#tom demming
More about 3x01: Although Beckett "punishes" Castle for the hurt he did to her by leaving with Gina and the consequent summer of silence, do you think that, on some level, she knew that she was also partly to blame for what happened at the end of 2x24?
Well, yeah. Espo tells her in 2x24 that Castle's leaving because he isn't gonna stick around and watch her date someone else. She kind of blows that off and doesn't really say anything in response, but it gets her thinking enough that she acts on what she was already feeling -- that as nice as Demming is, he's just not what she wants. And you see it in her face when he asks about Demming in 3x01. She doesn't want to tell him they broke up. She basically broke up with the guy because he wasn't who she wanted, she's been single for months by this point; the hurt in her eyes isn't because she misses Demming. It's because she's embarrassed to admit it, because she thinks it makes her vulnerable because Castle might figure out she's got feelings for him when he's dating someone else, and because she feels that she drove him away by not being honest with herself and with him about how she felt. I don't think she set out to hurt him at all. She just connected with this guy and got swept off her feet. Just like I don't think Castle meant to hurt her with Gina. He was just lonely and sad and jumped in with both feet. But do they both know they're in part to blame for the sticky situation? Absolutely.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
i before e except after c or when sounding like “A” as in neighbour & weigh, & on weekends & holidays & all throughout may & you’ll always be wrong no matter WHAT you say!
XD shlemming. “if only it were that easy...”
Lanie <3
The boys.  Esposito just doesn’t care. Doesn’t Care. (Or maybe he does & just likes seeming nonchalant & boyish.) JE: It’s hot... RC: It’s hot. KR: It’s hot? RC: It’s Hot. KR: It’s hot! Just casually sprays some of the dead guy’s shaving cream into their hands. The gals just watching “Just honouring his legacy” Yeah genuinely if that was this guy’s legacy, heck yeah. If I die y’all can do this.
It’s times like this I’m glad I’m trans
Castle just walking around with shaving cream in his hand...
KR: a foot disappearing over the fence.
Beckett’s hair today. Not emo (or you know just regular 2009 style) but like,, curly. & it looks good on her & natural & it doesn’t make her look like every other white woman.
Oh it’s the interview “lounge”! Not the break room! Ha, this makes so much more sense. 
Castle, it is not a competition.
First name at work, ok kate.
Castle, chill. It doesn’t matter if it’s demming’s idea, it’s a murder. You also said he could go after this gal.
Interesting cant.
Girl, erasing a valuable line of investigation???
Phew, second intro. 
Castle is a great investigator actually. I’d like to see him back in season one.
RC: Besides, they’re not for me, it’s for Ryan & Esposito. KB: Don’t you mean Charlotte & Miranda?
I’m going to stop saying “not a competition” every time It Happens. I mean, tom is so confused, you said you weren’t with beckett, now you’re trying to sabotage him?
Why is Newman shocked that his alibi was good?
You claim you’re just sharing a cab but surely ryan & esposito told castle that beckett was having candlelit takeout with this guy
Parallels castle/demming & martha/madge 
RC: I said..-- RC: mY DON’T YOU GENTLEMEN LOOK CLEAN-SHAVEN TODAY (KR & JE walk in wearing basically the same outfit & smiling like heaven) JE: Sweet stuff, bro KR: jenny said my face never felt so smooth RC: barber in a CAN! (je+rc do the handshake bird thing) KB: Ok, we get it! CASE? (wait nvm it is NOT the same outfit. One of them is a warm & light pinkish brown/grey, the other is a darker less-warm grey & I think striped but it’s so light I can’t tell. Both blue shirts & dark ties tho so yk)
I feel bad for this cartoon lookin guy.
Isn’t castle actually supposed to be shadowing her? Like for his book? They didn’t even fill him in? KR: Beckett’s a good cop, she can canvas & make googoo eyes at the same time. *picks up his signature mug* (His walk is interesting to me. As a trans person I’m sorry to say that I pay a little bit of attention to the ways people walk. Ryan walks so... something. It’s like there is more movement in other places because he is frozen stuck in others.) Ryan can be kind of oblivious sometimes. Point for the adhd ryan headcanon.  RC: He’s not even from homicide, that doesn’t bug you a little? KR: Maybe a little... But that’s not why it bugs you is it? I don’t get the referneces. Who is rhett butler? I’m assuming from the same media as scarlet ohara? WAIT HE JUST.. PUSHED A VENDING MACHINE & STOLE FROM THE VENDING MACHINE AT HIS JOB, ISN’T HE A COP? Someone remind me to make that into a gif!
I love marty. Just stole a donut
Ryan seems to be the tech guy of the group.
lol Ryan just,, still stroking his face
MR: Honey, are you alright? RC: Yes >:( MR: RC: no... Give Madge my best. *leaves w/o saying anything else*
“intervejecting” lol Yuck what a sleaze. ...Yuck, what a sleaze! “With that kind of attitude, this is not surprising.  Dude, not necessarily a good idea but “it was the best three days of my life” so like idk that’s valid ig
Demming does drink the fancy coffees.
I love this gal, I feel so bad for her & she’s hilarious. “I can still make it right, what if I gave it back?” ‘You killed a man,!?’ “I still have the money!” ‘You still have the money?’ “I killed a man??”
F the stakeholders.
JE: Castle. Me: why is he asking for castle? wouldn’t he take his findings to beckett? RC: Hey hey! *holds out his baby bird* JE: Mm mm *shaking his head* (esposito & ryan look mad) JE: Come here. RC, after stepping outside: He hey, uh, what’s wrong guys? KR: Benzo. Phyosopheme. RC: Oh no,,,, not the shave cream :’( JE: Yeah in the shave cream, says so right on the can >:( *hits castle with the can of shaving cream* KR: That’s how they get it to come out hot. JE: Might as well just be shaving with napalm, bro. RC: Well she said it only does damage long term. You guys have only used it the one time. I’m still on my first can! KR: Could have ended up with irreversible capillary damage. *Shakes his head* RC: I was... KB: The timeline’s wrong. RC: Exactly, there wasn’t any time to do any damage.  KB: No, for the murder! ???
How did the murderer write the message? Did we find blood with any of our suspects?
I like how Beckett is explaining to the Captain while castle paces in the room & Ryan grills the suspect
KB: Male vanity, being what it is RM: *just smiles*
So awkward... they both try to go into the room but from different doors & then they just,, converse,, & leave, neither going into the room as they both originally planned
Castle’s outfits are great & I’m sure my gay older brother obsessed with the 70s loves them, but dang ryan’s outfits... Giant piece of pizza btw
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sheriffthompson · 4 months
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gay people
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compacflt · 1 year
Your thoughts about Ice and Mav and their sexualities and how their environment has shaped them is soo interesting I am chewing it... just thinking about how Ice particularly would handle that conflict arising in his subordinates - Maverick isn't in as much a position to be the person kicking guys out of the Navy for whatever reason, but Ice certainly is. The conflict of public vs private in how he handles minorities under his command, not only women but also non-white people and of course the big one: other queer men... In the Slider oneshot Ice confesses that he's gotten guys kicked out of the Navy for both less and more than what he's done with Maverick - did you have any other thoughts about the inevitable conflict of scandals that he would have had to deal with re: people who were outed in one way or another, and how that would weigh on him as someone who self admittedly is aware of how what he wants to be (4 star admiral) and who he is (a man attracted to at the very least, one other man) are not compatible with each other?
hmm. Hadn’t thought about it. Admittedly i know very little about the intricacies & vagaries of DADT or its enforcement (and i am answering this ask quite hungover & not in the mood to research) but—based on what I said last week/the week before that, that ice has no philosophical qualms with DADT because he agrees that sexuality should be hidden/private & “why are you talking about your personal identity when you could be doing your job better,” i think—yeah. he would enforce it. He would stand by its enforcement. If a little hesitant/disappointed, and if only as insurance to the brass above him, yes, i do still know what the rules are, and also, man these stupid kids these days have no idea how to keep it a secret… like, independent of him personally identifying as gay or not, he looks down (in a paternalistic “come ON be smarter than that” way) upon people/personnel who can’t keep it a secret, who refuse to live closeted for the sake of the Navy… post TGM rooster prolly lights into him for it later. But Ice is commander of the pacific fleet, like that is an extremely public & POLITICAL position, like it or not. Like there’s a lot of sneakiness/sleazy political scheming that has to go on there by necessity because it’s a political appointment. by now ice must have learned that silent underground subterfuge/rebellion (in this context, frosting his tips, being w/maverick, or being totally fine with gays in the navy as long as they’re quiet about it [a very mainstream leadership position—the navy is historically gay as fuck]) is a more effective and self-preserving strategy than open insubordination. Keep it secret. Don’t ask and don’t tell.
And this should not be surprising. Dude, his whole fucking character in the original top gun is “I am successful because i refuse to be a revolutionary.” Like i feel like i repeat myself so often on this blog, but ice’s anti-open-revolutionaryness is literally his whole THING. it’s his whole character canonically. it’s what sets him apart from maverick—it’s what makes him mavericks narrative foil. ice’s anti-open-revolutionaryness is what gives him a fucking purpose to exist in the franchise. As an archetype, he exists as “the guy who does things by the book no matter what.” It is literally integral to his character. And in-universe-wise it’s a political lifestyle im personally plus-minus on, but it’s a very understandable political lifestyle for someone in his position to have.
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graphicpolicy · 2 months
Transformers One gets its first official trailer
Transformers One gets its first official trailer #TransformersOne #Transformers
Transformers One gets its first official trailer is the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. In the first-ever fully CG-animated Transformers movie, Transformers One gets its first official trailer features a star-studded voice cast, including Chris Hemsworth, Brian…
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Matthew Macfadyen Being Charming During Interviews (8/ ∞ ) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
no thoughts just Michael Nesmith Cruisin' Bongo Tribute
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shredsofdoubt · 1 year
Na ja, zweite Liga ist auch geil. Werde mich jetzt den Rest der Woche mit dem Gedanken an eine geile Zweitligasaison anfreunden...
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beefbungus · 1 year
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It's incredible how one inconsequential and silly BTS photo can give you the brain rot for the rest of the evening.
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sheriffthompson · 2 years
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i said i’d draw my headcanons for the main 4 a million years ago so here it is
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coffeenewstom · 1 year
Die Balkonsaison ist eröffnet!
Das hat aber gedauert! Ja, dieses Jahr mussten wir lange auf die ersten warmen Tage warten. Doch am Wochenende war es dann endlich so weit. In meinem Fall natürlich am Montag. Schon in der Früh locken mich die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen auf den Balkon. Rasch sind Tisch und Stuhl aufgestellt. Mit Milchkaffee – passend zum nächsten Thema – und Scones mit original englischen Marmeladen. Very…
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I was wondering how accurate this was so I did some fun googling and yall.
So starting with the fact that police in the USA were formed when Dems had Congress and Senate and the same was true when the first organized police department was founded (in Boston, btw)....
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1963. Dems had Senate and Congress.
While this allowed for huge strides in civil rights police brutality still continued to be largely unaddressed.
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1966. Dems had Senate and Congress.
To point out further racial oppression James Meredith starts a 270 mile walk from Memphis, TN to Jackson, MI. He's shot by a sniper the second day which causes an influx in support from allies & prominent civil rights members (such as MLK) who fly out and walk in his stead.
Governor Johnson (d) of Mississippi, who ran on a segregationist platform but changed platforms when he saw that Black people were gaining more supporters, promises to protect marchers as they pass through his state. Police then tear gas them as they were setting up tents for the night in Canton, MI (pictured). 15k show up to Jackson. It's the biggest march in MI history and more successful than Meredith had planned.
No bills were introduced that year.
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1956-1979 Dems had senate & Congress.
In 1961-69 they even had a governmental trifecta with Congress, Senate, and the presidency and again in 1977-79. The director of the FBI at the time was Republican J. Edgar Hoover. Head of Intelligence was Democrat William Sullivan. Attorney General & democrat Robert F. Kennedy authorized several programs for them such as wire-tapping MLK.
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1968. Dems had Senate, Congress, and presidency.
President Lyndon Johnson (Democrat president while Dems had Congress & Senate) signs the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, birthing the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration & granting federal funds to local governments in order to obtain military resources to quell potential riots. A direct response to the protests and riots throughout the 50's & 60's. Protecting police from protesters.
Democrats do this instead of protecting the public from police and their prejudice.
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1992. Dems have both Senate and Congress.
After the verdict of the 4 police who beat Rodney King on camera is announced & they are Not indicted the public starts rioting. The national guard, fire department, and several police departments are called in by then democratic mayor Tom Brady. After the riots a separate federal trial is held and finds 2 of the 4 officers guilty. All were fired from LAPD.
The Police Brutality Accountability Act of 1991 is introduced. Only introduced.
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1994. House & Senate under dem control.
They pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act instead. It's drafted by democrat Joe Biden and sponsored by Texas Rep Brooks (D). It's an infamously harmful bill that results in the prejudiced mass incarceration of minorities, especially Black people. This bill funded police departments instead of holding them accountable aiding their further militarization as well.
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2020. Dems have both Congress & Senate.
Which brings us to recent times. Where Democrats have again pretended to support and listen to the public demands to decrease/eliminate police brutality only to turn around and insist protests are the reason they keep funding the police instead of giving us rights.
"See? You're too dangerous to Not have a militarized police force."
As if we aren't protesting because the police are already too dangerous. Like that's not what started all this.
At this point a pattern like this can only be seen as intentional. A planned out excuse for funding police again and again and again instead of Stopping police brutality. Instead of enforcing or creating ACTUAL effective reform or regulations. They just keep throwing money at police departments and saying "hey here are billions of dollars that we want you to use to be less violent racists. It's also to help you be more safe when facing the people who are protesting your racist violence. Also we aren't gonna make sure you actually become less violent or less racist but we definitely hope you don't use this all this money to get worse."
Which has backfired across decades at this point. They keep doing investigations and making committees and for what?
We've done that. We know police are racist. We know they're violent. We know they're only spending enough to say they provide 6 months (if that) of sensitivity training and spending the bulk of that money on militarization gear. So what. We know that.
Now what.
What, after 100+ years could their excuse possibly be for STILL doing the same thing. For STILL not addressing it. For STILL not passing reform despite the MANY opportunities they've had? What could police departments Possibly be doing for them?? What excuse could be good enough?
I'm glad you asked.
There isn't one. There are answers of course. Greed, power, privilege, etc. The list goes on.
But are they good enough for you? They're not for me.
I have to beg on Tumblr just for my rent to get paid or for my kid to have dinner sometimes. The success of Democrats or my "country" doesn't mean shit to me, it does nothing for me. It only does things to me. Success enables police, it increases funding, it makes them More afraid of having their ideas of success taken from them, makes them more protective of their status quo. Their success hurts me. Fuck their success.
What matters is that time and time again Democrats have insisted they'd be there for minorities and then empowered the people oppressing, killing, and suppressing us and our rights.
What matters is that time and time again they've said they're powerless and their supporters insist they just don't have a majority to do anything with or that republicans keep blocking them or-
But passing bills to harm us? That's easy. And they don't Have to keep doing that. They just keep saying they do... To protect police. And they only keep "needing" more protection for police because they refuse to give us any. We continue to express our right to protest and they continue to try intimidating us out of it.
All the rights we have? They didn't give to us. Look at those posts. We fought for them while Democrats were in charge. They didn't give us those, they didn't stand with us. They still don't. They stand with the police as they always have.
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August 2022.
For hundreds of years we've dealt with this. How much longer is it gonna be. How many more generations are going to have to put up with this government trying to insist that mediocrity is the best they can do indefinitely?
And if you still refuse to hold Democrats responsible, if you still find yourself compulsively trying to point out all the ways that Republicans are worse please know this: I know.
I know you're going to say "well Democrats are our best shot"
And to that I say if this is our best fucking shot....and they're *gestures vaguely at the post* like that.... Can we agree that it points to a much wider issue. If Democrats are our best shot and they're Only this effective and they're only making the most Minimal effort possible year after year. If we Know that their hands are tied by Republicans at best and at worst theyre fascists benefitting from the exploitation of BIPOC and other marginalized communities....
Can we admit that our systems are broken. That it goes further than Republicans or Democrats being bad. That it's Everything? That even if Democrats were actually perfect that everything would still be wrong and fucked up because the system itself holds them from making any effectual change?
That the checks and balances that the founding fathers put in place to make sure that our politicians are fair and just and give a shit about the people they serve aren't working.
Because if they were why would it take HUNDREDS of years for a community to get one thing. Just stop police brutality. That's all we asked. That's it. Stop hurting everyone who isn't a white cis man. Stop killing us in broad daylight for demanding you give us rights and respect the ones we Already have.
So why are we still starting 2023 with brutality making headlines?
If a government is effective and cares and listens and it's representives Truly represent it's constituents and fight for them and it's not just about profit or greed or winning elections or keeping minorities in line then why are we still here?
Why are we still asking for the same rights as our great-great-great-great grandparents?
If that progress? Is that success?
What the fuck are we doing. Like actually. How do we throw a wrench in this system. What will it take for Democrats and liberals and You to realize that all we are doing is driving the future into the hands of fascism.
What do we do? When do we finally do something?
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fandomhype · 7 months
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Why does Tom Burke look more like Cormoran Strike when he's playing Rebrov than he does when he's actually playing Strike?!
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Die traumhaft wollige Begegnung
Der Anfang einer erotischen Geschichte
Episode 18
Es ist freitags morgen, die nun fast zwei Woche als Sklave von Michelle verlief unglaublich aufregend.
Jeder Tag vollgepackt mit neuen Eindrücken, Erlebnissen und bis dahin unbekannten Gefühlen.
Inzwischen gehe ich in meiner Rolle als Sklave von Michelle immer mehr auf und jede Demütigung erzeugt eine neue unbekannte Lust in mir die ich nicht mehr missen möchte.
Gefesselt ans Bett in meinem Fluffy Catsuit warte ich so auf meine Herrin.
Nadine kommt in einem atemberaubend schönen weitausgeschnittenen grünen Langhaar Mohair Sweater mit weißen Fuzzy Angora Leggins in den Raum.
Wie jeden Morgen führt mich Nadine in meinem Fluffy Catsuit nach dem ich mich frisch gemacht habe an der Leine nach oben.
Nach dem ich am Stuhl mit dem Dildo auf der Sitzfläche fixiert wurde frühstücken wir wieder gemeinsam.
Michelle trägt einen weißen wunder schönen soften und Fluffy Angora Catsuit.
Michelle sagt beim Frühstück: „Mein kleiner Fluffy Sklave heute Mittag kommen deine Mitbewohner Fuzzy Tom und Scratchy Sofie wieder nach Hause, dann machen wir gemeinsam einen schönen Ausflug. Bis dahin können wir uns unten noch etwas amüsieren.“
Ich denke nur: „Ooooh ja Herrin, bitte bestraf mich ordentlich.“
Zu dem Zeitpunkt wusste ich jedoch nicht wie hart es werden wird.
Michelle und Nadine führen mich nach unten in mein Zimmer.
Unten angekommen sagt Michelle: „Lege dich aufs Bett kleiner Fluffy Sklave, jetzt wirst du mal ordentlich verschnürt“
Ich gehorche brav und lege mich nichts ahnend aufs Bett.
Michelle und Nadine fesseln mir nun die Arme auf den Rücken und danach die Beine zusammen.
Michelle legt mir nun einen Knebel Geschirr um den Kopf und sieht die Lederriemen fest.
Zu meinem Entsetzen sehe ich wie Michelle aus einem Schrank einen Bondage Analplug Haken holt.
Sie führt mir den Haken in den After und zieht danach eine Schnur durch eine Öse am Haken mit einer Schlaufe am Ledergeschirr am Kopf zusammen. Jetzt zieht Michelle die Schnur stramm, so dass ich ins Hohlkreuz gehe und mit dem Kopf, soweit es geht nach hinten gehe. „Aaaaaahmmmpf“
Nun hängen die zwei meine Arme und Beine an den Flaschenzug an der Decke und ziehen mich so zusammengeschnürt nach oben.
Schwer atmend schwebe ich nun in dieser unbequemen Lage mit dem Hohlkreuz zur Decke in der Luft.
Als ob dies nicht genug wäre nimmt Michelle nun den Willywärmer mit dem angestrickten Odensäckchen ab. Mit einer dicken Wollschnur umwickelt sie nun mehrfach meinen Hodensack oberhalb der Eier, so dass diese immer weiter gestretcht werden und bis zum Maximum gedehnt werden.
Dies führt unweigerlich dazu das mein Penis hart und steif wird.
Nun schiebt Michelle die Vorhaut weit nach hinten und wickelt eine weitere Wollschnur direkt hinter der Eichel mehrfach und sehr stramm um den Penis. „Aaaaahmmmpf“
So zusammen geschnürt ist mein Penis zum Bersten hart geworden.
Michelle sagt: „So mein kleiner Fluffy Sklave jetzt lernst du erst einmal, was wirklich Schmerzen sind“
Ich versuche nur zu sagen: „Mmmmpf, nein bitte nicht!“
Doch Michelle nimmt nun ein 5 Kg Gewicht und hängt es an die Schnur, die um die Eichel gewickelt ist. „Aaaaaaaaaaaaah“ muss ich unter Schmerzen aufstöhnen als das Gewicht an meinem Penis zieht.
Michelle Lacht auf: „Ha, ha, ha, schau mal Nadine wieviel Spaß unser Fluffy Alex hat“
Nun nimmt Michelle eine Gerte und fängt an auf die gestretchten Eier zu schlagen. „Peng, Peng, Peng“ knallt es.
„AAAAAAH, AAAAAAH, AAAAAAH“ muss ich aufschreien und merke, wie mir die Tränen vor Schmerzen in die Augen schießen.
Flehend bitte ich Michelle: „Nein, bitte nicht mehr ich werde alles machen und immer Brav sein“
Doch die Gerte knallt erneut auf die Eier „Peng, Peng, Peng“
Das Martyrium will nicht enden und Michelle schlägt so lange auf meine Eier bis diese blau sind und rote Striemen bekommen haben.
Unter Tränen muss ich immer und immer wieder aufstöhnen „AAAAAAAAH, AAAAAAAH“
Nun gibt Michelle dem Gewicht am Penis einen Schubs, dass dieses hin und her schwingt, was die Schmerzen noch einmal erhöht.
Michelle sagt: „So Nadine, ich denke Fluffy Alex ist versorgt und wir können nun wieder nach oben gehen.“
Michelle und Nadine verlassen den Raum und lassen mich wehrlos zusammen geschnürt an der Decke hängend zurück.
Schwer atmend hänge ich so mit pochenden Schmerzen an meinen Genitalien am Flaschenzug, mit dem hin und her schwingenden Gewicht an meinem Penis.
Erst nach Stunden kommen die zwei zurück, während ich völlig fertig und vor Schmerzen wimmernd an der Decke hänge.
Michelle sagt: „Na mein kleiner fluffy Sklave hast du Sehnsucht nach mir gehabt.“
Ich versuche zu antworten: „Mmmmpf, ja Herrin aber lass mich jetzt endlich herunter ich kann nicht mehr.“
Michelle nimmt wieder die Gerte in die Hand und sagt: „Kleiner Fluffy Sklave du hast es noch immer nicht kapiert, du hast hier keine Forderungen zu stellen.“
„Peng, Peng, Peng“ knallt die Gerte auf die noch immer schmerzenden Eier.
„AAAAAAH, AAAAAAH, AAAAAAH“ muss ich erneut aufstöhnen.
Michelle schlägt immer weiter und weiter, sie kennt einfach keine ende und schlägt auf meine blau geschwollenen Eier bis diese blutige roten Striemen haben.
Michelle sagt: „Na mein kleiner fluffy Sklave hast du es endlich kapiert was deine Rolle ist?“
Unter Tränen antworte ich: „Mmmmpf, ja Herrin, ich werde brav und artig sein und immer gehorchen.“
Michelle sagt nun: „So ist es fein, mein Fluffy Alex“
Michelle hängt das Gewicht ab und löst die schnüren um den Penis und der gestretchten Eier. Danach nimmt sie zwei flauschige Fluffy Angora Handschuh und streichelt zart und liebevoll meinen malträtierten Penis und die gepeinigten Eier.
„Mmmmmh, Mmmmmh“ was für eine unglaubliche Wohltat nach der ganzen Peinigung.
Immer weiter streichelt Michelle zart und behutsam meinen Penis, das angenehme Kitzeln der herrlichen Angorawolle lasst die schmerzen weichen und meine Erregung steigt stetig weiter. Immer weiter streichelt Michelle meinen Penis mit den Fluffy Handschuhen. Ich merke wie sich bei mir langsam vor Erregung der Orgasmus einstellt, und der Penis anfängt zu Pumpen doch kurz davor hört Michelle auf.
Michelle sagt: „Heute nicht mein kleiner Fluffy Sklave. Nadine du kannst Fluffy Alex jetzt für den Ausflug fertigmachen und wieder nach oben bringen.“
Nadine sagt: „Ja Herrin, ich kümmere mich um ihn.“
Michelle verlässt den Raum und Nadine lässt mich am Flaschenzug wieder herab aufs Bett.
Sie bindet mich los und legt mir danach behutsam den Willywärmer mit dem angestrickten Odensäckchen an meine geschwollenen und malträtierten Genitalien und befestigt ihn wieder am Catsuit und schließt die Elektroden an. Als sie den Hodensack strammzieht, muss ich unter Schmerzen aufstöhnen. „AAAAAAH“ Danach legt sie mir einen Knebel an und schiebt mir meinen Foxtail-Plug in den After.
So fertig ausgestattet bindet sie die Leine an den Hodensack und führt mich nach oben ins Wohnzimmer, wo ich bis zum Eintreffen von Fuzzy Tom und Scratchy Sofie im Käfig warte.
Zusammen gerollt in meinem Fuzzy Fluffy Catsuit verharre ich im Käfig, mit dem langsam nachlassenden Schmerz an meinen Genitalien.
Ende Episode 18
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