#timmy brisby
gritsandbrits · 5 months
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Rewriting Secret of NIMH 2: My Style
Issa mess but here's my rewrite of The Sceret of NIMH 2. First let's change the title to something more adventurous because Timmy to the Rescue sounds lame. How does "Salvation of Thorn Valley" sound?
Second let's remove that dumb prophecy, it makes no sense and tbh Timmy didn't do anything to warrant the Chosen One. Instead his rivalry with Martin is given more focus.
The tone is still serious like the first movie but with more hints of romance. Dr. Valentine is the main villains overseeing all operations and a very intense final battle amidst a burning building. And lack of Jeremy until the finale also shows the darker tone compared to the canon sequel.
The new story is a blend of the movie's plot and the novel sequel Racso and The Rats of NIMH.
Just like canon the movie takes place 7-8 years after the original. Mrs. Brisby is a storyteller who doesn't care for pomp over her adventures. Her sons Martin and Timmy pursue different interests. Martin wants to be a warrior and spars a lot, while Timmy spends his time out exploring the woods collecting plants and rocks. Because of these differences the brothers tend to butt heads.
After a particularly rough argument ruins a ceremony meant for their mama, the frustrated woman sends her sons away for a few weeks in Thorn Valley so they can learn peace from Justin.
Thorn Valley is now a city populated by the mice of nimh and other intelligent animals. Timmy and Martin meets three other teens: Racso, a streetwise rat; Jenny a feisty female mouse, and their shy friend Maggie (an OC). These three work like a well oiled machine, unlike Martin and Timmy.
Timmy manages to adjust to Thorn Valley quite well but Martin's attitude makes him unpopular with the class, and even more unpopular with Racso.
Martin arrogantly assumes Maggie for her supposed boringness. During a fencing class Martin and Maggie are set to spar, Maggie shows great talent with a sword and beats martin. She goes over to him to help him up, but he ejects her, ashamed over losing to a girl. Maggie leaves disappointed prompting Justin to intervene and tell Martin he has to learn to work with others.
With Timmy while he adjusts to the city, he is problem to be something of a know it all, much to Jenny's annoyance. However she softens up after hearing about Timmy's past. She opens up about her own past as an orphan, her parents being the rats who died in NIMH.
The Thorn Valley council receives word that NIMH plans to build a dam. Justin and Brutus goes to stop them, Martin tries to go but is told to stay home. Justin tells them it be best to stay because martin's temper is a liability. That night Martin sneaks out of his dorm but is stopped by Timmy. Martin explains that he wants to prove his stuff but timmy said they need to follow orders. The two start bickering but then they see a weird shadow and run to see who it is. The shadow turns out to be Jenny, who also planned to sneak out. She wants to find her parents who she believes is still trapped in NIMH. Racso agrees to go with her since he knows the human city well. Timmy resigns and agrees to go on the condition that they need a medic. Maggie is the last to go because she fears for her friends' safety (and to spite Martin).
In the forest the five encounter threats like birds of prey and a rabid fox. At one point, martin and Maggie saves each other, resulting in mutual respect. Timmy also learns to trust Racso and Jenny and rely on his own strengths by identifying plants that could be useful for their journey. Jeremy takes them to see Cecil the Caterpillar. Cecil was an apprentice of Nicodemus who taken over after his death, he's comedic but is also wise. He tells the group that they need to find their worth outside petty squabbling and their father Jonathan would hate for his boys to be estranged. Feeling guilty, Timmy and Martin realize that they need to work together. Before the group leave, Cecil requests to talk to Racso privately. We don't know what he says to Racso but it is enough to leave the boy visibly shaken.
The quintet find a truck belonging to NIMH and hitch a ride on it. In the city Racso takes the group to the Underground where they meets up with his old friends the Savage Rats. The rats aren't as friendly towards the other four mice. However the rats are called off by none other than Racso's mother.
Racso's mom explains she and Jenner had a fling which resulted in Racso, but was separated after the first escape from NIMH. Racso corroborates her story and admits kept it a secret so his friends wouldn't judge him. Jenny replies she and Maggie will never judge him for his father's sins. Jenny glared at timmy and Martin daring them to disagree. Racso's mom easy she has no plans to leave the city but wants her son to pursue his own life. She adds she did meet some lovely male rats who Timmy realize she was referring to Justin and Brutus.
Things fall apart when Martin and Maggie are kidnapped by two cats, who take them to NIMH. Timmy, Jenny and Racso go and find Dr. Valentine has been conducting illegal experiments. They hatch a plan to free their friends, then they are discovered by Justin and Brutus. They're angry at the children's disobedience but Timmy tells them they got martin and maggie and they they know how to stop Valentine.
At NIMH Martin and Maggie find Jenny's parents who tell them Valentine is using the mice to create biological weapons. Valentine also oversees on creating a dam that could flood Thorn Valley. Martin uses his dagger to unlock the cage, and he and Maggie go about freeing tbe othet animals. As everyone make a run fir it, Valentine's cats Floyd and Muriel chase them. In an act of selflessness martin distracts the duo long enough to Maggie to escape. Martin is then brought back to be experimented on.
Timmy and Jenny meet the escaped animals and Maggie, who got the schematics.
The evil martin and timmy duel, while timmy holds his own for a bit the sheer strength from martin proves too much and he is knocked down. but just as evil martin is prepared to strike he notices the lack of fear in timmy's eyes. This causes an internal struggle as he starts to remember his brother, seeing this timmy loudly encourages martin to fight back against The brainwashing. Martin thrashed about and knocked himself out. When he comes to Timmy is tending to his wounds. Horrified at what he tried to to Martin somberly apologizes but Timmy says he doesn't hold it against him. No matter what happens they will always be brothers. The two make up and leave but Martin suggests staying to try to stop Valentine. With Justin and Brutus they managed to lure muriel and floyd to their deaths.
Racso publicly admits he is jenner's son and he doesn't care what they (the townsfolk) think of him because he has real friends who accept him no matter what. He begs them to save the judgement late and help him save the city. Together everyone starts to sabotage the machinery guerilla style using the schematics Maggie brought.
At NIMH the four mice try to flee suddenly Dr. Valentine arrives with a butcher's knife ready to kill them. Justin attempts to use the amulet but is knocked back, causing it to slip. The brisby boys scatter trying to avoid the blade but timmy sees that there is a live wire and as Valentine approaches, Martin bites the mad scientist causing him to stumble onto the wire, electrocuting him and shutting the motherboard down. They stare at Valentine's body for a bit then realize the fire is close and they escape. As fire engines circle around the building timmy and martin are outside and climb onboard Jeremy (who was flirting with female pigeons when he heard about tbe incident) and gets his bird friends to carry the mice back home.
Back in the valley, the kids are reprimanded for disobeying. Mrs. Brisby defends them and says they more than made up for it by saving the valley and the experiments. Racso & Martin bury the hatchet. Jenny reunites with her parents. Timmy and Martin are changed by the experienced Martin having taken a life deciding to use his strength to protect people, and Timmy decides to be a master healer. Maggie is gifted with her very own sword and she and Martin admit their feelings. A few weeks later everyone gathers in the valley to welcome the two statues of Jonathan and Mrs. Brisby.
Mrs. Brisby doesn't play much of a role here, but to be fair the same can be said about the books. But she does get full recognized as a hero, she's just more humble about it. I also decided not to use the amulet too much or else it may come off as a deus ex machina. i want to emphasize the characters' strengths and how they work together.
Maggie is an oc meant to be martin's love interest, i thought it make for a cute Parallel to timmy x jenny. Racso comes from Racso and the Rats of NIMH.
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timmy brisby is friend shaped
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Timmy is friend-shaped!
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rotten-rodentia · 4 months
I thought I made a rat names poll, but I can't find it. I'm getting 3 little rat boys this weekend! Name poll
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furriesandflurries · 1 year
Mrs. Brisby: "So, remember when I helped escort you guys out of your old base to safety?"
The rats in the sequel: "…Who are you again?"
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jknerd · 9 months
NIMH AU: Timothy
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Full Name: Timothy Brisby
Species: IM-Human + Human hybrid-> IM-Human
Age: 6~7
Gender: Male
Other names: Timmy, Brisby Heir, Jonathan’s little replica
Occupations: Homeschooled student
Residence: Fitzgibbon’s tenant house (former), Jonathan Brisby’s Wheeled Manor (currently)
Family: Jonathan Brisby (father; deceased), Elizabeth Brisby (mother), Teresa (older sister), Martin (older brother), Cynthia (little sister), Auntie Shrew (great-aunt)
Relationships: The Fitzgibbons (acquaintances), Drago “Dragon” Welker (acquaintance), Mr. Ages (acquaintance), IM-Humans (ally), Jenner (adversary), Sullivan (acquaintance), Justin (possible future stepfather)
Likes: Reading, outdoor activities, magic, stories from his parents and Nicodemus, the idea of Justin being his new father Dislikes: His illness, being stuck in his bedroom for long time, isolation, his mother being away, Jenner’s schemes and hatred
Timothy Brisby is a second son and third child of Elizabeth and late Jonathan Brisby. Little brother of Teresa and Martin, second older brother of Cynthia. He was born prematurely and small, he was believed to die soon but stayed alive much to joy of Elizabeth and Jonathan. Before the death of his father, Timothy would have spent time in home with his parents as Jonathan often tell him stories.
When his father died, he was one of the siblings who did not openly mourned as he was concerned of his mother and his siblings more. At the funeral, due to him showing no emotions and being most perceptive, Nicodemus sees Jonathan within him. But as days went bye, Timothy goes through illness which was initially diagnosed as pneumonia. However, he grows to avoid sunlight, becoming sensitive with strong scents and in immense discomfort when his mother wasn’t around. As one of his symptoms was blisters from sunlight, Mr. Ages suspected that Timothy might be inheriting a congenital condition of full transformation into IM-Human. He was to stay at least three weeks, much to Timothy’s dismay.
However, he had shown comfort and joy to learn his family would move out of town and bringing their house along as Jeremy’s magic helped their mother moving the Brisby manor. At first, Timothy was under protection by his siblings when the guards of IM-Humans checked on them. Justin noticed a striking resemblance Timothy has with his late father Jonathan, but actually bonded. Timothy was first among siblings to notice the possible romance between his mother and Justin. Seeing how his mother Elizabeth was smiling often because of the captain, Timothy was open with the idea of having Justin as new father. Timothy also developed a grandfather-grandson relationship with Nicodemus.
There were several cases Timothy sensed the anger, malice and hatred from Jenner, and was expressing concern as he was able to detect the ambitious man’s growing attraction towards his mother Elizabeth. When at the moving day, Timothy and his siblings were held as hostages locked in his bedroom as the house was immobilized by Jenner. When he noticed Sullivan looking for Justin, Timothy managed to tel him where Justin was, and felt relieved as he sensed his mother being safe. However, when the house was about to collapse, Elizabeth shielded her children from falling debris, not knowing the power of ruby amulet sparing their lives.
Miraculously, the amulet has not only saved others but healed Timothy’s “illness” as he was seen with Nicodemus under the sunlight, no longer suffering as he had conquered it. He was then hugged by his mother and his siblings, but expressed concern when Elizabeth fell unconscious from exhaustion. When it was a day before departure with the Brisby manor restored, Timothy threw a light tantrum he wanted to spend more time with IM-humans and Justin, but promised to exchange letters with them. Eventually, when he noticed his mother no longer aging, he was gleefully writing letters to Justin, implying the future reunion of the Brisby family and IM-Humans in a close future.
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courcgecus · 9 months
First, she lives a happy life with her family, as a house wife while the husband is the breadwinner. Owned a nice house in the idyllic country side people travel to enjoy nature. Then, he goes missing and suddenly... it's his funeral. She does not know what to do, but having to do something fast, since soon, the house would be taken for the debt. Not only why she was mourning, but the trauma he died really violently and having to comfort the children too.
I imagine mister Ages already living in the city suggested they should go - for job opportunities for her and Timmy's health issues he suffered at times. It was so tough. Eventually children, like any young, would be excited about the move. To the city! To the opportunities! While mrs Brisby having lived her entire life in the country side was horrified.
The little they had left, she probably turned some finest family heirloom curtains into outfits. Since lacking money, the savings would go all in housing and food until she found job. The vibe is just different in trendy streets. You have to mind appearance if you wish to join in.
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the-mouse-joust · 1 year
Other mice that didn't make the joust
I had more than 48 mice to choose from, but ultimately not all of them could make it in, either due to space, already having a really close character in the running, or due to not really being a mouse.
But I still would like to give the submissions that didn't make it in some love, so here they are below for anyone interested.
Not Enough Room :(
Chuppe from Pripara (very cute!)
Chuunosuke from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (also very cute!!)
Echo Mouse from The Owl House (cool concept)
Little from RWBY (researching this character broke my heart. ow)
Mousegirl bartender from Tumblr (iconic)
Mousely (Mouse Ashley) from Resident Evil 4 Fandom (this was really fun to discover and research. she's adorable. you guys are great.)
Petri from Animal Crossing (love her look)
Turnip from Chicory: A Colorful Tale (learning about this game delighted me)
Tyrannosaurus from One Piece (I love that he is just in that guy's pocket. fantastic)
Unnamed Narrator from The Witches (Roald Dahl) (that book is just. wild)
A Little Too Similar to Another Character
Diddlina from Diddl (already had Diddl in the joust)
Lilly from Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes (she's a different character from a different book, but I felt that having two Kevin Henkes mice was probably enough. sorry Lilly fans... it was a hard choice to make, if that helps.)
Maushold from Pokemon (already had Tandemaus)
Mauswheel from Deltarune (already had Maus)
The Squeakers from Kirby: Squeak Squad (they are represented by Daroach)
Thea Stilton from Geronimo Stilton/Thea Stilton (I know she has her own books, but I did already have Geronimo Stilton in there...)
Timmy Brisby from The Secret of NIHM (his mom already made it in)
Not Really a Mouse
Fuwa from Star Twinkle Precure (she's quite mouse-like but I think she is officially an alien? but super adorable)
Mordenkainen from Harry Potter and the Natural 20 (far as I could tell, I think this one is a rat?)
Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective (sorry, Ratigan. I know you hate to hear it, but, uh. I think you're a rat. also, Basil already got in. salt in the wound, I know.)
Oh Wait Someone Just Submitted This Mouse?
Saxon, Kenzie and Lieam from Mouse Guard (I don't know them but from the name "Mouse Guard" alone, I'm a little sad that I only got to see them now... but hey, if there are still such mousey stories out there that I didn't know about, maybe there could be a Mouse Joust 2. maybe. we only just started Mouse Joust 1...)
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thornvalley · 7 months
The Secret of NIMH - Animal Rescue with Martin and Timmy (fanfic)
In the Brisby home, Timmy was slowly recovering from his pneumonia. Still, his big brother, Martin, wanted to hang out with him.
“Hey, Timmy,” Martin said, “Want to watch a movie?”
Timmy nodded, his cheeks still flushed from the warmth of his blanket. He scanned the small selection of movies they had in their home and pointed to a classic adventure film.
“That one,” he said, his voice still raspy from coughing.
Martin popped the VHS tape into the player and they settled down on the couch, Timmy’s legs dangling over the side as he curled up under the warmth of a blanket. The movie began with a group of intrepid explorers venturing into an ancient temple, seeking a long-lost treasure. Timmy’s eyes widened in excitement as the adventure unfolded before him.
“Wow, Martin,” he whispered, “This is amazing!”
Martin smiled at his younger brother, glad to see him enjoying the movie. He leaned back against the cushions, his tail twitching with excitement. As the plot thickened, and the explorers faced danger after danger, Timmy’s eyes grew wide with anticipation.
“Look, Martin!” he exclaimed, pointing at the screen. “They found the treasure!”
Martin glanced at the TV, a grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, I guess they did,” he said, his tail thumping against the couch. “That’s amazing!”
The movie continued to captivate both brothers, with twists and turns that kept them on the edge of their seats. As the credits began to roll, Timmy turned to Martin, his eyes shining with excitement. “That was the best movie ever!” he exclaimed.
Martin smiled, “Yeah, it was pretty good. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Timmy.”
Timmy nodded, his whiskers twitching in agreement. “It made me forget how sick I felt for a while,” he said, his voice still hoarse from coughing.
“Well, you’ve been doing a great job of getting better,” Martin reassured him. “Mom, Cynthia, Teresa, and I are really proud of you.”
Timmy blushed with embarrassment but smiled gratefully at his brother. “Thanks, Martin,” he said softly. “I feel a lot better now.”
The two brothers settled down for the night, each lost in their own thoughts. As Timmy drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but think about the movie they had watched. It had been so exciting and thrilling, it had almost felt like he was part of the adventure.
Martin lay awake for a while longer, his mind wandering back to the day Timmy had gotten sick. He remembered how scared he had been when he found his little brother coughing uncontrollably. He was grateful that Mrs. Brisby had known what to do and had helped Timmy get better.
As he thought about his mother, Martin couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for her. She was always so strong and capable, taking care of the family and making sure everyone was safe and healthy. He knew that she had been through a lot in her life, but she never let that stop her from being the best mother she could be.
The next morning, Timmy woke up feeling much better. The warmth of his blanket and the comfort of his home had helped him get a good night’s sleep. As he sat up and stretched, he noticed that the sun was shining brightly outside. He couldn’t wait to go outside and explore the world around him.
Martin was already up, making himself some breakfast. He glanced over at Timmy and smiled. “Good morning, little brother,” he said cheerfully. “Feeling any better today?”
Timmy nodded vigorously, his tail wagging with excitement. “I feel great, Martin!” he exclaimed. “Can we go exploring today?”
Martin grinned at his enthusiastic brother. “Sure, Timmy,” he said. “Let’s go have an adventure.”
They left the burrow and emerged into the bright sunshine. The air was crisp and fresh, and Timmy took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the sweet scent of grass and earth. He looked around at the vast green meadow, his eyes wide with wonder.
Martin led the way, hopping nimbly over the tall grasses. Timmy struggled to keep up, his little legs moving as fast as they could. They passed by a small stream, where Martin stopped to take a drink. Timmy watched as the clear water rippled over his brother’s fur, fascinated by the way the light reflected off of it.
“Hey, Martin,” he said, his voice still slightly hoarse from coughing. “What’s that over there?”
Martin followed Timmy’s gaze to a cluster of tall flowers swaying gently in the breeze. As they drew closer, he noticed tiny insects buzzing around them. “Those are dragonflies, Timmy,” he explained. “They’re really interesting creatures. They can fly really fast and they eat other insects.”
Timmy’s eyes widened in amazement. “Can we catch one?” he asked eagerly.
Martin chuckled. “I don’t think so, Timmy. They’re too fast for us.” He looked around, spotting a patch of wild strawberries growing nearby. “Hey, look! Wild strawberries!”
Timmy’s eyes lit up at the sight of the small, sweet berries. “Can we pick some, Martin?”
Martin nodded, hopping over to the patch. He carefully plucked a few of the ripe berries and offered them to Timmy. “Here you go, little brother. They’re really good.”
Timmy took the berries gratefully, popping them into his mouth. The sweet juice ran down his chin, and he licked it off with a satisfied sigh. “Thank you, Martin,” he said, handing his brother a berry. “These are the best!”
Martin smiled, taking the berry and popping it into his mouth. “You’re welcome, little brother,” he said, his voice muffled by the berry. “Let’s go explore some more.”
The two brothers continued their adventure, hopping over logs and darting between trees. They came across a small pond, where Martin showed Timmy how to skip stones across the water. As they watched the ripples spread outwards, Timmy asked, “Martin, can we make a boat?”
Martin laughed. “Maybe someday, Timmy. But for now, let’s enjoy the pond as it is.”
They continued their adventure, exploring the woods and fields around them. As the day grew longer, they began to feel hungry. Martin led Timmy back to their burrow, where Mrs. Brisby had prepared a warm meal of vegetables and berries.
“Mama, this is delicious!” Timmy exclaimed, his belly full and content.
Mrs. Brisby smiled at her two boys. “Thank you, dear ones. It’s good to see you both looking so well.”
After dinner, the family gathered in their cozy burrow, sharing stories and laughter. As the night grew darker, Timmy drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their adventures in the woods. Martin stayed awake for a while longer, watching over his little brother. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for their family and the life they shared together.
The next day, Timmy awoke feeling refreshed and eager for more adventures. He bounded out of bed, his tail wagging excitedly. “Good morning, Martin!” he exclaimed, his voice full of energy. “Let’s go explore the forest again!”
Martin smiled at his little brother, knowing how much he loved exploring. “Sure, Timmy,” he replied, stretching his limbs. “But let’s not forget to be careful and stay close to home.”
Together, they hopped out of the burrow and into the cool morning air. The sun was shining brightly, casting long shadows across the grassy field. In the distance, they could hear the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in the wind.
“Look, Martin!” Timmy exclaimed, pointing towards a cluster of tall trees. “What are those?”
Martin squinted his eyes, trying to make out the shape of the objects in the distance. “Those look like trees, Timmy. But they’re taller than any trees we’ve seen before.”
Timmy’s eyes widened with excitement. “Let’s go see them, Martin!” He began to hop towards the trees, his little legs carrying him faster than usual.
Martin followed his brother, keeping a careful eye on him. As they drew closer to the trees, they realized that they were indeed much taller than any they had seen before. The trunks were thick and gnarled, and the branches stretched out like giant arms, reaching towards the sky.
“Wow, Martin,” Timmy breathed, “These trees must be really old!”
Martin nodded, admiring the towering giants. “Yeah, they’re definitely older than any trees we’ve seen around our home.”
As they drew closer, Timmy noticed something moving in the branches of one of the trees. “Martin, look! There’s something up there!”
Martin followed Timmy’s gaze and saw a small creature fluttering from branch to branch. He squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look. “It’s a bird! A baby bird!”
Timmy’s eyes widened with excitement. “Can we help it, Martin?”
Martin nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. “I think we should try, Timmy. We need to be careful not to scare it, though.”
Together, they crept closer to the tree, their furry bodies brushing against the rough bark. As they peered up into the branches, they saw the baby bird, its tiny body trembling with fear. It was clear that it had fallen from its nest and was unable to fly back up.
Martin looked at Timmy, his eyes filled with determination. “We have to help it, Timmy,” he whispered. “It can’t survive on the ground like this.”
Together, they climbed up the tree, their small bodies struggling against the rough bark. As they reached the branch where the baby bird was perched, Martin gently scooped it up in his paws. The baby bird squawked softly, its tiny heart pounding against its tiny ribcage.
“It’s okay, little one,” Martin whispered soothingly. “We’re here to help you.”
Timmy looked on with admiration as his older brother carefully cradled the baby bird in his paws. He could see the concern in Martin’s eyes as he examined the bird, trying to determine if it was injured.
“It seems okay, Timmy,” Martin whispered, his voice filled with relief. “But we still need to get it back to its nest.”
The two brothers carefully climbed back down the tree, their furry bodies slick with sweat from the exertion. As they reached the ground, they looked around, trying to spot the nest. It wasn’t long before they found it, perched high up in the branches of a nearby tree.
“It’s over there, Timmy,” Martin said, pointing to the tree. “But we have to be really careful not to disturb the nest or the other baby birds.”
Together, they approached the tree, their hearts pounding with excitement and nervousness. As they got closer, they could see the tiny bodies of baby birds moving inside the nest.
“Be careful, Martin,” Timmy whispered, his eyes wide with fear. “We don’t want to hurt the other baby birds.”
Martin nodded, his tail swishing nervously. He took a deep breath and slowly climbed up the tree, his tiny paws and feet gripping the rough bark. Timmy followed close behind, his heart pounding with excitement and fear. As they reached the nest, they saw several other baby birds peeping out from the folds of the leaves.
“Be very quiet, Timmy,” Martin whispered, his voice barely audible. “We don’t want to scare the other baby birds.”
Together, they carefully placed the rescued bird into the nest. Its tiny body relaxed into the warmth of the leaves, and the other baby birds began to peep and chirp excitedly. Timmy’s heart swelled with pride at their success.
Martin looked at his brother with a smile. “We did it, Timmy,” he said, his voice filled with wonder. “We saved that baby bird.”
Together, they climbed down the tree, their hearts still racing with excitement. As they walked back to their burrow, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had saved a life and made a difference in the world, no matter how small.
The next day, as they were playing by the river, they spotted a tiny creature struggling to swim. It was a frog, trying to cross the water to find a new home. Without hesitation, they decided to help.
Martin carefully scooped up the frog in his paws and carried it to the nearest tree. They climbed up, their small bodies gripping the rough bark. At the top, Martin gently placed the frog on a high branch, out of harm’s way.
“There you go, little guy,” Martin said, patting the branch. “You’re safe now.”
As they climbed back down the tree, Timmy couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. “We really did save that frog, Martin,” he said, grinning ear to ear.
Martin nodded, his tail wagging with excitement. “Yeah, and who knows? Maybe we’ll find another animal in need of help someday.”
Timmy’s eyes lit up at the thought. “Like a lost puppy?” he asked eagerly.
Martin nodded. “Exactly like that. And who knows? Maybe we’ll find a real puppy one day.”
As they continued to play by the river, they heard a faint meowing sound coming from the bushes. They both stopped what they were doing and looked towards the sound. Martin’s eyes widened with excitement as he saw a small, fluffy puppy peeking out from behind a bush.
“Timmy, look!” he exclaimed, pointing towards the puppy. “It looks like someone left their puppy here!”
Timmy’s eyes widened with excitement, his heart pounding against his chest. “Can we keep it, Martin?” he asked eagerly.
Martin hesitated for a moment, his tail swishing back and forth uncertainly. “I don’t know, Timmy. We should probably try to find its owner first.” He knelt down beside his brother, his ears perked up as they listened to the puppy’s whimpers.
As they approached the bushes, the puppy’s tail wagged excitedly, its little body trembling with fear and excitement. Martin scooped up the puppy in his arms, feeling its warm, fluffy fur against his skin. The puppy licked his face affectionately, its tiny tongue darting around.
“It’s okay, little one,” Martin whispered softly, stroking the puppy’s head. “We’re here to help you.”
Timmy watched in awe as his older brother cradled the puppy in his arms, his heart swelling with pride. He knew that Martin was always ready to lend a helping hand, whether it was for an injured bird or a lost puppy.
As they made their way back to their burrow, they discussed what to do next. They couldn’t keep the puppy, as their mother would never allow it, but they also couldn’t just leave it there. They had to find its owner or take it to a shelter where it would be cared for.
“We could ask some of our friends if they know of a shelter,” Martin suggested.
Timmy nodded, his eyes shining with hope. “Yeah, maybe someone will know.”
As they arrived back at their burrow, they noticed their mother, Mrs. Brisby, watching them from the doorway. She could see the excitement in their eyes and the puppy in Martin’s arms.
“What have you two found?” she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
Martin looked up at his mother, his eyes shining with excitement. “We found a puppy, Mom,” he said, holding the fluffy little creature in his arms. “We were by the river when we heard it whimpering, and we found it hiding behind a bush.”
Mrs. Brisby’s eyes widened in surprise. “A puppy? How did it get all the way out here?” she asked, her mind racing with possibilities.
“We don’t know, Mom,” Martin replied, his eyes still shining with excitement. “But we can’t just leave it here.”
Mrs. Brisby nodded thoughtfully. “You’re right, Martin. We can’t keep it here, either. We’ll have to find its owner or take it to a shelter where it can be cared for.” She paused for a moment, her whiskers twitching as she considered their options. “I’ll ask some of the other mice I know if they know of any shelters nearby. In the meantime, you two should make sure the puppy is comfortable and safe.”
As Martin and Timmy settled down to play with the puppy, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility. They knew that they had to find the puppy’s family, and they also knew that it was going to be a lot of work. But they were determined to help the little creature, and they knew that together, they could make a difference.
The next day, Mrs. Brisby came home with some good news. She had spoken to a friend of hers who ran a local animal shelter, and they had agreed to take in the puppy until its family could be found. Martin and Timmy were thrilled at the news, and they couldn’t wait to take the puppy to its new home.
As they approached the shelter, they could already hear the excited barking of the other dogs. The shelter was a bustling place, with cats meowing, birds chirping, and all sorts of animals running around. Martin and Timmy felt a little overwhelmed at first, but the friendly staff quickly introduced themselves and showed them where to take the puppy.
The puppy, named Timmy by Martin and Timmy, was quickly examined by the veterinarian and deemed healthy. The staff explained that they would try to find the puppy’s family through their microchip or by placing ads in local newspapers. In the meantime, they would take care of Timmy and make sure he was comfortable.
Martin and Timmy visited Timmy every day after school, spending hours playing with him and teaching him how to behave like a good pet. They showed him where he could go potty, taught him basic commands, and even helped him learn some tricks.
One day, as they were playing fetch with a stick, they noticed a small bird hopping around the yard. It was clear that the bird was injured, and they quickly rushed to its aid. Martin carefully picked up the bird and brought it inside, where they found a small cardboard box with a note that read “Please take care of us. We’re orphans.”
Inside the box, they found three baby birds, each one smaller than their pinky finger. Martin and Timmy knew they had to help them, so they gathered some soft cloth, warm water, and a small amount of birdseed. They gently cleaned the baby birds and warmed them up, making sure they were comfortable and safe.
As they nursed the baby birds back to health, they realized that they needed to teach them how to fly. They found a small, enclosed area outside, away from predators, and set up a small platform for the birds to practice on. They spent hours each day, encouraging the birds to flap their wings and jump off the platform.
One day, after several attempts, one of the baby birds successfully flew off the platform. Martin and Timmy cheered as they watched the tiny bird soar through the sky. They knew then that their hard work had paid off.
As the days went by, the other two baby birds also learned to fly, and they were released back into the wild. Martin and Timmy felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in their efforts. They had not only helped the baby birds but also discovered the joy of caring for animals.
Their visits to the shelter became more frequent, and they soon became familiar faces among the staff and other volunteers. They spent their free time socializing with the animals, playing with them, and even helping to clean their cages.
One day, as they were walking past the bird enclosures, they noticed a small bird with a broken wing. The bird was huddled in a corner, its feathers ruffled and its eyes filled with fear. Without hesitation, Martin and Timmy rushed to its aid.
They gently picked up the bird and brought it to their secret hideout, a small shed in the corner of the park. They carefully examined the bird, trying to determine the severity of its injuries. After a thorough inspection, they realized that the bird’s wing was not just broken but severely damaged.
Martin looked at Timmy with determination in his eyes. “We have to help this bird,” he said firmly. “We can’t just leave it like this.”
Timmy nodded, his heart racing with excitement. “What should we do, Martin?” he asked eagerly.
Martin thought for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration. “We need to find a safe place for it,” he said finally. “Somewhere where it can rest and not be bothered by other animals.”
They spent the next hour searching the area, eventually finding a small tree with a low-hanging branch. It seemed perfect for their new feathered friend. They carefully placed the injured bird in the crook of the branch and watched as it slowly settled down.
As they made their way back home, Martin and Timmy couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had helped a helpless creature and given it a chance at life. They shared high fives and hugs, their hearts filled with joy.
“We sure make a great team, don’t we, Martin?” Timmy asked happily. Martin rubbed Timmy’s head and smiled. “We sure do, little bro. We sure do.”
Martin and Timmy hugged once more. “I’m so glad we’re related, Martin,” said Timmy. “And I’m lucky because I have the best big brother ever.”
Martin blushed a little. “Aw, Timmy, you’re my best little brother too,” he said, ruffling Timmy’s hair affectionately. “We definitely make a great team, don’t we?”
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sugarpickledesigns · 2 years
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BOULDER - #peachtober22 and #toontober the first thing I thought of for today #drawingprompt was Mrs Brisby standing on the rock holding the medicine for Timmy. It just happened that the boulder drawing prompt was the same day as draw a don bluth character so it worked out perfectly. The secrets of NIMH is one of my favourite movies, it was so much fun to draw. #illustration #peachtober #drawingoftheday #illustrationoftheday #kidlitart #kidlitillustration #childrensbookillustration #kidsillustration #donbluth #secretofNIMH #characterillustration #artistsoninstagram #artoftheday #illustrationartists #illustrationdaily #illustration_daily #sketchdaily #sketchaday #sketchoftheday #toontober2022 #drawdrawdraw #drawdaily #drawtober #inktober https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfuWJ_OR-P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sparrowsarus · 2 years
Sticking this here
AU where Martin Brisby is named after Martin the warrior, cause Martin was her favourite cousin or something. And after Timmy gets better, they go to Redwall, where Martin has just hung up his sword.
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lacking-hydration · 3 years
Secret of NiMH 2 isn't exactly the best film, especially compared to its predecessor, but Martin does have some very expressive moments and I wanted to redraw one of them
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My redraw
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ask-timothy-brisby · 2 years
A message for those who need the encouragement!
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(Drawn by StomperYoshi)
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romancemedia · 3 years
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Timmy and Jenny Kisses
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canon-fcdder · 4 years
(Tag Dump - Timmy Brisby)
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Courage of the heart is very rare.
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albobeati7 · 2 years
Hello! Just found your blog and was hit with nostalgia. Your art is fun! I love how you draw the BMFM! Love your take on Charlie. Especially love how you draw fur. I 100% accept the trio as Bi and Poly! Now, please, bear with me on this one and do whatever you want with what I'm gonna ramble. Because I'm once again obsessed with this fandom, which usually leads to creating crazy crossovers with them, what do you think about BMFM with Secret of NIMH, where the mice and rats from the latter are also from Mars? Like they were also experimented on and the rats became smart and also good; Jonathan Brisby fought in the resistance (and maybe our fave trio met him at some point before he died); Missis Brisby had to escape the war and sought out help from rats of NIMH, who helped her safely move to the Earth, but took Timmy to treat his sickness; and Justin visits Brisby once in a while to check up on her; and then one time our trio spots him, suspects the worst and follow him right to Brisby's home and then learn their little story. I may or may not write a fanfic like this someday, but it's just an idea that lives in my head rent-free and refuses to leave. So I had to share it with someone. Again, do whatever you want with it. Sorry if it was a bother. 💜💜💜
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I HAD to draw something for it because this is such a GOOD IDEA (hence why it took forever to actually respond ahah!)
Legit! This ask had me go back and rewatch The Secret of NIMH (and also the...the um...sequel but hmmm hmmm...) and I WAS INSPIRED and I would DEFINITELY read that fanfiction! There's so much potential!!! Especially with the Martian Mice and Rats hating eachother! Ahhh Mrs Brisby having Justin looking out for her makes my heart warm!
Thank so much for bringing this awesome crossover to my attention!! I def wanna doodle some scenarios! :O
And thanks so much for the art compliments!! its means alot ahhh, you're so nice!! It wasn't a bother at all <333
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