#this is about just how many virginity rocks has come onto my playlist
dawningfairytale · 1 month
not beating the virgin allegations
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bnhavibes · 4 years
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Promiscuous; a Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader short(?) series.
agedup!BNHA, 17+ please!! (contains some NSFW scenes)
tags: cursing, nsfw 🍋, promiscuouity, flirty!reader, curvy!reader, american!reader, female genitalia & she/her pronouns, experienced!Reader
Part one: Fucking extras.
Katsuki Bakugou; Spikey blonde hair, similar to what you’d describe as, well, porcupine needles. Along with his spiteful temper, the dude never interested you in the first place. He’s similar to an old man— always cranky, has something to badmouth, can’t drink, refuses to smoke weed, and as you were now hearing— Definitely not getting enough sex.
Unfortunately for you, the lush suite-style apartment you moved into happened to be across from the Bakusquad’s shared one. You never expected to be so close in proximity to someone who was so obviously in need of your.... services.
Since leaving America in the midst of high school, you’ve adapted a nickname for yourself. “(Y/LN)-jofu.” You never expected so many people to be attracted to you, but you also weren’t turning too many people down. You had a huge cultural shock when you realized how Jofu, and its original meaning being, labelled you as a ‘prostitute.’ You weren’t, obviously, but young Japanese men couldn’t get enough of you. The curves of your hips in contrast to your slim waist, mixed with the softness of your voice, and the way your bright eyes sparkled as you smiled flirtatiously reeled in many would-be heros. The name came after you rejected a few of the kids in your class, typical teenage style drama. Yet even after your acceptance to UA, the name stuck around. People started using it in place of promiscuous, saying your personality was so flirty it seemed like you had many relationships.
Your friends in the Dekusquad, never used it to begin with. Iida and Todoroki made it their jobs to side eye or scare off any unprecedented guests during lunch, who sought nothing but to bring you down. Uraraka, Asui and Midoriya all called you by your first name, and before your senior year in highschool would start you would have gotten a request from Midoriya as well. See, you weren’t a *prostitute*, but... You have this Savior complex when it comes down to “helping” young guys like Deku, who asked you to take his virginity.
At first, you didn’t want to ruin your relationship with him, or Ochako(being that you felt she had a crush on him). But after a few months of Midoriya pining over you, and eventually courting you in public, there wasn’t any hesitation in giving him what he wanted. It was just something you do, and some people(after you and Midoriya broke up) liked to reward you for it. Gifts, money, favors, cheat sheets, all offerings to make you the first person. Their first person.
It started off with Monoma, as cocky as he is, who had been at your hip like a dog to it’s owner from the first day of 11th grade. He was intrigued by your care-free way of speaking, so blunt and yet so promiscuous. Rejection after rejection, he would practically beg you to help him by just getting the damn first out of the way and teach him how to treat girls right. After a couple weeks of what you felt was a complete sexual mindblock, you began finding even the lesser attractive students appealing. You knew how taboo sex was for young people in this country, so you couldn’t simply ask someone to fuck when you’ve just moved here. So you’d have to settle for the second loudest person in school, though you must admit— he is a bit attractive.
Now it’s been a year since graduating, and your second year as a support student at UA has been going splendidly. Well, it would be perfect if it wasn’t for the lack of good sex you’ve been craving. You sigh as you step out of the shower, the heat from your *session* and the water radiating off your sunkissed skin. You looked at your reflection in the mirror as you brush your hair out softly, noticing your red cheeks, and flushed lips(from biting down on them). You sigh in content when you’re finished, beginning to rock your hips to your (fave genre) playlist, when suddenly loud banging hits your front door. You groan in frustration, rolling your eyes as you stomped to the door.
Piercingly angry red eyes meet yours, for the umpteenth time since they’ve moved in.
“Turn that damn music down, you fucking extra!” He spat, the scowl on his face never wavering, until he realizes the water droplets dripping from your wet locks. Then he glances at the towel wrapped around your body, his cheeks tinging just a smidge before his eyes snap back up to yours.
You crossed your arms and leaned into your doorframe, smirking at the blastoid. “Bakugou-san, good to see you’re doing well. It’s like, 8/8:15 in the evening is it not?” Your unwaveringly cool tone, and nonchalant stance only infuriates him more.
“Some people have shit to do in the morning.” He barks as your music continues in the living room.
“It’s Friday night though, the landlord says if its not past 10 you have to call him.” You say, subtlety checking him out as you spoke.
He was very attractive, that’s for sure. His broad shoulders, and muscular arms would make anyone a bit intrigued. By the. way he was standing, you could tell he had a lot of leg muscle as well, and a flashback of when he was shirtless at the pool back in your junior year of highschool passed through your mind as you took him in. Too bad he’s an asshole.
“What the hell are you staring at?” He growls, snapping you back to reality.
“I— was .. thinking about your response and how we can handle... the situation.” Phew! Close one.
He grunted in response, waiting for you to say something.
“So, can you stop being an old man and let me shower with my music in peace?” You tease.
“Old man? Tch, I have responsibilities shitty woman— And, since you wont listen to me, FUCK calling the landlord.” He snaps at you, and forces his way into the apartment but making sure he didn’t bump into you.
“Hey!! What the hell do you think you’re—?”
“SORRY, I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THIS LOUD ASS MUSIC!!” He screams sarcastically , slamming his hand onto the soundbar’s off button.
“Who the hell gave you permission to manhandle my belongings?” You spat at him, pulling him by the collar of his top and speedwalking him to the door.
“Agh— I can manhandle whatever the hell I please if it means I can finally get some damn sleep.” He mumbles as you push him out the door.
“Oh really? So you’ll be back to manhandle me next, then?” You say when he’s turned around to have the last word. His face heated up again, and with a soft chuckle and a quick “That’s what I thought.” you closed the door on him.
Sparks popped from his palms, his anger mixed with whatever the hell else was making him feel hot, and instead of yelling at you he clenched his jaw; leaving your doorstep with incoherent grumbles and balled fists.
“Fucking extras.” He mumbled to himself as he entered his own apartment.
Part two
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agustdomain · 4 years
A Slideshow of Road Lines {2}
Synopsis: They say oil and water don’t mix. What about oil paint and engines? He’s an artist reaching toward his dream while the girl with an engine heart is too busy trying to get her hands on the wheel. Is there a way for them to hold onto each other?
Word Count: 5k words 
Pairing: Chris x Reader
Genre: college!au, artist!Chris, angst
Warnings: Language, Physical Illness (mentions and depictions of it)
Author’s Note: Would any of you be interested in a character index? I’m going to do it anyways haha but I want to know if that’s something you’d like to see. You know, just in case you need a reference. It is an expansive world after all. Also, I have a playlist specifically for this universe so if that’s also something you’d like to see... Without further ado...
! IMPORTANT NOTE ! This story is taking place in TWO DIFFERENT TIMES. When you see these flowers ❁, the story is shifting from present to past. There will also be a “Then” next to the day in order to further indicate that. If you have any questions, let me know!
> Part One <
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DAY 4 
Her head is bobbing, her mind dipping in and out of consciousness. Any moment now and she’s going to hit rock bottom, far beyond return. 
This is what Y/N deserved for putting off studying for her calculus exam until the night before. The last time she checked the clock-when she was more awake than she is now- it had read 2:03 AM. That had given her a nice seven-hour window to study for the exam in which she was massively unprepared. 
Truthfully, she’s been using this exam as her go-to excuse until it was wrung dry. It had been enough to deter worried Hyunjin more than once and barely sated Yeji who’s relentless with pestering her this entire weekend. Even Minnie senses something is off, leaving a Crunch bar at her door for the past three nights.That’s one reason she preferred Chuu over all of her roommates, because she knew when to keep her distance. 
The Crunch bars, however, are a nice late night snack. 
Her phone buzzing made her head slide off her poised hand, almost right into her desk. Yawning loudly, she scratches at her cheek as she squints down at her phone. Swearing at the brightness, she turns it down before focusing on the only notification that’s lighting up her screen.
My spidey senses are tingling…                         Delivered at 3:08 AM
She waits patiently for the three dots to reveal whatever else Hyunjin’s spouting at her this late at night. 
They’re telling me my favorite girl is in need of Honey time...
and Pistachio ice cream.                                  Delivered at 3:09 AM
Even though she’s been trying to avoid him as much as possible, Y/N can’t avoid the smile trying to nudge her lips. She barely began to type a response before he shoots another text at her. 
Before you heartlessly reject me, I’m waiting at the front door. Let me innnnnn
Delivered at 3:11 AM
That’s how after almost failing to creep down the creaky ass townhouse stairs and stubbing her toe on Minnie’s skateboard, she finds a gentle smile and her favorite companion waiting for her.
“Get in here,” She hisses, ignoring his outstretched arms and opting to yank him inside.
“Ouch. Don’t have to be so rough,” He whines a little too loudly.
“Uh, yeah I do. Especially when there’s a dumbass walking around late at night asking to get himself mugged. Or worse, killed.”
“Let them try. You know I could take anyone who tries to come at me,” Posting up, he swings at an invisible opponent, the grocery bag hanging on his wrist making him look ridiculous. 
“Shut up before you wake up the Wicked Witch,” Y/N whispers. 
His gaze trails to the stairs before shaking his head, kicking off his shoes. “We really need to get Minnie ear plugs or something. I’ve spent enough time around to know she’s louder than a boat horn.”
Y/N has to stifle her laughter. He always knows how to pull it out of her, no matter how hard things are. “Come on, loser. Watch your step. The stairs-”
“Creak. Yeah, I know. You act like I haven’t been here before. Are you going to tell me every single time?”
Not even five seconds later, she hears the stairs creak from behind her. Slowly turning back to look at him, she merely shakes her head at the grimace on his face before leading the way.
Once they close the door behind them, she gets her phone to text the roommate group chat. It’s a rule they had implemented when they first moved in together: keep each other in the loop. To maintain a level of respect, they always let each other know what was going on/who they are having over. 
Right as she’s going to hit send, she hesitates. Hovering her thumb over the send button, her eyes peer at Hyunjin. She watches as he observes the wall adjacent to her desk. It’s where she had put up all of her photos when she first moved in. These days, she avoids them considering a lot has changed. She really needed to take some of those pictures down.
Feeling her eyes, he meets her gaze and nods at her in question. Erasing the text, she tosses her phone to her bed before settling at her desk. Instead of facing her notes, she spins the chair to face Hyunjin.
“Yeah?” He’s still distracted, eyes drawn to the photos but mind somewhere else. What a sight. It’s been a long time since she’s seen him appear so peaceful. She doesn’t want to disrupt that. Unfortunately, she does have an exam she’s studying for and time’s dwindling down. 
All she has to do is tell him she needs to focus. Apologize and tell him he needs to go. Thank him for the ice cream but she really needs to finish studying and get some rest. Reassure him that she’ll call him tomorrow. 
Five minutes later, both of their backs are pressed against the wall beneath the photos, pistachio carton comfortably between them. 
“You know, I used to hate this flavor.”
Y/N glances at him, unbothered at his disruption of the comfortable silence. The spoon rests in his mouth, hands comfortably in his lap. She watches as his right hand twists the metal ring on his left middle finger. Something’s on his mind. 
“I think I remember something like that.”
“Yeah, it used to taste like shit. Whenever you got it, I would wonder who made such a nasty ass flavor. Of all things to make as ice cream, they chose pistachio? They must’ve died a virgin.”
“Wow,” Y/N coughs out a laugh, feeling bad for the inventor of pistachio ice cream. Digging her spoon into the carton, she asks, “What changed your mind?”
“You, of course.” Her eyes snap up to meet Hyunjin’s gaze.
“What do you mean, what? I’m telling you the truth.”
They hold their gaze for a moment before Y/N breaks it, spooning the bite into her mouth before pointing the accusatory spoon at Hyunjin. “That’s bullshit.”
“Fine, don’t believe me. Why would I lie about something so stupid?” He tries to ignore her pointed stare before he adds, “I don’t know, I guess it could be taste buds changing the older you get and shit. But it really was your fault.”
“If I take credit for it, then I’m taking credit for changing your life for the better.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” 
An intimate silence falls around them, one that’s distinctly Hyunjin and Y/N. She believes their silence is one of the many reasons they work so well. They never need to fill the silence, not like she does when she’s with Yeji. 
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N swallows the ice cream in her mouth. Licking her lips of the leftover residue, her gaze flickers over to him. He’s trying, that much is obvious. It hurt her to know that she’s being difficult about it all. Even to a stranger, it’d be easy to see she’s avoiding all human contact the moment she heard Chris is back. Her friends are worried about her, yet they respect that she needs time. 
It hurts her to see the plain turmoil written in Hyunjin’s body. He hasn’t stopped fiddling with his ring since they sat down. He has this extremely irritating habit of licking his lips. The act itself isn’t frustrating, it was the after effects of him complaining about his dry lips and begging for her or Yeji’s chapstick. 
“For what?”
He glances at her before looking forward, his smile sad. “I know him being back is tearing you up inside. And there’s nothing I can do.”
“Hey,” she reaches out and pats his thigh, “You being here is all I need. Well, you and pistachio. The pistachio a little bit more.”
“Shut up,” He laughs, shoving her hand off. Letting the moment pass, he grows serious once more. “I mean it when I say I would do anything to take away your pain. Chris may be my friend, but you’re my number one. I would take your pain and double my own in a heartbeat.”
“Aw, Honey,” reaching over, she ruffles his hair. He secretly loves it, smiling when he swats her hand away again, “Thank you.”
He gives her a short nod before looking off to the side. Never one for appraisal, he avoids the topic. Hyunjin admitted once that compliments were  different when it came from Y/N, something along the lines that he knew she was genuine. The thought always makes her sad, so she shoves it aside.
Poking his cheek affectionately, she waits for him to swat her hand once more before leaning her head on his shoulder. 
Any thought of Chris or her calculus exam fades away in the presence of the one person who always knows the right words to make her feel better. In that position, she falls asleep as easy as it is when she’s in her bed back home.
Y/N doesn’t know how much time has passed. All she knows is her neck is stiff and her body is aching as someone gently shakes her arm.
“Hey. Hey, Y/N. Wake up.” Her eyes shoot open, flinching upright. Scanning her surroundings, she calms down at the sight of Hyunjin beside her. Looking just as exhausted as her, he is waiting on her to respond.
Rubbing at her neck, she sluggishly leans back on the wall, muttering, “What time is it?”
“It’s 5.”
Her eyes shoot open, gawking at him. Even in his sleepy state, he cracks a smile. “5?! Are you messing with me?”
Fumbling for her phone, she swears as she realizes it’s dead. She stumbles to her feet beelining to her desk. 
“Come on, come on,” She chants as she waits for her computer screen to turn on. Sure enough, he was right. It’s just after 5 AM. “Shit!”
“What time’s your class?”
“9! I barely even studied!”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” He utters, distracted by his sleepiness.
“Um, that’s not how this works. If I don’t know the material, I’m guaranteed a failing grade.”
“Relax. It’s going to be fine.” Hyunjin can barely keep his eyes open. Y/N, on the other hand, is as awake as a cat in the middle of the night.
“I’m going to shower and then study some more before class.” She’s talking more to herself than him, because when she’s in this mode, hardly anyone can snap her out of it.
He hums, clearly not paying attention as she rummages through her dresser for clothes. Straightening out, she regards him for a moment before heaving a sigh. “You can sleep in my bed. Just don’t, I don’t know, pee in your sleep.”
“Thanks,” is all he can muster before he sprawls his body across her bed and passes out the moment his head hits the pillow. 
Without a glance, she heads to her bathroom.
By the time she’s back, it’s around 10:15. Thankfully, she only had one class. She wants to punch herself, though, because she’s running on fumes and has an essay due at midnight tonight. 
Y/N isn’t expecting Hyunjin to still be knocked out in her bed, pausing in the doorway seeing his figure tucked underneath her comforter.
She hovers at the foot of the bed for a moment, watching him. He’s out cold, so she reaches out and shakes his foot to see if he’d wake up. Narrowing her eyes, she silently starts complaining. Why was he born with the ability to sleep so deeply?
Grumbling, she mutters, “At least we know who’d survive if there was an intruder,” grabbing her only other pillow and lying down in the opposite direction. Looking at him one last time, she yawns, “You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass out,” Before slipping asleep as easy as he must’ve. 
When her eyes flutter open, she senses someone’s looking at her. Holding her head up, she peers at Hyunjin through one eye before letting her head fall back into her pillow. “What time is it?”
“It’s 5.”
“What?” She screams, scrambling up. Y/N’s already up and off the bed before she realizes he’s laughing. Slowly turning her head toward him, her glare doesn’t deter him, only serves to make him laugh even harder. Lying back down, she slugs him in the leg, his giggles turning to gasps through the pain.
“You’re too easy.”
“Yeah, you would be too if you were still half asleep.” With her eyes still closed, she asks him again for the time.
“It’s 1:30. Boy, can we sleep.” Looking over her shoulder at him, she holds back the urge to laugh at his wild hair saying hello to her. “What?”
“Nothing.” As if he read her mind, he tugs and pulls at the strands, patting his hair down. He knows her mind well. 
She doesn’t say anything as she lets herself wake up, and he gives her time. Eventually, they’re both lying there scrolling through their phones. At least, she thinks they are until she glances at him and sees he’s staring off into space.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” his voice is soft, barely audible. Where’s he at? “I think I’m actually going to head out. I have a late class today. I’m going to grab food and then go home and shower.”
“Oh. Okay.” She’s confused at his sudden change up but doesn’t find it suspicious. That is, until he avoids looking at her as he shrugs on his jacket. Awkwardly, she hovers near him as he gathered himself together. “You sure you’re okay?”
Finally, he looks at her. Something’s off and it’s clear as glass in his face. He smiles it off, his tone too bright as he says, “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go.”
They walk down the stairs in silence, her silence one of questions and his, one that’s indecipherable. They pause at the bottom of the steps, grabbing the attention of Chuu who’s lounging on their living room couch.
“Hey, Chuu. Long time no see,” Hyunjin holds up a hand in saluting. She just politely smiles back. 
Y/N opens the front door, suddenly very afraid Hyunjin might tell her something before he leaves. Holding the door open, she watches him closely, looking for any signs of what he’s thinking. His face is void of any clues. 
She holds her breath in anticipation as he steps around her, before smiling and walking out the door. She exhales in relief, not noticing his lingering walk. Opening her mouth, she readies herself to tell him goodbye. He beats her to the punch as he whirls around.
“Jisung is throwing something this weekend.”
Y/N’s heart sinks, crossing her arms as she retreats within herself. Hyunjin’s face falls, knowing all too well what that looks like. “That’s… great.”
“I think it’ll be a lot of fun. You’ll have to tell me all about it afterward.” Her hand grips the door and moves to close it, but Hyunjin’s arm jets out to stop it. Stupid baseball pitcher.
“I want you to be there.”
“Oh yeah?” Y/N winces at her loud and fake voice, glancing at Chuu before stepping outside. Hyunjin’s eyes are pleading, his palms showing as if he’s offering her a truce. That’s the thing. It isn’t his responsibility or his place to offer that to her. 
She doesn’t know if he’s playing dumb or if he thinks he’s some hero, but he isn’t miraculously going to fix the damage done. No one, not even Chris himself, can convince her otherwise.
“Tell me something, Hyunjin. Do you think I’m stupid?”
“Then do you think I’d really show up to something I know he’ll be at?”
“Well, the party is for him.”
“Don’t be a smartass,” She shakes her head, taking a step back. “If all everyone is going to do is try and push me to make an effort, news flash. It’s too late for that. Maybe that’s what you guys should’ve been doing right before he left.” 
Hyunjin opens his mouth, but she holds up her hand, silencing him. 
“Have fun at the party,” Trying to hide her disappointment in him, Hyunjin’s hurt expression is the last thing she sees before closing the front door. 
Staring at the door, she follows the curves and swirls in the wood, all together but never touching. 
“Are you okay?” Her eyes find Chuu, her wide and innocent eyes regarding her with so much kindness, her own flood with tears.
“I don’t think I am, Chuu.”
❁     ❁     ❁    ❁     ❁     ❁     ❁
Day 8, Then
To Y/N, there wasn’t a form of satisfaction quite as fulfilling as turning in an assignment. It was even more satisfying, considering her major wasn’t the easiest one out there. The way life goes, when one stress disappears, another one takes its place. 
Trying to ignore the boiling pot of emotions brewing inside of her, she kept her mind as blank as it could be as she packed her duffel bag with clothes for the weekend. She used anything that flitted across her mind and snatched onto it, anything to distract her. 
She hoped she did well on the statistics exam she just took yesterday. Studying wasn’t too bad, so she could bear to have a little confidence. Eating lunch with Yeji today was a relief. She thought they might’ve been on bad terms since their last conversation, but everything was normal. 
Hyunjin had kind of been M.I.A, but they had been texting normally so she wasn’t too concerned. 
As she was gathering her toiletries from the bathroom door, she heard keys jingling in the dorm door before it clicked open. Low voices filtered out from the hall as Chuu entered.
“In here!” She finished grabbing everything before walking out, “Aren’t you supposed to be in class-” Just as she finished her sentence, both Chuu and Hyunjin turned to watch her walk out. He took in her presence before his usual honey smile found his lips. “Hey!”
Stepping forward, he did his signature greeting: arms around her, lifting her off the floor, ending with a sweet smile. “Hey.”
“To answer your question, I got out early. Now I can get back to the beautiful Rio and the yummy Profesor. Mmmm,” Chuu said dreamily, Hyunjin’s face scrunching up in confusion while Y/N laughed. 
Walking over to her bed, the sight of her duffel slammed her back down into reality. Avoiding Hyunjin’s gaze, she stuck her toiletries in her bag before zipping it up.
“Are you leaving somewhere?”
“I’m going home for the weekend.”
“Oh shit, I didn’t know,” Hyunjin’s tone changed. That’s why she didn’t want him to know, “How are you getting there?”
“Mom’s picking me up,” Stop. Block it out. Distraction, anything. Turning to Hyunjin, she quickly shifted the subject. “What’s up? You didn’t text me and tell me you were coming over.”
Hyunjin tilted his head, deciding to let her dismissiveness go for the time being. She was thankful. “I figured you were going to be pouring your energy out over some assignment. I was wrong.”
She was supposed to laugh, but she couldn’t find the energy. He noticed, but didn’t press. Instead, he gently knocked his knuckles into her chin, to tell her chin up. It eased her heart, as it always did.
“Actually, I was dropping by to tell you about a little get together we’re having this weekend. Not sure if you remember, but we mentioned our friend Chris? His birthday is in a couple days so next weekend we’re all going to an arcade. There’s this deal they’re doing this month with pizza and endless gameplay.”
She blinked in surprise. He read her mind.
“What? Arcades are fun no matter how old we are. And Chris loves shit like that. It’s going to be a blast.”
“Are you sure he won’t mind me being there? I mean, I’ve never even met him.”
Hyunjin sat on her desk chair, back facing him. Drumming a beat on his thighs, he shook his head, “Trust me, he’s the last person to mind.”
“O-kay,” Y/N turned away, packing her backpack with school stuff she would need for the weekend, “I’ll see. If I don’t have too much homework, I’ll go.”
“Thanks,” A look passed over his face, making her pause, before he uttered, “At least you’re supportive and willing to give my friends a chance. Unlike Yeji.”
She didn’t know what to say. Yeji had actually said something to him. Unbelievable. “Are you two good?”
“I guess.”
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
“It’s whatever. You know how she is.”
“Yeah.” Their silence was a symbol of their mutual understanding. Many people would never be able to fathom the bond the three of them had. Their friendship was a treehouse they had grown and built themselves, no one else had access to the inside.
She jumped when Hyunjin reached around her and shouldered her duffel bag. Searching his eyes, she imagined what he was thinking. Perhaps he was wondering why his cousin was making his life difficult. Y/N wished she had the solution and hoped Yeji would come around- though in all the years they’d known each other, she was as stubborn as a hangnail.
“I’ll walk you down.”
The wave of suffocation that washed over her was hard to shake off as she stepped into her childhood home. It was and it always had been her sanctuary. The same living room, the same kitchen, the same dining room table with mismatched chairs from different sets over the years. The same family photos scattered about, the same stains in the carpet. The same love in her heart for her parents. 
Except it would never be the same. 
Right after her high school graduation a few months ago, her parents told her that her dad wasn’t well. It wasn’t a cold, a flu, it wasn’t something he would get over in a month or two. It was something bigger than life itself, one that could command death with the clap of its hands. 
She hated it with every single fiber of her being.
How could one illness dictate the paintings of memories? Now, she didn’t look at family photos of her and her dad and feel joy, only pain for a memory not tainted yet? When she smelled their laundry detergent in the air, she wondered if it would cover up her father’s scent in the unforeseeable future. It was morbid, it was suffocating. 
Her sanctuary became her prison overnight.
“Your dad’s lying down in the room. If you want, you can bring him a snack,” Her mom suggested, Y/N nodding as she swallows the pool ball in her throat. She tried to ignore the paleness to her mother’s skin. Eyes bloodshot, body sluggish from lack of sleep. An alternate reality of the woman she once knew. 
Her mom disappeared into the kitchen as Y/N shakily took off her shoes. This wasn’t the first time she had been home since she moved on campus, but she wasn’t used to the shift in her home. She probably never would be. 
Just as she placed her bags down, her mom reappeared with her dad’s favorite snacks: Ritz crackers and sliced up cheese. In her other hand, a glass of orange juice. 
“Thanks, mom,” Y/N didn’t recognize her own voice. She pretended not to hear the crack. Her mom ignored it, too.
“He’s going to be so happy to see you. All day, he’s been talking about you coming home.”
The words were a smack across the face-no, they were a hand reaching into her chest and breaking her ribs in half. 
Her mind blanked. 
And then she was in front of him. He was physically smaller than who used to be, his face pale and his hair greasy, but his spirit was just as scorching. His eyes were trained out the window, lips pursed in thought. His body might’ve been worn down, but his spirit would always be as bright as a fury.
She fought the urge to cry. Setting the glass down alerted him of her presence. At the sight of that same old smile she knew too well, all of her pain was washed away. 
“Y/N, my girl. You’re home!”
“Hey, dad.”
His hugs were still strong, encasing her and letting her know she was safe.They talked for a bit, her heart swelling as she watched him eat his crackers. He asked her about school, he told her about what he’d been watching on tv these days. They even sidetracked and chatted about the new cars set to release this year. Hardly anyone knew it besides her best friends, but her and her dad shared even the smallest things in common- like their interest in cars. 
When he invited her to watch a movie, she sat beside him on the bed and took a cracker when he offered. He put on some cringe comedy that they both made fun of, which is what really made them laugh.
There wasn’t any true remedy to her stress, to her unhappiness, like being home was. And her dad? Laughter was as natural as breathing when she was with him. Halfway through the movie, her mom joined them. She pretended she was okay just like her mom did, but with her dad cracking jokes it was easier to keep up the facade. 
Once the end credits rolled, her eyes trailed to her dad. His eyes were distant, elsewhere. With one glance, she was reminded of a reality she hated. Noticing her staring, he shook it off and smiled beneath his moustache. 
“Your dinner is in the microwave, Y/N,” Her mom told her. Y/N took that as a chance to breathe, standing up slowly. Right before she made it out the door, her dad called for her.
“Before I forget, here,” He shuffled through his bedside table before finding what he was looking for. Her mouth worked on its own, rejecting what he was clearly doing as he pulled out money from his wallet. The stern hush from him silenced her protests. “I want you to remember to treat yourself. I know how you get when you’re stressed. You don’t give yourself time to breathe. So treat yourself with this money, okay?”
Several hours later, Y/N awoke from her already restless sleep. Her head was throbbing, her eyes puffy and nose runny, so she sluggishly made her way to the bathroom and cleaned herself up before deciding to go get some water. Quietly, she went down the stairs and turned the lights on in the kitchen. 
She didn’t spend that much time in the kitchen, not anymore. Whenever she was home now, she wasn’t very hungry. 
Just as she reached the halfway mark of her glass, her dad’s voice startled her and made her spill the rest all over her shirt. Her shock quickly dissolved into amusement as he tried not to laugh.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry,” She side-eyed him as he slowly made his way to the dining table. She knew he would get upset if she offered to help him. “What are you doing awake?”
“I have a lot on my mind.”
“Like what?” She asked, dreading the answer but asking nonetheless. 
“The past,” He casually said, his eyes elsewhere once more. “Actually, I was thinking about when you were little.”
Y/N froze with her hands on the banana she had just taken off the bunch. She must’ve looked ridiculous, frozen like that. It was a good thing it was only her and her dad there, then. “Oh yeah?” She needed to get a handle on this. “What were you thinking of, exactly?”
He smiled to himself, then, and as he began to tell her a story, his voice coaxed her into the past.
“You had to have been six or seven, maybe eight. I had gotten off work early and decided to get you out of school early, too. You were so happy, not to see me, but to be out. Back then, you weren’t so wound tight about your studies, you know,” He teased her then, pointing a finger at her, “You wanted to be a grizzly bear when you grew up. Well, that day, when I was buckling you into your carseat you kept on saying, ‘Daddy, I’m so happy you’re here! You’re here! I’m so happy! Thank you, Daddy!’ I mean, I was your hero all because I picked you up early.
“After grabbing lunch, we were walking around the mall. Usually, you asked for candy or if we walked past a toy store, you wanted everything in it. That day was different. We walked past one of those off-brand shoe stores. You set your eyes on the most different pair of shoes I’ve ever seen. I mean, they were bright orange with blue shoelaces! And on each shoe, there was a drawing of a red bear.”
He paused in the story, and she looked away at the sight of his shining eyes. Laughing to himself, he continued. 
“You said, ‘Daddy! That’s me! I’m a bear! Can we get those shoes? Please?’ I pretended to think about my answer, but I knew I was going to get whatever was at the end of the most pure adoration on your face.” Y/N blinked, realizing the story was over. They soaked in the feeling together, the ticking of the clock on the wall the only sound filling the kitchen. Except, it wasn’t the only sound. Even if she didn’t remember what he was talking about, she could picture those shoes as if she still wore them.
“Let’s go to bed, Dad.”
He nodded, both of them looking at each other and wishing they could rewind time. He, for nostalgia. She, to avoid the pain. 
“Come on,” He said, wrapping his arms around her shoulder and kissing the crown of her head, steering her out the kitchen. 
When she made it back to bed, she found it easier to fall asleep. Chest lighter, she seized the opportunity to ignore all of the overwhelming heartache that seeped into her skin whenever she was home. 
> Part One <
> Part Three <
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
looking for a writing partner
a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), skype, googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), skype, googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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POST #24- J’s Year in Review 2019
Jesus Christ it’s 36 degrees and dark at 5:30. The most depressing time of year for me. I owe my friends a few reviews and keep putting them off. I’ll do them tomorrow. Hell, maybe when I have time over the weekend I’ll get that one out I promised a few weeks ago. Here I am, sitting on the couch trying to figure out which record I want to highlight next. It’s a daunting task. A lesson I’ve learned over the past year. I need to get those reviews out but my mind (and ears) get the best of me. What do I do instead? I listen to a couple of records and skip right to the end. What I mean by end is that cliche year in review article that all music journalists put out with their favorite artists, songs, records, and shows of the year. This is all new to me. Shortly after the new year I decided it was time for me to get in the game. I don’t have much to offer but I wanted to put my perspective on paper. My first article was a piece about Tyler Childers raising awareness and getting a large donation of bottled water for the citizens of Martin County, Kentucky. I knew about Martin County. I didn’t know how deep it went. It wasn’t the meet and greet and small solo set that made me want to write about my experience. It was Tyler’s words. It was the raw emotion and the choked up words that inspired me to be a writer. I wanted as many people to know about this event as I could possibly get the word to. Be it 5, 10, 20 or even 30 people that read the article and learned about the plight of the citizens of Martin County have been in for years. That maybe 5, 10, 20 or even 30 people that may learn how to contact their representative and ask questions. I hope it inspires people to learn about their community and lend a helping hand to those in need. That event was last year, but it inspired my path this year.
Let me begin by saying that I have met some of the most amazing people over the past 12 months. I will touch on as many of those people as much as I can. I am going to highlight the music that has moved me over the same amount of time. I’m gonna forget people. I’m sorry in advance. I could put a list of my top 10 albums out but that just wouldn’t be fair. To be honest, there is one album that stands head and shoulders above all others. It’s not even a competition. How do you compete with amazing art? I look at it like its a steady stream of good shit coming out and keeping my playlist full.
Album of the Year (Any Genre)
Sound and Fury - Sturgill Simpson
It’s f*cking amazing. Earth shattering. Ground breaking. LOUD!
Sturgill Simpson took everything you thought you knew about him and his music, threw it out the window of his muscle car, and backed over it about a hundred times. This man does not give a shit. I screwed up on my first listen. There are two ways this album should be heard. 1) On a turntable with the volume turned as loud as it can possibly go. 2) Watching the accompanying anime movie with the volume turned as loud as it can possibly go. Unfortunately I did neither. Most of my first listen was a track at a time on my phone or in my truck. Dead. Wrong. If I had it to do over again I would most definitely start with the anime.
I get it. Anime is not for everyone. If I could give someone a starting point with anime, it would most definitely be Sound and Fury. This album is The Wall of our generation. After my first listen I posted, “Album of the Year Any Genre”. I fully stand by that assessment.
Favorite Albums of the Year
This is where I will most definitely make someone mad or make myself mad for leaving off someone who deserves to be included.
Home - Billy Strings
Favorite Tracks: Away From The Mire and Watch It Fall
Country Squire - Tyler Childers
Favorite Tracks - Creeker and Peace of Mind
Stranger In The Alps - Buffalo Wabs and the Price Hill Hustle
Favorite Tracks: Buffalo’s Canon and Stewball
Between The Country - Ian Noe
Favorite Tracks: Barbara’s Song and Methhead
Seneca - Charles Wesley Godwin
Favorite Tracks: Hardwood Floors and Seneca Creek
Chris Knight - Almost Daylight
Favorite Tracks: I’m William Callahan and Go On
The Wind - Eric Bolander
Favorite Tracks: Closer to that Flame and Ghost
Josh Nolan - Kind Heart to Follow
Favorite Tracks: Makin’ Eyes and The Honeysuckle
Nicholas Jamerson - Floyd County All Star
Favorite Tracks: Patience and Floyd County All Star
High Expectations - Sean Whiting
Favorite Tracks: Melody and Misery
Songs Only A Mother Could Love - Wayne Graham
Favorite Tracks: By and By and Every Evil Thing
On The Hilltop - Nic Allen and the Troubled Minds
Favorite Tracks: Cheap Pills and Wine and For Heaven’s Sake
Cheap Silver and Solid Country Gold - Mike and the Moonpies
Favorite Tracks: Cheap Silver and Danger
The Gospel - The Local Honeys
Favorite Tracks: Amazing Grace and Let the Church Roll On
Full Moon/Heavy Light - Ona
Favorite Tracks: Young Forever and True Emotion
Trial and Error - Vintage Pistol
Favorite Tracks: Lay It Down and Leave Me Behind
The Pilot Light - Derek Spencer
Favorite Tracks: The Witches of Appalachia and Lit By Moonlight
We Fall, We Break - Walter DeBarr
Favorite Tracks - Wicked Eyes and We Fall, We Break
Alive at Hillbilly Central - Arthur Hancock
Favorite Tracks - Take Me Back To The Country and Kenton’s Outdoor Seating Area
Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
Favorite Tracks: Truth Hurts and Juice
I have to give a shoutout to some amazing visual artists for their work on some of these records. Jimbo Valentine and Colonel Tony Moore did an absolutely amazing job on the Country Squire album art. With Valentine’s futuristic hillbilly aura and Moore’s gritty comic book background, their collaboration is my favorite album artwork in some time. Honorable mention goes to Nashville Tattoo Artist, Squishy Eyes. His work for Billy Strings’ home is colorful and visually stimulating. I definitely want some skin art done by this guy!
Next. Let’s talk festivals. Jon Grace burst onto the scene this year putting on not one but two music festivals. Jon and I go way back. We’ve been to country shows, rock shows, heavy metal shows, nu metal shows, Ozzfest. You name it and we were probably in the vicinity. Laurel Cove Music Festival was Bell County’s first foray into the music festival scene and it started with a flash of lightning, then another, then a shit load of rain. An outdoor music festival being held at a beautiful natural amphitheater turned in to an indoor show in the conference room at Pine Mountain State Park. It was a tough decision to make, but in the end, it was worth every minute. The lineup came together in short order and provided us with two days of blistering sets. Jon then put together the FREE Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival in downtown Middlesboro, KY. Featuring local and regional talent for another two days of fun and music. 2019 set the bar high for live music in Bell County.
Festival of the Red is located in the heart of the Red River Gorge area and put on three days of camping and music. The only downside was that I was only there on Saturday. My buddies Blake and Dave packed in the truck with Dave’s little boy Waylon to make the two hour trip to Slade to catch up with old friends and new.
Master Musician Festival is a yearly mainstay in Somerset, KY. Tiffany Finley and company put together a stellar lineup year after year. My wife and I went for the day on Saturday and returned home with memories that we still laugh about months later. I first want to give a shoutout to the staff of MMF for enduring a brutal storm and having the integrity to cancel the headlining act in the face of severe storms. We were devastated that we missed out on a Jason Isbell set, but we are also blessed that we were not injured in a stupid storm. The party rolled on to Jarfly and into the wee hours of the morning.
This brings me to the granddaddy of them all.
Kickin’ It On The Creek.
The Roberts do it up right on Ross’ Creek. The 5th Annual Kickin’ It On The Creek held on Byron Roberts’ farm is something every music fan should experience once in their life. I went to Irvine in June to attempt to buy tickets in person. I left the house Saturday morning around 4:30. My anxiety hit when I got into town and parked and saw the line stretched nearly a half mile down the road. What do you do though? You hop in line! My friends Jon and Daniel arrived about an hour and a half ahead of me and were about 15 people in front of me. Throughout the morning we made conversation with both veterans and newbies alike. The vibe was jubilant. It was almost like a family reunion atmosphere, and this was just the presale. Long story short, about 3 hours later we get to the front of the line when Byron exits the store to announce the tickets were sold out. My friends who were 15 people in front of me were the last group in. It made me ill to realize I was that close. Never fret, the next step was an online sale that supposedly sells out in seconds. Over the next few weeks, karma would smile on us as we were able to purchase enough tickets so everyone in our group of friends were able to procure tickets. Now the wait.
I’m not a festival virgin by no means. I was fortunate enough to go to three Bonnaroo festivals in the early 00’s. Needless to say, I had an idea of the festival life. However, I can’t begin to explain the giddiness that my wife and I felt driving to the festival that Thursday evening in late September. We made it just in time to set up camp and catch Bedford Band and one of the acts I most looked forward to, Buffalo Wabs and the Price Hill Hustle. The family atmosphere was in full effect. We were home. On Friday we were treated to sets by a variety of artists handpicked by the Roberts family. Favorites included Luna and the Mountain Jets, Crownover, Laid Back Country Picker, Green Genes, Jericho Woods, Vintage Pistol, Magnolia Boulevard, John R Miller and the Engine Lights, Town Mountain, and the ‘Lectric Wooks. Saturday favorites included Abe Partridge, Padre Paul Handleman, Wayne Graham, William Matheny, Senora May, Ona, The Wooks, Arlo McKinley, and festival headliner Tyler Childers. I’m already thinking about KIOTC 2020.
This year was magical. I heard amazing music, saw amazing music, introduced my children to amazing music, and most importantly shared with with my wife. I met lifelong friends and have several shows to look forward to in 2020.
Upcoming shows I’ll be attending are The Wooks, Arlo McKinley, Eric Bolander, Charlie Woods and Deep Hollow, and Dave Shoemaker at the Bell Theater on December 21st. 2020 brings Morgan Wade/Kelsey Waldon, Town Mountain/Buffalo Wabs/Geno Seale, Billy Strings, and Sturgill Simpson/Tyler Childers. The festival circuit is also ramping up with dates set for Laurel Cove 2020.
-Josh Trosper
*This is an independent review. The Hillbilly Hippie Music Review was not compensated for this review.
*The opinions expressed are solely that of the author(s).
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travelightlivelight · 6 years
Me again!
For the past few years, I’ve been taking every opportunity to travel that I could. Most notably, obviously, I was required by my major (Global Studies) to study abroad, and chose to spend five months in Costa Rica. Before this, I was saying yes to every travel opportunity in front of me, and doing my best to make every one of them happen. It’s been a blast, and I don’t regret a single penny spent. But that’s the thing— it wasn’t really all that many pennies.
A lot of people want to know how I’ve been doing it. Most of my student friends in their early twenties are absolutely perplexed at how I can just get up and go when I decide to. I will say that I’m very lucky to have friends and family who readily agree to watch my dog for free (shout out to my mom and dad, who are putting up with her for five entire months in their apartment right now), but other than that, I am very much the typical college student, with typical college student expenses. The past four and a half years of college have been supported by student loans, and my seasonal position at a zip line course in Boone does not, in fact, pay me tens of thousands of dollars to answer phones and ask Floridians to please stop yelling at me. 
Still, acquaintances are impressed. “I wish I could travel that much, your life looks so cool,” they say. First of all, you only think my life looks “so cool” because you only follow me on instagram & facebook. That’s a whole other post for a whole other day. My life is super regular, with a lot of time spent watching Netflix and painting my nails. Second of all, to me, my life is so cool. But that’s not because of luck, and not because I’m amazing at saving money, and not because I have a secret wealthy great-aunt paying my way. It’s because I’m realistic about what I can and cannot afford to do at my age, and because I’m careful about how I do things. So I’ve put together a very comprehensive guide to traveling on a budget, specifically when you’re young, broke, and adventurous.
So, without further ado, here are my favorite ways to travel, in a buzzfeed-friendly list format for your convenience.
1. Don’t expect luxury— 
     You’re a twenty-something college student or recent grad living with three roommates and  friends who roll their own cigarettes because “it’s cheaper.” You buy your groceries at Walmart, get paid hourly, and have called your landlord six times because your closet door falls on your head every time you open it. Nothing about your life is incredibly luxurious, so you shouldn’t expect your vacations to be either. Save that for a time in your life when your job comes with benefits and your house comes with doors that close all the way. You will, under no circumstances, be able to take yourself on vacations of the same caliber as that trip to Italy with your parents in 2005. Lower your expectations!! Life is more fun with a little adventure to it. Go with the flow for now, and wait your turn to be fancy.
2. Planes aren’t the only way to travel— 
     Get off of Delta’s website for a minute and take a deep breath. Remember that other forms of transportation exist. Buses are generally the cheapest, then trains, then planes. Trains and busses are just like slower airplanes, but they’re stupid easy to use (even in other countries), you don’t have to pay for the gas, and trains have bar cars with cheaper liquor than planes. So basically, your ride will feel about the same. You’ll run into the same problems as you do with planes, but if you’re traveling on a budget, give it some consideration. If you are traveling overseas or somewhere that’s just too far to take a bus or a train, there are some really cheap airlines (Southwest, Virgin, Spirit domestically, WOW to Europe, Ryanair within Europe) that are worth taking a look at. There are also tons of websites that offer airfare comparisons to help you find the cheapest possible flight. Don’t be afraid of layovers either-- flying direct can be a lot more expensive than just getting off of one plane and onto a different one.
     If you don’t have a specific destination in mind, choose one based on the price of transportation. This also goes for travel dates. If you don’t have to travel the week of Christmas, don’t. Ticket prices change based on how heavy travel traffic usually is on those particular dates. You can use apps/websites like Hopper, Wanderu, and Moovit to find the best prices for everything. 
     My favorite is Wanderu, because if you don’t have specifics in mind, you can click “Explore” and Wanderu will choose them for you based on what’s fastest and cheapest. All you have to do is specify where you’re traveling from. For example, just now I put in Raleigh, and Wanderu told me I could take a Greyhound bus to New York City tonight for $40, go by Amtrak train for $100 (which I have done before), or take the bus to DC for $29 in a couple of weeks. Wanderu rocks. Hopper tells you when the best time is to book a specific flight, as flight prices are constantly fluctuating, and Moovit will help you out a lot with local transit, wherever you are.
      While trains and busses aren’t the most luxurious, neither are planes. Trains generally have a lot more legroom, and busses are generally incredibly inexpensive. Both also often have WiFi. Make yourself a good playlist and suck it up! Or just steal one of mine here.
**Make sure you get your bus tickets ahead of time, especially if you’re traveling in a foreign country. In Costa Rica, they will continue to sell bus tickets even when the seats are full, so if you wait too long and have to get a ticket without a seat, you’ll end up either standing or spending six hours sitting on the steps by the back door, like I did. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but if you can avoid it, do.
3. When it comes to sleeping arrangements, be creative— 
     In your twenties, you can literally stay anywhere. You don’t have kids (probably) that you need certain accommodations for, you can still function if you’re up a little late, and your joints won’t be thrown all out of whack if your mattress isn’t made of angel dust and storm clouds. Take advantage of this. Just like planes aren’t your only option, neither are hotels. Hotels can get really pricey and the ones that aren’t can be really skeevy. This is probably the best and most important advice I could give any young person who wants to travel frugally: Try something more geared toward your age group before you rent a scary ass room in a paid-by-the-hour motel.
If you want privacy, rent an Airbnb. You can find some for really cheap, depending on where you want to stay, and you can decide whether you want to share it with others, stay with the host, or have the whole place to yourself. I’ve never had any bad experiences with other people staying in the same Airbnb (honestly, I have done nothing but meet some really cool people this way), and the hosts and hostesses are probably renting out their spare rooms because they want you there. They are generally very cool people. Some even allow pets if you’re traveling with a furry friend! 
     Keep in mind that your Airbnb will be a little more expensive than the list price once the cleaning fee is factored in, but not by much.
My current favorite way to spend nights away from home is in hostels. The last hostel I stayed in cost $17 for two nights, and the management moved us to our own room when they realized we were two girls that were about to stay in a 10 bed dorm with 8 guys we’d never met. People who own and manage hostels are used to young travelers being their main clientele, so they pretty much know what to expect, and can also point you in the direction of some age (and budget)-appropriate things to do nearby.
     A lot of hostels also have a common area with a kitchen that you can use (for when you have a pasta-with-butter budget instead of a this-cool-sushi-spot-I-heard-about budget), along with big dorm rooms, smaller dorm rooms, and private rooms. The less beds in the room, the more expensive your reservation will be. I’ve found some super cheap and really cool hostels with Hostelworld. Keep in mind, though, if you’re staying in a city, the closer to downtown you are, the easier it will be to get around. Don’t settle for something super cheap but far away from where you need to be just to save money, because you’ll probably just spend it on public transportation instead. Finding sleeping accommodations is all about balance between price, safety (!!!), and accessibility. Read reviews of the hostel itself and of the surrounding area before you make a commitment.
     Some of the most interesting people I have ever met, I’ve met in hostels. Generally speaking, the people you’ll meet in hostels are in pretty much the same situation as you— young, adventurous, and on a budget. They know just as few people in town as you do, and are always willing to swap travel stories, hang out, and even explore the town or city with you. At the last hostel I stayed at in Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, we met people from all over Europe and Canada, hung out and swam with them at the hostel, and went out drinking and dancing with them that night. We got really lucky, because they were cool enough to watch out for us and make sure we got back okay, but don’t ever plan to be stood up for. Definitely meet new people and get the word out that not all of us Americans are terrible and obnoxious (a surprising thing for a lot of international travelers to learn), but make sure you know where your friend is. Remember, meeting new people is cool; leaving your friends or going off with strangers is not. But do be adventurous, meet new people, and learn all you can from them. Travel can be some of the best education, and the people you meet while traveling can be the best teachers.
Last but not least, don’t be afraid to camp! The US has KOAs (Kampgrounds of America) ALL over the place. KOA is a campground chain with mini cabins that already have beds/sinks/kitchens/bathrooms (depending on which one you rent), sections for parking RVs and campers, and regular tent-camping sites with electricity plug-ins, grills, and  fire pits. The KOA is super affordable, and I once lived at the one in my college town, in my tent, with my best friend and my dog while we were between leases. The KOA has clean bathrooms and clean showers, and a little store from which you can get basic groceries, toiletries, and camping supplies. The KOA is pet friendly as well, and the staff has been really kind and accommodating at the KOAs I’ve been to. Of course, you can also camp at regular campgrounds, but I can’t say anything specific about these as they’re all different. Keep in mind, though, you can’t just camp anywhere! It’s usually illegal just to set up a campground wherever you feel like, and you can literally never know whether you’re on someone’s property. KOAs tend to be well lit, and in my experience, fairly safe, so I’ll stick to recommending this one. If you don’t have to look like the Queen of England every day of your trip, definitely consider a campsite like the KOA. 
4. Choose & book excursions wisely— 
     Don’t fall victim to showy advertising. Just about every tour everywhere claims to be the “best way to see” this, that, and the other. Make sure you check out Tripadvisor or something similar before you commit to spending your money on something you could have done for way cheaper, or even for free. TripAdvisor not only offers reviews on popular tourism spots, but also has general forums about pretty much every destination under the sun. Use it!!
     Tourist traps exist everywhere so make sure you do your best to identify them. A lot of national parks offer private tours, when you could take yourself around and see just as much if you know where to look. Don’t pay the extra $30 for the photos unless it was the best experience of your life. If you can, ask locals what the best way is to experience or see a certain thing. They will almost never point you in the direction of the most expensive, english-named, tour company, but instead tell you the actual best and cheapest way of doing something.
     Some things are just, unavoidably, tourist things to do. I took an ATV tour through the jungle last week that I’m sure no local would have suggested to me, but I looked through Viator for an hour or so first to find the most affordable and highest rated one. Chances are, if you see an ad for something cool, there are fifteen more companies selling the exact same experience. The first one you come across is usually the most expensive! Check reviews, prices, and what is and isn’t included before you book. 
     Also, it’s almost always cheaper to book directly through the company offering the service. While it’s easier to book online, or through something like Viator, it’s usually best to call the company directly to book your excursion. Booking websites and platforms charge a convenience fee, which is how they make their money and why they allow these companies to be advertised on their website. My old job booked through a platform called Fareharbor, which, while easy and quick to do online, charged the customer a convenience fee each time it was used. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s good to know.
     These four things (not expecting luxury, utilizing different forms of transportation, being creative when it comes to accommodations, and choosing/booking excursions wisely) are the four biggest tips for traveling frugally. My last weekend trip cost me $10 in transportation, $17 for sleeping arrangements, and $65 for an awesome excursion (But I could have just as easily gone without it, only spending $27 on a weekend at the beach). These are the big money savers, but there are a few smaller things you can do to save even more money during your travels:
-Resist hawkers— whatever they’re selling can come from a local grocery store or literally anywhere else for so much cheaper than they’re trying to sell it to you. They’ll try every trick in the book to get you to forget this.
-Don’t buy yourself things from souvenir shops— these shops are designed specifically for tourists, meaning they are way more expensive than they need to be. A souvenir from Madrid doesn’t have to say Madrid on it— you’ll remember where you got whatever it is, especially if you found something really cool in an out-of-the-way marketplace you happened upon in your travels. You wouldn’t spend all your money in a Wings Plus at the beach, would you?
-Look for the locals— if there aren’t any eating in that restaurant, or shopping in that store, skip it. Locals have to eat and shop somewhere, so find out where this goes on, and go there. This is the best way to avoid tourist traps, and also the best way to experience culture like a local.
-Talk to people— Aside from the people trying to sell you things and strangers catcalling you on the street, talk to people! They can tell you where to go and what to do without wasting your money. Whether you talk to other travelers (pick someone without jorts and keens on for best results) or locals, everyone has something to say. Everyone wants to give you a bit of sage advice, so break your mom’s rules and talk to strangers. Just don’t go anywhere with them.
     So there you have it. My expert guide to travel! I’m very lucky to be in a place where travel is so cheap and where I speak the language, and I’m lucky to have friends all over the US reminding me of their open invitations for me to come visit. Travel definitely does involve a little bit of luck, but with my handy little guide, hopefully you’ll be able to make some luck of your own. If I forgot anything, or if you know some tips I don’t, feel free to shoot me a message on literally any platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), or my submit box here on Tumblr. 
Happy traveling!
Other than that, there’s no bananas.
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alicejean · 7 years
1965 - I've Just Seen a Face, The Beatles This track off of the Beatles' 1965 album "Help" is the perfect start to this playlist. Lyrically the song is everything I want to achieve with this anthology - it is about what I can't call anything other than big love - about a love which consumes, takes over and moves someone. I originally titled the playlist "I WANT ALL THE WORLD TO SEE," after the lyric in the first verse, "She's just the girl for me, and I want all the world to see we've met!" It encompasses the feeling of teenage love feeling so massive, it's the biggest thing in your life, the biggest thing you've ever experienced, and something you want to share with everyone in the world. 
The title shouts this urgency from the rooftops, "I've just seen a face," the song excitedly starts, capturing the unique moment of having recently met a girl and feeling total and certain infatuation.
This track is widely known for its immensely wonderful rhyming schemes, (they don't come across particularly well in text and must be listened to). "Had it been another day I might have looked the other way and I'd have never been aware, but as it is I'll dream of her tonight." The rhymes in this song effortlessly cascade into one another. Compositionally the rhymes fit together so perfectly and leaving the listener with what I can only describe as a feeling that this is a song that was meant to be written.
Like any immense, all-consuming crush, this song has quite a wonderful power of luring you back in again and again. "and she keeps calling me back again," sighs McCartney in the main choral motif, bringing the listening back in again for another verse, another chorus. The song is a short, passionate burst of infatuation and adoration. Nothing could be more better fitting to kick off this playlist.
1978 - Teenage Kicks, The Undertones Nearly forty years on from it's release, The Undertones' single Teenage Kicks is a staple of British punk culture and an iconic anthem of adolescent love. On my quest to compile the ultimate playlist of teenage love songs, this electric, desperate, raspy track was at the top of my list.
In writing this song, John O'Neill didn't tell a story that was particularly new - the essence of punk music lies in telling the mundane tales of everyday life in a way that resonates with a subculture, which moves, mobilises and touches a generation. "Are teenage dreams, so hard to beat? Every time she walks down the street," O'Neill's opening lyrics laid over the band's ripping punk rock riffs radiate lust, desperation, energy and melancholy - the typical and vital ingredients of any teenage crush.
This song owes a lot of its fame to eighties BBC1 Radio DJ John Peel, who declared it as his favourite single ever released and gave it twenty eight stars out of five. Peel famously played it twice, back to back, on Radio 1, with no explanation but "It doesn't get better than this." Teenage Kicks is infectious and this is totally self-fulfilling. The song is about infectious love, about craving and passion, and Peel's comment on the track strikes me as so central to what The Undertones were going out to achieve.
What I find to be such an impactful aspect of Teenage Kicks is its treatment of the erotic. It's a song about sex but isn't for a second vulgar or demeaning; it is fundamentally about desire - "I wanna hold her wanna hold her tight, want teenage kicks right through the night,". O'Neill's references are almost virginal - the desire of the song isn't so much the girl in question but the feeling, he desires fulfilment, he desires sex and love but beneath that, the lyrics emit a raw and powerful desire to be wanted. "I need excitement and I need it fast," he pines, desperate for the excitement - the kicks - which make being an adolescent so infuriatingly and maddeningly wonderful.
1981 - Jessie's Girl, Rick Springfield American pop in the 80s was immense and iconic - Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince and their contemporaries dominated the scene. With the rise of MTV, international acts such as Duran Duran and Ozzy Osbourne were bursting onto the American charts, including Australian pop star Rick Springfield. His single Jessie's Girl is a simple, eminent track packed with all the essential components I've been looking for for this playlist. It's desperate, in love, sexually frustrated and adoring. Springfield tells the age old story of falling in love with your friend's girl, yet the raw emotion is easily understood by anyone in love with a girl they can't get for any reason.
"She's watching him with those eyes, and she's loving him with that body, I just know it," Springfield bitterly admits in the bridge to the chorus, before belting forth his desire - "You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl".  Like Teenage Kicks, this story isn't unique and the lyrics aren't particularly poetic - for it's the simplicity that gives the punch in this song. - "I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot," sighs Springfield, this lyric is so painfully relatable - that moment when you know you're absolutely in love with someone, mixed with the knowledge of how pitifully futile your feelings are. 
My favourite lyric in this track comes at the end of the bridge, "Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?". This lyric sums up what I'm trying to achieve with this playlist. It encapsulates the timeless and endless teenage pursuit of what love's supposed to be like, what it's meant to feel like, and never really finding out.
2013 - Closer, Tegan and Sara
Tegan and Sara's Closer is a track written specifically about the madness of teenage love, and is absolutely fitting for this list. It is beautifully nuanced and to me is one of the standout singles on this playlist in terms of describing desire. "It wasn't necessarily even about hooking up or admitting your feelings," songwriter Tegan Quinn said about the track, "It was the anticipation of something maybe happening that was truly exciting and satisfying." The concept of the song is so wonderful to me - the simple excitement from just getting a little bit physically closer to the person you're mad about. "All I want to get is a little bit closer," the song starts.
I love the lyric "Here comes the rush before we touch," - celebrating not sex or even kissing but the simple, physical rush of emotion you feel before you might hold hands or even brush shoulders with the person you fancy. This song to me really exemplifies one of my favourite things about this playlist which is actually celebrating desperation. Going on a small tangent here - but I've always hated how the word needy is generally used negatively. We're all needy, being in love makes you needy and it's good! And I love that this track celebrates the joy of neediness, of knowing what you want and belting out a pop song about it.
My favourite lyric in this song - and probably my favourite Tegan and Sara lyric - comes at the end of the chorus, "I won't treat you like you're typical." I love this line for totally epitomising the moment when you know you're in love with someone but you're not together - it's the feeling of knowing how good you'd be together, and knowing that you'd never treat them as anything less than extraordinary.
2016 - Cut To The Feeling, Carly Rae Jepsen Remember way back when I was talking about I've Just Seen a Face by the Beatles, and how it's about love feeling so big? It's good to know that sixty years on, song-writers are still feeling that, and still writing about that. Cut To The Feeling is my favourite Carly Rae Jepsen song, it's so immense and shameless and happy. Musically, the beat at the start of the song is rousing and immersive, leading to a gorgeous vocal run just before chorus, and then dropping into the chrous's infectious bass line which lifts the song onto another level.
Like the song I started this playlist with, this track is about love feeling so big when you're young. "I wanna cut through the clouds, break the ceiling," Carly belts out in the chorus. To me this describes how powered up a crush can make you feel, and that classic teenage feeling that the way you feel about someone could light up whole cities. The recurring lyric, "I wanna cut to the feeling," is simple and powerful. A sort of - cut the bullshit, cut the messing around, let's fall in love.
I love how many of the lyrics in this song start with "I want," - especially every line in the chorus. I've always maintained that Rufus Wainwright's 2005 album "Want" has one of the best album titles in pop. It's exactly what the genre is about, and I love how the lyrics of Cut To The Feeling celebrate that.  I really like the disjointed, abstract lyrics in the chorus, "I wanna play where you play with the angels, I wanna wake up with you all in tangles." This reminds me of the first drafts of lyrics when you write them, but in a wholly positive way. I like these lyrics feel imperfect and like they were written in a few hours, emitting a brilliant urgency and desperation. 
Sonically this song probably has one of my favourite choruses of recent pop music. It's exactly the chorus you want to belt out on a dancefloor with your best friends or your crush and feel like your love is filling the whole room.
It's quite incredible how teenage love has been so powerfully and immensely documented through the power of pop. There's probably a hundred more songs I could add to this playlist, but for now I'm really happy with these five songs demonstrating how timeless, infinite and universal our feelings are, and how pop has always been the perfect vehicle with which to tell the world about them.
(link to the playlist here)
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a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -Well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -Well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter.
plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -Well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter.
plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, playing with AUs, stuff like that -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
5 notes · View notes
a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -Well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters
-original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP  is supposed to be fun!
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a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, playing with AUs, stuff like that -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), skype, googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), skype, googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
a bit about me -20something who RPs to unwind. I try to reply as many times a day as I can, but of course, real life comes up. If anything major crops up, I would inform my partner ASAP. I live in the US, in the eastern timezone. I am searching for a long term writing partner. -As I am over 18, I would like my partners to be too. This is a non-negotiable, since I enjoy have mature content (sex, drugs, rock and roll, along with language and violence). -In relation to the above, I am fine with smut, but it can't dominate the story. I prefer plot above all else. A good story is the fun part of RP for me and too much smut drags the story down. I do have my limits and things I'm fine with but that can be discussed when we connect. -As for my writing style: paragraph/novel style, 3rd person. I try to put in at least two decent sized paragraphs a post. One liners are not my thing, so no worries about that from me! -I prefer to play female main characters. All of them are over 18 and range in personality, color, beliefs, etc... Side/secondary characters are whatever they need to be and I can play as many as required. A good cast is important! But I don't double, at least in the traditional sense. -well rounded characters are life. I love figuring them out, crafting backstories and personalities for them, seeing how they react to situations. -Romance is always fun. I prefer to play out m/f relationships, with me as the female.  -As for where I prefer to RP: email ([email protected]), skype, googledocs, Discord. I have Hangouts, but that is for planning and ooc chatter. plot related matters -original characters and settings are my jam. While I do take inspiration from fandoms (Harvest Moon, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, AHS Coven and Freak Show, Clerks and all films in that universe, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Community ), I only use original characters and settings. So, all of the above are things I am only open to using as inspiration, either a little or a lot. The genres I prefer are mainly slice of life, 'historical' (for lack of a better term) and urban fantasy. We can also just do a thing where we make characters and have sort of a TV show structure: smaller plots with an overarching plot/theme/whatnot (ie the adventures of two friends as they fall in love, with supporting cast members being family and friends). That is mainly because there are ideas I would be open that don't seem like they would work long term and it would just be fun to throw our characters into a variety of adventures. now, onto less vague plot ideas! Best Friends:  basically the idea above. That seems like it would be fun, jumping from story to story as two best friends fall for each other. Hooker/Client: which explains itself, now that I think about it. A hooker and her client get too close when they should not be. The client can be anything but a married man, since infidelity is a no-go. Maybe he's a doctor, lawyer or business executive. Or a literal superhero or supervillain, which could be a fun twist. Online: Our characters are YouTube famous, making videos and those Benjamins. So they have to deal with that unique brand of fame and a budding relationship. Knocked Up: again, it explains itself. Two people have an unplanned pregnancy. It could be two friends, two strangers, the world is open! I would love to combine this with the Shameless inspired plot aka slice of life with a heavy dash of dysfunction, chaos and drama in case you have not seen the show. Or maybe she's pregnant by a guy who is no longer around but is vibing with someone else (so no cheating here), which could add more drama. Could be combined with the best friends plot, or even the freak show idea! Related to the above: not quite accidental pregnancy. A single man decides to hire a surrogate so he can have an heir. Feelings crop up, shenanagins ensue. Maybe there are Jane the Virgin-esque shenangins, to varying degrees depending on what you want. And of course, the RP continues after the kid is born. A slow burn is preferred with this plot. Homecoming: Something like the above would be the backstory. A couple has a thing and have to part ways, for whatever reasons. He could have gone into the military, maybe it was work or school, something happened to break them apart. And some time later, they reunite and surprise, she has a kid. Now they must navigate parenthood, old and new feelings and general drama RJ/BB: Romeo and Juliet meets Breaking Bad. Two people from rival drug dealing cliques meet and there is a spark. But their crews are dicks, to be concise. Or maybe only one of them is dealing. Arranged Marriage: Can take place in modern day or a historical setting. For the modern day, it could be a business deal on the parent's end that includes a wedding of some sort. As for a historical setting, it could be a few things. Maybe it is how they end a war. Or it is a business deal of some sort. For those two or something similar, I like the idea of them sniping, having hate sex, generally being snippy and then, thing progress and they learn to work together. Or...Maybe it's like what Dany and Drogo from Game of Thrones had, but with a happier ending (I would love this one). Or it is just an outright kidnapping sort of deal. Which could tie into the Beauty and the Beast dynamic. Maybe one of them is like a prize to the other (ie a warrior/gladiator being gifted a prize for winning a tournament or battle in the form of a bride or a warrior is taken hostage and is given as a prize to the ruler's daughter?)  But I am open to ideas of course! Related to the above, kinda. A cruel, tyrant of a king takes a bride for reasons that are not all that genuine. Someone who is either part of the rebel forces or maybe a lone wolf kidnaps her and they wind up on the run, first as captor and captive and then as something more. Untitled: Set in the classic pseudo medieval time period, a person of noble or royal blood has either fled or been cast out of their home (the latter could tie into a beauty and the beast ish plot). They cross paths with a person of common blood and things develop. Untitled 2: A princess/noble woman and a knight (or other kind of castle worker) become close, but their stations in life and maybe a few other things make it complicated. Untitled 3: Something with pirates could be fun! Untitled 4: This idea is a cracky one but hey, lets throw it out there. It's a fusion of Grey's Anatomy and Buffy. Basically my character is a Slayer who decided to go into medicine instead of slaying since due to the events of the finale, she is not the one girl in all the world. But this is still the Buffy-verse and with the soapy dramatics of GA thrown in, life is not simple. So there will be romance, action, adventure and so much more. Note: I have only seen the shows and have not read the comics. Inspired by Stranger Things/Twin Peaks/Riverdale: A Bad Thing (to be thought up by us) happens and upheaves a small town or suburb. Our characters try to navigate the aftermath and figure things out. The cause can be supernatural or not. And of course, original stories inspired by the fandoms listed above. Something Shameless, AHS Freak Show, Dany/Drogo or IASIP inspired would be amazing right now. It could be combined with a plot of course.  As I have said, I deal in originals only. misc: There are some relationship dynamics I would like to explore: love to hate, age gaps (older man, younger woman, up to 15 years), best friends falling for each other, werewolves or werewolf/human, vampire/human, artist and their muse, opposites attract, boss/employee, co-workers or partners. The three shows I would use to sum up my sense of humor are: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Most Popular Girls in School and Community.
-I use face claims, but only if my partner does as well. So it is not mandatory at all.
-Also, OOC chatter is fine with me. I like to geek out  over characters as well, chatter about them, talk headcanons, maybe do little AU sidestories and whatnot. I love pinterest, polyvore and even making playlists on spotify.
I am open to ideas and plots can always be combined. Don't just send a message saying 'hey wanna rp?'. Tell me about yourself and what you want to write. I am fine with drama and angst in the story, but not all the time. RP is supposed to be fun!
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