#to tackle increasingly ambitious projects
birlwrites · 1 year
I don't know if you need to hear this, but, given that post about comments earlier, I just wanted to say that I've got both TTDL and Tyrant on my subscriptions, but I still check for updates on the usual posting days multiple times. Your writing is very good; and that runs the whole gamut. The pacing, the characterization, the plot, and a lot of things that I can't name at the top of my head. Best of all, though? Your voice. The effort you've put into the craft over the years is very evident.
thank you so much anon - i'm fortunate enough to not get too many of the 'post more' comments, or at least they're vastly outweighed by the people who genuinely care about the story, and the addition on that post about how powerful positive comments are is incredibly true
for me, knowing that someone is invested in the story (beyond the point of just yelling 'I NEED MORE' at me, which EVERY TIME i deeply wish to respond to with 'no i'm never posting again<3' even though i'm aware it would be a bold-faced lie, simply because i know for other authors it WOULDN'T be a lie and ~actions have their consequences~) makes posting fic an actually fun experience - then i get excited to update the same way readers are excited to read the update, and that's how i've managed to keep going on stories that are WAY bigger than anything i ever dreamed i'd write when i first made an ao3 account. ttdl would not exist if not for the overwhelming amount of encouragement i got from people who enjoyed stga, which would not exist if not for the interest and support i got from people reading my one shots and shorter multichaps
there are a lot of things i love about ao3 but i think because it really is just an archive of fanfiction (which is a good thing for it to be! i don't want it to be a social media platform), it can be easy for people to forget that there's an actual person behind the account posting updates, and that's how they begin to treat authors as merely content creators
i know leaving comments can be a really nerve-wracking thing (i've gotten people apologizing to me for leaving short comments, apologizing to me for leaving long comments, apologizing to me for not commenting on the previous chapter, apologizing to me for not having anything specific to say beyond that they love the story, apologizing to me in case they spelled something wrong because it's 5AM where they are, ETC ETC ETC) and just like... if you're sincere in your appreciation for the story, no matter how much you have to say, please know that it's very much taken to heart and received with gratitude
so it means a lot to me to know that you're interested in those stories, because that is why i post them
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humansbgone · 1 year
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(This is content for Humans-B-Gone!, an animated sci-fi series about a giant praying mantis who works in pest control--those pests including humans. Watch it on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/c/humansbgone )
All paintings for Gregorsa's lecture are done, and I'm even fairly happy with them!
Not only that, but all sound work--final recordings, editing them together, final music, sound effect gathering, editing and placing--is also done!
Next week, work begins on sets and props for the animation itself. Aiming to keep things simple, so hopefully done within the week! After that, three weeks of animation, a day or so for notes, and we're done! Boy, this one flew by. However, next episode is looking much harder....
(By the way, if last week you guessed "diatoms" for the mystery organisms in the paintings--you are absolutely correct! Award yourself five secret Gregorsa points.)
This is the last update of the year. Looking back at my progress is a marvel. This marks three years that I've been at work on HBG, and each year has been a major milestone. 
The first year, I conquered years of writer's block, and a lifetime of despising my own work too much to seriously take on an original setting. I finally had the confidence to work on my dream project, and wrote novels' worth of content. (Granted, mostly disjointed snippets, but I'm still pleased.) I also made tons of concept art, and had fun exploring the range of voices I could do for different characters. (I can't wait to introduce you to them!) I also tackled my most ambitious 3d modeling tasks yet!
The second year, I made even more models. I made myself animate, putting into practice things I had previously only passively absorbed. I released the project to the public for the first time, and from barely animating at all, made the jump to releasing entire short animations, and even a short episode!!! I'm still amazed to think of the leaps and bounds I made that year. I even did some music!
This past year, the third year, I made three episodes and a bonus video, each close to five minutes long, released faster and faster. At the time it felt laboriously slow, but looking back I'm stunned at how much I put out. Real episodes of Humans-B-Gone! Wow!!! I learned to make concessions along the way, and ended up rewriting much of what I had plotted, but in the end was able to meet my goal of introducing Sophodra in the main series before the year was out! I also got in much more worldbuilding than I had anticipated.
This coming year will be the fourth year. Over the past three years, I increasingly created things I never would have dreamed myself capable of. Though the growth of the viewership sadly hasn't matched my own enthusiasm for the project, I intend to keep at it, and get out the characters, setting and story that I've wanted to for so long. 
What will I be capable of this year? Who knows? I'm excited for what new capabilities Blender (the program I create HBG in) has been developing, which will make things easier and easier, especially as I create more and more assets. I may even try crowdfunding so I can hire on some help with backgrounds, animation and music! With any luck, we'll make it to the introduction of some major plot points before we hit the fifth year.
Thank you to all of you who supported HBG along the way! I hope you're excited to see the new sights and meet the new characters that are coming. Until next time!
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goodieghosty · 2 years
Pantheon tis Orpheus part 1
(OSP intro. We see Red and Blue look at a bundle of papers for a few seconds. Then the papers are tossed up and the two avatars are running around frantically.)
Collectively: “Aaaaaaah!!!!!”
(Red skids to a stop and turns to Blue who stops too.)
Red: “Wait I know why I am excited but what about you?”
(Red has her arms crossed, Blue throws his in the air in exasperation.°
Blue: “Oh I’m sorry! Am I not supposed to be freaking out over a unique, reliable document that contains references to the day to day life of individuals over multiple classes in ancient Greek times!?”
(Red nods in understanding.)
Red: “Ah, yes, yes. My bad. Proceed”
Both: “AAAAAAAAAh” (Resume running around screaming)
Cut to the two catching their breath before addressing the audience.
Red: “Aren’t ancient documents great?”
Montage of pictures of old scripture.
“They provide a little glimpse in the past that are far more defined than other relics of their times that need to be interpreted by the historians who find them with little to none of the correct context.
Some of these documents were at one point widespread and well known enough that other documents reference them.
One of these documents is known as Pantheon tis Orpheus. Or Orpheus’ Pantheon.
A tales of the brother’s Grim of it’s time.
Until today we only had references. But that just recently changed. An original copy of this fabled collection was apparently kept in the hometown of it’s original writer and kept in pristine enough condition that it could be verified and translated, now for our reading pleasure!
And I will be talking about them all today. This might be the most ambitious project we have tackled on the channel, but our records show that we can definitely do this.”
Journey to the west cast glares in the background as Red gets increasingly uncomfortable only to be swooshed away by a mysterious dark shadow, leaving a cute little dude smiling instead.
“Anyway! Some context!
Our main character and alleged author of this story is a cool dude named Orpheus. A progressively less young soldier and champion of the OG sexy man and absolute Icon of a God. Virgil.”
Tall sexy dark dude stands smirking next to cute little dude who looks at him starry eyed.
“Let me tell you the author is an icon in and of himself. He starts the story off explaining that these are the events as told by Virgil and therefor incomplete and interpreted retellings of the events.
We love some self-awareness.
The story as a whole covers every myth from the creation of the universe to what was present day back then.
After Orpheus died in battle, on the day of an eclipse fittingly enough, his friend, a man named Damocles, took over writing until he too passed away of old age.
And they didn’t just write down dusty old myths. They both wrote about little day to day things as they were told the myths. Homelife, memories of their childhoods, work issues, time spent with each other and their friend, their general Ajax, implied to later be known as the god of Truth and Justice.
It's a good collection though and it gives us an idea what gods were popular and widely known at the time and which came later. There is no clear mention of Logan by example. And the twin creators always closely associated with Virgil aren’t even hinted at.
So it is safe to say that worship for them was not very prominent yet.
That’s all for today though. We’ll see you next time, when we dive in the first myth. The birth of everything."
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aaronvelly456 · 2 months
Unleash Your Potential with Program Management Courses
Are you eager to propel your career forward in project management? Ready to tackle more ambitious projects and lead teams to success? Look no further than our comprehensive program management courses. Crafted to arm you with the skills and insights necessary to thrive in today's ever-evolving business landscape, our courses pave the way for success in program management.
Why Choose Program Management Courses?
In today's fiercely competitive environment, organizations increasingly rely on program managers to oversee multiple projects and ensure alignment with strategic goals. Program management transcends traditional project management, honing in on the coordination and execution of interconnected projects to attain overarching business objectives. By enrolling in our program management courses, you'll delve into:
Strategic Alignment: Master the art of aligning program objectives with organizational goals to drive triumph.
Stakeholder Engagement: Hone techniques for adeptly engaging and overseeing stakeholders at all echelons.
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Risk Management: Develop savvy strategies to pinpoint, evaluate, and mitigate risks throughout the program lifecycle.
Resource Optimization: Acquire the expertise to optimize resources, be it budget, time, or talent, for maximal program efficacy.
Communication Skills: Elevate your communication prowess to effectively articulate program objectives, progress, and hurdles to stakeholders.
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Our Array of Program Management Courses
Whether you're embarking on your journey in program management or seeking to enrich your existing skill set, our assortment of courses caters to your requirements:
Foundations of Program Management: Attain a robust understanding of program management principles, methodologies, and best practices.
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theusupdates · 3 months
Unveiling the Secrets: GTA 6 Leaks and Speculations
The gaming community's fervor for Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 6 has reached a fever pitch, fueled by tantalizing leaks and rumors circulating online. As players eagerly await the next installment in this iconic franchise, speculation runs rampant regarding everything from the game's setting to its gameplay mechanics. In this article, we delve into the most intriguing GTA 6 leaks and speculations, dissecting the clues and hints that offer glimpses into what may be Rockstar Games' most ambitious project yet.
Setting Speculations:
Return to Vice City: One of the prevailing rumors suggests that GTA 6 will revisit Vice City, the iconic fictional counterpart of Miami, Florida, last seen in GTA: Vice City. This speculation has stirred nostalgia among fans while sparking debates about how Rockstar Games will modernize and expand upon this beloved location.
Multiple Cities: Leaks hint at a sprawling map that encompasses not only Vice City but also other cities, offering players unprecedented freedom and diversity in exploration. The prospect of navigating through multiple urban landscapes has ignited excitement among fans, who envision a rich and immersive game world ripe for exploration.
Gameplay Innovations:
Dynamic Weather System: Rumors suggest that GTA 6 will feature a dynamic weather system that goes beyond mere aesthetics, impacting gameplay in meaningful ways. From influencing vehicle handling to affecting NPC behavior and mission objectives, weather conditions may add a layer of realism and complexity to players' experiences.
Enhanced Wanted System: Leaks hint at a revamped wanted system that promises more realistic and adaptive law enforcement AI. Players may find themselves facing greater challenges as they evade the authorities, with police tactics evolving in response to their actions, creating a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.
Multiplayer Evolution:
Seamless Integration: Speculation abounds regarding the integration of single-player and multiplayer modes in GTA 6. Leaks suggest a seamless transition between the two modes, blurring the lines and offering a more cohesive and immersive online experience for players.
Cooperative Gameplay Elements: Reports hint at expanded cooperative gameplay elements, allowing players to team up with friends or strangers to tackle missions and challenges together. This cooperative approach to multiplayer may foster greater camaraderie and collaboration within the GTA community.
Player-Driven Content Creation: There are murmurs of ambitious player-driven content creation tools that empower the community to shape their own narratives within the GTA universe. From custom missions to user-generated content, players may have the opportunity to leave their mark on the game world in unprecedented ways.
While GTA 6 remains shrouded in secrecy, the abundance of leaks and speculations underscores the anticipation and excitement surrounding the franchise. As fans dissect every rumor and hint, the prospect of exploring Vice City and beyond in Rockstar Games' next masterpiece grows increasingly tantalizing. Whether these leaks prove accurate or not, one thing is certain: The GTA 6 leaks have captured the imagination of gamers worldwide, promising a gaming experience that will redefine open-world adventure for years to come.
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fronthunt · 3 months
Australia’s Top Industries for Hiring in 2024: Where are the Opportunities?
In the ever-growing Australian job market, some industries stand out as beacons of opportunity, offering promising careers and opportunities for workforce development as we move into the 2024 economy it is important to understand where opportunities lie and under the established duties to hire. From booming companies driven by technological advances to traditional businesses experiencing revival, let’s explore Australia’s biggest virtual hiring agencies in 2024 and the opportunities they offer.
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Technology and Innovation
Australia’s technology sector continues to grow, fueled by innovation, entrepreneurship and digital transformation. The rapid adoption of sophisticated technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain and cybersecurity is increasing the demand for skilled workers in these sectors from software developers and data scientists to cybersecurity specialists and cloud engineers will be forced their encourage future Tech-savvy professionals are in high ask.
Health and Biotechnology
Healthcare and biotechnology industries play an important role in the Australian economy, with continued investment in medical research, pharmaceuticals and health as the population ages and health problems become more complex, skilled healthcare professionals the demand continues to grow. Physicians and nurses medical technologists and medical researchers have many interesting opportunities to improve health outcomes and advance medical science With the rise of personalized medicine and advances in biotechnology in 2010, the healthcare sector offers a wealth of opportunities for professionals seeking meaningful and impactful careers.
Renewable Energy and Sustainability
Australia’s commitment to renewable and sustainable energy provides many opportunities for those seeking employment in the energy sector. With ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions and transition to clean energy, there is a growing demand for professionals with expertise in renewable energy technologies, environmental management and sustainable development sustainability from solar and wind energy professionals to sustainability consultants and environmental engineers Opportunities abound for individuals interested in becoming tackle climate change and we build a greener, more sustainable future.
Construction and Infrastructure
Australia’s manufacturing and infrastructure sector remains a cornerstone of the economy, driven by population growth, urbanization and infrastructure development projects. Continued investment in transport, housing and public infrastructure increases the demand for skilled workers in construction, engineering and project management from civil engineers and building supervisors to urban planners and architects opportunities abound for individuals with construction and business development skills f continue to invest in infrastructure to improve, while the construction industry provides job seekers with promising employment opportunities.
Digital Marketing and E-commerce
The rise of digital marketing and e-commerce has changed the way companies engage with customers and do business. The proliferation of online communication and social media platforms is increasing the demand for skilled professionals in digital marketing, social media management, and ecommerce strategy From digital marketers and product developers to ecommerce specialists and data analysts, individuals skilled in online marketing and customer engagement Opportunities abound for As companies increasingly rely on digital channels to reach and engage with customers, the digital marketing and e-commerce sector provide job seekers with an attractive career.
As we look to the job market in 2024, Australia’s top recruitment agency offer a wide range of opportunities for job seekers across a range of sectors. From technology and healthcare to renewable energy and manufacturing, the opportunities are vast for individuals with the right skills, experience and interest. By learning industry trends, critically assessing skills and taking advantage of professional development opportunities, job seekers can set themselves up for success in Australia’s dynamic and growing job market. Whether starting a new career or seeking advancement in their current role, opportunities are ripe for 2024 recruitment for those looking to be recruited into Australia’s top companies.
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365-silo · 3 months
Latest Updates on Climate Change
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Recent scientific findings underscore the urgent need for action. From the retreating ice caps to extreme weather events, the indicators of a warming world are becoming increasingly hard to ignore. This urgency has catalyzed a global conversation that continues to evolve, spurred by breakthroughs in green technology, international policy debates, and a groundswell of public awareness. Drawing insights from key organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this article explores the most current information on the climate crisis.
Key Takeaways
Global warming is an urgent problem, with recent data showing an acceleration in the rate at which our planet is heating up.
Major drivers of climate change include CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation.
International policies and advancements in sustainable technologies are significant in mitigating the environmental impact of climate change.
Data from the IPCC and NOAA are essential for tracking changes in global climate patterns and informing policy decisions.
Increased public awareness is essential for driving the collective action needed to address the climate crisis.
Understanding the Current State of Global Warming
As the world grapples with the escalating signs of climate change, it's vital to note the temperature rise that underscores the severity of the situation. A substantial increase in global average temperatures is driving a cascade of extreme weather events with profound implications for the planet.
The Rising Global Temperature Trends
Data from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies presents an alarming upward trajectory in global temperatures, leading to enhanced occurrences of heatwaves and droughts. This evidence of temperature rise demonstrates the direct implications of elevated greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Recent Anomalies in Weather Patterns
The carbon footprint of human activity is not only heating up the planet but also contributing to erratic weather phenomena. The National Weather Service, among others, observes how hurricanes and wildfires are juxtaposed against the backdrop of a destabilizing climate, indicating a new normal in extreme weather incidents.
Long-Term Climate Predictions and Models
Climate modeling remains at the pinnacle of understanding future impacts, with projections unambiguously showing continued temperature escalation if current emission rates persist. The World Meteorological Organization, together with a network of global scientists, endeavors to sharpen these models to aid policy makers in addressing the urgent need for change.YearGlobal Average Temperature Increase (°C)Notable Weather Event20211.2Heatwave in North America20221.3Severe Flooding in South Asia20231.4Intense Cyclone Season in the Pacific
International Efforts to Combat Climate Change
The conversation around climate change is increasingly dominated by concrete actions taken on the global stage. International agreements and engagements such as the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are not just formalities—they represent a collective commitment by nations to tackle the climate crisis head-on. These frameworks set ambitious targets for reducing global emissions with an eye towards achieving carbon neutrality.
Each year, the UN Climate Change Conference acts as a crucible for these commitments, where countries convene to negotiate, deliberate, and ultimately strengthen the resolve for collective action. Here, progress is meticulously assessed against sustainable development goals, which serve as a blueprint for a greener, more sustainable future. Underscoring this international endeavor is the spirit of global cooperation, critical for ensuring equitable climate action across various economic landscapes.
Financial backing, termed as climate finance, also plays a pivotal role, bridging the gap between developed and developing nations. This facilitation ensures that global economic disparities do not become a barrier to environmental stewardship. Moreover, a significant trend in harmonizing international trade and investment with climate goals heralds an era of innovation in renewable energy—an endeavour supported by data and reports from reputable entities like the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). These institutions offer invaluable insights into the challenges and advancements inherent in the global fight against the climate crisis.
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shakibansar3 · 4 months
Lifting Dubai: The Vital Role of Cranes in Shaping the Skyline
Dubai, a city known for its towering skyscrapers and futuristic architecture, stands as a testament to human ingenuity and ambition. Behind the glitz and glamour of its iconic skyline lies a crucial yet often overlooked element: cranes. These towering machines serve as the backbone of Dubai's construction industry, enabling the realization of architectural marvels that captivate the world. In this article, we'll explore the vital role of cranes in shaping Dubai's skyline, their diverse applications in construction projects, and the innovative technologies driving their evolution.
The Backbone of Construction
Dubai's skyline is a symphony of steel and glass, a testament to the city's unwavering commitment to architectural excellence. At the heart of this urban landscape are cranes – towering machines that lift, manoeuvre, and assemble the building blocks of modern infrastructure. From the iconic Burj Khalifa to the breathtaking Dubai Marina, cranes play a pivotal role in bringing ambitious architectural visions to life.
Diverse Applications
Cranes in Dubai are employed across a wide range of construction projects, from towering skyscrapers to sprawling megaprojects. Tower cranes, with their towering height and long horizontal jib, are a common sight on high-rise construction sites, where they provide the lifting power necessary to transport heavy materials to upper floors. Mobile cranes, equipped with wheels or tracks for mobility, are versatile machines used for a wide range of lifting tasks, from setting precast concrete panels to hoisting machinery onto rooftops.
In addition to traditional construction projects, cranes are also utilized in Dubai's booming infrastructure sector. Whether it's building bridges, highways, or transportation networks, cranes play a vital role in the development of the city's critical infrastructure, ensuring that Dubai remains a global hub for commerce, tourism, and innovation.
Innovation Driving Evolution
As Dubai continues to push the boundaries of architectural innovation, the role of cranes in shaping its skyline is constantly evolving. One area of innovation is the integration of advanced technologies into crane systems, such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These technologies enable cranes to operate more efficiently, safely, and autonomously, reducing the risk of accidents and increasing productivity on construction sites.
Furthermore, advancements in materials and design have led to the development of lighter, stronger, and more durable cranes. This allows for greater flexibility and versatility in crane operations, enabling construction companies to tackle complex projects with ease. Additionally, the use of eco-friendly technologies, such as electric-powered cranes and energy-efficient systems, aligns with Dubai's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.
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The Future of Dubai's Skyline
Looking ahead, cranes will continue to play a vital role in shaping Dubai's skyline, enabling the construction of increasingly ambitious architectural projects. From the futuristic Dubai Creek Tower to the sprawling Dubai Expo 2020 site, cranes equipped with electric wire rope hoist will remain indispensable tools in the city's construction arsenal. As Dubai embraces innovation and sustainability, cranes will evolve to meet the challenges of tomorrow, driving progress and shaping the skyline of the future.
As Dubai strides boldly into the future, the evolution of its skyline is inexorably intertwined with the ongoing advancements in crane technology. These towering machines, equipped with electric wire rope hoist, stand as silent sentinels of progress, orchestrating the construction of architectural marvels that defy imagination. As we peer into the horizon, it's evident that cranes will continue to be the driving force behind Dubai's urban transformation, enabling the realization of increasingly ambitious projects that redefine the boundaries of architectural design.
One such project that exemplifies Dubai's audacious vision is the Dubai Creek Tower, poised to become the tallest structure in the world upon its completion. Towering over the cityscape, this futuristic marvel represents the pinnacle of architectural innovation, pushing the limits of what is possible in skyscraper design. As cranes soar to new heights to erect this engineering marvel, their role in shaping Dubai's skyline becomes even more pronounced, underscoring their indispensable contribution to the city's urban fabric.
Similarly, the Dubai Expo 2020 site stands as a testament to Dubai's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and global connectivity. Spanning over 4.38 square kilometres, this sprawling complex will host a diverse array of pavilions, exhibitions, and events, showcasing the best of human ingenuity and creativity. Cranes, equipped with state-of-the-art electric wire rope hoist, will play a pivotal role in transforming this vision into reality, ensuring that the Dubai Expo leaves a lasting legacy on the city's skyline and beyond.
As Dubai embraces innovation and sustainability, cranes are poised to evolve in tandem with the city's aspirations. Advancements in crane technology, such as automation, robotics, and digital connectivity, will revolutionize construction practices, enhancing efficiency, safety, and productivity on construction sites across the city. Additionally, the integration of eco-friendly solutions, such as electric-powered cranes and renewable energy sources, aligns with Dubai's commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.
In the quest to shape the skyline of the future, Dubai's construction industry is at the forefront of embracing cutting-edge technologies and practices. From harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to implementing modular construction techniques, the city's builders are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in construction. Cranes, equipped with electric wire rope hoist, are at the vanguard of this technological revolution, enabling Dubai to maintain its position as a global leader in urban development and architectural innovation.
In conclusion, cranes are the unsung heroes behind Dubai's awe-inspiring skyline, lifting dreams and aspirations to new heights. With their versatility, efficiency, and reliability, cranes equipped with electric wire rope hoist are indispensable tools in Dubai's construction industry. As the city continues to reach for the sky, cranes will remain steadfast symbols of progress, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in construction.
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rundransh-k · 4 months
Unlocking the Key to Columbia MEM: Your Path to Academic Excellence Abroad
In today's globalized world, pursuing higher education abroad has become increasingly popular, offering students unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and academic advancement. Among the myriad of options available, the Columbia Master of Engineering Management (MEM) program stands out as a beacon of excellence, attracting ambitious individuals from around the world. Let's delve into what makes the Columbia MEM program a top choice for aspiring engineers and managers alike.
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Introduction to Columbia MEM:
Columbia University, situated in the vibrant city of New York, is renowned for its distinguished faculty, cutting-edge research, and commitment to fostering innovation. The Master of Engineering Management program at Columbia is designed for engineers seeking to enhance their technical expertise while developing critical managerial skills necessary for leadership roles in today's complex business environment.
Curriculum Overview:
The Columbia MEM curriculum strikes a delicate balance between technical proficiency and business acumen, offering students a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles alongside courses in finance, entrepreneurship, and leadership. From project management to strategic decision-making, every aspect of the program is meticulously crafted to prepare graduates for success in a rapidly evolving global marketplace.
Faculty Expertise:
One of the hallmarks of the Columbia MEM program is its world-class faculty comprising industry leaders, esteemed researchers, and experienced practitioners. These dedicated professors bring a wealth of real-world insights into the classroom, enriching the learning experience and empowering students to tackle complex challenges with confidence.
Global Network:
As a student in the Columbia MEM program, you'll have access to an extensive network of alumni and industry connections spanning the globe. Whether you're seeking internship opportunities, career guidance, or collaborative partnerships, the Columbia community offers unparalleled support and resources to help you achieve your professional aspirations.
Experiential Learning Opportunities:
Beyond the confines of traditional coursework, Columbia MEM students have ample opportunities to engage in hands-on projects, internships, and experiential learning initiatives. Whether you're collaborating with industry partners on real-world challenges or participating in cutting-edge research projects, these immersive experiences will broaden your horizons and sharpen your skills.
Diverse and Inclusive Community:
At Columbia, diversity is not just a buzzword – it's a core value embraced by the entire university community. The MEM program welcomes students from diverse cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, fostering a rich tapestry of perspectives and experiences that enrich the learning environment and prepare graduates to thrive in a multicultural world.
In conclusion, the Columbia Master of Engineering Management program offers a transformative educational experience that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and network needed to excel in today's competitive landscape. From its rigorous curriculum to its esteemed faculty and global network, every aspect of the program is geared towards empowering students to become visionary leaders and change-makers in their respective fields. If you're ready to unlock your potential and embark on a journey of academic excellence abroad, Columbia MEM awaits.
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anvisgranny · 4 months
Whimsical Wonders: The Magical World of Axolotl Crochet Patterns
In the vast realm of crochet enthusiasts, there's a delightful trend making waves – the Axolotl Crochet Pattern. This charming creation has captured the hearts of crafters worldwide, offering a unique and magical twist to the traditional art of crochet. Let's dive into the enchanting world of axolotl crochet patterns and explore the myriad benefits they bring to both beginners and seasoned crafters alike.
The Axolotl Appeal:
Axolotls, often referred to as "Mexican walking fish," are fascinating creatures known for their regenerative abilities and whimsical appearance. Axolotl crochet patterns inspired by these aquatic wonders have become increasingly popular due to their adorable features and the creative possibilities they present. Crafters find joy in bringing these fantastical beings to life with yarn and a hook.
Benefits of axolotl crochet pattern:
For those new to the world of crochet, axolotl patterns offer an excellent entry point. The relatively simple shapes and limited color palette make these projects manageable for beginners while providing an exciting challenge. The repetitive nature of amigurumi-style crochet allows beginners to practice essential stitches and techniques in a fun and engaging way, gradually building their skills.
Instant Gratification:
One of the key benefits for beginners is the relatively quick completion of axolotl crochet projects. These patterns offer a sense of instant gratification, keeping beginners motivated and eager to tackle more ambitious projects. This encourages a positive learning experience, fostering a love for the craft.
Unleashing Creativity:
Experienced crafters often seek fresh and unique projects to fuel their creativity, and axolotl crochet patterns deliver just that. The versatility of these patterns allows seasoned crocheters to experiment with colors, textures, and embellishments, adding their personal touch to each creation. The result is a diverse array of axolotls, each with its character and charm.
Relaxation and Stress Relief
Crocheting, in general, is known for its therapeutic benefits, and axolotl crochet patterns are no exception. The rhythmic motion of the hook and the tactile nature of the yarn provide a calming experience, offering crafters a mindful escape from the stresses of daily life. The joy of seeing a whimsical axolotl come to life stitch by stitch adds an extra layer of satisfaction.
Community and Sharing:
The popularity of axolotl crochet patterns has fostered a vibrant and supportive online community. Social media platforms and crafting forums are filled with enthusiasts sharing their creations, exchanging tips, and cheering each other on. This sense of community adds a social aspect to the crafting journey, connecting individuals from different corners of the globe through their shared love for axolotl-inspired crochet.
In the world of crochet, the axolotl crochet patterns stand out as a delightful and magical trend, offering a host of benefits for crafters of all levels. From providing a gateway for beginners to unleashing the creativity of seasoned crocheters, these whimsical creations bring joy, relaxation, and a sense of community. Top of Form
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ismspune · 8 months
Top MBA Program: ISMS Pune Bridging Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Top MBA Program: ISMS Pune Bridging Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Introduction: ISMS Pune, leading management institute in India
When one thinks of "Top MBA colleges in India," it's more than just a mere search term. It's a reflection of India's academic ascendancy on the global stage. Morgan Stanley's projections paint a promising picture: India is gearing up to clinch the title of the world's third-largest economy by 2027. With the potential to double its GDP to a staggering $7.5 trillion by 2031, the nation stands at the cusp of an economic metamorphosis.
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This transformative growth, fueled by megatrends like global offshoring, digitalization, and a shift towards renewables, underscores the need for adept leaders. Leaders who can navigate the complexities of this evolving landscape. And that's where institutions like ISMS Pune come into play. As a beacon among management institutes in India, ISMS Pune's curriculum is meticulously crafted, aligning with both India's ambitious economic trajectory and the global paradigms of business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
ISMS Pune: A Leader in Innovative MBA Programs in India
Top MBA colleges in India are increasingly found in Pune, a city that's not just an educational hub but also a booming economic landscape. Contributing a staggering $48 billion to the GDP, Pune is a powerhouse in manufacturing, glass, sugar, forging, automotive, and IT sectors. It's only fitting that the city's management education evolves to meet the multifaceted industry needs. Enter ISMS Pune, a cradle of leadership and innovation in this dynamic setting.
ISMS Pune has carved a niche for itself among the top MBA programs in the country. One standout offering is their MBA in Business and Innovation, a course that perfectly aligns with the growing need for innovation and entrepreneurship in today's business landscape. Affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University and accredited by AICTE, the institute also enjoys global accreditation from Pearson. Their diverse range of MBA programs, including Post Graduate Diploma in Management and Masters in Sports Business Management, are designed to make students industry-ready. The focus on experiential learning, strong placement partnerships, and a curriculum that encourages entrepreneurship elevates their stature nationwide. According to various rankings, ISMS Pune consistently appears among the top MBA colleges in India, further solidifying its reputation as a premier management institute.
In a country where the GDP is set to more than double by 2031, the demand for MBA graduates with a sharp acumen for Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship is skyrocketing. ISMS Pune's 'MBA in Business and Innovation' is more than just a degree; it's a breeding ground for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a rapidly evolving business world.
This two-year program, one of the top MBA programs in India, is designed to holistically develop managerial capabilities. It prepares students to tackle the multifaceted challenges of modern business by intertwining areas such as strategic management, digital marketing, and financial analytics. This ensures that graduates are well-versed in Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
One of the standout features is its dual certification—an MBA degree under Savitribai Phule Pune University and accreditation by AICTE. This adds a layer of credibility and ensures that students are industry-ready leaders, adept in Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
The program offers extensive corporate exposure through career development programs, live on-the-job training, and industry mentorship. These experiences are meticulously designed to infuse the principles of Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship into the students, equipping them to navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving business landscape.
Communication is a cornerstone of this MBA program. Regular classes based on the IELTS model help students master this crucial skill. Moreover, the course includes various training sessions, workshops, and skill development programs aimed at molding successful leaders who can seamlessly integrate Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
Practical exposure is also a key component, with summer internships at companies like Godrej, Mahindra, Amazon, and Bajaj. These internships provide a real-world understanding of how Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship intersect in the corporate world.
In an era where India is set to become a global offshoring hub and a leader in digitalization and energy transition, an MBA in Business and Innovation from ISMS Pune is an opportunity to become part of India's next generation of leaders who excel in Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
Stellar Placements & Alumni Insights: Why ISMS Pune Ranks Among Top MBA Colleges in India
In a rapidly evolving business landscape, ISMS Pune stands out among the top MBA colleges in India. Its MBA in Business and Innovation isn't just a degree; it's a launchpad for careers that demand a sharp acumen in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This focus makes it one of the top MBA programs in the country, a claim substantiated by the institute's strong placement partnerships. Companies like ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, and Capgemini regularly recruit from ISMS, offering packages as high as 15 LPA.
But what do the alumni, the true markers of a program's success, have to say? One graduate, now a Business Analyst at BNY Mellon, credits the program for instilling a "deep-rooted understanding of business innovation, which is a game-changer in today's market." Another alum, currently at Reliance, praises the program's focus on entrepreneurship, stating, "ISMS Pune equipped me with the entrepreneurial mindset needed to excel in the dynamic field of marketing."
From Finance to Operations & SCM, ISMS Pune's alumni are making waves across                                                                                                    sectors. Companies in marketing like Bajaj Finserv and Reliance, in finance like Factset and Johnson Controls, and in HR like Thermax and Nitor, all vie for ISMS Pune graduates. Why? Because they are well-versed in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, the trifecta that's driving India's economic engine.
In essence, ISMS Pune isn't just shaping future managers; it's molding leaders adept in MBA, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This makes it a standout choice among management institutes in India. The testimonials and the impressive list of recruiting companies confirm that ISMS Pune is indeed a top choice among the best MBA colleges in India.
In a country on the brink of becoming an economic superpower, ISMS Pune stands out as a premier choice among top MBA colleges in India. With a focus on Business, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, it's not just shaping managers; it's molding the leaders who will drive India's future.
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newstfionline · 8 months
Thursday, September 21, 2023
The delicate art of maintaining America’s aging nuclear weapons (AP) In an ultra-sterile room at a secure factory in Kansas City, U.S. government technicians refurbish the nation’s nuclear warheads. The job is exacting: Each warhead has thousands of springs, gears and copper contacts that must work in conjunction to set off a nuclear explosion. Eight hundred miles away in New Mexico, workers in a steel-walled vault have an equally delicate task. Wearing radiation monitors, safety goggles and seven layers of gloves, they practice shaping new warhead plutonium cores—by hand. And at nuclear weapons bases across the country, troops as young as 17 keep 50-year-old warheads working until replacements are ready. A hairline scratch on a warhead’s polished black cone could send the bomb off course. The Associated Press was granted rare access to key parts of the highly classified nuclear supply chain and got to watch technicians and engineers tackle the difficult job of maintaining an aging nuclear arsenal. Those workers are about to get a lot busier. The U.S. will spend more than $750 billion over the next 10 years replacing almost every component of its nuclear defenses, including new stealth bombers, submarines and ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles in the country’s most ambitious nuclear weapons effort since the Manhattan Project.
Mexican railway operator halts trains because so many migrants are climbing aboard and getting hurt (AP) A Mexican railway operator announced Tuesday it is temporarily suspending train runs in the northern part of the country because so many migrants are climbing aboard freight cars and getting hurt in the process. Ferromex said it has temporarily ordered a halt to 60 trains carrying cargo that would fill 1,800 tractor trailers. It said some international trade would be affected by the stoppage. In recent days, there have been about a “half-dozen regrettable cases of injuries or deaths” among migrants hopping freight cars, the company said in a statement. “There has been a significant increase in the number of migrants in recent days,” Ferromex said in the statement, adding that it was stopping the trains “to protect the physical safety of the migrants,” while it awaited action by authorities to solve the problem. Migrants have long used the trains, known collectively as “The Beast,” to hitch rides from as far south as Oaxaca state to the U.S. border. About a decade ago, the Mexican government briefly staged raids on the trains to discourage the practice, but later largely abandoned the effort. The announcement comes as migrants are increasingly desperate to reach the U.S. border.
Ecuador locked up a drug lord. He just released a music video from prison. (Washington Post) The professional-quality music video looks and sounds much like a traditional Mexican ballad. A woman rides a horse across a field while two men in Tejana hats croon to accordion music about a “man of good honor.” Then the star appears: One of Ecuador’s most feared drug lords—posing for the camera in the country’s most notorious prison. The video, apparently filmed inside the Guayaquil prison and posted on YouTube over the weekend, pays homage to José Adolfo “Fito” Macías Villamar, a convicted murderer who has helped lead Los Choneros—a gang that reportedly partners with the Sinaloa Cartel to move cocaine to the United States. Mariachi Bravo’s “El Corrido del León”—“The Lion’s Ballad”—taunts a government that has proved incapable of seizing control of its prisons back from the increasingly powerful gangs. With a high-production-value video recorded in part in a facility that holds Ecuador’s most dangerous convicts, the criminals are sending a clear message about who’s in charge. “Es el jefe y patrón, señores,” the men sing. He’s the boss. By Monday evening, it had racked up more than 150,000 views. The video was more evidence of the gangs’ control of a prison system that has suffered record levels of violence between competing drug-trafficking groups.
Britain Passes Sweeping New Online Safety Law (NYT) Britain passed a sweeping law on Tuesday to regulate online content, introducing age-verification requirements for pornography sites and other rules to reduce hate speech, harassment and other illicit material. The Online Safety Bill, which also applies to terrorist propaganda, online fraud and child safety, is one of the most far-reaching attempts by a Western democracy to regulate online speech. About 300 pages long, the new rules took more than five years to develop, setting off intense debates about how to balance free expression and privacy against barring harmful content, particularly targeted at children. At one point, messaging services including WhatsApp and Signal threatened to abandon the British market altogether until provisions in the bill that were seen as weakening encryption standards were changed. The British law goes further than efforts elsewhere to regulate online content, forcing companies to proactively screen for objectionable material and to judge whether it is illegal, rather than requiring them to act only after being alerted to illicit content, according to Graham Smith, a London lawyer focused on internet law. The bill has drawn criticism from tech firms, free speech activists and privacy groups who say it threatens freedom of expression because it will incentivize companies to take down content.
Zelensky opens U.S. visit with a warning: ‘Evil cannot be trusted’ (Washington Post) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday delivered an impassioned speech to world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, pushing for sustained support for his embattled nation’s fight against Russia as he embarked on a delicate mission to bolster his cause globally and in Washington, Ukraine’s most important partner. He faces increasing concern among leaders of the Global South and Republicans in Congress who say the war is consuming too many resources and drawing away from other priorities. After more than a year and a half of war, leaders from some developing nations are increasingly frustrated that the effort to support Ukraine is taking away, they say, from their own struggles to drum up enough money to adapt to a warming world, confront poverty and ensure a more secure life for their citizens. In Washington, meanwhile, a growing faction of the Republican Party is rebelling against further spending on military aid for Ukraine, questioning whether it should be an American priority. The continuing economic and military support pledged to Ukraine is estimated to have reached about $73 billion globally.
Caucasus Conflict Renews (1440) At least 25 people were killed and nearly 140 injured after Azerbaijan launched what it called a military operation yesterday against Armenian-backed separatists in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, raising concerns over a new war in the region. Azerbaijan and Armenia last went to war for 44 days in 2020, with more than 7,000 soldiers and civilians killed. The war ended after Russia brokered a cease-fire deal and deployed nearly 2,000 peacekeeping troops. The latest friction is a continuation of a conflict over borders since the Soviet collapse in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with both Azerbaijan and neighboring Armenia looking to control the majority-Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region located within the UN-recognized borders of Azerbaijan. Approximately 120,000 ethnic Armenians live in the mountainous enclave in the South Caucasus.
The Khalistan separatist movement (AP) Tensions between Canada and India have reached new heights with dueling diplomatic expulsions and an allegation of Indian government involvement in the killing of a Sikh activist on Canadian soil. The row centers around the Sikh independence, or Khalistan, movement. India has repeatedly accused Canada of supporting the movement, which is banned in India but has support among the Sikh diaspora. India’s Sikh independence movement eventually became a bloody armed insurgency that shook India in the 1970s and 1980s. It was centered in northern Punjab state, where Sikhs are the majority. The insurgency lasted more than a decade and was suppressed by an Indian government crackdown in which thousands of people were killed, including prominent Sikh leaders. In 1984, Indian forces stormed the Golden Temple, Sikhism’s holiest shrine, in Amritsar to flush out separatists who had taken refuge there. The operation killed around 400 people, according to official figures, but Sikh groups say thousands were killed. On Oct. 31, 1984, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who ordered the raid on the temple, was assassinated by two of her bodyguards, who were Sikh. Her death triggered a series of anti-Sikh riots, in which Hindu mobs went from house to house across northern India, particularly New Delhi, pulling Sikhs from their homes, hacking many to death and burning others alive.
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia consider a defense treaty (NYT) American and Saudi officials are discussing a mutual defense treaty that would provide Saudi Arabia with U.S. military support if it was attacked. The discussions are central to the White House’s effort to get Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel. The structure of the treaty would be modeled after the military pacts that the U.S. has with Japan and South Korea, which are considered the strongest among non-NATO allies, U.S. officials said. Any agreement, however, is likely to face strong objections in Congress, where lawmakers in both parties see the Saudis as unreliable partners who care little about U.S. interests or human rights.
East Libya Strongman Keeps Tight Control Over Aid After Floods (NYT) Days after a torrential downpour collapsed two aging dams and unleashed a rushing wall of water that swept parts of the Libyan city of Derna and thousands of its people into the sea, the military strongman who rules the area came for a quick visit. Khalifa Hifter, the 79-year-old renegade commander and longtime C.I.A. asset, shook hands with soldiers, took a brief drive through Derna’s muddy streets and flew off in a helicopter. The disaster that struck Derna on Sept. 11 has drawn renewed international attention to Mr. Hifter and his so-called Libyan National Army, a military coalition that controls the eastern half of the divided North African nation with an iron fist. More than a week after the disaster, as rescue efforts shift to the long and costly work of caring for the displaced and helping the city recover, Mr. Hifter’s tight hold over eastern Libya has made it clear that he will be the overall arbiter of the aid operation in the oil-rich country. That makes many longtime Libya watchers, including some who have spent time with Mr. Hifter, nervous. He oversees what is effectively a military dictatorship that competes for power with an internationally recognized government in the western half of Libya that is based in Tripoli, the capital. He has enriched and empowered himself and his sons while failing to provide basic services or maintain critical infrastructure, like the dams that burst last week, analysts and diplomats say. Human rights groups have accused his forces of grave abuses and potential war crimes.
Now, where is that fighter jet? (Foreign Policy) Nothing inspires confidence like one of the world’s largest militaries losing a fighter jet—in its own backyard. The U.S. military urged locals to be on the lookout of an F-35 aircraft on Sunday after it went missing over South Carolina. It took almost two days to locate the missing plane, where it was discovered just two hours north of where the pilot ejected. “How in the hell do you lose an F-35?” U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.
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thxnews · 5 months
UK-India Trade Talks: A New Era of Partnership
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Building Stronger Ties Through Trade and Innovation
UK-India Collaboration in Sustainability and Trade Embarking on a vital three-day visit to India, the UK's Minister of State, Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, will actively engage in strengthening UK-India relations. Consequently, his visit stands as a clear testament to the UK's earnest commitment to enhancing bilateral ties through sustainable development and prosperous trade relations. Furthermore, as global challenges mount, this collaboration between two significant world players becomes increasingly crucial, thereby offering a beacon of joint progress and mutual respect.  
A Focus on Sustainability and Innovation
Lord Ahmad’s visit, spanning the cities of Chennai in Tamil Nadu and Ahmedabad in Gujarat, is scheduled to align with two significant events: the Tamil Nadu Global Investor’s Meet (TNGIM) and Vibrant Gujarat. These events are not merely formal gatherings but are pivotal platforms where the UK and India can robustly showcase their dedication to sustainability and innovation. This alignment signifies a shared vision for a sustainable future and the potential for groundbreaking advancements in various sectors.   Launching New Sustainability Projects In a significant move, Lord Ahmad will announce two innovative UK-funded sustainability projects in Chennai. The first, the Heat Mitigation project, in partnership with Tamil Nadu’s State Planning Commission, aims to tackle some of the most pressing climate-induced challenges, including extreme heat and the degradation of vital ecosystems. Additionally, an ambitious Electronic and Battery Waste Management project is set to launch in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Department of Environment and Climate Change. This initiative is a crucial step in addressing the escalating issue of battery waste in our technology-driven era, showcasing a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.  
Exploring Trade and Cultural Ties
Lord Ahmad's visit goes beyond sustainability; it's a golden opportunity to discuss an ambitious trade deal, underpinned by strong political will on both sides. The discussions, expected to be wide-ranging and multifaceted, will touch upon various critical topics from clean energy advancements to the intricacies of human rights. This diverse agenda highlights the comprehensive nature of the UK-India relationship, encompassing not just trade and economics but also shared values and aspirations.   Showcasing the UK's Commitment to India At the TNGIM in Chennai, Lord Ahmad is slated to deliver a keynote speech, not just as a formality but as a powerful testament to the successful UK-India collaborations in the climate and energy sectors. His participation at the Vibrant Gujarat summit further reinforces the UK's supportive role in India's journey towards sustainable growth. These appearances are strategic, and aimed at demonstrating the UK's unwavering commitment to fostering long-term, beneficial partnerships with India.   Strengthening Educational and Cultural Links One of the highlights of Lord Ahmad’s visit will be the signing of an MoU between the UK's Abertay University and India’s École Intuit Lab at Vibrant Gujarat. This partnership is a symbol of the profound educational and cultural ties that bind the UK and India. It represents an exchange of knowledge and expertise in teaching, research, and innovation, further deepening the collaborative spirit between these two nations.  
A Step Towards a Stronger Future
In summary, Lord Ahmad’s visit to India is a significant stride in bolstering the UK-India relationship, aligning seamlessly with the UK's long-term foreign policy objectives in the Indo-Pacific. This trip, encompassing crucial agreements and innovative projects, symbolizes much more than diplomatic formalities. It embodies a shared journey towards a stronger, mutually beneficial partnership, resonating deeply with both nations' aspirations and global visions.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon. Read the full article
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cybercrime-blogs · 9 months
Maharashtra’s Rs 837 Crore Cyber Shield: State Approves Massive Project to Tackle Cybercrime
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In a landmark decision aimed at fortifying cybersecurity and safeguarding citizens against the escalating threat of cybercrimes, the Maharashtra cabinet unanimously approved a groundbreaking Rs 837 crore cyber safety project. This visionary project, now greenlit by the state government, is poised to harness cutting-edge technologies to combat the surging wave of cybercrimes across the state effectively.
Embracing Modern Technology for Enhanced Safety
The ambitious endeavor revolves around the consolidation of a wide array of state-of-the-art technologies into a comprehensive framework. Key components of this project include a Control and Command Centre, Technology-Assisted Investigation tools, a Centre of Excellence, a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), a cloud-based Data Centre, and a Security Operations Centre. These elements are intricately designed to operate in synergy, creating a formidable defense mechanism against cyber threats.
Round-the-Clock Support for Citizens
Perhaps one of the most pivotal aspects of this initiative is the establishment of a 24×7 call centre, where citizens can promptly report their complaints related to cybercrimes. This proactive approach is set to revolutionize the efficiency of cybercrime investigations by enabling individuals to report incidents as they occur, thereby expediting the process.
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Harnessing Modern Technologies and Expertise
The government's statement underscores the project's commitment to leveraging modern technologies and a highly skilled workforce for comprehensive cybercrime investigations. This holistic approach is expected not only to expedite investigations but also to enhance the probability of successful convictions, thus serving as a strong deterrent to potential cybercriminals.
A Multifaceted Approach to Cybersecurity
The substantial investment in this cybersecurity project reflects the state's unwavering commitment to safeguarding its citizens and infrastructure in the digital era. As cybercrimes grow increasingly sophisticated, this initiative signals the government's acknowledgment of the necessity for a multifaceted strategy to combat the ever-evolving threat landscape.
Financial Respite for Sugar Cooperative Factories
In yet another commendable decision made by the cabinet, financially beleaguered sugar cooperative factories in the state will receive much-needed relief. These factories will now have access to loans from state cooperative banks, with the unwavering support of the state government. This strategic move is geared towards alleviating financial strain and reinvigorating the sugar industry, which remains pivotal to Maharashtra's economy.
A Milestone in Cybersecurity
The approval of the Rs 837 crore cyber safety project marks a monumental stride towards bolstering the state's cybersecurity infrastructure and shielding its citizens from the growing specter of cybercrimes. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies and adopting a proactive approach to investigations, Maharashtra aims to set a formidable example in the battle against cyber threats, thereby ensuring a safer and more secure digital environment for its residents.
As we delve deeper into this transformative initiative, it becomes evident that Maharashtra is not merely responding to the challenges posed by cybercrimes; it is proactively shaping the future of cybersecurity in India. With a comprehensive framework encompassing advanced technologies, a dedicated workforce, and 24x7 support for its citizens, the state is poised to become a beacon of cybersecurity excellence.
The Technological Backbone
At the heart of this ambitious project is the integration of cutting-edge technologies. The Control and Command Centre will serve as the nerve center, orchestrating responses to cyber threats with speed and precision. Technology-Assisted Investigation tools will empower law enforcement agencies with the means to dissect cybercrimes comprehensively, leaving no stone unturned.
The establishment of a Centre of Excellence is a testament to the state's commitment to fostering expertise in cybersecurity. It will serve as a hub for research, innovation, and training, equipping professionals with the latest knowledge and skills needed to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.
The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) will act as a rapid-response unit, ready to spring into action when cyber threats emerge. Their timely interventions will ensure that potential crises are averted or mitigated swiftly.
A cloud-based Data Centre will provide a secure repository for critical information, while a Security Operations Centre will continuously monitor networks and systems for any signs of intrusion or unusual activity. This technological synergy is set to create an impenetrable fortress against cyber threats, sending a clear message to cybercriminals that their activities will not go unchecked.
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Citizen-Centric Approach
The establishment of a 24x7 call centre is a game-changer in the realm of cybercrime reporting. It empowers citizens to be proactive in reporting cybercrimes, ensuring that law enforcement agencies are alerted promptly. This not only expedites investigations but also helps in preserving crucial digital evidence that can be pivotal in securing convictions.
A Skilled Workforce for Effective Investigations
Beyond technology, the success of this project hinges on the competence of its human resources. With a skilled and dedicated workforce, Maharashtra aims to investigate cybercrimes comprehensively. This integrated approach is not merely about solving individual cases; it's about sending a resounding message to cybercriminals that the state is prepared to bring them to justice.
The Battle Against Cyber Threats
The world of cybercrimes is dynamic and constantly evolving. Hackers and cybercriminals employ increasingly sophisticated tactics to breach systems and steal sensitive data. Recognizing this, the Maharashtra government's commitment to a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity is commendable.
The Rs 837 crore investment in this project signifies a significant step towards bolstering the state's cybersecurity infrastructure. It's not just about protecting government networks or critical infrastructure; it's about safeguarding every individual who uses digital platforms in the state. It's about ensuring that businesses can operate securely in the digital realm without fear of cyberattacks.
A Boost for the Sugar Industry
In a parallel effort to support economic growth, the cabinet's decision to extend financial relief to sugar cooperative factories is equally noteworthy. Maharashtra's sugar industry has long been a cornerstone of its economy. By providing access to loans and committed support, the state government aims to revitalize this sector, generating employment and economic opportunities in the process.
In the face of a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Maharashtra's visionary approach to cybersecurity is both timely and laudable. It demonstrates a proactive stance in protecting its citizens and critical infrastructure. The approval of the Rs 837 crore cyber safety project is not just an investment in technology; it's an investment in the safety and security of every resident of the state.
As this multifaceted project unfolds, it is expected to become a model for other states and regions in India to emulate. It sets a precedent for how governments can harness technology, expertise, and a citizen-centric approach to combat the ever-growing threat of cybercrimes effectively.
In parallel, the support extended to sugar cooperative factories underscores the government's commitment to economic growth and prosperity. By addressing the financial challenges faced by these entities, Maharashtra aims to strengthen its economy and ensure the well-being of its people.
In sum, these two significant decisions by the Maharashtra cabinet reflect a state government that is not only responsive to the evolving needs of its populace but also forward-thinking in its approach to security and economic growth. It is a testament to Maharashtra's resilience and determination to navigate the challenges of the digital age while preserving its economic foundations.
Source: https://www.the420.in/maharashtra-cyber-safety-project/
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goldiers1 · 1 year
New Leaders to Tackle Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission
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  - Hilary Evans and Nadeem Sarwar to chair national Mission to tackle dementia, launched in memory of Dame Barbara Windsor - Dementia Mission brings industry, academia and the NHS together to speed up dementia research, using the successful approach of the Covid Vaccine Taskforce - Government backing for dementia research to reach £160 million by 2024 The UK Government has named two leaders in dementia research to spearhead the ambitious national Mission to tackle dementia, which was launched in memory of the late Dame Barbara Windsor.  
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Hilary Evans and Nadeem Sarwar to chair national Mission to tackle dementia. Photo by UK Government.   Hilary Evans is the Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, the largest charitable funder of dementia research in Europe. Nadeem Sarwar is currently a senior leader at Eisai, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Together, they will convene industry, the NHS, academia and families living with dementia, to tackle this devastating illness. Announcing the appointments at the World Dementia Council Summit today (Monday 20 March)  
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Official portrait of George Freeman MP. Photo by Richard Townshend. UK Government.   Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, George Freeman said: “Dementia is an especially cruel condition for both patients and their loved ones; as Dame Barbara’s brave campaigning made powerfully clear for all. Breakthroughs in neuroscience like the Nobel Prize-winning work of John Gurdon and his team, combined with patient cohort studies and the integration of genomics, big data and clinical research offers hope of new diagnostics, treatments and cures. “The UK is determined to help lead this by harnessing the power of the NHS as a research engine. That’s why as 1st UK Minister of Life Science we hosted the first G20 Dementia Summit in London, and launched the Dementia Research Institute and Dementia Research Fund. Patient engagement is key, which is why our new Dementia Mission is patient centred with a key role for dementia charities. “Hilary and Nadeem will be instrumental in that, by driving this project in the spirit of Dame Barbara and all those desperate for hope of a cure. As cancer has become a treatable and increasingly curable disease in our lifetime, so too can dementia.”   Health and Social Care Secretary, Steve Barclay, said: “Dementia is the leading cause of death in the UK but cutting edge research into new technologies that can help to detect and measure indicators of the condition has the potential to improve diagnosis, treatment and care." "Today we’re taking another step forward to spearhead efforts into beating this disease and potentially help many people across the UK." “Hilary Evans and Nadeem Sarwar will be crucial to accelerating the development of the latest treatments and technologies, as well as driving collaboration across partners in industry, the NHS, academia and people affected by dementia.”   The ‘Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission’ was launched in August 2022, in honour of Dame Barbara and the millions of other people and their loved ones who have had their lives ruined by dementia. This national Mission will develop innovative research tools and boost the number and speed of clinical trials in dementia and neurodegeneration. This contributes to the commitment to double funding for dementia research to £160 million a year by 2024 to 2025. The Mission will follow the successful example set by the Covid Vaccine Taskforce, and forms one of eight Missions in the Government’s Life Sciences Vision and Drugs Strategy. These other Missions will also harness the power of the UK’s life sciences sector – which is Europe’s largest – to unlock new treatments and diagnoses for cancer, obesity, addiction and mental health problems.   Hilary Evans, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Dementia research has made great strides in recent years, but there is still important progress to be made on multiple fronts, and this needs effective collaboration across the whole dementia landscape. From researchers, to regulatory bodies responsible for making sure patients can access safe and effective treatments without delay, and of course the NHS and research workforce.   Health Minister Will Quince said: “We’re harnessing the best of UK innovation to change the lives of people with dementia, as well as their families and loved ones. “Building on the success of the Covid Vaccine Taskforce, Hilary Evans and Nadeem Sarwar will co-chair the Dementia Mission to enhance collaboration across the sector, accelerate promising research and develop ground-breaking new ways to diagnose and treat this terrible disease.”   One million people are predicted to be living with dementia by 2025, and 1.6 million by 2040. It is the leading cause of death in the UK. Up to 40% of dementia cases are potentially preventable but causes are still poorly understood. Dementia can affect the brain years before people show any symptoms, which means treatments need to be tested on people far earlier. The new national Mission will build on recent advances in biological and data sciences, including genomics, AI and the latest brain imaging technology, to test new treatments from a growing range of possible options. The Mission will work in partnership with industry and other key system partners and leverage the rich research ecosystem in the UK.   Sources: THX News, Department for Science Innovation and Technology, Department of Health and Social Care, George Freeman MP, The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP & Will Quince MP. Read the full article
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With weak revenues and high debt, the telecoms industry is looking for new ways to reinvent itself. It is also looking to build social credit, thanks to services such as Facebook's WhatsApp. The industry is also trying to change regulation, to keep up with the fast-moving technology.
Customer experience
As telecoms bosses stake their claims to the digital future, one of the first steps they should take is to improve customer experience (CX). This is particularly important in the communications and media sector, where customers increasingly demand a digitally driven experience. Small and medium businesses are also increasingly looking for digital self-service. Indeed, half of them are considering a move towards an omnichannel approach.
To create a superior customer experience, telecoms organisations must invest in new digital technologies and radically rethink their customer journey path. This will mean leveraging the right technologies and strategies to strengthen customer empathy and inclusion. It also means taking a holistic approach to customer experience and tackling the needs of vulnerable customers.
The Customer experience (CX) is the key to winning customers and retaining them. It drives customer loyalty and revenue growth. The digital environment underpins most customer experiences. And in a world where the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital channels, it's no wonder that customers gravitate towards the companies that deliver the best CX.
A global event, Mobile World Congress, is back this week in Barcelona, Spain. In a hybrid format, it is projected to draw up to 100,000 participants. This year's event is set to focus on digitalization and cybersecurity. The event is also focused on building trust with consumers.
Most telecoms are betting big on 5G technology. They have announced partnerships across software-as-a-service and cloud, as well as in traditional mobile and broadband operations. While most of the talks have focused on 5G, analysts say that the industry's future lies in other areas, too.
Big Tech payments
The EU's competition chief has called on regulators to compel the Big Tech giants to pay for their network costs. It comes after an outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe and fears that networks could collapse due to heavy traffic levels. In response, Netflix and Disney Plus adapted their services to save network bandwidth. This brought the debate back into the spotlight, and EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager said she would look into the issue.
Telecoms bosses say these deals will result in a concentration of power in fewer hands. The resulting market will see larger players dominate, while smaller players struggle to compete. This means users will be restricted to a walled-off ecosystem with only the major players.
In Europe, the battle between telcos and Big Tech companies is reaching a fever pitch. Telecom groups are pressing European regulators to adopt a "sender pays" principle that would make internet companies pay to add capacity to networks. This would require companies such as Netflix and Amazon Prime to pay for the extra capacity that they use on their networks.
5G technology
The next generation of mobile communications will revolutionise the world and telecoms bosses are taking note. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has set ambitious standards for 5G. Its goal is to create networks with download speeds of 20 gigabits per second and response times of one millisecond. The technology will also allow telecoms to connect one million devices per square kilometer. This will give telecommunications companies the ability to serve densely populated cities.
The technology is not far away from being deployed in urban areas, but it will need extensive investments to build the infrastructure needed to carry it. To meet the ambitious goals, telecom companies will need to build cellular relays inside buildings and on every city block. This will require 13 million utility poles that will cost $400 billion.
But some fears are being raised. The General Data Protection Regulation has come into force and requires companies to provide a high level of data protection for customers. Violation of this regulation can lead to large fines for companies.
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