#this scene was my favourite tho it was so funny
howbrightthemoon · 2 days
Nicola on the broken furniture scene
Firstly, LOVED this interview so much. Their interaction was so sweet and the interviewer asked great questions about fan expectations, the broken furniture, Nic's favourite rom-coms, and Penelope's championing moment for all the wallflowers. And Nicola got me giggling kicking my feet she's such an angel🥹
I had to clip this part about the furniture for scientific reasons tho, this is the most I've ever seen her talk about it.
Laura: "Speaking about your relationship on screen with Colin; this season is so romantic and so spicy, and I've heard a bit of a rumour that some furniture was broken during filming. [Nicola giggles] Can you confirm and also tell us what happened?" Nicola: "Yeah it definitely was. It's really funny. We had one scene which was extensive, it took two days to film. It's a famous scene from the books. [...] it's a closed set so there's only about four other people in the room, and there was a camera above us, and we were [gestures] mid action, and the piece of furniture just collapsed between us and it snapped. I've got a picture of it, and I'll share it when the time comes."
Two days to film, compared to three days with the carriage scene.
FROM THE BOOKS ("stay" scene?).
now I'm waiting patiently for Nic to release the pic thank yewwww
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emoprincey · 4 months
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neptunym · 7 months
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throws this at you as a sign that i'm alive and immediately runs away
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 8 months
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Something something "the pinball scene is the gay sex" ...Anyway, come get y'all double upload: (x)
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hotteoki · 5 months
christmas things with bf skz !
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pairing: hyung line skz x reader (no prns used)
genre: fluff, point-form fic, est. rel.
cw: not proofread
wc: 0.9k
notes: merry christmas to anyone who celebrates it, and a happy monday to those who don't! P.S. happy birthday val <3 @kyrjnie
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chan (방찬) ~ ice skating
despite having to wait in the long, long, long queue for what feels like centuries just to ice skate in a tiny rink outside the local mall
it's a tradition you and chan do every year
sure, it's not ideal to wait an hour in the freezing cold just to skate for 45 minutes only
but when chan is standing right behind you
helping you wrap your scarf the correct way
zipping your coat all the way up
pulling your beanie that was riding up your head back down
and holding a warm cup of hot chocolate?
you could get past that
it's always funny to watch him flail his arms around like bambi
sometimes you like watching him struggle just to see his frown when you don't help him up
"you don't love me anymore!!!!!"
"if i try to pull you up i'm going to fall down right beside you, chan"
so you do
and to no one's surprise except chan's
you fall down
the little pro skater kids start to get worried when neither of you are able to get up
well you could
if chan didn't attempt to yank on you as support to pull himself back up
why does this man not understand that you are incapable of supporting him to stand back up
it's cute to watch him attempt to recreate one of the figure skating spins tho
i am nawt a figure skater idk the names i'm sawry
you two are just goals goals goals!!!!!!!
minho (민호) - mall intercom announcements
it first happened 4 years ago
it was the most embarrassing moment of your life
minho had suggested the two of you go christmas shopping at the biggest mall in south korea
one second you were holding his hand
the next you're spinning around in the middle of the 2nd floor wondering where the hell your 172cm boyfriend could've wandered off to
you were about to call him until you realise you have his phone after he gave it to you before running off into the toilet
"what if my phone drops into the toilet bowl?!"
you were about to start retracing your steps until you hear your name being announced by the information desk, followed by a "your boyfriend is waiting for you by the information desk at the 3rd floor"
you were so going to kill that man
but that night you think to yourself
killing him isn't enough
no, no
you needed to embarrass him right back
so you held your grudge until next christmas
you mumbled something about a flash sale at a nearby store and that he should find you there after he was done scouring uniqlo and ran off before he could object
you gave yourself a few more minutes before you made the announcement over the information desk
boy, was he mad when he saw the cheeky smile on your face
ever since then, it became a tradition for the two of you to race each other to make the lost person announcement to embarrass the other
it's all fun and games until the worker stares in confusion over thinking either one of you was the other's lost kid
changbin (창빈) ~ take-outs
you don't know why either of you still bother cooking christmas dinner
neither of you can cook
sure, you're a fairly decent baker
but that won't suffice for a christmas dinner
and changbin cannot cook for his life
yet you still take turns deciding on who's going to poison the other
obviously that never works out
the day either ends with you guys calling minho and asking begging him if you could have some of his leftovers
your more preferable option
ordering take-out
despite take-out being a very common occurrence for you guys
take-outs on christmas are special
the reason being the free sweets your favourite restaurant usually provide in the small bowl by the entrance
yes, the sweets are there usually
but after changbin accidentally caused a scene the first time you dined in at the restaurant long story
the owner had banned either of you from taking the complementary sweets
during christmas time, customers bustle in and out of the restaurant
which makes it easy for changbin to snag a handful of sweets and shove them in his pocket
before grabbing your hand and making a run for it back to his car
you do get some odd looks from the other customers queuing outside the restaurant
but at the end of the day
who are the ones who have a bunch of free sweets to snack on? B-)
hyunjin (현진) ~ sweater paws
it's the time of christmas! meaning...
taking hyunjin's oversized sweaters!!!
needless to say it's your favourite thing to do
it's not that he doesn't let you borrow them usually
he just... prefers to keep his expensive clothes in his closet safe and sound
he does indeed have a 'sweater of shame'
a christmas sweater that the other members got him as a gag gift a couple of years ago
you will never catch that man ALIVE wearing that "hideous thing"
so when you started dating him and found that absolute gem
you had decided it make it your mission to shove that "disgusting" piece of clothing over his head
except somehow the tables turned
and the sweater ended up wrapped around you
and hyunjin will never openly admit this
but it was quite literally one of the cutest sights he had ever seen in his life
ever since then
he's made it his mission to get you to wear the sweater every christmas
obviously you run away from him
until last year
when he finally caught you and managed to get it on you
you discovered the sweater does have a plus side to it
sweater paws
it feels like playing whack-a-mole whenever you attempt to swing at hyunjin with the sweater on
whack-a-hyunjin, perchance
he claims to hate it and runs away from you
but you both know it's something the two of you look forward to every christmas
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networks: @kflixnet k-labels @kbookshelf @neverendingdreams-net @straykidsland @k-films pirateeznet
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peterpastrahmii · 7 months
I just got home from seeing the fnaf movie and I'm basically gonna unload everything I thought of it.. bear in mind it's just my opinion (haha get it cause.. bear. freddy fa- *gunshot*)
it wasn't bad!!!! we won 🎉🎉 it was literally so good and completely worth my five year wait
now obviously it wasn't a perfect film, there were definitely moments where I was like hmmmm.... really???... but other than that it had pretty much everything I ever wanted out of a fnaf movie
speaking of hm really moments.. matpat? in MY fnaf movie??? it's more likely than you think. he literally said it's just a theory. I'm not mad that he's in it I do love that he got that opportunity but did you really have to make him say it? it was kinda funny tho... I'll give them that
we're sooo back william girlies HE'S NOT JUST STEVE RAGLAN 🙏 I was so right
I wasn't right about mike being an afton but do I care? no. at least they're still connected in some way
however.. vanessa? is william's daughter? really didn't see that one coming and idk how to feel about it. I know there were theories here and there from sb that vanessa is his niece or grand daughter or smth, but still
ok now I wanna talk about the positives.. there are way more positives than negatives obvi yay
i LOVED the ending. that last shot of william squirming around on the floor in the spring bonnie suit while the spirit was watching... I was gagged
I have to talk about the scene of mike in will's office when they meet for the first time cause that was kind of insane... the way he paused in the middle of saying mike's name I was like oooooo 🤭🤭 and ngl when he stood up bro I almost moaned matthew lillard is so fine fr. speaking of, matthew was absolutely my favourite part. he had the least screen time but he stole the whole spotlight, he was THE best choice and I stand by that
mike's dream sequences were so cool and interesting I loved how much the spirits were involved with the story and how they got to interact with mike
yk that scene where abby, mike and vanessa were making the fort with the animatronics.. I know for a fact that people are gonna complain about that and say that it was cringey and unnecessary but you kinda have to understand... they're still kids. yeah they're not alive, but they're not just animatronics either. it was a bit nice to see them be like that with the main characters. and when abby handed bonnie that little heart I was just 😭😭😭 that was so cute
the. the fucking. scene with max?? getting her whole body split in half.. woah I was speechless it was so cool. plus a reference to the bite of 83 kind of? so good
I'll definitely have some more thoughts once I go see it again cause trust i WILL be seeing it as many times as I can idc
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andradrawsstuff · 1 month
An in-depth character analysis of Skipper: pt 1
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This version of Skipper is probably the simplest since he was comic relief at first, but a bit of a hot take, might actually be my favourite (I prefer the show version of the other three tho). Going back to the movies after years of watching the show, I realised that this version of Skipper is surprisingly… chill? I guess I’ve been so used to his tv personality that my brain just decided to override his movie personality with tv Skipper.
Buckle your seatbelts, this is going to be a long one ☝️🤓
Movie Skipper is quite a nonchalant, carefree and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but calm character. He’s kinda just minding his own business doing his missions. He’s pretty serious when he’s leading his team and planning his missions, eg. the boat hijacking scene, but generally you’ll see him with a smile on his face. He’s always been a suave and charming little guy with a lot of sarcasm and sass, which he wouldn’t be Skipper without.
Generally he takes no bs, is straight to the point, and is pretty blunt, usually to Alex and his bunch. But this is also where his sass and sarcasm starts to show more. It’s funny. I think that Madagascar 2 really shows his charm and sass more out of the three main movies bc of all the chaos.
It’s pretty safe to say that the penguins are chaotic neutrals (apart from Private maybe) but they do it in such a way that makes it really funny. Not only do they trick the tourists and steal their car (ya know, grand theft auto) but also run over the grandma after seeing she’s still alive (ya know, attempted vehicular homicide). I could name every single crime they commit istg and it’s a long list 💀 But anyway, Skipper does all this with such a chill and carefree attitude and simply doesn’t give a shit. It’s what makes him so funny. It’s a big reason why I love this version of him, bc he doesn’t take everything too seriously and just goes about his day like nothing ever happened.
Obviously, he’s not evil and does still care about others, for example when they rescue Alex and his bunch in Madagascar 2 and 3, as well as stopping Dave in their spinoff. But I do think that he has something against humans (which is understandable) bc he seems to have a general disregard for them which is kinda funny.
In Madagascar 3, you start to see a bit of a shift in his personality and he becomes a little more aggressive. I’m guessing it’s because Tom was used to voicing Skipper more aggressively for the tv series and they also probably adopted a bit of tv Skipper into movie Skipper. But he is still generally pretty nonchalant nonetheless. He isn’t as suave as the other two movies either, but he does activate Kowalski’s nuclear reactor just for the funnies so I’ll give him that. The best thing about them here is their interactions with Dubois, the sheer trail of carnage they leave behind wherever they go, and the funny little quips here and there. Can’t forget bababooey.
The penguins spinoff movie brings back a little of Skipper’s charm and swagger, mostly with the “I do things my own way” attitude and him just being an asshole to Classified bc he doesn’t like him. This movie also makes Skipper more tame than the other movies which I don’t mind that much, but I wish he was a little more chaotic neutral rather than so hellbent on being heroic.
But the thing that really solidified Skipper as a complex character was his character development. This is the first time you get to see his vulnerable side and even from the start of the movie you see that he’s actually pretty sweet underneath all that chaos. When they “lose” Private is when you really start seeing Skipper’s full character, going from carefreeness to pure desperation trying to get his little brother back after he gets kidnapped, which I think was a great way to go because it shows how much he loves his family.
Later on he kinda “gives up” and follows the North Wind’s plan, which is one of the only moments you see him completely vulnerable and unmasked - no clever quip, no opposition, just acceptance. A perfect contrast to his usual “never give up, never back down” attitude. I think it adds a lot more realism to his character and shows that the one thing that can break him is losing one of his brothers. This is something that you don’t really see in the show (other than for a short period of time eg. Skorka) which I think would have been a great way to develop his character more.
When they get Private back at the end of the movie, you get to see Skipper’s sweet side again and his character development comes full circle - he learns to stop undermining Private. He realises he was wrong and tries to make it right. In a way, I guess he takes accountability. Which you don’t see all that often in the show, only episodes like Needle Point coming to mind when thinking about it.
I think that this is another big reason why I prefer movie Skipper over tv Skipper - yeah, he’s a bit flawed and a little simpler than tv Skip, but he makes an effort to change in the end which tv Skipper doesn’t do as much. Movie Skipper is nonchalant, sassy, suave and by the end, pretty sweet. I guess you could say he’s pretty well written and honestly I wish we got to see more of his softer side and less paranoid attitude at the end of the show.
That’s not to say I hate tv Skipper tho, when i was a kid I LOVED him a lot more than movie Skip and I still find him rlly funny, I mean Skipper is Skipper haha. I guess my opinion just changed bc I grew up and I started seeing characters differently and started valuing character development a lot more, but who knows, maybe in a year it’ll change again lmao.
I am so sorry this got so out of hand and turned into a mf essay 💀 I promise the other analysis will be shorter 🙏
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bradshawed · 1 year
Second Best — Steve Harrington
summary — nancy wheeler, the one who got away. she’d always be his first love and you’d always be second best so what was the point of pretending he could love you even just a little?
warning/tags — fem!reader, she/her pronouns, angst, steve being dumb, swearing, bits of stancy, arguing, fluff, the gang scheming
note — thank you so much for requesting! I absolutely adore this idea and loved writing it so so much, I hope I did it justice even if I did slightly go off the prompt. you’re an incredible writer, one of my favourites on wp, and I can’t wait to read your works on here too. I love you tons! thank you again and I hope you like it <3 also, credits to soph for steve’s middle name, ilysm!
word count — 2.5k words
This was the third time in the space of a couple of minutes that you’ve caught Steve staring at Nancy from where he sat on the couch, to say you were sick of it would be an understatement.
It had been movie night with the whole group which had truthfully been long overdue and very much needed but surprisingly difficult to plan with everyone’s hectic schedules. But here you all were, finally relaxing for the first time in months in Steve’s spacious living room among a bundle of cushions, in what should’ve resembled a fort built by the boys. The second movie of the night was playing on the projector that Robin and Max had set up and an abundance of snacks and sugary drinks had been brought beforehand to account for everyone’s tastebuds. With the way things were going, however, it seemed like staying over at Steve’s after the night was over was simply out of the question.
Dustin sent you a sad look from his position on the floor smothered by multiple duvets. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been for the situation. The room seemed to cool another ten degrees when Steve unwrapped his arm from around your shoulders mid-scene, shifting away from you slightly. You were both oceans apart and yet he didn’t even seem to notice the space between you. And this wasn’t the first time it had happened either.
The credits rolled in and Nancy offered to grab more snacks while the kids decided on the next movie. Steve practically jumped at the chance to follow her to the kitchen, or maybe you were just overreacting like usual. It didn’t matter anyway, the fact was that he was with her, not you and the way he looked at her told you everything that had been left unsaid.
You quietly got up from your place on the couch, surrounded by colourful blankets and softly padded around the room, picking up your car keys from where you’d left them and moving to the hallway to put on your coat and shoes. El moved to stop you but Eddie gently placed a hand on her shoulder, letting you go with a sad nod. You couldn’t stay, they knew that, but still, some part of you wishes they would’ve asked. You might have not been there from the beginning but they loved you all the same, if not even more and vice versa. You were the missing piece in their family and for them, you’d do anything even if it meant watching Steve pin for his ex girlfriend.
You’d almost made it to your car before Steve appeared at the door, the expression on his face a mix of everything and seemingly nothing you were looking for all at once. “Where are you going, the movie’s about to start. Mike’s picked out some cheesy horror movie which I know you love to watch and Nance has opened up the last pack of those giggles cookies you love with the weird faces on them-” You hated horror movies, regardless of if they were cheesy and predictable or not, and those giggle cookies with fudge and vanilla cream in them- god you hate them too. You’d eat fudge by itself but for some reason when it’s added to something else it just doesn’t taste right to you.
“Steve.. I’m not feeling great, I’m gonna head home a little early.” You knew he didn’t believe you. You never could lie to him, and his judging eyes told you enough. Not to mention you called him Steve, you never call him Steve, but he didn’t notice.
“You seemed fine a while ago to me. What’s wrong, maybe you can lay down in the spare room?” There he goes treating you like you’re one of the kids and not his girlfriend but that’s not what irks you the most, it’s the fact that mentions the spare room. Not his room, the spare. “Nance can give you one of her green teas, they’re magical I swear, you’ll feel better in an instant. Actually, let me ask her now.” He walked away towards the door, completely disregarding anything you’d said, acting for a moment that he was even paying attention to you tonight bringing up Nancy again and suddenly, you’re done.
“No!” Steve pauses mid stride, hand on the half opened door, slowly turning around shocked by the volume and the panic in your voice, “I’m done Steve, I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”
“You’re in love with Nancy.”
“I’m what-?!”
“Ha, see you can’t even deny it.”
“Because there’s nothing to deny!” His voice raises even further. He’s never raised his voice at you. He knows how much you hate it and it reminds him of his father so he never did; guess there was a first time for everything.
“Don’t. You don’t love me, you never have. You don’t even know my favourite movie genre or my favourite snack-”
“Yes I do, I just told you!”
“Those are Nancy’s fucking favourites! See you’re pinning after her with those love sick eyes of yours and you don’t even know it.”
“What so not knowing your favourite movie genre or snack is a crime now?! So I’m expected to know everything about my girlfriend?” This elicits a rather loud scoff from you causing Steve to clench his fists in frustration and anger. “We’ve been dating for almost a year so yes, I do expect you to at least know those two things.”
Steve starts again but you cut him off fearing that if you don’t get it out now then you’ll go back to apologising to him the next day and burying it even deeper within you. “It’s her, it’s always been her. I don’t know why I even bothered but I thought you were over her, I truly did. But every time she walks into a room your eyes brighten and they don’t leave her for a single fucking second. You bring her up into every single conversation as if her ghost wasn’t already haunting our relationship and I feel like I’m always being compared to her in everything that I do. Stevie I love you, I truly do but I’m sick of feeling like I’m second place.”
Silence. He doesn’t say anything for what feels like forever. You wished he’d say something, anything, do something to prove you wrong, to tell you it was all in your head or that he’d change, that things would get better. A flash of emotion appears on his face before he puts back on his ‘King Steve’ mask. He never used that with you.
“Okay.” That’s all he says before turning back towards the door and leaving you standing out there in the cold.
That was months ago and here you were with the gang calling you from a pay phone on a Sunday. It seemed like your plans of crying your eyes out to another sappy romance movie that reminded you of your relationship with Steve had been ruined. “Heyyy Y/Nnnn”, came a sheepish voice from the other end of the phone call.
You knew they could feel your eye roll from there, “What do you guys need?”
“What, can’t we call our favourite adult and tell her that we miss her?!”
“Ignoring the fact that this is the first time you’ve called me in months, no Dustin, you can’t call without wanting something first. And favourite?! Ha, nice one. What do you want?”
“Can you please pick us up from the skatepark?” At least he had the common sense to give the phone to Max when the gang wanted something, they all knew she was your soft spot. Then for the millionth time that day, like every other day, your mind went straight to Steve. Where was he? Shouldn’t he be picking up the kids? Why would he just leave them there? They could’ve called anyone else, so why you? And then as if she knew the thoughts running through your head she added, “we didn’t want to bother Eddie and Steve was meant to pick us at two but we got bored and felt bad for asking him to pick us up earlier when he was already in a bad mood this morning and-”
“It’s okay sweetheart, hang tight and I’ll be there in ten. Don’t go anywhere and stick together okay?”
“Yes mum.” And Dustin was back.
He hung up the phone and you went to get changed as quick as you could, sliding along the wooden floor in your socks. If Steve was here now, he’d be laughing his beautiful laugh, teasing you before acting out the scene from ‘Risky Business’, maybe even twirling you around the living room. Shaking your head to prevent more tears from falling, you grabbed your coat and car keys and made your way out the door.
There was a catch. Of course there had to be a catch. Why didn’t you think about this before?!You’d successfully picked up the kids and they’d all piled into your car with their gear when Dustin remembered he’d left something important at Steve’s and needed to pick it up. So here you were driving to your ex boyfriend’s house cursing wildly in your head. It would be fine. You were only going to stay in the car. You wouldn’t even have to see him… right?
Wrong. Fate, aka the kids, had different plans.
Pulling into the driveway, the first thing you noticed was the fairy lights stung around the house. It was still light out, Christmas and New Years were over, Valentine’s Day was even further away, so why were there fairy lights? Why were there sunflowers lining the driveway? Had you stumbled upon Steve’s love confession to Nancy. Oh god. You hoped not.
Here you were, standing on Steve’s porch, knocking on his door instead of Dustin and you hadn’t the slightest clue of how you got there except you figured you’d been roped into some wild scheme that wasn’t going to end well. Fuck me.
Steve Willow Harrington opened the door in all his beautiful glory holding a bouquet of sunflowers, a pack of care bear waffles and ‘The Breakfast Club’. Who the hell allowed him to look so good?!
No, this was absolutely not happening. He would not turn your heart into mush with one syllable. You started to turn around to leave but his reflexes were faster and he grabbed your hand, the skin heating up under his touch and your heart kickstarted into motion at the electricity that danced along his fingers onto yours. “Please. Don’t go.”
You froze in place. Head and heart conflicted but once you saw the expression on the kids’ faces you understood. He gently pulled you towards him, albeit with a little caution, turning your body but still you refused to look at him. “These are for you.” You accepted them, focusing on the sunshine petals instead of his face until your felt his fingers gently gripping your chin, tilting your head upwards so you were looking into his eyes. Steve’s eyes shone with the telltale sign of tears and regret and something else that you’d only seen when he looked at her. It was love. No. It couldn’t be. You took a step back needing the distance to gather your thoughts. He didn’t get to do this to you, he didn’t get to hurt you all over again.
“I’m sorry. I-” you shook your head, your own tears glistening your eyes making them shine in the fairy lights. “I had a whole speech planned out funnily enough but I see you again for one second and you’ve got speechless. God I- I drove over to your house in the middle of the night to apologise after that day and I chickened out every single time until they all knocked some sense into me.” He nodded behind you towards where the kids were anxiously watching the scene unfolding before them.
“I thought I heard your car but every time I’d look out the window there was no one there so I stopped looking.”
Steve sighed sadly, “You deserve better- you deserved better. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I shouldn’t have taken you for granted. I shouldn’t have made you feel like you were second place, not to Nancy and not to anyone. I should have showed you I cared, that you mattered, that I did know you loved binge watching those sappy romance movies and pointing out bits that reminded you of us and that your favourite snack were those ridiculously overpriced care bear waffles with the rainbow specks of berries because you’d had them since you were a child and refused to give them up. But I didn’t do any of the things I should have. I fucked up and I don’t deserve you. And the worst thing is, I don’t even have a reason why I did them. I think some part of me was terrified of the uncertainty, of the unknown, of how it felt to have someone I was scared to lose. So I buried how I felt about you and turned to something familiar, to something that I could hold onto even if I didn’t actually care about them. It took losing you to realise just how wrong I was and how badly I’d treated you. And I know it doesn’t justify any of what I did to you but I want you to know that I’m sorry and if I could do it all over again, I would do it differently. I would fight for you instead of leaving you there and I would show you exactly how I feel about you.”
You were both crying now, “and how do you feel about me?” The air stilled in anticipation, your fingers twisting around the fabric of your sleeve in a nervous dance.
“I love you.”
That admission of love, and the fact that he said it so easily like it was a fact that everyone should know, knocked the air out of your lungs. You felt breathless after his speech.
“I won’t deny that you hurt me and maybe I do deserve better but I know you can give it to me just as I hope I can give it to you. It won’t be easy and it will take time and a lot of work to get to- to us but if you’re willing to put in the work…” Steve nodded his head enthusiastically, tears slipping down his cheeks for he’d feared the worst, “then I am too.” Then came his megawatt smile, eyes crinkling at the edges from pure happiness. He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your shoulders delicately so as to not damage the flowers, while yours wrapped around his waist. The kids were dancing by your car, pumping their fists into the air but neither of you payed any attention to them.
“And for the record, I love you too Stevie.”
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comradekatara · 3 months
Hello! So this is not quite an ask but THANK YOU for doing god's work of injecting some actual nuance, defending bolin (among other things), critiquing the comics, and all the plot holes/things that just don't make sense which become glaringly obvious if one thinks about any aspect for more than two seconds (lol but you know this already duh) and am only annoyed I did not stumble upon this blog sooner, since I am so done with this show (but also I keeping at it like the scabs). Also, your art is delightful! If you still require an ask, do you perchance write fanfic? (it's possible you might have mentioned it but sometimes I can't read lol)
Have a good day!
hello, and thank you! also it’s funny that defending bolin is the first thing you list because I thought I made it pretty clear that I think his character is direly poorly-written and that I do not care for him. but… you’re welcome I guess? but yes obviously critiquing the comics and imbuing nuance and all of that I will definitely gladly take credit for. and thank you for liking my art! i do occasionally write fanfic, but i’ve only ever shown it to my friends and never actually posted it anywhere, so functionally, my answer would be no. i have debated posting it in the past, but idk, i don’t think that would be a good idea. maybe someday i’ll snap tho who knows.
as for your other ask…
Also because I clicked on the ask button before I had a brain fart (so if this would come off a bit deranged for posting an ask right after the first my apologies), I also want to mention the commentary that Iroh being 'everyone's favourite sexist' is gold because we just gloss over that and no one ever seems to mention that scene. Another thing about atla is that the reason given for Zuko's constant internal struggle and conflict is because he's descended from the previous avatar and the fire lord but hello, Azula?? Did Ursa have an affair now?? Isn't she just as worthy of redemption, or the fact she's just as abused anyhoo ok im done
I mean I’m assuming by “that scene” you mean the one with june, but tbh his misogyny isn’t relegated to simply one unpalatable scene. it’s reflected in how he treats azula (versus zuko) across the show. and I know that zuko is softer and more amenable than azula, and he has demonstrated a desire to do good that azula hasn’t, but it’s also quite troubling that iroh just writes off his fourteen year old niece as a lost cause when she is also the sibling who most resembles him. and he somehow just can’t seem to understand that she is worthy of the same empathy and compassion and understanding as zuko is, that playing favorites like this isn’t good or normal. and I actually think that azula has it way worse than iroh, both because she’s a girl and because azulon seemed to love iroh conditionally (despite clearly not feeling the same about ozai), whereas ozai’s love for azula is incredibly conditional and does not exempt her from his violence. but you know. her hysterical wandering womb is outta control she needs to go down she cant be trusted she’s a sickopath!!!! like. ok old man.
as for your next point, I do think that what iroh says about zuko’s ancestry reflecting the ideological battle within him is fully bullshit, but I do reconcile that by interpreting iroh’s claims not as what he truly believes, but as a rhetorical point he thinks might get through to zuko. because he’s really run the gamut of wisdom and guidance, some of it even being contradictory, just in an attempt to pierce through zuko’s thick, stubborn skull. and it does pay off, eventually, but it takes ages to get there. like how much do you wanna bet his first approach was to just straight up be like “your father is an abuser and you shouldn’t adhere to his dogmas.” and then when that didn’t work he started getting creative with it. and like, the reason it gets through to zuko isn’t even because roku was his great grandfather, but because he was ursa’s grandfather. and realizing that he too can be good and stand up for what he believes in, like her, his true role model, is his ultimate takeaway from that lesson. but I really do think by that point iroh’s rhetorical strategy was really to just throw vaguely pertinent metaphors at the wall to see what sticks.
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sillyunknownkitkat · 5 months
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Type of writing : headcanons and 2 small drabbles.
Plot: Phillip and his s/o preparing and celebrating Christmas.
Tw: kinda fem-ish reader but still gn, tooth rotting fluff, Phillip being bullied by kids, a bit of angst but full comfort here dw, reader has parents. uncanny fake death situation of Phillip, reader cries.
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Definitely loves cuddles on the couch and watching a movie with the fire cracking in the background.
This man loves Christmas. It's not so much all of the traditions and stuff, just you being really happy about this and the cosy ambience that it brings.
Also, he forces the shadows to wear Santa's hats.
I think he has a pretty sweet tooth, so it's one of his favorite seasons because you make him hot chocolate with little marshmallows when he gets back from work.
If you want to see his eyes lit up, then bring him a Christmas market/festival. Phillip's eyes WILL light up like kids' ones.
Now let me tell you something. This blondie can't skate at all. It's really funny to see.
And that being said, he gets bullied by the kids on the ice rink.
Still would go again if it means that you're happy.
Now, I don't want to baby him because he is a grown man, but please throw a snowball at him. I promise you that it's going to be the best snowball fight ever.
If you have played until down, you know what I'm talking about, but if don't here is a video of the said scene
So I think he'd be more Mike-like, but tbh he could also be Jessica (I hope this makes sense). Also, you don't have to be a girl or anything for this exact interaction. He's just a bit cringe.
But that's okay, it's not a crime 😊
I hcs he probably didn't really do anything for Christmas as a child.
It's supposed that he lived in South America, so it didn't really snow or anything. His parents didn't see the point in celebrating it.
Well no matter the reason that caused him to be "Christmas-starved", he still is.
I don't think he would go all out like you can see in some Christmas light contests, but he still puts quite the effort.
Inside the house, he would keep it pretty simple but with a good amount of things. Like fairy lights pretty much all around the house, whatever these are called in a banner like display, little Santa's, snowmans, ...
Now, to my favourite part, the drabbles ^^
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1. Decorating your first Christmas tree together 🎄:
You moved him with him pretty early in the relationship. He justified it by saying something amongst the lines of "I work a lot, sweetheart. As sad as it is, I won't be here often. If things go south one day, I won't ever kick you out, don't worry. See it as you helping me around the house when I'm not there, and as a payment, you get a free roof over your head, yeah?"
When he just said it, you were kinda offended, but thinking back, he's not wrong. Plus, he doesn't force you to move faster in the relationship. It's just a win-win situation. Of course, he mostly proposed this because he loves you so damn much.
He never felt like that with another person. He swears (in his head) that you have to be his soulmate. How else could you guys fit so well together?
When December came close, he asked you if you would want to make a Christmas tree with him. You said yes, obviously.
You both went to get dressed in warmer clothes before going to the local Christmas market.
Hand in hand, walking and stopping every 30 seconds because one of you saw something that catched your eyes. You both probably went a little overboard with the stuff you got, but you wouldn't wish to go back in time to do otherwise. He was so freaking happy. It made you melt every time you looked at him and his big smile.
After a while, he asks you to go get a Christmas tree (pine?) before all of the good ones are gone. I don't think you would go in a "chop the one you want" type of thing, but in a more store like type of thing. He insisted you guys should get a real one instead of the plastic ones because even tho it makes a huge mess, it's more cosy to have a real one. Don't ask me how, but you got the most beautiful tree ever. It's a nice fresh green colour, not too tall but very large and fluffy.
Once both of you are happy with what you have, you go back to your shared house to actually decorate the said tree.
It starts with unloading the car, then putting everything in the living room and finally doing what you both waited for. Decorating.
You set the tree in the corner of the living room, not too far away from the chimney. He chose to start with the fluffy garland before the light ones and finally the little balls and bauble you got.
Finally, it's time to set the star on top of the tree, and you insist he does it. After all, it's his idea.
"Don't be silly, love. C'mere, I'll help you, " He says before making a come here motion with his hand. You do. He lifts you up by the waist, and you place it perfectly.
Once he puts you back down, you both walk a few steps back to admire your work. He gives you a side hug, and you could swear he's almost crying.
You take a picture of your tree and a selfie of the both of you as a souvenir of this amazing day you guys spent.
2. Spending Christmas together but discreetly.
After his fake death, he had to lay very low to avoid any suspicion. Which also means that this year, it would only be the both of you on Christmas.
You never spent Christmas without your parents, so this was really hard for you. Not only did you have to lie to everyone, saying things like what you were too sad to celebrate this year, that you weren't able to attend, ... but you also had to make they sad and worried.
Phillip knew that it was really upsetting you but didn't know what to do apart for apologizing for making you do all of that.
On the morning of Christmas Eve, you woke up quite early and sat on the couch in front of the tree. When you looked at him once more, you started crying. The worst thing is that you felt terrible to cry. Everything was doing better than it could've. Your lover was alive and well. You had anything you could possibly need.
And yet you still felt like garbage. Even more now that you were felling guilty from feeling this way.
Phillip woke up in an empty bed. Your side was still a bit warm, so he knew that you left the bed not too long ago. Usually, he would've woken up at you getting up, but he was exhausted. He stretched before lazily sliding in his slippers and going look after you.
When he got down the stairs, he saw you curled up with your knees to your chest on the couch. It broke his heart when he heard you quietly sob.
He instantly goes up to you and sits down on the couch before rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
"Hey... what's going on lovely?" He asks in a worried tone.
After taking a couple of deep breaths in and out, you explain the reason why you were crying. He carefully listens, holds your hand, and squeezes it from time to time to prove that he is listening to you.
Once you're done, he drags you in his harm to hold you and pet your hair.
"Oh, baby... I'm so sorry that we have to go through this. That I have to make you go through this. I promise you that everything will be okay, though. I love you so so so much. You can't even imagine. That's why I'm still very happy. I get to spend the holidays with you. The love of my life. I'm going to make sure that you spend an amazing Christmas 'kay? Do you trust me?"
You just nod against him, your voice being stuck in your throat from such sweet words.
"I love you too, Phil's, and of course I trust you," you say after a little while of being in this comfortable hold.
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Sorry if this is really cheesy, I just am a sucker for lovey dovey stuff 😅
While Graves is not my favorite COD character at all, I can't lie and say that writing this didn't make me love him a bit more.
Also, I'm very sorry if he's ooc, I tried my best 🥹
I wish you a very merry Christmas and lovely holidays! 🍾☃️🎄
I hope you have a good day/night and that you're safe <3
I love you everyone!
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hskwon · 1 year
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pairing: actor!mingyu x writer!reader
genre: fluff, crack
金明玉: he wanted to publicize your relationship, but tried doing it lowkey.
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you click save and stretched your arms, you saw your best friend, a writer like you lying on your bed. he's a one lazy author, the one who updates one chapter a month, it's would have been good if he have someone to be an inspiration.
"inspiration? i think it's the book i read these days, it's really well written." mingyu an actor and idol, who's completely smitten by an author he never met before.
he just adore your book so much, how good you put your thoughts in words, and how it was really well written. he's a fan, his own fans noticed it too of how often he reads your books and talk about it.
you're a famous author anyways, so his fans really don't give it some meaning behind, they're a fan as well. the fans actually wants to meet you in a book signing.
"are you sure you'll start your book signing this saturday?" jeonghan asked, a fellow author like you.
you're the opposites, you're an active writer, posting updates every week or every two weeks while he posts every two months or three. he's a lazy author but his pieces, such as mystery and thriller, are really brain tester.
he's good at making twists and laughs maniacally every time his reader loses their mind. "you're not gonna run away from it, aren't you?" jeonghan laughs, pointing at you with suspicion in his eyes.
"i wanna run away." you said, "i'm nervous, what if they thought i am pretty but i'm actually not?! the disappointment, it's pressuring me!"
"don't hehe me, you maniac!" you threw your scratch paper at him as he rolls on your bed with pillows in his arms. "okay, okay. i'll give you pro tips, don't ever give your number to your fans whoever they might be. they won't stop texting or calling you." jeonghan said nodding his head with his eyes close, as if he's making a good point and tip.
"oh? that's probably based on experience."
"it's that fanboy who loves pizza who posted my number on his twitter account, then my fans called me until i changed my number." jeonghan defended himself, he felt betrayed trusting that innocent looking infp boy who loves pizza.
"it was recommended by my co-actor, wonwoo. he loves reading even when we're in the set while doing make-up or free time. he read books everywhere." mingyu laughs, looking at the comments.
"are u going in their book signing this saturday?"
"they have book signing this week?!" mingyu asked immediately snatching his phone to search up your pen name. his eyes widened looking at the infos.
"woah, is he that busy to miss the news of his favourite author?"
"i hope the author's a guy!"
"i'm pretty sure the author is a girl, amazing fictional men are often written by woman."
he stood up and walked out of the frame to celebrate behind the scene, his fans already knew what he's doing though, they expected it from him. "i'm back, ehem i don't know if i could attend it tho i have a really tight schedule."
"what do you mean you have tight schedule when you lie on my bed everyday?!" you exclaimed at jeonghan, which he just laughs about. he doesn't want to come with you in your book signing.
"think about it, they've seen me before, it would be a scandal if they saw us together the next time. you don't know how the people thinks," jeonghan said.
"so you'll abandon me alone??..." your voice fading away, putting away the books on your table as he follows you explaining his side.
"hehe." you giggled, walking beside jeonghan, you're both on your way to the event area. he still come along with you, he felt guilty since it's your first time holding a book signing event and you're his bestfriend.
"don't giggle, it's not funny," he scoffs under his mask, he's disguised like a staff of the event despite his disguise though, some recognized him.
"i look good don't i?" mingyu asked his manager who sighed tiredly at him, "you do know your schedule is still packed yet you slip your so-called 'important event' into your sched?"
"i do know" mingyu smiled confidently.
you ready your smile asking your bestfriend if it looks good yet he laughs at you, "it's alright, if they don't like it then frown at them" he jokes while fixing his cap.
"hmm, what was that? there's a lot of people there, look" jeonghan pointed at the black car with girls surrounding it.
"oh come on, don't tell me there's a famous person there, they'll steal my readers!" you gasp, looking disappointed already.
jeonghan assured you that it'll not happen pushing you inside the event hall before the fans gets in, you fix yourself after a few minutes you see a lot of people holding a book written by you walking inside.
it's starting.
after your name is called, you walk into the stage hearing loud cheers and clap as well as shock reactions from the crowd, your thoughts is just about running away, did they thought you're a guy and is disappointed that you're not? do they thought you're ugly?
you look around the crowd seeing a tall guy holding his phone with a written phrase "you look pretty, smile"
you immediately smiled and nod, some of the audience looks at where you nodded, still cheering at you. there's quick interview as a introduction and you think you did good it seems going well.
it's finally time to sign the books, a teenager still wearing a uniform stand in front of you holding out two of your books, "i want to buy more of your books but my allowance only allows me to buy two. i really like your works,"
her cheeks are red as she smiles at you, you smiled, "i'll upload soft copies so you can read it without spending money," you said signing the books.
you bid goodbye to her as the people keeps moving forward, they're a lot to be honest. you always look around to see if your friend is still there, of course he is. but he's chilling with his phone at the side.
finally it's the tall guy earlier. "hello—oh it's my debut book" your eyes lit up. "the first story i wrote." you laughed. "you're a good writer, i admire you" he said his voice is quite attractive and familiar.
"your name?" you smiled after writing your signature. "kim mingyu" he answered. you tilted your head and write it down despite thinking about the actor, someone you know named like it.
"i expected you would be a girl but i'm still shock and starstruck." he laughs nervously, "you sound like someone i heard before."
"your boyfriend?"
"yea—huh?" her eyes widened, how can you not noticed, are your eyes playing tricks. no way your actor boyfriend will come here risking his career and time. "w-what are you doing here?" you whispered.
"i'm a fan," he said.
after that exchange, you know a lot of people recognized him, he left after taking an autograph from you against his will he needed to leave immediately.
"oh no—" he's posted in the social media attending your fansign, "oh— it's alright! they didn't mention that we might be dating, thank god!" you sighed in relief, but he's pouting like a kid.
you're facetiming him, but all he does is murmur and talk about how there's nothing wrong with being mistaken for a couple because they actually are.
"we can just tell them, they'll understand —"
"we already talked about this, mingyu. i can't just ruin your career. sure, there are still fans who'll support you, but some of them will hate you and make rumors about you that may cause your downfall."
"you know i can't afford being the reason for your career's downfall."
"i'm not scared of downfall. i'm scared of losing my chances, i want to cherish every moment with you, every kiss, every place we go together. i want you to become comfortable being with me," his eyes looking into yours with sincerity. "can we?"
"are you sure?" you asked after a long pause.
"HEADLINE: Actor Kim Mingyu revealed on his Instagram post that he's in a healthy relationship with a book author L/N Y/N"
"love," he grabbed your hands and made you sit on his lap and kiss your lips. "don't be anxious," he laughs as he glides his hand on your back, rubbing circles to give you assurance and comfort. "we'll be fine," you whispered.
"we'll be fine," he said firmly, smiling while looking into your eyes with the most loving and comforting look in his eyes. you smiled back.
"should i use this as my new book's plot? this will sell a lot," you said, causing him to laugh.
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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crimswnred · 3 months
I've just gotten back home from work so I'm a little late to the party, however...
LITG SEASON 8: TEMPTING FATE — VOLUME 2: thoughts, concerns and prayers
first of all yesss more hair booooo paywall, fusebox get it together??? (at least they are pretty but again that's the bare minimum)
anyway, here's my girl with her new hair
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why do all of the girls' nightwear look like I'm on a strip club and they're asking me if I want something to drink
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it's so over for you Theo
honestly she's too good for him anyway
okay kiss challenge!!!! let me snog everyone
I don't want any more of that "peck" crap we want FULL ON SNOGS, TONGUE AND CHAOS
Jin: "Nap, then results?" Hamish would be so proud of him
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okay, so you rate me EIGHT just so I feel like I have to pay to have one extra kiss, your game is a dirty as ever Fusebox
date time!!!! going with Jin ❤️
LMAO Jack is kinda funny
so sad to see a baddie doing too much to keep a man in love island 💔 Luna I'm so sorry you didn't deserve it your only crime was being coupled up with the one guy I want
oh. so about the terrace scene...
first of all, super sweet gem scene. it seemed like a super important one for it to be a gem scene though. so idk I'm a bit lost.
Jin is a walking red flag 😭 this boy is soooo gonna flip on me when the next hot girl shows up!! but let's enjoy the ride
and Luna... girl... was it ever that serious?
the award for worst outfit design goes to 👇
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and the one for BEST outfit design goes to 👇
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like wow wowza mmmhmm yeah! this man is hot hot HOT 🔥🔥🔥
oh, Jack is kinda sweet... if he looked more like Lewie/Alex he would be favourite boy of the season for sureeee
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keep the compliments coming, darling
I had to kiss him too. you know, to be polite.
but it was just a peck, tho
okay, NOW JIN!!!
having a spicy conversation with the guy I want to fuck and his currently girl isn't how I planned to spend my afternoon but here we go
"You're adventurous. You're fun to be around. And you'd make every sight even more beautiful", "Okay. Where's the punch line?", "There isn't one :)" OKAY GAG ME WITH THE WRITING
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lmao Sophie mixing the boys up she's so me
Claudia is a real one let me tell you that
she's nice, she doesn't force herself upon us, she's polite, she give us all the tea, and she even help us to graft on the boys behind their girls' backs. like, THAT'S MY GIRL
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and if Theo doesn't step up she will DEFINITELY be mine
so sad to see Luna go, I really like her :/
he was so out of pocket ?? what's your deal man, are you jealous I picked Jin instead of you? we kissed ONCE. be sooooooooo for real rn
okay Sophie you can join your boy in this bullshit he still cheated on you with me when you weren't looking (and he probably would do it again)
no. I won't forgive you?? you were basically calling me a whore back then and now you are SORRY? don't say something you'll regret later that's not cute.
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and he's supposed to be serious?
anyway, stressful night over. time to go to bed with my babygirl Jin
29 gems to go all the way? what is this?
they could've make the scene a little longer but they have gotten way better ever since the writers dropped the word crescendo
still not 100% sure if I'm going with Jin or Oakley but I'm leaning towards Jin, I'm not gonna lie 😁 I did some stuff that will fuck me over on movie night if fusebox finally learnt how to code (which they prolly didn't so I guess I'm safe)
I really enjoyed this episode except for the part when Jack and Sophie went full on villain mode but if the narrative made sense all of the time it wouldn't be LITG, right?
anyway, let's see what this Tyler guy is about... see you all next week 🫶
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
good morning its askposting time!
feat. jedi survivor-ing, ventress, some luke related HCs, and other stuff
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whoops!! i got good at doing that over summer and then started forgetting. will try remember!
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GAMING LAPTOP!!! GAMING LAPTOP THAT NEARLY HITS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!! I AM NOT PLAYING JS ON A CHROMEBOOK!!! it is NOT worth a try!!!! unless you have an insane chromebook you will waste money buying JS bc i dont think most chromebooks can even play the sims!
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LOVE SISTER!!! but im answering this as a reminder i do NOT take requests in the askbox. i sometimes draw to answer asks but i do not take direct requests
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if the humans dont have spices, then you KNOW the tusken raiders have nandos hot sauce that could destroy the death star
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@just-prime LMAO YEAH
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@chorus-of-hell LMAO????? THATS SO FUNNY someone come get their grandma
i imagine she has a similar reaction to most the galaxy, which is a mix of fear, confusion, and weariness
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oooo i didnt know that!!! thank you for telling me!!
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@falconfeather23435 2003 clone wars is such a time and i love it. also how dare obi wan hate rain, rain & obi-wan is responsible for my brother's favourite scene in star wars, obi wan standing in the rain on kamino
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@ace-befuddlement love the idea of it being for tax benefits when both of them are revolutionary fugitives fighting the government and definitely don't pay taxes LOL. tho could
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@materassassino the government doesn't want you to know this but the kyber crystals in old men's huts are free
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@imperial-spy my predictions are more bad shit is going to happen to cal bc this dude CANNOT get a break ever. that being said im hoping the next few hours of the game are just him getting therapy and hugs but i somehow don't see that happening
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a-witch-in-endor · 2 months
i LOVED the autistic Representation in the form of Zuko in ur Funny Hat au!!! it didn’t feel forced, or like what a nt person thinks an autistic person is like (only making me think they’ve never even met one…)- it just was so refreshing to not have it feel like ‘Autistic character- who’s name is zuko’ but instead ‘Zuko- cool fire sage who’s super smart and funny and interesting and also autistic and-‘!!!
And i KNOW that one scene where Azula tells Zuko ‘something’s wrong with him’ and he says ‘what if there’s something wrong with you too but you’re just better at hiding it?’ was supposed to be super dramatic and everything- IT WAS!! it literally had me open mouthed gaping… AND all i could think when he said that was ‘Autism sees Autism’ LMAOO
Feel free to ignore this if it makes u uncomfortable tho!! i myself am not Autistic, just your regular neurodivergent, but a lot of people in my life and a lot of my loved ones are on the spectrum, so i really appreciate and love good representation (and good characterization in general!!!) like what i saw in this fic. just, thank you so much for writing this wonderful story, i can’t wait to check out your other fics!!!!!
I'm really happy you liked the representation! Thank you for your lovely note. :)
That Azula scene was a favourite of mine to write!
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coeluvr · 2 months
I was so on the fence about burning down the room because on one hand it would be so fun but on the other…my MC feels more like someone who would bind her time, but then again she is young and she just saw a performance celebrating her family’s death and she’s upset and angry- so hell yeah burn the room down!! but now you’re telling me if I hadn’t Lancelot and luceris becomes canon?? time for a replay to see how that changes things😔✊🏻
my favourite dynamics in the story is lancelot x mc and then mc x luceris. I love how complex your relationship with Lancelot can be because on one hand he saved you but on the other he’s the shield of the king, I love no matter how you decide to play your relationship with him it’s never off for the mc to make that choice because all of the choices are so valid!! It’s so complicated and I love it… Lancelot is just a messed up lil guy tho <3
And then we have luceris and mc…insane relationship frankly <3 plus I play my mc being very…stoic and just doing her duty? she’s doing all the right things in public etc she’s a good consort. She’d loove to call luceris out in public but she won’t (partially learned from burning the room I think) the most she can do in public is call him her husband to annoy him lol. But that means as soon as she’s alone with luceris she can be herself?? like she doesn’t have to watch what she says in the same way she’s sarcastic and mean and tells him to drown himself etc. and just the implications of the fact that she can be almost herself the most around the man she hates the most..,,,,,,the very man she can’t let her guard down around is also at the same time the man she does let down her guard the most around because he knows what she wants…idk I’ve been thinking about it man. Your story is sooo filled with angst which I loooove angst and drama and complexity forever in my heart <3 but also the fact that you can play it in a way so it gets even more angsty????? you’re insane for that <3 obsessed with your brain truly🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
Hey even if MC burned the room MC will be able to encourage L&L to happen... but I doubt many burning room MCs will do that since the whole point of that scene was to make Luceris unhappy lol.
But if they do encourage Lancelot then they can take credit and dangle that in Luceris' face which is fun too in my opinion.
Now I also love love love how complex and insane Lancelot and Luceris' relationship is with MC. 🤭
I've received a few comments on how readers love hate how their MC ended up being like Luceris and that they can be themselves with him but not anyone else which is kinda funny in an insane way. 😭
Imagine the man that ruined your life being the one you can relate to or be yourself with. 💀
Thank you for your kind words, anon. 💗
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