#theyre definitely bald creatures
reginaldubel · 8 months
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nellieuno · 2 years
i love making up time travel stuff that makes absolutely no sense. especially since veego was just a dream. heres some doodles i did of if veego went back in time on accident and met sector v when they’re his age
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more under cut
he thinks numbuh 1 is so cool but when he hears how the team talks about the delightful children from down the lane he gets nervous that like. they’ll hate him too if they find out he was delightfulized
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he keeps his eyes hidden just in case because that icy shade of blue is a dead giveaway for delightfulization
also, he recognizes most of sector v-- hes interacted with hoagie and kuki as adults enough to recognize them as kids, and he mightve seen wally on tv before or something, he might recognize abby as leopold’s mom, but numbuh 1 is practically a legendary creature to him. and the fact that hes bald definitely throws him off
the thing that tips veego off that numbuh 1 is his dad is when lizzie shows up and is talking to him, and he’s like. “woah that’s my mom isnt it. my mom used to date numbuh 1?? thats so crazy. and his name is nigey? like what my mom calls my dad? thats so crazy” and then she calls nigel by his full name and veego’s like GASP
i also have some drawings from work so theyre not very good quality but w/e
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and of course, the elephant in the room
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bluebelleix · 4 months
Okay so these are all just rambles about Saint Ars I have in my head that I just wanna let out
I also didn't write these down so they might seem inconsistent so apologies for that
Saint Ars having the lowest divine visionaries is so funny to me. Like I love that school (even if we don't have any knowledge on it) but like that type of situation where its been hundred of years and you still don't have atleast a two digit number amount? Yeah no what the hell is going with school.
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Okay there's like 3 main(?) schools which are Easton Magic Academy, Walkis Magic Academy and Saint Ars Holy Magic Academy.
Here's my personal thoughts: Walkis is probably more towards on like being a higher-up?? If that make sense. And taking in about "Power means everything to them", it's probably about having an authority.
They're probably related to the government and politics and stuff I guess. Either that or they're just strong to pass being a Divine visionaries.
Easton is probably specifically towards magic and maybeeee theyre connected with jobs related to magic (magic police etc). Considering the entrance is hard to pass, I guess the failures went either to Walkis or Saint Ars.
So yeah I conclude that they're just related to magic and other stuff like mythical creatures and all that. Like studying them and learning how to seal magic and other dangerous stuff.
Now Saint Ars.. anyone who comes across my posts knows that well, I might be. just a little. enthusiastic about that school.
I could be interested in a character or something BUT NOOOOO my brain just likes this school or something., when there's barely anything related to it.
WHATEVER, anyway, Saint Ars has this religious vibes which is obvious from their logo and well, name.(That's a cross, yiu guys think Jesus exist or something)
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Now remember how at that one point that Bureau of Magic guy that's bald said that God gave the world Magic and all that and how there's a bunch of gods you can summon as a third liner?
NOW HEAR ME OUT, it's already so obvious that of course that this is just a church being transformed into a school. I just don't know how to word it out.
I like to think 1. That this school mainly focuses on praising and believing God/ gods(?(do they acknowledge them as well?oh well), 2. Acts like the bald guy but WAYYYYY harsher.
Definitely believes those without magic was chose not to by God and yknow that type twisted mindset. Like they would say, why would God let them exist in the first place?
It's crazyyy
Anyway, the other part which is like Justice related. The law being related to religion is.. I can see it but again, I can't word it out 😔.
I feel like this school is probably towards the Law and other type of stuff related to it.
Now I don't know much of the law so I'm afraid I'm low on info on these type of stuff. However, I can see it but it's hard to describe. The only thing is I know it's about like religious law or something like that.
I guess I can see the school being like related to the Town's church or something and students would always do community work at that place.
I definitely see this school having like. a fucked up idea or mindset. Like I pray that Mash should never be near to this school after his whole reveal.
Actually after that controversy(Mash's reveal), students probably were like so angered because of how they were taught. But I believe maybe one day, that school will slowly but surely grow out of that mindset after like a few years.
Oh and the main God they praise is Themis, God of Justice because of the law thing jfhdh. I imagine that this God is the symbol and pride of that school because "the God helped build it(the law)" lol.
The law and religion.. it's such a nice combo. That school reeks of traditions and moral codes. They probably have a bunch rules to follow and like beliefs.
The teachers are probably all nuns and priest. Do they study magic? I guess they appreciate it more than an average person but they have a higher belief that its a gift from God.
I don't know what type of magic they'll study but definitely not combat.. because "that's what started the war before Adam Jobs came in." They're all in that they don't wanna repeat history and stuff.
So the school is more towards Magic History and Magic Zoology? ("Creatures are also creations of God!" Yada yada type of stuff), though I imagine all schools have the same type of subjects.. I think.
Okay that's all.. I think
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auckie · 5 years
just curious, why/what do you love about goblins so much?
this is such a long answer i didnt mean to type out but anyways its under the cut bc its an essay! sorry!
yknow, ive always liked them a bit but over the past year ive just been nutso about them and im not sure why. i used to hate fantasy! i definitely cycle through SPINs but its hard for me to remember when this one started or like, when i last had it. anyways, i think theyre neat for a lotta reasons! 
so there’s definitely a lot to be said about the fact that they have been used in incredibly antisemetic ways! as a jew, i have always had a fascination with the stereotypes used to make characters like shylock and svengali, two infamous, classic portrayals of greedy and devious jews. it’s this weird drive i have to take the bones of these characters (or just the tropes themselves) and craft them into a full, three dimensional person. I like to do this in the abstract with a lot of things and i refer to it as ‘applying physics to the absurd’. it’s the reason im so invested in side characters and humor in narratives, and probably why i am so into who framed roger rabbit! that movie literally takes absurdity, the very concept of it, and asks ‘what if we were to apply real world logic to this?’ Mixing cartoons and murder and then playing it out to the logical end makes for a very interesting and unique mood; it’s a funny but sort of dark movie that a lot of people remember seeing only as a kid, and being vaguely afraid of it. i LOVE that.
wow goblins are a great example of the fucked up jew trope. they try and sorta divert it to a jersey thing, but its pretty blatant what with their greed, obsession with banking and being referred to in canon as ‘grease balls’ and often having the whole jewface thing going on what with the foreheads and balding and noses. thankfully they dont have straight up yiddish accents but yknow, ny/jersey accents are heavily associated with jews so. im not making a stretch here believe me.
theyre not given a lotta attention in the narrative either, used mostly as little plot devices (need a trash mob? need a reason the horde has out of place tech? a quick way to get the player character into some stupid giant robot that will make this quest of killing 100 enemies go a lot quicker?) and for humor. but! they are SO funny and even if not major characters, theres a handful of good ones present in the lore. 
so, theyre throwaway jokes, bad stereotypes, and side characters? the PERFECT storm of traits to apply gravity to, in my opinion!
outside of wow, its still pretty much the same. in fantasy, goblins are generally just trash mobs or occasionally big bad guys, which is all fine and fun, but i like when characters, who by no means should be the focus of a story, happens to be the protagonist. its so refreshing and relatable and more interesting to me! its very rare to find media that uses them as an integral part of the story for any reason, let alone a positive one.
ive never been too good at projecting onto main characters. im jewish, latino, probably trans and gay, and like, also just a weird person in general i think, so growing up there wasn’t a ton of media i saw myself in. i was never able to relate to female leads, and male leads were always just standard white dudes so there wasn’t too much luck there. it was easier with cartoons featuring less realistic characters but even then! seeing a sort of…’minority’ group, especially one usually negatively depicted with either racist characteristics or just run of the mill fantasy logic (”these non human, somewhat poc coded creatures are inherently evil! theyre born that way and theyre too stupid to know better and throw spears and live like nomadic indigenous peoples and are bad to the civilized, white eurocentric human and elf populations! go kill them for gold before the pillage and plunder!) is just. its like HEY YEAH OK! its good! i love seeing it! love seeing the little guy represented! its like when the sidekick finally gets his own arch or episode, its always so much more interesting than the hero’s story! even if it’s short and lighthearted. not everything always has to be grave and intense!
but i also hate cheesy over the top soft shit yknow? theres this anime called ‘that time i was reincarnated as a slime’ or some shit, and ive seen pics of how they do goblins and i HATE it so much. i LIKE when goblins are little nasty green men with big noses and ears and no eyebrows who cant read and are twitchy and paranoid and eat rats raw. take THAT and give it weight! what if this gross little man were to get a whiff of the good life, huh? to see human society, and compare it to how he’s lived for all of 8 years in a dank cave where his da got his head smashed in with a rock yesterday– what would that do to this little goblin? 
but yknow, i could also just sum this up with the fact that i think theyre really cool and funny and neat. i also GENUINELY think they are so adorable. like, night goblins and skaven from warhammer, goblins from wow, any goblin or little gross dude really– i just honestly think they are so so cute and idk why. the sharp teeth! the green skin and slit pupils! the ears and noses and claws! i think the way people feel about baby monkeys and puppies is how i react to stupid little green dudes. i especially love when theyre like, mischievous and mean and like ready to jump at you and bite you bc that’s how i always feel. like that comic of the guy driving and then he thinks ‘penis’ and hunches his shoulders and smiles REAL nasty.
also, ever since i was little, whenever a character on a cartoon or in a movie was: short, green/blue, had a jersey/NY accent, i just. fucking IMMEDIATELY loved them. i have nooo idea why but i can think of like ten characters who fit at least two of these criteria off the top of my head who i was obsessed with as a kid. snap from chalkzone, bloo from fosters home for imaginary friends, zim, stitch! 
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
People Are Torn Between Finding This Giant Snail Adorable and TERRIFYING
he common garden snail is not a creature that most people would consider cute. Mostly due to the slime factor, the general reaction tends to be one of disgust, and theyre definitely not something you would want inside your home.
But recently, a photo surfaced on Twitter that caused users to question everything theyve previously thought about snails, and it caused a lot of conflicting feelings.
This is a giant African land snail.
via: Twitter
Native to East Africa, they average around 7.9 inches in length.
And yes, they basically look like a bald rabbit stuffed inside a shell.
Twitter user @whatmaddness posted this photo of the bizarre creature on July 23.
Please. My rabbit. He's very sick. http://pic.twitter.com/MSejV0hvtn
— madds (@whatmaddness) July 23, 2017
The original poster later clarified that this was in fact not her pic, and was actually taken somewhere in Russia.
The response was huge, with users expressing both their distaste and adoration, some both at the same time.
This man's child is setting herself up for a very disappointing Christmas this year.
I just showed my daughter Giant African Land Snails and now she wants one #googleit
— Perry Pugh (@doublePinc) July 23, 2017
I’m guessing this isn’t something you’ll find at your local Human Society.
Maybe just go with a pet rabbit instead?
Some were justifiably terrified by the image.
Oh gad
what the heck is that
oh no
here comes the nightmares
— d1az (@d1az_hl) July 23, 2017
I think, for me, it all comes down to whether or not slime is involved.
Just imagine the size of that slime trail!
This post really illustrates the inner conflict caused by the photo.
* blood curdling screams*
I have a phobia
But its kinda cute https://t.co/j78lQ2HRWC
— Lara BaHon Varian MA (@Bad_Dps) July 24, 2017
Where are the eyes?Are those tentacles?! Get it away from me!
…but can I just try petting it once?
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