#this guy supports genocide
workersolidarity · 11 months
Yup, that's right! On Monday before the 4th of July when they thought no one was paying attention, Joe Biden happily appointed Elliot Abrams to the US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, this the same guy who trained contras who bragged about their use of terrorism in an Anti-Communist Dirty War that killed tens of thousands of Nicaraguan civilians.
This man is responsible for countless coups, foreign interventions, deadly sanctions, Proxy-wars, political interference, supporting both sides in secret wars, blatant war crimes, terrorism, massacres and outright Genocide.
That's your President Dems and Libs who told us it was somehow immoral not to support the Imperialist War Criminal Joe Biden for President.
Now your moral President is appointing a notoriously immoral Neocon who's been convicted of lying to Congress to cover for his and the Reagan Administration's War Crimes; a guy who was also appointed to various regime change positions within the Trump and Bush administrations as well.
This is the single most Neocon Administration in the History of the United States.
Lol, there's even a petition from the Progressive International, not that it's going to do much good
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nappingpaperclip · 5 months
ok I’m convinced now that if you have never ever backed up your words with actual real life political activism you need to genuinely shut the fuck up about politics and voting. “stop saying you won’t vote for genocide joe clearly guys just want to tear the voting system down without doing any actual work” maybe that’s your reality but stop projecting your weird ass liberal politics on everyone else cause you just sound like a fed trying to get ppl to confess exactly what they’ve done irl
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Genuinely unfortunate that I’m attracted to men bc a lot of straight men these days r so embarrassing my heart can’t take it anymore
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astrangeriddle · 8 months
Due to current events my for you tab has been taken over by gddamn antisemites. Like they're going full mask off n then get offended when they get called out on it too.
Guess fighting for human rights is cool and all until Jews are mentioned, then it's too much to ask to be seen as a person and not some fairy tale monster.
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fiovske · 4 months
ngl. happy over the ofmd cancellation. taika openly signed a zionist-ass letter and all of you all love to ignore that completely and act like its not a thing he did. notwithstanding the fact that I thought s2 was massively meh anyway, no show even if it was good, is worth supporting zionists, even in their creative projects. I think this fandom's tendency to pinkwash careless supporters of genocide is. not my cup of tea. idgaf. good riddance or whatever.
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dykeceit · 3 months
so they really are just going to keep casting noah huh. i mean im not like...Surprised i guess but damn, this was filmed recently. this is their final decision. and they're never going to say a damn thing about palestine, they've never going to use their very large platform to raise money like they have done for many other things...they've never going to openly support palestine. they're just silent and employing someone who supports israel. cool
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sakebytheriver · 7 months
Here's the thing about Oct. 7th
Any analysis of the situation that does not acknowledge that the IOF itself is responsible for most of the casualties is incomplete and pretty close to straight up propaganda
I have no love in my heart for Hamas, I agree that it is an extreme fundamentalist religious movement founded on the most radical platform the Palestinian revolution could have had and even as the secularists have taken positions and done work to move the ideology in a less radical direction as they saw that with only Hamas in power they only had one option but to try and change the organization from the inside, that doesn't mean they don't still have extreme views or tactics and nor does it mean that they are not also mistreating the Palestinians in Gaza as any ruling government party mistreats their citizens, remember they only received 44.5% of the vote and then promptly ended free elections there after, not even to mention how many Gazans were under the voting age when that election was held. Their extreme views and tactics for liberation are quite literally why Netenyahu himself funneled money into their operation to ensure that they were the international face of Palestine to make it so that public international opinion would be against them and further destabilize Palestinian liberation attempts
But it has literally been reported by Israel's own media and journalists that the IOF are the ones who shelled Israeli homes which led to those horrific burning deaths of Israeli babies Ben Shapiro won't let the internet forget about, it was reported by the Israeli media itself that the IOF fired at their own citizens fleeing from the music festival, it was reported by Israeli media that the IOF shot and killed hostages with their hands tied behind their backs, and it has been confirmed by Israeli citizens who were taken hostage by Hamas insurgents that the insurgent's main goal seemed to be to keep them alive and relatively safe in order to be taken hostage as leverage for the Palestinian hostages Israel has locked in their prisons while the IOF soldiers and the people who gave them their marching orders were indiscriminate in who they killed, driving tanks through residential areas, shooting citizens, and bombing houses with families, the elderly, and infants inside
This is not to say that Hamas didn't kill anyone, I'm sure they did, but from Israel's own media and their own citizen's reports who were taken hostage we have been told the number of casualties were so high on Oct. 7th because the IOF had absolutely no qualms killing their own people
And nor is this to say that Hamas is some kind of humanitarian freedom fighting militia that will always treat Israelis nice and respectfully, the reason why they've been so nice to their hostages is because they are playing the optics game that Israel won't
They are doing the wartime optics game correctly right now while Israel has all but abandoned it, they are keeping the hostages safe and well looked after so that when held up next to the cruelty and the indiscriminate violence of the Apartheid state (which has over 10,000 Palestinians held hostage in their prisons as of now) they look better in comparison to the international eye, that is the whole point of fighting an asymmetrical war, you have to use asymmetrical tactics, especially in an age where public opinion can mean the difference between life or death
Ultimately, my point here is that the idea that Hamas are the ones who are soley responsible for the massacre of over a thousand Israeli citizens is just false, and that is confirmed by the Israeli media itself. It was the IOF response to the attack that killed so many, Hamas does not have the technology available to them to be able to shell someone's house, the people who crossed the Gazan border were only armed with the guns they could carry in their hands, that doesn't lead to the kind of damage done in these Israeli neighborhoods that we have seen reported on (just check NPR's ig page it's full of videos of the Israeli neighborhoods destroyed after Oct. 7th) but a tank driven by an IOF soldier who has been given the greenlight by his superiors to kill as many Israelis as he deems necessary in the hopes of killing any single Hamas insurgent they can get, definitely will
Innocents died on Oct. 7th, I will never deny that, but most of them didn't meet their end by a Hamas insurgent. They met their end by an Israeli soldier who was supposed to be sent there to protect them and if you don't acknowledge that fact, if you simply say that it was the attack by Hamas that killed so many people then you have not done any research into what actually happened that day and you don't get to use it as some kind of gotcha against the people who support Palestine
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waywardsunlight · 7 months
really, 1500 Jews killed and you want to “free Palestine” and let me guess, “from the river to the sea”. Can Israel be allowed to exist?!
Israel is an oppressive state that was created in the 1940s! Over 750,000 Palestinian people were forced from their homes in the Nakba. (AP News) Jewish people live in Palestine too and have for hundreds of years. Thousands of Palestinians have died (including Palestinian Jews, Christians, Muslims, and more), there isn't one side to the deaths which is why there should be a ceasefire, and Free Palestine is the direct request for Israel to cease the apartheid laws that they're currently using to oppress people, as well as the active bombings. Israel is currently taking ground from Palestine and intentionally pushing them out, making Palestinians to leave their homes so that Israel can take what they have left.
I personally don't have the answer for what they should do about Israel, but I have personally stakes in that I have Israeli friends who had to decide whether or not they were going to leave Israel (and their families that live there) or serve as an oppressor and to my knowledge, all of them have gotten green cards/ are going for citizenship in other countries because Israel has mandatory military service. I hope this is informative, because that's why my blog says Free Palestine! :D
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niishi · 6 months
Everyone's mad at that Brittney broski girl but...... She's right. It IS dystopian to ask some white tiktoker to use her podcast to talk about genocide. And the reaction to her saying she's not the one for that job, people making it online cancel culture discourse bc this white woman who makes poop jokes doesn't think she should be the spokesperson, is just even more dystopian. This girl is RIGHT. Y'all co opt these tragedies and are opportunists and just TALK AND TALK AND TALK AND TALK SOOOOOOOOO MUCH that the actual victims never get a voice. Never get heard. Never get the stage or the platform or mic. And WHITE PPL, THEIR ABUSERS, BECOME THEIR VOICES. PRIVILEGED PPL WHO NEVER FACED GENOCIDE GET TO BE THEIR SPOKESPERSON. do you understand how infuriating it was when non indigenous folks jumped on the bandwagon for like 2 months a couple years ago, and ALLLLLLL the indigenous voices got silenced, and NONE OF THEM were promoted or platformed or given the mic, and then we had ignorant Non indigenous ppl speak FOR us while having no clue what the fuck they were even talking about and it did WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY more harm than good. A lot of y'all need to realize you're opportunists, and you only care because you're self centered and can make everything about yourself (while deluding yourself and manipulating others into thinking that's not the case) and God forbid you have to shut the fuck up for 2 seconds and amplify an actual victims voice for once.
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
Tumblr media
A clone of a Ukrainian blogger selling russian goods was created in China
"Russian beauty, the Chinese welcome you."
The avatars in the video are created from stolen and altered online images. Women in real life recognized themselves in the video.
Olga Loyek is one of these women. A 20-year-old Ukrainian woman studies cognitive science at the University of Pennsylvania. A few months ago, Loyek opened a YouTube channel where she talks about mental health and shares her philosophical views on life. However, soon after that, she started receiving messages from followers who said they saw her on Chinese social networks.
There, she is not Olga Loek, but a russian woman who speaks Chinese, loves China, and wants to marry a Chinese man. Her name is Natasha, Anna, or Grace, depending on the social media platform in China.
"I started translating the videos using Google Translate and realized that most of these accounts were talking about things like China, russia, and how good relations are between China and Russia," she told VOA. "It's very offensive."
In some videos, the avatars talk about how they appreciate the close ties between russia and China. Other clips praise Chinese history and culture or talk about how strongly russian women want to marry a Chinese man.
"If you marry a russian woman, we will do the laundry, cook, and wash the dishes every day," says the avatar. "We will also give you foreign children as many as you want."
Douyin and Bilibili video sites contain several dozen videos in which Loyek's avatar speaks Chinese. Most of these accounts invite viewers to visit online stores to buy what they say are authentic russian goods.
Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, flagged some of these videos as potentially generated by artificial intelligence. But it is clear from the comments that many believers are looking at a real woman. One user wrote: "Russian beauty, the Chinese welcome you."
Loyek said she would never say such things, obviously considering she is from Ukraine, which has been at war with russia since 2022 [2014 actually - N.B. from the translator]. She said: "It's probably used to make people, maybe people in China, feel that foreigners think their country is the best."
On Bilibili, China's largest video site, some AI videos using the Loyek creature are labeled with HeyGen logos, indicating that the video was created on the company's website.
In one video from Bilibili, the demonstrator even shows how to make a short HeyGen video with clips of Loek speaking. HeyGen is an AI campaign based in Los Angeles that has been operating in China since 2020. It specializes in realistic digital avatars, voice generation, and video translation. According to Forbes, the campaign is now valued at $75 million.
HeyGen's moderation policy states that users may not create avatars that "depict real people, including celebrities or public figures, without express consent."
Avatar campaign video shows users must send videos to people who agree to use their picture Loyek said that after she and her YouTube followers sent complaints to Chinese social media campaigns, about a dozen accounts impersonating her were removed.
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makerscockandballs · 1 year
cis people stop buying into the "trans people are the real aggressors" rhetoric whenever we try to defend outselves or bring attention to something challenge (APPARENTLY IMPOSSIBLE)
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jaarijani · 10 days
im so mad i need to sleep but i cannot stop thinking about this
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kaftan · 7 months
I wish every white liberal condescending to arabs and muslims in the U.S (a demographic which by definition includes the Palestinian diaspora) about the islamophobia and racism we will suffer if trump gets elected a very Kill Yourself
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graveyardmouth · 23 days
idk i just feel like the fact that trump being reelected would be awful doesnt mean we cant put pressure on biden? some of you dumbasses are genuinely refusing to at alllllllll push for biden to idk. stop aiding fucking genocide bc "ohhh trump would be worse" like yes trump would be worse we all fucking know that but refusing to do anything in the face of genocide is incredibly fucking stupid
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aingeal98 · 3 months
The part of the Zionists rhetoric I've seen online especially here on tumblr that really... not so much confuses or disturbs me because every part of supporting racism and genocide is disturbing, but the part that makes me nauseous in a very specific way, is how many of these people claim to be leftists. Not the Israeli government or the majority of Zionists obviously, they're proud racist right wingers. But here on tumblr you have people who believe in feminism and queer rights and would agree easily enough with surface level takes on how racism in America is bad. And when it comes to conservatives and red fascists they can easily tell when a right wing racist or homophobe is arguing in bad faith, they can make long posts explaining the harm behind terf rhetoric and how it differs from the actual fight for women's liberation. They can look at the Russia and Ukraine conflict and use critical thinking to call out bad actors with ease.
But then with Israel and Palestine they just... Flip. All the bad faith arguments they criticised before is now their modus operandi. They ignore the ongoing genocide and the Palestinians talking about it and focus on the oppressors, only reblogging the same one or two Palestinian voices once every now and then that say everything they want to hear and nothing more.
I think the most striking example is that "antisemitism bingo" someone made where the ongoing genocide was something to be laughed at and the blog made fun of Palestinian civilians being tortured. And yet when a blocklist went around of people who interacted with that ghoulish blog, clearly explaining why we should avoid them, (Hijt:The racism and dehumanisation of Palestinians) these "leftist zionists" immediately were like "Oh its a block list of Jewish blogs! It's only blocking us because we're Jewish!"
Like it's the most bad faith easily disproven illogical argument that every random 4chan troll can make. It's not my actions it's because I'm white! It's not my homophobic remarks it's because I'm straight!
I still struggle to understand how they're able to flip so easily from intelligent historical and societal discussions of oppression and intersectionality to denial of the Nakba, denial of the apartheid and racism that has ruled the Israeli state since its conception, denial of the Israeli terrorism and colonisation ongoing in the West Bank that Palestinians have been speaking up about for years (The save Sheikh Jarrah campaign and the murder of peaceful Palestinian activists predates October 7th by quite a bit and yet received far, far less coverage by western media) and denial of everything the government and soldiers and many citizens are currently doing to murder as many Palestinians as possible. How do you go from pointing out cult tactics to a Maga style tribalism enthusiast just because it's Palestinians being oppressed and not another group?
The only reason I can think of is that unlike say, white people or straight people, zionists DO have an understandable, real fear that they can use to promote their racist cult. Antisemitism exists worldwide and is a problem in every single country. Unlike ridiculous concepts like "white genocide" or misandry, there is grounded, factual and understandable reasons for Jewish people to want a community where they can feel safe. And anyone who truly cares about equality for all must be committed to stamping out and dismantling antisemitism in every country and neighbourhood, because Zionists sure as hell aren't. The more antisemitism exists the greater their fuel for justifying and promoting Israel as the One True answer to it all.
But the solution of Israel involved ethnic cleansing in order to built their majority Jewish state, and relies on racism and genocide to maintain it. Just like any other coloniser state, it's not sustainabile and is constantly spiralling towards fascism. (America currently contending for loudest spiral) And that is obvious to anyone who reads up on the history or just like. Talks to Palestinians for five seconds. Israel exists due to racism and dehumanisation of Palestinians, and anyone who considers that an acceptable sacrifice is blatantly morally bankrupt. But the tribalism is simply too strong for that sort of logic and understanding, and whatever reasons they may have for falling into Zionism, it's still unacceptable. If you're still on here talking about "demonising Israel and exaggerating genocide (for the woke agenda, is what they're two steps away from saying) then I have no sympathy or time for you. One day you will be forced to reckon with your cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance, and the self righteous racist narrative you cling to will no longer be enough to protect you from judgement. Normal people with their morals screwed on right don't support fascism and racism. Leftists sure as hell shouldn't support facism and racism. (And yes this goes for those who defend Russian and Chinese imperialism too.)
You talk about feeling isolated, about having no one but fellow zionists to rely on. No one else will accept how complicated the situation is, you say over the sound of ten thousand murdered children killed and celebrated by the fascists you're carrying water for. Everyone else is just too antisemitic! You say as the Israeli government and military celebrates Hannukah by bombing Palestinians and joking that they're lighting one of the candles.
I genuinely can't tell if these people are aware they're full of shit or just so scared that they've dived deep into cult mentality with zero critical thought allowed. But either way, there should be no more space for them in our community than a nazi, a homophobe or a Trump supporter. They may have parroted similar ideals of equality and justice for long enough, but when push came to shove and the issues began to hit too close to home, they decided that supporting facism is how they want to cope. So be it. Palestine will be free with or without them and I will mourn the intelligent principled people they could have been, but at the end of the day you have to draw the line somewhere. And supporting genocide is generally a solid line to go with.
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luvmoonie · 1 month
I find it weird that someone’s first instinct is to say I'm uneducated for not supporting israel. ive done a lot of research and to say so is to take away the integrity of having a debate, instead of just being upset i don't agree with you. why is it wrong to say that israel should not have occupation over gaza? if it emboldened hamas would we not just fight against hamas instead of killing innocent civilians in the name of doing so?
to say that me saying 'it was sixth months ago' is calloused and that i'm saying everyone should get over it, is to completely misinterpret my point, so the irony of people to tag misinformation is astounding. What I meant is that to still argue that what israel are doing: starving people, killing over 30000, bombing homes and hospitals, is not easily justified with the argument of october 7th anymore, as it is completely outweighed by their inhumane genocidal actions.
There’s no denying that it was wrong and horrific, but there's even people doubting israel's claimed death toll of that day, alongside many other claims they put out. Whilst there is also speculation of claims from gaza, the claims of the idf torturing and raping prisoners alongside the rest of their actions, makes it seem weird and callous to me to argue that killing palestinians is right for this event. and yes, of course the focus is on hostages still in gaza, but is this israel's focus? what about them killing people not even involved. i’ve heard many say palestinians are not innocent also, because they voted hamas, which is the most cruel and unjust thing ive ever heard.
So, to say I have a lack of understanding is really one sided, as you clearly have a bias, and so do your rebloggers who are claiming im antisemitic when there is no claim in any of my posts that is against jews. Where in my posts is it untrue or incorrect? id really like to know because nowhere have i showed a lack of concern for lives, in fact i openly condemn the actions of hamas. maybe you all need to self reflect, because you seem to lack any consideration for the innocent palestinians if it means israel get to retaliate for hamas' actions? my original post regarding this was about the ignorance of the us and the military side of this, as this is clearly a political issue that many are projecting onto. ( which we can see with how iran have retaliated and how the uk have responded ) I'm not antisemitic, nor do i condone the killing of jews in israel. for you to say so baffles me with your narrow sighted view and complete disregard for anything ive said. it seems to me that many who have seen my post have an agenda, and are desperate to show that me being pro-palestine makes me antisemitic and pro-hamas.
I understood that making a post like this would incite many to argue for the sake of arguing, and many to completely misinterpret my words to make their point. Still, I hope you can find it in yourselves to be as sympathetic to the lives of those suffering in palestine as you are to those in israel. Please take a break from the internet and look around you to realise that this is not people discriminating against jews, it’s people being against the genocide Israel is committing with the desire for both sides to be free from this conflict.
@jewishlivesmatter I can’t tag you or even reblog your post, suggesting you’ve blocked me or something similar. This shows the propaganda and biased view you’re attempting to portray, which is really harmful if you agree with others that palestinians are not innocent and deserve this. Do better, if you’re going to spew such hatred, atleast be open to debate. 🫠 I would love to message you and actually talk about something so serious, or even reblog but clearly that was not your intent with this!
( @meandtherodentinthewall @jewishbarbies @fnafcraze1991 @jewishlivesmatter )
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