#this is just me. it's me i'm otherkin
canis-rex-lupus · 10 months
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my gay little ass
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a-dragons-journal · 8 days
Genuinely, how do so many anti-endo people have the fact that they're anti-endo and "fakeclaimers DNI" right next to each other in their profile/pinned/etc.? Babe, you are the fakeclaimer. The thing you are doing when you say "DNI endogenic "systems"/supporters", putting "systems" in scare quotes to state that you don't think they're really systems, is by definition fakeclaiming. You just think that it's justified when you do it because this time you've got the REAL fakes and you REALLY know how to tell when someone is lying about their experiences and identity, pinkie promise. That doesn't make it not fakeclaiming - all fakeclaimers think that. They wouldn't do it otherwise.
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fauxbia · 27 days
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Updated dragonme ref since I can't stand looking at the old one. This one is much better drawn, more accurate, and more informative! ^^
The initial design was made by @mothcrumbs, and it's their species in the first place.
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pissdrinkerpiko · 2 months
You're still valid if you don't have kin memories btw
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caliginouscreature · 1 month
Sorry for being so inactive lately... been busy irl, and have been meaning to post here more often, but also, like... I always feel a bit shy approaching the 'kin communities on here because it kind of feels like everyone is sort of... "internet poisoned"? For lack of a possibly-better word. A lot of folks here on tumblr in the 'kin and alterhuman communities are children, and a lot of more prominent community figures treated like "elders" are only about my age or younger, and it feels really strange, to be honest. There's a lot of discussion of feelings and terminology, but very little "lifestyle"? It's like there's a universal expectation for everyone to just figure everything out on their own; you get some definitions here and there yeah, but the amount of variance says much more loudly "just figure out what it all means on your own, pal". ex. Not only can no one actually explain what "otherhearted" actually means sans relation to otherkin, but it feels like I never see anyone talk about dealing with what one could call "kin feels" in the workplace, when unable to acquire your habitat, etc... Othercon is online-only, and while I'm pretty sure I'd be unable to attend an in-person event, part of me has a hard time feeling like everyone is really taking it all seriously and is really unafraid of being "cringe" when obviously it's so much easier to act like you're so confident online. I kinda feel like meeting some wolfkin stereotypes in a park for snacks and doing a group howl would do more for me than years of reading essays on tumblr ever has.
I dunno, I tried watching a recording of an Othercon panel I felt would be relevant and useful to me once, and was floored at just how... utterly useless it was. Despite its promising title, it was just shallow "you're valid" garbage and internet discourse... Makes me feel severely alienated, to be honest.
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fairfoxie · 5 months
Every day when I wake up I have to remind myself how to be human.
I prefer weekend mornings when I can do so slowly and thoughtfully, and decide which bits and pieces of myself to carry throughout the day.
Waking up for work is more like being dropped into cold water. My wings do not shed, they are ripped off. I am born visciously each time the alarm sounds. My fur is cold. The lights give me a headache. The people make me dizzy. But in the blink of an eye I am one of them once again.
They know I'm not quite the same. Is it the flowers that fall off of me? The way I talk and sing to myself as if I'm in another plane? The way I dress myself with little nods to who I truly am? The way I can't quite be controlled by the laws of this land?
On days when the festivities call for it, I walk around in pointy ears, a tail, maybe wings. They see me now. I make sense now. It was every other day of the year that was strange. This is what I was missing. They see me now. Tomorrow I will be hiding again.
The one I love knows what I am but not why. He knows only that he loves me. I know only that when I love him, I am everything. I am myself. And for us, I am human. In these moments I am the most human I could ever hope to be. Love is human. I long to keep it.
I walk a wild trail. Trees sway on all sides, welcoming me back. The animals are hiding. I can't help but to shake the ground as I walk. I am big. Too big to fit in the crannies that call out to me. Too big for the portals which would allow me to breeze through this world to the next and back again. I must keep my big body on the trail. I feel at peace, it's true. But I don't feel free. Not yet.
When I wake up I have to remember how to be human.
But I remember, too, how to be myself. I run. I climb. I crawl. I make myself fit. I recreate what I'm missing. I acknowledge myself. I spread what joy I find. My heart is sensitive to judgemental stares. But also to innocent smiles and shining eyes. A girl no older than three sees me and smiles. I smile back. Even under the mask I am known.
I remember how to be myself.
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salamie-baby · 3 months
As an aurora fan I find it inexorably, unexplainably, infinitesimally funny that Running With The Wolves has so far been in every single alterhuman playlist I've looked at. Every single one. She's everywhere and I cannot escape her
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shadydays047 · 10 months
randomly thinking about my owner violently defending me against an old woman trying to call the cops on me
Her: "You know what Karen?? Why DOESN'T your dog have a mane? Maybe my dog is just cooler than yours! Quit bullying my dog just because he looks different!"
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z0mbie-l0ve-juice · 2 months
Hey guys, just an fyi, if you meet a sourcemate of someone you are related to in source, maybe don't immediately start hitting on them...
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Some raw meat just looks. so good to me. I know it's bad but I just wanna eat some meat raw and I'd bet it tastes DELICIOUS like esp fat heavy meat.
Ya know now that I'm thinking ab it this might just be me being a wolf.
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infinitedraconity · 1 year
Hey wyvern friends! I have a question for you!
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cheezyfellow · 4 months
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We are an OSDD 1b system!!! DNI if you're going to be negative.
;; AuDHD ;;
Do not make NSFW jokes around us (Unless you are a friend who has perms), any sort of suicide joke, or be a creep
DNI ; Basic criteria, Meeple x Meeple shippers/supporters, Pro/Comshippers, Physical disability/Mental disorder fakers, Anti-neo/xenopronouns, Zoophiles (or supporters), endogenic systems
We make art sometimes because why not
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a-dragons-journal · 10 months
Forgive me for showing my fangs a little here instead of being as delicate in phrasing as I usually am, but. Periodic reminder:
sweeping "humans suck, humans are evil, the world would be better off if humans disappeared/had never evolved" statements may be cathartic but they're thoroughly inaccurate (ie, the vast majority of uniquely bad effects of humans on the planet are a) extremely recent, like within the last couple centuries, b) the fault of an extremely small minority not the entire fucking species, and c) fixable)
hating being human isn't the same as hating humans. I get species dysphoria is a thing. I get that it's often hard to fit in as a nonhuman in human social groups and that can make it easy to slip into hating everyone around you. Please fight that instinct
villainizing people for traits they didn't choose, such as the species they were born into, is neither cute nor fair. No species is inherently good or bad
misanthropy is cathartic in short term vents or whatever but genuinely embracing it wholesale as a philosophy is liable to lead to you hating humans, human society, and being in a human body more and more over time and thus make your life worse by constantly reinforcing a thought pattern that makes you angry and upset
you are not immune to being part of human society (translation: just because you're nonhuman doesn't mean you're not included in statements about the effects of the human population on the world, ie "humans are killing the planet")
related, you are not better than humans for being nonhuman. looking at my fellow dragons in particular on this one. I get it, draconic pride is a thing, dragon brain probably says you're the supreme being and all else is beneath you especially anyone who annoys you. Mine does too. Please recognize that is an instinct you are supposed to FIGHT, not something that's TRUE AND THAT YOU SHOULD EMBRACE. Good fucking gods.
some nonhumans are also human (it's me, I'm some nonhumans) and you are making sweeping "humans suck, why would I ever want to be human, all humans do is kill the planet" statements in the presence of people included in those statements, which is insanely rude (and no, you don't get to "but you're different because you're nonhuman" me! you do not get to decide to ignore half of who I am because you don't like it, you do not get to decide I'm not "really" human, and also see the previous bullet point). this goes doubly if you're in a space like a DIscord server where people have expressly stated they're not comfortable being tacitly included in statements like that
saying "but I don't REALLY mean all humans, I just mean the specific ones at fault!" after the fact does not actually change anything if every other thing you say is constantly "humans humans humans" and not the group you're actually referring to, or at the very least doesn't change how it reads to everyone around you
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brokerkisser · 5 months
fuck this human bullshit *turns into this and doesn't go back*
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xxlovelynovaxx · 3 months
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Hey asshole.
People literally are the fictional characters that are their kintype.
They're not "acting entitled to your art" to tag it as their very real literal identity - and one that neither they nor you can control.
You're perfectly within your rights to block. You cross the line when you invalidate the core identity of who someone is.
When someone says "I literally am Rarity", they don't usually mean "I figuratively am Rarity". The fact that you have a problem with someone making it clear they're not just finding something relatable, but deeply meaningful to who they are, as you openly admit, "cringe" and "uncomfortable" is a you problem.
Again, you can block over it. Otherkin literally block doubles (when another person shares their kintype) for basically the same reason - that it makes them uncomfortable.
But you have zero right to say "I know better than you who you, an internet stranger, is." Not only that, but while it's not recognized as such by many people, being anti-kin and not acknowledging kintypes as real is very literally bigotry - discrimination against and denial of a person's immutable identity and subjective internal experiences.
Oh, and btw, even if someone kins your OC, that's still not fucking something that you have the right to say is not their identity. I fully fucking understand blocking over that or being uncomfortable, but that doesn't make them any less a real, breathing person who is that character.
Their deeply personal sense of identity and not denying who they truly are, honestly, matters more than something that to you is deeply personal, but still only fictional.
I hold this to be true of my own OCs, and I have fictives of many of them.
Oh, and btw, you are not safe for systems, either. Some fictives (and other introjects) are literally their source and you have no right to tell them otherwise.
Anyway, go fuck yourself. Catch a block for this shit. One of us is denying someone's actual identity and potentially triggering depersonalization. One of us is doing actual harm. The other is pretending like it's a personal attack or even that they could at all be harmed by someone else kinning their fanart of canon characters from a media property they don't own the rights to, and pretending they're entitled to tell other people who they are or what it's possible to be.
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dracononite · 1 year
What's your journey with queerness been like?
Been sitting on this question for a bit cause there's a lot to the answer. In short, being queer and trans has probably been the biggest joy of my life, and has been very freeing and allowed me to embrace my identity and love myself and others in a colorful, authentic and fulfilling way.
but here's a longer answer about the journey:
I didn't start figuring out my gender and orientation until I was going on 17, since I was raised in the south with very little sex education or inclusion outside of "wear condoms". I wasn't exposed to the idea of LGBTQ+ identities outside of gay or lesbian until (drumroll....) Tumblr! once I came across the term "nonbinary" that's when it all kinda clicked, at least for my gender. I played around with labels, tried on neutrois for a bit, but pretty quickly came to be totally comfortable with just- nonbinary. I'm just me! (I used the term "transmasc" along with nonbinary for a long while, but within the past year have accepted that I'm generally GNC and enjoy both masculine and feminine presentation in addition to androgynous, so have dropped the "masc" label.)
sexual & romantic orientation has been another journey entirely. I've questioned my orientation repeatedly ever since I found myself, as an at-the-time girl, in an online relationship with also an at-the-time girl. like I knew it was inherently LGBT but it didn't feel like I was lesbian, and this was before I learned any other terms or figured out I was nonbinary, so in my head I was like "??? this is fine, right?" (it was, even if we didn't work out in the end,) and I'd had a boyfriend in high school too, so I didn't think I was homosexual.
once I started learning more about LGBTQ+ labels, I think the first thing I thought I was, was asexual. which, is fine, I was an anxious, dysphoric teen and didn't have any real experience. I eventually moved on to demi/pan, which I stuck with for a while, cause I'd finally become more confident in myself as a person and my relations with others (thanks, college!).
and sometime last year I think, I dropped demi/pan and have just gone with "queer" and, more recently, "sapphic." My relationship with gender and romance is pretty ambiguous but I'm so happy to say that I'm totally comfortable with who I am and the relationship I'm in, and enjoy and celebrate being LGBTQ+! I've never thought that I would find a forever-label for my orientation, and I accept that it will continue to change and evolve with me throughout my life cause well, I'm still questioning pieces of it right now.
I like to be my absolute authentic self with my friends, family and loved ones, and I'm lucky to have a supportive family in my mom and brother - even if my environment growing up wasn't always safe and there were people who doubted or belittled me. I never felt like I had to hide anything from my mom and brother, which probably helped a lot in allowing myself to figure out my identity and beliefs at a pretty young age all things considered. I've never been one to repress who I am, and I never will be.
I've never really felt that announcing any changes in my labels to my online audience is important for me specifically, but I like it to be known that I'm queer and trans. cause if sharing my journey or perspective online helps anyone else figure things out or feel accepted, included, and proud to be LGBTQ+, then I'm happy to do so on occasion.
Thanks for the question!
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