#they're both in school now so I KNOW they are capable mentally of following basic instructions
iamsecretlyabagel · 5 months
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elismistscorner · 3 years
OC Interview: Eli Aleksandros
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
Thank you @i-mybrunettelady and @thoseofuswhoblossom for tagging me, this was fun to do!
Off stage:
Eli: "Do I really have to do this? it feels so pretentious and blah"
Albus: "Yes! You are a hero to these people, and maybe knowing about you will help inspire others! You will be fine, and I'll be right over here for you."
Eli: sighs "okay."
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Can you introduce yourself?:
“Hello, I am Eli, Champion of Aurene.” After a moment of silence, Albus interjects: "You might also know him as Dragon slayer, God slayer, Guild leader, Priory Archon or Magister, Hero of Lion's Arch, Hero of Shaemoor, and ex-commander of the Pact-" "Oh my god. Albus!!" "Love you~"
What is you gender identity, orientation and relationship status?:
"I'm male, and...” looks over at Albus "engaged to that goof over there."
Where and when were you born?:
“I errrr... am not sure exactly where I was born, but I grew up within the walls of Divinity's Reach in Salma District. Well, at least until my elemental abilities started to show, and then I was sent to the Priory HQ but still inside Divinity's Reach. For the second part of that question; I am about old enough to be a sylvari secondborn.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?:
“I guess I was 'classically trained' in the Priory to use the staff, so that may be what I am most confortable with. Albus helped me train with the sword when we realized we would have to confront Balthazar... that did not turn out so well, but against non-gods I can hold my own. However, now that I find myself in a bit of a lull, I have begun training with other weapon types, but that's confidential information... at least for now” he chuckles.
Lastly, are you happy?:
After a brief pause to think his answer, Eli looks down at his ring and then at Albus. "Yeah. I would say so."
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?:
"Hmm... well, like I mentioned earlier, I don't have any clues on my biological parents, but Uncle Andrew raised me like his own, and his daughter, Petra, is like a sister to me. I haven't been able to visit them in some time, but we exchange letters; they're doing well."
Have you ever ran away from home?:
"Technically yes? 'Ran away' makes it sound dramatic. As a child, I just wanted to find a place where I could figure out my elemental abilities without hurting anyone."
Would you consider marriage or having children?:
Eli looks over at Albus who is clearly waiting to hear this answer. "Okay so. Earlier, when I said I was engaged, I lied a little bit. Albus and I are actually married! He declares with joy and relief. "After I recovered from Bangar's ambush in Drakkar's lair, we decided to not waste any more time. We had been going non-stop for so long, and we were headed into an uncertain future, so we decided to just get married right there in the Eye of the North with some of our guildmates present, and Aurene of course. It was really nice actually. On the subject of children, does Aurene count?" he laughs.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?:
"What? I don't... what? They're not really your friend if you.. hate... them? I'm not sure I understand the question."
Which friend knows everything about you?:
“Definitely Albus," he smiles "he's seen me at my best and worst. However, I do also have a couple good friends in the Order of Whispers, who I trust enough to confide in. But also, who knows what information they have on me in their archives. So maybe them too. Oh and Jory as well; again, she's someone I trust, but she's also very intuitive and a personal detective. Haha, maybe my life is not as private as I would like it to be”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?:
“Did you say this was asked by a fan? Anyway, yes. Like I mentioned, I grew up partially in the Priory so...”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?:
“So, this is less a prediction, and more a theory I had. See, I've always been fascinated by the mists and alternate realms or dimensions; fractals if you will. And I always thought there must be some way, when all the stars perfectly align for a soul to come back from the dead by traversing through time/space in the right way. And well, here I am.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?:
With an almost apologetic look, Eli glances at the floor, then up at Albus. “That I have managed to surround myself with very capable people, and that I can trust them to hold their own... aaand that I cannot do this alone; I need them.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?:
“When you say these are fan questions... like who exactly... I'll say this. I am very lucky to have the people I have around me. They help me stay grounded.”
What is your current main goal?:
“For so long my only goal has been to survive. Except not even that. So for now I don't have any goals per se. Although I am looking forward to the Festival of the Four Winds to return. We always use it to take some time off and just be. The beaches are really nice-" "Also the Queen's Jubilee!" Albus interrupts. "Hah... On a different note, I've read so much about Cantha, and now that I've explored Elona, I'd like to see the Jade Sea, but who knows when that will happen.”
Drink or food?:
“Oh hmmm.. it depends on when you ask me. When we were lost in the (Magumma) jungle, between the rivers and creeks and the HUMIDITY, I never really thirsted for a drink, but a nice meal would have really hit the spot. However, while wondering through Elona, there were so many times I would've killed for a refreshing drink. So... both?
Cats or dogs?:
"Oh dogs for sure"
Early bird or night owl?:
“Hmmm... well, the Elonian sky is a true wonder that can only be perceived at night but sunrises are nice... No, you know what. I'm a night owl. Yup. Don't know why I hesitated”
Optimist or pessimist?:
"I don't think I could... I have to believe things can and will improve, otherwise why would I bother going through everything I have?"
Sassy or sarcastic?:
“I think sarcasm? I know I definitely cannot out-sass Albus.”
Been caught sneaking out:
“Pretty sure it happened in the Priory a couple times. Except... I wasn't sneaking out, I was... sneaking... in.” he sighs "I wanted to get in the library after hours and keep researching...-" "OH MY GOD ELI HAHAHA" Albus bursts off-stage.
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Broke a bone:
“Wait like, A specific one? I don't... Like, you realize it is statically impossible that I would have gotten this far without such an injury.“
Received flowers:
“Yeah actually! It was nice.“
Ghosted someone:
Eli's gaze wanders as he takes a moment to think of an answer. "Oh, I guess I have. There was this one time that I accidentally ghosted a couple friends... when I died HAAAA!" He boasts with unwarranted pride on his own joke while scanning the room's reactions. "Get it? cause I was a ghost!" he grins. "That was good, wasn't it?" Albus simply facepalms in the corner.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get:
“Let me remind you again, I grew up inside basically a library full of smart people. Smart people that sometimes like to show off just how smart they are by using humor they know you will not understand because you're a CHILD.”
After the interview:
Eli: "So? how did I do?"
Albus: "You were great, as I knew you'd be. You we're yourself, and that's all I would ever ask of you."
Eli: "Thanks. I'm glad you were here with me."
I tag (with no obligation of course, I would love to catch up on old OCs or learn about new ones but you can pass!):
I feel to "new" to tag people haha. I guess I tag you the reader! If you've been waiting on someone to tag you to join the fun, this is your chance! :D
Also @thepinkywarband, get on this (if you wanna) :3
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brynfelan · 3 years
I do not wanna constantly bombard you with asks...but dear god my brain is just ON IT right now idk. Izuru and Hajime be twins again, and...Kuzuhina what can i say they're cute and stupid (Maybe KuzuPekoHina? If ur comfortable with it? If not then just Kuzuhina is also fantastic).
Hajime, Natsumi, and Sato form a somewhat uneasy friendship (uneasy because Natsumi and Sato) because they're consistently harassed by the Reserve Course for hanging out with "those snobby, elitist Ultimate jerkoffs."
The divide and tension between the two is horrendous, there's contempt and hatred on both sides, so those three get a TON of crap from the other Main classes (not 78 they're precious babes) and the Reserve course for hanging out with class 77. It's mainly just mental and emotional warfare, which isn't fun but they can deal...kind of.
But when Hajime starts dating his brother's classmate(s), the harassment gets physical as well. Which is infinitely harder to hide. Eventually class 77 finds out when they're all hanging out, Hajime flinches when Soda smacks his back a little too hard,and that's when Hajime, Sato, and Natsumi are forced to spill the beans. And then all hell breaks loose. Class 77 are gonna go to war. :)
oh noooo this is Too Much. i love it. (also please continue bombard me with asks i am LOVING this)
natsumi, hajime and sato are definitely a Survival Friendship (tm), you know the kind. all the bullied kids are friends, because nobody else will be friends with them. except hajime likes both of them and wishes they could get along better, because sato is sweet and natsumi’s fucking hilarious and if they just calmed tf down it’d be a perfect trio. actually, when things are a little chilled out and they’re hanging out with 77b, they work really well! it’s just when they’re on their own with hajime that it gets hairy. despite the dicey sato/natsumi friendship though, they’re an absolute solid wall at school because they HAVE to be. they might kinda hate each other’s guts for various reasons, but they will defend the other to the death for hanging out with the main course. natsumi can, and has punched a dude in the face for making fun of sato for hanging out with mahiru. similarly, sato has 100% punched a dude in the face for making fun of hajime and natsumi for hanging out with THEIR BROTHERS. hajime will bitch anybody out for making fun of either sato or natsumi. this is a friendship based around survival, and they are ALL capable of putting their differences aside for five fucking minutes every so often, because they know they’re stronger as a unit rather than individually.
it starts getting worse when some rat in the reserve course sees hajime holding hands with fuyuhiko, who’s holding hands with peko. whoever it is that sees them corners him and calls him a “main course whore” or something like that, because he couldn’t settle for just one, right? and like... natsumi knows. sato knows too. they ALL suffer because of it. but none of them tell 77b at first, because like... then they’d worry and they’re ultimates and have bigger shit to deal with than some petty reserve course drama, right? point is, they all get very good at covering for each other when one of them has a weird bruise, but the one thing they don’t account for is soda thanking hajime for something, and giving him that bro slap on the back, and hajime immediately freaks out and just punches him right in the face.
like dude, he’s never done that before. he’s always been a little bit touchy about shit like that, but he’s never actually decked anybody before (that 77b know about, anyway). and everybody’s crowding him like “what the fuck was that”, and sato’s the first to speak up because mahiru’s giving her this look like “you don’t look surprised, what the fuck is going on?”
so sato starts, and then natsumi starts talking, and finally hajime explains what’s been going on. fuyuhiko is immediately pissed. peko, who’s usually the calm and collected one already has the sword ready to go. the whole class is absolutely pissed about this, and like they’ve had their share of incidents for hanging out with the reserve course, but they have yukizome backing them up and class 78 at all times and nothing has ever gotten that bad. the class have to be talked down from coming for fucking blood, because that’ll just make everything worse, and none of them want to transfer out of hope’s peak because then they won’t get to hang out as much anymore. in their minds, it’s worth it.
so, they hatch a less violent plan. first, they go to administration, who basically do nothing because the reserve course is only there for cash, they don’t actually give a fuck about the kids. when that doesn’t work, mahiru starts following them around from a distance with her camera - she records whenever somebody tries something with either natsumi, sato or hajime. in the week she does this, she has enough evidence to basically shut hope’s peak down.
they end up asking class 78 for help, and with kyoko’s help in getting their foot in the door to the headmaster’s office, they’ve got two full main course classes threatening to leave and leak this shit to the press if something isn’t done. (yes i have decided that class 78 are wholesome and would stand with them on this. even byakuya. with some nudging from makoto. but byakuya already knows he doesn’t need hope’s peak to be successful. and like, i’m taking liberties with juno and mukuro but this is an AU where neither are ultimate despair they’re just the ultimate fashionista and ultimate soldier and are absolutely delightful). 
at first the board are like “if we remove every problematic reserve course student, then we won’t have a reserve course” and everybody’s like “well that’s fucking fine, don’t have a reserve course. these three will simply have to be your reserve course, because otherwise you’re missing two classes and wouldn’t that look really fucking bad for ya?”
i haven’t decided whether they succeed in bullying the board into actually protecting their friends, or whether this becomes a huge scandal and hope’s peak shuts down. choose your own adventure!
option 1: the board absolutely shits themselves at two whole classes threatening to leave, and expels every student that they’ve got evidence against. any that don’t have evidence against them are on thin fucking ice, and they learn to leave natsumi, sato and hajime alone and let them just live their fucking lives and have fun with their friends.
option 2: the board thinks they’re bluffing, and says “fine, do it”. so, both classes end up leaving along with hajime, natsumi and sato. byakuya uses his connections to leak the info to as many influential people as possible, and the reserve course students start fuckin dropping like flies with parents pulling them out after seeing the shit that goes unchecked there. they only have one main course class, and potential recruits start refusing to go to hope’s peak because like... if that’s how people are treated there, they don’t wanna be a part of it, no matter how prestigious. the hope’s peak name gets dragged through the fucking mud, and classes 77, 78, and our reserve course trio end up transferring to a separate less well-known school and just living their lives like dumb teenagers, doing normal school (which the main course students are kinda terrible at for the most part, hajime natsumi and sato have to basically be their tutors lmao) and having a fucking good time after all that’s over.
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Unfortunately, the nurses and doctors are the ultimate victims and the worst part of the disease is their PTSD.
They, like most military, police, firefighters and EMT, sign up to risk their lives to HELP and SAVE others.
And they can't. This disease isn't intended to but is a by-product or side effect to cause them their own destruction of self, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
We have a website set up for them for their mental health -- it wasn't active.. Tree just activated it for y'all.
I apologize for that. So many people are calling them heroes and trying to lift their spirits and it is hard for them.
Like y'all...
Picture this...
Standing in a mass grave, trying to find a body still alive you can save... Help.. A mass grave... So I'm talking hundreds of dead bodies and then y'all be all parade and smile and have fun.
They're too busy trying to find a way to help. Trying to find that one breath from a body in that mass of bodies piled knee high.
They look up "oh them jets..." Same time that happens more bodies are being thrown down in that mass grave So they waist high...
By then them Jets have left just a cloud of memory
It doesn't help... Then they chest high with dead bodies... And they're getting buried alive trying to find a way to help.
Do you see what I'm saying? Can you feel that?!
Then they like man I gotta get outta here before I die myself, being buried alive....
Then who can help them? Is there someone strong enough to pull them out, to SEE THEM before the bodies are piled over their heads??
Doctors and nurses have committed suicide. Because they can't handle it.
Because what has happened... Is this is like a reverse WWII... Hospitals are now Nazi Concentration Camps. And the nurses and doctors are the Nazi just watching every one die.
(Note this is an EXAMPLE for the mind to grasp understanding -- i am not stating the doctor nor nurse ARE Nazi. I am merely making a reference to WWII and gas chambers and so on so people can get the visual understanding of the power of COVID and the pain of people that are opposed to Nazi. When she said "This is Real" it is where my mind went -- to the Holocaust which i know a lot about. I studied it on my own many times in my life. To understand how one person could take over the world. I did. In high school, my Oklahoma History teacher even took away my books because i would ask way too many questions about killing of Native Americans and i would say "but how--" and she said that i had a problem with focusing on the wrong thing and i said "but its happening in our world today!! Politicians and Governments!!" She took away the stack of books i had checked out on WWII and took them to the library and i followed her like pulling her jacket and shirt to stop her. She told the librarian I wasn't allowed to check out anymore books like that because I was a teenager and had unhealthy worries in the world. I burst into tears. "Obviously i have to save the world Because of people like you who won't take it seriously!! You're a Hitler yourself!! And you! I'll talk to you tomorrow!!" I spat to the teacher then librarian. And took off to my last class of the day. The Librarian know who i was and how i had spent hours in the library everyday during lunch and had told her how i said i wanted to compare WWII to the way Native American were treated in Oklahoma. And she printed a list of all the different kinds of books i checked out. Including kindergarten picture books for my own enjoyment. And the teacher apologized. She asked if i wanted to apologize to her for calling her Hitler. I said "not yet" eventually I did. In front of the entire class with an entire one and one eighth of a page of written materials comparing and contrasting her to Hitler and people we read about. I said "in conclusion, she may been an Army woman helping people make long disateraous of what they call walks. Of what i call pilgrimages, across many of what we now know are states, but not to be in charge but to be a comforting vessel during maritime war. A war that was unnecessary on water as it was on land and that is my meaning of using water words instead of land Because indeed i think she is a person we can trust but she may also be one of those people to set off a cannon to a far away ship until she finds out the truth of who is in it. But she certainly isn't a Hitler or someone that would order Native Americans to do the undeeded... She would be one of those to walk aside all Native Americans, help pass out blankets and medication. And so as she has apologized to me for firing up that cannon while I was away at sea to do ky research of course, i shall apologize to her for being upset she did and calling her the worst name possible. Which wasn't bitch. Nor ass hole." 10th grade, y'all.)
It is the worst possible place for a nurse or Doctor that signed up to be a comfort and to SAVE lives to be. The worst possible place.
And i can't help them... There is on the now activated website -- there is a place where they can request military services to come in and relief our nurses and others on the front lines, including police.
You just merely request how many and of what capabilities you need. So if you need just CNA (our hugest amount) or RN or PA or DR or so on and so forth.
They have their own pay scale thus allowing the people being substituted for to receive a special type of paid leave. The military can stay in one place at one time up to 9 weeks.
So also a rotation of 9 weeks on. 9 weeks off.
I apologize i thought it was already set up and available for all. But apparently things wanted to be done differently to try it and see how it works.
Now first is HOSPITALS. Basically if your name has the word Hospital in it. Then you're available. BUT you must have an EMERGENCY ROOM (ER) to qualify.
Now systems... Like Lovelace in Albuquerque has like 4 or 5 ER departments. So they go to the MAIN hospital first Then two weeks after rotate in at say the Heart Hospital then after two weeks the Woman's Hospital then a smaller so on and so forth.
Presbyterian, would begin at MAIN then go to Kirkland then so on and so forth.
This way if someone doesn't want to be treated by military. They have options of seeing regular doctors at the main stem branches.
Also it doesn't have to be a 100% but it can be a 25% so 25% of people take off for 9 weeks. Then another 25% take off for 9 weeks. And so on... So you'd have use of the military for 36 weeks.
It is a charity service.
I recommend that y'all cut hours. So a 40 hour nurse goes go 20 hours -- but stays at full time pay and benefits.
As part of our program, the healthcare and other workers MUST remain fully paid while taking time off. Otherwise we cannot assist.
It is for their hearts, their souls and their tears that we supply such a charity. Thus we cannot create more tears, more heartache nor more stress for these people.
So when making plans, hospital executives, please do keep that in mind.
Also for hospitals that refuse to relieve their workers, we have a system set up so that a nurse/doctor/etc can find a suitable replacement of higher quality according to paper. Similar but more advanced to the system that is used to place substitute teachers to teach hundreds school children per one jr high or high school day. And if the hospital rejects the substitute, then we have a system set up to sue the hospital on behalf of the staff. This system is only provided when a main hotspot refuses help.
Such as NYC. However NY has accepted thousands of National Guard already and Idk what exactly is occurring there but we have many side hospitals set up there.
So this is Never Before Seen shit since the Native American's Massacres (that's why i kept getting in trouble in Oklahoma History... The word Massacre.. Dude... I wasn't gonna pretend it didn't happen, Land O´ Lakes, where's our Indian Lady? The farmers didn't kill her, you did. -.-) and definitely not seen while we had this great amount of technology available to all.
So never before seen shit is gonna occur. I'm like yeah this is what will work professionally. And if they can't come up with something better and reject me, then I'll sue and ill win because they don't care and we got documented workers all over social media crying their eyes out.
She is the first African American I've posted but I've posted at least 4. Crying nurses. And i skip over a lot. I keep scrolling past a lot. I scroll past more than Y'all know that i Don't mention.
But her... She made me want to cry just like all the others. And Just like the others, i had dry eyes. Because we worked and worked and worked till we were all bawling our eyes out, taking heart medicine, whether like mine or just for heart burn. Even the little kids. I can't cry anymore. We made the solution for what and when the emergency pandemic would occur.
Hospitals have lost people due to suicide.
It is now time for me to step in. Or we will not have a doctor or nurse that is both alive and recognizable, they will be destroyed -- inside out -- starting with their hearts of mind.
I have had PTSD due to death of a stranger. I was only 18. And i hated myself for over 10 years.
So im gonna break out one day and call you all stupid for attempting to heal evil.
Because that was what I needed. And no one ever told me. And i got back lash. And i know that every single nurse and doctor that was working as hard as they could -- they needed to vent and hate. And i could be that person.
I smiled. I checked in. "Do they still hate me?" Yes "Good"
I know it helps a heart be healthy to have a place to throw hate. And i knew i would be safe from harm. While hate was thrown at me.
Then i took away me as that object of hate. And still healthcare workers are suffering and they're killing themselves. (They'll get to heaven if they deserve. A nice little break for them. Then they will come back when our other dead does. If they are deserving, if Earth is where they Belong. Otherwise they went directly where they Belong for Eternity)
So a quick fix band aid isn't it. It is as far as we predicted - a reverse WWII.
the sick going in... And causing innocent pain.
Instead of the innocent going in and dying by the professional purposely killing them.
This is the complete opposite.
Jack told me "quit hating on these nurses and doctors!"
Because i would scroll past and say "these fucking nurses. Dam it"
I'm not hating them. I'm hating their situation. I'm hating their inability to cope. Their inability to cope is because their inability to cope is due to their deep humanity... It is a character flaw. It is a curse and a blessing. It is the deepest and most difficult of work to breech that muddy waters, dig deep and find a bridge to drag up and build, there is one there in their souls.. But it is buried deep under much chocolate and flowers and all things good...
Unfortunately while being buried under dead bodies its nearly impossible to fix that bridge. Find that way to overcome the desperation, the HORROR their job has become
Even taking a break can sometimes not help... Sometimes it doesn't. But we include self care and encouraging messages from our military teams that substitute while the people take their time off.
Military are far more apt to be able to deal with dead. Military teams sign up knowing they must kill at certain times. They have a different view of death. They accept it and understand it.
A nurse or Doctor they fight it, that is their job. That is their souls and every hope they have in the world is to save lives.
Military, their job, is to make the world better.
Right now, military is just a better fit.
It's different types of brains. It is just different.
And I am sorry. And unfortunately I do know. I have killed a lot of people by hand, kidnappers caught in the act. I killed Pablo Escobar. Then I got amnesia. And I loaned my friend $500 to bail her boyfriend out of jail. It ended up in a suicide of someone he ratted on. I never got over that. It took a very long time. He was a criminal, yes. But I just never got over that loss of life. If I had never bailed him out... That one guy would still be alive.
So I am very sensitive and very understanding of these healthcare crying and not handling their jobs and killing themselves.
I fully understand it. So yes I will sue on behalf of staff that cannot get relief. I will fight and punch until those hospital executives come up black and blue saying "ok im sorry im sorry we can have substitutes and pay full prices for our staff to stay home and rest"
I may have forgot myself... Prior to age 15... But I remember since then. I know how I have suffered and why.
So I am extremely complex to know and understand.
It doesn't matter if you understand or trust me.
You must care and take a leap of FAITH and not one of suicidal consequences, hospital executives.
Because I understand being buried under dead bodies that I feel responsible for. Hating myself. For something that was never my fault and something I did to be nice. Naïve. I fully understand.
And its revolting, now looking back all I put myself through.
And I swore one day... I swore and I swore. I promised myself. One day im gonna use this all for good. That I can forgive myself.
I already did. I realized I'm not the one that needed to be forgiven. And I'm okay. I'm doing great.
But I remember and I will never forget those sleepless nights... The intense fear I had of myself and of doing anything for any reason. I was terrified. What if I go to the store and I effect someone?
What if I get in a car wreck and hurt some one?
I was terrified. Had I not healed thanks to JJFU. Some one I knew and trusted making guns and I said to him everyday for weeks "how can you make guns knowing someone could be hurt? Don't you think you will feel responsible if someone wrote to you and said a kid was killed with one of your guns? An innocent child playing by accident?"
He said "let me get back to you"
And one day he simply said "i can't control what other people do. If they don't lock up their guns or weapons and ammunition seperate. I can't control what a kid does. I hope no one ever gets hurt wrongly and unjustifiable with a gun i produce and make by hand. But, Sabrina, i can not control what other people do. And it isn't my fault what happens after the guns leave my hands and enter another's"
And this air i had been holding in since I was 18 years old just went out of my chest. And i started crying. And crying and i cried for days.
And he said "why are you keep crying? Who are you crying for?"
And I said "i am crying for ME"
"But why?! What did you do to someone so bad?!"
"Cause I hated myself for something I couldn't control.I hated ME. I refused to Love Me. I refused to Trust ME. And now I can cry for me because of what I Lost because I was an ignorant fool, to care too much beyond my control."
3 years later my friend was murdered. I could had prevented that, too. But I didn't get PTSD. Instead i chose to love him and be proud of him. And love us both for doing what was best for us.
I have both the obituary of David Galloway and Justin hanging in my kitchen. One gave me PTSD. One could have. I look at them both. And I say "I love me. But I can love you two and you can love me because I never wanted either one of you to be hurt"
Or I'll walk by "I can imagine you two are fine where you are today. Sorry I'm busy. But I hope you're happy and okay"
One is Zulululu and one is Human. The Zulululu, I got PTSD. He was a selfish drug addict that killed himself leaving behind two kids and a wife just because he didn't want to go to jail. The other was murdered and the last time I saw him, he asked to live with me. The latter should caused my PTSD. HE DESERVED MY PTSD.
But I didn't.
So military is better equipped to handle what is occurring in hospitals. Nurses do need time off even if the military does just set up new temporary hospital
Healthcare workers NEED treatment for what they have seen and gone through.
And I will fight for every single one to get the help they deserve and the time off they need.
Because I know they deserve it. I know they need It. I know how dangerous it is to overlook a simple day in the life of what they have had in the last few weeks.
Throwing them parties. Its kind, and it's sweet.
But it doesn't help anything, it doesn't help anything when the anguish and the PTSD has already set in. Sometimes it makes it worse..
So yeah I get pissed off they're not being helped and it comes out wrong.
So now its time to do it right.
This nurse asks y'all to stay home.
So y'all tell her you will if you will, tell her you can't because you got to go to work and you tell her where (like Gas Station, not the whole address) and y'all be responsible for you and your actions..
We can't control the world. But we can work together to make it better.... Right...?
I think so.
Or we're all gonna die trying.
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miss-fire-rose · 7 years
alright so i apologize if this is random but i've been following you for a while and i've always noticed posts with the tag "for SCs" on them, especially since they're usually posts that i enjoy or are my aesthetic p much and from what i've gathered they're for a story? or a book? soooo i was wondering if you would want to like give a summary or smth? i'm a writer too, and obviously you don't have to if you don't want, but i'm curious ^-^
Omg bro (if u don’t mind me calling u that ;;0v0) u have made me giddy with excitement and felicity sending me this message :D
Those posts tagged with “for SCs” are indeed for a story idea I lumped into some shape during the summer. Altho creating a whole new universe and society rlly hurts my brain ;w; then school started so I didn’t have much time to sit down and mold the lump into a definite shape. 
I hope u don’t mind me posting this ask publicly becuz other followers might also be curious about the “for SCs” tag. This will be under the cut cuz it might get very lengthy :0 
I apologize in advance for making u read probably an essay length?? Idk we’ll see when I’m done.
The posts with “for SCs” are things that remind or give me inspiration for my story and its universe or characters. SC is short for Soul Creature, or Soultures as I also call them. This idea actually first took form from my attempt to write a story back in 2015 I believe tho I never got far with it and completely forgot about it till I revived it in summer of 2016 :p
Plot-wise, tbh I feel like it’s kinda cliched but I never thought too much on it as I focused more on building the universe and my characters. In this universe there are ppl who have something like a spirit animal that is made from their soul hence Soul Creatures (creative, huh). A SC is basically a piece of a person’s soul with a distinct consciousness of its own that could manifest into a physical form. There are endless kinds of animals so I chose four groups to categorize them in for a type of SC a person would have.
The four groups are the Canines, the Felines, the Avians, and the Reptiles (i didn’t use reptilians cuz when i looked it up i didn’t like what the immediate results were LOL). Now in each group, there are four animals, from the most to least powerful in politics and social status in each group: 
Canines - Wolf, Fox, Coyote, Jackal 
Felines - Tiger, Lion, Cheetah, Leopard
Avians - Owl, Eagle, Hawk, Raven (originally Vulture but I leaned more towards Raven)
Reptiles - Snake, Crocodile, Alligator, Lizard
These ppl with SCs also have magical powers altho I have yet to decide if they would do magic by wands, spells, charms, etc whatever (i still gotta do research). As the person has magic, when a SC manifests into their physical form, they don’t have the normal, physical bodies that mundane animals do. SCs don’t need to eat, drink, or sleep but some do for pleasure. They can still receive physical wounds but physical attacks fused with magic have more potency to harm than solely physical attacks do.
Now there is a fifth group and they are simply called the Ordinaries. They are regular ppl who do not have magic or a SC at all.
Becuz coming up with a new language is difficult, let alone new words, I came up with some terminology borrowing Latin words. For the Ordinaries, they are called Solitus (plural n. Solituses) and for those with SCs, they are Insolitus (plural n. Insolituses). I kid u not they are literally the Latin words for ordinary and extraordinary, respectively XD
Then there are the Ibridas and Half Breeds but we’ll get to them after I explain more about SCs.
I wrote a list of facts about SCs before and with me being a lazy ass, will just copy and paste them onto here. 0v0
1) Each person is born with a SC
2) A SC is a part of their soul materialized in the form of an animal
3) A SC can communicate with their person from the moment they are born - the person is able to see their SC in their mind though their SC cannot physically manifest yet
4) A SC and their person already have an unbreakable bond that they can feel though that does not mean they know everything about each other yet - which is why SCs can communicate with their person from the moment they are born
5) A SC and person can speak telepathically whether the SC is in physical form or not
6) The person can use their SC's animal form
7) The biological sex of a SC does not reflect the person’s own
8) The consciousness of both the person and SC can coexist in the animal form
9) Or the SC can be put into a type of slumber and the person has full control of the animal form
10) The SC cannot take control of the person's physical body
11) When the person is in control of their SC's animal form, their own body disappears in a flash of light and is condensed into a ball of energy that is absorbed into the SC's animal form until the person finishes using it
12) Physical contact is not needed for a person to transfer their consciousness into their SC's animal form
13) When a SC dies, their person will experience the manner in which their SC died, physically, mentally, emotionally - though they themselves will not die as the SC was only a piece of their soul and not the whole
14) When the person dies, their SC will die along with them unless a ST occurs - only those with great magical strength are capable of doing such a risk
15) A person will only have one SC their whole life but if one were to grow strong enough magically-wise, live long enough, or practice an act of taboo, they will be able to materialize more
16) SCs typically first materialize in physical form when their person is in great danger, they judge their person has grown strong enough, or when they feel like it
17) SCs are made from a part of their person's soul but they have their own distinct consciousness and personality
18) SCs can experience everything their person feels physically, emotionally, and mentally
19) A person is able to block off certain things that they would not want their SC to feel or know
20) As they have different consciousnesses, a person and SC cannot hear one another's direct thoughts unless they allow it themselves
21) When a person is born and as they grow, their SC may be already grown or they may also be juvenile and will age alongside their person
22) When an SC materializes the first time, their animal form may be mature or juvenile - it varies with each person, the person's own age does not affect the SC's physical maturity
23) SCs in their physical form are not the same as regular animals as they are also magical beings like their person
24) SCs can communicate with others, person or SC, when in their physical form though not telepathically - which can sometimes cause fright to people who are not aware they are in the presence of a SC and not a regular animal
25) SCs can travel around in their physical form without their person by their side - there is no limit as to how far they can go but their person will always know where they are no matter the distance, and vice versa
Coming up with the history of a new universe/civilization/society/whATEVER rlly hurts my brain but I’d like to state as a historical fact that centuries before, the four groups were at war over territory, wealth, etc blah blah and SCs were once merely treated as tools and weapons for war, disposable pawns in a game of chess. Only the second time writing this word but does Soulture not sound like soldier, hmmm? :) 
However, things happened and changed and SCs were now treated equally and regarded as actual beings rather than mere weapons. 
Now here come the Ibridas and Half Breeds.
Ibrida is Latin for Hybrid. An Ibrida is someone who has a mixed Insolitus parentage meaning their parents have different SCs. EX: The mother has a Fox SC while the Father has an Owl SC.
It is considered taboo by all for two ppl with different SCs to bare a child. Why? Becuz there are fallouts. SCs reside within their person’s mind when not physically formed and becuz I like to put angst and dark aspects in my stories, I made it so that Ibridas would have a life of suffering. When a person has a SC, they can see their SC in their mind’s eye moving around and whatnot. For an Ibrida, they will typically inherit both types of their parents’ SC so have two different animals occupy their mind. The two different animals will never get along so there is conflict within the person’s mind and soul. I chose the symptoms of rabies for Ibridas to display. Ibridas suffer with constant migraines and become aggressive and delirious. They end up going insane with the pain and become a threat to themselves and others.Their suffering usually drives them to take their own lives or have others take it.
Ibridas can be separated into two groups: with SCs and without SCs. Those with SCs are typically killed or locked up while those without are able to live a normal life. Like hybrid animals irl, Ibridas are infertile and cannot have biological children of their own. So it’s impossible for a person to have a SC from each of the four groups. (Or is it? >:O lol jk idk probs not) Sometimes an Ibrida will only inherit one type of SC but it is often believed the second one will later appear unexpectedly in their life.
Half Breeds are ppl with one parent that is a Solitus while the other is an Insolitus. They have a 50-50 chance of inheriting their Insolitus’s parent’s SC and magic or not. It’s an all or nothing kinda deal.
There are some ppl with both Insolitus parents and have a SC but are magicless. I don’t have a term for them yet but in Harry Potter I think magical-born wizards with no magic themselves are called squibs?
As for the characters I’ve created for this story, there are a few.
Waylin Bixente-Solinix -- Aged 17-19. He is the adoptive son of the Bixentes but no one knows that except for his adoptive parents and biological ones. Solinix is the surname of his biological parents. He has a male Wolf SC named Silas (i might change the name) A reserved person who prefers his own company.
Yuuta Blackburn -- Aged 17-19. He has a male Tiger SC named Hiro. A friendly, gentle person. Tol. Has a younger sister.
Minji Blackburn -- Aged 8. Has a male Tiger SC, name undecided. Very precocious and aware for her age. (She woke af loool)
Sova Featherance -- Aged 16-19. Has a female Owl SC named Hazel. She doesn’t like to talk so Hazel speaks for her. Apathetic and listless. More lively at night. Cousin to Kotori, their mothers are sisters, they each take after their fathers so they don’t look related.
Kotori Lovewood -- Aged 17-19. Has a male Owl SC, name undecided. A total fucken flirt. Interested and attracted to Renard. :^)
Renard Ruxfury -- Aged 17-19. Has a male Fox SC named Conroy. A Tsundere, man. Snobby lil shit at first. Actually caring but doesn’t explicitly show it. Unsure what to do with Kotori’s advances towards him LMAO poor bab
Noel Sinwell -- Aged 60s. Has a male Lion SC named Oswald. They are agender even as the author idk what their biological sex is since I never decided and will keep it that way. Very kind and wise.
Delilah Perfuga -- Aged 16-18. Has a male Snake, name undecided. A snake. That’s all I’ve got to say.
Adam -- ???? He is just a fetus in my mind. Haven’t thought anything else but his name loool
Oh boi, this took me a while to write and it’s late so I’m tired af. I feel like I might have missed some things whoops. There isn’t rlly a plot yet becuz I wanna set the foundation of their universe and society first. But I’ve like thought about parts of it in my mind.
oH nice to meet u by the way Im AJ. What’s ur name? :00
If u have any questions, aNYTHING, about this mess of mine don’t be afraid to ask. :’))
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