#i was blind to the hypocrisy before but i will not support a contest that claims to be apolitical while supporting genocide.
jaarijani · 23 days
im so mad i need to sleep but i cannot stop thinking about this
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egsgesfgs · 3 years
I’m murder with a crossbow
After the bone-grinding cold of the lands beyond the Wall, the caves were blessedly warm, and when the chill crept out of the rock the singers would light fires to drive it off again. In an unusual statement, the paper went so far as to proclaim, "Any attempts to undermine and discredit the Government now are far more harmful than the sight of some lady with too abbreviated drapery capering on the screen." [12]. Aye, but llantas 4x4 online will they sing of your courage or my folly? The sea was five cizme din denim long leagues away. Above, they learned later, a mate and two sailors were swept overboard, the ship’s cook was blinded when a kettle of hot grease flew up into his face, and the captain was thrown from the sterncastle to the main deck so violently he broke both legs. 25 at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Surrey. It can also cause undue drying of the wooden structures of our home. Their latest bills say lots about process, but little about what the NDP would actually do in government. Though, indeed, there’s adidas fg a proverb even now that fools are lucky. Charlie Gard will undergo MORE tests: Baby's mother. Although women and men might like to 'marry up' in different ways (men seem to want the prettiest 'model' they can get), you're best off in the long term for happiness and stickability with an equal, in heart, values, appearance, intellect etc. All of this is contested. Shtar is a normal high school student with a serious demeanor. The word "phony" has a lot of meanings but for Holden it embodies all the lies, hypocrisy and evil of the nike black tn 001society. Gifts. Abraham Ribicoff to report that Torrington, like other areas along the East Coast, was being flooded by heavy rains in the aftermath of Hurricane Diane. Still, if the two hour record was surpassed it would not be officially recorded as a record, under IAAF rules. But every time another cramp took root inside his calf and twisted, the dwarf would cry out in his sleep, trembling in his chains. Or your enemy’s wife if you prefer, what better way to shame him? I’m murder with a crossbow, and men three times my size quail and tremble when we meet across a cyvasse table. Where is Viserion? The prince lowered his torch to throw some light into the gloom below. The crows knew Haggon as a hunter and a friend to the Night’s Watch, and welcomed the news he brought of life beyond their Wall.
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His last act of the night was to drop Jadeja in the 49th over, and with that a 21 run win. Now y will have to live with this lady murder. “She began talking to me about Natalya Nikolaevna, but I could not tell her anything. He had what was considered a favorite house-servant, a female. C. So fervently did he desire this that he offered all he had, that his prayer might be answered. It takes very little effort to research lgbt harassment and intimidation of businesses, churches, organizations and programs that elect not to support their activities. (The hotel provided the swans and a gazebo, but that's getting ahead of the story.). So do we. Just remember that ill always love you, forever. The former NBA MVP replied not feeding into that. We may drown more wildlings than we save. The Clanker Lords had devised a stratagem to prevent that; they chained their troops together in groups of ten, wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle. He was indignant, flew into rages, was immersed in business documents, and had no thoughts to spare for us. (Sorry Aerosoles, they were lovely six years ago when I bought them.) Or, the Land's End children's rain boots your 11 year old has grown out of, but still fit you.Now, we don't mean to exaggerate. Babies in the UK are now offered vaccination against three of the main causes of bacterial meningitis: meningococcal group C, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) and pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and from September 2015 a Men B vaccine will also be offered to babies as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme.. We have 16X anisotropic filtering enabled, along with the highest in game settings selected. You had better, instead of apologizing, tell me now whether I cannot do something this evening to show you that I am behaving much more sincerely and straight-forwardly than you suppose.”. Much
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Geoff Dell. Not for many years, child. Initially, IS activity in Turkey appeared designed to stoke tensions with the country ethnic Kurds and reflected events in Syria. The servant told me that there had been no visit since that of the day before. She had been with the prince night and day, tending to such needs as he could express, giving him water and milk of the poppy when he was strong enough to drink, listening to the few tortured words he gasped out from time to time, reading to him when he fell quiet, sleeping in her chair beside him. The only difference between us and foreign nations is, that we have got used to it, and fehér női bőr csizma they have not. I've been very excited about this ever since I completed it and wish to share with everyone how exactly I made it so you guys could enjoy too!! Well this tutorial explains exactly how I made this piece of circuit in detail.
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Medical Ignorance and the Mass Murder of Coronavirus Patients
Commentary by W. Gifford-Jones, MD
(OMNS Oct 20, 2020) In treating the sick, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine counselled, "First, do no harm." Unfortunately, this cherished principle has not been followed in caring for patients with coronavirus infection. Losing a loved one due to cancer and other diseases is always tragic. But losing one due to the coronavirus pandemic when it could be prevented is an unforgivable act resulting in the mass murder of innocent lives. It has happened due to ignorance about history, hypocrisy, a lack of training of doctors about alternative medicine, and closed minds about the life-saving medical benefits of high doses of intravenous vitamin C.
I would not have the knowledge to write this article if one event in my life had not happened. At 74 years of age I nearly died of a serious heart attack. Doctors said I'd be dead in a few years without the help of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Luckily, several years earlier I had interviewed Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time winner of the Nobel Prize. He advised me of the important role of vitamin C in decreasing the risk of coronary disease. This is when I made one of the most vital decisions of my life. I decided to take 10,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily, rather than believe Big Pharma. But I also worried because Pauling, although a brilliant chemist, was not a doctor. Was he right about vitamin C? It was only years later when Dr. Sidney Bush, a English researcher proved that vitamin C could reverse atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) that I knew I had made the right decision. [1]
Now, 22 years later, the doctors who told me I'd be dead in a few years without cholesterol-lowering drugs are dead, and I'm in my 97th year, still alive. It's this experience with the cardiovascular effects of vitamin C that's triggered my interest in the anti-infective and other medical benefits of vitamin C, especially how it can decrease deaths from viral and bacterial diseases.
Klenner went on to show that large doses of vitamin C could also cure other viral diseases such as meningitis, hepatitis, measles, mumps, pneumonia, shingles and even the poisonous bite of a rattlesnake. [2-4]  Since that time other researchers have reported that there is no viral disease that high-dose IVC cannot successfully treat.
But Klenner did not win a popularity contest with his colleagues. He wrote in frustration that "Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin."
Since that time closed medical minds have resulted in thousands of deaths from coronavirus and other diseases in Canada and worldwide. Because of a misconception that vitamin C is just another vitamin. But there is proof that vitamin C is a potent anti-infective nutrient that attacks both viral and bacterial diseases.
Infection triggers a severe inflammatory cellular reaction in the body which results in a decrease in vitamin C. It's like being caught in a snow storm on a lonely road and running out of gas. But in this case white blood cells need C to fight the infection. And if you have not been taking C on a regular basis, your white blood cells without C are like a gun without bullets.
Many people do not realize that nearly all animals make their own vitamin C. Humans lost this ability eons ago due to a genetic mutation. For instance, dogs produce 5,000 milligrams (mgs) daily. Health Canada maintains humans need only 90 mgs. But if a dog gets an infection, it will automatically produce up to 20,000 mgs daily!
During the coronavirus pandemic I've listened to Medical Officers of Health, TV anchors, politicians and medical experts all discuss the importance of distancing and frequent hand washing. But I have only heard one discuss the advantages of vitamin C and D in building up the body's immunity. [5] And I have not heard any explain how the use of high doses of IVC could save lives.
Dr. Lendon H. Smith outlined the clinical experiences of Frederick Klenner in "Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C". It contains a wealth of information on how vitamin C treats many diverse diseases. And how prescribing insufficient amounts of vitamin C can lead to failure in therapy. This medical information is available for all to read. [6]
I've have written before that if a family member died due to coronavirus infection and doctors and hospital refused to use IVC, I would contest this situation in a court of law. I believe I would win because historical evidence is so overwhelming that large doses of C save lives.
The hypocrisy surrounding vitamin C is mind boggling. Dr, Linus Pauling complained, "The medical community requires rigorous evidence supporting vitamin C, but accepts flimsy evidence against it." Little has changed since I interviewed Pauling. This deficit is evidently caused by the minds of medical professionals refusing to accept scientific fact. And we will never know the number of needless deaths this has caused during the pandemic.
A year ago, as a journalist, I was invited to be a member of the Orthomolecular Medical News Service.   It's international editorial board is composed of distinguished physicians, professors, and researchers. Several months ago I asked all members how they would treat several viral infections. The overwhelming response was "high dose intravenous vitamin C." OMNS has published twenty-two physician case reports of success with IVC. [7]
Since February, researchers in China have been conducting double-blind studies on IVC. This means one group will receive IVC and a control group will get a placebo. Some studies have already been completed, and the results show that IVC saves more lives than placebo. [8]
"Dr. Enqiang Mao, chief of emergency medicine at Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, stated that his group treated ~50 moderate to severe cases of COVID-19 infection with high dose intravenous vitamin C. "The IVC dosing was for 7-10 days, with 10,000 mg for moderate cases and 20,000 mg for more severe cases. "All patients who received intravenous vitamin C improved, and there was no mortality." "There were no side effects reported from any of the cases treated with high dose IVC." (Richard Cheng, MD, PhD, reporting from Shanghai) http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n12.shtml
But even in one of these recent laudable studies, there was a flaw. According to the report, all patients received a certain dose for moderate infection while others a higher dose for a more severe one. But patients who died had not received the higher dose. [9]
This reflects everything that Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Frederick Klenner stressed. As Pauling told his critics, "It's the dosage!" Or, as Klenner claimed, "Some infections require a much larger dose." As we all know, half an aspirin will not cure a migraine headache.
But there is more disturbing news. Chinese researchers are experiencing trouble getting their findings published. Contacts also tell me that doctors who use IVC in North America are being harassed by authorities. In some case, being told that if they persist they will lose their license to practice medicine.  
To get an update on what was happening in some parts of Canada and the U.S I contacted several infectious disease specialists, Medical Officers of Health (MOH), and university hospitals, asking a simple question. "Do you prescribe intravenous vitamin C or know of anyone who does to treat coronavirus infection? And if terminal patients are not receiving IVC, why is this the case"?
It proved to be a time-consuming assignment. Many replied they would get back to me but failed to do so. I could only conclude they were not using IVC and did not want anyone to know about it.
Or they responded, "We have checked with our infectious disease specialist and confirm that high dose C is not being used to treat coronavirus infection."
What was shocking is that not a single Medical Officer of Health replied that IVC was being prescribed to those dying from coronavirus infection.
Another surprise was the reaction of Johns Hopkins one of the great hospitals of the world. Its distinguished professors were the first to introduce the value of bedside teaching for students. During this pandemic they were considered the authority in reporting the number of coronavirus deaths. So, I was shocked to receive this response, "We are not conducting clinical trials or administering C as a treatment for COVID 19." And even Harvard Medical School where I spent so many years as a student and later training as a surgeon, never replied to me.
What is going to happen?  It's that the Chinese study will likely fail to end the controversy and patients will continue to die needlessly of this virus. I was hoping that one infectious expert, or Medical Officer of Health, would possess the intellectual curiosity to ask, "I wonder if high does IVC could save lives?" It's tragic this has not occurred. Some would label this as medical ignorance, others as malpractice, or if a loved one has died as murder, and finally a court of law looking all the facts decide it's been mass murder.
So, we have a unique situation. It's been said that war is far too important to be left to generals. Due to the economic chaos caused by coronavirus this disaster may be much too important to be left to medical experts when so many North Americans have suffered.
It's time for the government to demand that our medical schools conduct a study of IVC. There is no shortage of patients. We have the scientific talent in our universities. Vitamin C is inexpensive and will virtually never cause complications. Vitamin C has never killed anyone. Besides, this study could be done in a short time and not require thousands of patients.
Who will grasp the moment and save countless lives?
(Syndicated columnist W. Gifford-Jones, MD, (also known as Kenneth Walker, MD) graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1950. He did surgical residencies at McGill University, the University of Rochester, and Harvard Medical School. Still an activist, his website is http://www.docgiff.com.)
To learn more: Several dozen articles related to vitamin therapy for COVID are posted for free access at http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml . Many are available in French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Norwegian. Japanese translations may be found at https://isom-japan.org/top_after .
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all-pacas · 5 years
also i was rewatching found and lost last night — one more post for me — and i just. the night before molly dies. it’s just this random night camping. it’s only significant because of what we and no one in the scene knows happens next. but it’s also just so perfect, from a character perspective, for everyone.
you have beau and molly, entering into a game of who can impress the other, who can bullshit better. molly tells a story of making himself grand and special and important. beau almost tells a personal story — gets upset. tells a story instead of ruining someone’s life, the vindicative pleasure she felt. she regrets this later. she probably regrets it at the time telling it to him. his story makes himself so great. all her stories do is make people feel worse. molly dies a day later, immediately becomes a legend to the party. they never see him struggle or change or doubt or make mistakes he has to own up to. he remains grand and special and important forever.
beau and molly race towards lorenzo together. molly gets there first and is killed while beau is barely five feet away. that’s worth mentioning. nott was in the cart. caleb was far away. keg was up on the hill. beau was the only one close, the only one who really saw it. she tells a bullshit story about ruining lives and watches molly die in front of her, and of course she’s the one most effected. she wanted to win the storytelling contest. and all she had was an example of making someone’s life worse. where does that leave her?
caleb takes his watch alone and debates leaving. he talks to himself. wonders why he’s here. he regrets telling beau his past. he wonders why he allows himself to be close to nott. he tries to convince himself to leave, to just walk off in the night, that he doesn’t care or at least that it’s safer to be alone. and he doesn’t. and molly dies, and a day after that he’s pulling nott aside and changing their entire deal. telling her: stay with me. i’ll get you what you want. we will. together. if you’re with me. forget running away. he’s a hypocrite. he knows it. he sits up and tells himself he should go, that nott is a liability and beau is a threat. two days later, he’s promising to do anything nott requires, if she agrees to stay with him. he’s a hypocrite.
and nott? she hears keg is taking watch and says she will too. she knows keg doesn’t like her — keg’s been making comments all day. joking comments. about how weird and creepy and gross nott is. nott sits up with her and nott tries to make friends. asks her questions. tries to get to know her. apologizes for acting strangely. offers her booze. want to play a drinking game? we can share secrets. it’s funny and it doesn’t amount to anything much — but still. that’s what nott does, faced with a woman who doesn’t like or trust her. she tries to be her friend. nott wants to be liked. really liked. not from politeness, not as part of a drive to be admired in the way molly had. she wants to be friends. she approaches everyone with empathy and kindness, seeks them out, puts her feelings aside to try and give support and advice. it’s not a big moment. it’s not a dramatic monologue. it’s funny. she jokes about dancing. but it works. keg gives her her pendant. nott makes a friend.
kindness and blind hypocrisy, bluster to prove how little you want to believe you care, and glory and fame and importance. none of it big or life shattering or important, but it sums all four of them up just so, so well.
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room390b · 4 years
Trump’s supporters want the president to take the lead in defining a suitable “punishment” to hold China accountable for its handling of the virus. We see a lot of patriotism go hand in hand with those that are highly religious in the US, as we have seen from multiple documentaries in Dr. Whitaker’s class. The promised forgiving and loving nature of Christians is contradicted with their need for punishment. They want this to be done before we all have the opportunity to give power to our opinions this coming Fall. Trump’s response to China’s leaders minimizing the outbreak is considered “lukewarm” to those who find his lack of action to be both a “missed opportunity and an emerging political liability.” Quite contrary to his supporters' wishes, he expressed his respects to President Xi Jinping’s strong understanding of the virus and the situation. 
According to this article, “Evangelical leaders have long wanted Trump to press China hard on Christian persecution inside the country. Now, their focus is on its handling of a deadly virus.” As Dr.Whitaker has said in class, the article explains, “conservative evangelicals [are the] demographic that comprises much of [Trump’s] political base and which the Trump campaign has sought to grow in recent months.” Due to this, his success in the upcoming election depends on how well he handles the virus but also depends on him satisfying the desires of his Christian base by holding China accountable. Republican Senator Blackburn says Trump can not let China “escape culpability for under-reporting domestic cases of the virus” and causing severe damage to the entire global economy by attempting to cover up this wrong doing. Many evangelicals believe this could be solved by China forgiving a portion of America’s owed debt. 
Gary Bauer, a Christian activist appointed by Trump to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, was quoted saying, “The ironic and disgusting thing about China is they get to both create demand and then fulfill demand.” I don't even know what they meant to imply based on the blatant hypocrisy present. America is equally if not more guilty of creating unnecessary demands and fulfilling them! Them outsourcing to China is also in their pockets’ benefit by abusing cheaper labor. So this is just an example of Trump’s base being blind to the hypocrisy that admin openly proclaims. But, as found in recent studies, this has not been to no consequence. There are many Christians who are disillusioned from their faith due to this kind of behavior. Not only are more Christians stopping attendance, but less are encouraged to join based off of experiences with other Christians in the past. 
“While the president is unlikely to lose the support of his evangelical fans — his proposed troop withdrawal from Syria last October was the only instance where multiple pro-Trump religious leaders criticized his actions — any misstep with China could handicap his campaign’s efforts to bring more religious voters into his base as the November presidential contest draws near.”
Trump caters to his evangelical base. However, what perplexes me is the fact that Christians would support war. Getting people out of a warzone should be a celebration not a “misstep.” But these religious institutions seem to be twisted backwards from what we learn in class and in history in general to be the values christians stand for. According to our text by Fowler (and others), evangelicals stand for a strong faith, concrete answers to life's problems and value a strong sense of community.
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news-makers · 6 years
Bismillah IrRehman Nir Rahim Assalaam Alaikum Ladies and Gentlemen! It gives me great pleasure to start today’s briefing with good news – Spring is not the only thing returning to Swat, it is also peace and prosperity. Swat held its first science festival from18-19 April 2018, with a huge attendance of 1500 girls and 5000 boys, from more than 130 government and private schools of Swat district. The students exhibited more than 100 science models, including interactive displays and live experiments, some involving robotics, hydraulics and electrical circuits. 1036 students created simultaneous extraction of DNA from strawberries setting the first ever record in national history. Our School children, the leaders of tomorrow, took a head start with solving their own problems by designing many innovative models, including a desi air conditioner, light sensor models to automatically switch on and off street lights to conserve power to fix the district’s own problems including improved road infrastructure, electricity and water management. The festival is just one of the many dividends of peace in the region and testament of the success of Pakistan’s operations which have eliminated all terrorist sanctuaries from the area. Now, let me give you a brief roundup of activities on the foreign policy front: Prime Minister ShahidKhaqan Abbasi is leading the Pakistan delegation to the 25th Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM-2018) in London from April 18-20, 2018. The participation in CHOGM-2018 would provide an opportunity to highlight the advances made by Pakistan, including its transition to a modern and dynamic emerging market, which is an attractive destination for business, investment and trade. The Prime Minister will participate actively in all executive and retreat sessions, as well as, a number of events being held on the sidelines of the CHOGM. During his stay in London, the Prime Minister will call on HM Queen Elizabeth II, HRH the Prince of Wales and meet the British leadership. Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif is visiting Beijing to attend the meeting of Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from 23-24 April, 2018. The Council of Foreign Ministers will discuss issues related to peace and security at the international and regional level and promotion of cooperation between member states and finalize preparations for the forthcoming SCO Heads of State Council in Qingdao. The Foreign Minister will also have a bilateral meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Pakistan categorically rejects the Indian allegations of “attempts to incite Indian pilgrims” on the issue of ‘Khalistan.’ By spreading such falsehoods, India has chosen to deliberately stoke further controversy around the visit of Sikh pilgrims, currently attending the Baisakhi and KhalsaJanamdin ceremonies in Pakistan. The Sikh community has been protesting against the Government of India for screening a controversial movie in India, which hurt their religious sentiments. These protests had started in India and other parts of the world before the Sikh Yatrees arrived in Pakistan. In view of the charged situation and the explicit refusal of the Sikh Yatrees to meet Indian officials, the Indian High Commissioner cancelled his visit on 14 April 2018. Indian attempts to distort the truth and obfuscate facts are unethical and regrettable. It is ironic that the country, whose highest officials are on record for statements against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan, chose to indulge in blatant hypocrisy by twisting the facts. Indian atrocities continued unabated during last week also. Indian occupation forces martyred four Kashmiris including 21-year-old Aamir Hameed Lone in Kanga area of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian occupation forces are using pellet guns with impunity on the peaceful protestors in the Indian occupied valley, which continue to blind the innocent Kashmiris in hundreds. Moreover, the brutal killing of 8-year old Muslim girl Asifa at Rasana Hiranagar in Kathua in Jammu region of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir has splashed the gruesome story of violence on Kashmiris in all parts of the world and has shaken their conscience badly. Last Sunday, our FC troops deployed along Pak-Afghan border at Kurram Agency came under-fire from the Afghan side, while they were on routine patrolling and fencing activity on the border. The Afghan border security forces, assisted by Afghan tribesmen, fired on our troops, resulting in shahadat of five soldiers. The Afghan border forces and tribesmen also got hold of the bodies of our troops and detained one soldier. As there were a large number of tribesmen on Afghan side, our troops exercised utmost restraint to avoid civilian causalities. Our side, via diplomatic and military channels immediately engaged the Afghan authorities to hold border flag meeting to help resolve the situation. A border flag meeting was held between the commanders of the two forces and situation was amicably defused. Afghan side handed over bodies of five Pakistani FC personnel and the detained sepoy to Pakistan. In their engagement, the two sides emphasized the need for further enhancing border coordination to avoid recurrence of such incidents in the future. The Special Secretary (UN and EC/SCO), Ms. Tasnim Aslam received the UN Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Mr. MorislavJenca at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 12 April 2018. The two sides exchanged views on regional peace and security situation. We are following the situation in Syria with grave concern. We call on all sides to refrain from actions inconsistent with the UN Charter. Pakistan condemns the use of chemical weapons anywhere by anyone. It is important to establish facts through urgent and transparent investigations by the OPCW. We call upon all parties to strive for an agreement within the OPCW framework and extend full support to the Organization. At this time our thoughts are with the people of Syria who have suffered as a result of ongoing turmoil in that country. We hope that all parties will work to find an urgent solution to end the sufferings of the Syrian people. Pakistan was re-elected on 17 April 2018 to the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (CNGO) for the term 2019-22, during elections held in New York. Pakistan was one of the four countries elected to this important body in a contested election within the Asia Pacific region. Now the Floor is open for Questions Question Reportedly, Iranhas handed over 66 illegal Pakistani immigrants to Pakistani authorities at Taftan border. Can you confirm? Second, Iranian Supreme leader has said in a statement that people of Kashmir will push their enemies back with the help of resistance, in the near future. How do you see his statement? (Khawaja Nayaar Iqbal – Daily Kashmir Post) Supplementary Question Reportedly, Iranian authorities have claimed that three Iranian security personnel were killed and many others injured in a firing incident by rogue elements from Pakistani territory. What are your comments on this? (Anwar Abbas – Waqt News) Answer When illegal Pakistani immigrants cross over into Iranian territory, the Iranian relevant authorities take them into custody and hand them over to relevant Pakistan authorities at Taftan border. Both the sides are engaged in strengthening cooperation on border management to stop the illegal movement of immigrants. On Mr. Khawaja’s second question, as we understand, the Iranian Supreme Leader in his statement has stressed on Iran’s support to the resistance shown by Muslims wherever they face tyranny, including in Jammu and Kashmir, where they struggle for realization of the right to self-determination. We appreciate Iranian Supreme Leader’s enunciation of support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. After the recent surge of Indian state terrorism in Indian occupation forces, our Foreign Minister talked with his Iranian counterpart and Iran has condemned the Indian brutalities in Kashmir. International community is concerned about continued Indian barbarism and human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir. On the last question, I have not seen any statement from Iranian officials regarding the alleged incident. Question Why did Foreign Office not summon the Afghan Ambassador over the martyrdom of FC personnel on Pak-Afghan border? Second, reportedly, Trump Administration has warned Pakistan that it could lose US civilian aid worth tens of millions of dollars this year, if it did not do enough to combat human trafficking. Your comments please! (Rashida Sial – AbbTak) Supplementary Questions A US State Department official has confirmed that travel restrictions will be imposed on Pakistani diplomatic and consular staff in the US from 01 May 2018. Has US officially informed Pakistan regarding these restrictions?(Shabbir Waghra – PTV World) US Undersecretary of State has said that these restrictions on Pakistani diplomats are on reciprocal basis. What are your comments? (Ali Hussain – Business Recorder) Answer Regarding travel restrictions on Pakistani diplomats in Washington, yes, we have received official communication regarding certain measures that the US intends to implement w.e.f. May 1, 2018. The issue is primarily of reciprocity. Both sides are in touch and we are hopeful that the matter will be resolved. We have nothing more to add to this at the moment. On aid cut, human trafficking is a curse and the government is taking all measures to curb this. During the past years, the government has made significant efforts in all relevant areas to meet the standards for the elimination of trafficking by increasing investigations, prosecutions, and convictions. We have also made some progress recently, in enacting antihuman smuggling legislation. A detailed report in the context of Trafficking in Persons report 2018, prepared by the Ministry of Interior (FIA) on the measures undertaken during the past year, has been shared with the US side. We hope that Pakistan’s efforts would be acknowledged in this regard. I have addressed the question on Afghanistan in my opening remarks. Question Reportedly, Indian Air Force said that they have doubled the number of fighter jets compared to Pakistan Air Force. What are your views on this? Second, yesterday, Prime Minister Modi referred to the so-called surgical strike by India against Pakistan, in UK. He has stated that Pakistan was informed about the strike, once it had allegedly taken place, before the media. Isn’t India using the UK territory to lash out at Pakistan against diplomatic norms? What are your comments on this? (Essa Naqvi – Dunya News) Supplementary Question In the same speech in UK, Indian Prime Minister lashed out at Pakistan and said that India knows how to tackle the country that is exporting terrorists. What are your comments? (Anas Malick – Republic TV) Answer On the first question, Indian hegemonic designs are an open secret and have subjected the region to a compulsive arms race. Pakistan believes in mutual respect and a policy of peaceful coexistence, but our armed forces are well prepared and vigilant to respond befittingly to any threat to the motherland. On Indian Prime Minister’s statement, we have already categorically dismissed the farcical allegations of the so-called surgical strike, which is nothing but a figment of Indian imagination and a tenuous relationship with truth. Constant repetition of a fallacious claim does not make it real. The Indian Government is increasingly sounding like a broken record. Indian Government has come under immense criticism about the brutal Kathua rape of 8 years old Asifa who was kidnapped, held in a temple, repeatedly raped and then bludgeoned to death. The brutal, heinous murder is an indication of the inhuman manner in which rape is systemically used as a tool of subjugation in IoK. The horrific Unnao case where a minor girl was allegedly raped by members of the incumbent government and her father found dead subsequently under mysterious circumstances has stoked further criticism against the Indian Government and sections of the society that is not only tolerating these barbaric acts but even protecting them. The widespread protests against the complete failure of the Indian Government to bring the perpetrators to justice, especially when government is complicit in such incidents, has exposed the deepening fissures in Indian society and the government. This criticism is not confined to India but has spread to the whole world, including UK and Sweden. All this is happening even while atrocities and human rights violation by Indian occupation forces continue in IoK including the shelling, cane charges and tear gas attacks by Indian forces on unarmed innocent students in IoK. History is replete with instances of Pakistan being back-stabbed by India, rather than the other way around. It is India which continues to sponsor of acts of terrorism in Pakistan. Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav in Pakistan’s custody is the living proof of who exports terror. We have repeatedly seen attempts in India to externalize internal problems or dragging in Pakistan for electoral gains. Baseless Indian allegations are just sad political gimmickry, an absurd attempt to put on a show to divert attention from such heinous incidents and its abject failure. India should take care of the skeletons in its closet and not drag other countries in ploys to secure votes. Question We are witnessing that Afghanistan is employing constant aggression and pressure tactics on Pakistan, despite high level visits to and from Afghanistan recently. Has Afghan side assured Pakistan that its territory will be not used against Pakistan? Secondly, what are the reasons that US is restricting the movement of Pakistani diplomats in Washington. Do you think that deteriorating bilateral relations is the reason behind such move? (Shahid Maitla – ARY News) Supplementary Question Reportedly, Pakistan is also going to restrict the movement of US diplomats in Islamabad from 01 May 2018. Can you confirm?(Rashida Sial – AbbTak) Answer On restrictions of diplomats, I have nothing more to add. On Afghanistan, Pakistan sincerely believes that all outstanding issues and differences can be achieved through sustained and meaningful dialogue with the Afghan authorities. The recent visit of our Prime Minister was a reflection of this spirit. We constantly raise our concerns of Afghan territory being used for terrorist activities in Pakistan, Afghan refugees’ early repatriation, rise in drug/poppy cultivation in Afghanistan and its direct linkage with war economy etc. with the Afghan officials on a regular basis. We believe that under APAPPS framework, a sustainable and long-lasting solution to the problems can be achieved by both sides. Question Pakistan has condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria, but you have not condemned the launching of missile attacks by US and allied countries. Russia, Iran and China have out rightly condemned US aggression against Syria, but Pakistan has remained silent. Your comments please! (Zameer – INP) Answer Pakistan condemns the use of chemical weapons anywhere by anyone. It is important to establish facts through urgent and transparent investigations by the OPCW. We call upon all parties to strive for an agreement within the OPCW framework and extend full support to the Organization. At this time our thoughts are with the people of Syria who have suffered as a result of ongoing turmoil in that country. We hope that all parties will work to find an urgent solution to end the suffering of the Syrian people. Question Pakistan is following US policy in the Middle East. On the contrary, there is a misunderstanding between the two countries on regional policy especially vis-a-vis Afghanistan. Please clarify Pakistan’s position! Please brief us on Prime Minister’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia. (Salman Hashmi – Forensic Eye) Answer Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi visited Saudi Arabia on 15-16 April 2018, on the invitation of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, to attend the closing ceremony of the Joint Gulf Shield-I, military exercise, in the Eastern Region of the Kingdom. He was accompanied, amongst others by the Defence Minister Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa. The Joint Gulf Shield I exercise involved units from army, navy, air force and the Special Forces of Saudi Arabia and 24 other countries, including Pakistan. The multilateral military exercise aimed at increasing military readiness of participating countries. Pakistan participated with contingents from all three forces as well as its JF-17 Thunder aircraft and Pakistan Navy ships. The Prime Minister also held a meeting with His Majesty King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, on the sidelines of the closing ceremony. The Minister of Defence, Chief of Army Staff and other select members of the Prime Ministers delegation accompanied the Prime Minister during the meeting. Regarding your first question, there is no confusion in Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. We are closely watching our national interest that is clearly defined. There are differences between our position and that of others, primarily because we hold our national interest paramount. Question During the recent hearing in the Islamabad High Court regarding putting Colonel Joseph’s name on ECL, the question arose as to what Vienna Convention states on putting the name of a diplomat on ECL? Can you confirm that court has contacted Foreign Office regarding the matter?(Mona Khan – Geo News) Supplementary Questions Has US officially contacted Pakistan for the release of Colonel Joseph? (Syed Mohsin Raza – Asas Group of Publications) There are reports that someone from Foreign Office has called the SHO of Islamabad police to order release of Colonel Joseph. Can you confirm? (Shahid Maitla – ARY News) Answer We are awaiting the outcome of preliminary investigations from Islamabad Police, based on which further actions would be initiated. I would like to invite your attention to the Articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 which inter-alia deal with diplomatic immunity. He will be treated under Pakistan’s Diplomatic and Consular Privileges Act 1972, which gives effect to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 and Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963. Question There are reports that some Chinese nationals coming to Pakistan for business purposes have criminal backgrounds and are a security concern for Pakistan. Does the Chinese Government share the details of Chinese businessmen coming to Pakistan? Also, could you give the exact of the number of Chinese people that have come to Pakistan so far? (Syed Mohsin Raza – Asas Group of Publications) Answer The line Ministries for your query are Ministry of Planning and Interior. However, let me reiterate that Chinese authorities are extending full cooperation on all matters. It goes without saying that CPEC has brought immense investment and economic opportunities for Pakistan. Question Reportedly, Taliban have rejected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s offer to take part in the upcoming parliamentary and district council elections. What is your stance in this regard? (Rabia Pir – VOA DEEWA Radio) Answer This is an internal matter of Afghanistan. Question You mentioned in your opening remarks about good news vis-a-vis Swat. We are unable to understand its relation to foreign policy. Second, what are your comments regarding certain reports emanating from China that state that Pakistani nationals arrested in China have been detained beyond the completion of their sentence? Any update on the Chinese women from Xinjiang being reunited with their Pakistani husbands? (Fida Hussain – Radio News Network) Answer In response to your first question, a major part of the foreign policy of Pakistan is to project its positive image to the rest of the world. It is high time that media in our part of the world graduates from broadcasting sensational and negative reports about Pakistan, to project and highlight Pakistan’s positive news. This sense of maturity on the part of media will be instrumental in shaping and changing the opinion of our masses. These are some excellent steps undertaken by our youth on their own initiative to get rid of some local ailments. We are proud of our youth and we want to share that with the global community. On matters related to Pakistani prisoners currently detained in China, we have given detailed response in our earlier press briefings. On your last question, as I mentioned earlier all matters of mutual interest are being actively discussed with China. Question Why is the Foreign Office quiet when an Indian serving RAW agent has defected in the US and is even sharing details of the infamous ”Friends of Baluchistan” Organization and how RAW has been systematically involved in the destabilization of Pakistan? Is there any plan to take the matter to ICJ? (Auon Sherazi – Such TV) Answer As an aside, India’s response submitted in the ICJ has been received in the Foreign Office yesterday. I do not think that there is a bigger example of India’s state terrorism in Pakistan than the apprehension of Commander Kulbhushan Jhadev. I will get details about your question and revert. Question Is there any chance of meeting between Foreign Ministers of India and Pakistan on the sidelines of SCO Foreign Ministers meeting in Beijing? Second, what are the prospects of Mr. Ali Jahangir Siddiqui’s appointment as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, as there are reports that the US authorities have not given clearance to his appointment? (Majid Jarral – News One) Answer On your first question, no such meeting is envisaged so far. I have nothing new to add on your second question. Question A Sikh Yatree woman, who had come to celebrate Baisakhi in Pakistan, has embraced Islam and married a Pakistani national. She has also urged the Pakistani government to extend her visa allegedly claiming threat to her life back home. Do you confirm this incident? Answer Please consult Ministries of Interior and Religious Affairs for a response. Question Regarding the Islamic Military Alliance, has Saudi Arabia shared the ToRs with us so far? Is there a decision on the level of participation by Pakistan in the coalition? (Ali Hussain – Business Recorder) Answer You may refer your question to Ministry of Defence. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Pakistan
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newssplashy · 6 years
Will Bishop Oyedepo shave Tinubu’s head for lying?
Tunde Odesola ([email protected])
The thrifty history behind his mane notwithstanding, as one of his acolytes, I should warn Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, not to visit some Nigerian university for now, otherwise, a pair of covenant shears would scissors his crown-like shock of wispy hair – sssha! sshaa! ssshaa!, and the spongy white strands of knowledge would cascade to the floor of ignorance. I would’ve offered the same advice to the greatest reggae musician of all time, the late Bob Marley, if he was planning to visit Nigeria this perilous period.
 Latin language is dead. It died thousands of years ago when it ceased to be the native language of Latium, a central-western region of Italy, where it was spoken with flourish during the gleam of the Roman Empire reign. Today, Latin emits the embers of an unenviable afterlife. Latin wasn’t completely buried with the emergence of Italy as a modern nation state. Rather, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, Provencal and Romansh languages evolved from it. Latin gave the world the word ‘emeritus’. Growing up as a starry-eyed teenager with a curiosity for highfaluting English words, the title, Emeritus Professor, struck me with fascination back in the day when Professors Ayodele Awojobi, Chike Obi, Chinua Achebe, Claude Ake, Soyinka and co were the guiding lights to a nation groping in the vortex of self-discovery. Then, I had taught ‘emeritus professor’ was superior to a ‘mere’ professor. I never knew emeritus is another word for retired. I never knew emeritus is a Latin word for ‘veteran soldier’.
 I know universities confer emeritus statuses on distinguished retiring or retired professors. But I don’t know who conferred the title ‘Emeritus Governor’ on a former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. For the fact that no Nigerian politician has been as influential, all-permeating, robust and dominant as the Lion of Bourdillon since 1999, I won’t contest the title. I think it’s richly deserved.
 Another Nigerian, though not a politician, but who’s also making waves in his calling, is Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide. Both Tinubu and Oyedepo have quite a number of things in common. They’re both from Muslim backgrounds as Oyedepo’s dad was a Muslim from Omu-Aran in Kwara State. Both married Christian spouses. While Tinubu clocked 66 last week, Oyedepo will clock 64 on September 27, this year. Whereas the net worth of Tinubu’s stupendous wealth isn’t in the public domain, Oyedepo is reputed to be one of the richest clerics in the world. I’m sure the net worth of Tinubu’s wealth, if made public, would draw more daggers from enemies than praise from supporters. Both are Yoruba leaders who leave no hair on their pates. Both studied in the US. Today, they’re orphans, who actualised their dreams in Lagos State. And both aren’t strangers to controversy.
 Oyedepo’s Covenant University, Ota, was in the eye of the storm again, last week, when a cross-section of Nigerians condemned the cutting of the hair of some students of the university by authorities who deemed their hair bushy. Arguments have oscillated between the university being a citadel for the cross-fertilisation of divergent academic ideas, and the university being a place where man-imposed ethics must shave off individual freedom, wearing the cassock of utter obedience. To buttress what they deemed as hypocrisy, online commentators uploaded the picture of Oyedepo sporting a bushy hair in his younger days. They also uploaded a six-member family picture of the Oyedepos, where one of the two young men standing behind the bishop and his wife, Faith, wore a trendy crew cut hairstyle. Not done, some commentators condemned Covenant authorities for using the same hair clipper on the erring male students in succession – without sterilisation, raising health concerns over the risk of disease transmission. While some commentators were of the opinion that the university’s laws must be absolutely obeyed by students, who, upon admission, pledged allegiance to the university’s rules, some said Covenant’s regulations mustn’t supersede the Nigerian Constitution, which provides for self expression, freedom and human dignity. In all of these, I stand by the words of a two-term British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, a Jew, who said, “A university should be a place of light, of liberty, and of learning.” I think it is high time Nigeria began to raise a new breed of future leaders that wouldn’t be cowed into blinded religiosity against demanding a better deal from the wasted generation currently leading the country. I reckon that except Prophet Elisha who was bald, all the great Jewish leaders in the bible wore long hairs – Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Abraham, Samuel, Samson, David, Solomon, the Messiah, Jesus Christ; etc. Pictures don’t lie.
 But the Jagaban Borgu told a black lie last week. I won’t dwell on the impropriety behind the categorisation of a type of lie as white and another type as black. Basically, a white lie is described as a harmless or trivial lie while a black lie is described as harmful, evil. With President Muhammadu Buhari in attendance, Tinubu, delivering a colloquium speech to commemorate his 66th birthday in Lagos, told his audience that the All Progressives Congress never promised Nigerians “honey and sugar”. Haba! O gini kwa? What then did your party promise Nigerians? Serpents and stones? If not in deference to old age and respect for the beautiful and ageless Oluremi, your wife, I would’ve called you a blinking liar because I was personally at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Lagos, where the APC presidential primary held in December 2014. If ‘change’ is not a promise of “honey and sugar”, is it a continuation of the Goodluck Jonathan ruinous years? When you led Buhari to campaign grounds nationwide, urging Nigerians to vote for him, did you promise them suffering?
 Tinubu told his birthday audience, “Yes, when we came in, we came in with a whole lot of hope… thinking and believing in ourselves, that we can change Nigeria… Life is not interesting without challenges. We didn’t come with a political party showing our logo as honey and sugar, our logo is (a) broom bound together, (symbolising) united Nigerians, focusing against terrorism, against corruption, and to promote the economic revival of the country.” Latin is not a language of betrayal, but like the betrayed Julius Caesar, I ask, “Et tu, Tinubu?”
 Inadvertently confirming that he had been shut out of the Buhari Presidency in the last three years, Tinubu said, “We have a nation to rescue; we have a good leader to emulate and we have hope. We have reduced the propensity for corruption… I will submit a proposal on how we can stimulate the economy.” Sir, what’ve you been doing in the last three years? Watching the economy chained by inflation?
 Tinubu mocked former President Olusegun Obasanjo, saying, “My grandmother used to ask me to write letters to her. Somebody is writing letters now, letter of politics these days. As if they’ve not been there before. Bad belle letters!”
 With barely a year left in Buhari’s tenure, Tinubu said, “I’m happy the President can change the course of the ship wreckage – the ship of this country that’s headed in the wrong direction. To steer the ship back or anchor before redirecting it, which, of course, is necessary.” Steering the ship for three years?
For the black lie told by Tinubu, I wonder what Oyedepo would have done to his hair if he was a student of Covenant. Need I speak Latin again? Ok, I’ll. I concur with the Latin phrase which says “acta non verba” – meaning “deeds, not words” – are needed for Nigeria’s development because “barba non facit philosophum” – “a beard doesn’t make one a philosopher.” And I’ll leave President Buhari with the words of a fellow Roman military commander, Hannibal Barca, who said in Latin, “Aut viam inveniam aut faciam” – meaning: “I will either find a way or make one.”
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  source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/04/will-bishop-oyedepo-shave-tinubus-head.html
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deniscollins · 7 years
Europe Wanted Migrants Stopped. Now Some Are Being Sold as Slaves.
African migrants who do not make it safely into Europe are returned to Africa, held in detention centers and then sold into slavery. Do European nations have any obligations to these slaves? If so, what? Why? What are the ethics underlying your analysis?
African migrants in Libya face “unimaginable horrors,” the United Nations human rights commissioner declared. “Despicable,” the chairman of the African Union called their treatment. Several African countries recalled ambassadors in protest. Rwanda offered the migrants assistance.
The mid-November broadcast by CNN showing what was described as African migrants being auctioned off at a Libyan slave market — for as little as $100 each, at black-market exchange rates — has set off an international firestorm. The response from the European Union, however, has been notably muted.
That may partly reflect the gratification among European Union officials over Italy’s success at reducing the influx of migrants across the Mediterranean. Italy has been helping Libyans stop them at sea or keep them in Libya, despite the dangers they face there.
Rights groups and other experts say the video of the slave market — although no surprise to many journalists or relief workers — is an uncomfortable reminder for Europe that its policies risk trapping the migrants in slave-like conditions.
“The tragic and morally unjustifiable thing about this is that European Union policy is certainly a part of why this is happening,” John Springford, who studies migration at the Center for European Reform, a research organization in London. “But whether that will lead to a change in direction, I am doubtful.”
Marco Minniti, the interior minister of Italy and the architect of its new Libya migrant policies, was asked about the slave market video in a parliamentary hearing, and argued that Italy had also done what it could to provide humanitarian aid.
“Is that enough?” he said. “Of course not. But the alternative cannot be to just accept the impossibility to govern the migration flux and hand to the human smugglers the keys to the European democracies.”
The migrant crisis in Libya originated with the collapse of the government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi six years ago. The near-total absence of policing since then has attracted hundreds of thousands of migrants from other African countries hoping to cross by boat to Italy, or at least be rescued by a European ship that would deposit them there.
But the chaos and lawlessness across Libya has also exposed the migrants to pervasive and well-documented abuses, including forced labor, kidnapping, extortion, rape, torture and indefinite extralegal detention in overcrowded pens and other inhumane conditions.
Traffickers who take money to transport the migrants from their countries of origin often hold them hostage and demand more money once they reach Libya. Then traffickers pack migrants into flimsy and overcrowded vessels that often sink.
Many passengers die of drowning or dehydration, and survivors picked up by Libyan vessels or in Libyan waters are often packed into prisonlike detention centers.
Both the traffickers and the militiamen running the detention centers may sell migrants into forced labor or sexual exploitation, and the traffickers often bribe detention centers to regain the captured migrants so that they can extort more money from friends and family in their country of origin.
“It is a kind of hell,” said Vickie Hawkins, executive director of Doctors Without Borders, the medical charity, which has been visiting migrant detention centers in the area around Tripoli for more than a year.
Even with the travel risks, more than half a million migrants made it to Italy over a three-year period ending last December, and that has led to a populist backlash there and elsewhere in Europe. Responding to the pressure, Italy, with the support of the European Union, took new steps this year to halt the exodus.
The Italian government struck deals with Libyan militias to hold back migrant departures. It provided patrol boats to the loosely controlled and often-untrained Libyan forces operating as a coast guard. And the Italian Navy dispatched a ship to conduct surveillance and locate migrant boats before they depart Libyan waters.
The Italian government has also sought to apply public pressure to discourage aid groups from depositing rescued migrants in Sicily, while the increasingly assertive and sometimes dangerous Libyan coast guard has deterred humanitarian rescue ships from plying migrant boat routes.
The monthly rate of migrant arrivals in Italy began falling sharply in July. By October, the number had fallen by more than two-thirds, to fewer than 6,000, down from more than 27,000 in the same month a year earlier, according to the International Organization for Migration, an intergovernmental agency. The total number of arrivals in the first eleven months of the year fell by more than 30 percent, to about 117,000 from about 173,000 in the same period last year.
“We have a real chance of closing the central Mediterranean route,” Donald Tusk, president of the European Union’s governing council, said in late October at a summit meeting in Brussels.
But the migrants are trapped in increasingly overcrowded conditions. Ms. Hawkins of Doctors Without Borders said her group had seen a tenfold increase in the number of detainees in the eight centers where it has worked, to 12,000 in recent weeks from as few as 1200 in July.
“I visited a detention center in July that had 300 men in it and it already seemed crowded,” she said. “Three weeks later there were 800, and I could not fathom how you could fit 500 more in there.”
The European policy “is looking an awful lot like complicity,” said Judith Sunderland, a researcher for Human Rights Watch. The sale and exploitation of African migrants in Libya has been well known “for a very long time, frankly,” she said.
As early as the spring of 2015, journalists who visited migrant detention camps in Western Libya reported that the jailers routinely sold captives to local farmers or others for temporary use as laborers.
“We are like slaves,” Abu Bakr Dixon, 34, a Gambian held at a detention center in Zawiyah, said at the time.
SOS Mediterranean, an organization that rescues migrants attempting to cross the sea, has published repeated testimony over the last 21 months from Africans who said they had been bought or sold by Libyans — typically by the militiamen running the detention centers.
Last April, the International Organization for Migration published a report documenting the existence of Libyan “slave markets” where dark-skinned migrants were auctioned, and it was widely covered at the time by international news organizations.
The report said that traffickers who had taken payment to transport African migrants across the desert for passage to Europe instead sold their human cargo to Libyans, and that the Libyan buyers often resold them to others.
“We get so used to hearing the words, ‘I was sold,’” said Meron Estafanos, a human rights advocate based in Stockholm who works with migrants from her native country, Eritrea. “It makes you feel, where were all these people when we were reporting it before?”
After the expressions of shock from around the world at CNN’s slave-market video, many Libyans accused the Europeans of hypocrisy for having acted surprised.
“The international community keeps turning a blind eye to facts when it comes to #Libya & #migration,” Emad Badi, a Libyan activist in Tripoli, wrote on Twitter. “Newsflash: there is no ‘coast guard’, slavery is not new, interception at sea breeds internal problems, expecting the nationally contested #GNA to handle migration is foolish.” He was referring to the Western-backed Government of National Accord, one of three rival governments vying for power in Libya.
Taher el-Sonni, an adviser to the president of the Western-backed government, wrote on Twitter: “Trafficking = Slavery, to put the blame only on Libya is unacceptable!”
Federica Mogherini, the top diplomat for the European Union, has been measured about the abuses, but has acknowledged that European policymakers have long known about the enslavement of migrants in Libyan detention centers. “We have to face the dramatic situation of our African brothers and sisters that are in slavery in those centers,” she said recently at a meeting with African diplomats in Brussels.
Without defending the migrant-return policies, Ms. Mogherini emphasized that this year the European Union has also started providing support for flights returning some migrants waylaid in Libya to their home countries — as many as 15,000 by the end of the year, she projected.
“This is only a drop in the ocean, but it is the first time that we have done this,” she said.
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