#those little mentions after praimfaya were so heartbreaking
clarke’s judge should have been wells, but an incredible choice would have also been dante wallace and i will die on this hill!!!! he was one of her greatest teachers, even though he never intended to be, a leader who just wanted to protect his people and wanted to give the 100 peace, someone clarke didn’t want to kill. like can you imagine how great that would have been?
not only did he give clarke her popular, “i bear it so they don’t have to” mantra that she carries with her throughout the ENTIRE show, but he was also a key figure in the mount weather conflict that shaped clarke and completely changed her.
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100hearteyes · 3 years
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Clexaweek 2021: Day 3 - Reunited (a summary)
Several months after Praimfaya, Clarke is roaming the now deserted Earth without a destination. All her friends on the spaceship actually died (ship exploded after take-off); there’s no Madi either. So she’s roaming the desert when a portal opens and out comes.... her doppelganger.
After a less than warm introduction, because it’s Clarke (and there’s two of them now), Clarke 2 tells Clarke that they don’t just look alike — she’s her but from another world and her name is Ruby. And she makes her an offer (mind you, Clarke is desperate and 100% she is going to die sooner or later): trade places with her. Ruby will stay in the desert, where she actually has the tools to survive, and Clarke can take her place in her own world.
Clarke’s like 🤔 a chance to actually live a life 🤔 know what could’ve been in a different world 🤔 well what the hell, I’ll take it. So Ruby hands Clarke an object that allows her to travel ONCE to another world and they part ways — Ruby stays in our Earth, whereas our Clarke goes to that other world.
Clarke lands in a 16th century style palace bedroom. She barely has time to collect her bearings when the door opens and---
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---in full 16th century noble garb, looking heartbroken, when she suddenly sees Clarke and... she nearly faints.
Sixteenth century Lexa goes totally neurotic because her Clarke just died so who is this imposter??? And she knocks Clarke down and is about to kill her (as if she could bring herself to do it) when the door slams open and---
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Yes. Another one 👀 two Lexas. Clarke’s lil bi heart can’t take this.
This one is dressed completely different, a lot more sci-fi, almost like a modern deity. And she just comes in and MIB’s the first Lexa and Clarke is like WTF IS GOING ON HERE??? But also-- LEXA????
This Lexa, we’ll just call her Lexa for the sake of both our collective sanity and the story because Lexa is you-know-what, helps Clarke up and asks her to come with her, to which Clarke is like lol no, explain first. But Lexa’s all like annoyed eye roll and look we don’t have time, I promise I’ll explain everything if you come with me. She also assures Clarke that 16th century Lexa will be fine, she just won’t remember what happened.
Anyway, Clarke goes with her and they enter a sort of palace/tower in the middle of space or like in a rift between worlds. There’s a big room there with an oval/round table, which is basically a database for every single Clarke and Lexa in existence. The building is called The Observatory.
Lexa explains that there is a multitude of universes and timelines where the two of them exist. A lot of their iterations have different names, but sometimes they’re called Clarke and Lexa. Those are like their “purest” versions.
So, yes. They’re soulmates. Obviously.
And there is always a Clarke-Clarke or a Lexa-Lexa watching over all of them, making sure everything runs smoothly. Which is what Lexa does. When an Observer dies (time passes normally for them) another takes her place.
Basically, in this AU, every Clexa fic that’s ever been or ever will be written is canon.
Anyway, Lexa tells her tat the Lexa-Lexa or Clarke-Clarke that becomes the Observer is one who has passed away too soon. And Clarke is like 👀👀👀 so are you MY- but Lexa shuts that idea down very quickly.
So what happened to this rogue Clarke? A Clarke aka Ruby has been killing other Clarkes for a while but Lexa has no idea why and she also doesn’t know WHICH version of Clarke she is. There’s millions, billions of their iterations.
She killed 16th century Clarke (whose name wasn’t Clarke), too.
And why can’t Lexa just go after her in Clarke’s world? Because while you can detect anomalies (like a live Clarke in a dead Clarke’s world) you can only locate Clarkes or Lexas if you know WHO they are. Also, the Observer can’t stay in any world for longer than two weeks.
Clarke asks Lexa why she didn’t just go back to her world after being sort of brought back to life. Lexa explains she’s only allowed a short total amount of time in her original world and she already used some of it a long time ago when she went back to help her soulmate when no one else would. Clarke, remembering how her Lexa showed up in the City of Light to help her, says it must have killed Lexa’s Clarke to lose her a second time. Lexa says it was just as painful for her.
And she can’t stay on HER original world for longer than a day — otherwise she dies/disintegrates (and another Observer will take her place.
Clarkes and Lexas are supposed to live out their lives without outside interference. In some worlds they know about soulmates, in others they don’t, bu they need to live in their own worlds and timelines. The Observer observes — everything else is considered tampering with how things are supposed to be. So the time limit rule is meant to keep her from influencing other Clarkes and Lexas and from going back to her own world.
So Lexa can’t just jump into Clarke’s world going after Ruby because it might take too long to find her.
Still, they have a name now, thanks to Clarke — Ruby. So they look it up... Only to find out there’s like a thousand Rubys. Obviously they can’t find a ruby needle in a haystack so they try to understand why Ruby would go on a soulmate killing spree. Clarke and Lexa start visiting every world and BONDING and shit.
There’s also some soul searching on Clarke’s behalf because she’s struggling between being sad about Lexa but also mad because once again she was left behind. And Observer Lexa helps her sort through all those feelings, and our Clarke starts maybe developing some feely feels for this Lexa but also feels GUILTY.
And this one time there’s something Lexa says that makes the lightbulb go off in Clarke’s head.
What if Ruby never had a soulmate?
What if there was never someone meant for her in the first place?
Lexa counters with the fact that several iterations of them never even get together, that being someone’s soulmate isn’t binding — there’s still a choice. But, Clarke says — how heartbreaking would it be to never have a choice at all?
You can never make the wrong choice or the right choice. You can never change your mind. And it’s heartbreaking to have that choice ripped away from you.
That’s Ruby. She never had a choice. And, as they find out eventually, she comes from a world where soulmates are a pretty big deal. Upon finding out by accident that there are billions of Clarkes in millions of other worlds who have a Lexa, while she — sue to some crazy glitch of the universes — had that choice taken away from her, her excruciating pain turned into something ugly. And she decided to start killing Clarkes, so Lexas all around other worlds would feel HER pain.
And that’s how Clarke and Lexa realize what was missing: the numbers didn’t add up. The sum of Rubys with living and dead soulmates didn’t match the total number of Rubys — because there was one whose soulmate was neither dead or alive. She never existed in the first place.
So they manage to filter out all the other Rubys and find the right one. Lexa’s intention is to stun and arrest her, but Clarke is a little more practical and just takes a gun.
Before they go, though, Clarke and Lexa have a heart to heart.
At this point, their feelings for each other are too strong to ignore. So before they go, Lexa asks larke to stay with her in the Observatory even after they catch Ruby. Clarke wants to, but she also feels guilty because she’s falling in love with THIS Lexa and it feels like a betrayal of HER Lexa. And she feels like she owes it to HER Lexa to make an effort to survive and build something in their world. So she tells Observer Lexa she can’t, because she can’t run away again like she did when Ruby came to her. She HAS to build humanity back up in her world. She HAS to survive.
And that’s when Lexa — nervous, tentative Lexa — asks:
“Maybe life should be about more than just surviving. Don’t we deserve better than that?”
So, yes. It’s Lexa 😌
(If you think about it - I didn’t mention it but - she knew which Clarke Clarke is right away. She didn’t ask, the Obervatory didn’t tell her. She just knew who Clarke was. Because Clarke has that scar on her forehead from when Emerson attacked her. And the moment she saw it — she KNEW.)
Lexa didn’t say it before because she knew Clarke would want to stay with her but she didn’t know if there would be any consequences. And if there were and it turned out to be impossible for Clarke to stay, then the heartbreak would have been all the greater, because they’d be losing each other a fourth time.
Anyway, Clexa reconnect and everything is beautiful but they still have a murderous soulmate to catch.
They teleport themselves to a spot close to Ruby. Some fighting ensues, Clarke loses her gun, which ends up in Lexa’s hands, and Ruby ends up pointing her own at Clarke’s pretty head. And Lexa has a double reason not to dire that gun: one, she’s still a grounder and grounders don’t touch Mountain Men weapons; two, she’d be shooting a Clarke for all intents and purposes.
Ruby taunts Lexa about not being able to shoot her, pokes the bear a few times about how she’ll have so much fun killing Clarke — You wouldn’t mind, would you? After all, it’s just another one in a billion —, yada yada.
And then Lexa actually shoots.
And Ruby dies and Clarke runs to Lexa’s arms and Lexa is like, I thought I was over the violence, and Clarke pulls her to meet her eyes: We are now.
Clarke and Lexa go back to the Observatory and Clarke asks if it’s actually safe being there, if she or Lexa won’t be harmed for it. And Lexa tells her she’d been thinking about how everything happens for a reason and maybe, just maybe — maybe this WAS always meant to be their second chance.
(Or third. Or fourth.)
So they stay there and live out their days together traveling between worlds and making a home for themselves in the Observatory. Their maybe someday has arrived at last; they owe nothing more to their people.
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griffinnblake · 5 years
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A couple of you have asked for it, and Part II of my Bellarke fanfic rec is finally here! 
This is suuuuuuper late considering I promised it a while ago, but I blame moving to a new house, teaching a new course, and getting sick at least twice in one month. What can ya do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
These fics are in no particular order because one) I don’t have any particular favorites and two) I ain’t got time for that.  I hope y’all enjoy! 
P.S. If y’all missed the first part of my fanfic rec, you can find it here!
P.P.S. This is my disclaimer that I obviously haven’t included all the Bellarke fics out there. If you have a favorite that I did not include, I probably haven’t read it yet, in which case, please share!
a castle in the clouds by @pawprinterfanfic Star Wars AU. Bellamy is Han. Clarke is Leia. Oh and did I mention that there’s some fake dating? That doesn’t normally do it for me, but I can make an exception this time. *kisses fingertips*
We’ll Paint the Town Blue by @animmortalist
Clarke wants to ruin her reputation in this College AU and who better to do it than resident heartbreaker Bellamy Blake? They enter a friends with benefits/Bonnie and Clyde arrangement (it works I swear), but oops, they like like each other.
(clumsy) ‘cause I’m fallin’ in love by skai_heda
Sometimes you just need a cute little S1 AU where Bellamy faints and Clarke gives him a hard time for it. Oh, and feelings. 
small dot among infinite stars by @kindclaws
This is a really interesting take on how one change can drastically affect future events. It’s a S2+ AU where Dante shoots Cage and Clarke doesn’t irradiate Mount Weather, but the end of the world still comes.
someone let the poets out by @kindclaws (WIP)
This one’s hella meta and I love it. Even though it’s based on the GoT cast, I could totally see it also applying to the 100 cast given how S7 may or may not go. Fingers crossed for a decent ending. Anyway, Bellarke and co. are the stars of a popular show in its final season, and they are horrified by what Jaha comes up with story-wise. (Think those final GoT table reads. C’mon, we’ve all seen the footage of Conleth tossing his script aside when Varys is killed off). So they decide to recreate their own low-budget version of the final season. And Bellamy may or not be having a crisis regarding his feelings for a certain blonde co-star. OH! And how could I forget the social media tie-ins? Brilliant. Definitely read this one on a desktop to get the full experience.
how I learned to stop worrying and love the apocalypse by @kindclaws 
Another kindclaws fic. I’m sorry but the writing is just so good. I can’t help but include them. This one’s a Praimfaya AU fic and also an exes fic and also a time loop fic and also an angst fic and I love it so much. I personally recommend the 2nd person POV version (chapter 1), but if 3rd person is more your jam, then just read chapter 2!
An Evening I Will Not Forget by @octannibal-blake
Bellamy is a soldier who has a “one night stand” with Clarke the night before he’s deployed, but these losers can’t have a one night stand to save their lives, so of course there’s emotion involved. I’m a sucker for military AUs, so of course I liked this one.
i would give my life just to hold your hand (i’m your number one fan) by @captaindaddykru
Bellamy’s an actor. Clarke’s a singer. He likes some of her photos on Twitter. She slides into his DMs. It’s the start of a beautiful friendship love story. These idiots I swear. I’m actually surprised this is the first safeandsound13 fic I’ve listed on here considering the first part of my other fic rec was basically a love letter to her Hunger Games AU series. That, and I’m subscribed to her as an author. Seriously. Go read everything she writes.
so i sing a song of love by @hiddenpolkadots
Clarke gets pregnant and Bellamy’s the father, but they’re not together. Oops. They figure it out.
It’s All Coming Back by @johnmurphysass
Clarke receives an invitation to Octavia’s wedding, but the problem is that she hasn’t seen Bellamy or Octavia in over 5 years. And Clarke and Bellamy are both hiding secrets. Y’all. This one was emotional af. But so good. I will say, heed Tricia’s author tags and warnings.  Just in case.
a beam in darkness: let it grow. by starsonfire
I’m not sure if this user has a tumblr, so I just linked their ao3 profile. This is a S6 Finale AU where Clarke gives up and Bellamy helps her. Again, heed the warnings just in case. But it’s really good.
like you mean it (like it’s splitting you in two) by @talistheintrovert
Talis lets them sleep. She lets tHEM SLEEP. That’s all you need to know. 
as moonlight through the pines by @hiddenpolkadots
Clarke and Bellamy get matching tattoos while drunk and now all the Grounders think they’re married. Heh. Sign me up.
guess it’s never really over by @captaindaddykru
Bellarke + exes + Bellarke kid + Bellarke trying for another kid + angst + fluff = Bingo for Lindsay. Looking back at it, I think it was written for Bellarke Bingo. An ACTUAL bingo fic. So basically this just means you really need to read it. 
All tomorrow’s parties. by @robotmango
This is a really cool take on a Praimfaya AU. Bellamy is for intents and purposes the Time Traveler’s Husband. I LOVED this one.
Kiss It Better by delinquents
This is a really cute S1 AU with forehead kisses. Forehead kisses! It’s the only work by the author, but I hope they write more.
speedin’ into a new sunrise by @carrieeve
Clarke participates in a night of speed dating and ends up reuniting with an old college friend slash huge what if. It’s super cute and fluffy and totally the type of fic needed to break up an angst session. I love angst like nobody’s business, but sometimes you just need something happy.
everything will bring a chain of love by @lost-n-stereo
Another cute fic but this time with Bellarke as parents! These are short little fills combined into a one shot, and they’re just perfect. I love it.
A Safe Place to Land by @octannibal-blake
Bellarke as parents but the Angst™ version. Basically Marper dies and Bellarke take care of Jordan. It’s sad but so good, I promise.
Still Yours by @arysafics
Bellamy and Clarke agree to be friends after they break up. Angst ensues. Being friends with your ex is hard y’all. I promise it has a happy ending. 
when it all comes together by soundtracktomysoul
Jasper wants Bellarke together and creates a group chat that includes all the delinquents. Plotting and shenanigans ensue. This one was super fun, and in going back to it, I discovered that this author also has a Bellarke Rock Band AU. Haven’t read it yet but definitely going to check it out!
gone til november, on my city come december by @jamesstruttingpotter
Bellarke are cops and Bellamy goes undercover. Angst. Pining. Gah, I love it.
we’re never done with killing time by @bestivals
The angst. The angst. This is a post-s5 AU fic where they’re onboard the Eligius ship but didn’t go into cryo. Bellamy and Clarke have a series of 48 conversations and we get what they were supposed to do which is TALK.
I think I’m going to call it for now. I hope you enjoy all these wonderful fanfics! And if you have additional favorites, please share!
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
The 100 Ep 411 Recap & Review "The Other Side" #The100
Episode Grade: 10
Wow, that was intense. From last week's action-packed thrills to this week's emotional journey, this season is everything we love about The 100. 
Right at the top, it's clear I was wrong about Abby; she knew Kane was observing the conclave, and she clearly knew Skaikru was stealing the bunker, but she apparently assumed that he'd be inside when the door closed. How that was supposed to be accomplished without compromising the entire plan is a mystery, but the most you could say is that she deluded herself into thinking no one she loved would suffer or be excluded from this underhanded scheme Clarke and Jaha cooked up. So, I apologize for thinking she'd accepted his death as a sacrifice to take the bunker.
I take notes as I watch, and my next note is just, "Jaha, you dick." Normally, little notes like these are sufficiently descriptive, because I would just think, Oh yeah, he was a dick right then for saying/doing X. But the fact is, Jaha was a dick throughout this entire episode. Every moment he was on screen could be summed up with this exact comment. 
On Becca's island, Raven is still working on her die-in-space plan, and Becca is full of helpful suggestions. "Don't listen," male voice whispers and a vague form appears in the background. This can be one of two people, and Finn wouldn't be remotely useful, which means, Yes! It's Sinclair! No matter what else happens, this episode rocks for bringing back Sinclair.
He challenges Raven to figure out a way to survive, rather than sacrificing her beautiful mind. Becca brags that Raven's brain is better with her in it, that Becca-enhanced Raven is like, "Davinci! Einstein! Mozart!"
Sinclair says, "I'd take Raven Reyes over those three hacks," and even though it's technically Raven's mind putting these words in his mouth, we all know it's how he truly felt. 
Outside the sealed bunker hatch, Octavia is playing it cool, keeping the clans at bay for now. Kane's with the people, helping them organize their groups of 100 per clan who will enter the bunker. 
Abby and Bellamy get Jaha and Clarke to let them use the radio to at least talk with Kane and Octavia. There's the big moment of Clarke, and you suck for not having faith in Octavia, who just won the conclave. 
Now that Bellamy knows Octavia is alive, there is zero chance he's going to accept Clarke and Jaha's plan, and everybody knows it. They knock him out and lock him away.
No one seems remotely concerned that Abby will take such steps to bring Kane inside, so she's free to wander around, unsupervised. I guess it's a benefit to be seen as basically heartless?
Speaking of heartless, Jaha expresses concern about who's guarding Bellamy, accurately noting that nearly everyone on the Guard is Bellamy's friend or admirer. He says they need "someone who wants to survive more than be liked." Clarke knows exactly who fits that description....
Murphy cheerfully confirms, "Need a selfish bastard? I'm your man." (I swear, this is the most quotable episode ever!) He and Emori are inside the bunker, and he's ready to do whatever it takes to keep them both there.
Meanwhile, back at Arkadia, the End of the World rave is getting pretty depressing as people start to die from the drugs. Monty's running around in a radiation suit, trying desperately to get these suicidal morons to rally. It's extra sad from the viewer's perspective, because, assuming these events are concurrent, it's already way too late to enter the bunker. But he's trying, poor guy.
Jasper, on the other hand, sees the first death as a good sign, because it means they've now got a recommended dosage for their final drink to ensure a peaceful death before the death wave comes.
Monty is doing his damnedest to inspire hope and a will to live, especially with Harper. He tells her he loves her, and she says miserably, "You're not enough to make me want to live, and I am not worth dying for."
At the bunker hatch, Octavia and Indra are still waiting for Bellamy to figure out how to get the door open. Echo sneaks her way in to challenge Octavia, pointing out that Skaikru clearly screwed everyone over. 
Fortunately, Octavia was there to see the fight Echo and Roan had in the conclave, and she throws it back in Echo's face. Your king banished you because you were cheating during the conclave, so how about you just thank me for letting Azgeda enter the bunker along with all the non-cheater-infested clans?
Echo thinks it over and finds something else to sneer about, asking if Octavia even has a plan for opening the bunker at all. Octavia acknowledges without a hint of embarrassment that her plan is to wait for Bellamy to find a way from the inside.
"Knowing how he feels about you," Echo says, "that's a good plan."
Abby casually goes to check on Bellamy's wounds, and Murphy snarks at her, "Try not to kill this one." Moments later, she calls out for Murphy, and they knock him out. It will take two people to open the bunker; Abby in the control room, Bellamy at the door. 
Abby sedates Jaha and takes over the control room, and Bellamy makes his way to the hatch. Clarke realizes what's up and goes after him with a gun. Did anyone actually think there was a chance she'd ever fire? But the fact that she held a gun on him at all should be a pretty big blow to the Bellarke shippers. (That and her crawling into bed with Nylah earlier, I guess.)
Just in time, Bellamy opens the hatch before the clans pour into the entryway in groups of 100 each. Octavia proudly welcomes them all in, except of course, Echo, because she's treacherous (and was presumably not part of Azgeda's 100, by virtue of being up here with Octavia rather than down where Kane was helping with the sorting).
Back on the island, Raven succeeds in rebooting her brain to clear away the deadly remnants of Becca/ALIE. She is ready to join her friends at the bunker... though it's a mystery how she intends to do so, as the boat already crossed the water when they left without her, not to mention there's no guaranteed spot in the bunker for her--they all thought she was dying.
In Arkadia, poor Monty is still being Mr. Brightside, and he finds Jasper watching the vibrant red sky. Jasper has taken his final dose, and he tries to say goodbye to Monty, who of course still wants to fight to keep him alive. It's a heartbreaking scene, and these actors do such beautiful work, and we've watched these two friends for so long, it all feels terribly real. Jasper was one of my favorite characters, mostly because Devon Bostick made him live so fully. This season, it was evident Jasper was over the struggle to survive. I'm glad they gave us this farewell scene, with these extraordinary actors. It was a good send-off.
Poor Monty is devastated and then terrified, quickly realizing that Jasper wasn't alone in taking the big dose of drugs. He frantically looks among the dead, calling out Harper's name, and hey, for a change, someone lived up to Monty's faith in them. She is now dressed in a radiation suit and ready to say she loves him. And I'm happy for him, even though as I already stated, I'm kind of skeptical that they're going to walk right into the bunker...
Especially since Octavia's now brought the other clans in, declaring to Clarke and Jaha that Skaikru also gets 100 beds, so they'll have to figure out which 99 people get to join Bellamy in surviving praimfaya. I'm not sure why she is giving them this power because it's going to be a trainwreck, but she's never had any interest in politics, and she doesn't consider them her people anymore.
What a terrific episode, right? What was your favorite line? 
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