#thinking about baking some cookies
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey guys btw there is actually never a good reason to loudly and publicly talk about how much u dislike a fanfic!! Like. let's break this down for a sec:
i don't like it
ok, understandable. i've dnf'd lots of fics because i didn't like them. but the people writing fanfiction are doing it for free and for fun, and you don't know anything about their lives. they could be a young writer just starting out! they could be an older writer getting back into writing after years of being unable to! they could be someone going through a rough patch whose only source of joy right now is writing their silly little stories! talking about how much you dislike a fanfic literally does nothing except hurt the person writing it. that's it. it is not productive, it is not necessary. even strangers on the internet deserve basic human empathy.
ok but i really don't like it
babe, i feel u! i'm a hater too. rant about it privately. shit on it in private messages or group chats with friends. u can dislike something without dragging its creator into the town square to throw tomatoes at them, yknow?
ok but i really don't like it AND it's popular
ok? shouting about that on the internet doesn't make you cool or special or unique. it just makes you kind of mean and, honestly, bitter. like i said before, this is fanfiction. nobody is paying for it. nobody is profiting. there is no standard that these writers are obligated to meet. clearly, other people like the work. why not let them enjoy it in peace?
no u don't understand it doesn't deserve to be popular there are better fics that deserve it more!!!
talk about those fics then!! post about how much u love them!! uplift those writers!! ur tweet or tiktok or tumblr post is not going to suddenly make a popular fic lose all popularity, no matter how undeserving u perceive it to be. if this is actually coming from a place of frustration because you feel like there are other fics that deserve more attention, then just give those fics attention.
no but it's problematic
mmm ok. let's sit with this one for a second. i want you to ask yourself--is it really, really problematic? is it perpetuating harm against a marginalized group? remember, this is fanfic; it is outside the consumer economy, and the stories it tells will almost never make it to a mainstream audience. so is the story actually hurting people, or is the author just exploring something that you're uncomfortable with? because if you're just uncomfortable, then assuming the work is tagged properly, the best course of action is to just click away. as uncomfortable as it may be, people are allowed to write stories that you might find upsetting or gross or weird, and those stories existing is not inherently harmful in and of itself.
it is actively reinforcing harmful stereotypes/rhetoric/etc
okay! ok. if you are deeply concerned because you feel that this fic is genuinely harmful, then go to the writer. leave a comment. send them a message on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or wherever. explain your situation and see what they say! nine times out of ten, i'd bet that an ao3 writer means no harm and would be willing to listen and address your concerns. in fact, they might even be grateful to you for being kind enough to make them aware of a problem and educate them on it. every ao3 writer i've ever spoken to is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person; you don't need to immediately go on the attack
the writer is unreachable/nonresponsive/not willing to address or change the problematic thing
alright. if you truly feel that this fanfiction is actively harmful and can't reach any kind of conclusion with the writer, and you want to warn others who might read the fic, then do that. do that. make a post that says hey guys btw, x thing in this fic is not a good representation/perpetuates a harmful stereotype/whatever the problem is. and leave it at that! you don't need to go further and insult the writing or the person who wrote it. that is helpful to exactly no one, and if your goal is actually to make the world a better place, then you should learn how to draw attention to an issue in a way that encourages actual dialogue instead of dog-piling and personal attacks.
anyway the next time you feel the desire to post about how bad you think a fic is, feel free to use this as a guide before u do! xoxo
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rascheln · 1 year
Mermay aka thinking of little mermaid Steve who loves to lie in the sun till his long hair is dry and feel the wind blow through it, wishing he could run through fields and forests, watching the humans Make Things. When he feels brave, he swims close to a small fishing town at night and watches as the lights flicker in windows and laughter and music spills from houses he can only imagine what they look inside.
He rarely gets close during the day to avoid the fishermen spotting his shiny scales. One of them in particular, who he knows is his own age. He remembers the man, has watched him grow up as Steve's tail grew longer as well, always keeping track of what was once a little boy he saved from drowning. 'Billy' the others call him. He's already spotted Steve once, when he wasn't careful enough! His entire face lit up, a childlike wonder that made Steve's stomach do little somersaults in his belly.
But no matter how much he wants to talk to Billy, learn all about the jokes he tells the other fishermen, the evenings he spends at the tavern, the few times Steve has spotted Billy walking by the shore, bare feet in the water and curls wild around his head... He can't. He has to keep his and his kind's existence a secret.
Until one day, he hears whispers among the sirens. That a sea witch has set up shop in the crevasse far out at sea. That she offers potions and spells that can fulfill any wish you could think of. For the right price.
And sure, Steve owns pearls and jewels, shiny trinkets and stones he could offer in exchange for time spent on land. But he knows that's not an equivalent payment for his wish. So he brings nothing but himself when he sets out for the journey into the depths. He follows a trail of eerily glowing glass bulbs, to the stall of a being shrouded in flowing algae and whispy fabric. The sea witch has no hands, no face, it offers no assurances or comfort. Only a green pearl, swirling with the shades of a tree canopy where the sun shines through the leaves, set on a seashell saucer.
Silently, Steve accepts the offer. He knows the price he has to pay before he even takes the pearl and carries it up, up, up, to the surface and a rocky beach near the town. He holds the pearl to the light and delights in how it catches and refracts the sun onto his face.
Then he swallows it.
On a hike to his favorite reading spot by the shore, where the trees hang over the cliffs and you can catch a hint of the rose hip blossoms on the breeze, Billy Hargrove finds a beautiful man with no clothes and no memory. But when the man smiles at him, he knows. Somehow he knows that they have met before.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
I've been thinking no one knows how funny i am all day in reference to a joke I made to in the tags of a post this morning so that's how I'm doing today
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anawkwardlady · 1 month
No one likes disgustingly sweet treats like they used too, it feels lonely in the kitchen.
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briileaf · 5 months
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First art of 2024!! Cookie Run Nation how are we feeling about a Dark Enchantress redemption arc 💮
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I honestly don't know what people mean when they talk about "having dreams" in the sense of like aspirations and ambitions. People talk about it like EVERYONE obviously has one. And I don't. I just kind of hang out and try not to die.
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an-aura-about-you · 5 months
I baked some cookies using the same recipe I used last time (ie the one on the back of the bag of chocolate chips) and even though I didn't make them into cookie bars they turned out very cakey. They're still good, but considering there was hardly any spread, I'm thinking of checking my recipes or technique for the next time I bake some.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
it is my firm belief that kon coped with the trauma of his death and return by throwing himself into really, truly learning to love smallville, and really, truly learning everything ma had to teach him. whether that be patience, cooking, a love for the quiet and the small things that grow, etc. incidentally i think this also made him SUCH a heartthrob at smallville high bc what does anyone love more than a beefy boy who's both nonthreatening/sweet and also funny?
so what im saying is. coping mechanism: malewifeification beam
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20w14a · 1 year
Was gonna make a convoluted post talking about Evil X and Worm Man since y'know I like them a lot as evidenced on this blog but to sum it up, as funny and neat as they are as just plain joke characters they really do feel like foils to each other and I really wish that was shown more.
#player.text#/seed#ex: both their standalone episodes focuses on them facing a problem and having something to prove#however both of them go about it in very different ways#worm man tries to prove he's a hero via a escape room which ends up not proving much in the long run#whereas evil x begrudgingly plays the tag game after being tagged by x in the previous episode all while dying and failing in the process#however he does succeed in the end by tagging jevin#it's also worth noting that the whole reason evil x got tagged in the first place was because x setting up a button for evil x to find#despite the fact evil x was on good terms in the previous season#and in good fashion tag ends up with evil x going back on some habits of theirs although with less explosions and more stealing diamonds#you could say evil x did become evil again but i necessarily don't think so just because of the way he interacts with some of the hermits#okay but all that nonsense i said is just contradictions right? wrong!#okay sort of yeah but what does that say about them#1 wm already knows he's a hero and 2 without the right people ex will succumb to said old villainous ways#they both need each other. a friend really#evil x helps worm man see that he is a hero not just to himself but to others#which incidentally makes evil x fangirl over him from the one Christmas ep as he shouts worm man's name over and over#and as much as i would say worm man helped evil x see the goodness in themself i would more accurately say he helped them be themself#what i mean is only is wm present in s5 do we even hear/see the other stuff ex has done like sewing flower arrangements and baking#those qualities of ex are even shown in the worm man shop via bloodroses sewing patterns and cookies that THEY MADE#like they could've just presented merch similiar to wm like t-shirts or mug or heck those stupid journals with a logo on the front but no#i also wanna say that both wm and ex have never had an actual conflict or faced off despite both their roles being contradicting at a point#because as soon as ex does something bad to wm via imprisoning him it gets retconned after x stops the voice in their head#and despite ex putting him there wm doesn't see it#oblivious or not wm sees evil x as his sidekick. his friend#anyway if you read through all this wow kudos you deserve a cookie for my bs thank u truly <3
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ssvnormandie · 6 months
we're doing a cookie competition at work where everyone in the department is supposed to bake one to two dozen cookies .... there are forty-six people in the department
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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babisawyer · 1 year
my great and productive mood is gone now I want to kill someone.
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freak60000 · 1 year
idk if we can say apex mobile images confirm anything but i KNEW the legends had a holiday potluck. IIIIII knew it . infodump —vvv
#i know what type of shit they’d all bring too. FOR SURE !!#mirage i think obv brings some kind of pork (pork chop. or whatever .#but i also think he’d make a killer pasta salad#and ummm pathfinder duh. leviathan stew. What else. maybe she bakes smt sweet as well#lifeline i think would make tamales & bacalao w octane and they’d bring those#she’d also bake cookies and maybe a little cake#wattson and gibraltar prepare the turkey together (disaster but gibraltar keeps it together)#wattsy also bring latkas and applesauce#fuse was originally making the turkey but he fucked it up bad and set everything on fire so gibbs and watts took over#newcastle gets bangalore to make sticky toffee pudding with him (family recipe that she never liked)#caustic brings mash potatoes. not much but he’s caustic . so (they still taste good)#hound bringing a very well done and decorated rack of some creature meat (it’s definitely delicious though#wraith bakes a pie with wattson a few days before holidays probably#rampart also brings a pie or maybe mathri……….ouuugh mathri…..(wants some)#loba makes creme de papaya and a christmas cake with valkyrie and horizon also helps#seer makes stuffing and catalyst also makes stuffing and they are both really good so they don’t get mad about it#i feel like maggie could make a good nut roast.. if they even let her in the kitchen#vantage and her make a nut roast. why not#and vantage’s mom always prepared yuca around the holidays so she HAS to bring it. or else#pathfinder also decorates for the potluck btw. gibraltar and wattson help also#crypto ash and revenant don’t bring anything . crypto because he doesn’t like to cook and ash and revenant because they suck. ❤️#sorry i needed to share my truth#apex legends
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echoed-evenings · 1 year
I really need to finish the gholdengo as cookies thing
(I’m def gonna post it before the post actually reaches the note goal, give me a week or two bc I’m sick atm)
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dangaer · 2 years
i love writing so much ....
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
saerans "i get to be a father ill be a father who'll love his wife" ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️
#no because i grew up listening to my parents fight in case i needed to go and protect my mum when i tell you that call made me sob#a father who loves his wife :((( <333#its so sweet he'd be such a good parent he's an amazing s/o already#i love when men love their gfs / wives i hate the i hate my wife jokes i love men like saeran who love their wives#i can picture just lying in his arms with your small child flopped out on both of you#or the baby sleeping on him ☹️❤️#he has big hands too they'd look so tiny#imagine having a baby and seeing they have saerans smile waa#him teaching them how to bake cookies#him listening to their every word while they tell him all about their toys for the thirtieth time#he'd be so good when they're having a tantrum too i feel like while some days he may find it harder to deal with and ask you most of the#time he's able to calm them down so quickly#hes rlly good at reading emotions#i think he'd be able to be protective and yk like tell them not to do things firmly but also be so sweet#it's like with you hes so weak to the both of you but in a lighthearted way#i hope the babyd first word is baba or similar because could you imagine his eyes lighting up at hearing it#it makes my heart feel so full i love dad saeran#hes young too i think you and him would spend a few yesrs travelling and doing this and that and then have a child / children#like look you could spend a decade / almost a decade together if you wanted and then have children saeran would only be in late twenties
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