#tipsy aftg ramblings
merma-1-d-motel · 1 year
I headcanon Andrew as both bipolar two and bpd. We all know that Nora didn’t really portray mental illness and medication in a realistic way, so i just go off what I personally think.
Borderline comes from trauma and we know how much Andrew went through. Some of the symptoms are intense fear of abandonment (the deals he makes, keeping people close and tied to him), self harm and self harming behavior, addiction, intense anger. All of this is something we see explicitly in the books in the connection to Andrew. Mental illness looks very different in different people, and I can just see him as having bpd, but my knowledge of bpd comes from a lot of research and some people i know irl, so i am definitely not an expert.
Part of the reason I hc him as bp2 is because i have it and i need something to project to. I also think Nora said he is bipolar, but I might be wrong?? idk where to check though.
In my head, after getting off meds, so all throughout the third book, he is in some state of depression because his serotonin is fucked. I think Andrew is someone who can function while being severely depressed, because he never got any choice. The moment he finds an actual safe place, I think he would crash and become not as functioning. I think that would be very difficult for him and Neil as well, but they would get through it.
I also think in some time post canon he would get hypomanias. He would hate them and love them at the same time, and would have to learn to recognize the early stages and use his support system to keep him in check.
I don’t think he would take any meds ever again though. And i don’t think he would ever be in full remission. But I think he would get the best outcome of such shitty given circumstances.
I want to have a discussion about this so badly ughh
also any fic recs on this topic is highly appreciated!!
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