#this meme is brought to you by a sleep-deprived OP
valiantstarlights · 11 months
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takingchences · 4 months
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ultraviolet pt. 9 - BAKUGOU
A descendant of a legendary quirk longs to separate herself from her family name, but first she'll have to confront villains, ghosts from the past, and her growing attraction for Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x OP!fem!oc
Warnings: mature language
series masterlist + face claim
After the attack, U.A gave the students the following two days off to rest and recover from their traumatic ordeal. Their first day back, Sana was horrified by the state of their homeroom teacher. Mr. Aizawa was wrapped head to toe in gauze, his eyes mere slits, with both of his arms in casts.
He looks like a freshly dead mummy.
She applauded his badassery and dedication, but after hearing from the others how serious his injuries were, she'd assumed (like a normal person) that the Pro Hero would at least be on bed leave for a few days. Considering how sleep deprived he seemed all the time, she thought he'd be thrilled. Apparently not.
He reminded them that the world famous U.A Sports Festival was drawing closer, and after recent events, all eyes would be on them. But no pressure, right? She balanced her chin on her fist.
Classes resumed like normal, as though USJ never happened. It wasn't until the final bell rang that things got, well, strange. Students from all grades and classes swarmed their classroom door, blocking them in. Shinso made a dramatic appearance, where he proceeded to declare war on their class and challenge the entire Hero Course for a spot. He'd made his intentions of joining the hero course clear very early into their friendship.
From how her classmates had described the entrance exam, people with quirks like Shinso's were doomed from the start. He never stood a chance making it into the Hero Course... until now.
He was determined to get noticed this time around, and Sana was willing to help him reach his goal however she could. She gave him tips to improve his training regimen and offered to spar with him whenever he wanted. The two had lunch together at his usual spot two or three times a week, and spent the majority of it exchanging memes and gushing over cute cat videos. Shinso was funny in a dry, sarcastic way that she appreciated. He was easy to talk to and his laid back attitude put her at ease.
He wasn't ready to join her at her table just yet, but she always kept a seat open just in case.
After finishing her homework, showering, and eating dinner, Sana set her grand plan in motion. Stretching out across her bed on her stomach, with her phone in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, she started typing.
Sent 8:03pm
Hey hotshot
Sent 8:06pm
The fuck
Sent 8:08pm
How the fuck did you get this number
Sent 8:09pm
I'm surprised you're still awake. You walk around like a grumpy old man with arthritic knees so I figured you'd be in bed by six
Sent 8:09pm
Sent 8:10pm
If I told you I'd have to kill you
Sent 8:11
I'd kill you first
Sent 8:12pm
Good luck with that considering you have no idea who I am
Sent 8:13pm
Fuck you
Sent 8:13pm
How the hell did you get my number
Sent 8:15pm
I gave Midoriya an offer he couldn't refuse
Sent 8:16pm
Sent 8:16pm
That's kinky
Sana smirked down at the screen as the message bubbles danced, anticipating his reply. She giggled quietly to herself, picturing him stomping around his room throwing a fit. She could practically hear his demonic screeching through the device.
Irritating Bakugou brought her a special type of joy. The only other experiences that could compare were rebelling against her father, or cracking Shoto's mask of indifference. The ability to provoke such intense emotions in someone was addictive.
It took a few minutes for the boy to respond.
Sent 8:21pm
I'm losing fucking brain cells talking to you
Sent 8:21pm
Well I know you only have so many to spare so I'll make this quick
Sent 8:21pm
Train with me
Sent 8:23pm
The fuck
Sent 8:25pm
You know that's not technically a question right?
Sent 8:26pm
Meet me at Yoshida Park at 10:00am
Sent 8:26pm
Fuck off
Sent 8:27pm
You're right. What could you possibly teach me? I'd be better off asking Midoriya
Sent 8:27pm
Sent 8:28pm
Another kink? I'm learning a lot about you Bakugou
Sent 8:29pm
Sent 8:31pm
Sent 8:31pm
Good night hotshot
The blonde tossed his phone across the room, screaming curses at the unknown number.
"Shut up, ya damn brat!" His mother's loud voice scolded him from downstairs. "Isn't it past your bedtime?!"
Bakugou walked with purpose towards Yoshida Park. He was familiar with it, having spent most of his childhood exploring the grounds with his followers. It was a short walk, but he'd had all night to plan. The unknown number had disrupted his sleep schedule after all.
First, he'd go to the park and murder whatever extra had been unlucky enough to mess with him. Then, on his way back, he'd pay Midoriya a special visit.
He had a list of suspects he'd been going back and forth on. First on the list was Shitty Hair, but Bakugou quickly realized it couldn't have been the spiky-haired boy. The redhead was putting in a lot of effort to befriend him—even more so after their team up during USJ—but the boy was far too shy. Second and third on his list were Dunce Face and Scotch Tape. They shared one brain cell between them, and both were confident enough to say such provocative things, but not so dumb that they'd ask to meet him face to face afterwards.
They had to know it would only end in bloodshed... theirs to be exact.
That left Raccoon Eyes or Flashlight. He hadn't interacted much with the pink-skinned girl, only in group settings, and even then, she'd barely stop to acknowledge him before getting into shit with Dunce Face or her "wifey."
One by one he marked names off until only one dumbass remained.
He stopped at the entrance of the park, spotting said girl leaning against a tree. Thick lashes fanned out across her cheekbones, her arms loosely crossed. A red and white gym bag was slung over her shoulder. She wore black leggings paired with a cherry red sports jacket, her hair held back by her signature ribbon. Bakugou himself sported his usual baggy black sweatpants and low cut black tank.
Her eyes fluttered open, the jewel-like irises sparkling in the morning sun. "Right on time." She pushed off of the tree. "Have you stretched?"
"I'm not here to train." He glowered down at her, their faces inches apart. Sana's expression remained neutral, but her amusement was obvious in the curve of her lips. "I'm here to kick your ass-"
"Again with the ass thing," Sana tutted, shaking her head in disapproval. "Is that all you can think about?"
"Shut the fu-"
"Language, asshole." she hissed, smacking his arm as a family of four walked by them. Sana gave him a coy smile. "There are children present."
Bakugou was seconds away from blowing a fuse, crackling sounds filling the air as his palms smoked. "Come on," she slid her hand down his arm with a soft, feather-like touch to grab his wrist. "Let's get started."
Bakugou muttered threats and curses under his breath, but continued to follow her to a secluded area with a dense tree line. A few feet ahead, the trees parted to reveal a decent sized clearing. "How did you get that damn nerd to give you my number?" The blonde grumbled, ripping his arm from her grip.
"Oh, that?" She shrugged. "I bribed him with a limited edition All Might collectible." She remembered how flushed the greenette became after she cornered him after class the other day. He'd been a sweaty, stuttering mess until she'd unzipped her backpack and shown him what she'd hidden inside. Seeing Bakugou's pissed off face now, it was definitely worth all the yen.
"... which one."
Sana blinked. His gruff voice was so quiet that she nearly didn't catch the words. The boisterous blonde she'd come to know was now scowling passionately at a tree, but his mouth was... is he pouting?!
Her lips split into a chesshire grin. "My, my. Is the mighty Bakugou secretly a fanboy?"
His brows furrowed even further at the teasing. "Do you ever shut the hell up?" His hair seemed to puff up even more in anger. Cute. "I'm nothing like that nerd!"
"Aren't you the nerdy one, though?" Sana tapped her chin with her pointer finger, eyes rolled upwards as she pretended to think. "I'm pretty sure you scored higher than him on last week's test."
She smirked in delight as Bakugou's body began to vibrate in anger, his nostrils flaring.
She stretched her body, warming up her muscles in preparation for what was probably going to be one of the hardest training sessions of her life. Bakugou wasn't the type to do anything without giving it his all. It was as admirable as it was daunting. She rolled her shoulders back, her neck popping with a satisfying crack. "Ready?"
The blonde smirked, his hands sparking to life. "I'm gonna enjoy this."
Fighting Bakugou proved to be even more of a challenge than she'd anticipated. He was strong and fast, every movement well thought out and well executed. He was also relentless, refusing to give her any time to recover or even think. It was purely instinctive, forcing her to rely on her reflexes. She was suddenly grateful for the decade of combat training Endeavor had instilled in every fiber of her being.
It was different, to say the least.
She was so used to going up against Shoto. Back when they were still talking, she'd been able to anticipate his movements with one look. Maybe that was part of the problem. Were they so intune with each other that there was no longer room for improvement? Had they reached a point in their training where they were unable to learn from each other going forward?
Sana groaned, returning to the problem at hand. She threw the blonde a dirty look for the particularly hard kick he'd just delivered to her side. He huffed a laugh, his lips parted in a crooked smile. "Not so cocky now, huh?"
"That's funny coming from you." She lunged, finally landing a hit to his jaw. They'd been at it for hours now, and Bakugou showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. There was no way he wasn't as exhausted as she was, but she knew he'd rather die than admit to such a thing. As if being human was equivalent to him being weak.
After another half hour of this, she finally gave up.
"Okay, okay." Sana backed away, holding her palms up in surrender. He stopped mid punch, his eyes narrowed. "Let's take a break."
He clicked his tongue, watching as she approached the gym bag she'd abandoned in the shade, walking back to him and dropping it at his feet. The pastel teen crouched to unzip the bag, removing two towels, some protein bars, and two water bottles. He caught the towel she tossed him with ease, swiping the fabric across his face and jaw. She plopped down on the ground, motioning for him to do the same. With an annoyed grunt, he complied, snatching the water and snack out of her hands.
She shook her head in amusement, knowing he wasn't nearly as frustrated as he pretended to be. "So dramatic," she muttered under her breath.
Surprisingly, the silence between them wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually pretty nice. She could hear the small sounds of nature around them: the low buzz of insects and the soft rustling of tree branches above their heads. It was something she'd never associated with Bakugou before...
After practically inhaling their protein bars, the two teens laid down on their backs in the grass. The sky had darkened to a dark blue, a few stars already visible.
Sana turned her head to peek at the boy next to her. Both of their chests were heaving lightly, their skin dewy with sweat. He had his arms folded behind his head with his eyes closed. As if feeling her gaze, he cracked one eye open and grimaced.
"What're you staring at?" Even in the limited light, she could've sworn his cheeks were now dusted in a rosy hue.
"Nothing," she averted her gaze, her own face burning under his scrutiny. "It's just... I'm glad you stayed." Sana admitted softly. Never in her life had she felt so bashful. It took everything in her not to squirm uncomfortably as she waited for him to say something. Anything. Bakugou scoffed, his eyes hooded as he watched the sky slowly darken. Sana joined him in stargazing. After a few minutes, the blonde cleared his throat.
"I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time."
Sana snickered. "That was really hard for you to admit, wasn't it?" A tch was his only response, but in the limited light, it almost looked like he was smiling. They stayed like that until the sky glittered with stars, like diamonds against midnight velvet. The two teens climbed to their feet, dusting dirt and grass off of their clothes. Sana called out just as Bakugou made to leave.
"Wait." The blonde turned to glance over his shoulder. The solar-powered girl riffled through her gym bag before pulling out a medium-sized package. "Here," she held it out for him to take. Bakugou removed his hand from his pocket and took the box. Flipping it around, his eyes widened. His jaw loosened in shock.
"The hell...?"
Sana rubbed her neck, avoiding looking directly at the blonde. "I figured I owed you for coming down here." She peeked at him from beneath her lashes. "You don't have that one, right?"
Bakugou clutched the box containing the limited edition Silver Age All Might figurine tightly. He remembered demanding his parents for one as a child. How they'd waited in line outside the store for hours, only for the shelves to be completely empty once they made it inside. How every store they went to was the same: the toy having sold out nationwide just hours after being released.
But here one was, after a decade of searching, in perfect condition... right in the palm of his hand.
He slowly lifted his head, vermillion eyes clashing with dark pink. A million questions raced through his mind. How had she known?
Sana bit her lip to contain her giddiness. She inched closer to him until there was hardly any space left between them. She inhaled the sweet scent of caramel and cologne that always clung to him. "Your number isn't the only thing Midoriya told me," she lifted herself on the balls of her feet, her breath hitting his cheek. "Katsuki."
They met up the next day, and the day after, until it became almost routine for them. They'd meet at Yoshida Park, or make the trip together straight after school if neither had plans. It came as a surprise to them both how well they got along when no one else was around. Sure, they still had the occasional spat, but it was mostly playful bickering and teasing to rile the other up. They both had a dark sense of humor, an almost unhealthy competitive streak, and a punch first, ask questions later approach to situations.
One afternoon, Bakugou had to leave earlier than usual. He'd grumbled something about 'dinner with the old hag' before storming off. Sana figured his grandparents were in town or something and decided to take off early too.
She texted Mina, asking her if she was free to hang out. The pinkette responded to her message at lightning speed, sending her the address of a cute new bakery she'd been dying to try. The walk took fifteen minutes or so. She spotted Mina waiting outside, the pink-skinned girl squealing as soon she noticed her. They shared a hug before entering the shop, quickly ordering drinks and a few desserts to share. Mina led her over to a table by the window, her hands clasped under her chin.
"So," she narrowed her black and yellow eyes suspiciously. "Where's your shadow?"
"My what?" Sana leaned forward. Mina followed suit, lowering her voice as if her next words were top secret.
"Bakugou, duh."
"What?" Sana fell back in her chair with a laugh.
Mina waved her hand around dismissively. "You know what I mean. Wherever you are, he's bound to show up sooner or later." The waiter appeared with their order, interrupting the energetic girl before she could go on.
Sana reflected on her friend's words as she sipped on her bubble tea. It was true that Bakugou always seemed to be around whenever she needed him. He'd helped her during the stampede in the halls, as well as telling off that reporter for her. He'd been by her side before the class was separated by the warp villain. While she'd been recovering after the USJ attack, Shoto had briefly mentioned something about her helping Bakugou, though she didn't remember much. The blonde hadn't said a word to her about it, and she'd been too preoccupied with not thinking about USJ.
"I guess I..." she answered softly. "I hadn't noticed."
Mina paused mid-sentence, having already moved onto another topic. Some third year gossip she'd heard from Hagakure, who'd overheard some upperclassman whispering about it during break.
She'd noticed how her friend had been pushing herself harder since the villain attack. How busy she was with training. Mina hadn't been there with her when she was attacked, but she'd seen the damage inflicted on the villains. Afterwards, Kirishima mentioned how strange Sana had acted right before the teachers' arrival. "You'd tell me, right?" Mina pressed, her pretty face troubled. "If something was wrong?"
It was odd hearing the bright, cheerful girl suddenly sound so serious. It didn't fit her character at all. Sana forced a radiant smile, wanting any doubts about her or their friendship to disappear. She trusted Mina, she really did, but she didn't want to burden her with her problems, especially when she was still trying to figure them out herself.
"Of course," Sana assured her. "We're best friends after all."
A scarred, yet handsome face came to mind. She wondered if it was normal for best friends to hide things from each other. In Recovery Girl's office, Shoto had implied that she'd betrayed him in some way. If only she knew what the hell he was talking about.
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hailpiratekingrouge · 5 years
character meme: Law, Kidd, Bonney
send me a character and i’ll list:
Trafalgar Law
favorite thing about them: His skilled mind and manner of using his powers. Yes its used for surgical purposes and he has a background in medicine but he didn’t have a background in using his devil frui and what’s interesting is that his very first patient was most likely himself. Operating on someone else is scary enough but operating n yourself is even worse.
least favorite thing about them: I guess it’s his fixation on his revenge which is both understandable but frustrating  at the same time. Revenge blinds your sense of reason and that is what can get you killed
favorite line:“There are things you can't see unless you change your standing“
brOTP: LAW AND BEPO! MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! YOU CAN NEVER GIVE ME ENOUGH OF LAW AND BEPO!, Law and Chopper, Law and Robin because i see Robin as the big sister who annoys her little brother,
OTP: None.
nOTP: I am not going to stop people from shipping who they like but... Law x Doffy, Law x Corazon
random headcanon: 
      -Law can not sleep alone at night. I am not saying it to romanticize things but after years of fear of being killed because of the White Lead Disease and later on for stealing the Ope Ope no Mi from Doffy he became extremely paranoid and could barely sleep alone.
      - His crew is aware of his insomnia because whoever is on night watch or walks past his room, Law is always awake unless he’s on deck with the one who’s on night watch or taking a nap with Bepo.
      - Bepo obviously knows why his captain has insomnia and his paranoia. That doesn’t stop this polar bear from encouraging his captain to sleep or covering him with a blanket when he actually does fall asleep 
unpopular opinion: Law is not 100% nice like he’s portrayed as. Sure this man has saved Luffy at Marineford but have you not seen that sadistic grin on his face when he said Luffy’s operation is going to be painful? Or in Punk Hazard had not been for Nami and Chopper’s insistence he would have left the kids there to suffer. Hell he knew (or had some inkling of how) to get the drugs out of their system to prevent the kids from going crazy. Law is a great character but people need to stop making him into a 100% good guy, sleep deprived guy who hates bread.
song i associate with them: Human By Christina Perii
favorite picture of them: I am not sure in what sense this actually means but I really like that scene where Zoro slings an arm around Law and has him join the party at the end of Dressrosa when they’re heading to Zou.
Eustass “Captain” Kid
favorite thing about them: His aggressive behavior XD
least favorite thing about them: Too soon to say. probably when he’s being a dick
favorite line: “You know… On our journey up to this point, we’ve been laughed at and ridiculed whenever we mentioned getting our hands on the One Piece. And each time that happened, I slaughtered everyone who laughed. But what lies ahead is a sea of death for those who don’t got the guts to mention it. Let’s meet again in the New World!”
brOTP: Kid/ Killer
OTP: None
nOTP: None
random headcanon:
        -I have this weird ass image of Kid meeting that one kid who doesn’t get scared of him whenever that kid sees him. So Kid would scowl and tell him “Scram kid! I don’t have time for you” and the Kid just stares at him “You’re tall”. 
         -Kid just gets really annoyed with the kid and actually has these weird facial expression contests with the kid. The crew is way too amused by the antics and Killer just teases “Losing to a 5 year old, captain?” 
unpopular opinion: He isn’t just the hothead that fanon portrays him as. This man has a great mind behind his sadistic manner and brutish appearance. He had Killer become an arms trader to try and infiltrate the Underworld. Who do you think made the weapons and designs? Kid. He needs to have some knowledge of engineering to make the equipment he does and utilize his powers at best as he can. So making him an angry hulking caveman? no. 
song i associate with them: Desi Boys (Its an Indian song XD)
favorite picture of them
Jewelry Bonney
favorite thing about them: ONLY FEMALE PIRATE CAPTAIN IN THE WORST GENERATIONleast favorite thing about them: Good grief woman, Neither you nor Luffy need more enemies just because Luffy punched the Celestial in the face and brought Kizaru down on Sabaody
favorite line: “He’s an idiot and his captain is too”
brOTP: Kid/Bonney, Kid/ Bonney, Bonney/Luffy
OTP: None
nOTP: None
Random Headcanon:
       -This is coming from someone who has no knowledge of her backstory. Bonney has a high metabolism and is actually food aggressive as she lived in immense poverty. Food was scarce and difficult to come by and even after years of having freed herself from that situation she is aggressive and people just perceives it as glutton and greed 
Unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
Favorite picture of them
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