#they're getting soft tacos later
acrayday · 1 year
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they are eepy i did the thing smile, thanks to @readingrobin for the idea and base! image id and base under the cut!
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[start image IDs]  base; a foto of 2 people in a train / metro . they are sitting in the accessible seat, both are asleep, on sitting with their legs to the walkway in the vehicle . the other has their legs over the plastic barrier and his arm over the back of the seat next to them. they are seemingly not leaning on the person under them. digital drawing; Hobie Brown also known as ‘spiderpunk’ and Pavitr  Prabhakar, the spiderman from ‘Spider-man; India. the two are their alternate version from the Spider-man; across the spiderverse. they are set in the same image as the base foto, hobie as the first person sitting down and Pavitr as the person hanging over the other. they both have their masks off as they are in their spider-man suits. [image IDs end]
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tei-to-tei · 1 year
I know It's weird that I go bombarding inboxes of an every person whose stuff I like, but I can't help it ok, your style, your works, the colors everything is beautiful, astonishing even.
That Raph drawing?
So soft I want to hold it in my arms and cry into it like its a pillow
I adore how pretty the lights look in your drawings, it makes them look like it's a dream, a very nice dream that you get once in several years and remember for the rest of your life.
I will spam you with likes now, I hope you won't mind and if you do pls tell me I don't want to make you uncomfy
Have a nice day/evening/night/afternoon/whatever time you're living in rn!!!
SDJKAFHASLJKDFH YOU HAVE ME SO MESSED UP RIGHT NOW?!?!?!?! Like I'm literally in shock, in a GOOD way - I am clutching my chest, rolling on the floor, I've been shot, I'm bleeding, I'm sobbing ugly dude. You have murdered me in the kindest way possible, and now I have to adopt you and protect you with the ghost of my LIFE. I've been so unsure about the art style for these neetle teetles, you have no IDEA. I've actually never really drawn them before (any attempt I've made is literally on this blog) and I'm still so hesitant on how to draw them and what brushes and what if I'm not doing them justice and hnnngrh But then I woke up today and... and... and some people actually LIKE when i make them all soft the way I really want to?? People liked my soft scarred up Raph???? I'm gonna CRY ;-; AND YOU?!?!?!?! YOU'RE THE ONE TELLING ME THIS??? Your art is honestly so striking and beautiful and every time it comes across my dashboard I can't help but happily stare at it for like 5 minutes before awkwardly leaving a quiet like and hoping i'm not coming across as a weirdo or anything. It's this perfect mix of sketch and sharpness and it just bleeds emotion. ... Anyway, my point is that i'm still sobbing and rolling on the floor over this message and now i'm way more comfortable metaphorically biting your icon with likes and comments when i see it come across my page.
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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I recently decided to add an Asgore to my AU because I think he's a really interesting and deep character that kiiiind'a gets clowned on a lot.. <XD I wanted to do him justice by bringing out what I like most about his character and overall vibe :}}
This was originally going to be in a post with like 6 other drawings. But I was so proud of how it came out that I wanted to post it by itself. :}}}}
His temporary lore/backstory is after the keep reading! :D
Asgore's story is a bit vague.. but I'm thinking he's in a similar situation to River Person and Grillby. He cant go back to his AU and is full of grief about it..
I know his AU wont be like classic Undertale. Maybe in his AU they were sent underground much later? Or not at all? Chara and Asriel could be older.. who knows. But I'm thinking that at some point.. while being married to Toriel and having both Chara and Asriel, he had to go to war.
He told his wife and kids that he loved them very much. He said goodbye to them and went to war.. In which he was later killed.. Somehow Jevil and his gang passing through, ripped his soul out of his AU and into the multiverse. In doing this his crown was left behind and he was prevented from fully turning into dust somehow..
If he were to return to his AU, he would just continue turning into dust and die. So he cannot return.
Now unlike Grillby or River Person, Asgore is able to cope with this situation a bit better than them.
He was able to say goodbye to his family before he died. And the last thing he said to them was that he loved them. He died protecting his people, and his sacrifice in battle is ultimately what led to their victory. His family will be full of grief, but they have his crown to remember him by. And Toriel is a very strong woman. He has no doubt that she has enough love in her soul for the both of them. And will raise their kids into strong and mature individuals without his help.
He is still grieving the fact that he will never see his family again, of course. But knowing that his family is still alive and will continue to thrive and live despite his absence.. its comforting really.
Asgore is now permamntly in a state of dusting, but not really..? He is made of dust but he is still very powerful. It doesn't seem like him dusting has effected his magic too much.. he's not really sure <XD
Since he no longer has his crown, he has blatantly just said "I am no king, not anymore." He now kind'a acts as the groups body guard. Also unlike Grillby, he is thankful that Jevil saved him. If Jevil hadn't accidentally interfered, Asgore would have just died anyway and never knew if his family was safe or if they had won the battle or not.
I have other ideas of Asgore being this really tender character, and devoting himself to protecting his "new family". I imagined him helping Grillby move on and cope with his grief.. and if he can still heal monsters/darkners.. I imagine him healing Seam and Spamton to ease them of their pain.. Even if its only temporarily relief. I like to think that he is this rock that the others can lean on.
All in all, this Asgore is a pretty neat dude. He's their friend now, they're having soft tacos later! :}
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thunderxleafart · 10 days
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Hey y'all! How would you like some more trains? x'D
I'm slowly trying to get back into the groove of things, been practicing more and trying to do more doodles. Anxiety be damned, I should just post what I want when I want!
With that in mind I'll be trying to post slightly more regularly over the next little while, mostly little things like this. Just to see how that goes. <3 I wanna thank y'all for being patient and hanging around, and hopefully I'll be back in the groove before you know it! :D
As for these two, I think Duck and Percy have an awesome friend dynamic, and they are totally having whatever the engine equivalent of soft tacos would be later. uwu
(Do I even need to mention how Duck didn't care if the big engines teased him, but as soon as he found out they were pushing Percy around, he shut down that nonsense right away? Yeah, they're besties to me now lol.)
First time drawing Percy too! And I think he's looking absolutely adorable. <3
And once again I know now exactly why so many people adore Duck LOL
That's it for now though! So enjoy! :D
Duck & Percy (c) Thomas & Friends
Art (c) Me! <3
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sterekchub · 11 months
Jock Derek decides to get into the competitive eating game. Starts a YouTube channel. Gets some fans, who suggest crazy eating challenges. Derek keeps pushing himself to fulfill all the ridiculous challenges, but his stomach is so stretched out that he’s hungry all the time. Starts gaining weight. Slowly, his eating challenges videos just become mukbangs as Derek goes from jock to exjock to chub…and eventually Derek starts showing off his growing belly as he goes from chub to just huge fatty.
"W-Welcome ...*BBBRRRpp*... to Eatin' ...*blurrrRPPP*... w-with ...*BRRRPPpp*... Derek
10 Viewers "Hey...I'm Derek. I twisted my ankle during practice so the Coach benched me for the semester and if I don't play, I don't get money towards my tuition. So umm....I'm not sure how this works but my friend makes money gaming on his channel so I thought maybe....I'd start reviewing local restaurants or campus food or something."
You turn off the chat, disinterested. There's enough bad food ASMR and mukbangers online, he's attractive, but nothing special. You have better things to do than watch him fumble his way to unwrapping a Chipotle takeout bag like it was something special.
50 Viewers You find yourself back on Derek's channel a week later. He still looks uncomfortable in front of a camera. His room isn't even set up to stream, a bunch of random lights behind him and his dinner clearly on the desk next to him, 2 liter of soda and some Pop-Tart boxes. You're about to click away when the otherwise dead-chat pings:
Try the 2L soda challenge!
Derek nods and brings the soda bottle up to his lips. "Easy," he brags, suddenly much more confident and you get the aura of a cocky, self-assured jock. He chugs the entire bottle down within 2 minutes, waving the empty bottle in front of the screen and letting out a long burp. "Done. Damn, I need some pizza after that..."
He goes back to sitting there in mostly awkward silence as he scrolls on his phone, clearly ordering food. You leave the stream again. 200 Viewers You can't help it - you check back into Derek's stream. He's gained more followers in the last few weeks since you saw him and you see the last few videos he's posted all see to have a theme - Eating Challenges with Derek.
Looks like he's been eating well. There's more softness to his jaw and cheeks and the sports T-shirt he's wearing looks stretched a little tight.
"Tonight I'm trying the milk chugging challenge - one gallon in one hour."
The chat is more active than usual.
Got Oreos to go with that?
Derek holds up 3 boxes "not going to get through all that milk without them."
Gotta love jocks who eat like they're still training
if he pukes, I'm leaving
Bet he's done this before
Derek finishes 2 boxes of oreos and the entire gallon of milk, ending the stream reclining in his chair looking satisfied, hands rubbing his milk-swollen gut.
500 Viewers Derek has become your new favorite streamer. You're not sure if he knows the chat is entirely full of feeders egging him on, but he clearly loves the attention and is willing to do almost anything for donations.
"Thank you to *feedemup72* for the donation, tonight's challenge is $100 at Taco Bell." He points at several bags sitting next to him. "Actually $108 because I got 3 sodas, hope you don't mind."
Only his top half is visible as his streams, but in the last few months he's developed a curve to his belly that presses into his computer desk.
damn he's gotten fat in a few months
ii hope he does the donut challenge next
Derek slows down when he's three quarters of the way through. He shoves the last bite of a burrito into his mouth and groans. "Don't think I can do this one." He's got rice spilled onto the front of his shirt, and a few inches of bare, furry belly are visible where his bloated stomach is pushing his shirt upwards.
You're feeling reckless and type into the chat '$20 if you can finish 3 more burritos." You can see the determination as he leans forward to grab another from the pile, like it's the winning point his team needs. "Uggh I might burst..."
1000 Viewers "I'm getting a little chunky," Derek laughs, standing up in front of his computer with both hands lifting up his pudgy middle. It's not only his middle that has gotten thicker. His jeans look painted on and his shirt is so tight you can see the lovehandles just starting to poke out over his jeans. "Hope the coach doesn't mind. Got my clear bill of health for my leg so practice starts again tomorrow." are you still going to stream? Sure the coach won't mind you waddling on the field? forget sports, fatboy, you were made to eat! "This might be my last one in a while, practice keeps me busy. But for my last challenge- I got a cake to celebrate!" It's just a plain cheesecake, but Derek looks at it like it's better than sex. The little groans of pleasure he makes when he takes a bite somehow feel dirtier than watching him devour the entire thing in under 45 minutes. 3,000 Viewers It's been almost 6 months since Derek's last stream and you've almost forgotten about his channel entirely when you see he's gone live again. His follower count has almost triple and the chat is swarming with excitement at his return. OMG finally he's got to be 300 by now has he said anything no he's been eating for almost an hour! Think he knows he's live? Are you okay? You can't take your eyes off the screen. Derek has Chinese takeout containers in front of the screen and is digging into them like he hasn't eaten for months. The arms on his gamer chair are no longer visible under hefty love handles and his belly is fully resting into his lap by several inches. Derek keeps eating, double chin wobbling with each fast-paced bite, until he finally stops to reach for a can of soda. He drains it in one go and then looks at the chat, still shoveling food in his mouth as he talks "c-coach ...*mnfgghhhulp*... kicked ...*mmnnch*... me ...*chew... o-off ...*nibble*... de ...*gnaw*... team." I'm sorry too fat for the team? Look at him- he's not running anywhere! He hasn't stop eating What a fucking pig You have to know, typing in the chat. "$50 if you tell us what you're weighing in at." You watch as Derek scans the chat and reads your message. He finally puts down the food and stands up to show himself off to he chat. "Three-twenty-seven." From the size of his hips and ass as he turns, you would have guessed closer to 350. He looks upset, pinching and grabbing at the excess blubber that's thickened him up everywhere, but when he sits back down and grabs another soda, he almost looks relieved. "So.. guess I'm back to streaming. Any suggestions for another *gulp* *swallow* food challenge? 5,000 Viewers Doesn't look like a jock anymore he's a fucking blimp any ideas how to blow him up more bet he'd eat straight lard if we paid him fuck look at that gut Did he really just fall asleep? bet he wakes up and starts eating again You're $500 poorer- but looking at the size of Derek, it seems like money well spent. In the last three months, you've paid Derek to do the ice cream gallon challenge, the milkshake challenge, the donuts-burger challenge, and the carbo-load challenge. And you were also to blame for the current stream. Tonight had proven too much even for his monstrous appetite and he had needed a break, too full to even speak, just sitting in front of the computer groaning and grunting and burping, rubbing his boulder of a belly until his overstuffed moans had turned into tree-splitting levels of snoring. The last quarter of his fifth footlong cheesesteak (With extra cheese and meat of course), fell out of a pudgy hand and onto the floor. Derek had weighed in at 398 last night, and you impatiently wait for him to wake up rounding out the scales at over 400lbs of blubber. 10,000 Viewers
This stream was a special one. Derek had tipped the scales at a whopping 500lbs, reluctantly heaving himself out of his bench-sized seat to show off for the chat just where all of those pounds had piled on to. Face swollen with fat, his jawline completely obscured by chins and a tire-sized neck. Thighs wider than his former waist, and of course, the unmistakable belly which was not so round and lard-filled it rested on his knees when he was sitting. "Finally hit a follower milestone," Derek wheezed proudly, wiping sweat off his forehead from the exertion of just standing for several minutes and then collapsing back down into his seat. It creaked ominously. On instinct, you check his Amazon wishlist. Candy, funnel, XXXXXXXXL shorts, more candy, bariatric scale...huh. No bench. Guess he thought the one hw as currently straining was going to last longer than it sounded like. "So someone sponsored to me to eat a hundred-thousand calories, one for each follower!" You thought you misheard. 100,000? That can't possible be right. And Derek was popular sure, but with a niche group. You double-check and his follower count was sitting at 10,002. Confused, you check the chat. did he say 100,000!!? looking and thinking like a pig no one said jocks were smart That's going to take days think he'll realize? too late to back out, he took the money That's like 30 pounds of calories. No way is he going to do it! Derek was reading the chat and checking his phone in confusion. "I did...misread a bit there." Do it eat it 100,000 blimp he's gonna pop come on fatty, EAT EAT EAT! Derek still looks confused, but puts his phone away and smacks a hand to his belly. "I can handle it. Better start now..." You can't watch the entire stream, having to pull yourself away at some point to go to bed and go to work. You haven't missed much - Derek sits at his computer, struggling to his feet every few hours to get his latest food delivery he doesn't bother to turn off the livestream and everyone gets' a perfect view of Derek's swinging, wobbling obese frame as he slowly shuffles in and out of view. Even at night, he waddles out of view to go to bed but leaves the stream running, his snores rattling around the empty room and the only view the staggering amount of fast food containers thrown haphazardly everywhere. Think he'll reach 600? he's too fat to stop now he should eat like this all the time It takes Derek 2 days to eat it all. Even for someone used to all the eating challenges, Derek was eating with a frenzy and a determination you'd never seen. The chat kept his calorie counter for him, and he was absolutely struggling to keep on pace, looking like every bite was a Herculean effort. You tune back in, the afternoon when Derek is down to his last 2,000 calories in a bag of greasy burgers and fries and milkshakes. He looks bloated and fat in a way you've never seen, like at any minute he was going to just start expanding and become a fat filled-balloon the size of the room. His body was clearly protesting, Derek had to keep taking longer and longer breaks inbetween to massage his belly, although he couldn't fully reach around it. Gurgling farts and thunderous belches that chat kept telling him meant he had room for more. 100,000 calories. Almost done. Just a few more... Derek guzzled down the rest of his milkshake and looked triumphantly at his camera, eyes glazed over and face smeared with food.
T-Told ...*puff*... ...*BRRPFFBLTTT*... you ...*uhhnngh*... ...*thbbbt*... I ...*hmphhh*... ...*Brrbllpfft*... c-could ...*blurrRRPPP*... ...*Splrrpffrtbtlt*... do ...*BRRRPPphh*... ...*Frrrpffltbtt*... it.
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neverchecking · 11 months
Hi this is the first time sending in an ask, so can I be 🍁 anon?
Anyways I was thinking about the “we don’t know who the baby daddy is” scenario, and thought of something that made me laugh.
What if the kid comes out with ambiguous features or looking exactly like Reader, so most of the heroes are arguing over who the father is. Meanwhile, Reader is sitting there like “really 🙄 I just had a kid can’t this wait two seconds?”
And Reader sees Wind, who’s the only one who doesn’t care who the dad is, and is like. “Come here, you get to be the first one to hold the baby.” And Wind is so enthralled with the kid that he doesn’t even have any time to be smug. (He will be so insufferable about it to the other heroes later though)
Serves the other heroes right for arguing over Reader instead of actually paying attention to them
🍁anon! You absolutely can be! Welcome to the club! Happy to have you!
I imagine if the baby looks exactly like Reader or has features that are just too ambiguous to tell (Bc have you seen a fresh, newborn baby? ...They are certainly...something.), the boys are just excited bc they now have two celestial beings in their presence. Of course, one (Sage that asshole) will probably instigate something by going ' That's totally my nose right there.' and starts this huge fight.
Reader totally gets that special moment with Wind, who has, like, reverse adopted Reader. Like surprise! You're my parent now. We're having soft tacos later :DD. And when his parent is like, "You wanna hold baby first?"
Wind immediately is like "The fuck? Is that even a question?! OF COURSE I DO?!?!"
And he's just in love with his new sibling. He's the sibling that's holding them, leaning onto his mom whose watching them with a smile, and promising to teach them how to get away with all sorts of things. "I'm gonna make you the best pirate ever. Second only to me of course. I'm gonna teach you how to steal Wars scarf and how to discreetly push Four into rivers and-" He's so excited to be a big brother again okay???
He for sure holds this over the other heroes head all the time. Especially when it comes to the baby. Like oh, Twilight wants to feed 'em? Well, unless he's whipping out one of his own milkers Wind called Dibs and he got to hold the baby first so that means they're inseparable and he outranks all of the men. So they can eat shit.
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moshieee · 4 months
More random questions bc im delving deep.
Is it like, forced employment, or like can the souls just go ‘nah’ and leave
What does a powerful soul entail? Since I know I’m pretty sure lots of people would have different interpretations of it
You said it’s an inbetween, so like, a stasis,.: do the moon and sun directly control that stasis, or do they just have the ability to snatch souls and go “you’re my friend now, we’re having soft tacos later” type thing?
Ik it sounds stupid, but, is there a way to… leave? In a sense? Like since it’s between life and death, what if someone gets chosen and all, their a ‘strong soul’ and like in a coma or any other instance between life and death, but then they get help and become better (back to being fully alive again) or they die, so not being in the middle anymore, would they be able to ‘leave’ in a sense, or would they be stuck?
And final question
For now, better watch out/j /lh
You said the moon and sun have tried to interfere for souls they really like, so, theoretically… they can mess with the ‘real’ world?
Totally not asking this bc one of my main OC’s in like every version has ‘hallucinations’ of a sort, and so if they were alive and saw that stuff (I purposely didn’t swear just now since I know you don’t like it-) they’d just be there like “what the fluff is going on?”
I'll answer the questions that don't count as spoilers
1 can the souls choose not to be picked? They don't have the slightest say in the matter of that choice but might subconsciously resist while be- *gets shot*
2 powerful souls? That will be explained later...
3 sun and moons control over the in between and what is it? They control almost everything in the in-between but believe much of it to be below them... (They're gods)
If you want to know what the in-between is I believe it's in the main info page but I might have to edit it since it is a bit confusing
4 can the chosen souls be in a coma/revive? They're like ghosts they have to be crossing over, aka dying to be chosen so no comas and they weren't going to go back to life even if they weren't chosen
they can get memories of their life back but... Not in the way you might think...
5 is there a way to leave? Does abstraction in TADC count as leaving? If not then I don't think what happens here counts either... Yea definitely not
6 sun and moon interfering with the real world?
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7 can people see in/out of the in-between? not usually but it is possible since there is overlap between the realms.... so make your OC have as many mental breakdowns as you like while they think they're going crazy ~
Ask more if you wish but know I will be limited in what I can answer till I finish the comics...
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lonelimbless · 6 months
(Different anon, just wanting to clarify that real quick.)
This is mostly my own spin with some wholesomeness thrown in:
During Legends, Raymesis ends up teaming up with Rayman (hence why he's playable) in order to take Ales down, as he got quite enough of the dude.
Before Legends though, all the way back during Rayman 2 actually, Raymesis ends up befriending Dark Globox and at some unknown point also Glombrox. Despite being a seemingly big brute who likes to scare people, Glombrox was surprisingly the most level-headed of the group. Raymesis ends up actually prefering the hero-turned-criminal that was Glombrox over his original father (Mr. Dark). So Raymesis ended up getting himself and his two siblings some new frog friends. If you know that meme of a tired looking guy holding a gremling on a leash, that's pretty much Glombrox with the group, or at least most of them, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
Glombrox and Tychon could enjoy just taking the day of and read or go explore some ancient ruins for lost knowlegde.
Zephyr and Dark Globox pretty much constantly encouraged each other's chaotic nature.
Raymesis mostly just rolled with everyone quite frankly.
At some point Tychon does end up getting a crush, this being on the princess Olympia, after she saved him by stopping a large ogre's fist with just one hand. Tychon ended up chatting with Olympia quite a bit, about her home of Olympus, her powers, why she was here and so on. She in return asked about a lot of the things Tychon had going on, true she wasn't booksmart like they were, but they were still curious which Tychon liked.
Zephyr meanwhile does end up getting a wholesome friendship with Tily the Fairy, both of them going around pranking people and causing mischief. This does help Zephyr slowly leaning more towards the good side of chaos. Zephyr does have to remind her that Dark Globox is not a frog to use as a bouncing castle from time to time though.
Rayman and Raymesis meanwhile becomes rivals/frienemis, but Raymesis would never admit to actually liking Rayman's company after all these years.
In the future, we're talking about post-Mini here, Mr. Dark returns to the group. Raymesis, after both meeting Glombrox and teaming up with Rayman is kinda hesitant to return to his side. At first they team up, but it's actually Glombrox and Zephyr who decides to make a change here; first with Glombrox beating Mr. Dark to a pulp after getting enough of his ego ruining everything they planned and just overall not liking the guy, and Zephyr who when later on Mr. Dark is near-defeat asks her to open a portal to get him out of there, she refuses which ultimately leads to Mr. Dark dying. (I was also thinking Ly the Fairy, but i thought Olympia would be more interesting, unless you want me to elaborate.)
For a moment they don't know what to do with themselves, but as time passes, they end up actually prefering to live without Mr. Dark. Tychon does eventually leave the group, deciding to move to Olympus with Olympia, while Zephyr ends up becoming Voodoo Mama's new assistant. Raymesis stayed behind with Dark Globox and Glombrox though, the three of them turning one of Ales' old hideouts into a new house. Raymesis still keeps in contact with his siblings to this day, and while he still doesn't wanna admit it, he's thankful that Rayman won that battle all those years ago.
Oh, this is very wholesome indeed...
Besides some things that I wanted to clarify is with that battling Mr Dark is much more of a team effort and I'm not too sure if I want Tychon to have a crush on Olympia, perhaps just have her as a friend or what not. Other than those, this is such good stuff.
I especially enjoyed Dark Globox and Zephyr being chaotic buddies so here ya go. I might draw the rest soon. And I think I'll rename Dark Globox into Maddox, to fit in with the group.
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They're having soft tacos later ✨/ref
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growling · 2 months
could you perchance elaborate on npd squirrelstar because i think i see the vision
ohhhhh absolutely anon, and as I don't get many asks about warriors: hi :3
Honestly it kinda started out as a pure vibes thing, like I just thought "hmmmm which cats to hit with The NPD Beam.. squirrelstar hhholy shiit i think i just had a vision. i didn't see anything in the vision but I had a visionnn" and it stuck. Mostly headcanon stuff, maybe some slight au territory (but wc canon is already flimsy as it is anyway, so really, it didn't change much from the originals) but the longer I though about it the more it just kinda fits in lol, especially with her torment gauntlet storyline but not entirely because of it, either -
(I do not know how coherent this'll be, or if I even say everything I wanted to, as I am. so sleepy rn) Honestly the first thing I thought after initially coming up with it is. her relationships with Brambleclaw and Ashfur gsfdsghsd. It's very common to just believe that the abuser must be The Narcissist (or that just, all people with npd are automatically predestined to be abusers no matter what) while it's actually way more often that people with npd are more likely to stay in those relationships, or get abused because *shocker* mentally ill people actually way more likely to be treated as subhuman by society and the like. And I've already saw one or two people just proclaim that Brambleclaw is a narcissist because um, *checks notes* he's controlling of his wife and extra sensitive of (oftentimes valid) criticisms of his leadership or something idk man which. uhhhhh. no can we not please + shut up forever + now I'm gonna do the opposite nobody can stop me (also happened with rainflower. and clear sky. and sol. but mostly rainflower. lord help me)
(on a sillier note though....... nothing much to say about Ashfur as of now but after his Squilf/Ashf breakup if he was a human he'd become a self-proclaimed tiktok Dark Empath)
And lastly the headcanon stuff, which I completely made up while stirring the muffin batter but they might or might not have canon basis too, I don't know, I'm not gonna look for it and I don't really care either;
Does the right thing not because it's "what you're supposed to do or whatever idk I have no idea how any of you define it anymore", but because it makes her feel good. And even if by the end of the day she doesn't get any praise or reward for it, even if she gets shunned for it, what matters to her is that she did the Good Thing and therefore she is Good and that's what matters, and everybody else is so stupid for not seeing it. Really, why does it always have to be her that actually bothers with helping people nowadays. She's got a so much better grade at Good Person than like 99% of her Clan, StarClan bless
Leafpool was always consistently her equal person, she deserves the world and maybe even more than she does because she's just that great, it's her an Leafy against the world <3 we're eating soft tacos later <3 hold on Squirrelflight's Hope just called and- oh god, oh fuck
neither low nor high empathy but a secret third thing: really fucking weird ever changing empathy that also varies on whoever it is for some unexplainable reason. Based off what I have and how do I even explain this in simple, not-10-paragraph-post length....... just trust me on this. What I'll say rn is that she tends to personally care about nearly exclusively towards people relevant to her, or those she considers "interesting" regardless if she actually likes them.
always sets her goals either incredibly high (because naturally she's gonna achieve this exactly as she imagined and wait what do you mean-), or very low (so that she can do the woohoo!!! whenever she succeeds)
she splashes water everywhere when drinking she spills it so much she puts all her paws in that damn stream then puts them all over the kids and now they're all wet they all shake it off directly at Brambleclaw
> gets criticized once > fucking dies
I'll add onto this if I have time maybe, and don't completely forget about this whole post
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elveneye · 2 years
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``I know now fragility.``
You would think for a character that has basically become my profile mascot, I would draw him a lot - but alas art block is constantly swinging a bat at my head. 👍
This is my version of Dagri'Lon from Interesting NPCs! Despite being a super follower there's not a lot of content on him (I understand. He's a pain in the ass.) so here's some recognition for this edgelord.
[More info under "Keep Reading"!]
Sorry if I say anything that makes no sense up ahead my english is running low on fuel today …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
You could say this version of him is an AU, because I changed aspects of him that just wouldn't be anything like the real Dagri'Lon you get me? Dagri is supposed to be a serious character but I sort of picked him up like "You're my friend now, we're having soft tacos later :)"
It's very funny having this ancient dude who's body is in a vortex of slowed time and is no doubt tormented by that tag along with the Dragonborn that is only alive by sheer luck. Oh and also Inigo. And they're brother and sister. I don't know how one survives hanging out with siblings who start throwing shit at each other when bored (as siblings do).
Anyways about his design!!! I knew I could improve his original outfit somehow, so I took a couple of mods, jumbled them up together aaand created something, I guess! So it's not really my design I just sort of played dress up with him LMFAOA
I do feel like I could've given him armour that's more... the best I could describe is, grim reaper-y? Like some kickass black robe - but I couldn't find anything at the time, so I just stuck with Contractor armor. It does improve stealth, though!
But no matter what I absolutely HAD to have a hood to highlight the fact he's got no head. I mean that's like the focal point of his design, his non existent head. I'm too lazy to write the entire story of how he lost it but the way I remember it (and this I couldn't find on the internet I had to listen to him repeat it in the game) was he had these 3 servants that had to guard his body during the transfer which I assume was him trying to become immortal. One of them, never specified which, was like ay fuck you guys and sort of nuked the entire transfer, killing everyone in the process except for Dagri'Lon, who's soul was now in the void and his body in slo-mo. He also says there was a dagger in his neck which he just throws in randomly? And it took him about 300 years or more to even conjure up movement. TWO ENTIRE CENTURIES LATER his body is just, still in slow motion. And his fate has lead him to be the side kick of a Khajiit woman who jumps head first into traps and cries whenever she has to count.
Oh and the horns are purely accessories. Just thought they looked cool.
"If he's headless, why the eyes and teeth?" Well here comes the part where I intervene! If I'm being honest I was like "Yeah this just looks cool lol" but I made up a reason so now I have an excuse to draw him like this.
The eyes and teeth aren't real, they're purely just an illusion spell. If you tried sticking your hand under his hood (good luck) it would just phase through. But it's not a permanent spell, so if he forgets to recast it, well you can see in the drawing what happens. It doesn't hurt him or anything, it's like some sort of ectoplasm breaking down, which now makes this drawing funny because it would be the equivalent of not blowing your nose in a while and snot shooting out when you sneeze. If this doesn't make sense in the Elder Scrolls world I can't think of a better reason sorry 💔
There's more little details that I changed about him... Like he doesn't hate absolutely EVERYTHING that isn't decay (he likes hares. really likes hares), not as Gary Stu as he is ( I like to think that whenever he makes some sort of egocentric comment some Looney Tunes type of shit happens like he immediately gets sent flying by a trap) and most important of all HE'S NOT BAREFOOT !!!
I only now remembered to mention this but he's a mage who, If I had friendly fire on, would end up vaporising me every other fight. I've never seen worse aiming in my life.
If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. This is like the first time I've publicly just info dumped about an interest lol.
If you've got any questions about him send em my way in the asks!
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edge-of-nowhere · 1 year
AAAAHHHHHH Stringbean my beloved!!!!! King and Eda and Camilla and EVERYONE MY BELOVEDS!!!!
The collector ;-; they're my son now. We're having soft tacos later! He's getting redeemed he better be!!!
MAN and Luz's wish? GOD.
GOOD FREAKING GOD IT WAS SO GOOD. I'm ever more absolutely pissed the show got screwed over. We could have had a whole SEASON of Vee and human world misadventures and building up to hunter's magic and willows doubts and just. Man
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thirium-800 · 1 year
Omg u still remember the squishmallow connor!!! I have had the cow connor for a while now and then connor (the android) plushie came to my life~ i hope android connor and cow connor can get along together :p
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They're besties now and they're gonna go get soft tacos later
Of course I do! It was adorable 🥹
Were you the anon that enlightened me? 👀 I love squishmallows. I remember saying they're like hugging a fluffy cloud of happiness and I stand by that.
Well look at them two together! I'm sure they'll LOVE going for soft tacos ✨
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
Our Leitmotifs Play In Each Other's Symphonies
TLDR: Musrio and Bohwie run into each other and... talk.
TW: ask to tag
"Just a black coffee, please." An exhausted Musrio muttered to the barista at Scarbucks, "With as many espresso shots as you're legally allowed to give me. Ribbit."
"The limit is four per troll, sir."
"Make it ten, I don't care about the cost." He rubbed at his eyes, at the dark bags under them. Fucking hell, why was he so tired? Exhaustion seemed to weigh on his shoulders ever since he visited his old hive.
"Musrio?" A new, but familiar, carrying voice asked.
The rustblood stiffened, slowly turning around to look. Standing behind him by the doors, having just stepped inside, was Bohwie Akshai. Speaking of old things.
"Bohwie." Musrio whispered, trying to ignore the way his dead blood-pumper ripped itself to pieces at that name.
Bohwie wasn't wearing his paint, but his outfit was par for the course with his usual attire, knee-high Crocs included.
"... Hi." The loud blueblood said quietly.
"Hello." Musrio replied, just as soft. Neither of them moved. Uncertainty hung heavy in the air, only broken when the barista set down Musrio's coffee and gave him the price.
Putting his back to the singer, Musrio paid for his drink and carried it over to the customization station. Six packs of sugar and a vial of deep-sea snake venom later, Musrio looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps.
"How have you... been?" Bohwie asked, setting down a horrendously sweet drink, that was more dessert than coffee; whipped cream, chocolate and caramel drizzle, mint shavings, the whole shebang decorated the cup, and more. There was maybe two inches of coffee at the bottom of the fang-rotting concoction, Musrio thought.
"Fine." He replied shortly, the word forced out around the lump in his throat and memory in his thinkpan; he knew without asking what the order was, down to the specifics. "You?"
"Great! I mean... you know. Busy! Very busy." He rumbled like a purring mountain as he laughed, but it was strained.
"I can imagine. Ribbit." Musrio cringed at the small talk. Fuck, he was tired.
"Yeah... tours and albums and... Um. Other stuff. Really takes up your time."
Bohwie refused to look at him. He hadn't reached for anything at the station, either.
Musrio couldn't look at him, not without remembering how he used to nap on the blueblood's stomach when Oliver was working with Drayco. How they'd bonded over greasy pizza and shitty musicals, and how they once composed and entire song together out of hop-beast croaks for the hell of it.
"How's Drayco doing?" Bohwie asked softly; his voice was so quiet, it was creepy. Last he'd been so quiet, he'd been offering to take Musrio on a midnight run to Taco Hell while their partners slept.
"They're fine." Musrio managed to say, searching for comfort as he grasped his necklace. It provided none, only the memories of letting Bohwie shave his hair into the mohawk he had sported ever since. "How... is she? Ribbit?"
"She hasn't... been home. She's busy... preparing." Bohwie said. The hand resting on the station top curled into a fist, as if to threaten away the memories in his own thinkpan. Threaten them away like he had done to the fuchsias mocking Musrio's horns.
"Yeah, me, too. I should... go. Ribbit." Musrio took the opening to grab his drink and turn away, treading over the pieces of his blood-pumper. He made it four steps before Bohwie spoke again.
Despite himself, he looked back. Bohwie was watching him with an unreadable expression, although something akin to sadness, to regret, was in his eyes.
Bohwie opened his mouth, shut it, looked away. Looked back, swallowed, and took a breath. "I... Good luck, frog face." Dead, "Maybe when this is all over we can get some coffee together, yeah?"
Musrio closed his eyes and turned his head away to hide the red tears that beaded up from his tear-spouts. "Yeah." His voice cracked, "I'd like that, liger stripes. Ribbit."
Dead, dead, dead, a dead name on dead lips for a friendship that had long since perished, its corpse left scattered in the Taco Hell parking lot, on the bathroom floor, in the living block of a run down hive where they used to doze off after a night of laughter.
It made Bohwie smile, though. It only held for a moment, before it fell. He fiddled with one of his many bracelets, looking for all the world like there was more he wanted to say. There was too much that Musrio wanted, needed, to say.
I forgive you, you were my friend once, join me, be my friend again, you're a good person, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you- they beat at his skull like wild lusii on cage bars, but not even a syllable escaped.
"She doesn't have it, Musrio."
That made him look up. "What?"
"Oliver doesn't have it." Bohwie repeated, staring at his platform sins against nature. He looked as tired as Musrio felt.
"Your power. Your blessing. The blood- not all of it, anyways. Their powers are stolen, their hold over the Black Hand is an illusion. They're..." Shaking hands grasped forearms, like he was looking to hold himself together. His eyes rose from the floor to meet Musrio's. "He needs help, Musrio. Please... I can't..." He swallowed, pleaded, "Save him, Mush. Please. Save my morail."
Save him. Make it stop. Give me a chance. Find her. Find the others. Find the answers. Give me your everything for these powers you never wanted. Be the Harbinger. Tell their story. Call the constellation and the bane. Guide the lost and dead.
How many more vows must he be asked to make?
"I can try." He made another.
Bohwie nodded, and Musrio turned away again, to step over the pieces, the invisible parts of whatever shape represented non-quadrantal friends, trying and failing to come back together.
Maybe, he thought tiredly as he pushed the door open; maybe he could put it together himself, and revive it. He was a necromancer, after all. But first came a nap, and the vows he needed to keep. First came putting this all to rest.
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asks-n-trolls · 1 year
BEA ❄️ !!!
Ask Meme
Bea is currently chatting with her girlfriends and enjoying their night out <333
They're gonna go get soft tacos later
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (25/n)
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Author's notes: Welp, they're official - publicly this time! It's summer time, and Tyson's using it to get past the hangups from the end of the last season. Otherwise it's "summertime" and fun is abound. Short chapter, just some fluffy fun stuff going on.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC (AJ) Chapter 24 is at https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/697160469821194240/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-24n
Word Count: 2573
Warnings: Actually it's pretty safe this time around. Might be a word or two of language. Also it's 3:30AM and all typos are my own, it'll get edited soon enough.
The two finally gave up on the chilly night air, even though AJ loved the feeling of Tyson wrapping his arms around her. Most of the night after the two were left alone was spent in silence, but it bothered neither of them. Tyson was truly understanding the way AJ’s brain worked. 
Early on, Tyson asked AJ what her love language was, after reading up on them.
And while that definitely would have won her over, and he might have actually come over with bags from Taco Bell on occasion, he knew that wasn’t one hundred percent the real answer. It was truly hitting him how much simple physical touch was something that would always calm her “spicy brain” as she called it. I’m not talking naked time, I’m talking something as basic as brushing his fingers over hers, or nudging her foot with his own would soothe her nerves. And the conversation didn’t have to follow. The touches were the conversation.
 However, the silent conversation turned from touches to a slightly shivering AJ, despite the two wrapping up with the blanket they were sitting on. Gathering the items around them, Tyson turned on the flashlight on his phone to guide them safely back to the house, hand in hand. Sneaking inside and upstairs, the couple quickly got ready for bed and curled up close, trying to warm up a still slightly shivery AJ.
AJ’s fingers were tracing small circles, playing with the small patch of hair on Tyson’s chest. To start it was relaxing to him, however somehow the touches became too soft, causing him to wince and giggle. To stop it, he loosely held onto her hand, his own finger stroking where her new ring would be at had it been waking hours. 
Tyson was the first to break the actual silence with real words.
“So, when do we say something about this? I figure family or friends are going to slip first.”
“Tys, you know you’re going to slip first,” AJ chuckled, “I mean…”
“Yeah yeah babe.” Tyson kissed the top of AJ’s head. “If it were up to me though, I’d be telling everyone that would listen. You are my everything and I want everyone else to know.”
Wrapping his arms around AJ, he pulled her in close to his chest, finally feeling the shivers disappear. AJ was quiet again, taking in everything he was saying.
“Since those closest to us now know, even if they think it was just yesterday… I’m okay with telling people if you are. I’m not sure how big of a promotion I’ll make of it, but maybe a fun photo or something.”
Tyson nodded in agreement, while AJ shifted around as she was losing feeling in her right arm that was tucked between both her own and Tyson’s torsos. The two scooted onto their sides, letting their backs touch, and feet tangle a bit.
“You sure you’re okay with me telling some people?” Tyson was a little worried, to be honest.
“It’s okay with me. Just however it happens, never read the comments, capiche?”
Tyson tapped AJ’s foot in acknowledgement, before telling her he loved her, and hoped she slept well. AJ reciprocated the well-wishes.
Little did AJ know that Tyson already had been planning for just this scenario, and knew exactly how he wanted to tell people. She had no idea what was coming.
The alarms went off early with Tyson wanting to go hit the gym with his new-found motivation to better himself this summer. With a kiss on her cheek, he was off, and she fell back asleep in his childhood room. AJ was so tired, that Tyson came back almost two hours later and woke her up to get breakfast. The first thing she did was roll over and find the tiny black box in her bag, and gently put the ring back on her finger. 
AJ stretched her arms up while sitting at the foot of the bed, trying to get her bearings and wake up… but something struck her as odd as she was stretching.
“That’s… perfect.”
Unsure of why Tyson said that, she whipped around to look, but Tyson was just seemingly drying his hair after his shower. AJ stared, but not in a I’m checking you out sort of way, it was more of a curiosity/what are you doing? kind of way. Thankfully for him though, AJ was still moving pretty slowly so she didn’t catch what he was actually up to. Still squinting, she got up and went to get ready for the morning, missing the impish grin that graced his face as she walked out of the bedroom.
After a family breakfast, Tyson took AJ out to Horseshoe Lake for some hiking and maybe some swimming if it was warm enough. The views were just as beautiful, although different, than those AJ was used to seeing in Colorado. And having been from Kansas… it was all gorgeous. The two took selfies together before getting in the water. AJ figured this was going to be one of the photos maybe that Tyson was going to send to friends to give the announcement as she was curled up into his left side, her left hand laying across Tyson’s chest. It gave a great view of the black sapphire on her finger.
AJ would be wrong. Before the two made it back to the car to retrieve their picnic lunch, AJ’s phone started blowing up. Instantly she looked at Tyson.
“What did you do?” AJ raised an eyebrow.
“Why do you assume I did something?” Tyson was failing to contain his giggles. “You always just jump to conclusions.”
Continuing to keep her eyebrow quirked upward, she looked at her phone to see that there was a post from Tyson on IG. And a number of notifications followed. Afraid to open the app, she couldn’t NOT do it though.
There AJ was in the photo, wearing an old tee that she had slept in, stretching her arms overhead, curls shoved upward on one side of her head, and the other part of her hair stick straight, poking outward from around her ear. But the one thing that stood out was her left hand as she stretched. The black stone was a stark contrast against her pale skin, but it was plain as day what it was. 
AJ’s eyes moved to the caption.
josty17 My favorite bedhead, always and forever. #futureMrsJosty17 (ring emoji) (kissing emoji)
Leave it to Tyson to make quite the announcement. This time, AJ’s heart skipped a beat, not able to stop the happy look that overtook her face. 
“It’s 100% us, Tys. It’s perfect.”
Tyson had turned off comments having learned lessons previously. Regardless, the likes poured in, and the DMs started hitting from family and friends, for both of them. But it was agreed that phones were getting tossed in AJ’s backpack, and the two were unplugging for the afternoon, enjoying their last day in Canada before traveling back to Minnesota the next day. Lots of little moments were shared between the two, like feeding each other bites of lunch while sprawled out on a blanket with the sun warm overhead. After a bit more swimming in the lake, the two dried off while watching the clouds roll through the sky. 
With the evening coming near, Tyson and AJ got a little more dressed and hiked back to the waiting car in the lot. A final family dinner was happening, with a few more of Tyson’s relatives coming to congratulate the couple before they headed back home for a few weeks. Tyson got to tell everyone that he was going to be participating in the Da Beauty League, and talk about what he hoped to get out of working out at the new facility that Dumba mentioned in Edina. AJ got to talk a bit about their new place and the area, inviting everyone out to visit.
After much food and good conversations, the guests found their way home, leaving everyone to finish cleaning up, and heading to bed. It was going to be another stressful travel day for AJ, so she wanted to rest up as much as she could.
Thankfully, the flights were smooth, and AJ didn’t do any damage to Tyson’s hand during takeoff and landing for either flight. Clearing customs was fast, and the couple claimed Tyson’s Grand Cherokee from parking and headed home. 
As much as Tyson loved going back to Edmonton, he had to admit that he was excited to get back to the new apartment, and start working on the New Tyson (™). Later that week he was meeting up with Matt to work out, and also meeting up with a few guys from DBL to get some practice in.
It was like he had done a complete 180 from where he was just two weeks prior. He still had some moments, but they were fewer and less intense. Seeing what he was accomplishing in the gym and on the ice spurred him on even more.
He snagged tickets for AJ to see him play at Braemar Arena. His first week playing with team Element, he was #7, with a handwritten name placard on his jersey. It was actually pretty adorable for some reason. The whole league was to raise money for charity, so while it wasn’t intense NHL hockey, it was still a lot of fun for the players. The fans got a lot out of it too - the teams were NHL past/present/future players, and local players that were up and coming… and tickets were pretty cheap comparatively. A lot of families were spotted at the games. And fun events were tied in as well each week at games. The whole vibe was just chill. 
AJ can’t deny it though, the night Tyson had a hat trick and a handful of assists was probably her favorite.
The best part of it all though was seeing Tyson come back out of his shell again. He was still hesitant of social media, only posting a handful of things here and there. Focusing on working out and getting stronger for the upcoming season was a huge goal. Being on fourth line was not where he wanted to be. 
With free agency open, players were being shifted around, and new potential spots opened up on the Wild. 
Tyson wanted one of those spots.
So while Tyson worked on himself physically, AJ spent her time fixing computers, printers, and phones for clients - and the best advertising was literally word of mouth. She wasn’t underpricing the competition so much that she wasn’t able to pay herself either - that balance was found where AJ could work as much as she wanted and still make a living. It was emotionally freeing for her too, as sometimes that spicy brain of hers would need a day off. Her boss wasn’t giving her grief for taking a mental health day. AJ was her own boss.
And it definitely wasn’t all work and no play with these two. There were still tons of lake days, and half days spent exploring the metro. The couple found their new favorite place to get tacos. AJ found a market that had all sorts of interesting international foods. They checked out festivals, and soaked up all the culture of the area.
There were a few times that Tyson traveled back to Edmonton without AJ, and that was okay too. AJ was going to need to get used to Tyson being gone for roadies again in the coming months. And as much as they loved spending time together, now that they were indeed living together, it was healthy to have a little AJ time, and a little Tyson time, away from each other. But really, the couple was good at finding the balance and compromise.
While Tyson traveled, AJ spent some time meeting up with Amanda and Danielle, and was slowly meeting a few of the other WAGs. This group of ladies, while they still had their moments, seemed more AJ’s speed, more down to earth. Not saying that the previous team’s WAGs were unwelcoming or plastic, but there were definitely times that AJ didn’t feel like she belonged and had to earn her spot. Of course, now that she was sporting a ring on her finger, it probably seemed a lot more official that she truly had arrived.
And in all of this, we cannot forget that AJ still had friends back in Denver (or as the case may be, spent some time out in Cole Harbour, Edmonton, and a week in Minnesota with Tyson and AJ still). Jess and Nate were traveling around quite a bit, but she really wanted to get it all in before the fall. It wasn’t because of hockey season, but Jess was accepted into a prestigious nursing program and was going to be locked into that for a number of months. 
With summer coming to an end, AJ was so proud of Tyson for how much stronger he was, both mentally and physically. 
One last hurrah though, AJ convinced Tyson to come out for the Minnesota State Fair. The Kansas State Fair was one of her favorite things back home home, and she was excited to check out all the sights and sounds and tastes. Tyson was a little apprehensive, but she was able to twist his arm pretty easily when he saw how excited she was.
Doing some research prior to arriving, AJ had plotted out which food vendors they’d need to visit, which animal exhibits to check out, and what events they wanted to see. Rides, though, were nowhere on her list… that motion sickness struggle was real.
After hitting everything on her list, including Pronto Pups (AJ was super excited because it’d been forever since she had one at the Kansas fair), a lot of other fried foods, checking out all the livestock exhibits (Tyson did have to admit the sheep were adorable), and seeing all the vendors, AJ was ready to head home for the evening.
Tyson had another plan, and it was quite spontaneous.
Grabbing AJ’s hand, he lead her to the midway where the rides and games were, finding the skee-ball trailer.
“Care for a little competition?” Tyson wiggled his eyebrow, taunting AJ.
“Bring it, Jost.”
Tyson got some tokens for each of them, and the game was on. Tyson failed to remember one key thing though - skee ball is an awful lot like bowling. So while he was hitting 20s and 30s, but mainly 10s because the ball would bounce and roll around the rings, AJ was rolling the ball up the ramp and mainly hitting 30s, 40s, and 50s, hitting the occasional 100 point ring.
By the end of their tokens being all used up, AJ had amassed just enough tickets to get a large stuffed animal. Being a gracious winner, she let Tyson pick out which he wanted. After pooling their tickets together, Tyson picked out a giant panda bear.
Tyson proudly carried it all the way back to AJ’s car. 
With the end of the day though came the feeling that summer was over. Captain’s skates and preseason were just around the corner. Getting ready for training camp started taking up more and more time. 
This season though, it felt different. 
This was truly Tyson’s second chance to prove himself.
Chapter 26: https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/699066642622251008/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-26n
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pudgy-planets · 2 years
She nods, scooting up close to Hatsu's side. "They're crunchy. I like when food is crunchy." Rin lightly thumps her head onto Hatsu's shoulder as she watches the film. (safety-of-the-abyss)
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Sluggishly, Hatsuyuki lazily plopped her head upon the soft, snowy-white mop of hair. For someone so anemic and pale in appearance… Rinala was oddly warm and comfortable to merely rest upon. Soft and shaped like a pillow.
Adjusting the volume of her tablet for both of them to hear with ease, the brunette breaks that momentary, blissful silence. “They’re serving hard shell tacos and tortilla chips in the cafeteria for dinner tonight, if you’d like. We can go later, I can’t be bothered to get up right now…”
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