#this is the biggest scam google has ever played on me
dog-day-morning · 3 years
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The word of God tells us we shall suffer for the cause of Christ, he who seeks a greater reward must attain a greater faith. Unto whom much is given that much more is required. You wanna eat that whole caramel cake, you crave that sweet tea, you pursue that woman in a nightclub hoping to get her in a compromised position, face down tail up because face it, we're not willing to bow down to the will of God, but we’re so happy, and ready to give in to that round mound of doo doo brown. The 3 Hebrew boys Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego went into the fiery furnace defying Nebuchadnezzar's declaration to worship him. These men had the inspiration, strength, and courage to say, even if He doesn't deliver us, we know that He can. That kind of faith is called perfected faith. We can be lazy because we refuse to work with what God gave us before the day of calamity comes to devour us. Tribulation is kicking into high gear, and many of God’s people are none the wiser. There are people who were working 3 jobs before, and after this pandemic became a global concern who know what is on the horizon. You don't need an Issachar spirit to discern the times; read the Bible. He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time? The gov't has pulled back on unemployment benefits forcing many to find a job. The 2 righteous servants in the parable of the 3 servants increased the wealth of their employer who trusted 3 men with different amounts of talents [money], and the 1 who didn't work diligently for his master inherited weeping, and gnashing of teeth. God invested in us, and He expected a greater return from this major investment. Jesus was the greatest financial venture ever made. The Father placed His faith in His Son who in turn gave Him many more sons that walk amongst us waiting for the Day of Judgment. This investment which supersedes all, but are intertwined will never decrease, and forever increase. The 144,000 isn't a spiritually inspired interpretation based on mine, and Mima getting the Holy Ghost or having an encounter with the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues. Sit down grandma, your Depends are leaking brown stuff that reeks of formaldehyde, and raw chitlins. God is looking for a righteous Nation to worship Him not themselves. These men, and boys who represent the 12 tribes of Israel have never been defiled by women, and hopefully not by men either. You lucky mother You can take the word literally or as a misinterpretation. Those who don't believe in the written word who believe that God's word isn't infallible aren't all to blame for this heresy. Those who originally interpreted the King James Bible added to, and took from are suffering for a misleading interpretation. The prophetic which God didn't let man corrupt altogether has pretty much played out verbatim. We may be dying to a world that is trying to kill our faith that God has no intention of doing until He finds His true worshippers, and He’ll never destroy one's faith in Him. Winter is coming and you and I must be prepared. We must live like today is our last without being caught up in fear. I'm suffering from a form of laziness called jackass. God shall supply all your needs, but faith without works is dead. The ant has the intuition to work throughout the Summer knowing that Winter is coming. A lot of these drones won't live to see the finished product. Ant mounds look like the Pyramids of Giza that secure the Queen, but where is the King? They serve the one who gives life that sustains the colony, she is their goddess, but what happens if the Queen dies? There's more than one Queen serving the colony who can breed an entire colony independent of one other. fulfilling their role while working together in unison with the others who all serve a greater purpose. This
is a major element that drives the Kingdome of heaven. Christ is just like His Father In the Kingdome that includes the Holy Spirit which they will pour upon all flesh again soon. There are no cowards or sinners in the Kingdome. The angels are not as drones, they are blessed warriors.
Revelation 21:8
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
1 Corinthians 6:8-10
8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Alkebulan we need to wake up and get right. Black American's of the tribes of Judah, Gad, Reuben, and Issachar you need to aim at my forehead, and scatter my scatter brained grey matter all over the pavement. When Joe Biden told a radio podcaster if you don't vote for me you're not Black, he must be color blind. This vaccine that suspiciously looks like the Mark of Whodunnit. They can plant a microchip in your arm that can track your every move, financial transaction, and possibly your dreams while you sleep. Some Walmart stores are refusing to take cash when you check out; they only take debit, and credit cards. These are signs that we’re living in the End Times. The Last Days. I'm looking at this as a sign to get the hell outta this city, and decompose. What in God's name am I afraid of? Jesus took a beat down like a man on a mission.. You're not weak or simping if you gave your life for a people you fed, healed, gave sight to, preached to, taught them a new way to live, pray, love, told them about a Kingdome greater than Jerusalem, and you didn't kill anybody in the process knowing what they were going to do to your physical body in an almost retarded like bid to destroy their salvation. I've done none of that; my bad. Stop looking for men, especially zaddy to deliver us. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Some of us foolheartedly called Bill Clinton the first Black president when he's not, never can, or will be to me in any sense, Barack wasn't either. Thomas Jefferson, the third elected president, who served two terms between 1801 and 1809 was described as the “son of a half-breed Indian squaw (Black) and a Virginia mulatto father (Black).” Abraham Lincoln, the nation’s 16th president, served between 1861, and 1865. Lincoln had very dark skin, and coarse hair and his mother allegedly came from an Ethiopian tribe. His heritage fueled so much controversy that Lincoln was nicknamed “Abraham Africanus the First” by his presidential opponents and cartoons were drawn depicting him as a Negro. Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight David Eisenhower, and the scourge of the South Andrew Jackson were all n**gahs. I’ll see you come Hanukkah you self-hating black, Uncle Ruckus’s. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, why should I be overjoyed about the genocide, and enslavement of God's people? Christmas is what it is. Hopefully you will celebrate this holiday season together fulfilling God's prophetic word. I can't unless you kill me. The Christmas holiday is as pagan as Joel Osteen is at scamming. David Duke, you might wanna go to ancestry.com, and take a DNA test. You might be 30% Swahili. By the looks of those big, gorilla nostrals you had before that rhinoplasty. You, and Bull Connor may be related to Idi Amin. Your biggest shame is your greatest blessing. Personally you can kiss the skid marks in the middle of my skid marks after I take a fresh dump. Conservative, political pundits, and wannabes whose names I won't mention, but one in particular who looks like he smoked 23 blunts in 15min. with no filter. Please keep him in California, and let him drown with his zaddy, and pancaked tail, bowed hipped women. Use your lips as a floatation device dude. These people are ashamed of the God who has blessed many, and plenty. These people suffer, hopefully not always, from the white savior or white zaddy complex. The truth isn't in any of them, that's why they're so adept at lying when making bold-faced statements before the public that opposes their previous opinion like people don’t have YouTube or google. I’ll Bing a factoid or Yahoo that mother to get the truth I may even pay for it, gimme a dollar. My inability to walk amongst men as a man has stagnated my propensity to live That's BS, my Apostle said something this past Sunday that's stuck on my forehead. YOU'RE LAZY!!! I am what I am, a pain in the rear end. This has gone on way too long. Sometimes
I feel as though God wants me to kill myself because the PO PO won’t. I would feel better if my natural family would stab me in the neck, not my back, with a piece of diseased, pork, spare rib from a boar hog, and let me die from a rare form of trichinosis. The people have spoken while I’m playing Jay, and Silent Bob. Father, get me outta here. Elohim, 9/16/2021
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
This is coming from a place of genuine confusion....but why does a sect of the fandom dislike Marisha so much?? Like, I haven't seen it for ANY of the other players. Is it a "wife/girlfriend of the DM" complex, because I've seen that before. Idk, I don't get it, and no amount of googling has made me understand lol.
okay, to preface, i absolutely disagree with all of the marisha hate, i think she's a great player and is really unfairly treated
but a couple reasons why this tends to be a thing:
1) just plain old regular misogyny, yeah. all the girls on cr get it to an extent, but it's stronger with marisha - the idea that dnd is inherently a man's game and therefore no woman could be good at it is pervasive even in this fandom, not outright, but in subtle things, like how people give the guys a lot more leeway to do dumb shit than the girls, and on dnd posts in the past i've seen comments like "this reads like how laura and marisha would describe dnd while their husbands facepalm in the background", which like... isn't really harmful on the surface, but i have a hard time imagining matt and especially travis ever facepalming at their wives genuine ideas? like if it's obviously meant to be something ridiculous and not taken seriously, sure, but otherwise, that subtle implication that they see travis as a better player than laura is just way off. (and matt has more dnd experience than marisha but like... she's still a very good player)
2) the keyleth instinct. so here's the thing about campaign one and the characters they chose to play - the majority of the cast played within their comfort zone. they branched out a lot for c2, and obviously they as people aren't identical to their vox machina counterparts, but they're not too far away either. liam's stated he irl would be a rogue, taliesin likes playing intelligent edgy teenage assholes bc he was one, laura is a bit more goofy than vex but she still thinks a lot the same, scanlan is very sam, travis is obviously a lot smarter than grog but he still fell very in line with the kind of character travis is comfortable playing and the things he wants to explore.
but marisha chose a character in campaign one who was completely the opposite of her natural self. marisha is confident and very take no shit and a natural leader, keyleth is awkward and shy and doubts herself and overthinks things and has really bad luck in basically everything she ever tries. and people watched campaign one and assumed all of those traits were just the way marisha was. if you aren't drawn to keyleth as a character, it's relatively easy to find ways to hate her (which again circles back to the misogyny a bit). they see keyleth constantly fuck up due to awkwardness and think "marisha doesn't know how to play the game". they see keyleth be a mess of a person socially and think "wow marisha's not a very good actor if she can't handle this", completely ignoring the fact that she is acting very well and it's proven by the fact that they think keyleth is marisha
(and while she still gets hate as either character, the keyleth hate was far worse than the beau hate)
3) people just, not getting what she's doing. i wasn't in the fandom for the early days of cr2, but i have friends who were, and they've said there were circles of the fandom where everything marisha did was in question, even people not believing beau was a lesbian when it's made obvious in episode one, because what if she's doing it on purpose as a scam? and like, to broaden that a bit, i think marisha's characters and their decisions get misread a lot. i personally happen to find both beau and keyleth very relatable, so i usually get where they're coming from (mostly, bowlgate i was more on caleb's side there, but i still don't think she deserves hate for it), but to people who don't, or just haven't put effort into trying to understand marisha's characters, then between keyleth's awkwardness and beau's abrasiveness i think the majority of what they pick up from marisha's characters is negative
which is a shame, because they're both really good, well thought out, interesting characters.
4) this is going into my own meta for a bit, but, something i've found about marisha's characters is they're quite down to earth and very easily the viewpoint character of the group, in a way? like obviously it's an ensemble cast, but like... let's take keyleth. campaign one starts and ends with her. the very first adventure is triggered by her leaving home for the first time, to start her aramente. she's led a sheltered life up to this point, she doesn't know the world she's walking into - so we learn about this fantasy world at the same time she does. she has the most linear and easy to follow development, her aramente spans most of the story, and once it's done things only get more centered on her. she's now a leader of her people, she's fulfilled her destiny, but that means she lives so long all her worst fears are coming true - that she'll have to spend the rest of her life alone. how did we learn this was her biggest fear? because she's been scared since the start of losing vax, but the reason she has him at all is she resolved to not let that fear control her. and then as the endgame comes in, she suddenly has to face that head on. vax has a week left to live. barely two days after, they run into sprigg - someone who lived so long after all his friends died that he's lost himself, forgotten them, become a hermit of a person who's just living because he's got nothing better to do - everything keyleth believes she will become, and fears so much. but he proves she can still choose to remember them, and choose to live in their absence, not just survive. keyleth is the one who seals away vecna, who's grown so much in her power since that little scared druid girl, she can banish a god. and our story ends with her, and her father, and a raven - she's moving on, she's living, she's thriving, but she'll never forget.
if i was gonna write out vox machina's story as a novel, there is no character who would better suit being the protagonist than her
it's a bit less strong with beau, but she's still one of the more relatable characters, she's a human, who had a rebellious teenage years because of shitty overbearing parents, she's not a magic user, she's from the country we start in (and doesn't have a dark dangerous mystical secret like caleb and veth), a lot of the big turning points in the story have had her take the lead, it's the relative mundanity that gives a contrast to and lifts up the others, while still being a highly interesting character in her own right. beau is a grounding force of the mighty nein.
i personally like those kinds of characters, but i've noticed in almost all fandoms with a main character and then a group of side characters, the main character is rarely anyone's fave, overlooked in favour more (subjectively) interesting side characters, but then because the story puts the focus on the main character, people get sick of them and start to hate them? and in this form of storytelling, there is no main character, but people sorta do that to those kinds of characters anyway. and in addition to all the other marisha stuff, that probably contributes
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vertex-official · 3 years
VerTex Reviews 2021| Scam Or Does It Really Works?
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Vertex seems to be one of the best video syndication softwares I’ve seen in a while. How it could help me? Well, it can help me launch my online education business faster by uploading my promo videos and my instructional videos all over the internet! So, yes this is definitely a tool that could be life saving for any start-up online business!
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When you watch your first Go video and you see your name and your face in the video – it CERTAINLY makes an impact. It looks like magic. And I totally get why these videos are flying off the shelves to clients
The Vertex guys have a whole bunch of successful case studies and testimonials – and even one from a 11 year old girl who made her first $200 online using this thing. It really does live up to the hype.
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
**Beware of Nintendo Switch Scam**
    Everybody is cooped up these days--Animal Crossing: New Horizons has got so many of us intrigued--and Nintendo Switch demands are piling up. Admittedly, we all like some good fun and what better way to spend it than testing out the new beautiful god-smacking Animal Crossing everybody has been raging about? From those beautiful lavish interior design shots, to the diva-divine clothing lines, to the peaceful tranquil music lashed across in screenshots and play-throughs. Who DOESN’T want to get their hands on a Nintendo Switch right now? 
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     I really wanted my own switch for these reasons. I am a die-hard fan of animal crossing. You bet I was making my ways as a Tom Nook slave since the Gamecube days. Ever since I heard about the new game for the switch I knew I HAD TO HAVE IT. The thing is, the timing was never right. I didn’t have a switch. 
     When we did get it one Christmas, the game was set to launch MONTHS away. I had planned to call dibs on it during my birthday, or y’know Christmas. But no miracle happened. It was coming out in MARCH. 
     So, after deliberately DYING about the fact that I had no switch for my own and that I had no new Animal Crossing--my mother backstabbed me (perhaps unknowingly) and bought my 10 year old sister the game for her B-day. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, the BETRAYAL. This was a MAJOR loss for me being that now that meant she’d own the island. And we all know how we feel about this whole whose-is-what-it Island situation. There’s a whole lot of debates about it. 
I know it’s not the biggest deal, but the disappointment across my face was evident--more so than I would have wished. I gotta say it really upset me. It’s the feeling of hoping for something so dear to you being stripped out and patched into someone else’ grasp after passionately weaving it out in your pursuits. You know that it doesn’t stitch together as well as with the ones’ whose lap its been placed in, and yet it doesn’t necessarily belong to you either. And you’d think that it’d be obvious, and it hurts a lot, but you just have to accept that  sometimes you don’t get what you want even after talking about it like your life was depending on it. Yeah, I’m still salty about is, so what? That’s not even what matters! SHE owns the island. 
I knew she’d grow tired and ditch ACNH after 1-2 weeks of playing. Still, that wouldn’t mean that i’d get to just re-vamp the island, or take it over, or *cough* *cough* destroy it. 
So I decided I’d get myself a Nintendo Switch and buy ACNH. Something about seeing someone HAVE what I wanted on their own terms just itched me to make it happen for myself, so I declared war. War on my wallet. 
      Now that I have bought a Nintendo Switch, I realize that along with God, the universe also doesn’t like me. 
Wanna know why? Well, when I first searched for the Nintendo Switch online the results for sights and their pricing was DRASTICALLY different to what I see now when I look it up. The website in which stole me of $99 of my hard-earned busting my ass off money, is NOWHERE to be seen anymore. It’s almost like it didn’t exist. The problem is: it does. You may be next. And you may be scammed. But damn, God, why did it have to be me? 
I know that my blog isn’t about this topic usually--but I just wanted to warn anyone out there who is trying to get a good deal on a Nintendo Switch. Because I just got scammed big time. Yes, now we’re finally getting into the actual exposé of this site after side-baring about how much of a Judas situation this manifesting Animal Crossing New Horizons into my life has been for me!!
     You see, prices on Nintendo Switches are CRAZY HIGH now that times arer hard. People want to overcharge for these things. It’s hard to run across a good deal near the original price of the Nintendo Switch. And when you’re desperate like me and you’ve had the raging hormones of i’ve just been et-tu-brutue’d by your mother you may just not hear the warning signs going off in your head and jump to the best sounding deal. 
But here’s the deal--there is no deal. 
     Yet just like flies, the lollipop caught mein google-eyed eyes and stuck me to its lies. When I saw this A-MAH-ZING $98.75 listing for the console from Solefiness.fun as the 1st website recommended to me from google--I freaked. 
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Being offered right next to those sky high prices from websites like Ebay and Tecobuy(whose offers ranged from $350-450) Solefiness.fun was really bringing out the “I CAN DO THIS” in me. 
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I love cheap thrills. I felt like a rat walking in to the cheese, who couldn’t see the trap. 
   I took no time into emptying my wallet. Which fair enough, I deserved it. If I’m stupid enough to jump right in the shark’s mouth CAN I really be mad that I got eaten? Who buys from a site which such low prices and no reviews and no sense of security? 
   Surprisingly, probably a lot of people(can’t confirm that)--maybe I’m the only one. Let’s say I’m not though. Well, who would be at risk? Other desperates, and of course those who like me, don’t know anything a dime about “finessing”. 
 And it kinda is my fault that I’m not “caught” up on all the latest terms since recently adulting into the world and having no chance to chase up to these new expressions, such as “finesse”. 
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     If I knew a lick about what “finesse” meant then maybe I would’ve noped right out of that transaction. Hell, even dodged that site after it was recommended to me. How meta can this scam-site get? Cleverly naming itself “Solefiness.fun” as it slicks us away of our money. Maybe I should have listened to my brother and downloaded TikTok. I would’ve known what finessing was all about. 
     But at the same time, NOBODY deserves to be scammed. After serving a bunch of Karens do you THINK I want to just hand my money over to some basement-boy Bobby whose “finessing” his way by breaking the hearts of little Animal Crossing lovers--Switch lovers--Playstation 4 lovers--and whatever else this crude prude “sells” on his/her site? 
     Bitch, you have a storm coming in wreaking my Nintendo dreams. I’m about to switch it up real quick! I don’t want non y’all to get finessed, so I’m about to spread the word about this baloney. 
If you’re wondering: how DID I not see the danger signs? Sure it might’ve been called finesse something something, but weren’t there others clues? OF COURSE.  I wanted to believe in this great deal, was all. It was the desperation--the spontaneous energy--and now the sober regret. I was so proud of cashing out for this purchase. So excited. But not for long. 
 Because I awoke the minute it charged my account and refused to complete my order. Why did it charge me AND still ask for a payment?  Why was my damn cart still full? Who the hell do you think you are charging my account under some new company name--which is now Chinese-and labeling my purchase under the category of “Construction”? 
Let’s not forget that USPS has not informed me of ANY packages and the tracking tells me you delivered it to me 10 DAYS before I even placed the order? What in the scam-oli?
Long story short, it wasn’t very hard to build a case against this site. Especially since the order # started with “idc” and followed with a bunch of randomized numbers and letters? Nice try finessing phineases and ferb fucker. 
I know order #s are VERY random but it had this randomness that just screamed imagined and randomized by a fucked up human scammer. It won’t bot-y or natural. It was orchestrated the house. 
So my dears, DO NOT BUY FROM: https://www.solefiness.fun/
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yourrahadkhan-blog · 4 years
1 Best 26 Free Android apps For 2019
We can say for our phone “everything in the little” like hand-sized supercomputers, high definition display and battery of days, but you can’t take their full advantage if you are away from best android apps.
The variety of Android apps is continuously growing. There are apps for almost everything, about more than 1 million apps are available on Google Play Store today!
It has been 10 years since the Android system was first released by Google and now it’s gone higher than ever, but quantity doesn’t mean quality. You can go as further as you can while searching for some good apps but the list will never end probably. So here are some best android apps and the best android games for 2019.  
Best Social Apps 2019:
You can get in touch with the world through stunning social media trends. However, people have always been looking for some ways to connect with each other, Which is now easily possible with numerous social apps that have ways to make you socially active and happy with family, friends, and with social trends!
‘Tweets’ are now ruling the social media for most. The stack twitter is much good for posting your opinions and thoughts on which the whole world can react.
The most easily accessible app you will ever found to keep yourself entertained as well as connected. Everyone is easy here so you can enjoy here with friends and family or you can see funny memes and gifs.
This app is related to Facebook and used for chatting. You can just enter into with your Facebook account and start with emoji’s, video calling and better notification system. This great app will also work with Snapchat and Instagram soon, so get ready for all in the package.
When it comes to beauty and quality of social apps, Instagram is always hitting hard. It is popular for stories and beauty filters you must try!
It includes a range of different task, you can share short videos “snaps”, do message, live video chatting, epic, and funny face filters and the story option will definitely impress you. It also offers you store your media to private storage so it’s hard not to say about its uniqueness.
Best Android Games 2019:
The best way to entertain yourself and increase your problem-solving skills is to play games. You can get active with improved multitasking ability to make you refresh and happy. The gaming list is too wide, but the below-mentioned games are addictive and comfortable with players.
Clash Of Clans
One of the widely supported and played a game of 2019 is Clash of Clans. Against millions of online players, you can create your own territory and set your rule for friends and foe. You should try it once for getting stuck into it.
PUBG Mobile
PUBG mobile is gone too strong for the year 2018 and still going stunning in early 2019. The variety of maps and team-leading can make you a warrior so be careful, it’s gameplay is highly addicting.
Asphalt 8: Airborne
Unleash your speeding spirit and go for the best ever racing game. Fill up your nitro bottles and go for ahead. This all-time favorite game is Eight versions of Asphalt racing games which is showing great performance even after, Asphalt 9: Overdrive is released.
NFL Kicker
Choose your favorite team there and be a legend NFL kicker! It’s casual for playing yet very enjoyable. You can pass even hours of playing this game for beating the high scores.
Trivia Crack
Well versed in old fashion and the award-winning game always fits great to battle with your friends. You can connect it from Facebook and enjoy it with your friends for hours.
Subway Surfers
To get away from the police inspector, you have to keep jumping, rolling and running. Subway Surfers has many characters to be unlocked and play with. You can set your high score and share it to the game server and be a lifetime runner.
Best Online Stores 2019:
We all don’t want to mess with bazaar and crowd for searching what looks good to us. The online shopping store is a quick and easy option now. You can make your whole kind of shopping done with ease through the mentioned apps. Wide and trusted names are always available and ready for us to be delivered.
Amazon is now ruling the online store industry and is one of the biggest and most trusted selections around. You can probably spend hours there while shopping, it has special discounts and other offers to keep the people interested in it. However, It is best and fast.
It has plenty of stuff for that you can use it. It facilitates customer to customer relationship for being used. Their selling options are good so you should check it out now!
CPro for Craiglist
It is popular and mostly used wide for shipping. But be careful with scams and caution provided, you should always meet your seller or buyer at a safe and well-known place. Just go with it and deal with variety.
While you are using these all online markets, you may need to focus on your balances for purchase. You can check all incoming and outgoing payments for various projects. So PayPal is basically holding your all records including receipts for PayPal debit card purchases and others.
Meh Notifier
This app works great with the mobile version and lets you always bought from here. You can use it easily yet effectively.
Recommended Android Apps for 2019:
There are thousands of other excellent apps other than I mentioned above, but here are some apps that we recommend you to install them in your mobile and have a great experience with the Android apps army.
Google Play Music
If you are a music lover and can’t stop listening to your favorite song then Google Play Music makes it easy to choose your themed playlists for moods, genres and weekly highlights of new tunes. It can store thousands of your own songs, that are always ready to play with All-access subscription. Start using it now! I really hope you will like it.
Netflix has over 148 million total subscriptions including free trials from the whole world. So you can that such a big audience is only here because they are doing good and working for real entertainment. You can spend hours watching thousands of TV series, movies and much more using Netflix.
You may fall in love with Instagram after using it because of its the environment. You can see your followed friends stories and upload yours for once who follow you. Another cause is that you can meet the celebrities you like and follow them to see what they are doing in their real lives.  
The fun messaging app is free and with multiple options of chatting like, there are bundles of all types of emoji. You can do chatting, voice messaging, video calling and so on with its status feature. Just upload picture or video you like and know what your all saved contacts are thinking about it.
Completely free and most easy to use website is Youtube I would say. It never fails to amaze me with their creative content creators and official music brands. You can just sign up using your Gmail account to enter and start surfing.
Still the most usable and easy to run cloud storage you will ever find. You can upload your file to their servers and take it whenever and where ever you want. It works fast and secured so it’s a must-have for now. You will be attached to it after using it just once because I’m sure you will find it useable and important.
Google Maps
Google has everything you need! Even if you need directions to your place, navigation instructions or just finding something specific then Google Maps app is familiar with your all routes. Just choose your destination and directly reach there.
Zedge has the biggest and chosen collection of wallpapers, backgrounds, text alerts, ringtones and so on. Just install the Zedge app, choose your required things and make your mobile better.
So, You may check all Best Android Apps for 2019, They are selected from a broad list of best apps so you can choose quickly choose from our list and be ready for best ever Android experience.
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aabapk · 3 years
OfferUp App
Get OfferUp app, learn everything about the OfferUp and Letgo platform, complete guide on how to use OfferUp and set up account also shocking reviews of customers.
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Download OfferUp App Apk
What is OfferUp App Apk.
Buy. Sell. Letgo. – OfferUp and Letgo are now one big mobile marketplace.
Buy, sell and shop deals on thousands of unique items nearby! So whether you want to make some extra money by selling your used furniture or want to do some clothes shopping the choice is yours with OfferUp.
OfferUp App makes it easy to find great deals on the things you want and make money on the things you want to sell. Ditch the Classified Ads and garage sales — this is the best way to buy and sell in your community or neighborhood with a mobile marketplace you can trust.
Cars, clothes, shoes, vintage fashion, and more! Here’s how shopping and selling with OfferUp works:
9 Best Features of OfferUp App.
1. Instant Sell
2. Best deals
3. Reputation-based Dealings
4. Local Market
5. In-app Messenger
6. Build your profile
7. Easy Browsing
8. Community
9. Simplicity
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Instant Selling of the products:
There are countless online marketplaces these days. All claiming to be great but not delivering what they promise. The efficiency of a platform usually narrows down to a point where you can estimate your selling time. The selling time of an item also explains how many active users a platform has, the more people active the more quickly will be the sale. OfferUp app claims to be one of the quickest selling platforms, you can buy or sell anything within 30 seconds. That really is quick.
Best Deals in the house:
As there are millions of users online every day using e-commerce platforms to get their purchases done. There are chances of high-quality product sales. OfferUp comes with millions of active users which make the market more competitive. This could be a bad thing for a seller to some extent as they have to keep fewer margins but on the other hand, it widens the scope for buyers. They can find great deals on items, discounts on many purchases like clothes, shoes, furniture, vintage fashion, cell phones, electronics, baby & kids items, sports equipment, used cars, home goods, and more.
OfferUp Seller Reputation:
Shopping online always comes with a risk of being scammed. You never know who you are dealing with, You know what are you buying but you never know what you will end up buying. This has posed a huge challenge to online marketplaces like Alibaba, Made In China, eBay, etc. So companies have ever been trying to come up with a solution for this. OfferUp calls it “Reputation”. It is a metric based on reviews. So people who have bought things from a particular buyer using the OfferUp app will leave feedback, this feedback will build the reputation of a seller. If you are going to buy something on the OfferUp app don’t miss that.
Carefully check what are the reviews of the buyer, Is the product exactly the same as the seller described, was it delivered well, what was the behavior of the seller and how many stars does the buyer has. This will help you a great deal in deciding whether to buy from a particular buyer or not.
Get in touch with Local Market through OfferUp App:
Getting products from Alibaba or other platforms like it causes one big problem, They are being shipped from another country. So it will take a lot of time before you get it, and then if it is not what you expected there is going to be a big problem. OfferUp app on the other hand gets you in contact with people near you. The local market, where you can physically go and meet the seller, inspect the thing and then deal, is an amazing feature. You get in touch with the local market and people, save a lot of time and get the best products. The offer up near me feature gives you this huge power to look for the deal just around the community you live in.
Communicate through OfferUp in-app messenger:
Sending an Email is an old, time-consuming method. Contacting through other means might breach your privacy, like sharing your Phone Number, WhatsApp, etc. So this has been solved by OfferUp App by introducing in-app messenger. So you can chat freely with the people you are dealing with. it is efficient, keeps a record of your chat history. Gets you connected to people out there instantly. You can chat with the person in real-time and close the deal. You don’t have to leave the app.
OfferUp Seller Profile:
This is the most important part when it comes to online selling. Your profile is the backbone, there are so many people out there who are selling things. Why would someone buy from you? Your unique profile is going to tell that to your potential customers. OfferUp App gives you the freedom to create your own unique profile and make it look professional so that it outshines every other seller. Build your reputation and create an appealing profile on a unique seller profile page.
Easy browsing through OfferUp App:
Now that we know that there are millions of people on this amazing platform. We know that there are thousands of items being posted every day. Searching through them is a daunting task. OfferUp app has taken the responsibility to take care of this daunting task for us. You can Browse easily within the app and narrow down your search to the item of your liking within seconds. It gives you the options of search by category, post date, price range which can then further be narrowed down to the newest posts.
You can also type the name of the item in the search bar for quick results. It doesn’t stop there, Once you start looking up an item, Its AI learns your search patterns and shows you the relevant items by default on your home screen. Last but not the least, you can use location to search too. Enter the location and see all the deals happening there.
OfferUp community:
One of the best things about this thing is building a community of its users. Get connected to people through the deals that you make. You become part of one of the biggest online markets. Find people you can trust which makes it easy for you to buy things from them.
The simplicity of the app:
Gone are the old days when you need to go out to buy things or garage sell your items. This is a simple yet swift way of striking deals and makes your life easy. I would suggest download OfferUp App Apk right now and sell that bicycle that is in your garage for the last 10 months within 10 seconds.
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Fun facts about shopping and selling with OfferUp:
1. With OfferUp you can easily sell anything like clothes and shoes, used cars, electronics, vintage fashion, and furniture. 2. OfferUp shows you what’s selling nearby in your local community. 3. Communication between buyers & sellers happens through the app via secure messaging. 4. OfferUp is better than a garage sale; you can do your shopping right on your phone or tablet.
Be A part of the community:
We’re making local shopping and selling an experience that everyone can try and trust. The community at the heart of our marketplace is what makes that possible. When you join OfferUp, you’re joining millions of people helping each other make money and save money around the nation — and right in the neighborhood.
From shoes to cars, vintage fashion to furniture – unearth unique items that you can’t find anywhere else with OfferUp. Download OfferUp today and enjoy the mobile marketplace with plenty of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered.
OfferUp and Letgo:
“My vision for OfferUp has always been to build a company that helps people connect and prosper,” said Nick Huzar, OfferUp CEO, in a statement about the acquisition. “We’re combining the complementary strengths of OfferUp and letgo in order to deliver an even better buying and selling experience for our communities. OLX Group has unparalleled expertise and clear success with growing online marketplace businesses, so they’ll be a great partner as we continue to build the widest, simplest, and most trustworthy experience for our customers.”
One giant joins forces with another. The two leading mobile marketplaces in the U.S., OfferUp, and Letgo, are joining forces to create a new powerhouse. OfferUp acquired Letgo on July 1, 2020.
This has made the company a marketplace of more than 20 million online active users, making them the largest platform of the online marketplace after Craigslist, eBay, and Facebook marketplace of course. This means now the users don’t have to get their household items, cars, furniture or electronics posted on several different apps. With OfferUp and letgo combined users have got access to a much broader community.
OfferUp and letgo after joining forces have launched their new app, which is both in one. So you need to download the new app for offerUp and letgo. To keep buying or selling.
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How to use OfferUp App:
Here we will go step-by-step method of setting up your OfferUp and Letgo App.
1. Download the app using Apple Store or Google Play or get The OfferUp Apk.
2. Install the App on your device.
3. It will then ask you for your permission to access your location. You can choose either to enter the zip code or allow the OfferUp app to find your location.
4. Then you will be prompted to sign up. You will have all the options to sign up, choose from Google account, Facebook, Apple account, or Email.
5. Once Signed up you will be asked for Phone verification. To Verify it type in your phone number, you will get the code, and then just use that code to verify your phone. you can also skip it if you don’t want it.
6. Then you will be taken to the home page of the website which is going to look like this.
OfferUp App Overall ratings and Experience:
In my opinion, this is among the best apps in the market now. It has a clean design, seamless experience. Nothing is cluttered and the app is not sluggish with the overall Fantastic experience. It is very easy to find items. It’s easy to post things for sale, just a few clicks. Messenger works great, it doesn’t act up. Add payment method is also easy, it works with apple pay just fine.
Offer Up User Reviews:
This is where things get a little bit against the OfferUp app. Many Users have voted against this platform on TrustPilot. It is overall rate bad on trust pilot. Above 1000 reviews are unsatisfactory. To quote a few:
I used to love Offerup
I used to love Offerup! Now, it’s full of Scammers! I don’t know why they don’t fix this problem! I mean almost the entire site is a Scam now! Be very cautious when dealing with this site!!! “Trust Pilot”
—Pure Wasted Time—
This site is awful! The people who run it I have created a money-sucking scheme that’s all about earning money off of constantly promoting ads.
Complete crap! There’s no cracker even. (Crap on a cracker). “Trust Pilot”
someone created an account with my…
someone created an account with my email, cant contact their support or deactivate it because everything needs you to be signed in. Completely trash site, do not use. “Trust Pilot”
So to conclude things, OfferUp and letgo combined created a huge marketplace for people to trade C2C. They have to keep improving in terms of security and safety. They also need to provide the best customer support services.
Also, Check The Best Fitness app and make the right decision for yourself.
How to Download OfferUp App Apk:
You can easily download the app from your browser by following these steps.
1. Read the whole features of the game and then tap on the Download button.
2. Wait for the Download File to generate
3. Once it is generated. Tap on the Download button again
4. This will start the file to download.
5. When the download is finished, a confirmation window will pop up.
How to Install :
Once you have your downloaded file ready follow this guide.
· First of all, go to your device’s settings
· Go to Privacy> Unknown Sources Installations> Enable
· If you have a newer Android device, then make sure to enable the Unknown Device option in your Browser Settings.
· Now Select the Apk or Mod apk file that you have downloaded.
· Simply open it and tap on Install.
· That’s it
You can also get it from Google Play.
DownloadFree OfferUp App Apkand enjoy everything for free.
Get 100% free moded aplications, games and softwares on AabApk.
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english104 · 3 years
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Catfishing is a deceptive activity where a person creates a sockpuppet presence or fake identity on a social networking service, usually targeting a specific victim for abuse or fraud. The practice may be used for financial gain, to compromise a victim in some way, or simply as forms of trolling or wish fulfillment.
Students reflect on their catfishing experiences during COVID-19
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Sierra Mihu just wanted something to pass the time.
The fourth-year biological sciences major felt bored during the pandemic, so she decided to download Bumble. This way, she’d combat her boredom and meet new people at the same time.
Then she met Brian, 24, from Lancaster. She swiped right and messaged him.
“He messaged back, and he was really nice,” Mihu said. “The next day, he messaged me and went out of his way to ask me how my exam was that day. He gave me compliments and was really nice.”
It seemed that Mihu had found a nice guy – someone she felt good talking to. After the two of them talked for a while, Brian asked for her Snapchat. Feeling comfortable enough, Mihu gave it to him.
It was all downhill from there.
“He said, ‘Do you want to see what I look like?’ in the messaging part of Snap,” Mihu said. “I didn’t really know what he meant by that, but I said ‘sure.’ He continued to send me a collection of photos of him, but it didn’t have his face in it.”
The pictures were risque shots of Brian, unclothed. This was Mihu’s first red flag that something might not be right.
“I was uncomfortable that he even did that because it didn’t seem like him,” Mihu said. “It didn't seem like this nice guy who would ask about my day and who would compliment me and have a good conversation.”
Then, Brian asked for photos of Mihu in exchange. She trusted her gut on this one and told him “no” – point-blank saying she didn’t trust him. He tried to prove to her that he was who he said he was by sending a mirror selfie.
Immediately, Mihu consulted with her roommates to show them the sketchy photo. There was a border around the picture, like Brian had taken a photo of another photo. She told Brian that she still was unsure, and he blew up.
“He got so angry,” Mihu said. “He was like, ‘What do you mean you don’t know that it’s me? I sent you a Snap; there’s no way I could be fake,’ pretty much gaslighting me, making me feel like the bad guy. Then he said ‘This always happens,’ which was another red flag.”
He tried to convince Mihu that his outburst was due to trust issues, saying the last woman he talked to saved his photos, then blocked him. Mihu was still nervous, citing human trafficking as one of her main concerns, and refused to send him photos.
Their conversations soon became awkward. Brian played the victim card and complained that Mihu thought he was ugly. Mihu ended up blocking him on Snapchat.
The next day, she was watching the MTV show Catfish – unrelated to her situation – and the host of the show did a reverse image search. Mihu was inspired.
“I was like, ‘You know what? Just out of curiosity, I’m going to do this image search, and the literal first result was a Twitter page of the exact same photo,’” Mihu said.
It turned out Brian was posing as a model from a different country. Mihu was catfished, or lured into a relationship from a fictional persona online.
Just last year, Americans lost $201 million to romance scammers, with Ohio having the No. 9 slot of most victims. The FTC reported that romance scams increased by 40% last year, up from $143 million in 2018.
Catfishing has been a growing epidemic during the coronavirus. In a study from SocialCatfish.com, a record 26.6 million people are using data apps in 2020, which is an 18.4% increase from 2019. Additionally, 31% of users said they are spending more time on dating apps.
But it’s not just dating where people are getting scammed. Reese Little, an Athens resident, lost around $40 from an online “bathing suit sale” that was offering a $5 sale. Then, the sale charged her twice for $20 for a membership that was hidden in the fine print.
“I was so mad,” Little said. “I can’t do anything about it. I couldn’t get a hold of the people, and I didn’t have the money to pay for a membership. That’s why I did the sale in the first place because it was only $5.”
Similarly scammed, Christos Ioannou, a sophomore at Capital University, wanted to build his Twitter presence by procuring the handle @Christos, which had been snagged by a Greek Spanish web developer well over a decade ago.
The man with the handle approached Ioannou to set up a trade: $100 for the handle. After setting up a GoFundMe, receiving several Venmos and contributing $20 of his own, Ioannou sent the man money.
The man promptly stopped responding, and that’s when Ioannou realized he was scammed. With the help of his mom and his bank, he was able to get his money back and refund everyone who donated, all within a week or so.
“At the end of it, I felt like a schmuck because there were so many red flags that I should have seen,” Ioannou said. “I fell hook, line and sinker.”
Mihu, Little and Ioannou believe the coronavirus pandemic has played a large role in the increase of catfishing and Internet scams.
“Ever since March, I’ve been much more terminally online,” Ioannou said. “I think it’s one of those things where, now that so many more people are not forced to be online, but a lot more of our social interactions are through social media, it makes it tougher. Not to mention catfishing specifically ... just thinking about all the people who are that starved for contact, I have to imagine that it’s gone up significantly.”
The Risks of Using Cat Fishing Dating Services
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For people who do everything on the computer, from browsing websites to paying bills online, using social media and websites to look for love is a unique alternative to a real-life dating search. Well, now there is a new trend on the Internet that is out there circulating but it is not as new on the Internet world as you might think. This trend is called catfishing.
Catfishing on the Internet should not be taken too lightly. Catfishing can be found on online dating websites and it can happen in person too if you’re not careful in noticing the signs.  These online dating websites are a, “playground for identity thieves, hackers and other nasty people.”
What is a catfish?  “A catfish – or someone online who’s pretending to be someone they are not.” This is something to think about long and hard before anyone makes the decision of trusting these dating websites.
Mellissa Ferrari, who wrote the article called, “What Is Catfishing And How Can We Protect Ourselves” states, “Some catfish do so because they don’t wish to reveal something they see as potentially negative about themselves, and some do it just for the fun of it.” Ferrari mentions in her article, that catfishes are looking to, “coerce someone into doing something they wouldn’t normally do – like give money or send intimate photos – or are trying to gather enough information to commit fraud identity.”
What is catfishing and how can we protect ourselves?
What is catfishing on the internet
The term ‘catfishing’ is used to describe when someone has created a fake online identity with the intent to pursue someone romantically under false pretences.
Why do people catfish?
Some catfish because they don’t wish to reveal something they see as potentially negative about themselves, and some do it just for the fun of it.
Unfortunately, others have more alarming agendas, such as wanting to coerce someone into doing something they wouldn’t normally do. For example, to give money, send intimate photos, or are trying to gather enough information to commit fraud identity.
How can catfishing make you feel?
Even if the catfishing is not particularly sinister, it can still be extremely hurtful and frustrating when you’ve invested time in someone online, only for them not to be who you thought they were. It can also make some women feel very vulnerable and impact their ability to trust anyone again, especially if they have already suffered a traumatic break up.
Catfishing is a somewhat scary concept, however don’t let it stop you from using dating apps and sites. You just need to protect yourself.
Tips to avoid being a victim of catfishing
Never use the Internet for online dating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Block anyone suspicious.
Don’t leave it weeks, but take time to get to know someone and check that things ‘add up’ before meeting-up in real life.
Do a background check – Google a potential date if you have enough details. You can also use searches created for potential dates as well, thanks to the increase of online dating apps.
Look for red flags, such as spelling mistakes and bad grammar on a profile when someone has stated they are college or university educated.
Be wary if they mention recent traumatic life events (such as the death of a partner or child) as many will fake stories such as these to make you feel you feel sorry for them and therefore be more trusting.
One of the biggest indicators of catfishing is when a person makes excuses to not meet you, won’t do a video call and even avoids all conversation about when to meet up. If they’re putting off a face-to face-date it could mean they have something to hide.
If a profile photo looks like a Hollywood movie star or model and appears too good to be true, use Google images to check the profile photo. If it comes up on another site that makes you feel suspicious, or it’s out rightly a magazine cover model, you are potentially being catfished. You can also use Catfish reverse image search apps.
Always remember, if it’s too good to be true it probably is.
And then there’s kittenfishing
Another thing to be mindful of is kittenfishing. It’s quite likely you’re even guilty of this yourself!
A much lighter version of catfishing, it is when someone embellishes or improves their profile to make themselves more appealing online – such as using a photo from ten years ago, adjusting their age or lying about their education or profession.
Generally, people who kittenfish aren’t meaning to be harmful. The reason for it is to present the best version of themselves they possibly can to increase their odds of meeting someone. This doesn’t make it any less annoying though when you meet them in person.
And if you are tempted to kittenfish yourself, just remember that at some point potential dates and future partners will uncover the ‘real you’. Therefore, a true reflection of who you really are is always best.
#Risks #CatFishing #DatingServices
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oh-barcelona-blog1 · 7 years
Captain’s Log: My 2nd Barcelona Birthday. A Barcelona appreciation post.
Today (as of writing), marks my 2nd year in Barcelona.
2 years ago, I packed my entire life (ok, just a bunch of clothes really) into 2 giant bags , boarded a 17hour KLM flight, and went off on a grand adventure.
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And while I seem to be complaining about a lot of things Barcelona related lately -
the extra taxes I had to pay for just quite recently
the metro strike that happens on a weekly basis now,
but at least not on the same days as the taxi strike
the lack of access to some things I've pretty much taken for granted all my life: Apple Cider Vinegar, Malunggay, Corned Beef, Jollibee, 24/7 convenience stores
the lack of soul who can understand what I mean when I say "charot"
The list of things to love about Barcelona is far longer. So here's my top 10:
1. I can actually commute. Sure there's a metro strike nearly every Monday on the worst possible hours ever, but on most days - going from point A to point B is, at most, a 30m subway ride, with the nearest metro stop just a 3 minute walk from my place. And if the metro is not working, the buses are also as safe and reliable. Meaning, they're not trying to break your neck trying to drive 100mph all the time so they can reach their quota number of trips.
Just hang on to your bags, because while the transportation itself is great, the other passengers are not. I've been pick-pocketed once on a 6am drunken ride home from Villa Olimpica to Joanic. Never again (drunk on a train, I mean).
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2. I can find and get a doctor's appointment online! Victory for the introvert in me. Back home, all of my doctor's appointments are c/o my mother. Not that I'm completely useless - it's just that my parents' doctors eventually became my doctors too.
I remember 3 years ago when I was trying to hide a kidney stone problem from my mom, I went to the hospital by myself, armed with just my medical insurance. I had to queue up because I didn't know any kidney doctor accredited by my insurance that I can call directly for an appointment. I waited for 2 hours just to get a name. I had to wait another 3 hours after to see the doctor.
Fast forward to a few weeks back and I was suffering from an ear problem! I needed an English-speaking doctor, of course. Expat colleague told me about the hospital 5-minutes away from the office and that I'll definitely find what I'm looking for there. So I googled the hospital. Et voila! Found out that I just can book things online by just saying what kind of doctor I needed to see and they'll pull up the available dates. Picked a date, and then I just showed up on the day with my insurance cards and I just had to wait 10m to be called.
3. The beach is just 7 metro stops away from my house. Ok so I'm not really the biggest beach person (more about that in another post). The number of times I've been to the beach in the last 2 years is already 10x more than the number of times I've been to the beach in the last 10 years when I still lived back home. I think the proximity plays a huge role.
Going to the beach with a blanket and a book is my favourite cliché though, and I love that Barcelona has given me the opportunity to actually live it - minus the bikini and the abs that seem to be the requirement.
4.  Doing 10k steps a day is easy. Sidewalks exist. I don't have to worry about being side-swept by a car, a bus, or a motorbike if I want to walk home from work (which I actually do!). I can still get sideswept by asshole bikers but that's a lot less painful than a 1,500 kilogram box of steel, let me tell you.
I remember my first month in Barcelona, I walked to everywhere! Not because I wanted to walk but because walking seemed like a better alternative than facing my fear of getting eaten by the metro system and having to ask somebody for help.
And since I don't dare step inside a gym (except for Spinning classes every once in awhile), walking is a good alternative to running on a treadmill.
5. Museums, museums, museums! Really. Free museum Sundays are the best. MACBA, CCBA, MNAC, Picasso museum, and many more. And all I need is the will-power to drag myself out of bed and go there. They're all walkable or maybe 20m away via metro. There's always an event every 2 weeks. And to be honest, there's always a new museum that I haven't checked out every 2 weeks as well.
If ever I am bored in this city, it's my own fault.
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6. The plazas. Bar food ain't great. But eating bar food with a side of beer, in a terrace in the middle of Gracia is more than great. People watching or gossiping, while you're chugging down beer, under the stars, is one of the best ways to kill time on a Friday evening after a long week at the salt mines -- and not be in the middle of the mall (ehem Greenbelt), or practically on the street in danger of getting run over by cars, taxis, and jeeps (ehem Makati). While they charge a bit more for the terrace tables, bar chow and beer still tend to be on the cheap side.
And if you're lucky, sometimes in Plaza del Sol, some (apparently) well known band will show up, set up with their acoustic guitars and cajons, and just start playing for shits and giggles.
7. Travel is easy (and cheap). Last week I took a friend to Girona (where they shot scenes from GOT), just for a 30€, 30m train ride. There's a fast train to Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, and to other cities in Spain. Lisbon is a 2h flight away, and so is Florence and Berlin. And round trip flights can cost you as low as 40€. If my wallet is a bottomless pit of Euros, I would be traveling every 2 weeks. Except that it's not and I only have 26 days of holidays to use.
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8. Fiesta de Gracia. Every year, in August, my neighborhood goes insane decorating the streets according to a particular theme, trying to outdo each other in making the best papier maché art. There's a street party in every corner. And beer is as low as a euro. There are fireworks (firecrackers, really). There are giants. And there are concerts in the plazas. And for a few days, the locals and the tourists get drunk side by side and get along.
It's a magnificent site really. Although it can be a pain in the ass if you live here (luckily for me, while I live in the neighborhood, I sit right on the border so the party never reaches me) because the noise won't let you sleep, and the smell of pee will haunt you forever.
9. I get to live my dream of becoming a tour guide. I take pleasure in giving my friends both the touristy tour, and the "insider" tour when they're here. Of course, the Gaudi things are a must. But where to eat and drink is where I shine.
I like taking my friends to drink at the plazas, and steering them away from the overpriced scam of the restaurants in Gothic. I like showing them the streets that held the scenes of The Shadow of the Wind (at least to the ones who read it), and then stuff their faces with patatas bravas and mussels at tiny restaurants tucked in the smaller, more residential streets, of Gracia.
And when they flood their Instagram feed with pictures of their trip, captioned with "food-gasm" or "#besttripever", the sore feet and the extra pounds gained after were all worth it.
10. The opportunity to get to know myself better. What's a KAX blog post if there's no cheesy, moral of the story to it? While the last 2 years have shown me my boundaries, it has also shown me that I can be resourceful and persistent enough to not let them stop me from pushing forward. It has shown me that I can be independent and that I can take care of myself (struggling a bit here, but I'm learning). It has shown me that while my anxieties seem paralyzing sometimes, I also can drag myself out of bed kicking and screaming because I've never really acquired the taste for defeat.
It may sound terrible -- but while I do miss my friends, and my family, and the many comforts of home: I'm so glad to be here in Barcelona and be given the chance to slowly (really slowly) be the person I would like myself to be.
Getting called guapa, all the time! And not in a sleazy "Hola, guapa, give me a smile" kind of way either. The cleaning ladies in our office always says "hasta mañana, guapa!" when I say goodbye. Or the store owners after I've paid for my purchases tell me "Gracias, guapa!". Even the old lady in my building whenever I run into her in the lift always says "Buenos dias, guapa!"
Never mind that they probably say that to everybody, so I'm not special. I still take it as a validation and I say goodbye with a smile on my face, and a renewed confidence that puts an extra spring in my step. Priceless.
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So yep, 2 years! Wow.Last year I wrote about how life has been so far, one year in. No major changes have occurred since then. Just tiny ones. Like:
My Spanish is still ridiculous but functional. I've moved up a half a size when it comes to my pants. I still haven't learned to walk in heels - and to be frank, I've given up. I've gotten way better in cooking. And all my clothes are still intact despite having to do my laundry and ironing by myself. Friends, I have. And they are a fantastic group of people. My lights still need changing, and so does my shower head. My savings is a joke. But I think this is the version of Kax I like the best :)
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darcyfarber · 4 years
4-Step Plan You Need to Make $2,000/Month with High-Ticket Offers
Stuck in your affiliate business?
You’re feeling frustrated because people are not looking at your affiliate products, let alone buying them.
I can relate to it because in 2013, I tried my hands on affiliate marketing but didn’t succeed.
To be honest with you, I failed.
The highest monthly income was in September of the same year when I earned $308.99.
The months before have experienced staggering failure – it’s common to see just $74.22 or less on my merchant account at month end.
However, things started to change in 2014 when I signed up to promote recurring high-ticket offers.
Trust me, offering a high-ticket product for sale is the ONLY way to work less, drive fewer visitors to your ‘money page’ and still make decent income to live by.
You want proofs from ordinary people who are succeeding in this business model?
Okay, Pat Flynn makes over $30,000 monthly from Bluehost. Their affiliate program pays out $65 per referral.
An affiliate could earn up to $150 if the person they referred orders.
In this post, I want to share with you the 4-step plan you need to make at least $2,000/month, promoting high-ticket offers.
A quick definition, before we jump right in on the easy steps.
  What are high-ticket affiliate offers?
These are products/programs or offer that you promote as an affiliate and earn up to $100 when a sales order is completed.
For instance, most of Brian Tracy’s video training courses and seminars are sold for $599 and beyond.
You could join as an affiliate to promote the program and earn commissions in the process.
Typically, you’ll be paid 50% commission no matter the cost of the product. But in this case, it’s $1000+.
A 50% commission rate will net you $500 or more, depending on the upsells and backend offers
Important fact: if you’ve been promoting a $37 e-book in order to earn $18.50 commission per sale, then it means you’re already qualified to earn $200 commission per sale.
That’s what high-ticket affiliate marketing is all about. Stop wasting time on peanuts.
You deserve more from your hard work cowboy!
But the question is: how do you ensure the money keeps rolling in, assuming you’re new to the game?
Just follow this 4-step plan and you’d be smiling to the bank by next month.
  Step #1: Get a custom blog theme
The difference between a high-ticket and low-ticket offer is the impression you create in the minds of buyers.
According to Forbes, people only do business with who they like and trust to some degree.
Whether you’re a blogger or business coach, impression is everything.
What people say about you is much more powerful / important than what you say about yourself – more importantly on the internet.
That’s why you must get a custom blog design from day one that’s compatible with mobile devices. Econsultancy.com saw 65.71% increased conversions when their design was improved, and revenue increased by 101.25%.
You may be asking why some people succeed online without having a custom blog, right?
Well, you have to understand that even a free wordpress theme is all you need to persuade people to buy an e-book that sells for $27.
Buyers may not trust you yet, and it’s because of the low cost of your product – they’ll just buy it.
But when the same people are expected to spend up to $100 and more on a particular product/program, the fear of losing money will set in – and discouragement is the next thing.
To curb this challenge, use a custom designed blog to build influence and speak the same language your readers love – BEAUTY!
  Step #2: Research high-ticket offers
There are several platforms to select high converting offers that will generate a high commission for you. Make sure in the beginning not to waste your time on low-ticket affiliate offers and instead focus on high-ticket offers.
My favorite merchant is offervault.com. On the homepage, just type the niche you want and press search.
In this case, I’m looking for a product that will pay me $150 per lead/sale in the home business niche:
Now you’ll see a lot of opportunities to earn more money as an affiliate.
Don’t be scared to pick any of the offers that pay out handsome commissions.
If you work hard for it, you’ll earn it.
In affiliate marketing, choosing a niche and product to market is usually seen as the most delicate of all, because the wrong niche will drown your efforts.
Moving forward…
  Step #3: Create video tutorials weekly
I love this. Video tutorials will set your posts on fire, and trigger action almost instantly.
Have you ever watched a video and got inspired to try a particular product?
For instant, if you watch Derek Halpern instructional videos, nothing can stop you from moving ahead in your online business.
Don’t just write a product review and relax.
It’s not going to work that way, and your sales conversion will be low. Remember that text-based content has a limit on how much it can engage and portray you as the go-to expert.
But when you create videos tutorials weekly, you’re reinsuring readers to hold you accountable for the things you said, not just what you wrote.
And if that happens, they’ll definitely buy your high-ticket affiliate products.
I find it pretty difficult to trust a blogger just because he wrote a useful post.
It’s possible that s/he outsourced the content to a ghost writer. Don’t you think so?
Can an affiliate marketer, blogger or business coach outsource video creations?
Yes they can, but on that type of video, it’d simply be a guide, not on personal relationship.
  Step #4: Target low-hanging keywords
Since “home business” is our preferred niche for this case study.
How do we generate low-hanging keywords, which are less competitive and profitable at the same time?
Just go over to Google and type, “home business” and watch the auto generated search queries.
See what I’m talking about:
I think I like ‘home business opportunities’.
I’ll click the keyword, copy as it is and go to Google Keyword planner (here).
Once I get there, I’ll paste it, and hit “Get ideas.”
From the screenshot above, the low hanging keywords (a.k.a. long tail keywords) you should target if you were to promote a home business program/offer are:
Work from home business
Starting a home business
Legitimate work from home opportunities
Home based business opportunities
Work from home scams
Note: Targeting a long-tail keyword doesn’t mean you’re over-optimizing or stuff keywords.
In fact, Google recommends that you research the top search queries people are using to search for you. So it’s vital, it’s fundamental!
If Google is against keyword research and targeting, why are they still allowing us to use Google keyword planner.
  Step #5: Create excellent content
Now, based on the keywords you found, as suggested in the previous point, you are ready to start the part that takes the most time (but potentially the most profitable) of producing the affiliate content. This is where the phrase abused but more true than ever comes into play: “Content is king”.
Your goal will be to turn your website into an authority in your niche and the most effective way to do this is to create fresh, unique and high-quality content.
Now, do not write to sell, but try instead to create a relationship with your audience.
Your reader, before being converted to a full-fledged buyer, needs to be attracted to your brand (or simply your name). That’s why when you create content, it must never be purely for the sale of your product or service. On the contrary, it should be always aimed first at creating a relationship of trust, encouraging your reader to follow you over time because you have something interesting to say and tell and that can be really useful to him in his life.
Only when this relationship of trust is created, only then, you can start earning with affiliate marketing.
In all, you’ve to understand the psychology of persuasion, as laid out by Robert B. Ciadini; Author of Influence.
Whether you’re selling a $17 product or a $1999 high ticket product, knowing what prompts people to press the buy button is a powerful force you can’t do without.
Most of the time, people buy out of emotional signals going on within their minds and afterwards, they justify it by giving cognitive reasons why they bought it.
If you want to succeed at selling other people’s products, start speaking to the minds of your target audience.
Use your videos, posts, podcasts and slide presentations to evoke curiosity, captivate potential buyers and nudge them to action.
If you continually do this, nothing can stop you from making $2,000 per month through high-ticket affiliate offers.
  As always, what is the biggest commission you’ve ever made per sale in your affiliate career so far?
Share your value-based thoughts in the comment box below. See you ahead!
  About the Author
Michael Chibuzor teaches people how to get their first 1,000 blog traffic and build a thriving business. And he does that through content marketing. If you need help in this regard, you can follow him on @twitter.
  Originally published on October 27th, 2014. Updated on November 5th, 2019.
4-Step Plan You Need to Make $2,000/Month with High-Ticket Offers published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
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tamboradventure · 5 years
Is Bangkok Safe to Visit?
Posted: 10/5/2019 | October 5th, 2019
Bangkok can be an overwhelming destination for tourists, and it is depicted in many Western films as seedy, gritty, and intense, with wild nightlife and never-ending traffic.
Most visitors don’t stay there for long, but if you’re patient and begin to peel back the layers, you’ll discover a complex, beautiful city filled with some of the friendliest and most thoughtful people you will ever meet (Thailand is called the Land of Smiles for a reason!) and delicious street food.
But is Bangkok a safe place to visit?
Just like any major city, you must be alert and aware of your surroundings, but it is pretty safe, and the risk of serious danger is very low (unless you are up to something illegal). You are most likely to encounter small scams designed to get a few extra bucks from you (more on that later).
Here are a few ways to stay extra safe in Bangkok:
1. Be alert as a pedestrian. Traffic in Bangkok is chaotic — many motorbikes will run red lights or even drive on the sidewalks! — so it’s always a good idea to be cautious when crossing the streets and walking around town. Look both ways and stay alert. (And, remember, they drive on the left side of the road (British side) so be sure to look and stay alert!
2. Carry a photocopy of your passport with you. This is a no-brainer for anyone who travels overseas. Put your real passport away in the lockbox provided by your hotel or hostel, and carry around a photocopy or a digital version on your phone or in your email.
3. Never leave your drink unattended. This is another universal safety tip. Drinks can be spiked at any moment, so always keep yours close, or hand it to someone you trust if you need to.
4. Do not take or accept any recreational drugs. Thailand has a strict no-drugs policy; anyone caught using or carrying illegal substances will go to jail, or in rare instances receive the death penalty.
5. Don’t talk about the royal family. Under the lèse majesté law, you are forbidden to speak negatively of the king and the royal family. If you are caught insulting the monarchy, you will be sentenced to 3–15 years in prison. Other countries may have lèse majesté laws, but Thailand’s enforcement is the world’s harshest. Over the years, people have faced lèse majesté charges over minor offenses: a woman who wore black on the king’s birthday, a man who mocked the king’s dog on the internet, and individuals who have liked Facebook posts regarding the king, to name a few.
It’s crucial you not discuss the king or royal family publicly or with locals, or you will face major consequences that all the travel insurance in the world will not protect you from!
6. Buy travel insurance. No one wants to think about things going wrong on their trip, but being prepared and buying travel insurance is something I do before every trip. You should have it whenever you travel, but in a country where petty theft and scams are, unfortunately, a little more common, it’s extra important. And of course, it’s also important for covering any medical or other emergency situation you might encounter. Be a smart traveler — buy travel insurance.
How to Avoid Scams in Bangkok
Bangkok is generally safe for travelers and backpackers, but it’s also incredibly hectic. Petty theft (including bag snatching) is the most common type of crime you’ll face. Also, some people will try to rip you off, including taxi drivers who refuse to turn on their meters. Avoiding travel scams requires a lot of common sense and a healthy dose of suspicion. (Also read this post on travel scams to avoid.)
Here are the two most common scams to be aware of:
Taxi scams: You hop into a taxi and realize the meter isn’t running. You mention this to the driver and their response is that the meter is “broken,” and he quotes you a price that is outrageously high. Or you might notice that the meter is working but the fare is increasing as fast as a bullet train in Japan.
To avoid this scam, do your research and get an idea of how much a ride should cost from your hostel or hotel staff before hailing a taxi. In my experience, if the cabbie tries to negotiate the rate, I use the one quoted to me though my prior research, and if he refuses, I get out and find someone who will turn the meter on. (Ideally, use only taxis with working meters.)
If the meter looks as though it’s rising unusually fast, ask the driver to pull over and get out immediately.
Another situation you may encounter is your taxi driver “taking the scenic route.” You’ll end up sitting in traffic, and the cabbie will make money at your expense. We live in the age of technology, so if you’re suspicious of your driver’s route, pull your smartphone out and use Google Maps to find the quickest way to your destination. (Better yet, find out the optimum route ahead of time.)
Don’t hesitate to show the phone to your driver and insist on taking this route. Download a map of the city using Google Maps or MAPS.ME so you always have access to it offline.
If you end up with a bad taxi experience, take a photo of the driver’s ID/registration number and report him to Thailand’s tourism board. And always, always use only official taxis.
The tourist site is “closed”/tuk-tuk ride scam: This is probably the most common scam in Bangkok. When visiting tourist attractions, often around Wat Phra Kaew, the Grand Palace, or Wat Arun, someone will randomly come up to you and say that the place is closed for a special ceremony or for lunch hour. Then, this overly helpful individual will offer to take you to places that are open. While touring the attractions, the driver will take you to a gem shop, a souvenir shop, or a tailor where they receive a commission.
A few hours later, the driver will drop you off at your original location once it’s “reopened,” and by that time you’ve realized that the site was open the entire time — you were just in the wrong part of the building.
This is where your good sense and confidence come into play. Avoid talking to these locals, or firmly say “no thanks” and walk away. Or find the main entrance or ticket counter and see for yourself!
Another thing to note is that most attractions don’t close for lunch — they close for the day. Look up the hours of operation before you go, so you know what to expect — opening and closing times are almost always available online.
FAQ on Bangkok Safety
Below is a list of some of the common questions I get on safety in Bangkok, so you can be better prepared for your trip!
Is street food safe? Yes, absolutely! Bangkok is considered the street food capital of the world, and you will not find a shortage of stalls selling delicious local dishes on every corner. With that said, if there is something that doesn’t smell or look “kosher,” then it might be best to avoid. If a street vendor has local customers, you can usually trust that it’s safe. (If you are overwhelmed with where to start, I’d recommend reading this blog post on how to tackle the street food culture in Bangkok.)
Is the tap water safe? According to the Bangkok Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, it follows the World Health Organization standards for providing safe drinking water for the population. However, although the water is treated in plants, the pipes it travels through can be very old and dirty, which can lead to contamination. Locals usually boil the tap water first before drinking it, or they will purchase bottled water. Use a Steripen or Lifestraw to ensure that your water is safe to drink. Also, bring a reusable water bottle to cut down on your plastic consumption.
Are taxis safe? Taxis are safe and affordable and my preferred way to get around town. However, you will come across the occasional meter or “scenic route” scam. When you get into a cab, always check that it has a working meter and agree on a route prior to the start of your journey. (If you’ve read the section on taxi scams above, you will be well prepared for this type of situation.)
Is Bangkok safe for solo travelers? Bangkok is safe for solo travelers, and a great first city to solo-travel in. I’ve been going there for the past 15 years and have rarely encountered any problems.
However, there are areas of Bangkok that are all about partying and drinking, and the biggest incidents happen when people are drunk and stupid. Don’t get too drunk. Also avoid illegal substances at all cost — Thailand is very, very strict on drugs, and you’re going to be screwed if you get caught. Always trust your gut instinct; if you don’t do it at home, don’t do it when you’re in Bangkok.
Is Bangkok safe for solo female travelers? Solo female travelers should feel safe touring the city. It’s very easy to meet other travelers, especially female ones, in Bangkok. Some precautions and planning are in order, though: Always have a downloaded map and translation app so you can find your way home or ask for help if you need it. Don’t flaunt any valuables, and avoid taking taxis alone at night. If you’re still nervous about heading somewhere, ask to join a group at your hostel; groups are less likely to be victims of scammers or theft, and you’ll feel safer that way.
Here are a few helpful posts on safety written by our solo female travel experts:
How to Stay Safe as a Solo Female Traveler
8 Myths About Solo Female Travel Debunked
10 Common Questions About Solo Female Travel
Bangkok has an electric energy to it, and with its endless supply of things to see and do, you will never be bored. I finally began to love the city when I got know it beyond the temples and the typical tourist sites. Once I found hidden markets and amazing street stalls frequented only by locals, became friends with residents, and understood how Bangkok operated, I understood why people loved it so much.
Like any major city, Bangkok comes with its fair share of scammers and unruly drivers. If you are smart and alert, trust your instincts, and follow this safety guide, you’ll have an unforgettable experience while staying safe.
Get the In-Depth Budget Guide to Bangkok!
My detailed, 80-page guidebook is made for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guidebooks and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel and save money while in Bangkok, a city I used to call home (so I know it really well!). You’ll find suggested itineraries and budgets, ways to save money, on- and off-the-beaten-path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, and bars, and much more! Click here to learn more and get started!
Book Your Trip to Bangkok: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Get Your Guide Check out my detailed guide to planning a visit to Bangkok with suggested itineraries and information on places to stay, things to do, where to eat, and how to get around. Just click here to get the guide and continue planning today!
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com, as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use it all the time. My favorite hostels in Bangkok are:
Lub d Bangkok Silom – Lub d Silom is more of a European-style hostel than a traditional Asian guesthouse. It’s in a popular spot for backpackers looking to stay somewhere other than Khao San Road, is safe (they use electronic key locks), and the staff speaks fluent English.
Golden Mountain Hostel – This small, family-run hostel is one of the newest and nicest hostels in the city. The dorm beds are actually cubbies built into the wall for added privacy, and each room sleeps eight people. This is a great hostel if you want some peace and quiet.
Mad Monkey – Mad Monkey is a backpacker institution near Khao San Road. It’s is probably the best hostel in Bangkok if you want to party. It has a restaurant, pool, and tour desk with some of the cheapest and most competitive prices in town. 
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money — and I think they will help you too!
The post Is Bangkok Safe to Visit? appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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