#this is basically just tom being a malewife tbh
tomscottsredshirt · 9 months
Waking up next to Tom and him making you breakfast. Please make it super fluffy 🥰
tom scott x gn! reader fluff - waking up next to him and making you breakfast <3
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as you slowly come to your senses from a good night's sleep, you shift in bed, stretching comfortably. rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you're greeted with the sight of your lover tom next to you, his grayish hair splayed out on his pillow, sound asleep. for once he looks peaceful, unbothered by all the responsibilities of his daily life, a rare sight to witness these days with all the traveling and filming and other things he has to take care of. you admire him for a moment, holding yourself back from touching his face, not wanting to disturb him. lying there for a few minutes just lazily staring at the ceiling, you notice him shifting too, making a soft sound. his eyes open slowly, hazy from sleep.
"good morning," he mutters, voice deeper than usual and hoarse from sleep. as if you didn't already love his voice, hearing it in the morning just makes you adore him even more. he slept in one of his many signature red t-shirts, of course. why wouldn't he.
"morning," you reply, similarly groggy. your hand moves to absentmindedly play with his unruly hair, something he wouldn't admit he loves. there's a small smile on your lips, one he returns. wrapping one arm around your waist, he gently pulls you closer, pressing a loving kiss on your forehead.
"did you sleep well?"
"mm-hm. did you? you really deserve some rest, tom."
"i did, love."
you spend a few moments in comfortable silence, letting the early morning haze disappear slowly, your fingers still in tom's hair. you treasure these quiet moments of intimacy with him, doing nothing but enjoying each other's presence. he lets go of you after a while to get out of bed, at which you let out a dissatisfied sound.
"come back, let's cuddle. what's so urgent all of a sudden? you don't have filming today, do you?"
"i don't, but i'll make us breakfast. you just rest, okay?"
accepting defeat, you lie back down, watching tom go to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients. he doesn't cook often, but you appreciate it immensely whenever he does. still, you miss his embrace, but this is an acceptable compromise. you can always get your cuddles after eating, and you're starving, now that you think about it. in a few minutes, the delicious smell of pancakes wafts through the air, enough to get you out of bed and make your way to the kitchen, wrapping your arms around tom's waist from behind. you press a kiss on his cheek, looking down at the sizzling pancake batter in the pan.
"they smell great. thanks for making breakfast, it's sweet of you."
he lets out a soft chuckle in response, flustered.
"you know i'm not the best cook, but it's hard to go wrong with pancakes."
he sets one last pancake onto the top of the pile, turning off the stove and giving you that charming smile of his, cute crinkles appearing in the corners of his eyes.
"would you like yours with blueberry jam?"
"yeah, thanks."
you take out two plates and take a seat at the dinner table, eagerly gobbling down four pancakes in one sitting. tom seems to enjoy them too. after you're done eating, you pull tom back onto the bed, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him close. he chuckles as you kiss his cheeks all over, pressing one last kiss to his forehead.
"what was that for?"
"for the pancakes. and for being lovely."
he lets out even more flustered giggles. he looks so pretty like this, the early morning rays of the sun bathing his face in a warm glow, his hair still messy and his smile making your heart flutter wildly. your eyes wander to his lips.
"can i kiss you, tom?" you blurt out the question without much thought. he stares at you for a moment, taken aback.
"yes," he whispers, voice breathy.
leaning in, you place your lips on his. he kisses back slowly, always so gentle, resting a hand on your cheek. you feel like you could explode before he pulls away. the rest of your morning is spent holding each other and listening to tom's lengthy rambles of all the nerdy things he's interested in, mostly infrastructure, sound wavelengths, and future video ideas. you wouldn't have it any other way.
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mallowstep · 3 years
Hm... Let's try these questions specifically with the characters as portrayed in "there is so much that is growing", shall we? Can I have a 5, a 6, and a 7?
fic asks
answering this now bc my voice eval ended early and i'm in a good mood because i'm no longer in a voice eval and ALSO i finally had it.
5. What makes your main ship so compatible? Or, what makes them so incompatible? What do they see in each other?
for jaypoppy: i just...they're both smart, a little snarky, and they work well together. he doesn't feel like she's patronizing, he feels like they're equals/she sees them that way.
she likes that he's grouchy but also super soft, and that she can keep up with him, and isn't patronizing (berrynose).
basically they both See each other, y'know?
for the holly-cinder-lion thing going on: as everyone knows by now, i find siblings crushing on the same person very funny to write. i like hollycinder because i like holly being a simp for cinder, i like cinderlion because i like lion being a simp for cinder, it's no secret that i like the three all mutually simping for their gfs.
but also, i think lion/cinder is a nice ship. she becomes a warrior with them, in canon, although not in tismtig, and it's good. i think she's pretty nice, right? like she's a "nice" character. and both holly and lion like that about her.
cinder likes holly because she's smart and strong, and lion because he's strong and drinks respect women juice. girlboss and malewife, if you will.
6. How do you feel the environment your character(s) grew up in shaped them as a human? How does the environment they’re in now shape them currently?
ironic seeing as they're Not humans lmao. no but anyway.
key difference in tismtig is that jay is a warrior, yeah? so for him, i mean, he's just not so jaded with being constantly patronized and he's not angry from being kept from his dreams. so that definitely lets him be a bit softer. (whereas canon jay never really gets that, at least, not until briarlight.)
there's also the fact that they're raised by squilf and leafpool. this has nothing to do with brambs, but the three are raised much more by the Clan in some sense. i always try to give their relationships with daisy and ferncloud weight, but it's especially significant here. they're...family is important to all of them. i think, y'know, in a tismtig fire scene-equivalent, the three would actually be mad at squilf for implying she Wasn't their mother, if that's what she did.
i don't know how the fire scene would go down, but if it went down like it did in canon, they'd be mad at her for saying that, not for the reveal. which tbh is how the fire scene should have gone but i digress.
anyway, hjl would do pretty much anything to protect one another (or their moms). they're a unit. and it definitely, like. when dovepaw is revealed to be the final prophecy cat, no one is going to tell her not to tell ivypaw, because the three Understand how important family is. of Course you can tell her, dovepaw, you actually Should tell her.
also i don't know exactly when everyone has kits, but cinder does have her canon two litters with lion (holly considers having a litter with some Other Tom but decides she's not interested in that and she already has like, six children anyway), and jay and poppy have...probably just one litter?
their first litter is three kits, who don't have names yet, but they're adorable. and the fact that like. jay is a warrior. idk. the rise of the dark forest is extra personal for him. because while he always cares about poppy, even in canon, there's. i don't know what happens in the honeyfern scene, because tismtig isn't interesting from this angle for me, but there's a Difference between "best friend" and "mate" and even saying poppy and jay are best friends at that point in oots is somewhat exaggerating it.
so anyway, there's a nonzero chance that jay just fucking murders breezepelt then and there. he can. who's going to stop him. no one. no one is going to stop him.
7. Who is the most important person to your character(s)? Why?
i kind of already answered this, but hjl are probably most important to one another for a long time.
by the end of tismtig, their maara is them, poppy, and cinder, and that unit is pretty much core importance. i think like. if forced to choose jay would save poppy over cinder, and vice versa for holly and lion, but i don't honestly know who the siblings would choose like.
i don't know who jay would choose between lion or holly and poppy. i don't think jay knows.
(when their kits are born, as parents, that is of course who shifts to most important.)
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