#this isnt. my fav drawing im struggling rn
crocodiiia · 1 month
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nina :3 shes my fav
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huniebunny · 2 years
Hello! I just saw your matchups and wanted to get one while they were still open :) Also yeah itd be cool to make these like an seasonal evemt type of thing!
For the creepypasta fandom,,
My preferred nicknames are really just my nickname wich is "cath" idm whatever people call me really just not baby or babygirl it's so "ugh" imo
My appereance;
Ive got shoulder length brown fluffy hair with some blue streaks in it (i dyed brown over my blue hair and it just barely worked out),,green eyes and i'm chubby, my pronouns are they/them, my sexuality is just not labeled atm but any gender is fine!! And i'm 17
Idrk if this matters but i'm a capricorn and enfp :]
As for my personality;
I'm a kind person but i can get annoyed kinda easily, im also pretty creative and love to draw and like art in generall. Sometimes my confidence is pretty high and sometimes its just not there lol but im pretty outgoing, i love to go out and do stuff but also like the opposite im someone that loves to sleep and can be in my room all day without problem, so im just down to do whatever if im in the mood for that. Im also like the type of person thats just "whatever" and not very open about my feelings and whats on my mind i prefer to keep my problems etc all to myself but i do love to talk about the stuff im passionate about! But overall id say im a happy calm person thats sleepy most of the day
Some of my main interests rn:
- art
- greek mythology
- music
- genshin impact
- some manga and animes i watch
- books
And just some of my favorite things of all time;; the forest and its colors like brown and greens, black and any greyish color 2, my room (i absolutely adore my room it gives off coffee vibes),,vegetable soup>>,, my bed, pillows,coffee,,spending nights awake just vibing and sleeping through the day, watching movies and building lego sets lol
I dislike it alot if someone makes a mess of my room lol itll bother me for awhile ngl, i also tend to hold grudges alot so like a fight with someone could last awhile even tho idm apologizing id still be a bit mad or annoyed for some time
My love language would be quality time like just hanging out in my room would be just fine for me, i love cuddles and stuff but not if its too much and all the time yk. Like i dont want to have a person clinging onto me all the time, so some space and just alone time would be perfect for me,,ofc i still love cuddles and stuff just not all the time kdkskse
I like to wear anything comfortable i'm usually just in my pjs 24/7 lol since im a very sleepy person by nature its only natural ofc but if id have to go out id wear some comfy baggy clothes :)
I love going on walks in forests and listening to music with headphones its such a vibe tbh and im currently learning myself how to crochet!! And i really wanna learn how to figure skate aswell.
I struggle alot with self image aswell so im planning on working out more so i can feel more happy with myself not only body figure etc but just everything about me in general (this js kinda odd admitting it bc i tend to keep it to myself)
I get bad mood swings sometimes aswell but youd notice it its kinda obvious when im annoyed or mad lol
My fav music artists rn are;; lana del rey, billie eilish, melanie martinez, gorillaz, oliver tree, taylor swift, ans more but those are the ones i can think of rn
I think thats like about all ( what i can think of rn lol) i hope it isnt too long these are ways so hard to like put all together but thank you in advance!! Make sure to stay hydrated be safe and have a good day <33
[Hello, bunny! Pardon the wait! And thank you so much for the kind words! I hope you enjoy your matchup!]
You’re Matched With…
Kate the Chaser!!!
What's your relationship to them?
Lover | Friend | Family | Acquaintance | Annoyance | Rival | Enemy
How did you meet?
Kate attempted to attack you actually. You were in Slenderman’s bounds from the forest, and she had every reason to kill you at the time. But the light from your phone screen forced her to scurry off.
First impressions?
She was not very happy with your first meeting. You were trespassing and triggered her photophobia.
General Dynamic:
Despite her failed attempt at killing you, she hunted you down all the way to your residence.
It was the dead of night, so she did not expect you to be awake. She hissed that your bedroom light was on and simply waited for you to go to bed.
Only for you to not do so until the sun began to rise.
It was a few days of this cycle before she noticed your bedroom light off. Were you finally asleep?
She snuck in, trying to find you, when you suddenly came up to her mask and practically interrogated her for stalking the window.
It was really after that, that your friendship started. With a promise that you didn’t say a word about her presence to anyone else, she’d come around to hang out.
Lights were always out when she’s around, and she was glad that you were so considerate.
She’s your workout coach, taking you out to the woods where no one would find you.
A gift of hers is a lake deep in Slender’s bounds that froze over for the winter. You both learn to ice skate together.
She’s not a very physically affectionate person, but is rather cat-like when she does. The minimal contact and maximum affection gesture? Headbutting! Anywhere, any position. Her forehead will lightly bump you.
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