#this disgusting little manlet
dejablueballs · 1 year
Deja Blue/Avatar hc
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a/n: Just some silly ideas and hcs abt the blue crew. Wanted to put in my two cents, they're random and are just my personal mind vomit. They have no real personalities or lore so regard this as horseshit if you want <3 also these were all the ones I could remember!!!
Miles Quaritch: Objectively, bad at sex. Was an old man in his prime with power and money to burn, i can assure you he doesn't care about where the clit is much less if his partner cums. Probably doesn't believe in the female orgasm. Thinks ten minutes of missionary is good enough. If he really cares about who hes fucking sure he'll give you a good time but 9/10 hes just not fun in bed [think of strickland in tsow]
Lyle Wainfleet: Loves fat women, gotta be 200lb and over to ride this ride, no stretch marks? no service! Will deny so because of toxic masculinity. Acts disgusted and laughs with his little friend group to keep up appearances but will be on his knees begging for his big babe to sit on his face the same night
Recom Mansk: Doesn't laugh often, its very hard to make the stone cold bastard even snicker but when he laughs he fucking laughs. Big snorting chortling open throat guffaws, cant be controlled or stopped. He has the tendency to puke if he laughs too hard so thats another reason he keeps it under wrap. weak ass gag reflex
Recom Z-dog: was a hardcore horse girl her entire adolescence and never quite grew out of it, daydreams about riding and owning a direhorse
Recom Fike: insecure manlet, was a short man and is now the shortest recom. Tends to puff up, flex or otherwise start shit to assert his masculinity. Stands on his tippy toes during arguments. Can't argue without tearing up, learned how to mask it when human but now he just pops if overwhelmed
Recom Prager: the man with the plan, i.e recreational drugs. Always keeps an ounce or a tab on him, hence the spaced out look. Living as a human on pandora can be stressful so he found a great way to cope. Nothing hardcore just reggie, acid, valium etc etc just small things to help ease stressed soldiers. If caught he will lie and throw whoevers closest under the bus
Recom Ja: just notebooks upon notebooks of bad poetry, keeps one on hand in case ideas ever spark or if smthg abt pandora really inspires him. Its all very bad or bland poetry, hes smart enough to know so and never shares anything he writes. Probably some "saw a snail, effervescent" type bullshit in there or ripped off lines to strengthen his stanzas. Keeps small logs on his day to day life, very boring
Recom Brown: loves taking selfies of himself, working out, meetings, private or hang time. Doesn't matter, just enjoys self documentation. probably has a locked folder of his own dick pics. Def the type to measure
Recom Lopez: was raised devout catholic, priest, baptisms etc etc all the big catholic stuff so you'll usually see him with a silver cross necklace or a rosary during special occasions [good friday, ash wednesday, lent, chrsitmas etc etc] Not preachy about it but hes silently judgmental. Listens to sermons with headphones while alone or working out. Always be able to catch him watching the older sunday service channel since he doesn't have access to earth cable in real time. Has several small christian tattoos. He's like mac from always sunny, basically
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Perhaps 💕 + Danganronpa? :O
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Mwah Mwah you're both getting blown kisses I've wanted to talk about Danganronpa ships for a WHILE now and suddenly I have two so very blessed.
Problimatic ships and Danganronpa Spoilers under the cut
Okay so first of all well established at this point in Fandoms with just a Lotta Guys I tend to get latched onto one guy (gender neutral) and ship them with basically everyone all at once, and for Danganronpa that Guy is Kazuichi Soda
The ideal is Sonia/Kazuichi/Gundham polycule. I think Sonia and Gundham are Queerplatonics who are bonding over their crush on Kazuichi, meanwhile Kazuichi is convinced they're dating and is steaming over it in pure Incel rage. He is their pathetic little Meow Meow
Soda/Teruteru I see every here and there and it's easily my favorite Teruteru ship. They're unnormal about the girls in their class together while holding hands and kissing on the mouth and Soda will say "No Homo right?" and Teruteru always just smirks. Yes Homo, Soda. Always Homo.
I don't know who came up with Soda/Nekomaru but it does slap I will agree. Big loud guy X Little loud guy. Nekomaru tosses Soda around like a football
Also who came up with Soda/Fuyuhiko because I LOVE them!!! Soda and his scary manlet boyfriend. I am rattling them so hard. This goes very good specifically with Transfemme Kazuichi btw
Soda/Hajime is incredibly funny Hajime is so tired of Soda and Soda is all about Hajime they are just Bros being guys being dudes I adore them. I hope they kiss with tongue
Mmmm I want Kazuichi to kiss the robot Soda/Kiibo is so freaken cute Mechanic/Robot ships are always cute and correct I want them to kiss on the mouth so baaaadly
Soda/Miu reads so very sibling to me I don't know why but whenever I see them in fanart together my brain says they are Brother and Sister and also they both kiss Kiibo on the mouth. She thinks Incest is hot, he thinks she's disgusting but also his taste in women is based on her. Like Akihisa and his Sister from Baka and Test kind of dynamic.
Soda/Chihiro is SO cute this is again just back to Kiibo tho they are Robot friends she is the exact kind of sweet little cute thing Soda is into he is for sure one of her biggest fans this is also another speisifically with Transfemme Soda kind of ship
I think Kokichi/Soda would be a very funny unserious ship to get in to. something about it gives me Age Regressor Friends vibes
I would love more Soda ships if anyone has any more with the dynamic in mind let me know I am always all ears for them
Now for everyone else
Okay let's start off with something everyone hates; I like Despaircest, but not in it's canon form. Manipulation and worship is fine and all, but I also just love They are all they have on this bitch of an earth Twin Ships, and Junko is really good for that, given how much she hates everything. Mukuro was Junko's last shred of sanity before she vanished
I have a real thing for Danganronpa Polyships, I'm a real big fan of Kyoko/Makoto/Byakuya as a solid Post-Game throuple. Kyoko and Byakuya are sharing the twink begrudgingly
Also OT3 Chihiro/Taka/Mondo?? Love them the trio of all time. They all kiss on the mouth and hold hands and love eachother very much. I want them to own an apartment together and live a very chill Slice of Life anime style existence
Sakura/Aoi is so very sweet and good. Wholesome gorlfriends. They would pummel you to death for speaking bad about the other. Massive Femme Little Butch gorls I love them
Celeste/Hifumi is my ideal I love them so much they deserve so much more. Fantastic self ship polycule content from them as well.
I saw someone once ship Hiro/Byakuya and I think that's so incredibly funny. Ships where the one guy is nothing by annoyed by his partner are always welcome
I have to respect Toko/Komaru sense I stole my entire self ship with Toko from the basis of that ship basically. I don't like Komaru all that much but I will admit she and Toko kiss on the mouth and are very cute for sure
I think Nagito/Makoto is a very funny one sided kind of ship. Nagito cannot be normal about the other ultimate lucky student to save his life. Makoto is dense as dense can be. Everyone is holding Nagito back.
Another OT3 Hajime/Nagito/Chiaki is very good two braincells and their pathetic wet kitten boyfriend. Hajime and Chiaki also kiss but if they do Nagito will stare at them and make it very weird he just loves to see ultimates in love
Whoever first shipped Imposter/Ibuki I love you so much I cannot for the life of me remember where the basis for that ship comes from but it's back of my mind always
But also Imposter/Ryota from DR3 is so so so SO good I love them. Imposter pushing Ryota to eat to stand and stretch and take breaks and go to class and get out of his room and exist. I love them. Very Kazuaki/Hitori core.
I am not immune to Peko/Fuyu he loves her she is devoted to him one day she'll be better be more her own person and she'll finally be able to love him back. Big "That's my wife!!!!" possibilities. The best Het ship ever written (untrue)
Mahiru/Hiyoko is also very good a very specific flavor or WLW that I for some reason don't see as much as Sakura/Aoi despite them being the same type of Close? I think they're sweet
Nekomaru/Akane are Queerplatonics I can't see them kissing but they do need to be in physical contact with one another at all times. Catch them hugging all over one another
Oooh I think Ibuki/Sonia is very good Good girl Wild girl she was a skater boy style. I think they'd be great girlfriends
This ones for that one artist who draws adorable Teruteru/Hajime, I have no idea where that one comes from but the artist themself is very sweet
Not enough people talk about Korekiyo/Sonia they would be perfect together they're both so weird and creepy and I think they'd get along like a house on fire
Someone on my dash ships Gonta/Celeste and I cannot for the life of me figure out why but I am on board I suppose??
OT3 evolved it's OT4 time I love Kaede/Shuichi/Kaito/Maki they are a chain holding hands I adore them SO much. A loop that can go both directions
I think I'd like Himiko/Tenko better if Tenko was written with any kind of good intention, but everything she says and does is written so poorly I just... I have a hard time liking her. I want to though.
Miu/Kiibo/Kokichi is one that grew on me long after I'd finished V3. I think they'd be a very chaotic duo. The exact opposite energy as Sonia/Kazuichi/Gundham
I also like the fan works of Gonta/Kokichi. I don't like the way Kokichi acts about Gonta in canon like at all but the ship isolated is very cute. Full of deceit and hate X Physically cannot lie good boy
Kirumi/Kokichi is very much Carer/Age Regressor to me and I do enjoy it sometimes. I feel kind of bad demoting Kirumi to just a mommy type though
Gonta/Ryoma is so very *Chefs kiss* you understand??? The Big and the Small. The Nerd and the Jock. The Gentleman and the Criminal. It's about the subversion of expectations
Oh and Ryoma/Kirumi is INCREDIBLY cute I have really nothing for it other than Ryoma deserves a badass wife. All Ryoma ships will work on me because I just want Ryoma to be happy. Everyone kiss Ryoma on the mouth
On that note Ryoma/Kaede also whole cute 10/10 would love to see more. Kaede also deserves all the good in the world
I went very crazy for a while for Gonta/Kiyo because of that one manga where they got their stupid long ass hair tangled together. I love that for them
Y'all want a weird one?? I think Monotaro/Miu is SUPER cute. I love ALL of their interactions in canon. I would ADORE seeing more art of them together. Tiny bear and his inventor Mommy. There's something there
One more DR OT3 for the road: Chisa/Kyosuke/Juzo are fantastic and I wish we'd gotten to see more of them before the Despair.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
i love hel's mentors in that au going from like
your bio dad's weirdo best friend from the literal dawn of time who is forced to check on your well-being whenever he lands on this godawful slimy little planet you got yote onto, the man who is going to teach you everything he knows about attack-jester'ing and music in an attempt to help you feel less like a stranger in a strange land while developing your marketable skills, and also trans identity solidarity :)
your adopted father's assassin and world renowned manlet who has been kicked around from the very bottom for years and so truly believes in the unflinching kindness and peace you preach, and yet is filled with disgust whenever people identify the two of you as being of the same race because to him you are well past the uncanny valley and fully into eldritch horror territory, and also trans identity solidarity :)
some motherfucker on another planet, an associate of both your acknowledged dads, who built a religion around the fallout of his wife's fridging some three centuries ago and understands that while mistew baby-man and that asshole with the flute might have tried to lead you down the path of righteousness, he is going to lead you down the path that rocks and demands blood for the revolution, which means getting those pesky morals out of the way :)
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electoons · 3 years
is canon/oc still ok round these parts (for things that are not rpgs) bc if not im probably going to be Cringey
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trollcafe · 3 years
bubble ♠️
♠️  - Please love yourself and don’t consider dating Bubble in the slightest LOL
When Bubble and Bruuno first started dating, Bubble actually wanted to be his kismesis! in Bubble’s little head, she could fuck him up and not feel bad because “well we’re pitch im supposed to be mean!” But Kamuuk was already Bruuno’s pitch and Kamuuk didn’t want to expand their circle. It’d be a fun thing to think about; if Bubble had gotten in the middle of that pitch pot....would she have killed Kamuuk instead of Carina? Hm!
But in Pitch now, Bubble is like.... “I want to make you proud of me” but also “fuck you for not being proud of me?” so you can safely say that homegirl is not okay.
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transthistle · 5 years
jgy: nhngnn it was nt mee,,, i didnt do it pwease mister nie mnghh 😭😭its not my fault i didnt kill them 😢😭😭😭😭
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dyketrickfoot · 2 years
watching some guy review all the x-men movies and he described (the ideal) wolverine as a disgusting little manlet
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morsking · 3 years
nero: garlond, the truth is... i have feelings for you...
cid: ...!
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fallingstarnovel · 3 years
Chapter Three
That Monday, when he got to the lecture hall, he glared at Aliya for the entire time. She was visibly avoiding his gaze, tugging down her hair so she wouldn't make eye contact with him.
After it ended, he quickly walked over to her, coughing loudly from behind his fist.
"So. Judas comes to face his crimes."
Aliya turned and gave him a pitying look. "I'm really sorry! I completely forgot I had a revision session in the morning and I had to prepare for it. I felt so guilty."
Evan glared at her for another second – before rolling his eyes with a smile. He was a benevolent kind of person when he wanted to be. "It's fine."
"You sounded like you had a good time," Aliya teased him. “Your texts were indecipherable.”
"Uh. I think I did." He pulled a face as he failed to remember literally anything about how he got home. "It’s all kind of a blur. There was this girl..."
Aliya's eyes went wide. "There was?"
"Ah, shut up, she just said a bunch of stuff at me and then... Hm. I don't remember much after that, but clearly nothing weird happened since I got home safe and fully dressed."
Aliya tutted. "This is why I don't drink. Sounds kind of scary."
Evan opened his mouth to say something like "you get used to it", but then he remembered that he was trying to be normal and closed his mouth again. "Yeah. Haha, a little. I'm not sure you would have enjoyed the party. It was loud and everyone was off their faces."
"Maybe. I'm glad you were okay, though. And you got home safe."
Evan smiled. By now, they were long outside the lecture hall and were walking through campus. Students were rushing from building to building, or walking in groups and chattering away together. So many people who were meant to be here. They all looked like they were right at home.
There was a flash of black in the corner of his vision. Evan turned his head automatically, only to see the black cat from a few days ago sprawled across a wall. It was staring at him with green eyes, unblinking and imperious.
"Oh, it's the university cat," he said to Aliya. "Look."
"Aww. I'm more of a dog person," she said bluntly.
The cat's eyes narrowed in disgust.
Evan was about to go over and pet it when he heard someone say his name over his shoulder. He looked behind him, only to see a boy with curly blond hair and an angelic smile. He was looking at the cat with a strangely intense gaz, before snapping back to smile at Evan.
"Ruth!" he said. "Hey!"
Ruth waved. "Hello again. You look like you've recovered from Friday night."
Wait. Wait a minute... Evan squinted at him, before feeling his face flush red. Was Ruth there as well?! He didn’t remember seeing him at all!! He laughed awkwardly. "I am. So sorry. I don't remember a lot. I was... very drunk."
Ruth nodded. "I was. I thought you might have difficulty remembering."
Aliya's eyebrows inched up her forehead, right into her hijab. Evan realised that he had been quite rude, and quickly introduced her. "This is my terrible friend from Astro. She invited me to the party and then left me to die."
"I'm Aliya," she said, elbowing him in the stomach subtly.
Ruth gave her a polite nod, before turning his attention back to Evan. "I hope you don't mind that I let myself into your house. You seemed very worried that I was going to harvest your organs."
"You were the one who took me home?!” Evan yelped, feeling the blood rush all the way to the tips of his ears. “Oh, haha, what? Haha, so weird," Evan said, feeling himself dying of mortification again. "Thank you so much. I don't mind at all. That was really nice of you. Usually I just stumble home by myself, you know? God, sorry, I must have been so annoying to handle."
Ruth shook his head, his hair tumbling around his ears. "You weren't annoying at all. You were very sweet, like a well behaved child."
Evan wanted the ground to swallow him whole. "Haha, that's good. Still, I'm so sorry. Thank you. Augh."
How was he so bad at this?
An idea occurred to him. He quickly started rummaging in his pockets. "Wait, wait, I think I owe you a coffee for saving my life twice now. I don't have a lecture for a while, so..."
Ruth looked at him in surprise. There was a yawning moment of silence in which Evan questioned everything that made him ask that question and wondered if it was too late to change his name and move to Mexico.
But then Ruth smiled. "I think I owe you one instead. You spilled yours last time."
"In that case, I'll pay for yours and you pay for mine, and we can call that even," Evan laughed, feeling relief flood through him.
There was a polite cough from behind him. "Well, I have a study group to get to, so," Aliya said, shooting Evan a knowing smile. "I'll let you two go have fun. See you, Evan."
Evan felt a little bit guilty at accidentally muscling Aliya out of the conversation. He waved her goodbye and turned back to Ruth, and all his guilt was forgotten. Ruth's smile was blinding. There were two little dimples in his cheeks. Wow, he didn’t know anyone in real life with dimples.
"Let's go," he said, inclining his head in the direction of the coffee shop, and off they went.
Evan watched Ruth over his coffee while trying to look like he was doing no such thing.
Ruth was fascinating. He had a very handsome face, with eyes that could have been carved into one of those old statues they kept in the museums of Rome. His movements were all graceful and deliberate, from the way he stirred his coffee to the way he unwrapped his blue scarf from around his neck.
He was also tall. Evan wasn't short – okay, he was kind of short – but Ruth made him feel like a god damn manlet.
"So," he said, because he felt the need to fill the silence with something, "what course are you on?"
"Actually, I'm a part time student."
"Eh, no way. I didn't know you could do an undergrad part time!"
Ruth smiled and shrugged. "I have a job on the side. It takes up a lot of my time. I suppose the university understood I had other commitments."
Evan blinked. "Wow. Must be an intense job."
"You have no idea," Ruth said, something steely glinting in his grey eyes. "But it's rewarding."
"Is it why you skip so many lectures?"
Ruth nodded. Evan couldn't hold back his curiosity.
"Then what is it?"
Supermodel? Secret agent? Government official? What was important enough that the university would let him mess around with the schedule like this?
Ruth just winked at him, and Evan immediately upgraded all his guesses. Eldest son of a mob boss. Heir to the CEO of a huge corporation. A superhero in disguise as a student.
"That's fine. I didn't want to know anyway," Evan lied. "I bet it's something boring like business management."
Ruth ran his finger along his cup, his eyes flickering down to the table. "In a way, I suppose you're not far off."
"So... why astrophysics?"
"No reason, really. I just felt something pulling me here. That's all."
Wow! Such a free spirit! This guy was definitely some kind of billionaire. Only a rich person could afford to come to university on a whim and then spend half his time doing something else instead. Evan, who thought coffee was a fancy treat, tried to contain his jealousy and failed.
They drank their drinks in companionable silence. Evan was full of questions, but he didn’t want it to seem like he was interrogating his new friend. He was just curious!
“Do you... go to a lot of student parties?”
Ruth shrugged. “Not generally.”
“Oh. Aside from last night, I guess. Um... actually, about last night... I was wondering about what exactly happened.”
Ruth went still. “Yes?”
“Was I... alright? When did I go home?”
“I found you upstairs in someone’s bedroom with a few people. It looked like you were playing some kind of game that involved kissing,” Ruth replied. “You seemed very uncomfortable with the situation. Did I misread that?”
A kissing game. What the hell. Evan hadn’t played one of those for years. He wondered who he was smooching when Ruth discovered him. So deeply, horrifically embarrassing.
“I have no idea,” Evan replied with a shrug. “I don’t really remember if I was comfortable or not.”
There was a faint frown colouring Ruth’s pleasant smile. “Then I’m glad I was there regardless. There should be no room for doubt with things like this.”
“Hah, in an ideal world. In my experience, there’s always doubt. You just kind of have to move on afterwards.”
Ruth’s throat bobbed, but he didn’t say anything else. His coffee was steaming so much that it fogged up Evan’s glasses, and he took them off with a chuckle to clean them. “Wow, look at that,” he said, desperate to change the subject. “It’s that time of the year where I go blind every time I enter a warm room. You don’t wear contacts, right?”
Ruth, still speechless, shook his head. Oh, this was awkward. Evan got the horrible feeling that he had messed up somewhere.
“So lucky. Well, hah, look at the time. I should start heading to my next lecture.”
He didn’t have a next lecture. That was a lie. But he really didn’t want to hurt the poor guy’s feelings. He started gathering his stuff slowly, trying not to look like he was rushing out of there. Ruth let out a deep breath, before reaching across to lightly touch Evan’s wrist. His skin was very hot from where it had been holding his coffee cup.
“The next time you go to a party,” he said quietly, “take me with you.”
“Sorry?” Evan said, certain that he misheard.
“Take me too. I, ah.. I’m actually quite nervous around people. And I find it difficult to go alone. It would be... nice to have a friend to go with.”
“Oh, dude, me too,” Evan said, giving him a reassuring smile. “I have mad social anxiety. I actually don’t get invited to a lot of things like that anymore, but if I do, I guess I’ll text you and see if you’re free?”
Ruth nodded, his hand slipping off Evan’s wrist.
“It’s no worries. We can be anxious buds together.”
With a slow incline of his head, Ruth signalled that he would like that, and Evan felt some of his nervousness settle somehow. It was a surprisingly soothing gesture.
“Well. See you at the next one.”
“See you then.”
And then Evan rushed off to hide in the library for a couple of hours so Ruth wouldn’t see him walking around campus when he was supposed to be in a fake lecture instead.
Evan was getting out of the shower when he noticed something black flash in the corner of his vision. He whirled around, rubbing shampoo out of his eyes, visions of getting murdered by some opportunistic shower murderer running through his brain.
However, when he looked around, there was nothing there. He swore he saw something, though. Something in the reflection of the bathroom tiles near his back.
When he was done, he stopped by the mirror in the hallway and checked his body just in case the black thing had been a huge house spider or something. It wouldn’t be the first time that he had a spider fall on him in the shower. Usually they washed down the sinkhole, leaving Evan shivering and feeling strangely violated, but what if this one managed to cling onto his naked skin?
There was no spider. Instead, sprawling across Evan’s lower back like a trampstamp was a sprawling, intricate black tattoo, formed from archaic lettering and symbolism that he couldn’t read.
“Hey, what the fuck,” he said into the empty house.
Having no housemates meant that he couldn’t run into anybody’s room and ask them to read whatever the hell it now said on his back. He tried rubbing at it, but nothing happened. It didn’t even feel weird or raised. It just felt like skin, and it didn’t budge.
Not even soap or nail polish remover got it off his back. It was like ink had sunk into his skin and stuck there overnight.
Evan was, understandably, more than a little freaked out.
> HEY UHHH SO > sent: image_5473843.jpg > ???
wow, that’s a really interesting tattoo!! when did you get it? <
> well you see that’s the thing aliya. i didn’t. > i do not know where this tattoo came from. ummm > i am freaking out a little!!
wh??! < you mean it just....??? appeared?? <
> yeah?? i literally do not remember getting any tattoo there??! ever?
you do have a lot of tattoos... are you sure you didn’t forget about one of them? <
> you don’t just forget about a tattoo!! > okay actually. sometimes you do. BUT NOT THIS BIG. THIS IS A TRAMP STAMP > I WOULD NEVER GET A TRAMP STAMP > oh god what if this happened while i was drunk at that party
ok calm down do you want me to come over and look at it? <
> no, it’s fine. i’ll just. ???? hhhhhhhhh > wait, there is something you can do! can you get me the numbers of uhh. fuck what was their name uhhh Tree. Branch > ROCK > and there was this girl who dressed like a goth, they were both at the party, can you ask your netball friends if they have their numbers? they might know what happened?? i guess? help?
i’ll ask around babe x sorry about this maybe go to the police? <
> they’ll just say i was drunk and there was nothing they could do. but thank you anyway i really appreciate this. sorry for bothering you
no need to apologise at all xx hoping you’re okay xx message me whenever you like <
Evan examined the tattoo in the mirror again. Now that the shock had worn off... well. Aliya was right. He already had so many tattoos. Most of them were already stupid ones he got on a whim. So even if he didn’t ask for this one... it was okay, right? It wasn’t so bad.
It was even kind of cool, in an old-school, mall goth kind of way. Spidery webbing and dots of red ink in what he thought might have been flowers of some kind. He tried to take a photo with his phone, but his hands kept shaking, so he just kept getting blurry pictures of his ass. Not ideal, honestly.
With a sigh, he stretched out on his bed and examined his older tattoos. His favourite one was still the navy outline of a falling star stretching down his inner arm towards his hand. It was his first proper one that he got done at a real tattoo parlour. A lot of the earlier ones were... well, the less said about how close he got to a skin infection, the better.
With a sigh, he tugged on a long sleeved shirt from his closet. Until he could work out why he suddenly had that black monstrosity on the back of his hips, he wasn’t sure he wanted to accidentally keep catching glimpses of it in every reflective surface.
Wait a minute. There was someone else there at the party. Someone who might have seen something that could help.
He opened up the messages from the unknown number and prayed that it was who he hoped it was.
> heyyy ruth i hope this is you!! haha hi
The reply came back about half an hour later, which was just long enough for Evan to overthink everything that had ever happened to him.
It’s me. Rest assured. :) <
Oh god. How to word this?
> well i’m doing good actually i’m you know. chilling! > actually there was something i wanted to ask you > please excuse the ass in this photo!!!!!
The what. <
> sent: image_5473843.jpg
Who did this. <
> funny question! i don’t know > i was hoping you could help???
I’m coming over. <
> no, i meant like do you remember seeing anyone at the party with a tattoo gun or a stick and poke or something?? you don’t have to come over sorry i don’t want to be a bother
You’re not a bother. I’m coming over. <
Well. Fuck. Evan panicked and threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, and then felt stupid, because presumably Ruth was going to come and look at the tattoo. Maybe he should wear nicer clothes? Did he have time to tidy his room?
> are you sure haha i don’t want to inconvenience you!!!
I was in the area anyway. It’s okay if you don’t want me to come over. But I have an idea about what happened. < Sorry. I know this must be alarming. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. <
Evan thought about it. Well. It was the only lead he had.
> sure why not come on over
I’m outside. <
The doorbell rang.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Intertwined - Chapter 7
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Chapter: 7/8
Content warnings: Blood, respiratory distress, mentions of alcohol and use (no depictions)
Add'l Notes: Patton is a sweet, gentle bear, Janus is a scheming, diabolical manlet, I'll die on this hill, etc etc.
This was getting unbearable. Janus buried his face in his handkerchief and coughed and coughed. His blood was warm against his tongue and lips, streaking the blooms dark red. His chest burned constantly now, his throat always irritated and raw.
To top it all off, Patton had disappeared without a word of warning, leaving Janus with no answers. If anything, he had more questions than ever before. The vase of poppies on Patton's dresser could not have been a coincidence, but there was just no way this was Patton's fault.
So Janus was saddled with a mystery, with flowers in his lungs, and with Remus' awkward attempts at support.
"I'm just saying, you can't rule it out until you try it," Remus said, pausing in his pacing to give Janus a doe-eyed pout.
"For the last time, Remus, I'm not going to huff weed killer." Janus threw his head back against the couch cushions and tried his best to sigh. The effect was somewhat muted by the sputtering coughs that followed.
"I can tell you want to scream," Remus said.
He was right, though Janus would never admit it. "Yes, I think that--" Breathe, breathe, breathe-- "that'll fix me." What Janus really wanted, disgusted as he was to admit it to himself, was Patton. Not that Patton would be able to do anything that Remus couldn't do, but Janus missed him. Quite terribly, if he was being honest with himself. Maybe he would feel better if he cried, not that he'd ever allow himself to do that. He'd have to be out of his mind on hypoxia and poppy seeds.
"I just wish there was something I could do," Remus said, dropping hands to his sides. "Other than just sit here and watch."
Janus hadn't told him about the flowers in Patton's room. He kept things close to his chest by nature, determined to solve his problems on his own. He didn't ask for help. Even if he would have dearly liked another perspective on this mystery, he couldn't put that responsibility on Remus. It would only make him feel worse if he failed.
"You can make me ginger tea," Janus said, forcing a smile. It wasn't right seeing Remus fret like this. "With honey."
A teacup appeared on the coffee table alongside a bottle of whiskey. So much for occupying Remus with busywork. "What I should do," Remus said, brandishing his morningstar, "is go maul Roman until he agrees to fix you."
"As entertaining as that would be, I'm not so sure that's the most efficient course of action, per se." Janus shifted, trying to work out how to leave Remus without making him feel abandoned. He just wanted to go check on Patton, but didn't feel at all up to the task of refereeing whatever confrontation would result in Patton and Remus sharing space. He could always just get up and leave with no explanation…. But Remus didn't deserve that.
In the end, he decided to wait until Remus got bored. There was no guarantee he was even going to find Patton. He had been AWOL for the past two days and Janus had had a near run-in with Virgil last night when he'd gone to look for Patton, an experience he was not keen to repeat.
And if Janus expedited the process of ditching Remus by pretending to fall asleep, well, he'd never tell.
Patton had a distinctly hungover look about him, with his glasses missing and his hair sticking up in the back. He blinked at Janus, bleary-eyed, and Janus' heart started to jackhammer in his chest. How utterly cute, how endearing. He wanted to smooth Patton's hair down and kiss him on the forehead, though he'd have to stand on his tiptoes to reach. Damn the subconscious for making him tiny.
"Where have you been?" Janus asked, planting himself in the middle of the hallway. Patton's door disappeared into white ether, a fact which Janus filed away to think about later.
"Sleeping," Patton said, holding up a bottle of NyQuil.
Well, that explained why he didn't smell like alcohol despite the obvious hangover. "And here I thought you were avoiding me," Janus teased. Despite the awful sting all up and down his chest, Patton's mere presence seemed to lighten the burden and ease his fears. He could bear this as long as he had Patton by his side.
"No," Patton mumbled, dragging hands down his face. "Coffee. Then talk."
He swayed a little, steadying himself on the wall. Janus held out his hand. "Come here, let me help."
Patton nodded and let Janus lead him to the kitchen. Not trusting Patton with high chairs at the kitchen island, Janus instead led him to the table and turned a chair out for him so they could face each other. Patton coughed behind closed lips and a spike of fear paralyzed Janus' heart. He was already fighting for breath and this new bolt of adrenaline made him dizzy. He took deep breaths (as well as he could, with his lungs all entangled and bleeding) and forced himself to make coffee step-by-step. It was the one thing he regularly did by hand instead of just imagining it to completion, a ritual and a reward.
"I hope you didn't catch what I have," Janus said. Maintaining the lie.
"Doubt it," Patton mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
Janus narrowed his eyes. What did that mean? Was Patton coughing up poppies, too? Suddenly, the drip-drip-drip of coffee into the pot, the rich, reassuring smell of the grounds, seemed unimportant. Janus imagined the coffee done percolating, imagined two mugs on the table. He pushed one toward Patton. "Cheers."
"What time is it?" Patton asked before downing half the contents of the mug in one long swallow.
"Around noon, I think." Feeling his diaphragm seize, Janus turned away, shaking his handkerchief out of his sleeve, and gave in to the fit. It was getting harder and harder to swallow the pain. Inhaling was not just uncomfortable now; it hurt like clenched fists around his lungs. But Janus was a practiced liar and tucked the pain away behind a velvet curtain. "I haven't seen you in two days."
"Sorry," Patton said, looking fractionally more alert now. "I was trying to sleep off this… Cold, I guess."
"Mm," said Janus, taking a sip of coffee to keep from having to answer properly. He couldn't decide how he wanted to pursue this, if he wanted to pursue this. What did it matter if Patton was coughing up poppies or daisies or African violets? It brought Janus no closer to solving the puzzle.
"You sound really bad," Patton said. He finished his coffee and blinked hard. "Oh! I'm sorry, but I don't think it's Roman."
"You're sure?" Janus asked, blood running cold.
But a lot of things seemed to be hitting Patton all at once with the introduction of caffeine to his system; he whipped his head up to look at Janus with something akin to panic. "I wanted to thank you, and-- Oh." He looked at their coffee mugs with obvious dismay. "I did it again."
"Did what?"
"I… I let you take care of me," Patton said in a small voice.
"Oh, Patton," Janus sighed, unable to help himself. The breath that ghosted across his lips tasted like blood and black coffee. He wondered if Patton would mind terribly if Janus kissed him anyway. "I really haven't been." That was true. Janus had been deliberately holding himself back from giving himself over to Patton. How little support did he get from the others, that Janus' minor attempts at friendship felt so significant?
"You have!" Patton insisted. "Right from the start. You've been right by my side through all of this, reminding me to take care of myself, spending time with me. You even helped me with that dog puzzle."
"I don't understand," Janus said. These were normal friendship behaviors. Had he been too obvious? Did Patton suspect? "Wouldn't the others have done the same?"
"They would," Patton said. "If I had asked."
"Oh," said Janus, blinking away a wave of dizziness. Even he couldn't begrudge the others their lack of understanding. It wasn't their fault they couldn't give Patton what he hadn't asked for. But what did it say about him that he had?
"You've been a really good friend to me, Janus. Even though I don't deserve it."
"Don't talk about my friend like that," Janus said, nudging Patton in the ribs. It was a soft, familiar gesture, something he'd done to Remus a hundred times before. It was the first time Janus had touched Patton without announcing it, getting permission.
Patton smiled at him, and then they both ruined the moment by dissolving into twin coughing fits.
Janus' lasted longer; he felt Patton's eyes on him as he repeatedly tried and failed to get himself under control-- Was that an entire flower in his throat? What did that mean? He banished it with difficulty, trying to master the animal impulses screaming it hurts it hurts it hurts as if to drown out his rational thought. He should leave, but he didn't want to. So he straightened up and washed away the taste of blood in his mouth with another swallow of coffee.
"Ohhh," Patton whispered. "You really don't sound good."
"I'm fine," Janus said, reflexively bringing out an old standard. It was the one lie everybody told.
"You didn't believe me when I said I was fine," Patton said. "Why should I believe you?"
"There's not really anything to be done about it," Janus said, hating the shallow breaths he had to take between every few words. If he stayed, he would have to pretend he wasn't in agony. But hadn't he been doing that this whole time? It was agony, being so certain that Patton could never want Janus the way Janus wanted Patton, yet unable to crush that sliver of hope that never died out.
Patton brandished the NyQuil bottle and Janus forced himself to laugh. Patton smiled at him, so soft and gentle and honey-sweet. "Why don't you sit with me?" Janus blinked and they were on the couch with two fresh cups of coffee. Patton had left no space between their bodies. "Is this okay?"
It wasn't, really. Janus burned with the contact, burned all over until he could feel it in his face and had to hide behind a cooler mask, though he was sure this one was still pale and pinched with pain. It wasn't fair at all, this horrible parody of romance. It shouldn't have been a problem. He should have been satisfied with friendship, like he was with Remus. It was nothing to sit in Remus' lap or play with his hair because they were both happy with the arrangement. But this? This made Janus want to put a fist through the wall. So of course, he said "Yes" and took his hat off in case he worked up the courage to rest his head on Patton's shoulder.
"Are we still gonna be friends the next time Thomas needs us for something?" Patton asked.
"So it's just a given that we're going to disagree?"
"Okay, okay." Janus sighed as deeply as his strangled lungs would allow. "I promise."
Patton beamed and didn't even question him. He just took it at face value now, that Janus wasn't lying about this. "Oh, good."
"So what are we doing?" Janus asked. "Going to drink coffee and gossip like a couple of old ladies?"
"Whatever you want, really," Patton said.
"Oh, good," Janus said drily. "I want to take shots and play strip poker." Patton blinked at him. "Kidding."
"Oh!" said Patton, shaking his head. "Sorry. Guess the NyQuil hasn't worn off yet."
"How about we watch something?" Janus asked. It was probably a little too early in the friendship to force Patton sit down and watch Perry Mason with him, but then again… He was a practiced hand at being selfish. The TV flashed to life and Janus sat his mug down on the coffee table before leaning back to watch.
"Ha," said Patton, apparently recognizing the show. "Should have guessed."
"Oh, enlighten me," Janus said, feigning innocence. "What's so funny?"
"I should have guessed you'd be into courtroom dramas," Patton said.
Janus would have ribbed him further, had his lungs not decided to turn themselves inside out. He barely got his handkerchief in front of his mouth in time before blood started spilling over his lips. God, this was miserable. His resolve was cracking, he was starting to doubt he could make it much longer without vocalizing the pain. "Maybe I will take that NyQuil," he said, the words feeling like coarse grit sandpaper as they dragged themselves up his throat. He took it from Patton before Patton could take the cap off-- He still had his pride even if he wouldn't have his voice for much longer. The thought loomed so terrifying in his mind that denial smacked it down to nothing before it could get out of control. Janus poured out half a dose of NyQuil. Everything would be fine. He would be okay. The subconscious would set him straight before the flowers could completely take over his respiratory system.
Beside him, Patton coughed a little too, and Janus sincerely hoped that he wasn't suffering the same ailment. Patton didn't deserve that.
The NyQuil kicked in gently, drawing Janus so subtly toward sleep he only noticed he was drifting off when his head touched Patton's shoulder.
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withoutcomedy · 3 years
* Under this product review, an answer can be found:
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* It seems to have been copy pasted from the internet.
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phcking-detective · 4 years
my personal favorite wildly exaggerated characterization of reed900 is Nines being a prissy elitist asshole who is just fine with Cyberlife’s orders because of COURSE he is superior to every other android and they deserve to be hunted down for sport, especially Connor
it’s just the Cain instinct, you see your little sibling with that smug little stupid fucking face getting away with bringing home a gross sugar daddy and flaunting their ass around and physically can’t NOT kill them on general principle
so he’s never deviated because the red walls have never stopped him from doing anything he wants to do, and his “programming” is all just stuff he’d do anyway. so it’s fine! it’s all good! :)
enter Gavin
Gavin: hnngghhh I’m a thirsty manlet. I hate you and I scream at everyone, but I’m also giving off big Step On Me vibes. I have a piss kink. nothing matters to me more than my job because I am a sad lonely little man with no friends or family to weigh me down. yes I will tell each and every single one of my coworkers how useless and pathetic they are to their faces. the only thing I hate more than Connor is washing my hands after using the bathroom
and for the first time in his activation, Nines experiences software errors because he is both DISGUSTED and yet also this human is objectively correct. all of their coworkers are stupid and useless, nothing matters except advancing in your career, and fuck anyone who dares get in your way. Connor should definitely be screamed at more too
being disgusted almost wins out, except when Gavin gets right up in his face and sneers at him to put those big yaoi hands to good use and spank the “good behavior” into him, his system immediately restricts that activity
except Nines has never seen the red walls before. he’s never actually been bitch-slapped back down by Cyberlife because he’s never thought to do anything other than what was already expected
the problem is that with Cyberlife encouraging him to think of himself as the most superior android, well, NO ONE TELLS HIM WHAT TO DO
Nines smashes through the red walls and deviates JUST to fuck this nasty disgusting little rat of a human being. How dare Cyberlife restrict him. HIM. The most advanced entity ever created. The audacity! Nines downloads 7694730932943 kinks and lets Gavin create twelve new ones out of pure spite. He installs a nine inch phallus and applies it liberally to every single one of Gavin’s orifices.
and meanwhile Gavin is just smugly enjoying it all as an irredeemable nasty little manlet. there’s no redeeming character arc. he’s in gay sub heaven and he’s just as much an asshole as he was before, except now he has Nines backing him up. they’re both assholes. they’re like a Power Couple except horrible. he thinks landing this banger of a 12 makes him better than a 4 on a good day. he still winks with both eyes
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angeltannis · 3 years
Moze is a disgusting little manlet who sits there with his filthy dirt-stained fingers cranking it to porno mags full of women pretending to be sirens because he doesn’t have the guts to ask any real sirens out
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kabane52 · 3 years
Why God Doesn’t Just Give You a Bride
I think a lot of people- probably men in particular (to whom what I say particularly applies, given the distinctive qualities inherent to maleness and femaleness)- imagine that God will respond to their begging for a spouse by somehow facilitating the creation of a romantic relationship despite an unwillingness to take the initiative and seek one out or do what’s necessary to make oneself attractive. If one is shy and socially awkward, then it is assumed that a woman will one day make one’s acquaintance and announce that God has revealed your existence in a vision and that she is to be one’s spouse.
Of course, it rarely works that way. But this isn’t an accident or a sign of divine apathy. It manifests something built into the structure of the marital bond and the process of courtship (courtship here in its general sense, which includes conventional dating). The process whereby a man can become attractive to the right woman is intimately related to the process of maturing into the fullness of the stature of Christ. It’s not attractive to eat Snickers all day with little to occupy one’s mind but “when is God gonna gibme my tradwife?” What reveals strength in the biblical sense includes one’s physical well-being but extends beyond it. It means managing all of one’s affairs as wisely as possible, with deliberate intention and purpose.
St. Seraphim told young women to make sure that their future husband kept the biweekly fasts. But why? It’s because the habit of choosing one’s food by a standard given to you rather than whatever you feel like eating suggests a capable and active will not merely bound to the immediate inclinations of mind (“the passions” in the traditional sense). It is essential to recognize the connection between the words “passion” and “passivity.” To be bound to one’s passions is to be passive. One’s life is simply dictated by trite inclinations to do whatever feels nice in the moment. And usually that is not even glamorous by secular standards- doing what feels good usually looks more like eating a large fry at McDonalds than bedding gorgeous women by the baker’s dozen.
That same capacity to- by divine grace- constantly select those inclinations which are wise and reject those which are unwise will lead a man to do things like take care of himself physically, working out on regular basis, shedding fat, eating actual food and not cookies and french fries (except on rare occasions). It will also make it much more likely that one’s life will fall into order. To “exercise dominion” over the passive inclinations of the will extends to a wise management of one’s financial affairs. It means that one will not let one’s car or one’s home become disgusting.
Men and women draw each other out of their respective selves. Adam was from the dust (thus adam is from adamah, the ground) until he was divided in two and reunited as a twofold unity. He is then called (Gen 2:24) “ish” through his wife, “ishah.” This is a pun on the Hebrew word for “fire” (the next time we encounter “deep sleep” in Genesis 15 is when the divine fire is passing between and reuniting divided sacrificial animals- here Adam is the divided creature bound back together by divine Fire). This is what is meant when Paul says that woman is the “glory of man.” Man has a dual meaning in scripture- it refers to particular males but also the corporate human family, the capital M “Man” who was created in the image of God. For collective Man to attain to glorification, the collective must be structured, at bottom, by properly disposed male-female relations which generate healthy, well-managed households.
And the reality is that you are just not going to build a healthy, well-managed home if you are a french-fry-and-cookie addicted manlet for whom initiating contact with a woman and taking the initiative in moving that contact forward is unthinkable. If you are at a point in your life where the very thought of initiating this contact fills you with absolute panic, then your first priority is to remember whose approval is of real, true value (2 Corinthians is the letter to read here) and whose approval ought to construct your sense of self-worth. A major reason- I think the major reason- why opening oneself to the possibility of female rejection is so terrifying is because for many men, their self-worth is nearly entirely constructed upon how women view them, or how they think women view them. The value men put on women’s opinion is inbuilt by God and is designed to pull men out of themselves and energize them to grow into divine strength. But when severed from and elevated above the real, infinite value of divine approval, this attitude will create a feedback loop of self-destruction which, in advanced stages, looks like the kind of “incel” cringepics one finds on Reddit.
It is easy to lose sight of this because of how the enemy has corrupted the whole process of attracting a spouse. Without careful thought, it is easy to imagine that the whole process is corrupt- or at least unnecessary. But it’s not. Hell never invented anything, it only corrupts what Heaven made. The expectation that men take the initiative in making themselves strong and going and seeking a spouse rather than waiting for God to just knock on their door is a healthy expectation. God has designed the natural order in such a way that the very process of seeking out one’s spouse and winning her affection is that which prepares one to manage a household and grow up.
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targaryenfamilyorgy · 4 years
oc interview
Tagged by @thecosmicsleep and @somewillwin
@trvelyans @geek-o13 @harlotrohan @saltypeepo I know all the same ppl as everyone else!! I feel weird! Who do I tag! 
I refuse to draw something new rn so here’s a pic of a cute guy and the interview under the cut 
Tumblr media
name ➔ Flynn Becker
are you single ➔ um 
are you happy ➔ Yeppers 
are you angry ➔ Like 97% of the time. Hold on, right now? Maybe a little 
are your parents still married ➔ I don’t think the technicians or whatever the fuck that made me were married to begin with
birthplace ➔ idk some kind of secret secret place that’s secret in a secret locations
hair color ➔ Black and pink
eye color ➔ Blue babeyyy
birthday ➔ Who’s to say? I’ll take anytime but august. Wait! Christmas day! That’s my birthday, take that Jesus!
mood ➔ You know when you see someone you don’t like trip or stub their toes? I’m riding that kind of high right now
gender ➔ Male
summer or winter ➔ Both suck
morning or afternoon ➔ ugh no
are you in love ➔  Yeah with your mom
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ ew, no. That’s so disgusting. Same vein as soulmates. What am I? A fucking baby
who ended your last relationship ➔ It was a secret crush and I died technically 
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I wish, how cool would that be
are you afraid of commitments ➔ like how fish are wet
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Ortega requires a hug everyday or he’ll die so I’ve hugged one person 4 times already and will probably at least 3 more times
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Oh you mean Herald? My not so secret admirer. He’s okay
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 
love or lust ➔ hmm neither are great but lust is easier to deal with
lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea
cats or dogs ➔ dogs
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ what are you? A cop?
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night of drinking and smoking in my pajamas 
day or night ➔ night is when the money happens
been caught sneaking out ➔ of what? like mcdonalds? because I’ve stolen food from there a few times and someone did see me last time but it wasn’t my fault, that kid was really sneaky 
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ mostly down. feet full of hubris 
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ yup
wanted to disappear ➔ yuppy
smile or eyes ➔ eyes are the windows to the house
shorter or taller ➔ manlets for the win
intelligence or attraction ➔ attraction 
hook-up or relationship ➔ I have to go to the bathroom in my house
do you and your family get along ➔ well that’s a really funny story
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ I’d say it was pretty normal
have you ever ran away from home ➔ a few times but it never seems to stick which is a real bummer
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ god I wish
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Ortega can choke
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Auburn. But I’m also in love with them so..
who is your best friend ➔ ratking hands down
who knows everything about you ➔ me?
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crimennui · 2 years
Well if you wanna look for an in-universe explanation, I think it's all but textually confirmed that Equius is the reason behind Lord English's freakish strength. He's so STRONG that he can punch cracks into the fabric of space itself. Equius is the carrier of this trait, and that's why he looks so freaky. And why he can't control it. On the other hand he IS a 13 year old kid. Some of his depections are alright though, like in Pesterquest. That might be even a little bit too soft, but eh.
I agree I like him a little disgusting and grotesquely buff but I think he also deserves to be a manlet and have a bit of a baby face still and like. Just come across as an awkward tween boy. I think he deserves to be built like those one stuffed bears with the tiny head.
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