chosefuture-blog · 6 years
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captain of the iss destiny may not sound QUITE as impressive as if he were captain of the enterprise, but his position is still one ENVIED by those beneath him. still, he can’t help but smirk in the aftermath of an attempt on his life. only two men remain standing: THAWNE himself and the ONE member of his security team who had done his job and protected him. eyes light up even with the blood running slowly down the side of his face.
“if i knew you were waiting for an OPPORTUNITY to get physical with me, i would have suggested something a little less BLOODY. not that i’m complaining.”
coughs even more obnoxiously @thompsonlegacy.
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adventurestold-blog · 6 years
     IT ISN’T THAT HE HASN’T been shot before — he has — but there’s something about being shot in the chest that just pulls him to the floor like a marionette separated from its strings. his eyes close, too weak to open again. instincts to get up and fight are barely felt. he gives in to the darkness, to the void of nothing trying to envelop him. 
     SMALL MUTTERINGS BEGIN TO LEAVE his lips as activity resumes around him. shooter is gone, but someone is standing over him. light begins to seep through the darkness. warmth attempts to kindle underneath the cold he’d already begun to succumb to. eyes finally open slowly with a pained grunt. he blinks a few times, only catching brief glimpses of the other man at a time.
     “WHO... THE HELL ARE YOU?” he barely gets the words out, hand lazily reaching for his gun that’s too far away, blood still pooling around him. he abandons his goal, head falling tiredly onto his arm. “if you’re here to finish what... the other guy started... could you hurry it up?” a bitter laugh. “i haven’t got all day here.”
closed starter. / @thompsonlegacy.
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sadk1ng · 6 years
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Привет! Я уже долго вынашивал идею начать тамблер-династию. И вот я дошел до этого. Попрошу вас заметить, что от обычного челенджа “Династия” у этого проекта только название, то есть я буду играть как я захочу, кем захочу и когда захочу, без каких-то определенных правил и запретов. Просто играть. Так вот Знакомьтесь Томас Томпсон - угрюмый -меломан -задира ЖЦ: Музыкальный талант ______________________________________________________ Hello! I have long been nurturing the idea of starting a tumbler dynasty. And so I got to that point. I ask you to note that he has an ordinary ” dynasty” dictionary for this project only a title, that is, I will play as I want, whoever I want and when I want, without any specific rules and prohibitions. Just play. Meet Thomas Thompson - gloomy - music Lover - mean Aspiration: Musical Genius
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pastorjoshla-blog · 6 years
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⚓️ When we were young my grandma would always tell Jake, Jess and I, “Don’t speak unless spoken to.” Why? It was a way to pay honor and respect to adults when they are talking. We were anxious to interrupt and talk over my grandma. She was teaching us patience and respect. I do wish we had more of that in our society. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth to help us listen more and talk less. Can you imagine if we had 2 mouths? 😂 Thankful for this quote from Pastor Jeff, when God speaks all of creation should stop and listen. We go to God with many prayers, but very little time to listen to His words. Lord give us ears to hear. 👂👂😐 ▪️ ▪️ #listen #theArtofListening #GodhasSpoken #Godsword #bible #thankYouGrandma #ThompsonLegacy #quote #quoteoftheDay #preachtheWord (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqqBcNFgEMi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u8v1w0plxhyy
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warheroics-blog · 7 years
Belinda’s Blog Cleanup 2017
As many many know, I have way too many blogs than I can really keep up with, and in the next few months and perhaps years, it will get even harder to try and keep active on everything. My attempts to try and keep up coupled with busy real life has just not mixed well and it’s effecting my ability to be active. 
Because of this, I had to force myself to make the decision to close down and archive some of my blogs and really dramatically cut down the number of blogs I actually could really be active on so I can properly devote myself to everyone I’m RPing with.
With that said, here’s how things will go from here. The blogs below are grouped into three different sections:
 The Active section will consist of blogs that I will be devoting the majority of my time on. 
The Semi-Active | Low Activity section will consist of blogs that I will occasionally go on when the muse finds me, these are blogs that I’m not yet willing to part with because there are still people that I’ve promised interactions to - usually one or two people on each of those blogs that I still have threads with that I will continue to do when I can.
The Closed | Archived section will consist of all the blogs that from this point on will no longer be active, they are finished and the blogs will now exist as archives.
Hopefully with this clean up, it will make things a lot easier for me to keep up with and won’t run me ragged.
Theseus Scamander (Fantastic Beasts/HP) - @warheroics
Alfred Pennyworth (Gotham) - @waynesprotector
Sebastian Rivers (ASOIAF/GOT) - @dutyandhcnor
Lothar Karstark (ASOIAF/GOT) - @thebcneless
Jon Solo (Star Wars) - @greatpxwer
Davits Draven (Star Wars) - @allianceintel
Magnus of Mercia (Vikings) - blog incoming
Harley Keener (MCU) - @starkconnected
Isaac Hughes-Stark (MCU) - @osirisrebcrn
Percival Graves (Fantastic Beasts/HP) - @gravefate
Magnus Graves (Fantastic Beasts/HP) - @immcvable
Brand of Dale (LOTR/Hobbit) - @martyrxdking
Brandon Snow (ASOIAF/GOT) - @northernseer
Gryff Whitehill (ASOIAF/GOT/TTGOT) - @sxmethingtoprxve
Ashley Stubbs (Westworld) - @galifuckinleo
Hel Greyback (Fantastic Beasts/HP) - @hxllhxund
Sam Chisolm (Magnificent Seven) - @dulysworn
Cole Rogers-Stark (MCU/Marvel Comics) - @starkspangledjunior
Jack Thompson II (MCU) - @thompsonlegacy
Sam Kirk (Star Trek) - @firstbornkirk
Lorian (Star Trek) - @cptnlorian
Rickon Stark (ASOIAF/GOT) - @wildandfierce
Snap Wexley (Star Wars) - @snappyrecon
Mattia Solo (Star Wars) - @flawlessincompetency
Gareth Mallory (James Bond) - @lxngmayhereign
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inhumanhacker · 8 years
I love skye/daisy and jack, such brotp
[I love it too! Such a great Brotp!]
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toskavechnyy · 8 years
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“Another SHIELD agent? I... I’m already here-- not on my own accord, I might add-- and there’s nothing else I can do for you.” Irritation lacing her voice against her will, she couldn’t stop the frown from tugging at her lips at the presence of the other.
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suspcnse-blog · 8 years
                                            ⌜ @thompsonlegacy ⌟
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        “How interesting.”
Her voice was full of amusement, but the saner side of her was full of wonder. Supposedly, this boy was from the future. Here for revenge on who—Jack Thompson? He only announced this much, and what a shame really. She seemed so innocent, but he stood in her way. She’d hate to make things hard for him. Whitney really would rather just ask how he got here; pick up some scientific findings.
He came with a gun, but that didn’t do much after the woman ordered her men to subdue him. Now he was returned by a cuff—she just watched him for a while, scribbling into her notebook.
         “Who are you again?”
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chosefuture-blog · 6 years
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“look, buddy, i TOLD you — i didn’t rescue you for your loyalty, or whatever.” jack’s as bad as a lost puppy, looking for someone to give all of its love to. eddie doesn’t NEED it. doesn’t want it. there’s a world out there that needs SAVING. one day, caitlin’s going to find a cure for all this. either her or cisco or some other scientist who’s still alive out there. eddie just needs to protect as many people as he can until that day finally comes.
“you don’t owe me anything. IT’S OKAY. i was never going to leave you there.”
one more bc i am trash for @thompsonlegacy.
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pastorjoshla-blog · 6 years
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🎀 Eden Rose Thompson is here! My baby girl! Katie and I are beyond blessed. We can’t believe the Lord has entrusted this little girl into our lives. Born today Feb 26 at 1:31am. 7lbs 15oz - 21inches long. She's perfect in every way. Glory to Almighty God! 🙏🙌 We have a family...God has blessed us with a family. ▪️ ▪️ #mygirls #mybaby #BabyEden #ThompsonLegacy #family #cutiestbaby #babies #baby #dadlife #Legacy #babygirl #familylife (at Los Angeles, California)
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chosefuture-blog · 6 years
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“i KNOW you were worried, jack. i’m sorry.” he’d just gone across the street for some food. being holed up in jack’s apartment is better than the infirmary at SHIELD, but he’s still all alone when jack is gone, when isaac is busy. eddie understands, of course. their jobs are demanding. he can’t hold that AGAINST them. but stopping an armed robbery just days after being released from shield’s care isn’t exactly what they meant when they told him to RELAX.
he’s lucky his heart didn’t give out on him.
“nobody got hurt. that’s the IMPORTANT thing, right? i couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. i’m still a cop.” maybe temporarily unemployed, but a cop at heart. always.
coughs obnoxiously @thompsonlegacy.
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