#this is one of those of i didnt see it but the good fics convinced me kinda deal
albaharu · 8 months
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Lane/Ethan in honor of the very cool fics @saltyfilmmajor writes about them 🙏
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... you were a romance trope
i got inspiration (sapnap, dream, george, karl, quackiy, wilbur) 
sapnap (hockey x figure skater): - im in the middle of heartbreaker rn and SHUT UP - i LOVE THIS TROPE - IM NOT EVEN A FIGURE SKATER I DO TAEKWONDO BUT I STILL FROTH OVER THIS SHIT - and then in addition to that one tommyinnit is a figure skater and everyone else is on a hockey team “ice these hurts” or smt h like that - i love this trope. - anyway i think that this trope comes hand in hand with enemies to lovers - his hockey team and ur figure skating group are at the same winter sports competiton - and you have to share a rink - booooo - so everyday you end practice with the sight of a bunch of hockey buffs roughhousing in the stands, waiting for you to finish - and everyday a certain brunette one sneers and smirks at you as you walk off the ice - “had a nice practice ice queen/king?” he asks you teasingly - “shut up, yeti” you mutter back gratingly as you bump your shoulder into his build as you pass him - and he comes up with a new one everyday - and you quip right back at him, unphased - one day, he comes into practice early just to spite you - what he wasn’t expecting is to see how good you actually were on the ice - he sat there like “ :O” and just watche dyou glide across the ice with what seemed like barely any effort - and he watched how passionate you were in your craft and the dance - and bro was whipped right then and there - so that day as you were leaving he said “you were amazing out there” and it took u jumpscared - you were like “no insult today?” - and he was like “dang, didnt know u liked them that much ;) but not today, not for something as beautiful as that” - and i think you can guess where it went from there... :)
 dream (ceo and employee romance):  - AKAIAKAKAHAKH TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION - i mean hes a ceo alr so its like one step in the door you know - anyway hes a ceo - bro wears those fancy ass suits everyday and has like a wine cellar mini fridge shit thing in his office  - any way you pull up to his headquarters one day for like an interview and you were so fucking nervous  - you ran into him in the elevator (and no clue who he was) - and you basically vented to him for the 30 second elevator ride before scurrying off to your interview - bro didnt even get dreams name or anything - he kinda just smiled and wished you well as you ran away  - he thought you were so cute  - and you thought dude was hot as fuck  - anyway you got the JOB!! LETS GOO - the next day, your supervisor is like taking u around showing u the works - ....and you meet the ceo - its dream - and youre like :0 and he’s like  *smirk wink* ;) “hey” - and youre like “well fuck hes the ceo i cant be in love with him” - and you avoid him - but he makes it his life’s mission to get on ur radar - in the break room, in ur cubicle, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot man is ON YOU LIKE A MOTH TO A LIGHT - eventually he convinces you to go to fancy dinner - and WOW hes paying?? so that shit was FIREEEE - fancy wagyu steak and 102379182 year old wine i mean cmon - it was good ok - he asks you out after dinner and assures u ur job wont be at risk and everything - ba da bing ba da boom  - now youre dating happily and he spoils the FUCK outta you  - lmk if you want this one as a big fic with dialogue
george (neighbors): - tell me why whenever i have my delulu daydreams with george he’s always a neighbor - very much boy next door vibes - omg HES YOUR COLLEGE ROOMMATE NEXT DOOR - stoppppp - on move in day he pulls up with his family and u with urs and youre like - “hi ! nice to meet you im so exicted to move in!” and bros like “same!” - sometimes hes loud bc hes talking to his friends but you dont mind - hes a cs major and ur  whatever u want major - one day you decided to start singing  rlly loud while cleaning - ur singing taylor swift - and then george could hear you from the room next door to yours - so he writes up a little post it note that was like “loved the concert! when’s the next one?” and stuck in on your door - you found it and started mad blushign - you had a crush on him since day one awwww - anyways you two started communicating via post it notes and songs played loudly through the walls <3 - till one day you hear boyfriend by big time rush - and then you play girlfriend by avril lavigne back - and then he slips you a post it note under the door and you open the door before you could read it  - and its an unspoken like thing that you start dating - its so romantic how you can saw you guys starting dating because of taylor swift !!
quackity (academic rivals): - DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THIS TROPE IT BRINGS ME LIFE ALRIGHT - alright - two law school students FIGHTING IT OUT ACADEMICALLY - you guys met in ur freshman year english class or some shit - clashed together in a discussion group - and its been game on since then - your texts with each other are flaunting texts - “hey alex, guess who got a 97 on the last midterm?” - “guess who got a 99 ;)” - over time, the texts started getting more and more hostile - people started to thing you two actually hated one another’s guts  - but in reality it was more for the thrill - but this continued throughout your law school careers - and you both become successful lawyers in the end!! - and when the headmaster calls you both into his office and says - “youre both valedictorian! congrats! you have to give a speech together” - well its like all the hatred faded away - you grinned and cheezed at each other before giving each other the biggest hug ever - so you both wrote a speech together - and soon the day of graduation came - and q goes at the end “i wouldn’t be here without the person who motivated me through it all, so thank you (y/n)” and youre like “hey man *sob* wtf *sob” - and you kiss him on the cheek and cheer to all the graduates  - after the ceremony he catches up to you in the parking lot, grabbing your wrist before you could go off with ur family - and blurts out word soup - and ur like what - and hes like “i really like you, and law school wouldn’t have been the same without you. can we be more than friends?” - and youre like “duhhh” and kiss him right there karl (best friends to lovers): - YOU ARE IN LOVE BY TAYLOR SWIFT  - that is the song for this SCENARIO - you two met when you were little kids in like first grade - your friends werent there on that day so you hung out with each other - hooked to the other since then and there - it was always “karl and you” and “you and karl” - you came as a packaged deal - through ups and downs you were there together - you graduated high school together and were going to the same college together now - while karl barely got into any romantic relationships, you seemed to be going through a few of them  - you were desperate for a love connection and honestly i aint blaming u - one day after a horrible date he came over to your dorm and u had an impromptu sleepover - you were in karls old shirt and some pajama pants and he was in his pajamas - and you two were just watching a movie together - before he turns to you abruptly, and you turn to look at him - and he’s like “you’re my best friend”  - and you saw a switch flip in him - since then, the dynamic between you two changed (for the better) - you became more flirty more touchy  - you started to act like you were a couple more and more - one day you saw him open his wallet to pull out his card  - and u saw that he has a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and then you knew that he was it for you - you ask him out that night - and hes so happy hes picking you up and spinning you around - <3 wilbur (musician x fan trope): - okay this is inspired by those tik toks that are like “did you see the way he looked at me” and its harry styles staring and eyeing down a fan in the audience like YES - and he’s a musician so it fits! - imagine lovejoy is like a HUGE HUGE Band so maybe this is in the future - anyways you and ur friend go to a lovejoy concert - for the sake of the story, youre not that big a fan of lovejoy just familiar with hits like sex sells and one day - the whole time ur friend is like “theyre so good hes so good its all so good” - you two end up a few rows from barricade  - and you and ur friend start screaming it up as you should - youre not oblivious to the way the lead singer keeps looking over in your direction, winking and smiling - imagine a sweaty, singing wilbur glancing over at you during sex sells and giving you a smile as he rasps out “you know sex sells i know that” - brb ascending to heaven - anyway a time comes when he stops to speak to the audience - he wastes no time - he struts over to your side of the stage and points at you  - “what��s your name?” - and you scream it at him - “what a lovely name!” - the crowd cheers - “ahre you single?” he asks with a grin on his face - the grin grows when u nod at him - “give me ur number!?” he asks and you nod at him as ur friend is dying next to you - he gestures u and ur friend to the front of the stage by the barricade  - and he passes you a marker and make syou WRITE YOUR NUMBER ON HIS GUITAR OR HIS SHIRT OR SOMETHING - oh yeahh go you go you thank yoU! let me know if you want any of these to become a bigger story/imagine and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2 WITH OTHER PEOPLE :D reblogs appreciated
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the-record · 5 months
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SUMMARY: ellie, your perfect high school girlfriend, is back in town after college. what’s one date?
PAIRING: modern!ellie williams x reader
A/N: i had an idea!!! pls enjoy while i finish the other 3 ellie fics lol
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“oat milk latte for ellie.” your head shoots up hearing the order called off. it couldn’t possibly be her.
your staring at her when she turns around and makes eye contact. a smile forms on her face and she makes her way over to the table you’re at. “hey.”
“hi.” she points at the seat, you nod and she sits down. her eyes flicker away to not fall, but she brings them back to yours instantly. “how are you?”
“good.” she clears her throat, a comfortable smile on her face. “how are you? how’s your family?”
you roll your eyes and let yourself get comfortable. “theyre fine. my mom asked about you the other day.”
she leans back into her chair, one hand on her cup and the other on her thigh. “she did always love me more.” ellie teases. you kick her shin lightly and she hisses in pain.
your jaw drops. “oh stop, that did not hurt!” you watch the pout form on her face and kick her again, a little harder. you hear her whisper something as she grabs her leg. “that, maybe.” she gently kicks you back in retaliation. “so, what are you doing back here?”
she sips her latte before answering. “well i finished school, figured id see who wanted to hire me here before i went looking elsewhere.” you nod as she talks, taking all of her in. your ellie. “what about you? what’s like been like without me?” you know shes teasing but something inside you missed her.
“sunshine, smiles, and rainbows!” you close your laptop and give her your whole attention. “it’s been okay here, weird not seeing you and dina everyday.” she nods in agreement. “i’ve got an internship now, and a job, but not a career yet.”
talking with ellie is easy, it always has been. if she hadn’t gone away for college you might still be together. you take the time to learn everything new. you study the new freckles and a scar on her cheek. her voice is something you could listen to for years and never bore of.
“this was really nice.” ellie says as you pack your bag and she finishes her drink. “is there a chance we could do it again? maybe over dinner?” she leans forward on the table as she asks. “at miller’s?” the name of the restaurant makes you sigh.
you shake your head with a smile. “i dont know, sounds a bit… nostalgic, doesn’t it?” she shrugs and plays with the fingers on one of your hands.
“maybe. but lets do it anyways. it’ll be fun.” those green eyes would be the death of you.
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the conversation at dinner came easy, ellie guiding you. it was nice to be back with her, in your own world in the quiet restaurant.
“have you dated anyone?” ellie asks, not exactly wanting to know.
you scoff as you take a sip from your glass. “not really. a couple flings but, nothing serious.” you say as you set down the glass. “you? im sure there were plenty of girls for you in santa barbara.”
“i dated a girl for awhile.” she smiles as you tense up and avoid her face. “broke up with her though.”
you hum. “and why’s that.”
“because she wasn’t you.”
you let out a breath you didnt know you were holding as a smile fights its way on your face. “ellie…” she takes your hand.
“let’s get out of here.” her eyes stare into your soul, convincing you silently.
the smile breaks free and you nod. “okay.”
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you pay more attention to ellie than the roads as she drives. studying her profile, the lips you’d missed these past for years.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” your cheeks burn as ellie glances at you but you dont dare look away. its a few more moments before she slows and parks.
you glance around as you unbuckle and notice a familiar house. “dina’s place? weird place for a date.” she rolls her eyes and jumps out, running to get your door. “still quite a gentleman i see.”
“only for you babe.” she takes for you and leads you towards the house, but turns to the backyard rather than the door. you go to protest but she beats you to it. “don’t. just trust me.” she pulls you through the tall gate and into the backyard.
“i was gonna propose the beach, but then i remembered we are in jackson.” she smiled and pulled her top off.
you laugh. “ellie, what the hell are we doing here?”
ellie looks at you like it’s obvious. “we’re here to swim babe, duh?” shes stripping out of her pants now and you grab her arms to stop her.
“you have to be joking!” but she just shakes her head and jumps in, only her bra and underwear on. “i’m not getting in.”
she swims to the edge and reaches for your hands, which you mistakenly give her. “guess i’ll have to pull you in.”
you yell for her to wait but she’s already going, pushing back from the wall and pulling you with her. you pull her close as you come up to the surface.
“ellie!” she laughs and holds you in her arms. “i hate you.”
she shakes her head. “no you don’t.”
“no, i don’t.” its quiet, only the sounds of the water as you stand with her. “kiss me.”
who’s she to say no to that?
“ellie? is that you? angel? what the fuck!”
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i-cant-sing · 30 days
Me (an atheist) : Damn how am i gonna explain this one now
see i dont think i could ever be an atheist because I rely very HEAVILY on God to do miracles to solve my problems. Like I cant count the amount of times I've been pulled out of trouble when I had ZERO hope or chances of coming out alive, and then just a quick prayer to God/Allah and Im all set :)
Like this is not me trying to convince anyone to be religous or something, but like i dont think i could possibly function without God because i just need HIS HELP every single day.
Im sure if most of you sat down and recalled moments in your life where things just seemed to fall in line out of nowhere, when deep down you knew that this was more than just a random coincidence, that one problem you just couldnt find any solution to, and then BAM! Its done. Your issue is solved. Youre out of trouble. Your secret is safe.
Personally, I think that having a relationship with God is important for your mental health. Like Allah doesnt need me to praise him, thank him and stuff. I need to thank him for all the He blesses me with, because well- if I'm more grateful, wouldn't I be more blessed? Wouldnt He give me more?
Ofc its not like God hates those who arent grateful to Him, or that he takes away His blessings from people who dont thank him. There have been times that I hadnt been praying to Allah, hadnt been a good muslim, but... Allah didnt take away His blessings. He didnt punish me, He didnt even lessen His gifts. And yet, deep down, despite having everything in my life, I still felt... abnormal. Anxious. Depressed even. Maybe I felt so restless because I didnt have Allah with me. Which is weird, because why dont I have God with me? Isnt God supposed to love all his creations, his beings?
And thats when it hits you- Allah has always been there. He's still in the same spot, waiting for you- for me, to return to Him. It is me, you, the human who gets lost in worldly pleasures and moves away from God. And you know, Allah guides who He wills, so maybe thats why some of us feel restless even though we have everything. Sometimes Allah sends some trials our way, just to remind us of Him, to make us call Him for help, to run and return to Him. Sometimes Allah sends more blessings our way, so that we become more thankful, return to Him and ask for more- as is human nature.
And some of you may ask, as i did, "so if Allah only guides who He wills- if Allah has already planned everything, if He already knows everything, then why should I make an effort to do better? Maybe He made me this way? Maybe I was meant to not be guided?" and I think the answer to this is that the very fact that you're reading this post, the fact that you have such a dilemma about your relationship with God, the fact that you question your current belief system, maybe its Allah's sign for you.
I think that to do something, anything, we must first desire for it to happen. So... if you and I have this question about our relationship with God, and then develop a desire to improve this relationship, then maybe it is God's will to guide us.
Nothing happens without His will, so this post reaching your dashboard, you reading this despite knowing by the first two paragraphs that this is not a fic, this was Allah's will, hm?
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solomons-poison · 6 months
Idk what to do with this thought but I just keep thinking about childhood friend Toji....
Like you had a crush on him off and on over the years and he never really seemed interested. You still hang out with him often, but you just see the friendship as platonic now. And you're hanging out with him one day maybe around the holidays and you're reminiscing about the old times and he says, "believe it or not, I had a crush on you back then."
And your heart jumps three feet into the air bc you dreamed about that for so long and got nowhere. "No way." You respond, "I had a crush on you back then, too! I thought you weren't interested."
He gaze shoots back to you. "Liar." It's almost an inside joke the way he says it. But there's a glimmer of surprise in his gaze as he studies your features. Did he really not know? "You were always talking about that underclassman. Gojo."
"The one that had all the girls chasing after him? The one that went to a fucking ivy league? Fuck him." You chuckle. "You remember how he rejected me. You had to comfort me under the bleachers, remember? I liked him for like a month, tops. The rest of the time it was you."
There was a silence. Not really comfortable, per se, but pensive.
"what about now?" He asks. He looks at the starry night sky, unsure he wants to know the answer.
"now?" You look at him. "You're asking me out 10 years late, Fushiguro." You chuckle.
"but I am asking you out." He admits, a cocky grin plastered on his face. He didn't plan this. He's not prepared for a rejection.
I've read a fic with almost this exact same synopsis for another fandom and let me tell you, I go CRAAAZY for it!!!!!!
Like that mutual pining/crushes when you're younger but things just aren't right, or maybe you didnt realize your feelings yet. Your fates just aren't lining up yet. And then time passes by and you see them again down the road long after you've graduated and somehow those feelings have lasted all those years, on BOTH sides, and you've both been through some shit and grown and now you're both available.
And now suddenly it's out in the open, but the question is, where do you go from here? Half of you is still convinced Toji is just joking about a crush, that he's pulling your leg. But the other half of you is screaming, telling you that now's your chance!!! And even though Toji looks so confident, cocky and arrogant in his words and his mannerisms, he's in the exact same place as you, anxious and self doubting.
Would it be a mistake to get together? Are you even right for each other? What if it ruins the friendship? Could you stand not being on good terms with him, if something happened?? Is he even looking for the same thing you are, or vice versa???
There's just so many questions and the only way to know the answer is to make that leap of faith, but by God is it nerve-wracking.
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bunnieshoneys · 4 months
Jjk cheerleading au??? It’s like you know my soul lol. Any headcanons you can share? You know … for science lol.
i have started writing this!! so yes!
worth noting i have set this in the US, they cheer collegiate in a four year program and they cheer co-ed. i am not a cheerleader but ive been doing quite a bit of research and ive watched netflix cheer more times than i can count lol
- gojo is a stumbler, but his tumbling in particular is extraordinary.
-getou tumbles less proficiently, but his stamina is insane
- shoko: top girl, flyer, tumbler, miss worldwide
- top girls in the team are riko, shoko, utahime :)
- sashisu do stunts together - shoko trusts those two more than anything or anyone else on the team
- yuki is a really proficient tumbler, as good as the boys, but doesnt fly or stunt
- suguru and satoru are roommates
- yuki is older and keeps doing degrees to stay in cheer
- gojo was offered a scholarship and declined bc his parents would pay anyway - the school only gives a very small number per year and he didnt want to deprive someone else of the opportunity
- getou, yuki, shoko, haibara, nanami and riko are all on scholarships
- yaga coach :) or assistant coach, i havent decided yet
- they all help each other with taping injuries, icing, etc. getou gives a killer sports massage. gojo will break ur spine trying to give u one
- haibara has a little youtube channel focussed on vlogs and fun stuff, and gojo stumbled into being an influencer through his competitive career, but he doesn’t try lol (this might not make it, idk if im gonna set it in 2020s or in 2007)
- most of them also cheer allstar on the side - getou, gojo and shoko go to the same allstar gym, yuki goes to another one where choso coaches, and nanami, haibara, and utahime go to a diff one
- gojo managed to convince getou to stunt him once. it went awfully. they still did it again
- getou broke his nose in HS cheer, and gojo drove him to the hospital
- gojo, haibara and riko are the most invested in cheer culture beyond the sport, but getou and shoko know a lot more history than them
what im writing currently is JUST the older guys. the 2007 gang, if u will. if the fic does well i might end up writing a sequel for it inc the younger gen, but we will see
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splatoon-edits · 9 months
do you have any rarepair splatoon idol ships that you really like. for me it would be the polyship of shiver, frye, and marie. and the worst part about that is that since that specific ship, not just shiver and frye or shiver and marie, since it is a rarepair, has so little content. thank fuck i have my autistic little brain so i can think up situations to put them in.
oh cod yeah polyships are so hard to find content for. I love poly deep cut and i'm so glad they do actually have some content. But frye shiver and marie???? how have i never considered that before. i do like marie x shiver and i've seen less content for it but marie x frye is cute too, but all 3??? such a good idea. i am adding this to my list of ships immediately.
as for idol rarepairs...? hmmmm.... i sort of like all idol combination ships but as for some rare ones i really enjoy...?
Callie x Marina x Pearl as a poly ship. I just think Marina deserves two upbeat pink squids. And i think Pearl and Callie should never be allowed to hang out without chaos ensuing. Which is exactly why they should be allowed to date and cause as much chaos as they want. I may have read like one singular fic or headcanon about it once way in the past and i've just liked it ever since.
Also- not an idol x idol ship, but, Marie x Spyke. I honestly see them as aro x aro who are in the worlds most evil qpr. I just know they would bully each other incessantly. It's not a ship i'm actually invested in, but i just like thinking about it every once in a while. I honestly don't even need to see ship content. Just let me see content of them as friends.
And while i'm here lamenting. I'd like y'all to take a wild guess what my fav agent ship is. IT'S 4 x 8. I CAN'T WIN. I don't mind 3 x 8 (i think of em as friends but don't dislike the ship) but its SO POPULAR THAT THERE'S NO 4 X 8 CONTENT!! Tho it could be worse. I could be a 4 x 3 shipper. Those people are just always losing. I'm not even entirely convinced they're real.
EDIT: I FORGOT SHIVER X CALLIE!!!!! I THINK IT WOULD BE SO CUTEEEE!!!! Like i think at first Shiver would kinda assume Callie is weaker than her considering she's from Inkopolis. But the more time they spend together the more Shiver starts to realize "oh she's crazy" and they do stupid stuff together. Also i just think Callie is very affectionate and Shiver is easily embarrassed and so you have shiver trying to keep her cool but Callie just smiles at her and holds her hand and Shiver combusts and starts blushing SO hard.
EDIT PART TWOOO: i didnt mention it in my original version of this post. But my other fav agent ship is 4 x 3 x 8 cuz i adore poly agents. I saw someone mention it in the notes and yeah its SOOO adorable.
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vvindication · 1 month
2, 7, and 25 for the oc ask yaaaaaaayyy (for whoever you'd like !!)
MINTT YAAAAY thank you hugging you hugging you !!
2. How much death and/or destruction have they wrought? SUCH A LOADED QUESTION. and such a fucking good one. if I were to compare the amount of misery caused between Vincent, Armistice, and Joakim ...
well, Armistice was the moralist politician. she was definitely causing the most harm on a grand scale whether she liked it or not. im not really interested in getting into the weeds of All That (bureaucracy is the quickest way to bore me I cant be assed to research that deeply for a hobby fic) but he was not responsible in his job whatsoever
well, no - by the time the events of The Fic roll around he isnt. I really do think she tried to be the son her father raised at first. that might have caused even more suffering than ignoring his job altogether to deal drugs and purposefully endanger himself. by actually trying to be a good moralist and make sure that the status quo is upheld (no matter the suffering of those people under the status quo)
as for our cop duo, Joakim has one extra year of formal service before Vincent, as well as a few informal years as a civilian informant. I'd like to think he did a lot more good in that time than harm, considering the reason he got involved to begin with was stumbling onto human trafficking as a teen - but he is also more trigger-happy than he would like to admit. if he thinks someone is in danger, he WILL shoot first and ask questions later, which inevitably leads to killing and maiming
I imagine his record of kills is more numerous than his partner's. I'd say an estimate of 1.5 deaths per year until his own death - making that 6 in total at the very least (idk why I decided to do fancy math about it, but it is what it is)
Vincent on the other hand avoids lethal force at all costs - he's not the strongest physically, so most of this entails convincing Joakim to back him up with restraint/fists rather than a bullet. hes trying to help people, not kill them - but then again, he gains the nickname Omen for a reason. people tend to die around him for no real fault of his own. it's Revachol, after all. hes killed about 3 people out of his service of 8 years, one out of strict vengeance for Joakim's death, others accidents of self-defense that he regrets immensely
7. What's their pain tolerance? FUN QUESTION I was thinking abt this while watching a character have an incredibly high pain tolerance going hmmm interesting ...
I do think Vincent is one of those people that has absolutely freakish pain tolerance + strength in the heat of an altercation because of adrenaline, but as soon as it starts working its way out of his system that guy is DOWN for the count. kind of dude who doesnt even realize hes hurt until someone else points it out. small things hes a wimp for though <3
speaking being a wimp, Mikael has to have some crazy pain tolerance considering how often hes constantly fuckin getting hurt and still smiling away. has a lot to do with him keeping up an extreme facade for police work & toxic masculinity, but if he didnt have it before police work, I imagine it would be a "fake it til you make it" kind of situation that developed over time. predator animal fear where no one can ever see him weak or theyre going to Kill Him To Death
25. Have they tore someone to shreds with their bare hands? With their teeth? OOOOH okay I love having characters that bite because well. thats me. im the biterrr (and I think thats a fun way of showing how potentially unhinged or desperate a character is in a fight) but I wouldnt say any of my disco ocs fit this criteria. HOWEVER
my FC5 Rook does definitely fit that criteria (funny - hes also a cop but from a different media) as the de facto leader of resistance against a violent cult. being stranded in what amounts to the middle of nowhere with no official backup and an organized militia trying to torture, indoctrinate, and/or kill him does insane shit to his brain. that guy turns into a monster all for the initial goal of genuinely trying to stand up to some evil shit he didnt like. the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and so on ...
anyway on top of that he was starved and denied water and who knows what else by one of those particular cult guys in an effort to basically turn him into a trained killing machine, so if he hadnt already been ready to seriously rip ppl apart with his hands & teeth that definitely did it
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it's, i think, 125 days into the genocide and im thinking about so much again,,, but for some reason i came back to thoughts of ex-mutuals/ex-online friends. which is dumb, i know.
i remember seeing their icons and their names on the pro-israel/pro-genocide posts made by zionists and just feeling this wave of emotion i cant even explain. one of my ex-online friends,,, i couldnt believe it. this person should have known fucking better. why didnt they know better? a victim of misinformation online? someone who suffered from fake callout posts and depended on the goodwill/good faith of others? why did they never fact-check what they were seeing on october 7th and further into the year? it's not hard at all to find information about palestine and the iof? the colonial-settler occupation? when so many resources were being passed around especially on tumblr for them and available for free?
i think this one ex-online friend hurt particularly because when it was their ass in trouble from the spread of misinformation, i believed them.
their abuser publicly came to me, multiple times, to try and convince me they were evil. all because i commented on my ex-online friend's fic at random. they were a complete stranger to me when i met them/messaged them: "hey, some person has it out for you. they're saying this. im letting you know. i think you deserve to know because i know nothing." and i got the real story and my ex-online friend told me they were grateful. for some people, especially those who dont deal with drama, it would have been easy to just believe that misinformation or ignore it. let someone slander someone else's name because it's not my problem. well,,,, i dont function like that. i cant. i told my ex-online friend, directly, if this was happening to me, i would hope someone would do the same for me as im doing for them and help me in this situation. im just so angry because they knew,,,, they fucking knew how harmful that can be to fall for misinformation. and once again, they got twisted up in that. only it's entirely their fault.
i dont even really know what im ranting about but god fucking damn it im so angry? and im so angry thinking about how i never really knew the people i thought i knew? i thought the line was genocide for some of yall and it wasnt?
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dottores · 1 year
AHHHHHHHH screamed and sobbed into my pillow when I came home to read the new chapter of Heliotropes. I fought every inner demon afterwards I’m not even gonna lie to you.
I’m the commenter from ao3 of the color purple, and I saw your response to my comment and cried even harder bro. I know it’s only been four chapters (and a segment data page!), but I’m already so attached. The ending of the new chapter hand me audibly going “no nO NOOO”. Arggggg darn you, your angsty ideas, and how well you execute them.
I’m so happy that I was right about how much Dottore has influenced her, even more than we had been originally lead to believe. However all your hints of future fights has me sweating in my seat, but excited nonetheless!! It’s interesting for me to think about how sneaky Ms. Purple must have become over the years. Being a good secret keeper and staying under the radar must be hard, and she’s definitely learned a thing or two, I’m sure.
Seeing how conflicted Ms. Purple is with her family is so interesting, especially since we already know that Dottore probably wouldn’t care for her family no matter how wonderful they are. I love him, but I fear he might take advantage of her distance from them by making it worse or manipulating the situation. She cares for them, and you can’t just stop loving someone, even if they hurt you again and again. This is something I doubt Dottore would be able to understand, since emotions aren’t something he can typically rationalize.
ALSO IM SO HLAD YOU DIDNT MAKE MS. PURPLE A COOKIE CUTTER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’m so happy you’ve become invested in this fic, as I can see just how much it’s helping you explore both yourself and your talents.
When I went back to reread The Color Purple again, I realized how close Delta and Iota must be to her. On top of that, Dottore had already threatened to send Theata to work with Delta. I was thinking about how funny that was, as those three would be the most problematic for Dottore if they found his (their? Technically) soulmate first.
Also I already suspected Brighella of something bad, BUT NOW IM THOROUGHLY CONVINCED HES THE SPY. Which would be so SO bad for arlecchino since she brought him in (yikes).
All of this is making me wonder about possibilities and routes. I’m curious to find out what Ms. Purple will do to earn Dottore’s respect, because even if he does care about her as she’s his soulmate, that doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t really want her there. The plot thickens.
NO WORRIES ABOUT THE COMMENT BTW!! I’m surprised you even responded, it really made my day <33 Your work inspires me, and I’ll never shut up about how great you are in expressing exactly what the characters are feeling or doing without losing the audience’s focus. I’ve yet to read any of your stories and feel uninterested, even on characters I don’t particularly care for. Thank you so much for your time and efforts, I promise you me and hundreds of others are always thrilled to see that you’ve updated.
Best of luck on your future works!!
ok hehe rest below the cut
GDJHSDHJSJDHSH i actually wasn’t going to end the chapter with that, bc i usually like leaving it at 4 scenes BUT I HAD THE IDEA AND COULDNT LET IT SLIP BY HAHAHAHHA it would be just his luck to get THAT as his word right after all that LMAOOO and yk damn well he’s gonna take it the wrong way
🤭🤭🤭 the sneakiness and having to hide it is something else that it’s gonna be explored more in chapter 5 & 6. i just planned chapter 5 and i’m gonna start writing it friday i’m rlly excited for it, i think it’s the chapter i’m most excited for thus far.
the conflict between her and dottore when it comes to family is gonna be a BIG ONE, djsjdjjsjd i actually literally changed the whole original fic at chapter 2 to center around this conflict. without too much spoilers, i got the idea from the tik tok audio that goes “if i betray you, i betray myself. but if i betray them, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me.” “dearer than i?” “no, not dearer than you” HAHAHHAHA i’m rlly excited to get to that point too
DELTA AND IOTA WERE LITERALLY A TOWN OR TWO OVER FROM HER BEFORE SHE LEFT TO LIVE IN THE CITY. when iota finds out, he cries LMAO. if they had found her first, it would be the end of all things for dottore LMAOO he would be miserable 💀💀💀 the only thing that would’ve made it worse if gamma was there too. he hasn’t been introduced in the fic yet.
SOBS ILYSM 🥹🥹🥹🥹 that rlly might’ve been the sweetest thing anyone’s said to me i’m quite literally about to cry, i wish i could give you the biggest hug. i love asks and comments, theyve deadass been what’s pulled me out of writers block like dozens of times. i think i told you in the ao3 comment but ur comment there saved my ass like three times HAHAH. i showed my bf and i was like “if i ever start complaining about being stuck, send me this” and he DID and it worked like a charm every time LMAO. i always try to respond but sometimes it just takes me half an eternity because i’m swamped with work and drained SOBS. so i’m sorry if it ever feels like i’m not responding bc i promise i try to get to it at a decent time but i just get so overwhelmed and then i crash for a few days.
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moomoomooing · 1 year
spiraling down into your arms
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a/n: i read a jeonghan/mingyu/wonwoo time loop fic and it put me into a mood okay. i also missed how nice it felt to write smth comforting for leona and kyuu. also i didnt edit or proof read any of this so sorry in advance
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He was spiraling again, he knew that. He knew it was bad, he knew that he should probably find a way to snap himself out of it, he knows, painfully so, that he’s not okay. That doesn’t stop his thoughts though.
He walked himself through another day. Repeating the same false smiles, the kind that never quite reach the eyes, but just enough to assure someone you are fine (and they believe you). He tells the same lies over and over again, the “I’m fine’s,” the “It’s okay’s.” and the ever so agonizing “Are you ok?” Because he desperately wants someone to see through his facade, to ask that question in return again, and pick up on how his smile can never reach his eyes, and how his eye bags are showing through his concealer. But no one does, so at some point he stops saying “I’m fine,” and instead gives them a weak smile and asks back, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
He came out top of his class again, but he can’t tell if it was a mistake or not. He thinks that it’s best to pretend that he deserves it though, lest someone catches onto his pathetic attempts of pretending. He can’t even process Professor Trein’s praise, it only adds to the churning guilt in his gut. But he smiles, like always, and keeps whatever scraps of composure he had left.
He was avoiding Leona again, he knew how annoyed the lion would be, but he could barely convince himself to get out of bed again. Cater had only given confused looks at first, but now the same sad smile that Kyuu could only offer and return every few days. 
Maybe, he thinks, I’ve gotten too good at acting.
By the two-week mark, Ruggie’s been trying to catch him alone, to probably drag him off to confront the ever growing rift between his boyfriend and him, but he can only give weak excuses and murmur something about Rook or Floyd to get Ruggie to awkwardly shuffle away. The next time he tried that, Rook really was around, and he offered to talk. Kyuu tried to find the hidden mockery, the thinly veiled distaste, in his voice, but he was a little too good at acting as well. Kyuu only shrugged him off, saying he had extra paperwork from the Equestrian club he needed to finish. Just because he thought he wasn’t nearly competent enough to help run a club didn’t mean he didn’t still have those responsibilities. Seven’s be damned if he let himself fail something else, he didn’t think he could take another look of sheer disappointment.
He had work today, he had put in a notice that he would need to take a break to accommodate the new workload from the last few weeks, competitions, meets, school events; he didn’t even know why he was being asked to do so much. Surely there were better people right? Determined to not be late, he briskly walked down to the Great Hall and through the Octavinelle mirror, ignoring the ugly churn of bile in his stomach.
He passed someone in the hallways, but he kept his head down. A gruff voice called out, “Oi.” He knew exactly who it was and only uttered a pathetic, “I’m sorry,” barely loud enough to be heard before he scurried down the rest of the hall.
Azul only gave him concerned looks, was he doing worse at his job? He hoped he wouldn’t be fired in favor of someone better, Kyuu thinks he’s been too cold looking at customers recently. There would definitely be better waiters than him. The tweels left him alone for the most part too, he didn’t know if he appreciated the space or loathed it. Time to think and gather himself, time to lose himself to the onslaught of anxiety and fear. 
Untill Jade tapped his shoulder. “We seem to be short staffed in the back. I would appreciate someone skilled to aid me with orders.” Not knowing what else to do, he nodded and followed the eel into the back, only dimly aware of the other twin taking his place. The rest of his shift was nice, listening to Jade fill the numbing void his mind imposed on him was nice. He thinks that going back to work was good.
Closing the Lounge and leaving through the doors, strong hands grasp his arm and yanks him toward the mirror. Kyuu can’t even resist, he was tired, and he knew this would have to happen eventually. Maybe he had finally done it, chased the person that made his chest feel warm away again. He was on the verge of tears when they finally made it to Leona’s door.
Before it was pushed open, Ruggie pulled him into a hug, tighter than his usual ones. Kyuu was thankful he stayed silent though, any words might have broken him before he could even face the lion waiting on him. With a final, albeit hesitant, pat, the hyena pushed the door open and Kyuu stepped through to face what he felt was the end of the world.
Instead, he let out a soft “oomph” as his face hit a solid chest. Next, warm arms circled around him and hefted him up. He didn’t even know he was cold. He was brought to the lions luxuriously large bed, being uncharacteristically set down gently instead of the usually playful toss.
“I would’ve helped, you know,” Leona finally says. His voice is quiet, an attempt to not sound like he’s demanding anything. This has happened before, and it clenches his heart painfully to see Kyuu in such an unresponsive state. “...A lot of people would’ve helped.”
He knew he wouldn’t get a response though, and only clung on tighter. Bringing his hand to cup the back of Kyuu’s head, waiting until he heard choked sobs wreck Kyuu’s chest. Strangled “I know’s,” and muffled apologies leave his mouth as he buries his face even deeper into the crook of Leona’s neck. Kyuu forgot how much he missed this, his self-imposed isolation convinced himself he never needed it in the first place. Soft kisses on the top of Kyuu’s head ground him, the gentle circles Leona’s thumbs rubbed into his back and head. Soft assurances left Leona’s mouth, and for the first time in three weeks, Kyuu felt just a little bit better.
The next day he felt only barely more energized, but it was something. There had been a silent agreement to skip classes today, a decision Leona made with minimal protest from Kyuu. A long stretch of his arms made him aware of the tension and soreness he had been ignoring from hours of hunching over work. He thinks a break would be nice. Right now, he didn’t want to look at his phone, but maybe later today, when Leona wakes up.
  Maybe, he thinks, I’m not as good at acting as I thought. And he smiled.
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
17, 21, and 35 for afhiri? ♥
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
if its coming from those they trust it would be incredibly easy. the average joe couldnt make afhiri do anything if they didnt want to. but if the squad did? oh boy the only thing that would stop them there is a counter argument from another one they trust. and then afhiri would blow up from the confliction so someones gotta make an option outweigh the other we gotta vote on this. 2 votes vs 1 ! opinion winner decided!
afhiri doesn't get a lot of good endings or good results during the events of the game because if a companion wants something that is actually bad morally or doesnt sound right.. gives them the eeby jeebies, afhiri will do it because they trust them, or let them do it despite how afhiri may personally feel. they are unfortunately loving to a fault and can't see that sometimes you need to tell a friend no in order to be the best friend to them. a ride or die, whatever makes you happy type of friend .......
so the answer is tldr very easily if afhiri has you on a pedestal, and thats literally every friend they have
21. What is more important to them, friends or family?
friends ARE family. afhiri didnt grow up with a single friend, their very friend friends were the very first companions they recruited!! and they became life long friends immediately! can't get rid of the clown, you fools! you let them in!!!!!
afhiri loves their actual family so much though, like, their parents and their 6 siblings are so, so important and mean the entire world to them. and their friends are on the exact same level. doesn't exactly sound healthy, but that's ok! (is it???)
if afhiri was made to choose between her family or her friends she would not understand the question. friends are family, family is not blood alone
35. Do they believe in fate or do they believe they are in charge of their own destiny?
ok this is the most insane question u can ask a gale shipper i hope u are aware of this. my boy literally talks about how he doesn't believe in fate but does believe in serendipity.
to assume afhiri understands these concepts innately is foolish, it would be expecting too much of her limit brain power and brain size. and wrinkle amount. anyway
gale is the one who educates them on the actual concepts of fate and destiny because these are things inherently tied to him, as a lil wizard man doomed to the narrative as chosen of the universes bitchest god
this is actually something i've been writing about in my 3 years post-game afhiri x gale fic, in which the two decide to take control of destiny and write their own in the stars by becoming immortal in order to never have to part, re: take the power of the gods to be eternal. they are the masters of their destiny and they will write it into the stars. etc etc.. very poetic and romantic its hard to express it in an ask like this because i wanna be silly and they are so unsilly in this decision. ... dfglkjdfgd
TLDR... they are so in charge of their own destiny they will defy the gods in the name of love
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spacepatrolhana · 2 years
scrapped aitau fic, ada/nami
didnt rly like it enough to finish it, context is just after arresting yu
Kitsune is their teddie btw
When Adachi got his Valentines Day presents, he had a sickening feeling in his stomach. 
He'd decided to spend it with his friends, surprised when all of his female friends approached him with a gift of friendship chocolates. He accepted them, he never got them before due to him being cooped up in his studies at his previous schools. Sayoko's was in a prettied up bag, hearts covering it, he assumed it was just her flirty tone put into this bag of chocolates. Hisano's was plain, looked store bought, not that he really cared if it weren't or not. Kitsune's was melted and decorated horribly, he cringed when he felt the soft chocolate placed on his hand, the warmth mixed with melted chocolate not being a good combination for him.
But Nami's… had a different type of meaning to him. It was on his desk already when he walked into the classroom, it was bagged neatly, and they looked like a mix of dark chocolate and milk chocolate both homemade. He snickered at the thought of Nami in an apron trying to squeeze the chocolate into a heart mold...and also sick at the thought of her trying to confess some sort of unspoken love.
He didn't see Ryotaro or Namatame with the same sort of chocolates, in fact theirs. looked lazily bagged. His bag was the only one that looked perfect. He looked over to Nami, seeing a blank expression as she doodled in her notebook. He felt some sort of feeling that a part of his brain punched down and didn't want to come up. Why the fuck would Nami like him? Actually, why would HE like her?
She makes fun of him, has an ugly laugh that makes him cringe, acts the opposite of how a girl should be, and those long, dopey skirts he always sees her with; he's convinced he's never seen her legs at all. Of course he gained a reason to care for her over the course of the murder investigation, the realization that his friend group shoved him out of his lonely, sad shell, gave him a chance to feel any sort of emotion for a human being but dating any of them? Out of the question.
So how come he felt his heart beating more than usual when Nami patted his head to tease him?
He figured he should at least… address it.
"I never took you for someone to make such girly chocolates," he fake laughed.
She looked at him with a scrunched face, "I can cook you know, last year I learned how to make chocolates so I could give it to someone I had a crush on," she sighed.
"Crush?" That piqued his interest, "Haha, you had a crush on someone?" 
He saw her face tint red a bit, and she took a deep breath, "It was someone I liked during Valentines Day, I figured I'd learn…" She looks off to the side, a scowl now on her face.
Adachi figures it's probably best to not poke harder, and stares back at the chocolates at his desk. He feels his stomach coil, and puts it aside for now. 
Exhausted could not begin to explain the past year Adachi had experienced. 
Fighting a God? Okay, whatever, he can deal with that. But then forced into a fighting arena where he has to fight his shadow friends AGAIN? The only thought after the whole ordeal was, "can I hang out with my friends in peace?" 
At least he'd somewhat made up with Yu Narukami, both of them delivering the final blow to Kagutsuchi. He really seemed regretful to the killings in Inaba, at least they set him straight.
What bothered him the most was how much Nami's shadow really did a number on him during the entirety of the session. He's been kicked, probably cracked a rib (he doesn't know how he managed to kill another god with his ass beat like that but he was damn proud of it), his glasses broke again, and the bruises all over him spoke for themselves. That was only during fighting her once, the rest of the time? He was fine. The sickening feeling in his gut came back when instead of the first thing Nami did was not crack a joke as she usually did, but genuine worry.
He's gotten similar injuries like this before, the time Ryotaro swung his bat wrong and he got a broken nose and a black eye. Greeted by Ryotaro apologizing aggressively, Sayoko immediately coming to patch him up, and Nami laughing her ass off. He expected the same when he found her after she had just won a fight, but she caressed his cheek in a sickenly tender way. He leaned into it unconsciously, before realizing and making an offhand joke about it. He couldn't get her worried frown off his mind until they had to fight someone again, though.
Adachi decided to stay back in Inaba for a little bit to recover from his injuries. He didn't have to go back to Tokyo until the summer was over anyways. He let his eyes rest on the hospital bed while Sayoko sat by to make sure nothing horrible would happen to him. The silence between the two was cut short when he heard his entire friend group pile into his room, all wondering if he was alright. He gave them all an irritated look, to which they all quieted down immediately. 
Sayoko scoffed, "Come on! He's a delicate patient!" She got up to shoo them away, and he turned his pillow over his head to block out the protests coming from Ryotaro. Nami quickly poked her head back in, "Adachi-san."
He groaned, it being muffled by the pillow, "Can I at least get a nap?" Nami chuckled, "Sorry, not around me."
He turned over, the expression on her face surprising him. It was soft, a small smile on her face, and he swears to god he can see a small red tint on her cheeks. 
She cleared her throat, "Since my beautiful, yet ugly shadow had destroyed your glasses…!" She fished something out of her bag, a small case, "I have figured it is under my liberty to buy you a new pair of glasses!" She declared with a horrible, fake tone.
She presented the glasses case to him, and he sat up to take it and open it. He opened the case to see… the gag glasses that Kitsune had given her when she first entered the TV world. Adachi stared at it for a bit, Nami waiting in expectation. 
One fit of giggles, then two. And he burst out in laughter. He felt his ribs screaming at him to stop, but he kept laughing. He sat back to clutch his stomach as he kept laughing. Nami looked worried, "Okay, my shadow must've beat you silly," she panicked, wondering if she should call Sayoko again. He turned to his side as he giggled, and suddenly turned onto his back to put his hands on his head, "Oh, I feel like my head is spinning. I'm going insane, I'm going insane."
"I can tell," she mutters as he whispers his assurances to himself. He finally pinpointed everything now, he liked her. He actually liked someone. All his life he lived it isolated from ever making a friend long enough to turn it into a lifelong partner for him. But he swears he can see the rest of his life with Nami in his arms. The way she made fun of him for his stupid dad jokes made him joyful, because he knew she actually found it funny in her head. Her stupid laugh didn't make him cringe, it was endearing, it was… god dare he say it… cute? He admits he has a traditional way of thinking of women, he does not say it out loud but… the way she acted like she was a guy was… hot? Honestly, he thinks if Nami were a guy he'd STILL like her. And the long skirts, he liked it actually, it gave him an imagination for… he doesn't want to think of it now. 
Nami's still giving him a concerned look when he takes his hands off his head, and he sits back up.
"I was kidding, I did get you new glasses," she chuckles nervously, and hands him the real case. He opens it, and it's just like she said, the same as his old glasses, perfectly brand new. She hesitates to say something different, then crosses her arms, "I used up all the money I saved up for them, so… You're welcome."
He isn't so shocked, his parents rewarded his constant good grades with lackluster prizes like expensive glasses. He's surprised she didn't go for a cheap replica with his prescription. 
"Thank you."
"Uhhh, I didn't hear you…"
"Thank you."
"Say it one more time?"
"Nami-san, if I say thank you one more time, I'm going to find a way to climb out of this bed and punch you."
Nami fakely gets offended, "Well that's ungentlemanly!"
"As if I were one in the first place," he flops on his back onto his pillow, sighing, "Now go away, I need a nap." He shuts his eyes immediately, staying awake to hear her delayed footsteps and the closing of a door.
Thank god she left, or he felt like he was going to shout a confession in her face.
Adachi hadn't fully recovered, but he decided to leave the hospital to at least spend the rest of his summer with his friends. When he came home, Nanako was worrying over the amount of bandages he had all over him. They'd done their best to explain everything about the Midnight Channel to her, but it was still hard to rack her brain around monsters being in there.
Adachi, as usual, mainly brushed it off, nothing he wasn't too used to. Nanako immediately went to make lunch for him, something that he could hopefully down. He sat exhausted on the couch, wincing when he felt a bit of pain from sitting so suddenly, and felt like he was going to pass out already. He spent the rest of his hospital days freaking out over the fact that he had a crush on Nami. Honestly, it hurt him more than getting injured.
He saw that Ryotaro flipped on the TV, watching as he flipped through the channels. He noticed the amount of shitty jewelry selling channels he flipped through, which gave him a realization. He never really gave a White Day gift to any of his female friends. Sure he didn't care for the holiday, but at least something complementary would've worked…
"Did you give any of the girls a White Day gift?" He asked Ryotaro.
"Huh? Yeah, I gave them one in your place too, you weren't there to give any," he replied.
Well, that solves it. Felt a bit insincere without him actually there, or at least sending it through the mail. His face scrunched up at the thought of Nami feeling disappointed he didn't send her a real present. 
Okay, maybe he was more in trouble than he thought.
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wooahaes · 2 years
I actually don't have bubble, would you recommend it? I have to say I do enjoy reading that sort of fic, I find it relatable. I'm early 20's and never experienced a relationship, I don't see that as a bad thing though. But I'm torn between wanting to have that sort of connection with someone & not wanting to leave the house lol. (I'm also v scared to meet people & convinced they won't like me lol). Sorry to make that about me, but do what's best for you, I'll support you either way -🍧
oops i didnt see this before i answered the other ask but anyway
if there's a group member who has bubble that you wanna pay for and you can afford it, then i say go for it!! channie's is like. 4-5 dollars a month so i'm happy to pay for it :0 idk who all has bubble tho since not every group does! i just got it bc i like keeping up w channie & being able to respond (even if i doubt he sees it) w kind things <3 i like putting that energy out at least since i think he always deserves it
aw hon <3 i get you entirely! i don't think it's a bad thing to not have a relationship before your 20s, but it does like... mess with some ppl i think (and i'm one of those ppl). i've seen where other people have talked about how there's this whole uncertainty about being 20+ and navigating things that ppl expect you to already have experienced by then, and how difficult that can be and i think that's the kind of thing i'd focus on? like i've had two bad relationships (entirely online) and they, as everyone who follows me probs knows by now, did fuck me up after not having Anything until i was 17. i don't think it's bad, but i think it had a bad effect on me if that makes sense?
like. completely normal to not date until your 20s, but on top of my own mental illnesses... it does make me feel like something's wrong with me even more, y'know?
also felt tht entirely tbh i live in a place where like... i do not want to date literally anyone bc a good number of them are close-minded (i don't want to get into the list of -ist and -ic things ppl are here, but its the bible belt, soo.... you can imagine how a ton of people are) + i don't want to date anywhere here. i want to move out of the country eventually and i don't think there's anything that will stop me, but i don't want to invite anyone in who like... could.
thank you though <3 if anyone else shows interest i'm happy to post the fic!! even if its just ppl who are like "i wanna read the way you'd write it" i'm happy to share lol i love writing <3
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slut4dympna · 3 years
Hi!! I'm in desperate need for more content about Joe - especially after reading what you wrote.
Could you please give us more of it? 🥺
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okay indulge me for a moment here : an au with joe and reader based on sally rooney's 'normal people'
allow me to explain
(warnings for mentions of sex, but only briefly as these are just hcs)
- i honestly had this in my head while i wrote my other joe fic but i just didnt really elaborate enough to clarify it
- but like... you coming from a more privileged background but being weird and not really having friends at all
- and joe obviously not coming from the best background but being very popular and actually having lots of friends
- i honestly see it as one of those academic rivalry type things at first
- theres one subject you're both really good at and you sort of have this private competition going on between you about who can do better
- but you both always seem to get the exact same scores and never have a clear winner or loser
- you rarely ever speak because no one ever speaks to you at school
- but the one time you do speak is when he comes into the shop your family owns
- he doesnt know why he started going there, he could never afford any of the stuff because its all high end shit
- but you got him talking that first time, which surprised you both since joe isnt really much of a talker, not unless you know him really well
- and since then he just keeps coming back
- eventually, one day, after the tension builds up, and this weird rapport begins between you, you end up taking him to the storage room in the back and fucking him there
- it starts this affair of sorts between you, where he comes to you for sex and strangely deep chats about life and love and family
- and he then proceeds not to talk to you at all at school
- he cant tell if it actually bothers you. and he convinces himself he doesnt care
- you secretly feel a little smug
- if you wanted to (and you dont, but, if you really wanted to) you could just tell everyone that you and joe have been fucking in secret and their opinions of the both of you would change entirely
- probably
- maybe
- but you wouldnt do that to joe. from what hes told you things are hard enough outside of school and he needs all the support he can get from his friends
- though from what he tells you, they arent always the greatest of friends to him
i have lots more ideas so lmk if you want more hcs or a full fic of this concept... if not i just needed it out of my system lol
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neko-nemesis · 2 years
Diluc this, huffman that EXCUSE YOU- Where tf is your appreciation for literal Dilf Wagner ??? I mean hunny??
A workaholic blacksmith? Hunky af? Strong? Actually had some meat? (sorry itto they did you dirty why mihoyo give you sticks for arms I dunno) the actual fucking zaddy in this damn game?!?!? Hellooo?!?!
Ps: my brain if full of rot and I finally plucked up the courage to send asks lmao excuse all the useless ones i prolly sent
THANK you for the ask love @brokeartskid and GOSH I'm so SORRRRRY for the late response, shit for me is going a lil rough this new year but ANYWAYS 😋OKAY OKAY listen. HEAR ME OUT!! I got alot to say about this man. BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY I HEAR YOU AND I GET YOU. I JUST DIDNT THINK THERE'S PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO THINKS THE SAME WAY DDHDHDHDJ and goodness please, feel free about the asks, you made my day with this incredible one <3 don't hesitate to drown me with your brainrots CAUSE UGH SAME DAMNITNSHDJS I finally know there's other fucking people drooling over this buff ass Wagner.
Side note for itto, istg he looks like Zeke's titan/ the beast titan from aot ☠️ I'm sorry mihoyo played my guy wrong
Istg, I saw a TikTok of him way before I started the game and man got me raising my brow in interest. And when I did join the game, when I would have some spare time, I'd just stand there near the blacksmith and watch him HAHHSJDUDHDJ. I got some headcanons of my own for this beef cake (lmao I'm sorry) ;)
Okay, No one. NO ONE can convince me this mf isn't pent up as shit. I doubt he ever took some time off from working so hard all the time and you know, let his mind wonder. So really, imagine being that one little pretty thing that caught his eye. >:)
He's ofcourse not one to have time for idle chatter (diluc much?), Imagine that sexy buff man for once in his life getting distracted during work whenever you were around the streets. Oh I'm sure it will be soooooo frustrating for the man </3 what's more enticing annoying for Wagner is that you know what you're doing.
So imagine one fine evening, he just had enough. He's not used to having distraction nor a need for something or should I say someone ? Ofcourse it's none other than you ♡ even more so, after seeing you flirt away with his apprentice, Schulz??? Well let's hope he doesn't break the weapon he's forging with his bare hands. (Screaming cause like just think for a secondsjdj) bestie you're getting your guts rearranged tbh.
So I say, don't be so surprised if you happen to be walking by but suddenly get dragged out of no where but then see it's none other than Wagner himself, literally fuming. (Gosh do  I love hot men when they're angry.)
So just imagine, Dilf Wagner having enough with your shit and bending you over, arching your back until it aches a bit from the stretch but I'm sure you don't mind <3 the fucking man you've been wanting for so long, is about to pound you to oblivion buttt not yet.
The last thing you'd expect is him ripping down your pants/dress, the bottom half atleast. But before you could protest about the cold or your torn up clothing, his calloused hand spanking your bare bottom, hard. Gosh those hands. I can't bear to imagine the absolute bliss as well as sparks of pain you could feel through the impacts from his hands. My masochist ass can only dream~
And his voice? Cross my heart and I hope to die, it makes me all giddy. Imagine that same voice sounding all husky and drunk heavy in lust,
"You've been waiting for this, aren't you?"
"Don't tell me you're getting off to this like a whore."
OH and please tell me you remember his line from the dragon storm or whatever quest, he really goes
"What? Speak up. I can't hear you."
Imagine him mocking you like that when all you can do is whimper.
FUCK this, I can't write everything I think of here. I'll literally write a fic today about this mf 🏃‍♀️💨 lmk if you wanna get tagged ;))
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