#this clip is killing me for reasons that only a handful of ppl will understand
transmascreno · 2 years
that was much more than a soup.
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lansplaining · 1 year
Why do ppl think JGY was in the right & NMJ in the wrong? To me they’re equally as right as they’re wrong. JGY is right he has limited options but NMJ is right he committed premeditated murder. Murder of a commanding officer is a big step in a time of armed conflict & in Nightless City WRH didn’t even order JGY to kill NMJ’s men. & w/ XY, innocent ppl’s lives were @ stake, & NMJ considered JGY a rare genius who got things done & didn’t think much of JGS’s effectiveness as a leader.
So I was going to break down all of these one by one, because they all have different contexts and pressures, and the whole point for JGY's case is that everything is contextual... but I realized that actually, you're totally right to group them in the sense that all of them rest on the same fundamental conflict between JGY and NMJ (and thus, which side fans take).
I'll take the Jin captain's murder as an example of what I mean. From JGY's (then Meng Yao's) perspective, for whatever reason, there is no solution except to kill this guy. JGY fans tend to take him at his word on this, but that's only part of why we see him as right.
On the other hand, it's not that NMJ thinks there's never an excuse for killing people, obviously-- but here and elsewhere, his response to JGY's explanation that his situation was untenable and murder was the only solution is, "Then you should have suffered."
Not killing the Nie cultivators might have blown his cover? Then you should have died.
Fighting to have Xue Yang executed might get him kicked out of the Jin clan? Then you should have gotten kicked out.
For both JGY and JGY fans, the right/wrong between him and NMJ isn't about the specific morality of killing or not in any given situation, it's about whether JGY has the right to act in the way he thinks is necessary to survive and succeed. NMJ thinks it's about the former, though, which is why their arguments are so unproductive.
I think you're focusing on MDZS which is good, we've got to pick our canons, especially with these two... but since this clip from the show was just going around the other day-- it's pretty much that. Both of them kill people quite a lot for reasons they both believe are completely justified. But at the end of the day, the running conflict isn't the individual incidents, but NMJ's fundamental belief that JGY doesn't have the right to defend himself or attempt to alter his circumstances. That if he's in a situation where he is suffering because of his background or his lack of training or his family's abuse, the only correct solution is to endure it, because-- well, why? Because killing someone for trying to stab you is right, but killing someone for trying to slowly break your spirit and destroy your chances of success is wrong? Sending cultivators to die in a battle formation is heroic, but killing them to maintain your cover as a spy and thus continue to be able to help in other ways is wrong? Per your second ask--
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I think you're totally right to point out the same-ness between them, but I personally think it's not so much a reflection of their both being right, as it is their both being... well, the same. NMJ and the narrative are so desperate to paint JGY as a villain, to force him to understand that Mingjue's killings are righteous and JGY's are criminal, but at the end of the day... there's really no difference between them.
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Okay. So. I really loved the one about roger w bells palsy but consider: roger with bulbar palsy
Anon, you had me a whole fool. I’m looking this up thinking it’s like the whole face going paralyzed rather than just half, but no. No, it’s much worse. It’s a fatal disorder that kills ppl in 3 years or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess if we have to do this...
Roger would be devastated over the news. There isn’t a word big enough to encapsulate the sheer horror and fear Roger feels when he gets the diagnosis and when he learns what it means.
He’ll lose the ability to chew. To swallow. To talk. He’ll begin to drool on himself and choke on the drool. His tongue will shrink alongside his jaw muscles. He might have fits of crying or laughter for no reason. Even his arms and hands might go clumsy and hard to move and articulate.
And if that was humiliating enough, if that wasn’t horrible enough, he’d die too. His brain stem would degrade until it just stopped working. He’d maybe stop breathing or go into a stroke he’d never wake up from. Whatever it was, he’d be dead in 3, maybe 5 years.
There is a period where he does nothing but grieve and process everything. He’s rich and famous, but he wanted to do so much more. He wanted to work, with Queen or just in the music industry, until he turned to dust from how old he was. He wanted to make so much more music and tour and meet fans and do it all. And now he has to wear a bandanna around his neck that’s secretly a bib because he can’t swallow anymore.
He always had a feeling he’d die young, which is funny. With how bombastically he lived his life, he thought he’d go out with a bang. Now with a whimper in the night. 
He cries. He cries and cries for days. The boys surround him tightly, only understanding a drop of the ocean that was Roger’s pain. They’re with him as much as they can. They comfort him, tell him Queen can be put on the back burners while he comes to peace with his situation. They mourn with him. They mourn hard. Knowing he’s going to be gone should provide them with some clarity since it won’t be sudden, but it still hurts them all so deeply. Nobody wants to lose a brother.
Eventually, after months of locking himself away, Roger’s ready to get back out there and spend his final years having fun. That was always his life philosophy after all. He wants to drop dead laughing.
He gets back into the studio with Queen. He writes maybe 50 songs in that time period. About life, love, happiness, misery, hope. Whatever flows out of his pen. 
When it comes to recording, he can’t do back up vocals anymore because he’s slurring quite badly. That’s fine. Brian and Freddie always made a solid duet. He can’t drum as passionately as he used to, but that’s what synths and loops are for. Music videos are out of the question. He can’t smile anymore. He’s drooling so much. That’s fine too. Splicing older music videos together to make something cohesive is thrilling. Bringing in artists to draw over older clips is exciting to watch. 
It’s different, but it’s okay. He’s having a lot of fun. Every day, waking up to go to the office or studio, seeing John, Brian and Freddie, hearing music, writing music, it makes him feel full.
The media’s having a circus with him, but he doesn’t care. He’s always detested their parasitic ways. He doesn’t read newspapers anymore. 
It’s the 3rd year after his diagnosis and he’s slowing down. He can’t talk anymore. He’s on a feeding tube. He’s shaky. He decides to make and complete a bucket list.
He goes to Egypt to see the pyramids. John tags along since they were always holiday buddies. It’s very hot and dry. The pyramids are smaller than he imagined.
He goes to Iceland with Brian to try those geothermal spas. He didn’t like it too much, but the rest of Iceland was lovely. A lot of space phenomenon for Brian to drone on about.
He goes to see Holland’s tulips with Freddie who’s a fan of flowers. He sneezed a lot but found it to be incredibly beautiful. Freddie hugged him the whole time they walked through the fields.
He learned how to use a bow and arrow and how to play chess. He’s bad at both. He also learned how to knit because he secretly always found it fascinating. Yeah, he’s fantastic at that one.
He goes paint balling with friends, zip lining, and everything else he wrote down.
And then it was time to write his will.
Most of his fortune went to charities, domestic violence being one of the bigger donations. The rest went to his mum so she’d never have to worry about money ever. 
John got Roger’s instrument collection. He was always fascinated by all the stuff he had, so here, have it.
Brian got Roger’s oldest and rare guitars though. He could appreciate those more than John.
And Freddie got Roger’s two cats. He wouldn’t trust anyone else with his babies. 
One day, Roger invites them all over for a gathering. He’s sluggish and trembling but he’s laughing at all the jokes and cuddling up to the boys. They stay until 4am, gossiping and telling stories they’ve told a million times before. Roger feels so loved and warm. 
He goes to bed wishing he could still smile. And if it were possible, he would’ve died with a smile on his face because he passed away that very night. 
The news shatters the boys. They knew it was coming and still weren’t prepared. Roger was the glue in their lives and with him gone, picking up the pieces would be hard.
Roger’s funeral is obnoxious, just like he was. His casket is purple. Why wouldn’t it be? There’s live music and lights and fireworks and it feels so appropriate for his character. No one is surprised.
He’s cremated afterwards and his ashes thrown into a river by his childhood home.
He lived 4 years after his diagnosis. 4 brilliant, wild, fantastic years.
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7beaviolet · 6 years
God I hope this is not a stupid question but I love you and your dog and I've been wanting to get my own dog for almost 20 years now but some ppl are like it's the biggest responsibility ever your life has to change etc and some say it's chill? Like I'm 24 and live alone and have lots of free time and I know I would take care of my dog like my child and I know it's for life. I just wanted to know your experience, do you find it really hard and challenging?
Not a stupid question! I’ve always had dogs, my mom would keep strays she would happen upon and we usually had a pack of them running around. I was basically a lil Mowgli as a child and chose to spend most my time outside with our gang of mongrels. I even thought I too was a dog and convinced my parents to let me sleep outside in a tent when I was four. My current dog Putin was a stray I found limping outside my last home. His nails were very long and he was skinny and defensive. I tried to find if he had an owner and no one claimed him and he became my baby. All my dogs have either been strays, from the pound, or given to us by owners who cannot take care of them. Some had be abused by previous owners and other had health issues which require special help. I’ve had mutts, an Afghan hound..you name the breed I’ve probably had it. My dog Putin the chihuahua is probably the most high maintenance dog I’ve ever had but we are so bonded that I love it. He is like a little baby and wants to constantly be held and follows me around like a baby duckling. Chihuahuas are known for having a favorite person they imprint on. He follows my lead and is receptive to who I feel is safe. We have an unsppoken otherworldly attachment. He is scared of water so I get into the bath or shower and hold him so he feel secure. He has separation anxiety and can’t be left alone, so I either take him with me when I leave for short trips a lot or have my brother or someone close to me, that Putin trusts take care of him when I have to go out of town. He is very expressive and emotional. He can sense when I am upset and gets excited when I am excited. He is so special, sometimes I feel like he is a little pokemon. We jokingly say he is a gremlin too sometimes. He has helped my life so much and I often wonder what I even did before I had him. Putin provides me with so much bliss and euphoria. He is truly my little angel. He is majorly protective of me and if I am sleeping and someone walks into my room he goes into attack mode haha. Almost everyone who meets him thinks he is very special and unique. He is the bravest and most clever dog I’ve ever had. He brings me endless laugher and comfort, I wish everyone had a dog like him. 
Here are my personal rules for having a dog:
-Adopt from a shelter or take in a stray (Fostering  a dog for a bit is a good way to get used to having a dog if you’ve not got much experience and can lead to adoption but isn’t initially a permanent responsibility and can ease the transition and give you time to decide if it’s right for you)
-NEVER hit, abuse or neglect your dog. Do not deny your dog any essential need and only ever show your dog nurturing and kind behavior. Don’t put your dog into a shock collar or spiked training collar and please do not get your dogs ears or tail clipped for cosmetic reasons. Having a dogs nails trimmed is good though and should be done so they don’t get ingrown nails which can affect their gait and potentially cause serious pain. 
-Take your dog outside often but also do not leave your dog chained up outside alone all the time either. Have adventures with your pup and treat him/her as if it is just a regular part of the family. Basically don’t ever do anything to a dog you wouldn’t do to a helpless little child.
-Every dog is different just like people are. They have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. You can only learn this by tending to and connecting with your dog. 
-Make sure you get your dog properly vaccinated and groomed if needed. Find a regular vet who can help if theres any health issues. An annual or even bi-annual full physical is important. Vet insurance is a good idea because emergencies happen and paying a smaller monthly fee is better than being hit with a huge vet bill all at once if something bad happens.
-NEVER ever ever ever ever abandon a dog! If you ever are faced with not being capable of taking care of your pet don’t under any circumstance leave it or drop it somewhere random. Please don’t take it to the pound either, that is probably one of the most gut wrenchingly tragic things to do to a pet which trusted you, loved you and relied on you. If worst comes to worst and you have to get rid of a dog, take it to a NO KILL shelter where it will not be faced with being put down...or find an adoptive home. Do you research though on the new possible owners and be certain that they are loving and will not hurt or mistreat them. 
-Understand that nothing a dog does is done because it is “bad.” If a dog bites it is because it is frightened. If a dog soils the carpet or has an accident inside, it is because it either hasn’t been properly taught to be potty trained or wasn’t taken outside (which is the owners fault.) Dogs are incapable of being vindictive, mean, or rude. Dogs only do what their instincts are telling them to do and it’s natural for them, getting mad at a dog is a silly thing. If you dog is having behavioral issues it may be a good idea to take them to a training class. Many pet stores offer them, although I’ve never taken any of my dogs to training I hear they are often successful. Dogs look to their owners as part of their pack and put their entire trust into you and it’s your duty to ensure they feel secure, safe, and loved. 
-Be devoted. Having a dog in your life means they are your priority and their well being is fully in your hands. They need you and you can’t avoid your new job of taking care of them.
-Research the different breeds of dogs. Each is known for different characteristics, temperaments, and needs. They all require different things and should be encouraged to flourish in the situations they were made for. For instance if you live in an apartment, a smaller dog is ideal because to them an apartment is pretty big, but they also need lots of time to go outside and explore. If you live in a cold place, choose a dog that was built for enduring cold weather, and if you live somewhere that gets hot it’s best to choose one that has short hair and won’t overheat. If you’re super active get a dog that can go on hikes with you or likes getting dirty and play. If you’re more of a homebody get a little lap dog that will want to cuddle you and cozy up while you lounge around.
-Always keep your dog on a leash when you go for walks, because they might run away and get hit by a car, get lost, get into a fight with another dog, or bite someone. Don’t let your dog go out where it is unattended ever. Small dogs can get picked up by large birds sometimes even!
-Provide lots of water in multiple rooms (in case it ever accidentally gets stuck in a room without water, its a good idea to have a few bowls around your home.) Feed them everyday as required, give them lots of toys and play with them as much as possible. 
-Every single night I give Putin a massage. I pet him all the time but he loves to be massaged. It’s calms him down and relaxes him to have him back, shoulders, legs, and head rubbed. He sleeps curled up with me every night and we are bonded because he knows I won’t even hurt him or abandon him. 
-Talk to your dog and sing it songs and include them into anything you do that they can also take part in.
Having a dog is such a special relationship. Although we cannot speak to our dogs, they are so empathetic and intuitive. They remember if they’ve been hurt and are so pure. It is a responsibility but the work it takes to have a dog is rewarded 50 fold when you feel the love and joy they can give to you. I would rather hangout with dogs over most humans. It seems like you’ve put thought into this and showing your concerns tells me you’d be a caring, attentive, and appreciative owner. There are days when it’s 8am and I am deep in sleep and Putin will start barking at my head because he is hungry or needs to go potty, and even though I feel groggy and wish I could stay asleep I know he relies on me and I absolutely owe it to him to help him with his needs. Imagine you couldn’t feed yourself or use the bathroom without assistance? Never get upset at your dog, even if it eats your favorite shoes. When stuff like that happens just learn that maybe you should keep your shoes away from the dog. If a dog annoys you or upsets you just go take a break and breathe and calm down, never lash out at the dog. Learn constructive healthy ways of handling unsavory behavior. Give your dog your whole heart and treat it exceptionally. It all depends on you going into it with a calm, patient, and sweet approach. People that complain about their dogs just need to identify with the dogs perspective and get into it’s head to see it from their view. Dogs are too good for us truly. All pets of any species are wonderful and beautiful.
Please keep me in the loop about this! I would love to help you find a good match and tell you about different breeds and ways of going about this search. Then if you do end up adopting a dog I’d love to see pictures. I love talking about animals and want all of them to have amazing lives. Thanks for coming to me for advice it means a lot because animals are my favorite topic xx
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Baby Reacts to: “Voltron Legendary Defender”
I’m not familiar with either of the show’s previous incarnations but from what I’ve heard they completely overhauled the characters anyways - supposedly Pidge was once an annoying tagalong kid (and a boy), Keith was a standard issue “hot-blooded mecha pilot”, Shiro was not there, or killed of in the first storyarc, and Allura was a completely different character with a wholly different design, more of a ‘princess classic’ with the looks & personality to macth, supposedly they redesigned her to make her more alien & then threw in the skintone as a hommage to her voice actress. In any case only the name is the same. 
I’ve seen some clips and it seems they had a much more outwardly fantasy-aesthetic going on with carriages & period costume, sort of more like Star Wars or Sailor Moon,  whereas the newest version seems roughly Star Craft esque in terms of their particular blend of Magitek. 
Otherwise it’s pretty straighforward: Evil Empire, Ancient Artifacts, Giant Robots, Space Fights, timefrozen hightech city left behind by the precursors etc. 
The evil empire has a renegate splinter faction but that too isn’t so exceptional (though welcome), the BoM reminded me somewhat of the Tok’Ra from Stargate in their reclusive, slow-to-act approach in that they have tons of futuristic tech but limited ressources & had to be won over first & there still being a lot of mutual distrust on both sides, at least at first.  
Rare in this day and age (and very refreshingly IMHO) the show unapologetically sticks to the basic genre & tropes without falling over its own feet trying to be clever  & meta - sure, they evened out the gender ratio a bit & made the structure of the battles less monotonous but we’re not beaten over the head with any of these things/fit them in naturally & the show never seems like it has something to prove & just lets its story be a straightforward giant robots & explosions kinda thing.
It helps that the artwork is great. 
The best summary of my general impression is that I’ll pobably tune in for season 3. My favorite character so far would be Keith closely followed by Pidge, and Shiro, but AFAIK everyone likes Shiro? I’m prolly b/c I’ve heard it’s terrible (The Umbridge effect is probably in full force...) also I’ve been told there’s a trailer out and I’d rather see season 3 unspoiled. 
Clearly there needs to be some payoff for Shiro grooming Keith as a potential sucessor but I’m hoping that after a few drama-filled episodes, they all go rescue Shiro from wherever he’s gotten to, Keith hands him back his helmet and they all go home together. I mean, he just got his own Bayard. It’s unclear what happened to him in any case, perhaps he was absorben Evangelion style. 
That said one of the show’s strenghts is the clear aversion of the “annoying comedic sidekick” even though it has many characters that has could theoritically fit that description - They try their best to give each of the characters something to do & various skills & likeable traits - Like you get why each of them is there and why they’re our heroes - they also took the time to make sure everyone got a few character establishing moment in the first episode (Shiro’s arrival, Pidge & Keith were already on their own quests by their own means, Hunk & Lance served as the PoV characters etc) and throughout the show they try to bring out everyone’s personalities through reaction shots etc. Like, ALL of them are awesome.
Also apparently this fandom has brutal shipping wars? Some ppl I was sitting next to kept cracking jokes about how [random yaoi pair] was obvliously into each other and after a while it got annoying through sheer persistence. 
I don’t think the show as a whole is going for that like if there was going to be a decent/central romantic subplot they’d have introduced it by now they seem to be content to simply be an action show & there’s not much content like that at all except for the occassional teasing for the sake of humor & Lance’s flirting (which is really more there to exposition his being a bit of a showoff) - the most that will come out of it is that when we see some epilogue telling us what became of everyone, Lance will be shown to have found a girlfriend after returning home to his mom & impressing his siblings with his heroic stories. 
To begin with they seem to be going for a different vibe with the main characters, with how all of them (including Allura) refer to each other as “family” or “brothers” all the time like I get the impression we’re supposed to interpret them more as simply comerades or quasi-siblings with Shiro as the big brother and Coran as the kooky uncle.  
Like I hate it when ppl dismiss already existing romantic subplots as “uneccesary”, “silly” or “pandering” but at the same time it’s not like every show needs to have one or like it immediately needs an explanation when one character doesn’t get a love interest(that they must be gay, ace etc... nothing wrong with those type of characters, or headcanon, but “we’re not doing romance genre RN/ the characters are busy fighting a war” should be a sufficient explanation in and of itself whatever the characters’ orientations are.) 
General Character Impressions:
Their secret seems to be rolling with the basic tropes but connecting them into an interesting structre, so it comes off neither overly in your face nor one dimensional.
Lance - ‘Average Joe Relatable PoV character’ except they made him not-boring by making him the snarky/funny one & giving (he’s got ice powers & is the designated long range fighter, both very cool powers, pun not intended but retroactively appreciated) as well as drawing logical consequences (He’s the most attached to earth because of his relatively ‘normal’ background & wants to prove himself because it seems he was the midle child among numerous siblings, hence the rivalry with the local ace pilot.) Sorta calls to mind the likes of Kyon from Haruhi or Sokka from Avatar.  
Hunk - For once the “all around nice heart of the group with the more intuitive, roundabout type of reasoning” isn’t the token girl but I’m glad that role’s still there because niceness & group cohesion is a valid attribute. The “nice person” is typically the healer or magic user but making them the defensive fighter makes just as much sense, especially with his personality as the more cautions common sense-y one who becomes committed to the mission through the desire to protect innocents. 
Pidge - The “secretly a girl” thing is kinda trite but it makes sense as a reference to the original and they still eschewed the tropes by how she was badass well before & doesn’t get treated any different afterwards - The plot twist is more that she’s related to the scientists from the prologue. Otherwise another potential spirit animal of mine, VERY relatable in ways I can’t count, fro the nerdy reactions all the way to the short stubby arms XD I’m also grateful that they didn’t give us that trite old “nature vs science” contrast but instead portrayed these as connected.  It’s like Kensuke from Evangelion, except as a girl & she actually got to be a pilot. 
Keith - The Rival Character. Second-best fighter  of the paladins, sort of a ‘larger-than-life’ superhumanly good ace pilot, to Lance’s ongoing chagrin (and indeed he turns out to be part warrior alien), also, predictably, the local cynic. Seems to have the least ties to earth/ have been looking for a purpose in life anyways.    Not quite a ‘stoic number two’ though - He’d probably like to be but he absolutely doesn’t really know when to shelf it, hence his being highly suceptible to Lance’s provocations & flunking out because of a “discipline issue” despite his aparent talent. 
Shiro - Former Ace Pilot & personal hero for both Lance & Keith. Got alien abducted & subjected to the full repertoire (gladiator fights, experimented on, augmented etc.) & is understandeably still rather shook from it. Serious disciplined military type & natural leader, hence ends up taking over almost immediately wheen stranded with a bunch of ragtag space cadet rejects and, as a result, becomes everyone’s beloved big brother figure./mentor. Supposedly just as loved by the fandom?  Actually still pretty young, he just looks mature in comparison to the others but he’s not above getting in a snowfight. 
Allura - There’s the “sweet princess classic”, the “fierce alien warrior princess” and the “glittery plot magic princess” and in Allura’s case they seem to have been thrown in a blender & put together in such a fashion as to make a more complicated character - She’s certainly fierce, somewhat agressive, suspicious & hellbent on her mission but she also has the diplomatic grace one would expect of a royal & ultimately she does have a sweet side (hinted at early on with her adorable animal companions) - The basic gist of it is that she’s a regular teenage girl somewhere, but has been trained for asskicking & diplomacy all her life, & now she’s the last survivor & feels the pressure to carry on her father’s torch & stop the evil empire so she affects a comanding presence most of the time. 
Also there seems to be some meme about calling her a racist (Ugh tumblr) ? This seems to me as one of this stuations where people want complex characters but cannot handle it if they’re not perfect or fitting into easy boxes. 
The whole point of her is that she comes from a different time & culture with it’s conlicts outside of the human character’s PoVs. Like point me at any angry alien princess who is NOT suspicious. Both being unfrozen and heck, even Zarkon’s betrayal are still relatively recent for her, and in the end she was just kinda avoiding Keith (granted, in what must’ve been a confusing uncertain time for him) more than actively being mean and she came through on her own & apologized. Like, it was just like Hunk said: She just needed processing time, something she’s been afforded preciously little of at any point ever, I mean she goes straight from realizing everyone she ever knew (except Coran) is dead to launching an offensive.  
Bonus: I shall attempt to MBTI the bunch
(In Order of certainty)
Hunk - most obvious ISFJ to ever SiFe 
Allura - ESTJ
Pidge - INTP
Keith - ISTP or possibly ISFP, certainly Se-aux tho. One the one hand he uses Fi-ish language in places (”If I don’t do this, I’ll never find out who I am...”) on the other hand he tends to prioritize the mission & is the most cynical/pragmatic of the bunch & tends to be stoic & objective unless provoked (”The rest of the universe has families too.” “Yeah but can we afford to rescue the princess?”) - His relative reactiveness when provoked is sufficiently accounted for by Se. 
Zarkon - ESTJ 
Shiro - ISTJ (though his instant commanding presence makes me doubt the I somewhat that said politician/leader ISTJs do happen. He seems to have been serious & dilligent even before all the trauma tho.)
Lance - ESFJ or possibly Se-dom, ESxx for sure tho. 
Coran - Clearly has Si and Ne but not sure in which order. If I had to guess I’d say he’s either a very dutiful ENFP or a very quirky ISTJ. 
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