#they’re tucked away underground in cryofreeze until they are needed to assassinate ppl against their will consent & conscious knowledge
justakidfromfandom · 2 years
This has probably been said before, but I just realized something while rewatching Captain America The First Avenger: The last thing Bucky Barnes did before he died was protect Steve Rogers, the first thing Bucky Barnes did after coming back to himself in catws was protect Steve Rogers. In other words, the first thing Bucky Barnes did when coming back to himself was the last thing he did before losing himself. It also means that Bucky died trying to save Steve and ended up saving himself by successfully saving Steve, he finished the job he didn’t get to last time.
It also means that Bucky saving Steve can work as a metaphor for Bucky saving himself. This would be in keeping with their friendship since both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan have said on multiple occasions that they are each other’s family, they’re the closest relationship they have in the world, they are the key to their home and happiness, and, as Bucky proved, they are the only ones who can save and reach the other. This interpretation would make the shot of Bucky’s arm reaching out for Steve in the ocean another metaphor.
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