time, unnecessarily. So the one time when she actually had us do something remotely interesting for a project grade, Jigz & I got a bunch of the girls we could tolerate, together to do this Spanish skit. We had to make a fake weather report or some shit and do the whole thing in Spanish (obviously) and every person had to do something different, but it all had to be weather reports. Fuckin stupid idea, there’s only one weather report during the news. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We all thought it was stupid so we basically just used the skit for the purpose of mocking our obnoxious and bitchy teacher. So before everyone’s skit we all said “AAAAHORA!” . I already felt disgusting about how I looked at the time so I refused to flare my nostrils like the teacher. I’m laughing this is funny, but this girl Meredith flared her nostrils like I’ve never seen before in my life and I’m still fuckn happy about it.
Fuck I just erased a whole paragraph. Anyway…For my skit I chose to mock that new twister movie at the time. So I was on crutches and pretended I got hit by the cow that was flying through the air.. I was sitting in Jill’s basement on a very old push-up type of work out table. I don’t know what it’s fucking called but you know those tables that people lay down on and push the weights up and then it comes down on those little forks or whatever. I was sitting on one of those things with crutches and laughing my ass off because Jill was being insane behind the camera. It was all so frickin insane that I literally fucking pissed my pants cuz I was laughing that hard. I legit pissed myself at the end of my skit so I was hobbling out of the scene when I was done…to get away, because I basically pissed myself on camera. Oh my god.  my cousin used to make me laugh so hard when I was a kid I always had to bring changes of underwear when I went over her house because it was just insane. But as I got older that happened much less, mostly because life sucked way more as it usually does when we get older. But yeah that time I absolutely pissed myself laughing and I couldn’t believe it which made me laugh even harder. So, we kept it…we kept it in the skit… because I didn’t wanna do it again. So there is a VHS tape somewhere where I am legit pissing my pants and fake hobbling away on crutches, while barely being able to breathe. Good times.
No, not done. Jillian chose rain. So I had a hose and I was trying to spray it up, putting my thumb over the hole to make it spray outwards, but it ended up spraying her directly in the face. She used liquid eyeliner at the time, so she had blackness just dripping everywhere down her face. The whole scene was of her outside in her driveway screaming “Está lloviendo!” over and over again. She couldn’t breathe either, due to me spraying her directly in the face. It was far away enough where it didn’t hurt her, but it was completely right in her face. We also kept that take, we didn’t redo that either.
Now, aka AAHORA! The most glorious part of the entire skit…the metronome. Jill had this antique metronome on top of her antique piano, that we set to a very slow tempo to put in a scene between every person’s skit. But it wasn’t just the metronome-meeheeeeee-we all were standing in a line, in the back of her living room table, while the metronome was in the forefront, slowly ticking away, as our heads and our pigtails bounced slowly from side to side matching the metronome lever. We did that EVERY time, in between every person’s skit. I believe there were seven of us. Jillian, myself, Melissa(cunt) Michelle (got pregnant at 15, has five kids and still is w the same guy. Fuckin BRAvO to her man. She gets some serious Courtney brownie points), Christina (cried at the roller rink because she couldn’t skate and we didn’t skate with her. But to be fair it was physically impossible for us to skate that slow)……and last but surely not least, wonderful Meredith, the professional nose flarer. So when we passed in the VHS tape, with the written version of it, we got it back with the grade and a comment which said “Very awkward.” We also watched ALL skits during class one day. We had a bunch of nutjobs in that class. I remember some kid Cody I was crushing on, in his skit he was pretending to be Yoda and had a big sweatshirt over his knees and was like walking around on his knees at Andrew (hotdogcunt’s) house. Nope, not done….The most awkward skit of all, wasn’t meant to be awkward. It was some really bizarre skit made by this other Andrew kid, just wrestling other boys in our grade and had the most obvious boner happening throughout the entire skit. The sweatpants he was always free-balled in made it ten times more obvious. I remember everyone was laughing at all the ridiculous skits until we got to his. Then, fuckin dead silence and looks around the room like…what-the-fuck Andrew#2?! Everybody was looking at everybody else however none of us could look him in the fucking face.  some of us couldn’t look at him ever again, like myself for one. It’s like… “hmm, hey Andrew #2, Did you forget to uhmm.. proof-watch this shit before passing it in?” He was always a weird kid though. Not the fun or funny type of weird either. Just the corny yet pretentious loser type of weird. I will throw him a bone though (no pun intended) and will say, maybe he had a crush on the teacher and knew about it the whole time. Passing it in not knowing the whole class would ALSO be watching it. Really though, I have no idea, maybe he thought the teacher would be impressed with his boner and his wrestling skills. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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tepre · 5 years
FFN Author Meme
I came down with a cold and I’m MISERABLE I seriously cannot handle this very mild throat ache and minor case of the sniffles WHY IS HAVING A COLD SO MUCH HARDER THAN ANYTHING ELSE ugh where’s my fainting couch I need my fainting couch 
Oh gosh this is what happens when you’re dramatic over having a cold: you forget to tag!! THANK YOU @diligent-thunder FOR THE TAG, and in return I tag ahhhhh, ahh, who hasn’t been tagged yet?? @rockmarina, @rhirta, @dwimmerlaiks YES I KNOW YOU DO ART but this totally applies to art as well, ummm and whoever feels like it!! Ok NOW bring me my fainting couch
Author Name: Tepre
Fandoms You Write For: Harry Potter!! I’ve dabbled in others over the years, but HP was my birthplace and it’s where I currently reside. 
Where You Post: AO3 and here! I started out in the eaaaarly early 00s on forums, graduated to lj back in the day, and then reluctantly shuffled here after the final strikethrough. 
Most Popular One-Shot: I thiiiink Down a Hill? Good ol’ foggy-glassed, sex-pollen induced runtimes in the greenhouse while plants wave at you in the distance, eyyy
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: I only have ONE of those so easy enough, Grounds for Divorce, my angsty wangsty accidental bonding baby where everyone is just the worst
Favourite Story You Wrote: EvER?? Lord what a question. I love and hate them all at different stages. Even in the process of writing. I’m currently working on this thing and I waver between being IN LOVE WITH IT and wanting to bin it all forever at least 3 times a day. But, I guess, at this very moment, I have warm feelings for It Is I Who Will Surely Expire? Coming up with elaborate anxiety-and-love-induced scenarios at 3AM is all I ever do and knowing it resonated with other anxious love beans out there just fills me with ❤️, so yeah, that one today!
Story You Were Nervous to Post: LITERALLY. ALL. OF. THEM. GfD was.......extra. God I was pissing myself. I was on a train sitting next to a business man and the tags weren’t working and I had to type ‘anal sex’ like 6 times over and I was scHWETZING and I was sure it was all gonna tank and fall and all the build up and all those months had just been an exercise of obsession between me and myself and no one would feel all the things I’d felt and and and and and x10000
How Do You Choose Your Titles: ahahaha ok so uh. In the past, back when I was writing in other fandoms, my approach to titles was uh...lax? And eventually it kind of infuriated people because I’d title something “LOL IDK FANFIC I GUESS” and it’d be like 60k angst and people RIGHTFULLY pointed out that they needed more of a heads up, in terms of what they were getting into. These days, a lot of time the title comes to be before the actual meat of the plot. GfD was like that, I was listening to that song and wondering: what if they were married, but didn’t want to be, and the whole story is about them looking for a way out--a grounds for divorce--and by the time they find it, they’re so far from who they were at the beginning they don’t know if they want it anymore? That’s how that started, and then the story was shaped AROUND that. For the most part, though, I look for the title in the story itself. It’s usually in there, somewhere. 
Complete: 10 on ao3! but listen I’ve been in fandom for 18 odd years I’ve written MANY bad bad BaaAad fics that aren’t on here and that I’ve left behind me like a very unappetising smutty trail of old crumbs. So in that sense? SURELY HUNDREDS. Thousands! Including self-insert fic, a choose-your-own-adventure fic, and a comment from tiny teen me on a cbbc forum about what Dumbledore’s fashion choices would be if he were to dress as a muggle. 
In-Progress: Ugh too many. One big one, several small ones, dozens of loose-ended ideas. I’m writing something from Draco’s nov, which I haven’t done yet, so that’s fun!! ALSO I have one BIG original work that, boy, boy oh boy I hope that works out. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: This is the mental status I have for each on every one of them COMING SOON/NOT YET STARTED 
Do You Accept Prompts: SURE!! I am a messy chaos wind blowing in from the east with the attention span of a puppy and a 0.04 memory span so you can definitely go for it and try but aiiii I cannot promise anything. But inbox always open, lovelies <3 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: myself into a reality where I longer have thiS COLD UGH take it awAY FROM MEEe
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the-stray-liger · 4 years
hey nate what are your pro gamer tips for making phone calls, asking for a friend
*cracks knuckles* okay leggo
First of all there’s 2 kind of phonecalls for me, as an anxiety ridden person who has a phone related trauma: easy calls (the kind that don’t demand a lot of me, things like telling my uncle I’m on my way to his place, calling mom to ask if she needs me to load the dryer, calling the pizza joint that already knows me by name), and terrifying calls, which are all the others, particularly the adult ones like doctors and jobs. Here’s how I plan the second ones.
Warning you before hand, this is very long and convoluted but again, I’ve been dealing alone with this phone related trauma situation for 10 years.
I plan my phonecalls at LEAST a day before making them. It usually never ends up being as terrifying as my brain makes it out to be; when I’m in work mode, I can make these calls unplanned, fueled by sheer anger. But when I’m not, which is most of the time, I need to make sure I won’t have any distractions that might make me stutter, that I have had time to compose a good script, and that the script will include all the information I need to give and get from the phone call so I don’t have to do it again.
Then I make a script. The script isn’t that difficult to make; you only have to take into account a couple of things: who you’re calling and what you need from the call. Here’s an example of a script for a kind of stressful call I’ve had to do a lot through december and january, doctor related calls.
Hello, my name is x and y. I would like to make an appointment with doctor x and y, please. 
[the receptionist or whoever takes the call will very likely ask the following questions: at what time would you like to schedule the appointment? (write down your answer). do you have any kind of insurance? (write down your answer)]
[the appointment is scheduled] 
[in the case of, say, my ultrasound and bloodtests, I had to ask if I needed some sort of preparation, so I added this:]
Is it necessary to do any sort of preparation before the appointment?
[if there is, the assistant will give you the information, probably ask if there’s anything else they can help you with. I also need to know the price of my appointments beforehand for budget reasons.]
Yes, how much would the appointment be?
[again, the assistant does a typey thing and you can hear the keyboard go clickety-clack on the phone, and answers your question, and will then ask if there’s something else they can help you with. If there isn’t, you may end the call POLITELY by saying]
That would be all, thank you very much, have a nice day.
Once the script is done, I try to memorize it. Fortunately, most of these calls are short enough that I can remember them with ease after reading them a couple of times (I also am always sick so I have to make a lot of them. Heh). But if you’re too stressed to do that, get yourself a cup of tea or something, sit down with it and read it leisurely a couple of times before bed.
And the big day comes! I try to plan my phonecalls as early as I can; I am ADHD and that makes that when I have a big event I literally can’t do anything else until that has happened, and calls count for me as a big event. That way I can go on with my day. 
Breathe in deep, hold it five seconds, breathe out. Then repeat that three times. Take five minutes to breathe normally, calmly. Then repeat the breathing in deeply and holding three times again. 
Remove all distractions: isolate yourself to make the call. If you don’t need to write anything down, get yourself something to fidget with THAT DOESN’T MAKE NOISE. NOISE IS DISTRACTING. I imagine some people feel better if they have a friend to make the call with and guide them, so if that’s your cup of tea do that, but for me, everything that doesn’t have to do with the phone call is a distraction that can endanger me forgetting my script and send me into a panic. I need laser focus. I lock myself up in my room and shut down every possible source of noise.
If you have my level of phone related terror, you might need many tries. That’s fine. Nobody will judge you for it, but you need to make the call, and the sooner the better; putting a phonecall off will inevitably usually result in consequences you do NOT want to deal with in my experience. Do your breathing exercises, get a glass of water and call. Keep your script where you can see it and do that shit.
Once it’s done, reward yourself! For me rewards sometimes can be something like, crying alone because phone calls are fucking terrifying, buying myself some food I like, or watching a funny youtube video. But it’s important that you reward yourself, rather than chastise or punish yourself for not doing it sooner. Trust me, it’s better to condition yourself through positive means than to make everything a punishment
Listo! you’ve made a phone call. I’m proud of you.
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the-peter-parker · 4 years
Hhhghghh I want someone to talk to but like big rip,, venty tag time
#i don't really wanna type right now but I'm just really scared right now and i need to get it out silently so typey time#i don't know if i can do this again. it's only been a year. i thought this was over i thought it was done? please don't make me.do this agai#n please please#this year was supposed t be good. i was gonna catch up on school and make friends and dye my hair and skate it was supposed to be good#if theres some kind of bigher force controlling everything please don't make me lose this place please i cant live in a car again p#i finally got my yellow walls this year :") please don't take them away from.me please#it was supposed to be my senior year this month. i was supposed to have friends again. i was supposed to be happy#but i have no one and ixm even farther behind on graduating#this feels like some sort of sick joke really#my skates might not show up till october which doesn't help my current outlook. i know after 3 months another 2.5 isnt that long its just#its hard to look forward to something i cant know i'll be around for. man this sucks#i know no one would care if i was gone and thats the real kicker here. maybe they'll care after i'm gone. the people eho havent texted me in#years. the ones who told me to sit with them and then forgot to talk to me. or keep the people who want to.hurt me away.#the ones who ask every year when my birthday is like they'll remember next time. i knew her. they'd say#but they havent known me since 7th grade. a simple hi would mean so much right now. but they dont care so theres no reason to say it#and even if they did thats all it would go. theyxd forget to text back. they forgot my number anyway. maybe my name too.#no one blinked when i cut off over a foot of hair last year and that really stuck. ixve had them forget my face. it hasnt changed?? why did#you forget?? how could you forget me like that?? i was right there i was right there#i'll be 18 soon now. i havent had a friend who really cared since i was 15 and i think she did it out of pity. i feel so? worthless#i dont think i wanna be me anymore. can i get a second chance please? can i start over? as someone else plesse?#someone who has friends and a supportive family and a stable house please plesse#this isn't funny anymore. i havent felt save in over 5 years. i just want to.know i'm okay i'm.loved and valid and okay#but i'm not am i? none of those things#i'm out of time aren't I?#dont reblog please hhhhhhdhhd#vent tw
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