#this is only a portion of the art I’ve made about this game
mochiwei · 23 days
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary, Tears of the Kingdom!!
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auckie · 1 month
I think the things that offend me most nowadays in like, smaller interpersonal interactions rather than grand, sweeping trends in culture, are when people chose to not partake in a wide set of things. Like musical close mindedness, or refusal to try different foods from different cultures. Not watching an entire subset of films bc they’re ‘french’. Avoiding reading bc you say you have adhd and it’s too hard. Like dude I get it, I’m busy. I can be picky. Everyone can. But the willful ignorance of closing yourself off to those VAST portions of the human experience, and not having curiosity and a lust to learn and explore art that was made by someone worlds apart from you either in terms of their culture, era, whatever. I dunno man it just pisses me off so bad. I think it’s arrogant. Like oh you’re comfortable in your safe little bubble huh? And you’re enforcing its barriers with the excuse that you’re autistic and have sensory issues. With music made by black people?? lol okay. It is pretty presumptuous for me to assume malicious intent but I think those prejudices are borne from either the comfort of being someone who’s wealthy and probably white not feeling the need to learn past what they think is enough, or it’s a reflection of a society that’s taught you to prioritize what it shills— popular, current (white, depending where you live ig) artists who are making streamlined, easy to digest content. Often when I meet people with these issues they’ll have one particular ‘niche’, and it tends to be like. 70s music. Victorian literature. Anime and Japanese games. But they’re still not really investing beyond the media presented. Like there’s so much more to Japanese culture than liking some cartoons put out between 2010-2020. You don’t gotta become some sorta Einstein who learns the background of every little freak in FGO yeah. But don’t you wanna aim higher? Aren’t you interested in any of the historical figures? And nothings wrong with hopping onto a trend. You read Dracula bc of that Dracula daily thing. Cool! Read more. Some people will say they’re chronically ill or disabled and can’t get outside. That’s okay. The internet is full of things you can read other than fanfiction, YouTube has a shit ton of free music. There’s Wikipedia and free articles online if you have questions about things. Yeah nobody is spending four hours a day looking at the national archives website and studying art history but it’s imbued in the things around you, and youll absorb it ambiently as you go along. you dont have to be a jack of all trades and cover every major genre of every major medium, but it never hurts to try! I really love seeing ppl ask too. Bc it can be kind of humiliating to admit to what seems like some jackass hipster that you’ve never delved into, idk, Serbian films (lol not that one). And hopefully if whoever you’re asking will give you honest good recommendations and not berate you. I’m kind of berate a straw man rn I guess. The hostile tone def doesn’t lend to an atmosphere of sharing but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve rbed anything involving specifically jazz only to see someone rb and add the stupidest comment on the post, or in the tags, or go into my inbox to be like waaah I don’t like jazz bc it’s boring and old and for pretentious hypocrites who hate neurodivergent people! Like what are you TALKING about. Fine if you don’t like it but don’t try and rationalize that as a moral standing you shit lark. And just as they’re allowed to dislike jazz I’m allowed to not really enjoy people who don’t like jazz. Or country. Nautical knots. Knit wear. Watching urbex YouTubers get their shit rocked by squatters. Korean food. Pachuco fashion and stupid ugly low riders. Bollywood films. and they don’t want to try any of those things either yknow? The next thing I’m getting into is circuit bending.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
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hai salty ^-^!!!! i’ve been thinking about your mw2 hcs recently and decided to draw something for you :3 i did most of 141 + roach and könig, which got me thinking. some of the people who played mw2 did NOT play it for the plot. they played it for the men. what if the player was one of them? cause i’ll be the first to admit these men do not deserve to be as fine as they are. you don’t have to respond to my question if you don’t want to. more art is probably on the way. ty for being who you are <3!!!!!!!
Omg, I hadn't even considered factoring König and Roach into this, these are just fantastic. :D I really love how you characterized everyone in this, the jealousy that the boys show is almost palpable lmao. It seems the only one who isn't a new target of theirs is Roach, at least before he steals your attention from them too.
As for the men of MW2 themselves, yes, I completely agree; I'd say a good portion of us only gained interest in the game because of them. (I mean it's COD, it's not like the plot is very relevant most of the time anyway, right?)
Although, if the Player also had this same attitude, they'd probably be very flustered just by being around the 141 (+ König), which already kickstarts their other vessels' jealousy. It also doesn't help that the 141's group can fulfill the same "roles" that the grunts can; if you want a highly dangerous killer to protect you, Ghost can do it just as well as Hank. If you like funny guys, Soap has that covered, or if you prefer the more commanding, analytical leader types, Price fits into that niche, and so on. Just from their positions and reputations alone, they're threats to the grunts, but this is made a hundred times worse if you're actually attracted to them as well.
(You never seem to blush or swoon around the four mercs nearly as much. None of them were particularly jealous people, but that seemed to be thrown away the moment they saw just how close you were getting to these new vessels, and far, far too quickly than they ever anticipated.)
The four grunts already have huge issues with having each other to compete with, so having an additional group of individuals to deal with is just adding to that. The fact that you obviously like them so much is actually even more difficult for them to process because of the one thing the MW2 guys have an edge over them with: they're human. How can grunts, arguable beasts compared to your kind, compete with one of your species for your affection, let alone an entire task force of them?
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ghostradiodylan · 6 months
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Brainrot about the tiny details with me, Hacketteers.
Things I’m currently puzzling over:
How many kids go to this camp?
There are 10 cabins and we only see inside one, with Abi, if she and Emma break in to get their bags. It looks like there are four double bunks in there so each cabin would only sleep eight, subtract one for the supervising counselor and you get up to 70 campers.
But they act like they can all leave in one school bus. The maximum capacity of a school bus is 72 but that’s three small children (2nd grade or younger) to a seat, and I don’t think the kids are THAT young, given Abi’s comment about them having filthy minds.
Also, even if Laura and Max made it to camp, there would still only be 9 counselors for 10 cabins. When I went to summer camp, we definitely had one counselor supervising overnight per cabin. Do we think one cabin wasn’t used? That would be seem wasteful given that the camp is hurting for money.
Maybe they gave Nurse Kelly a cabin—it would make sense for her to stay onsite in case she was needed in the night, especially since it seems to be in a pretty remote location.
Where do they all shower and go to the bathroom?
There are showers and bathrooms in the pool house, and one bathroom in the public portion of the lodge, plus the “rustic” outhouses Emma shows us on the Island (no way those empty into the lake, btw. They almost certainly have like a septic tank type thing buried under them). That doesn’t seem like enough for that many people! My summer camp growing up had a whole building for bathrooms and showers but that is conspicuously absent unless it’s somehow in the same building as the Camp Store, which seems inconvenient.
Where is the Art Cabin?
Abi says the art cabin is out of the way when Nick talks about the kids paying attention to her painting lessons, but there are no cabins away from the main ones on the map, that I’ve noticed. Is one of the sleeping cabins actually used for art? Why doesn’t she just use the classroom in the lodge that we see strewn with craft paper?
Is there no adult staff at this camp other than Mr. H and Nurse Kelly?
Not asking for more characters in this already large cast, god knows, but it seems like there should be some kind of custodian/groundskeeper and kitchen staff, at least. Even if Mr. H does all the groundskeeping, there’s no way Nick can cook for all those people single-handedly and still have time to stalk his crush during her art lessons. But if there are actual adults on the cooking staff, why would they make an 18-20 year old guy their supervisor? Do you think the other counselors have to take turns cooking with him?
Who sleeps in the bunks in the lodge?
When Kaitlyn and Dylan are hiding from Caleb, they enter a room with bunk beds in the lodge. What’s that for? Just overflow? Seems like a good place for the additional staff that we never hear about to sleep. I imagine the counselors all sleeping there during their training/orientation before the kids arrive, though that’s never actually confirmed to happen in the game.
What do y’all think? What are your lingering questions about the locations or how the camp is run?
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Birder
Debut: Shovel Knight
Have you hearder of Birder? I like it more than murder! Birder is quite a fascinating creature, and makes quite an impression from its first minor appearance alone! Let’s look at it!
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In the first three campaigns, Birders are nearly exclusive to the Lost City area, which takes place deep underground where lava and slime flow. Why are they there? I don’t know, but from the first time you see it, it is clear this is not just any enemy! They are rapidly flashing like they’re pulsing with energy, they are constantly bounding around the room, and though they may be small, they have more health than most standard enemies!
One thing I love about Birder’s design, and which I hope was intentional, is that its shape really brings to mind a badminton birdie. It’s a great shape. A great object! More sports should use weird little doodads instead of basic balls!
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Birder’s official art, for whatever reason, looks like this. This does not really look like Birder... but I don’t mind! I love it! It is so funny! It looks like someone had a napkin with a Birder-like pattern on it, thought “this reminds me of Birder”, folded it into a Birder shape, and drew eyes on it. It is so delightful!
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Though they may look like beings of pure energy, Birders are no doubt Animals, and perfect Animals at that. As we can see with the adorably named Ambirder, some live Birders have been preserved in slime, suggesting they have not needed to change much at all in a very long time! I guess it makes sense for a species dwelling within the depths of the earth, undisturbed for centuries...
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...except, that is not actually the case! Birders flock in the mountainous Birder Bluffs, which may be their breeding grounds, considering this is where we see their eggs. And look at those eggs! Spherical and translucent! These are truly no ordinary birds, though no less biological! I guess Birders are perfectly adapted not just to the bowels (heehee!) of the earth, but also to the tops of mountains... they are SO good at surviving! Birders deserve a lot of respect, and it is clear some people respected them a great deal in the past, enough to carve out their image on the Birder Blocks seen in the bottom portion of the image.
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Also, behold Birder Bearer! Birders who bear platforms... who are those for? Have these Birders survived, with platforms, since the previous civilization inhabited these bluffs? Maybe they use the platforms themselves, perhaps to bring eggs or hatchlings back to the underground? This may be the first documented case of Birder tool use...!
It is clear the developers love Birder a whole lot, making it not only one of the “main” enemies of the game, but also actually story-important! There will be spoilers for Shovel Knight: King of Cards under the cut, but if you have played it or don’t mind spoilers, please join me in discussing my favorite of all Birder-related things!
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This is KING BIRDER! The king of the Birders! You can tell by his name, and his demeanor, and his entire body that he has. King Birder is Evil, he is Wicked, he is an all around Bad Guy. But wait! I said this was my favorite Birder-related thing! What is the catch?
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It was all a ruse! King Birder is no king at all, but a normal Birder, bewitched and puppeteered into doing a villain’s bidding! And after his defeat, the illusion is revealed, and Birder goes back to bouncing around, but now with a voice of his own as a side effect of his controlling! Birder (character) is absolutely delightful! He immediately greets others as new friends, and is quick to help by offering information he’s overheard!
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He is even Holdable! You could hold him!
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Birder dedicates himself to fighting for all those without a voice, having known firsthand what it was like... how is he so perfect? How is this bird real?
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I hope I’ve made you into a #BirderHerder after this post! That’s our fan name! That’s us! Spread it on social media if you want! But I’m not going to make any effort to spread it myself!
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writebackatya · 1 year
Sorry you have to receive another message about this situation again but
Was there any proof of Shelly grooming anyone?screenshots or anything like that? I feel it’s not very good to accuse someone of that if there is lack of proof that they did so in the first place
Personally, I will no longer be interacting with Shelly due to their interaction with problematic and gross creators but still I felt this needed to be said
Thank you for discussing this; I do feel this is important and thank you for your time
There is no reason to apologize. We all need to be smart about this and make sure our facts are all straight
As for the grooming, in the time I’ve spent searching through Shelly’s art, Twitter and Tumblr accounts, and their art mutual’s Twitter profile; I found no evidence of grooming
I don’t think in any of my posts I accused Shelly of being a groomer, I did however put the tw tags of grooming just because there were mentions of it. And I think in my first post I wrote that anonymous’ accusations were accurate without specifying that it was about their Pokémon art and the people they associate themselves with. So I’ll be sure to go back to my original post and clarify that
I will say that when I got the original message I was working 2nd shift at my job, but it was not a super busy day and I had access to my phone and wanted to get to the bottom of it right away. I did get some interruptions and I did not feel all too comfortable looking through NSFW content of any kind while at work so my research was not the most thorough but I stand by that it was enough for me to let anonymous’ concerns be seen
I will reiterate my findings here. When I was searching through Shelly’s DuckTales artwork I didn’t find anything that made me raise an eyebrow. Any artwork that featured the young characters or characters when they were younger were in no way sexual. The only NSFW artwork I found was with the adult characters. I know everyone has their standards but I personally don’t see anything wrong with NSFW stuff when the character is an established adult
While I was on Shelly’s Twitter I decided to look into their art mutual’s Twitter page that anonymous mentioned and there I immediately found (thankfully) blurred out images of NSFW featuring the kid characters of DuckTales as well as links to the full art. Besides that I found that that artist made various edits to some of Shelly’s NSFW DuckTales artwork. And before you ask, yes I can confirm the two were mutuals following one another and this person wasn’t just a fan of Shelly’s art
After I came across that I just wanted to be sure if Shelly themselves has ever drawn anything that would raise any red flags. I went onto a furry website that I knew reposted art from the sites anonymous mentioned that I did not have access to. I went ahead and searched under Shelly’s name
Again, the DuckTales artwork did not raise any red flags in my book since all the NSFW stuff was with characters like Gyro or Mark Beaks, two characters that we know are adults. It was when I got to the Pokémon art work that the red flags were raised for me
There were a lot of sexual artwork featuring the Pokémon creatures and a good portion of them featured ones I considered cutesy such as Eevee and other little Pokémon that can easily be interpreted as young
The one artwork that made me end up my research and just respond to anonymous’ message was one that featured a Pokémon (I don’t remember which one) and a human character. After clicking on the picture I went down to the tags and saw that the human character was Silver who is a trainer and as far as I know, all the main trainers in any Pokémon games are children
Now past artwork might not be enough for some and that’s fair. Stuff we post in the past may no longer reflect who we are now and Shelly’s current artwork (or at least the stuff I have seen) did not raise any red flags for me but their association with that one DuckTales artist did. And I felt that was enough to warn the younger fans in this fandom about Shelly
Before all this happened, I will say I didn’t personally know Shelly. My interactions with them consisted of me liking and reblogging their artwork as well as a recent WIP preview they wrote
The only time I think they spoke directly to me was on a poll I ran on Tumblr. It was my “How did Della “greet” Gyro when she got back from the moon”. The poll’s options consisted of different acts of violence and pettiness from Della that she would do to Gyro that I felt were just cartoony and in no way mean spirited
I remember I did that poll because I always saw posts from the fandom like “Oh Della deserves to punch Gyro at least once” so I thought it’d be fun to do a poll on what Della did to get her revenge on Gyro for his black licorice gum. I didn’t want it to be too extreme or mean spirited so I tried my best to come up with violent and petty actions that I could see Della doing that were just cartoony. I even threw in a “the two just sat down and had a nice conversation with one another” as an option cause I wanted to be clear “I don’t hate Gyro”
Well Shelly saw the poll. She responded to it on her personal account and thought the poll was mean spirited towards Gyro. I don’t recall everything what their comment said but I do remember that what they wrote sounded very angry and seemed to take the poll really personally
Now to be fair, Shelly doesn’t know me and I can see how one can interpret that even if it wasn’t my intention. To show that the poll was in all good fun and that I don’t hate Gyro I replied to their comment with “but black licorice” because yeah, that’s a lame excuse and it’s the only reason Della is mad at Gyro. They didn’t respond.
A week went by and the results came in, the winner of the poll was “All the above”. After the results came in Shelly once again commented on the post in a rather condescending way, along the lines of “I don’t see why people voted for what they did when Della was to blame but whatever!” I didn’t respond
After that I wanted to show there was no hard feelings from me, so whenever I reblogged their stuff I tried my best to remember to add comments in the tags
Yes I could’ve reached out to them, but I’m bad at doing that to people I don’t really know. And looking back on everything, I’m glad I didn’t
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somethin-human · 10 months
Sorry that I haven’t been posting art lately, anyway, my late night headcanons
Babe and Ash collectively have an unholy amount of stuffed animals.
Freelancer seems like the type of person to need to do something with their hands when they’re stressed so they either deep clean a portion of the apartment, or get into an arts and crafts mood.
Damian isn’t allowed in the pool during the summer because he will just turn it into a hot tub. Him and Huxley take advantage of that when it’s around autumn because it’s not too hot, but it’s also not as cold.
Darlin’ favorite weather is rain because they have an excuse to either stay inside, or piss off Sam by getting wet and muddy.
After hearing about Aaron’s past, Smartass would take him on little dates out to heal his inner child. Like they took him to Build A Bear for the first time and he felt so intimidated by all the options. He ended up settling on a really basic looking bear.
Sam, David, and Aaron probably have god tier singing voices, but no one has heard it before.
Guy has applied to work at several game stores and arcades during the end of his senior year of high school but for some reason, none of them hired him. He tried his damn hardest to stay out of food service but here he is lol.
(Based off the fact that I’ve recently made a giant whale shark plushie) Baby has walked into Ollie’s little office area in the apartment and he’s just on the floor, making a massive stuffed animal of some sort. They just give him a thumbs up and let him have his floor time.
Caelum will rift in randomly and just give Freelancer and Gavin a hug every so often and then rift out of the apartment like nothing happened.
Angel and David’s house I envision to be very spacious and minimalistic, like black and white, but Angel has an office in the upstairs and it’s all chaotic and artsy. That’s the only room that David won’t go cleaning because that’s their space to do whatever.
Babe is the autism to Ash’s ADHD
Angel and Sweetheart are the parent friends of the mates. Angel is chaotic and goofy, but they make sure everyone eats properly and gets enough rest. Sweetheart makes sure no one gets into trouble or does anything dumb.
Babe makes stickers for their online shop and sometimes they’ll randomly stick them onto Ash’s face when he’s doing something. Ash will sometimes also find stickers on his controllers and gaming consoles and he finds it absolutely adorable.
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
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this review/gameplay account contains spoilers for An Everyday Love (Ezra’s route) so here’s your first and last chance to run along *shoos you*
Words?? Maybe??
Heart reactions (ramblings): I knew I was going to love this game. I KNEW I Was Going To Fall In Love With Ezra (again). I knew that in the deepest and darkest spaces inside me, this story would resonate. The cozy and cute art style. The grounded, though tough struggles of our main character. The humor and witty parts that made me crack up. Our deep and loving friendship with Amara. The moments that made me look into my imaginary camera in my dining room alone at dark-thirty, eyes wide and incredulous, trying not to disturb my sleeping family, sometimes crying but mostly smiling and so, so, so happy to have made it to play this game.
This game was made with love and care, and you can tell. You can feel it. And all the side characters that appear on Ezra's route were either a joy or a pain lol but welcomed in my gaming experience just the same. (GRACE AND STEPH I LOVE Y'ALL!!!) 
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh, and yeah this game was sweet as hell, but I am an adult and I do like to partake in adult things from time to time and what I'm trying to communicate here is that I was there for the sexy scenes....lemme repeat that...I was there for the sex!!! (Love this for all of y'all reading this oh my God 😭😂) Nah but really, the heat + the sweet were present and accounted for and I’m a happy camper LOL!
And the fairytale portion of the story? Cue the sound of my heart breaking because it was so well done. Probably where I shed the most tears, and I was doing so well keeping it together so I could read the words on my screen without obstruction!!
Brain tings (aka the 'review' portion): In recent memory, and by that I mean in the three-ish years I've been actively playing visual novels, I can't name another game that delves into chronic illness and disability centering the main character that’s also in the slice of life romance genre. It's not an experience I can claim, but it is one I have empathy for and believe that reading/seeking out representation of others' experiences is the only way we're gonna get through this life in one piece doing the least amount of harm. 
 And as someone who deals with from mental illness and will have to deal with it for the rest of her life, it's comforting to be reminded that stories don't have to show this borderline (sometimes over the fence) toxic positivity of dealing with those struggles. Sometimes you feel like shit. Sometimes you push people away. Sometimes you take chances on people and they burn you with the intention to hurt. But sometimes you take chances and they pay off. But you gotta keep going, and if I take anything away from this game, it's that message: Keep. Going.
Retrospective thoughts: I wrote this category out thinking I'd have another concise paragraph in me, but that was a lie. The main thing I wanted to get out was that as someone who discovered she falls on the demisexual/demiromantic spectrum, I've made it my annoying second job to sniff it out in the media I consume. (Spare crumbs?????)  And I have a Hunch about a Mr. Ezra Hale. (I related to him more than was healthy is all I want to admit zkfjdhjdhgfjg)
...ahem, lemme just *places another hashtag* 
#SoftBlackMen 😏✌🏽💞
I don't care, I win. I win at life. Otome men have ruined me again for the real thing and I don't care. Am I a little crushed Ezra isn't real? ... NEXT QUESTION!
Another thing, I usually avoid bad endings like the plague (I've got enough bad endings in real life, like wayament 😭✋🏽) so I was lowkey hoping I'd get Ezra's bad ending on accident so I wouldn't have to do it on purpose (#noguidegang) but then I would have made it everyone's problem. 
So. Someone was looking out for y'all LOL. But this is a game I will actively replay, so I will be obtaining all the endings and living my best life.
(also part 3, because game dev lives her best life on Twitter as does the rest of the VN community, I will go make some noise on there sometime because she deserves it and I'm nothing if not obnoxious as hell when I want something known)
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thetantiger · 10 months
So I’m typing this on my phone while I take a break from my computer (I realize how ridiculous that sounds) while I lay down in bed before I inevitably drag myself into a voice chat with my friends because I know if I go to sleep now I won’t wake up until like 4 am but anyway, some backstory.
So my start as a person on the internet was Animal Jam. If you don’t remember what that game is it was like Club Penguin but on crack. Anyway I tried to be an AJ YouTuber when I was like 11 but eventually got involved in the rp scene and, while it started as an AJ thing, eventually evolved into its own universe. I wrote this with my partner at the time and I forget what we called the universe but eventually we split up and I took my OCs and put them into their own thing now known as the Eldorian Liberation Front, but previously (and most well known) as The Mercenaries. I’m just gonna refer to it as The Mercenaries from now on.
So the Mercenaries was a universe of anthro animals of all species (the main characters were two tigers, a lynx, an ocelot and an arctic wolf) involving angels, demons, anti-angels and anti-demons, and so on and so forth. I wrote all this on Wattpad and kinda made it up as I went along and I have a very fond memory of The Mercenaries in its entirety. However as I’ve gotten older and inevitably better at writing I’ve since abandoned the Wattpad story and redesigned and reimagined a good portion of the characters, however I haven’t done much with them sense.
The Mercenaries were an introduction to animation, art and writing for me. I grew up with those beloved characters and I still hold them near and dear to my heart.
I’ve since moved my focus to my WoW rp group. My dearest friends in the world are on that game and I met my husband through WoW rp, and all my passion is put out into that. I make art of it all the time, talk about my characters here, etc. It’s what’s been sparking me as a creator for the past year. It’s been pretty much my only focus and, slowly over time, The Mercenaries fell to the wayside.
I’d never fully give up those characters but I’m starting to wonder if it’s time to retire them. I’ve tried to make a PMV revolving around Detective, Ellie and Blank but just haven’t been able to. I’ve only wanted to fuck around with my WoW toons and maybe even make more animations of them instead but have since felt like I’m obligated to make a Mercenaries thing almost.
So.. I’m not sure what my conclusion is here. Just speaking into the void.
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evilliyes · 1 year
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As promised, I have more from the beginning of the Evillious section of Project Sekai.  I’ve screencapped what I can and will do my best to explain what’s going on in each image
While each image was taken from my own phone, @micia-posts-stuff helpfully informed me of a YouTube video that shows the opening sequence.  The top picture is the only picture I actually took of the opening.
The video can be found here, and shows two things.  The beginning shows the start of the event when it was first launched.  Miku comes up and talks about a new kind of SEKAI that the player can visit.  In Project Sekai, “SEKAI” are worlds that are made from the feelings of one or more people, and finding one’s true feelings will create a song.  Miku notes that this SEKAI is different, since it speaks to someone’s long journey.
The second part of the video is the “gacha” portion of the event.  As shown in a previous post, there was an ability to pull cards for crystals.  In Project SEKAI’s gacha system, three star and four star cards get a line of dialogue explaining the situation that the card is depicting before giving it to the player.  Amongst many other cards, the lines for these cards during the gacha, as well as what it looks like when the cards are obtained, are shown.
Back to my own pictures, the two below Miku are the inside of the SEKAI.  It’s a long horizontal hallway with many, many pictures alluding to various events and places in The Evillious Chronicles, from Arte and Pollo to Evil’s Theater.  If there’s interest in a list of each individual picture, I will go through them.
The bottom-left picture shows various items related to Project Sekai, but the one of note is the last one on the very bottom row -- the “Brioche” item, which is shown as a piece of brioche along with a cup of tea.  In the game, this refills 10 units of bonus energy, which can be used to get extra rewards when playing the rhythm game.
The last two pictures are how the SEKAI look.  In the game, there are two “hubs” -- the Real World and SEKAI.  Pictured is the hub for the various SEKAI that the player can visit.  For a limited time, the “Aku no Taizai SEKAI” was available amongst the other five usual SEKAI.  A character’s face above a SEKAI indicates that they can be found there.  In one of the pictures, it shows Miku, meaning that I can expect Margarita to be there.  In the other, I can expect Allen.
As shown by the first picture with Allen, conversations that the user has not yet experienced are marked with a “NEW!” tag.  Conversations that have already been seen have nothing.  This is how I could determine whether a new Evillious conversation was waiting for me whenever I opened up the SEKAI hub (which was very frequently throughout the event).
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totopopopo · 1 year
18 & 25 pretty please ! have a wonderful year ^^ !
18. A memorable meal this year
My group of friends had family dinner every week where one or two people would cook a meal for everyone and everyone would sit at a big table and eat and I’d have people go around and share their favorite and least favorite part of the week and I guess for this I’ll chose the first time me and my best friend cooked together for the family dinner, we made tacos and i smuggled in tequila (cause this was in the common room of our college dorm so no alcohol technically allowed) and one of my friends siblings made margaritas and it was just really nice :)
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Oof yeah so I mean the main creative endeavor I’ve been working on this year was my thesis and that actually took up many years, not just 2022, and so the character creation aspect of that took place between 2020 and 2021 so basically all of the writing I’ve done this year has been with characters I created before the beginning of the year. Especially because a large portion of my thesis involves pre-existing mytho-religious “characters” so like even if my version of, say, Papa Gede or Charon solidified and was technically created this year, I can’t claim to have created the characters themselves, and of course they’re only “characters” within the context of the creative work that is my thesis, but to call them characters in a greater sense within the context of their religions is inaccurate, reductive, and borderline insulting, and also wow this is a rant that nobody asked for and that even fewer people can understand because none of you EVEN HAVE THE CONTEXT OF MY THESIS LMAO… anyways.
I guess the character of Louie really didn’t solidify until early 2022 so maybe I can count him (even though his conception was earlier.) Louie is a character in my thesis project that I did for my BA in religion and that will, one day, god willing be a published work. He is a second generation Haitian American. He is about 24, and he works in a warehouse of a large grocery store in a failing city on the verge of physical collapse. He works in this warehouse with Lupe, the main character. He laughs often and easily, and though he’s soft-spoken, his laugh is bright and loud. He loves his mother. He loves to cook, and he’s not bad at it, though he’s not as good as his mother. Life is difficult, but he approaches it with a sense of humor and cheer that borders on defiance. Lupe, who is less sure of herself, and less sure of her ability to be happy, loves being around him, loves the person he is and tries to be, loves his laugh, and loves his company. When an earthquake hits the warehouse and he dies, Louie finds himself in a limbo space within the land of the dead along with the countless other souls who are either traveling to or do not know/cannot find/might not have a final destination among the many underworlds and afterlives. Lupe is looking for him. This is the crux of the story.
…that’s almost definitely ten thousand times longer than you were prepared for or than was necessary for the question, sorry. Woooooooo happy new year!! Good luck in your own creative endeavors! May this be a year of creativity in all forms :)))
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thedailysumi · 1 year
June 8, 2023 — Independent Excursion (Ghibli Museum / Tokyo Dome)
I started off today with getting an early breakfast. I visited a cafe close by called Caffe Veloce and had a strawberry waffle. There was a scoop of ice cream on top as well, but the overall dish wasn’t too sweet so it was nice for a small breakfast.
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A bit later I travelled to visit the Studio Ghibli Museum. I’ve watched a good majority of the movies when I was a bit younger so I’m pretty familiar with the Ghibli universe. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take pictures of the things inside because I’m pretty sure I was seeing a lot of real things from the actual studio. There were art boxes that showed standee scenes of the popular movies. There were also reels where you could wind and watch the film play scene by scene. But what was really shown the most were the storyboards, sketches, and paintings of different scenes of different movies. The last thing I did there was see a showing of about a 15 minute scene from My Neighbor Totoro and it was really enjoyable to watch.
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After the Ghibli Museum I had a brief lunch at an Italian restaurant in the middle of a park near the museum called Insentei. They mainly served pizza there so I ended up getting a Margherita pizza. I usually eat pepperoni so I’ve never had Margherita pizza before. I ended up being really good the only thing was that the toppings kept falling off of the pizza which was pretty annoying. But the restaurant was very nice and the pizza was still good.
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I then headed to the attractions/rides at Tokyo Dome. It was quite fun, I got on the Ferris wheel, a short underground coaster, a glider ride, and even did a shooter game. The ticket was about $20 for 5 rides which wasn’t too bad to experience a good portion of the park. The main rides there have been closed all week apparently which was what I was looking forward to but it was still fun.
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Media Reflection
I wanted to talk about how Studio Ghibli represents Japan for this reflection. The movies I'm most familiar with are Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, The Cat Returns, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Our Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, and Castle in the Sky. The thing that I noticed the most form all of these movies is the use of spirits or mythical beings/creatures. This idea can connect to the concept of religious practices within Japan (the one I've been exposed to the most is Buddhism). After some light research, I found that Shintoism is also very prominent within Japan and those that practice it believe in the natural world and spirits which is probably one of the main inspirations for a lot of Ghibli characters. But each movie introduces you to a fantasy new world with its own many different possibilities, so what I think Hayao Miyazaki (the creator) made the purpose of his movies to be was to be able to appreciate the world around you.
The stories of Miyazaki's movies are very out of this world but very unique. The Ghibli films have not just been cherished by those of Japan but also the international audience. I haven't met anyone who isn't familiar with at least one Ghibli film. To me, the films are something that I can enjoy a relaxing evening with. It's typical for people to see animation as something that is meant for kids, but the films (I believe) can be watched by anyone and everyone. They don't feel too young or too grown. The way the characters interact/talk to each other is very reflective of Japanese mannerisms and the overall themes of the movies can connect to events or just general occurrences within Japanese culture. But definitely, Studio Ghibli has mastered its own unique form of art and filmmaking and most definitely has served as an inspiration for other animation studios.
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vagabond-sol · 1 year
Power Set Notes kinda…
This is more for me to have this written down somewhere but it’s just a very rough summation of every power set I’ve made not including direct upgrades and a small tidbit on what timeline it’s from because the choices that led to these powers are dependent on the surroundings so Caz is not a static entity across all timelines…and this lets me make multiple power sets without shoving all of them into one WoL because then he’d be too strong for my tastes and would make conflicts in game feel too strange to think about.
Mystic/Primal Fist:
The hybrid I talk the most about and arguably put the most work into. It is the power set associated with the main timeline where Caz is WoL and Xavier is his partner through all of the MSQ. Combines Monk physical prowess with Summoner’s cool magic but trade the book for an associated boss weapon or accessory and trade the Egi for a personalized Stand that shows up like DMC4 Nero’s Devil Trigger. Brief but powerful. Main three are “burned out” during ShB due to the Light sickness. Briefly uses Phoenix as his surprise against Zenos in their final duel. Can be regained but needs to refresh his Primal Essences/get irradiated fighting a Primal.
Gilded Path:
A more self indulgent hybrid is inspired by the game Absolver in that it combines the martial arts of a Monk with the magic of Time/Gravity manipulation. This also references one of the viable class combos in FF12 so it double fits for my Dalmascan punch man. The power set is tied to the AU where Caz is not the WoL but nonetheless finds himself in Eorzea…though main timeline may gain this depending on future Dalmasca rep. He still joins the Scions and works alongside Xavier but with far less weight on his shoulders so he delves into the magics of his distant homeland for support rather than tunneling the Primal problem. The origins of his Time/Gravity magic may change if they ever touch on Dalmasca…or I’ll be relishing the fact that I called this ahead of time.
God Hand:
This one is one of the few non-hybrids and is actually one of the potential “paths” Prime Timeline Caz can walk now that A.) Primal Fist is “dead” at the moment and B.) Fighting two of the three gods from The Twelve he has interest in is extremely inspiring for him. It essentially is Caz “perfecting” his own style of Monk after seeking a bit of extra tutelage from Byregot and Rhalgr, thus taking his chakra management to a new level and granting him the ability to infuse inanimate objects with his aether and manipulate their form. Haven’t decide if he will take this path but if he does there will be references to both Gene from God Hand the game and Dungeon Fighter Online’s Monk class cause that hammer totem stuff is sick.
Devil Hand:
Monk/Reaper hybrid and one of the few power sets that sits *mostly* disconnected from MSQ. He’d be around as a notable recurring background guy but not as involved as most others. It’s really just Monk with Enshroud and the Avatar to back it up. Would occasionally replace the scythe with a staff or polearm for the extra monk flavor. The timeline this takes place in is one where Caz was captured before joining the Resistance in Dalmasca and sent to a Garlean work camp for several years. After a successful riot he and several others escape though only he and a Garlean defector stick together. This defector leads them to Ul’Dah where both go into Drusilla’s service. Caz still goes down the pugilist path but is later trained in a portion of the Reaper techniques alongside his friend. Both are skilled but Drusilla does not trust them to survive fighting Orcus. He later seeks out the Monks to further his training on his other skills. Arguably one of his weakest iterations in Eorzea.
Way of the Dawnbringer:
A Monk/Dark Knight hybrid. I used to apply this one to Caz’s solo WoL timeline but have since adjusted it to be the powers of the Caz killed by Black Rose in the Crystal Exarch’s original timeline. Because of this the Exarch gifts him Tank gear upon his arrival.
Forged Fire Fist:
This one is barely touched but it is another Monk subclass of sorts rather than a hybrid. It focuses on absorbing ambient aether and the aether of one’s opponent to channel into the extremities making them seething indestructible weapons capable of deflecting the strongest Colossus’s swings with ease and crumpling its armor with a single jab. It’s a technique meant for a Caz that focused his attention on fighting war machina be they from Garlemald or Ancient Allag. Similarly considered tying it to a Caz that was made to work in Garlean factories rather than fight in the Dalmascan Resistance but didn’t give this one so much attention as it was mainly for the style fitting well with a character that fights more as a boxer than a kung fu kick flip man…not that kicks and flips aren’t cool just boxing is cooler. Will likely attach to a Caz from a Scion Companion AU where Xavier is not there.
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kolbisneat · 2 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: November 2022
 I was travelling a bit for work and leisure this month so a lean Monthly Media post. With that said, here’s everything I watched, read, heard, and played this month.
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Nick Kroll: Little Big Boy (2022) Does this count as a movie? I dunno. Either way, it was fun! I don’t think I’ve seen any of Kroll’s other specials but I always enjoy him on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast. I wasn’t expecting quite as many poop jokes in this one, but overall it was worth the watch. 
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Sandman (Episode 1.01 to 1.11) A really interesting adaptation that I...generally liked! There’s something about these stories (both in the series and the comics, particularly the portion in the diner) that I find deeply unsettling but perhaps that’s the point. I only wish they made Morpheus look a little more otherworldly. Platform boots so he’s 7 feet tall, slightly paler skin, I dunno. Anyway I still recommend it.
Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (Episode 1.01) After ages of thinking I was too much of a scaredy cat to watch this, I dove in and watched the first episode. And you know what? Not into it. Not that it was too scary, but it just felt weirdly paced and poorly plotted. Checking Letterboxd reviews, it looks like this one was one of the middle-to-better ones of the season so I don’t think I’ll be continuing, which is a shame.
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The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale (Page 100 of 288) Only just started and honestly, it’s been a tough read. I don’t imagine it getting any easier so I’m taking my time with it.
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Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett (Complete) The last few in the series have seemed to follow a particular formula (abstract concept/object gains sentience and causes trouble) so this was a nice change of pace. The characters continue to be top-tier and the city of Ankh-Morpork is such a rich city I just want to spend all my time there.
Alice in Sunderland by Bryan Talbot (Abandoned) I really should’ve researched this one a bit more. I didn’t realize it was mostly a historical graphic novel blending the history of Sunderland with the history of Lewis Carroll and the creation of Wonderland. If this sounds interesting to you then awesome! But for me, dreadfully boring.
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Los Ángeles by Rosalía (2017) So I was working in Spain and met a lot of really cool people. This is to preface the fact that I got a crash course in Rosalía’s career and current presence in the wider culture. I wish I understood more of the songs but for now I’ll settle for the beautiful musicality of her work.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Both of my regular groups are in Neverland this month. My Tuesday crew is navigating some political trouble with a Fairy Queen, and the  Mof1 group just discovered a very intriguing dead body. We have fun. Oh and if you want to read the recaps of my weekly group, they’re over here on Reddit.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge (DotEmu, Gamera Game, Tribute Games) I’m late to the pizza party here cause I ordered the physical copy. Worth the wait. The art, the gameplay, the music, it’s all so much fun. Despite seeing lots of reviews and such I was still pleasantly surprised by a lot of character appearances and I hope this leads to more TMNT (or arcade-style) games in the future.
And that’s it! See you in December.
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Felix Morrissey - Homework 1
Who are you?
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My name is Felix. I am 21 and primarily consider myself a composer, programmer, and artist. Plus, I’m working on getting my BS in electrical engineering. I have also dabbled in songwriting, 2D animation, writing, video editing, and game design. I enjoy developing a diverse set of skills because it will vastly expand the possibilities for things I can create. I want to be able to combine a variety of art forms together to form unique experiences which I can share with the world. I’m often happiest working by myself, which has led to me finding a lot of motivation in the idea of being able to make complicated things without requiring help from others. For my senior capstone, I am designing and building an analog synthesizer entirely by myself.
Where are you from?
I was born in Portland, Maine, but early in my life I moved to Gorham, Maine. My parents soon after divorced, so I was always split between two homes. I primarily lived with my father in Gorham and later Portland again. I would regularly spend weekends with my mother, who lived in Gray for a couple years before moving to Cumberland. On my father’s side I have a younger brother and on my mother’s side a younger and an older brother. At each house I lived in, we always had a large number of pets which influenced my fascination with creatures of all kinds. Today I live in an apartment in Orono and continue to take care of many pets, including a cat, a rabbit, lizards, fish, and frogs.
What art do you like to make?
I have a special preference for the Sega Genesis game system and creating art and music within the limitations it offers. I spent a large portion of this summer working on an album of music which works entirely within the Genesis’ sound capabilities and will be capable of running on a console. This preference is informed by love of chiptunes and pixel art, which both work within limitations, but by doing so are able to create an aesthetic that appeals to me. Plus, knowing the limitations of a system and seeing a piece of well made art, music, and/or programming which seems to push those limitations always fascinates me.
While this video isn’t running on a Sega Genesis, I created the art and music so that they all fit within the system’s limitations. The only thing that keeps it from being possible to run on the system is the fact that the processor probably wouldn’t be able to draw the oscilloscopes in real time.
What other artists inspire/influence your work?
I’ve always really appreciated the artwork of Wayne Coyne, front man of the psych rock band The Flaming Lips. While music has always been his main passion, he also managed to develop an eye-catching abstract art style. His works tend to be painted and use contrasting colors, resulting in art which is messy, yet striking. A common motif throughout his work is a human figure facing some kind of otherworldly object, contrasting the normal and the supernatural. My favorite thing about his work has always been the use of color. There tends to be contrasting, vibrant hues, but they’re always placed in a way that looks satisfying and cohesive.
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Wayne’s lyricism has also been fascinating to me. While love is a common theme in his music, it’s never about specific love, it’s more philosophical. A lot of his songs are about the contrast between the human feeling of love which brings people together and the cold meaninglessness of the universe. He often sings about learning to find meaning through love despite the existence of death and decay. One of their most popular songs “Do You Realize” is about how even though everything will die, it’s important to live in the moment. My favorite album of theirs “The Terror” is a concept album which imagines a world in which love doesn’t exist, yet humanity manages continue on. The music is fitting, being very strange and distorted, but at the same time oddly beautiful.
How do you challenge yourself in your work and process?
I inadvertently challenge myself by being incredibly picky and critical when coming up with ideas, which has had both a positive and negative influence on how I work. On the negative side, it has made it difficult to find the motivation to practice drawing because the ideas I come up with don’t often inspire me enough to start drawing them. For example, I’ve always been put off by the idea of drawing fan art for some reason, even though I’m pretty sure that has been a big contributing factor to a lot of modern artists ending up as experienced as they are. On the positive side, I like to think that the things I do end up drawing almost always feel meaningful to me. I think it’s setting high expectations for my work that tends to push me to put my all into my work and create stuff I’m proud of. Another way I challenge myself is by working under self-imposed limitations, preferably ones which have the added benefit of expanding the accessibility of my work. An example of this would be making stuff capable of running on the Sega Genesis as mentioned earlier.
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madisonhunn · 13 days
May 18- Venice. Oh Venice.
(For the family)
Hot take: I disliked Venice. Don’t get me wrong, guys. I’m glad I went just to say I went but you couldn’t drag me back there. Gorgeous, but it smells bad. Trash everywhere. People even more everywhere. Pushing, shoving, sweating, etc.
And people were grumpy grouchy! PEOPLE I CAME WITH!!!! I kept my lips shut and stuck to the back and let them all duke it out.
However, only three of us planned our day so we had a much more enjoyable experience. Two museums for a much cheaper price than even ONE, and also a very tiny little surprisingly themed cathedral/gallery that we walked into in the morning before making our way up to our planned excursions.
Well. The first thing we did was walk into a private school. On accident. Saw a bench and beelined. This kid took one look at us and locked the gate. We quite literally got locked inside. A nicer kid let us out and it was so awkward!
We then made our way up to the basilica and honestly… so busy up there. We went into Museo Correr and walked through fairly quickly because the other five people were going to meet us up there. We then learned you can’t sit, you can’t eat and stand in the same place for too long, and honestly?! WHAT?! Maybe I’m crazy but I think it’s wild to make such odd rules? It makes sense but let me rest my feeble girl feet. I am tired!
Finding lunch was when everyone got snappy and mean. I was fine with wherever we went. And it was yummy but the waiter hated us because we couldn’t eat every single scrap of our giant portioned food. Sorry I’m literally bursting at the seams, dude.
We split up in groups of four and took a gondola ride. Never again because the water scares me, but it was definitely the most peaceful (and pricey) part of this day trip. Gorgeous ride but the guy was on the phone the whole time so we got to listen to his little Italian conversation the entire time.
After that, Doge’s palace. It was nice but not the best museum I’ve been to (so hard to compare to the Uffizi…). Super pretty courtyard though, and truthfully some very interesting things in their collection! and prison too. Sad to think people were once in those dingy cells… but that’s history for you.
And the view from the top of the bell tower was so clear and beautiful!
In order:
1. Work in the gallery connected to the chapel
2. What the art is about! Honestly very cool…
3. Eros and Psyche! The subject of the text-based adventure game I made last semester
4. Glass chandelier
5. Photos from an exhibit that had a lot to do with harvesting raw material. Really cool and I would’ve liked to spend more time reading about it
6. Cabinet with some very… acceptable figures.
7. View from the boat
8. Doge’s palace courtyard view
9. View from the bell tower
10. Porcelain cat family! <3
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