kreaturely · 8 months
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TMNTtober Day three - favorite show!!
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super-un-stable · 9 months
ROUND 2! HEY BROZ!! 💥🤘🛹🍕
Wanna talk TMNT all month?!
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If u liked last year you’ll love this year 2!
Itz your chance to Draw, Write, Edit, WHATEVER! Just have fun! It starts on Oct 1st 2023! use the Tag #TMNTtober #TMNTtober2023 4 everything ya do so we can see it!
Changed the prompts up this year to keep it fresh! But if wanna change ‘em up for yourself or just use last years feel free! No pressure on that end !! Tell me of u have anymore questions !
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allonsos-evil-lair · 8 months
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TMNTtober 2023 - Bones
Quick and dirty, but the idea made me laugh.
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hypnotised-hazard · 8 months
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DAY 1: Mutants
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spacecardiver · 9 months
WHATS UP NERDS!! Let’s get our Turtle on 🤙🍕🐢
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Don’t forget to reblog, & tag whatever you create with #tmnnttober2023 or #tmnttober 2023
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cruilty-ink · 8 months
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@tmnttober2023 Today was a perfect day to draw some Cass Mikey
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dailyturtles · 8 months
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Day 8
TMNTTober 1: Mutant
Ice Cream Kitty has a very special place in my heart :3
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tmnttober2023 · 9 months
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What is Tmnttober?
Inktober but w prompts from all iterations of tmnt. Open to writes and other types of creators as well :)
How do I join?
Just create something based on one the prompt lists & tag your post w #tmnttober 2023, #tmnttober2023 or @ me :)
This seems like fun but I won’t be able to do all the prompts :(
No big. Just do which ones you can. This is meant to be fun. If you miss a day it’s not a big deal either.
I can’t draw but I want to participate
Absolutely no problem. Writing, moodboards, memes, anything like that works as well! This isn’t a skill contest or anything like that either. No one is judging your skills & what better way to improve than by practicing?
I don’t like these prompts sry…
No problem! There are three wonderful prompt lists here & you can choose which ones you like best! Don’t like all the prompts on a list? Pick whichever ones inspire you from whichever list!
@super-un-stable has a list here.
@sariphantom has one here.
& my list is here.
Yea well I only like rottmnt…
I’ve got a kickass risetober prompt list for you right here
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star-keepr · 8 months
1+2: Mutants // Humans
[mutant mayhem based; Written from Leo's perspective, written based off of the two prompts above ^^]
I knew from a very young age that we were different. And not just different in the way that we talk, not different in the way we like food, but... garishly different. Shockingly different. Scarily different. To most people, we aren't people. That's when we learned what the word 'freaks' really meant. Not a funny slang term like most phrases we heard wandering by the sewer drains, no, that word was sharp and pointed, it stabbed into us like a dagger and put a monstrous mask on our faces. 'Freaks' isn't something light and funny, 'freaks' is heavy and jarring, something you call the authorities about. Something that should be captured and studied. I had to learn that the hard way.
We don't belong in the spotlight, humans have made that clearer than anything else. We're disgusting mutations who should be shunned into lurking by the shadows and... uh... I dunno... eat brains? Is that what they think mutants will do? I've personally never tried brains, but I don't think I'd like the texture-
Stop getting off track!
This is the third take! Get it together or we're getting Mikey to deliver your monologue!
Right. Sorry. Where was I?
Yes! Okay, ahem...
-So into the shadows we went, and into the shadows we remain. Forever and always, silhouettes in the night.
...how'd I do? How was that?
Eh, it's kind of cheesy.
So sappy! We literally go to high school with the humans, dumdum!
Yeah, and I'm right here.
Sorry April! It's- it's like more of a metaphor. Cuz you know, uh, mutants and stuff?
No. It's dumb.
I think you'll be just fine! The drama teacher will buy it!
The **human** drama teacher...
Shut up, I think it's good!!
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bellathetmntgeckolady · 8 months
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TMNTtober 2023
Day 5: Adventure I was going to put Isabella in something else but decided to put her in one of those Triceraton space suits that she'd get in the Mutants in Space arc. (Don't mind her expression at all. That's not plot related whatsoever, no.)
Day 6: Comic You know in the 2003 series there were comics that initially went along with the plot, helped extended it quite a bit. They were made by Dreamwave for a bit until it went downhill sometime after Shadows of the Mind's Eye. SotME would've taken place the same night of Raph meeting Casey, hence why he's much more exhausted when he returns home. The comic is somewhat referenced in TMNG if you squint in chapter 4, but it'll be brought up in chapter 5. You guys got to give Dreamwave comics a read.
Did you also know our favorite purple boy was going to have a comic and it was going to feature Turtlebot with the Mousers before Dreamwave comics got cancelled? I swear no Donnie was ever allowed the spotlight for himself and the few times he did, it's traumatizing. I would've loved to have seen that version of Turtlebot again instead of it being stuck in one episode.
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prismarts · 8 months
Day 10: Crush (Late lol)
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Crushes as teenagers are hard, especially when you don't talk about feelings often xcjdfbu 💙💗
The duality of
Leo moving on from Karai and her betrayal to just...being a flustered mess and having feelings for another girl and slowly...but surely, being okay with those feelings-
And Min being in denial and trying to bury her feelings cause she and Leo are actually close friends now and she doesn't want to ruin it because...well they had a rocky start when they first met.
This was fun to do despite being late, I might do a couple more prompts in this sketchy style and when I have time..... line and colour them lol-
BUT YEEEE for @super-un-stable 's TMNT-Tober 2023 list! (List under the cut :3)
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kreaturely · 8 months
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TMNTtober days 9 & 10 - battle + crush!!
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TMNTtober 2023 Day 1: Mutants
Fandom(s): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) Relationship: Donatello & Raphael (Gen)
“…We don’t know anything,” Raphael finally says, voice small and resigned. “Shell, I can’t wrap my head around any of it. You tripled in size. You had glowing eyes. You were drooling and roaring and trying to eat Mikey’s freakin’ leg.” Donnie remembers very little of the events that transpired. He remembers the searing pain in his leg hitting breaking point - remembers the sound of bones and sinew crunching, popping, shifting as he grew, and remembers desperately trying to tell April and Casey to run far from him before something more sinister, more animalistic took hold. Then it all gets very fuzzy. “You scared us, Don. We were scared FOR you. What was I-” Raph’s voice cracks. He swallows. “What were we supposed to do if we couldn’t fix you up, huh?”
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allonsos-evil-lair · 8 months
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TMNTtober - Battle Nexus
Missed a few days, but let's see if I can get back on track this week.
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hypnotised-hazard · 8 months
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DAY 4: Training
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spacecardiver · 8 months
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@sariphantom’s tmnttober
Prompt 1: Mutagen
(The idea was for Matt Murdock to be kneeling in the mutagen that gave him powers & mutated the turtles + splinter. This is still a wip)
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