#tmbd tarik
murderbot-moodboard · 29 days
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"I passed Kaede still standing in the galley. She said, 'I'm not getting involved in that either.'"
—The Murderbot Diaries: System Collapse
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chelshiart · 6 months
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Is it weird to say that I'm lowkey delighted by the MB casting? Because seeing that actor reminds me that back when my siblings and I were kids, one time we were refueling the car and WHAM started playing on the radio, so we started miming the entirety of the gas station scene from Zoolander. I got to be Brint and blow everyone up in slow motion, and it was GREAT. 
Also it gave me the idea to draw this, so hereyougo :D 
Anyway, I'm happily in the 'wait-and-see' camp, and looking forward to see how they adapt the story to the visual medium! 
(Also bonus Ratthi speaking truth bombs: )
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Screaming and crying about mb having a flashback in the tunnel and art playing a clip of sanctuary moon where a character wakes up from a coma and their bodyguard is there in its brain. Art you are literally a roomba at the moment.
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gamebird · 3 months
A post about my Murderbot Diaries fanfics
A lot of my TMBD fanfiction links together. Someone called it the 'Gamebird Cinematic Universe'. So you'll see events referenced across fics, backstory fleshed out, and missing scenes filled in, with the information spread out across a lot of stories. I also ship Murderbot and Gurathin, but not within the canon timeline. Thus, there are a lot of fics where that hasn't happened yet, or where they are not both present.
I've put them all together in a single series for convenience, and broken out the ones that are separate AUs or unrelated one-shots.
Gamebird Cinematic Universe stories in (mostly) chronological order:
After Hacking - This is pre-ASR, a series of stories that track Murderbot's growing personhood and abilities during the 4 years after it hacks its governor module to before the events of All Systems Red. Each installment is around 1,000 words and they are all designed as stand-alone stories.
It's Only a Cleaning Process - Murderbot enjoys a particularly thorough cleaning process that can definitely be interpreted sexually. Murderbot declines to interpret it that way.
Two Ships, Passing in the Night - ART shows off for another ship. Seth is not amused.
Ratthi's Proposition - At the start of the ASR survey, Ratthi propositions Gurathin. This is an event referred to in various other fics.
[ASR happens here]
Rogue Trends - This is a data analyst digging into the circumstances behind Murderbot going rogue, and what happened to the other SecUnits that were in Ganaka Pit. It was my first TMBD fic and is much acclaimed.
Gurathin's Side of the Story - A retelling of ASR, ES, and other portions from Gurathin's point of view, along with key elements of his backstory. There is a little MB/G in it (occasional badly-veiled one-sided yearning; Murderbot doesn't know or care, as per canon).
BATNA - This recounts Mensah's captivity in Exit Strategy.
Things SecUnit Will Never Know - Missing scene at the end of Exit Strategy, tells the story of how the group restored Murderbot's brain after the gunship collapse.
Trust Fall - Set in the flashback scene of Network Effect - Overse and Arada argue about being cut out of the need-to-know list regarding the assassination attempt on Dr. Mensah.
Resignation - This is an elaboration of this line from Network Effect: Since I'd decided to stay (temporarily) on Preservation Station, Dr. Mensah had asked me to go places with her seven times. Six of those times were just relatively short boring meetings on ships in orbit or in dock. The seventh was when she had asked me to go down to the local planet's surface with her., telling the story of Mensah's slow crumble after the events of BATNA.
The Skinny - Murderbot sends a letter to Bharadwaj about the ways SecUnits are misused on contract. This would be in Network Effect, after the festival and before the water planet survey. This was another of my very early TMBD fics.
A Funeral for Killware - At the end of Network Effect, before System Collapse, those in orbit over the Adamantine Colony have an observance for those who were lost.
Retrieval - Three retrieves one of its fallen fellows.
Tarrathi - Tarik and Ratthi get together in System Collapse, missing scene fic.
The Talk - Perihelion's crew talk to it about how it met Murderbot. Or try to.
[post System Collapse, nebulous undefined mission with ART; in other words: canon that hasn't been published yet]
Repeat Deletion Protocol - Back on Preservation, SecUnit confronts Ratthi about a suspicious situation with one of Ratthi's partners, only to discover this isn't the first time it's confronted Ratthi about this.
De-constructed Feelings - Ratthi realizes/discovers Gurathin's past with constructs, and his present feelings toward one construct in particular. Gurathin swears him to secrecy, because he intends to take this secret to his grave. After all, Murderbot has no interest in him whatsoever and that's fine.
Skulk - This consists of the origin story for a rogue Combat SecUnit named Skulk, and then an adventure with Murderbot, Ratthi, and Gurathin.
Murderathin - This follows immediately after the end of the Skulk series and is my attempt to separate the MB/Gurathin material from the non-MB/G stuff so those readers who want to avoid shippy stuff can do so. Upon leaving the planet Skulk was on, Murderbot confronts Gurathin about certain feelings it has unexpectedly detected from him. This is where Gurathin's Side of the Story is told, although the events of it (ASR, ES, etc.) happen earlier.
[Young Gurathin section not in chronological order]
What is Love? - A late-teens Gurathin explores his sexual interests with a standard ComfortUnit in the Corporation Rim. Even back then, he wonders if there is more behind those eyes, or if he's just seeing what he wishes was there.
To Like or Not to Like - This is Gurathin in his mid-20s (I headcanon him around 50 in ASR) with a ComfortUnit. Nothing sexual or romantic this time, just two beings trying to understand one another and themselves.
[Back to chronological order]
Depends on Viewpoint - Gurathin and Bharadwaj discuss differences between the Corporation Rim and Preservation.
Other series:
Last Client Standing - ASR, but GrayCris attacks PresAux first instead of DeltFall. This is disastrous. Murderbot is only able to save Gurathin. They escape, eventually, returning to Preservation where there is grieving and therapy, with a hopeful ending.
TMBD Metas and Headcanons - What it says on the tin. Most of these are analyses of canon, but a few are my headcanons for ComfortUnits, Combat SecUnits, and Preservation.
Other stuff (one-shots or nearly so):
Freeze Response - Murderbot tries to figure out where a little girl went. Few words, many kudos.
SexUnit - Two versions of the same outline, one with Murderbot, one with an OC SecUnit. Both are used for sex. This is rape.
Two Peas in a Pod - Murderbot and Gurathin work together to retrieve two gestational units that have been locked in cryofreeze pods. Although both MB and Gurathin are in this fic, it isn't shippy in any romantic way. Barely even platonic.
Imagine Dragons - Murderbot tries to guard Gurathin from hostile fauna. I don't think this is particularly shippy. I think Murderbot would act the same way with any of its clients.
Personalized Security Services - Murderbot and Mensah fuck. This is not rape.
If Hostile One Had Bit Ratthi Instead of Bharadwaj in ASR - Just what it says on the tin.
Just a Piece - A man and an obliging SecUnit fuck. This is not rape.
Preservation Alliance, Politics, and World-Building - This is included in the Meta series, but is important enough for me to call it out individually. It's the background for nearly everything I've written in TMBD that has a setting in Preservation. It tells about languages, planets, and cultures.
There are also some drabbles and a couple longer one-shots I didn't count. You can find them in my AO3 works list. I have participated in two collaborative writing events, one Counting Down (combined PresAux and Perihelion crew get contaminated by alien remnants while planetside and have to fight off a CR sanitation team) and the other is Enemies, Closer (MB/G/ART/Echo). The first is not shippy in the least; the second is all shipping all the time.
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chelshiart · 2 years
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Part 2 of 2: Team Perihelion (and Three!)
(Click here for Team Preservation!)
At first I was going to draw them all in crewniform, but then got tired of that quickly enough 😂
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