#they will be living here because I used that random sim story generator in cas
seyvia · 2 years
I'm using @simlicy 's build of the Bailey-Moon Manor for my 80s family but I redecorated it. This was the only family friendly mansion I could find on the gallery 🤨? Also it screamed made in the 80s in a tasteful way.
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pudding-parade · 6 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
@rstarsims3 tagged me for this a while back, and I'm finally posting my answers, which took me a while to compile because 1) Blabbity blab blab blab, as usual, and 2) Still needing lots of rest and stuff, so no sitting at a computer for hours on end.
But here we go! I'mma put my blabby answers and my tag list behind Ye Olde Cut.
What’s your favorite Sims death? What an odd question, especially to lead off… Well, I guess if I had to pick one, it'd be the one from TS2 where cloudwatching occasionally brings a satellite down on the cloudwatcher's head. But generally, mine die of old age, if they manage to get that far. I play with long, but realistically proportional, life stages, mostly because I'm almost always playing "experimental" saves where I'm "road testing" rulesets and such, so I need a lot of time to work out kinks and test ideas and stuff.)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I land on a combination of more-realistic (but not ultra-realistic) stuff for CAS, but for everything else, like with furniture and deco and stuff, I tend to prefer CC stuff that visually fits in with the EA stuff in terms of style and textures and whatnot, so that the CC doesn't stick out like a sore thumb when combined with EA stuff. In fact, my "go-to" CC for build/buy is stuff that adds on to EA stuff, like more doors/windows that match an EA door/window.
Do you cheat your sims weight? What, to make the fat ones skinny? The skinny ones fat? The skinny ones buff? No. I don't see why I would. It's easy enough to make a sim gain or lose weight without cheating, which I'm assuming means just using the sliders.
Do you move objects? Is there anyone who doesn't? That's a serious question. Is there any one who doesn't? I want to know.
Favorite Mod? I'm leaving aside the NRaas mods because I don't see them as mods so much as things that are just essential to make the game playable in the often-weird ways that I play. There are others that I also consider just essential for when I'm playing in certain styles, especially for more primitive settings. But for ones that are optional and just pure fun, I'd nominate all of @thesweetsimmer111's baby- and toddler-related ones.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I know for TS2 it was Seasons. For TS3…For a long time, I had just the base game, which I got when it came out, but didn't play beyond trying it out and then going back to TS2. Then, years later, I got a new computer and decided to give TS3 another try, but I couldn't find the CD or DVD or whatever it was, so I bought a combo pack with the base game, Late Night, and the High End Loft or whatever it is stuff pack, so I guess it would be Late Night. Other than that, I bought all the other TS3 EPs in one go when EA had them on sale for 50% off via Origin, which that combo pack forced me to install. (But which I am now free of again. 🏴‍☠️)
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? As aLIVE. Because that is when the game is live. Games do not live, but they can be live. See, this is one reason why English sucks.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Here's a thing about me: I don't really get attached to the pixel people. For me, they're just tools. I'm guessing it's because I'm not a storyteller when it comes to Sims, so I don't see sims as characters. Sure, sometimes I find one endearing for one reason or another. Usually, they have traits that make them assholes, and I like to watch them create chaos and ruin wherever they go. One of the founders of the Random Legacy that I will get back to one of these days is one of those. But I find I like other people's sims more than mine, though that's more of a testament to those simmers' story-telling skills than anything else.
Have you made a simself? Only by accident. A few times I've just been randomly moving sliders around and somehow I ended up with something that looked like me at some stage in my life. It stayed that way for a minute or three, before I yelled OH GOD NO! and quickly slidered the horror away.
But to be honest? I find the entire concept kind of creepy, at least in terms of putting a self-sim in the game and playing them as a character. That would just feel weird to me. That said, I suppose it might have been something that would have appealed to me if I had played when I was a kid, but the game didn't exist when I was a kid. Computers didn't exist when I was a kid, at least not in a form that regular people could own and that could fit on a desk. I was in my 40s when I started playing the game. My daughter played TS2 when she was a kid, and she had a self-sim inserted into the stories she would play, so…yeah. Maybe it's a younger-person thing. Or maybe I'm just weird. Yeah, it's probably that second option.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Probably the black, but even with that I have to add some highlights to it because otherwise the hair just looks like a creature from the void eating the sim's head.
Favorite EA hair? None of them. They all need to DIAF.
Favorite life stage? I don't have one. I have a least-favorite, babies, because they're basically just objects, but once they're actually sims, I enjoy playing sims of all ages equally.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I originally bought TS2 just to build in it, and for a couple of years, that was all I did. I only started actually playing the game later. Now, I enjoy both building and actually playing the game, depending on my mood. Usually, I'll have a binge of building, but I eventually come to a point where I'd rather do anything other than build. Then I play the game. Then, eventually, the urge to build comes back. So it's a back-and-forth.
Are you a CC creator? I made lots of stuff for TS2, mostly object retextures/recolors. I've made a few minor things for TS3, and I retexture hairs and add preg morphs to clothing for my own use, but I wouldn't consider myself a CC creator for TS3. In fact, I'm actively resisting learning how to make stuff for TS3 because I really don't want to go down that rabbithole again.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Friends in the sense of "people I enjoy talking to and sharing ideas with and sometimes arguing with here on Tumblr?" Sure. Are those the same as friendships that develop face-to-face in the real world? Nope. But, sometimes I like talking to my Simblr friends a lot more than talking to my real-life friends, so make of that what you will. Y'all are less draining sometimes. LOL
Do you have any sims merch? No official merch, but my brother-in-law is into making pottery, and several years ago he made me a big stoneware mug with a plumbbob on it. Which is ironic because when I play the game I turn off the plumbbobs because I hate them. LOL But I love the mug. It's heavy enough that neither cats nor wagging dog tails nor giant snakes (though he could do it if he focused all four of his brain cells on the task) can knock it off of tables, but not so heavy that I can't comfortably lift it. I use it for eating soup and the occasional mug cake, and also for drinking the awful herbal tea my husband makes me drink, though since the recent surgery, I don't have to drink that anymore! *dances* So now it will just be my soup or cake mug. Or one for tea that I actually want to drink.
Do you have a YouTube for sims? I don't have a YouTube for anything. Well, OK, I have a YouTube account for watching other people's stuff and making playlists of things I want to watch, but I don't post videos on it, and I don't really watch video game-related stuff on YouTube, either.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, really. I've pretty much always just come up with wacky scenarios to play and see how they go. In fact, for me, coming up with the scenario and figuring out how to make it work in the game and then inventing a ruleset to govern it is sometimes more fun than actually playing the scenario. LOL
And my Sims all look like the game made them because…the game makes all of them. I just poke the random button until it produces something that doesn't look too much like a freak of nature, then I hit up a couple sliders to remove or tone down any remaining freakishness. (Though I confess that I will spend an inordinate amount of time sculpting the titties of those who have them. Why? I have no idea, other than I just like me a nice pair of titties. Too bad there aren't any sliders for male titties…) Then I just slap on a different hair, maybe change the eye color, and slather on some makeup and facial/body hair and shit until they don't look too stupid, and then off I go. From there, they're all born in the game, and I just leave them as-is, mostly because I can't be bothered. "I can't be bothered" is pretty much my philosophy of life.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? I hate this kind of question. I feel like all they do is disappoint and discourage people if they're never picked. I refuse to do that over something so trivial. So, my favorite CC creator is you, the person reading this. Yes, you. Even if you don't make CC. It doesn't matter. You're the best.
How long have you had Simblr? I started my TS2 one in 2013. (I can remember that only because I know that I started it the same year I met my husband. LOL ) I started this one….2 years ago? 3? Something like that.
How do you edit your pictures? Other than basic cropping and resizing and maybe adjusting brightness/contrast a bit if the pic is too dark or whatever, I generally don't. I don't even use Reshade all the time anymore, only in certain situations, though I do have an NVIDIA profile for the game that adds ambient occlusion and better antialiasing and shit like that. Sometimes, though, I'll decide to photoshop scenery pics, and then I just kind of stab at it with various tools and filters and layer blends and shit until I like I how it looks. There's no actual process involved. I'm random like that.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? I gotta go with World Adventures. Bits of it are a bit, shall we say, culturally problematic, but man, I never get tired of doing those stupid, stupid tombs. LOL Plus, I love that NRaas Traveler allows you to "travel" to any world, and I don't think that mod works without WA, so…. Yeah. WA.
Tagging: I have no idea who's done this, so I'll just tag a few random people, off the top of my head. Feel free to do or ignore, as you choose. No pressure from me! So...@nectar-cellar, @happy-lemon, @erasabledinosaur, @esotheria-sims, @lilleputtu, @littlefrenchsims, @anamoon63, @lazysunjade, annnnnnnnd @papermint-airplane.
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thesimscurator · 27 days
Career World Performance Update
Hello, friends!
I have been closely following the bug thread on the save file corruption bug that got worse with For Rent, and here's the deal:
The corruption is pretty clearly related to hitting some secret limit on the total amount of data one save file can contain. Whether or not you have hit that limit depends, in part, on how much content you have in your game. Suffice to say that as a completely updated, detailed, stuffed-full save file, Career World is either at or near that limit.
While the For Rent version of Career World does not appear corrupted for me, some of you contacted me saying that the version you downloaded already had the orange warning flag over the botanical garden in Willow Creek—the first sign of the corruption bug. So I tried downloading a bunch of CC, opened the save file without changing a thing, and bam! Orange flag. Simply having more content in my catalog was enough to push it over the edge for me. So if you are a player who uses a lot of CC, or even just has more packs than I do (I don't have Journey to Batuu, Bust the Dust, or most of the CAS kits), the For Rent version may start getting corrupted for you as soon as you open it.
Since that sucks and I want the maximum number of people to be able to play this save file, I've gone back and made some data-saving adjustments to the For Rent version of Career World:
Reduced number of rental units — As it turns out, more people have gotten the corruption bug since For Rent because the game reads each rental residential unit as a separate lot, and the total number of lots in the game is a big factor in hitting the data limit. Consequently, I've decided to reduce the number of units by squishing all empty units in each rental residential lot into a single unit called "VACANT." So basically, a building that used to have ten units but only has premade families living in two of them has now been reduced to three units: separate units for each family, and then the other eight units all smooshed together into a frankly very stupid-looking gigantic unit renamed "VACANT" to catch the player's attention. The upshot of this is that if you want to move into one of the many rental residentials in the save file, you will need to enter it in build mode from Manage Worlds first and manually reassign rooms to carve out the unit you want. I personally hate how against the "ready-to-play" principle of the save file this is, but it looks like it's necessary to prevent data bloat and the resulting corruption bug.
Reduced number of sims — The total number of sims in the save file apparently also adds to the data limit issue, so I have taken the liberty of deleting all randomly-generated households from the "Manage Households" tab. When you start, there should now only be households with profession/descriptor names who are there on purpose, not randos with surnames for the household name. The game will autonomously generate more, unfortunately, but the total number should still be kept down by the next measure I took:
Disabled neighborhood stories — Neighborhood stories adds significantly to random sim generation by constantly having households have/adopt kids and pets. And although neighborhood stories also kills sims, my use of coolspear's "delay ghost culling indefinitely" mod to keep around lore ghosts I wanted also meant that the ghosts of dead randos never disappeared—and as far as game data is concerned, that means they still counted against the invisible limit on total sims in the save file. So I have now disabled neighborhood stories completely, for everybody. Reinstate it at your own peril. And that brings me to:
Reinstated ghost culling — Since my unthinking combination of neighborhood stories with delayed ghost culling bloated the save data so much, I have decided, with a heavy heart, to let go of coolspear’s excellent mod, and with it, the ghosts of Princess Cordelia, her many pirate boyfriends, Captain Morgan, and all the other lore ghosts I so painstakingly put into this save file in the first place. Bon voyage, dear friends. Sulani will never be the same without you.
. . . So those are the adjustments. I hope they will make the For Rent version of the save file more playable for many of you, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed hard that they will enable me to keep updating this save file as the sims team releases more content (I actually did put in a little bit of Crystal Creations stuff with this update). That said, if the team keeps releasing new packs and worlds without expanding the data limit in the game engine, we are likely nearing the end of my ability to add to this save file, which makes me sad. If you want to help, please go click "Me too" on the bug thread. The more people reporting they have this, the more likely they are to make it a priority when fixing the game.
And with that, here's the data-saving version of the save file:
Career World (Performance Version)
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jenplayssims · 2 years
1900s: The Thorpe Legacy
One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about the Sims since Sims 2 came out is seeing how the families develop and the genetics are passed down. Before we start following 1900s heir Frederick and his bride Sybil, I thought it might be nice to wrap up his siblings a bit. 
I don’t play the “spares”. I loved rotational gameplay in Sims 2, but have never really liked how it works in Sims 4. As such, I use MCCC (and now neighborhood story progression) to let them live out their lives. I do keep tabs on them though and have a spreadsheet where I track who they marry, their children, etc. Since they’ll not be seen much at all going forward, I wanted to share what their fates were.
First up, here’s Anna Ruth and William as young adults.
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We’ll see plenty of Frederick later, but here’s a nice shot of him as a young adult in CAS as well. He very strongly resembles his father.
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Next up is Frederick’s twin, Elizabeth.
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I don’t think it’s a secret that I adore Elizabeth. She gained skills as a toddler so rapidly, she was given the genius trait as a child. She maxed the mischief skill autonomously and rapidly as well, so she was a...spirited child. I seriously considered making her heir because she was so much fun, but at the time, I didn’t really see her getting married. She didn’t seem like a woman who would want to be tied down by marriage and all that the societal norms of the time would entail. I saw her as likely asexual. Then one of her brothers brought Harry Swanson home from school, and she got all flirty while chatting with him so I changed course. I like when sims can surprise me like that. She married Harry, and had 3 children with him - Thomas, Ruth, and Harold. I think she absolutely would have been a suffragette, and perhaps this caused trouble in her marriage because Harry had at least 2 affairs that produced 2 additional children. Harry died quite young. Elizabeth focused on her children for many years, and then eventually remarried Roberto Herrera who was also widowed with 3 children. I think her second marriage was much happier. They seemed smitten anytime I saw them at family events. She raised 2 of her granddaughters after her eldest son Thomas and his wife both tragically passed at a young age. She and Roberto lived a long, full life before passing away from old age. 
The second set of twins is up next.
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James probably had the simplest life out of all his siblings. He was a calm and quiet child, very laid back. He randomized the animal enthusiast trait at one of his age ups and also developed a love for gardening so it was decided pretty early on that he would be the one to take over the family farm. He married Millie Sedlak from a neighboring farm, very quickly had 3 children with her- Matthew, Emmaline, and Annie, and then a surprise later in life 4th baby, Nellie. Family was clearly very important to him as he was a frequent visitor and very close with his nieces/nephews. He passed away from old age on the family farm, which his son Matthew now runs. Millie was actually the last of that entire generation to die. 
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James’ twin, Joseph, is not a sim I ever really got a good feel for, but he definitely made his life interesting. He was kind of a wild child, close with his siblings but always pushing boundaries and sometimes antagonistic. He didn’t seem interesting in anyone in his teen years, and for a while I thought maybe he would be gay and stay on the family farm. He brought home Camila literally every day from school and they were so close that I figured given that the expectation would be marriage for most people in the 1890s/1900s, they would likely get married even if it was more for convenience than true love. They eventually had 3 children together, Louisa and twins Manuel and Dora. Joseph had a bit of a midlife crisis (ie, I messed around with settings in MCCC and ended up with a TON of affair babies...) and had a daughter named Josephine with the best friend of his sister Charlotte, and another son Felix, with a widow who moved to town. Josephine’s mother passed away young, so she was adopted by Joseph and Camila. I feel that in a small town, it was probably an open secret that he was Josephine’s true father but it was the sort of thing not spoken of in polite company. I don’t know how Camila felt about these affairs- she and Joseph seemed close at family gatherings so she may have been perfectly fine with letting him do as he pleased. They remained married until passing away of old age. 
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The baby of the family, Charlotte, also had a pretty mellow life. She married the son of neighbors, Charles Mason, and had 3 children with him- Clarence, Celia, and Cecil. I imagine she was recruited to the suffragette cause by her sister Elizabeth but was probably not quite as passionate. She remained close with her siblings and their children until her death of old age. 
That was a novel, but I wanted to document their lives if for no other reason than so I can look back at it someday.
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applesaucesims · 2 years
Historical Simblr Tag Game
I was tagged by @greengreyviolet and indirectly by @pixelnrd. Thank you for the tag!
I’ll tag @sims-through-the-decades and @nooodlenoot ​ sorry if you’ve already been tagged and feel free to ignore!
Let’s jump right into it! I put it under the cut because I wrote so much oof.
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
I’ve really loved the 20s, probably cuz I really started being more story-focussed then and so got attached more to the characters. Plus I love the 20s aesthetic. I love my current gen already a lot too (30s) and I think I will always love whichever gen I’m playing at the time the most.
I’m most looking forward to the 60s because I already have a story planned out that randomly came to my head and now I can’t wait to make it happen. Also, I’m always a hoe for that 60s aesthetic.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
That’s a hard one because of all the cc I use anyway. But I think I’ll go with the typewriters here and here because thanks to them I don’t need to add a basement computer to access the mccc menus... and there’s just so much stuff you kinda need computers for (jobs, aspirations, etc.), so it’s super helpful.
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
Did you think I could only choose one?
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As I said, I’m still very attached to the 20s gen. First off, Artemisia will always be one of my favourite sims ever. She’s just *chef’s kiss* even though she was just a spare’s child. Then, I thought about whose death notification I’d be most sad about and that’s gotta be Tilly because she’s just so babey and I love her so so much! And Edward is kinda like a problematic fave. He was very fun to play because he wasn’t a “good” person (at least at first) and had such chaotic energy, even just “offscreen” gameplay lol. Plus, he looks like an angry puppy, especially with his natural curly hair and I love that about him.
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And when it comes to the 30s gen, I love this dumb trio so much. I already knew I was gonna love them as soon as I started planning them and their dynamic. I can’t wait to publish the rest of their story cuz I love these babies and their stories! so apparently i also love to suffer but shhhh
4. What is your favorite world?
Still Windenburg, maybe it’s because I’m German and it seems most “familiar” to me? Idk but I just love the whole place and it has many different areas.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I’m more story focussed now. Even when I focus on gameplay, I make up my stories about my sims, so that aspect is always in there somehow.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
Well, Mistletoe the cat is the first pet I’ve had since I got C&D. I love her and I will definitely play with pets again, but I am always scared it will take too much space I could use for other sims.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
Random modern things in the background. I could install a mod that declutters the world, but I have modern saves too and don’t wanna declutter them.
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
I love that there’s an antique stove in the game I guess? They really should add more random old items in the game like that. The antique fridge is awesome as well, but those goddamn ramen boxes,,,,,,,,,,
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
Although I’m done with that gen already, I’d really love a pack that’s 20s inspired or at least somewhere in that direction. Thinking something along the lines of that sims 3 store roaring heights thing.
But anyway..... locking a makeup look to be on all outfits??? Why is this not a thing yet??? The amount of time I would save if I didn’t have to redo everyone’s makeup all the time.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
It would probably make sense to say Cottage Living, but my early generations have been so many years ago that I’ve never played with that pack in a historical context, only in a modern save of mine. So I don’t have that “value” of it personally.
Instead, it’s probably gonna be... Get Together maybe? Like I said, I love Windenburg and I think the aesthetic is (mostly) working, too. Plus, the club system is super helpful and it also has some historical objects and clothes thanks to that castle and the ghosts that come with it.
Get Together also has those Victorian and mid-century things which is helpful if you do the decades challenge, right? Vintage Glamour, too.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
Is it basic to say MCCC? In the historical aspect mostly MC dresser because I can just add one or two historical outfits to random townies and just switch them when I need to.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
I need at least three sims, or it gets too boring for me. Not that I get bored of the sims, I just need “more to do” or I get nervous idk. So, somewhere between three and six is best for me.
13. Do you use poses?
All the time lol. I need to sort out some old poses I don’t use anymore, but I’m too lazy.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
I have my default skin and eyes but I also have the invisible crib mod. Although I did start just aging babies up to toddlers immediately anyway. I also have a ping pong to tennis override but I’m not gonna use it until one or two gens into the future lol.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
Nah, it wasn’t a thing yet when I would have used it. And even now, it’s just not “finished” enough for me and just pretending works better for me.
16. What lifespan do you play on?
I almost always play on normal. I think by decades nsb is on short? My disney challenge definitely is on short though.
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
I’ve always loved fashion history. So much that it was even my dream to study it, but the time I had to choose something to study coincided with my most insecure and depressed era, so I didn’t even dare apply. Now I study something that I can rather than want, but I digress...
I don’t remember how I found out about the decades challenge. It for sure wasn’t on tumblr since it wasn’t that big here then and I’m pretty sure the challenge was one of the reasons I even created this blog. But as soon as I did, I immediately knew it was perfect for me. It basically combines my favourite things into one. And I love doing research for it and stuff like that, it’s so much fun for me.
I’m glad there’s more historical content nowadays because that way I don’t get frustrated at necessary historical inaccuracies in my game as much anymore.
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puffkins2000 · 3 years
Sims 3 Ideas (( that I’ll probably add to later, lol ))
Hello all! So, I was just thinking randomly about some of the stuff I would like to see in TS3 as added gameplay, or just something that I would like to personally see—and decided to just make a list. It’s not in any particular order. I didn’t add radio stations to the list, because I’ve actually done that myself! I will try to have an updated version to post soon, since I was so kindly given songs I needed months ago. ^^ * More conversions. Build and buy, CAS, animations, poses, animals/pets/creatures, CAW objects, whatever. (( This is mainly for the Sims franchise—so TS1, TS2, TS4, TSM/TSM:P&N, Sims mobile, Castaway, Pet Stories, Life Stories, etc. I don’t even know all the names, lol. But they have cool stuff! And I thank all the creators who have REALLY outdone themselves on converting from these franchises. Without you, I’d have a much, much bigger wishlist. XD My game may not be happy, but my Sims and I definitely are! I do have a visual wishlist that I really should update and reupload, but it is never-ending, lol. )) * A mod that lets you change the relation of Sim to another—like uncle, cousin, step-mom. There’s only options for siblings and (( possibly?? I don’t remember! )) parents. I have a pair of Sims who are cousins, but I had to make them sisters. :/ And I have a lot of other characters that I wanted to make cousins. * A Plopsy App to sell items on, Simstagram, dating app, pay bills by phone, more computer activities (( ie: find pen-pals + get postcards in return, order, watch funny videos on Sim.tv , watch gaming livestream, browse Simpedia, read obituaries, research pick-up Lines, scour for memes, internet stalk, new gaming options – also could work for the game console )) * TS2 and TS4 TV channels added to the TV (( all video files — TV Station Names )), plus the Movies On Demand... that would be SO cool for a movie night! OR at a drive-through! * Activities/hobbies/skills: Knitting, skiing, hiking, a playable Don’t Wake The Llama, yoga, a playable Voidcritter Battle Station, log rolling, crank/prank calling for adults and older with certain traits, programming, archaeology, useable holiday cracker, wood-working table, writing in a journal (( based on Sims 2 and Sims 4 )) * Bigfoot * And the sea monster, too. And how come TS3 never got a Santa Claus/Father Winter? * Sims 4 based worlds/locations for even more travel destinations: Strangerville, Sulani, Batuu (( not even going to be sorry for this one )), Sixam, Mt.Komorebi, Selvadorada, Granite Falls, Henford-on-Bagley * Sims 2 based worlds/locations for the same reason as the above: A much better Three Lakes (( the one I have, you can't add anything to it. It won't let you )), Takemizu Village, Twikkii Island * Other Sims based worlds/locations—just because: Magic Town, The Lava Pools * Cool lots from TS4: Vet Clinic, Ancient Ruins, Forgotten Grotto, Sylvan Glade, Plumbob Pictures (( I could see this being all the different sets in one as well )) * TS2/TS4 food & drinks made for TS3 to actually use (( ie; more food in the fridge like crackers, or baking a hamburger cake or black and white cake, or making Yorkshire pudding, picking herbs, more items for vending machines, different food stalls with THOSE type of food items to pick from, drinks to make and/or drink, more vegetation, and so on and so forth. Does this make sense? Here is a document I made, if you’d like to view it. I still need to add more from Cottage Living! )) * The ability to Woohoo in a bush. XD And other places…? * Speaking of Woohoo… how about the teen version “Mess Around”? I find it better than calling it “Woohoo” when they are teens. * Closets * More in the topical details area; like freckles, eye lights, scars, birthmarks, lip moles, lip corners, zits/acne—stuff that really *sticks*, unlike makeup. * Perfume * The ability to play Marco Polo in the pool and just other interactions in general, change pool water colour (( is this possible at all? Like an overlay or something? Or maybe even a trick? )) * New careers/jobs: Veterinarian, food critic, babysitter (( for teens )), fast food employee (( teens )), barista (( teen )) astronaut, law, social media, scouts (( children, teens )) * More/new moodlets based on TS4 (( ie; added in with the suggested activities and hobbies above )) * New default moons, lighting mods * New holidays? (( Talk Like a Pirate Day, Prank Day, TV Season Premiere, New Year's Eve )) * Random chances for power outages
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izayoichan · 4 years
✧ Founders CAS Challenge by @volcano-pasta ✧
I was tagged by @dandylion240 Thank you so much. I only have two, but well two is more than none?
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in-game, or you can share old screenshots!
Now admittedly I don’t have many legacies.. one story just turned into one.. the other is the first sims story I was talked into sharing, that no one here knows (I think at least) as it is only on my blog, I did not have it in me to move it here. 
So... the one you do not know:
The Rokuyari Vampiracy (homemade ten generation vampire legacy with random rolls to decide stuff ) 
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The first picture is the beginning of the legacy, where I honestly had no idea what poses was or how to use them... The founder is based on me and my friends OC from another game Itsuki and Nagisa. They meet, fall in love, and with Ituski being a vampire he turns her so they can live together forever. They start a legacy together where part of the challenge is to always have them living with the family. (They raised a lot of babies. 😉)
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And this last one is at the end of the legacy, when they move out, having cared for 10 generations after it... now if you are insane and want to read this... I can send you the link to where it’s hiding. (Some might remember these two having a small role in Liam and Madison's story) 
And the second, you are probably more familiar with, which has so brilliantly (sorry I am bad with names for things) been named The Ward Legacy. None too surprising who the founders are here? 
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This story started with a BC @cillaben helped talked me into doing, you may all thank her for that 😉 You might also have to thank @northernlightz for making Hayle and send him my way! 💕 Then because I loved them so much, I started using them for testing poses I found that I liked, and one day, that turned into the small talk between them where Hayle doesn’t want to go to work, and it just grew from there, turning into a story I never expected. I guess in a way it has touched on generation two, with the kids taking more off the lead on the story, but they will never be gone from it, I love them waaaaay too much, they will just be the steady adult in the background that spoil their grandkids WAY too much! How long it will be, but let's just say I have plans for certain someone's kids already... yes.
(The other stories I have had are not legacies, so they have no founders, and I guess don’t belong in this list :) 
Now for the famous tagging of people... I think most have been tagged already, but either way: @shahkiertai​ @rainydaysimmer, @fataleromeo, @desira-sims​ @katmk36​ @amuhav​ @cillaben​ @weicyn​ @jenpants​ and anyone that wants to, and if you do not want to, feel free to ignore
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nichole0523 · 4 years
Sims 4  Legacy Challenge (My Version)
This challenge has many of the same rules as the official legacy challenge. Most of the rules are copy and pasted from the sims 4 Legacy Challenge webpage. In this version you do not have to score your gameplay but you can if you want to by going to the webpage that is linked below. 
Rules CAS:
1. Must be a young adult 
2. Only sim in the household.
Rules Gameplay:
1.  Once you have finished your founder, move them into any empty lot. Return to the world screen. Select your founder on their empty lot and pick “Move Family”. 
2.  You may found your family in any neighborhood that has a 50×50 or larger lot.  Locate a 50 x 50 or larger lot and bulldoze it, evicting the family present if there is one. Move your founder into it.
3. You may use mods and hack for money and if you have MCCC you may use it to level up skills faster.
4. Absolutely no restating after an unfortunate even; that is cheating.
5.  You may not move or merge in other Sims into the Legacy Family with the exception Sims that will aid in bringing in the next generation aka the “spouse”. (See the Spouse section for details. As of the latest rule change, you can bring in more than one spouse). You may have non-heir family members leave the Legacy Family, but once they are gone, they may not be moved back in. 
6.   The family must stay on the same lot throughout the whole challenge. This excludes vacations.
7.   A Sim may utilize an anti-aging item ONCE in their lifetime. This includes drinking a youth potion or milking the cow plant. Any cheats that freeze aging or lengthen (or shorten) lifespan times may not be used. Sims lifespans must be set to “Normal” in the gameplay menu.
8. The only time you may change your sims aspiration is when they have finished it and then you may choose another one as long as you haven’t completed it before.
9.  You may not bring a Sim back from the dead once the reaper has taken them. You MAY plead with the reaper in order to save a recently dead Sim. 
10.  You may not move/marry out the sim who currently holds the title of ‘heir’. All of the other children in that generation (known as ‘spares’) may move or marry out. Once a sim moves out, they are ineligible to be heir, even if conditions change that might make them the rightful heir. 
11. If you move in more sims into the town you may use them as friends and spouses.
12. When creating your founder you may use the story mode.
(If you want to see the rules for the stuff/game packs you may go to this webpage http://simslegacychallenge.com/sims-4-legacy-challenge-gameplay-rules/ ) 
Rules Succession Laws. When your founder eventually dies, you will need to determine who among their children will become the next heir, the Leader of the family for the second generation. The title of heir has many important implications that will be explained as we go along. How your family handles succession is actually quite customizable.  Your succession law is made up of three components. Think of the succession law as the “personality” of your family. Choose wisely, as you must abide by this succession law for your entire challenge and cannot change it part-way through:
:Gender Law:
1.  Matriarchy: The Founder must be female. Only girls are eligible to be named heir unless there are no female children, at which point boys become eligible for that generation.
2. Strict Matriarchy: The Founder must be female. Only girls are eligible to be named heir. Male children cannot, under any circumstance, ever be the heir to the next generation.
3. Patriarchy: The Founder must be male. Only boys are eligible to be named heir unless there are no male children, at which point girls become eligible for that generation.
4. Strict Patriarchy: The Founder must be male. Only boys are eligible to be named heir. Female children cannot, under any circumstance, ever be the heir to the next generation.
5. Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.
6. Strict Equality: The founder may be of either gender. However, only children of the opposite gender to the founder are eligible to be named heir. This repeats itself for the next generation (the next heir must be a different gender than the previous heir) so that each generation will have alternating-genders as heirs.
:Bloodline Law:
1. Strict Traditional : To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir.
2. Traditional: Children who are naturally born from the previous generation are eligible to be named heir. Adopted children are ineligible to be named heir unless there are no naturally born children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.
3. Modern: Both Naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir.
4. Foster: Children who are adopted are eligible to be named heir. Naturally born children are not eligible to be named heir unless there are no adopted children, at which point they become eligible for that generation.
5. Strict Foster: Only Children who are adopted are eligible for the title of heir. Naturally born children may never be heir.
(Even though these are important they do not completely choose who the heir is.)
:Heir Law (Important):
1. First Born: The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.
2. Last Born: The youngest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.
3. Living Will: The eligible child with the highest friendly relationship score with their previous-generation’s parent will be named heir.
4. Merit: The child with the most fully completed aspirations will be named heir. If there is a tie, the child with the highest level in a single skill will become heir from among the children who are tied.
5. Strength: The first born eligible child becomes heir by default… but the tile can be forcefully taken from them if an eligible sibling beats them in a fight. That sibling may have their title taken, (or taken back) if they lose a fight to another eligible sibling.
6. Random: The title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of all eligible children. Every time the eligible pool changes size, The heir must be re-rolled using the new pool.
7. Exemplar: At the beginning of the challenge, name a single trait. This trait must be one of your founder’s three traits.. Any eligible heir that has this trait will gain the title of heir. If a single generation has no children with this trait follow the First Born rule. If more than one child has the Exemplar trait then the oldest child WITH the trait will be the heir.
8. Democracy: This rule may be used if you are displaying your Legacy Challenge in some public way. Either via Let’s Play, Livestream, blog or other format where people can leave comment. The heir is chosen by your viewers/readers from among the pool of eligible heirs.
9. Magical Bloodline: Choose the heir by whoever has the strongest magical bloodline trait. If there is no magical bloodline trait (ie in the earlier generations) then the law defaults to first born until magic is introduced to the family. If multiple potential heirs have the same level of magical trait, choose the oldest one.
10. Magical Strength: Similar to the Strength law above, this one requires two or more potential heirs to have a magical duel. Whoever wins the duel, is the new heir.
:Species law (Optional):
1. Xenoarchy – Heirs must alternate between human and alien.
2. Xenophobic – Heirs cannot be a different species from the founder.
3. Brood – Heirs must be carried in a pregnancy by the previous heir, regardless of the heir’s gender.
4. Tolerant – The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status
1.  Spouses may not bring in any money with them when they move in/marry into the family. 
2.  With the update that allowed you to customize your Sims genders, you are able to have same-gender couples. There is no rule preventing this. 
1.  Regardless of your succession law, you may always introduce children into your family via pregnancy or adoption. 
2.  With the addition of The Sims 4 Get to Work alien babies can also be brought into the family via abduction. 
3. Children may only be adopted as infants. You may not adopt if there are any infants (natural born or adopted) living in the house at the time and must wait for them to grow to toddlers before adopting a new one. You may rename the baby, and it is recommended (but not required) that you change their last name to the Legacy Family’s name.
4.  Regardless of their status, when an infant ages up into a toddler, you must roll for their toddler trait (and later their aspiration and their first trait using the calculator found here when they become a child). Be sure to put the traits of the two parents (even for adopted children) in the calculator because the algorithm it uses factors those in when generating random traits for the children. 
5. When the child grows into a teenager, you consult the calculator again for their adult aspiration and their second trait. Finally the calculator will be used to generate the third trait upon reaching young adulthood.
6.  You are allowed to use fruit and/or music to influence the gender of an unborn child, should you choose to do so. 
7.  The addition of Toddlers should not change the flow of your Legacy families, you just have a new age to deal with. 
I hope you guys like my version of the legacy challenge please post in the comments with pictures of your households.
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Patch Notes June 2019
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers!
Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that - we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in...
What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever.
Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind.
It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts -- created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project -- so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone!
Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on.
Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further.
More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you!
A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to -- you guessed it -- get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool.
Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off.
Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too.
Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find.
Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain.
Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh -- and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee.
And now on to the unintended features…
General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah - this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today.
Stay Cheesy,
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tiny-tany-thaanos · 4 years
Simmer - ‘Get to Know’
by @cupcakegnome
I was tagged by the wonderful @silverspringsimmer! Thank you!
Your name: My name’s Anna! It is often shortened as Anya (which, I know, is a separate name in some languages but not in Russian) or Anyuta (ah-new-tah).
Languages you speak: Russian (native), English (C1), German (B2-C1), I learned French in highschool but decided not to continue it, I’m also trying to learn Norwegian via Duolingo Are you a mermaid: luckily no - I don’t like most types of seafood Your play style: sometimes just mess in CAS and take screenshots, other times I’m playing with my sims with some storyline playing inside my head.
Your selfsim picture:
Feat. my brand new glasses!
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Read on…
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: right now: gameplay with minimum story (which may or may not change later), sometimes edits, random  portraits of sims I made, etc. Your favorite age state: toddler, young adult
Your favorite season: Summer; I also really like snow and the landscapes at winter but I don’t like sims changing outwear for hours and “it’s a snow day!” thing Your favorite holiday: Halloween! oh, sorry, Spooky Day How was your day: pretty good actually Your favorite career: Ghost-buster in TS3! Probably also Detective if the cases weren’t that lame (a toothbrush got lost, omg!) Your favorite aspiration: Actually the ones connected with knowledge and creativity Your favorite EP, SP or GP: TS3 Ambitions, TS3 Supernatural, TS4 Vampires and TS4 City Living How old is your simblr: 3 years and a quarter if I’m not mistaken Have you woohooed: *coughs, mumbles something incoherent* Your favorite skill: writing!  The size of your mods folder:  TS4 (4,05 GB), TS3… slightly bigger? I dunno Your 3 favorite mods: Master Controller in TS3, NCCC in TS4 and Pose Player in TS4  Your interests (other than sims): writing (also I’m kinda slow with it lately but I’m trying to recover!), music (various genres), foreign languages, books, psychology and reading about true crimes (although I’m kinda fed up with them at the moment) Your favorite sim (picture if possible):
I got a lot of them! Phoenix is easily one of my most favorite ones and by that point a “mascot” of my blog, so I’ll go with her
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): TS2, TS3, TS4, Sims Medieval, Castaway Stories, I tried both mobile games but liked neither Propose a crazy scheme: EA adding new aspirations/character traits/interactions to the TS4 or improving the base game in any other ways? Best part of simblr: All the wonderful people I’ve met here! The ability to share the screenshots from our favorite game! I’ve been feeling really great and cozy around lately and I hope it’ll stay so! 
Worst part of simblr: *sighs* Everybody says that and I’m going to repeat it: so called “Simblr Drama” or, generally speaking, cyber bullying because what is it if not that? 
What other games you play: Cookie Run! Sometimes Choices and other mobile games 
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): origin, of course, twitter (I mostly post about Cookie Run there),Instagram, vkontakte (Russian social media) also Facebook which I use rarely - it rather confuses me. 
Are you single: Yup. 
I’m sure by this point everyone was either tagged or has done ot so I’m tagging anyone who wants to and wasn’t tagged!
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 18th, 2019)
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers! Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that – we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in… What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever. Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind. It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts — created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project — so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone! Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on. Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further. More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you! A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to — you guessed it — get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool. Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off. Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too. Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find. Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain. Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh — and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee. And now on to the unintended features… General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah – this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today. Stay Cheesy,
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, but actually yes! That issue should be fixed this patch. Please let me know if it's not! There were way too many bugs to mention every single one 😅
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 18, 2019
117 notes · View notes
plumbobpost · 6 years
Fan(fic) Friday: Spotlight on Peni Griffin
Sul sul!
Today, I have a special treat for you guys. I had the chance to ask the very delightful @penig a few questions about Widespot and The Sims in general. For those of you who aren’t familiar with her work, she has created two widely popular hoods for The Sims 2: Land Grant University and the aforementioned Widespot. It’s longer than usual, and Peni expressed the concern that it would needed to be edited down, but in all honesty, her responses were such a wealth of information, deleting any of it seemed wrong.
I’ll stop teasing you, and let Peni speak for herself:
What inspired you to create Widespot?
“I’m always in story creation mode. This has been a large part of the appeal of The Sims 2 for me, as it allows me to tell a particular kind of story that I will never, ever be able to write for publication,  and have always wanted to: the story of a community in which we see every character as the hero of her own story, and how all the stories intertwine (often without the protagonists recognizing it) and affect each other as they all go about their business.” 
“At the time I started Widespot, I was in a situation in which my normal professional outlets were not available to me. You will excuse me from going into detail on the subject, which can be summed up as Health Crap. For our purposes, the important thing was that I needed a project, I couldn’t work on a book, I had been thinking for some time about the potential of my favorite game as a storytelling medium, and enough discussion of the matter had been generated over at MTS that I found/was directed to the late lamented Mootilda’s thread on creating a clean, safe, populated neighborhood for sharing.  ( http://modthesims.info/t/455403)”
“I actually went into some detail about the process on my writing blog at the time.”
( https://penigriffin.blogspot.com/2013/02/so-you-want-to-share.html )
Did you take inspiration from the Maxis neighborhoods?
“To a certain extent, yes. I decided that what I wanted to create was a neighborhood that would feel and play as if it had shipped with the game, but with less mess. No dead people without full character data, no memories that outright contradict each other, no hints in the bios that can’t be fully explored in the game.”
In your neighborhood, you included different story elements for each family that interconnect. What is your process in developing this story?
“Somewhere around here, I have the notebook in which I first started working it out, but I’d have to dig to find it. I remember starting with the admonition to myself to keep it simple, as your first attempt at publishing in a medium should be simple - you have enough to do mastering the new medium without trying to make something complicated with it. I knew my genre was soap opera, and though I’ve never been much of a soap watcher, my mother and husband are, so that set my parameters. I listed the tools at my disposal - the five base game aspirations, the jealousy mechanics, and the generational play. The question I asked myself at the start of the process was: “How do I create the most Drama for the least amount of effort?”
“Probably the notion of having five aspiration-themed households came almost at once, possibly as I started making name lists. I wanted to give elders a big role, because I had noticed that a lot of people thought elders were “boring,” and I knew they were wrong! I’ve always felt that Maxis missed a big trick by not having a Scheming Matriarch in Pleasantview. I wanted to shake up some stereotypes and have sims who didn’t obviously “belong” in their aspirations - shy Romance sims, outgoing Knowledge sims, lazy Fortune sims. I wanted all the households intimately connected to each other, which meant that for simplicity’s sake the story (story being defined as “person with a problem”) should center around one particular event that triggered events in all the households, a cascade of consequence. At which point I wrote down “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must be in want of a wife,” and decided that the wealthy Mann family coming to town with a highly marriageable son and a Dark Secret was a good place to start.”
“That turned out not to be the trigger, but you have to start somewhere.”
Aside from your official captions, how did you set out to convey plot to those who play Widespot?
“I tried to take pictures of enough key moments that the players could inspect the albums for clues. By playing out the development I had ensured that some important information already existed in the memories and relationship panels, but I also went in and inserted memories that seemed to me significant. I had specific meanings in mind when I gave Mary memories of potty-training her younger siblings that extend all the way back to teenhood and manipulated some of her relationship scores with the testing cheats, but I wanted the players to be free to interpret those memories and relationships according to their own ideas, so I tried to background my own opinions as much as possible.”
“The plot, after all, is the players’ job, not mine!”
As far as literal world building goes, how did you factor in your characters’ surroundings to both their plotlines and their characterization?
“The smallness of the town, necessitated by the decision to keep things as simple as possible, gave me the starting point and the town’s name - it’s just a wide spot in the road, hardly a town at all. Rural areas have a certain vibe; certain types of people grow up there, and certain kinds of people wind up there, so this was on my mind as I designed the characters, built their homes, and decided what order they should be created in CAS and moved in.  Each house has a history, not all of which is necessarily made explicit to the player, and some of which really, really made me long for something more than BG Maxis content! But I think most people get that the Land cabin was built piecemeal over time, that a lot of Skye’s house was DIY, that the Beech house is Daytona’s house and the rest of her family just lives there, etc. Skye only got educational toys for his kids, but the Lands have a teddy and a dollhouse as well. The Mann’s house is the only one with a fence, and Rich ensures his privacy with stained glass windows in certain rooms. He also has that ominous closet full of aspiration rewards. (I hate that I couldn’t get him a counterfeiting machine - he clearly needs one.)”
“Some details were dictated by the game mechanics. Penny needed a double bed to get pregnant in, but there’s no particular reason for one to exist on her lot; so the heck with it, everybody in that house gets a double bed and I don’t even try to explain it. The lowest-numbered playable in the hood is always the telescope slapper, so I had to create the Mann family first in order for the guy with the Dark Secret to be the one who was incensed at the possibility of being spied on. But who would beard Rich in his own den when he, Lana, or Junior used the telescope in the daytime? That would be the local cop, wouldn’t it? This is why the Land house (with the nubile Land daughters) is right behind the Mann house and the Mann telescope is pointed straight at it. I also used the house to train the Manns - especially Junior - into wanting to buy things by furnishing it minimally to start with, and then adding items as wants were rolled for expensive artwork, games, etc.”
“When I gave characters their starting skill points, I assigned them partly at random, partly according to the implied backstory and role, and partly according to what would be possible in the game. If logic or a random roll indicated that someone in a household had a skill, I made sure that suitable skilling items existed in that household. Woody has an easel because it’s a solitary tool for gaining creativity points; the other families have the more sociable piano.  Neither family is much concerned about the impression they make on the outside world, so they are not oversupplied with mirrors, unlike the other families, where Charisma matters.”
“This all works back and forth; the character or situation requires something in the setting, and then I realize that having this thing here means that I also need this and that means I should improve the relationship between these two characters, or whatever. My first and best playtester insisted to me that Goldie needed a teddy bear, and made a good case for it based on Goldie’s characterization, both in the bios and as played; and she was right, so I added it almost at the last minute. (Which is why, so often, the first thing Rhett does it pick it up and try to talk to someone through it.)”
“One thing that I was aware of during development, but am a little reluctant to discuss, is the possible implications for the setting of the racial makeup of the neighborhood. At the time I was born, in the state where I was born, the Land and Beech marriages would have been illegal; and I had that in mind when I mentioned familial disapproval in the Land bios. Some people pick that up and run with it, most people ignore it. Most people look at the Hart’s Spanish-style house and decide (despite the name) that the family has a Mediterranean or Mexican background, but others have decided that Valentine is black/white biracial and all the Spanish influence comes from Angel. I have no desire to dictate anybody’s interpretation or play style, but I do want to enable as many interpretations and play styles as possible, and this variety is an indication of success to me.”
In a lot of ways, fans have come to regard Widespot as highly as they regard the original three Maxis neighborhoods. Did you envision the neighborhood being this popular?
“I beat my “expectations” about the reception of any particular work to death years ago. While I was building Widespot, I told myself that if the only person who liked it was Aegagropilon (my first playtester), that would be good enough and anybody else’s approval would be gravy. Well, Aegagropilon loved it; and I’ve lapped up quite a bit of gravy since then. I don’t have much of a grasp of how popular it actually is, and that’s not the important thing. The important thing is that I know some people are playing it, and enjoying it, and using it in different ways. How many there are, and how it stacks up next to the many other (and in some cases far more sophisticated) fan made hoods out there, is out of my hands. I’m better off not dwelling on that.”
How did Widespot evolve after you started? Were there any massive deviations from your original plan?
“Development was an alternating process of playing (including building, character design, and actual play) and working things out on paper in illegible notes, which is always how I work. I haven’t properly thought anything till I’ve written it down, but I’m a “pantser” rather than a “plotter” - i.e. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants when creating. Too much planning kills the story for me. So once all the preliminary work had been set up, and the broad strokes of the storyline determined, the rest was done directly in the game, with a little help from the testing cheats, Tombstone of Life and Death, and so on.”
“I knew I needed to wind up with a baby for every adult woman, but I didn’t always know who specifically would be the father of each baby until I saw how characters interacted. I knew one of the households would have a ghost, but for awhile I thought it might be Lana. I assumed Candy would have two lovers but I thought one of them would be Hamilton until she informed me otherwise. As mentioned earlier, I thought the Manns would be the central, triggering household rather than the Harts. I had no plans for the teens or children at all, and they took care of their own storylines”.
On a different note, what was your inspiration for the dynamic between the Harts and the rest of Widespot’s inhabitants? How did you develop the idea for these entanglements?
“As a family of Romance sims, their job was to wreak havoc. And boy, howdy, did they! But only after I realized Angel had to be the town ghost. The family ran much too smoothly when she was in charge - she and Valentine constantly smooching it up, Rhett being Mama’s boy, Candy being Goldie’s social support. Kill Angel, and everybody falls apart and starts making bad decisions. I designed Valentine as a Dirty Old Man; but he refused to be only that. I designed Rhett as a heartless jerk, and he can be that - but he’s also the only one of the immature Mama’s boys in the hood who has lost his Mama. I designed Candy as a golddigger, and yeah, she is - but she also made friends with Daytona and Goldie without any prompting from me, and she put herself in the middle of what turned out to be the hardest knot to untie in the whole hood, the Mann Triangle.”
“And Goldie - well, Goldie was a darling who autonomously put the rest of her family ahead of herself repeatedly, could never finish her homework, and never once brought anyone home from school or came home with anyone else.”
“TL;DR: I didn’t develop the Harts. They did.”
You’ve been very active on both Mod the Sims and Tumblr for a while now. How has The Sims community evolved since you first got involved? Why do you think there is still such a strong following of the series?
“It’s hard for me to speak to how it’s evolved, since I was never part of the Age of LJ and only started playing Sims 2 since after Sims 3 was already out. Also, having been on the fringes of a lot of subcultures in my life, I have become adept at keeping away from the stuff that stresses me out. So I’ve never hung out at SimSecret. I block tags on tumblr. I avoid anything smacking of edition wars, don’t allow anonymous communication, and back out of controversies as fast as I can - with an apology if necessary, because face it, everybody’s a jerk on the internet sometimes, and the most you can hope for is to not be one any more often than you can help.”
“So I have no idea how the Sims community as a whole is going on, and I only have a limited knowledge of the portion of the Sims 2 fandom that hangs around specifically at MTS and attracts my attention on Tumblr (often by tagging Widespot). Within this limited sphere, I have noticed a few changes. I used to see it assumed as common consensus that all Maxis premades were “ugly” and that “ugly” is a bad thing; moreover, that certain sims - Goopy Gilscarbo and Sandy Bruty in particular - are more “ugly” than most and are to be avoided at all costs. Now people are shipping Goopy and Sandy (that’s largely @holleyberry’s doing, I believe) and embracing the cartooniness of sims with enthusiasm.”
“On older websites I often see “realistic” (i.e., modeled on airbrushed photos in fashion magazines) sims that, as far as I can tell, are identical to each other and to the ones on the other old websites they link to. With current websites, however, I can not only tell the sims from each other, I can tell Person A’s versions of the premades from Person B’s at a glance. This is especially marked on tumblr, where I often know who originally posted the pics I’m looking at regardless of the attached avatar.”
“And there has been such a flowering of creativity in so many directions in the last eight years it’s overwhelming, though I don’t know how that compares to the days before I started participating. I like to think of Widespot as the vanguard of a Golden Age of hood-sharing. Nobody moans about the lack of clean fan made neighborhoods anymore; they’re agonizing over whether to play Europa or Widespot or Emerald Heights or Polgannon. And suddenly people are making new face sliders. Neighborhood deco lights up at night now. There’s mods for parking on the street, taking toddlers and pets on vacation, hunting, foraging, beekeeping, on and on and on.”
“I think the main difference between now and eight years ago is, that people were defensive about still playing Sims 2, and a general air of playing a “dying game” hung over us all. Now we are joyous and defiant and declaring that Our Game is the Best and Will Never Die.”
“Or maybe that’s just the people I self-select to see. How would I know?”
As a writer by trade, did you find many similarities between creating Widespot and writing a novel?
“My experience has always been that there’s an underlying unity among all kinds of creation, and in particular that storytelling is storytelling, whether it’s the language of text, sound, line and color, or whatever. My writing habits and skills translated seamlessly into the medium of the game. The chief difference, once you factor out technical matters, is that in most forms of storytelling, you need to provide a discrete unit of Story and give the reader the pleasures of closure and narrative structure, pruning out everything that disrupts that weakens the sense of completeness.”
“When making a sims neighborhood, though, you need to be as open-ended as possible, and you need to discern the optimum moment to turn the hood over to the player, while it’s still bristling with plot hooks and unresolved situations. You don’t need, as I did, to deliberately choose the moment at which a bunch of hard choices must be made immediately; but you need to put the player into a situation in which the choices he makes will matter and shape how the neighborhood develops from that point.”
You often play neighborhoods like Pleasantview and Strangetown. Do you prefer playing your own sims or those created by Maxis?
“That’s like asking if I prefer to read Diana Wynne Jones or Megan Whelan Turner. (And if you aren’t familiar with those authors, boy do you have some great reading ahead of you!) The answer is “both.” I enjoy playing characters I’m engaged with, regardless of who made them. Sometimes I wonder what’s going on with Vidcund and want to play Strangetown; sometimes I want to reconnect with the sims in Drama Acres, my personal custom neighborhood; sometimes I want to play with some of my own plot hooks from Widespot. It’s all good.”
If you had to pick between Widespot and Land Grant University, which would you choose?
“I’d attach LGU to Widespot and play them both. I don’t do either/or choices.”
(She just defeated the Kobayashi Maru.)
Do you intend on creating more neighborhoods?
“I actually have three on hand right now: a downtown called Bigg City (an empty version of which is available on SFS  http://simfileshare.net/download/207580/ ); a Seasons/Pets neighborhood I call Knotthole County; and an AL neighborhood called Port Cochere. The populated Bigg City got real complicated, real fast and when Health Crap is in a certain state I can’t work on it. Knotthole County is almost completely built but got interrupted while I was designing the characters; and Port Cochere is an SC4 map and a bunch of illegible notes. And at the moment I can’t work on any of them because I need two disk drives in order to use AGS, and one of them has gone wonky. However, I should be able to replace that soon, and then - well, maybe I’ll finally get that last week of work done on Bigg City. Or maybe I’ll decide (again) that if I’m organized enough to work on that, I should seize the moment and get queries out instead.”
Your content is themed around The Sims 2; have you played other titles in the series?, If so, which installment in The Sims is your favorite to play? For storytelling? For building? For creating sims?
“I’m a late adopter by nature. I started with the original The Sims and played it till I felt I didn’t have anything more to discover in it, at which time I started looking into the Sims 2, assuming that I’d eventually plumb its depths, too, and move on to Sims 3 about the time Sims 4 came along. Then I discovered that Sims 2’s depths are unplumbable, and that it was the perfect vehicle for that all-community storytelling I’d always longed to do.”
“The more I learn about the later iterations, the more certain I am that I will never play them. I’m sure they’re fun in their own ways, and I certainly don’t look down on anyone who chooses to play them; but I don’t like the way they look, I don’t like the lack of a storytelling tool, and most of all, the mechanics and structure of the game don’t enable my style of neighborhood play. The Sims series consists of four distinct games with four distinct sets of strengths and weaknesses; and the first two are the only ones I feel any call to play.”
Lastly, why do you still continue to play The Sims? Do you feel that the games provide a positive creative outlet?
“It still gives me pleasure. And I still have Health Crap and need projects, and have a computer that will play it. The Sims 2 is as much a part of my life as reading and playing tabletop RPGs and board games with my friends. So why would I stop?”
“The game is a positive creative outlet - it has nothing to do with my feelings on the subject. One of the most rewarding things about having made Widespot and LGU is seeing people use them as springboards for developing and experimenting with their own creative capacities. Also, a lot of simmers are deliberately using the game to control or relieve some condition or other. Depression, OCD, chronic pain from which they need distraction - I’m not the only one with Health Crap, and I am honored whenever anyone uses something I made to  deal with theirs.”
“They could have done these things without me, of course - but they didn’t. They used something I made for their own benefit, and I can feel good about that.”
Any parting comments, teasers, spoilers, public service announcements, etc.?
“One of the core concepts by which I live my life is that creativity is the quality that defines humanity best, and that it is the birthright of every single one of us. But we’ve been educated to think that it’s something special and separate, accessible only to certain special “talented” people; and brainwashed to think that personal creativity that can’t be monetized is a trivial use of time. On the contrary, creativity is to a large extent what time is for. Whether it’s a book, or a game, or a prom dress, the process of making is fulfilling and enriching, and sharing what we make is nourishing to us and to those we share with. So whatever your medium is, whatever resources are available to you, whatever ideas are quickening in your brain and hands - go for it.”
“It is not a silly waste of time.”
To those of you who haven’t played Widespot, go check it out; you won’t regret it. Thanks again to Peni Griffin for allowing me to pick her brain, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I certainly found a new favorite word in “pantser.”
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to visit my ask box. If you are interested, give Plumbob Post a follow, and reblog for anyone else who you think would enjoy this blog. Stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Dag dag!
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elliesucksatccfinds · 7 years
The Sims 4 100 Vampire Baby/ Turn the Town Challenge: A supernatural twist on the famous 100 baby challenge featuring less pregnancy and more turning sims into vampires.
An introduction:
So anyone who has played the 100 baby challenge knows that it takes forever to finish it. I played it with a guy who had a fertile trait and even though he wasn’t giving birth to the kids, it STILL took six generations. So I was watching Vampire letsplays before I could get the pack and I noticed that with the vampire family aspiration, any person you turned counted as your offspring. I thought that a challenge where you could “turn the town” would be fun to combine it with the 100 baby challenge, so now that I have the pack, I present you with the 100 Vampire Baby Challenge (featuring 4 levels of difficulty). 
Also, I will be playing this challenge myself on my YouTube channel . Keep in mind that I am a newbie to making videos, but hey, we all gotta start somewhere. 
 Basic Rules:
1.       You must follow all the original rules of the 100 baby challenge except you are starting off with the vampire family aspiration and you can age up children based on vampire level if you’d prefer. I will restate those rules later, but if you prefer to read them yourself, here they are: 
2.       Make a single young adult or adult female sim in CAS or at least a sim that could get pregnancy I guess you can do a sim who gets others pregnant, but this is a bit more difficult with cis females or anyone who can get pregnant. I will refer to your main sim as “she” for now on. She must be a completely new sim with no previous skills or reward or aspiration traits.
a.       I would suggest making her a vampire off the bat (no pun intended), but if you decide to turn her in game, just know that the challenge can’t start unless she is fully turned.
b.       I’m not a stickler for traits, but she should probably be romantic and family-oriented. The third trait is up to you.  You must, however, start with the vampire family aspiration.
c.       If you want to start off with a townie (I could see Bella Goth or Lilith Vatore being popular options), make sure you cheat their skills to 0 and their romantic relationships to 0. I would suggest just making your own sim though.
3.       Put on a normal or short lifespan. If you have to use long, you can, but basically aging needs to be on. Don’t worry, your sims won’t die any time soon if you are quick to turn them.
4.       As per the 100 baby challenge rules, you may only have one pregnancy per person. Twins and triplets by the same person will count towards you 100 baby count, but it won’t count if your sim has two separate pregnancies.
5.       You may not influence the gender of your babies, kill them, let them get taken by child services, or delete them. All their traits and aspirations must be randomized and if they are not born a vampire, they do not count towards your total. If they die before they become young adults, they also do not count towards your total. They may only move out if they’ve reached the young adult stage, but they don’t have to.
a.       They can, however, help with money by getting part time or full-time jobs or any non-job money making like painting or selling collectibles.
6.       You may only turn sims if they give you permission.
7.       You may use any vampire perks you want. May I suggest vampiric charm, sun resistance, and bat for bat woohoo 😉.
8.       You may only work from home. So these could be the City Living jobs, a retail store, or a restaurant. Ultimately, you have to care for your children first and foremost. You may have any job you want if you have no kids. You may make money by any means on the side.
9.       No cheats or mods that will help you complete the challenge are allowed. This includes relationship cheats, skill cheats, satisfaction point cheats or mods, needs cheats, money cheats, school performance cheats, vampire cheats, bigger household mods, mods that make it easier to be a vampire, etc. You may reset sims though and go into cas.fulleditmode.
Aging up rules:
Of course, all of your children may age up naturally, but that can take forever. Here’s how to get it faster so you can clear up some of the spaces in your household.
Babies: You may age them up when it’s their birthday before they age up naturally.
Toddlers: You may age them up if they reach level 3 in all skills.
Children: You may age them up when they achieve an A grade in school.
Teens: You may age them up when they achieve an A grade in school OR when they level up to a minor or prime vampire. Maybe both.
Parenthood: If you have this pack, the rules state that you must have your teen gain a character value upon aging up.
 Levels of difficulty:
               I’m doing this because I feel like it and because certain regular 100 baby rules feel too lenient for me while others seem too harsh. Pick any level of difficulty you want.
Easy mode (even easier than the 100 baby challenge):
-          You may start with a long lifespan if you want. I still suggest normal though.
-          You may have any ratio of birthed offspring to turned offspring you like.
-          You may use any lot traits you want (and change them at any point), start a woohoo club, get fertility massages, etc. If you don’t have ANY of these packs, you may then and ONLY then cheat for the fertile and/or beguiling reward traits. It’s not fair if you have the base game and others have an advantage.
-          You may age up babies right away as this is a short challenge.
-          You only have to get two toddler skills up to level 3. I think all five is a bit much, you know. As for teens, you can age them up if they achieve an A in school or become a minor vampire. If you have parenthood, they do not need to obtain a character value.
-          You may switch between aspirations to gain satisfaction points, but you must complete the vampire family aspiration.
-          You may move into your first house and your first house ONLY with freerealestate on.
-          You do not have to level up as a vampire although it would help.
-          You may turn any sims you have a baby with before or after your child is conceived. If your pregnancy doesn’t result in a vampire baby, you may try again with them.
Normal mode:
-          You must do a normal or short lifespan.
-          You must have at least 10 pregnancies that result in vampires or 15 birthed offspring that are vampires (meaning you can turn them if they are humans at birth or if you have several pregnancies that result in multiple births).
-          You may use any lot traits you want, but once you pick them, they’re the traits you use until you move. You can start a club to meet men and even be romantic to them as your preferred club activities, but you cannot have a club where the preferred activity is woohooing or kissing. You may get fertility massages. Under no circumstances may you cheat for the fertile, player, and/ or beguiling traits.
-          Since this challenge goes by quickly, you may age up babies 24 hours after they were born.
-          Regular rules apply for aging up toddlers. You may age up teens if they achieve an A in school or become a minor vampire.
-          You must complete the vampire family and the big happy family aspiration/ the successful lineage aspiration (you may play as your children with “only aging active households” turned on if you need to get them married and have kids), but you may switch between aspirations as many times as you like.
o   If you have parenthood, you can opt to do the super parent aspiration in place of the other family aspirations.
o   If you are nearing the end and you are no where near completing the family aspirations, you could max the parenting and or charisma skill in place of it.
-          Freerealestate on may never be used.
-          You have to become at least a master vampire (you have to for the vampire family aspiration anyway).
-          You may turn any sim you had a baby with before or after the child has been conceived. If your pregnancy doesn’t result in a vampire baby, however, you may not try again for a baby with the sim.
-          If a sim rejects your offer to turn them, you must wait 24 hours before you can ask them again.
-          You may only deep drink if you’re pregnant.
 Hard mode:
-          You must do a normal or short lifespan.
-          You must have 20 pregnancies that result in vampires or 30 born vampire children.
-          You may use any lot trait EXCEPT on the ley line, on the dark ley line, good schools, child’s play, romantic aura, vampire lair, and/or vampire nexus. You may not change the lot traits at any point. You may not have a club that has any romance benefits whatsoever, but it can have friendly bonuses. You may get fertility massages.
-          All regular aging up rules apply. For teens, they must become a prime vampire OR achieve an A in school to age up.
-          You have to complete the vampire family and big happy family/successful lineage aspirations before you can switch between aspirations.
-          You have to become a grand master vampire, but you do not have to complete the aspiration that goes with it.
-          You may turn a sim you’re having a child with only after the child is born. If they didn’t give you a vampire child, you may not try again with them.
-          If a sim rejects your offer to turn them, you may not ask again for 72 hours.
-          You may never deep drink.
Extreme mode, for the masochists out there:
-          Start with a short lifespan, tick off “fill empty homes,” and do not use any forms of story progression mods like the MC Command center in your game. You will have to only work with the sims generated in your game and may add households only after the child townies who started in your save (i.e. Olivia Kim-Lewis, Alexander Goth, etc.) die. The Bheeda child can still be around though.
-          At least half of your offspring must be birthed vampires or you must have 40 pregnancies that result in vampires.
-          You may not have ANY lot traits unless they make your life more difficult (i.e. Needs TLC, Cursed, Gremlins). You may not join any clubs and may not get fertility massages.
-          Babies must age up naturally. Toddlers must reach level five in a skill in addition to reaching level three in all other skills. Children must complete a randomized aspiration in addition to getting an A grade. Teens must become grand masters and achieve an A grade or complete a randomized aspiration, get an A grade, and become a prime vampire.
-          You must complete all three vampire aspirations, the big happy family/successful lineage/super parent aspiration, and the serial romantic aspiration. You may not switch between the aspirations at any point.
-          If you have a child with a sim, you may not turn them into a vampire as well. If your pregnancy doesn’t result in a vampire, you may not try again.
-          Your children must earn three character values if you have parenthood in order to age up into young adults.
-          You may only drink plasma packs.
-          Should I rename this impossible mode because JESUS ELLIE!
Anyway, if you think it’s cool, try it out. I’ll be posting my journey if any of you are interested. I will also edit the rules if need be. I hope you enjoy and I hope you don’t take as much time as the 100 baby challenge.
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thesims4blogger · 7 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (May 25th, 2017)
Update: 05/25/2017 – PC Version / Mac Version
Hello Simmers,
Welcome to the base game release for Parenthood! Which is all about those quiet family moments. Taking time to enjoy when things settle down. When all becomes quiet, and you can just take it all in, reflecting upon life…
..er, wait sorry. That’s like 20-30 years after parenthood begins (results may vary).
I meant to say, this is a hectic time. A time of crazy, noise filled chaos, where the concept of quiet exists for only 3 hours between 2 and 5 am. And where tension is worn like a badge of honor! So wear yours with pride, and let’s start with just a little bit of what’s new in this release…
What’s New?
The Load / Save menu has been updated to be… modern.
Save slots now use household thumbnails instead of a text list
Save backups can now be restored via this UI by clicking on the Recover Save option from the Load Game dialog.
Users can now see where on disk a particular save file exists by hovering over the File icon in the Load Game dialog.
You can now rename your save from the Load Game dialog.
The auto-save feature has been removed as it was not functioning properly.
The Save As dialog has also been modified to show thumbs.
The first option in the Save As dialog is to be used to create a brand new save, but you can also choose to overwrite existing saves.
No more will you have to remember which save your Goopy-Gilscarbo household was in – it’s all visual now!
Thumbnails however will be blank until the save is opened, and re-saved post patch release.
You can also click the button to copy the path to your clipboard.
The feature as originally implemented was confusing and did not function as expected by users.
Save now occurs explicitly at the players request either by choosing to save when exiting to the Main Menu, Manage Worlds, or Quitting. Or by choosing Save or Save As from the ESC menu.
New Lights in Buy Mode.
Three new lights can be found under Ceiling Lamps in the Object by Function, Lighting sort.
Round Confection Ceiling Light
Square Confection Ceiling Light
Campanulate Ceiling Lamp
And today I learned that campanulate is a real word…
And then on to what issues did we address…
General Issues
Children can now smash a dollhouse that is currently in use by another child…
Sims will no longer get a whim to get married if they are already married.
The Successful Lineage aspiration (within the Family category) will no longer fail to recognize if a child had previously completed the skill and aspiration requirements of the 3rd and 4th step.
Babies will no longer change skin tone when they are picked up.
The Georgina Outdoor Lamppost With Double Hanging Planter can now be turned off by the player.
Silence phone once again will silence your phone…
Along those lines (the texting part)… Children should no longer receive inappropriate text messages from adults.
The Connections reward trait will no longer prevent your Sim from purchasing career rewards unlocked by career levels earlier than the boosted connections career level.
The Cu Cu Cachoo display skull now costs 175 Simoleons.
Performance improvement: Movement level 1 toddlers should no longer contemplate the use of objects on floors they can't reach.
Toddlers will now also visually drink from their sippy cup when seated on the ground.
Fixed a Sim reset issue that could occur when one Sim chose to autonomously tell a story to another Sim.
Sims are swimming laps again.
Sims with the masculine preference for clothing will no longer randomize into feminine full body swimsuits while in Create a Sim.
We fixed an issue that could cause a toddler to inherit the emotional whim of nearby adult Sims after loading into a lot, which could result with the toddler acquiring a flirty emotional whim.
Sims facial features should no longer adjust after selecting a different eye color swatch.
Young Adult and Adult lifespans have been increased by 4 days each to accommodate the addition of Toddlers.
Industrial Reinforced beams will no longer appear through the ceiling when placed on the floor below.
With cheats turned on, you should now be able to modify NPCs in Create a Sim by shift clicking on them and choosing "Modify in CAS".
Lights that have had their color and intensity modified, and then set to auto-light, will no longer revert to their default color and intensity setting.
You should no longer have to reload your lot or travel in order to get fresh cuttings to properly function from within your inventory.
We fixed an issue with how the stats panel appeared…
We have adjusted the hairstyles for our premade Sims (such as the Goths) to not change drastically during outfit changes, where it would not make sense for their hair to change.
PlantSims are now able to sleep in tents.
You should be able to once again share to Twitter from the game.
…because frustration is best served shared.
It’s simple folks, “Happy spouse, happy house.”
Getting a child to do “work” once is tough enough, getting them to do it a second time… I’d suggest hitting up the kid exchange for a trade in.
Um, you still receive the calls, you just won't hear them.
Well, you can hear the call of course, just not the ring, beeping, or musical stylings of Lorde Swift von Iggy-Flay …
Of course, I guess you don’t really hear, it’s more of a read…
Kind of a one way thing, with a yes no response mechanism.
Who invented this type of phone anyway?
We have fixed various possible ways in which children might receive inappropriate text messages… if you are still seeing this issue, please let us know.
In addition , care was leveled upon the career levels in order to carefully level the rewards in care of the connections.
The walrus is not for sale.
Highly intelligent toddlers may still contemplate their place in the universe.
Toddlers with high wisdom may still contemplate their daily movements.
High strength toddlers may move in contemplation.
Toddlers with unusually high charisma may seek contemplation of others.
And highly dexterous toddlers may contemplate how they might also be like Mike.
Previously they would only drink it through some sort of liquid teleportation behavior that defies explanation.
Blue eyes? Of course sir, let me just push your nose this way a touch. No? Then brown eyes? Yes, wonderful choice sir. Let me just pull your jaw out a bit. No? But sir, no need to raise your voice, you chose brown, not me. If you wanted your jaw to stay chiseled you should have chosen green!
Unless you have a bad contractor… then there’s really only one thing you can do, get yourself a nice MLT.
My town? Hawaiian shirts and bunny slippers!
…the stats panel.
It's a button in the upper right of the Simology panel? Shows stats? And stuff…
…about your Sim, you, things you may have done…
It's been there since the very beginning.
Ok trust me, we fixed a visual something or other there. It’s better now.
This issue was fixed for all in tents and per pose.
Vampire ears on the base form of a Sim will no longer disappear when the Sim enters live mode.
Fixed an issue that could prevent a Sim from gaining access to others' homes when they have the Eternally Welcome vampire power.
Sims that have been turned into Vampires should no longer have a non-functional age bar.
Toddlers born with vampire parents, will now maintain the eye color they were born with (or that the player had modified them to be) even after loading them into Create a Sim.
Eternally Welcome, except this time. And… that other time. Oh, and remember after the house warming party? Yea… definitely not eternally welcome.
City Living
A Love Guru from the Romance Festival that is married into a household will no longer remain immortal.
I’m reminded of the philosopher Socrates, when after an eventful night of revelry, he said “I married what?”
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Light from the Fiery Façade fireplace will no longer shine through the back of the fireplace.
Butlers will no longer appear on retail lots when they should be at home... butler’izing.
Asset Issues in Create a Sim
Hey folks, so along the lines of our Create a Stuff Pack program, I’m going to take a moment in this section of issues to provide a little insight into what the issue is, and who on the team might address them, so that you can see a little into how to evaluate an issue.
I’ll start by providing information about what the issue was and what was fixed, and then provide some insight into who would address the issue.
These two issues are considered tagging issues.
You can now wear necklaces with yfTop_SP08ShirtButtonOpen.
You can now apply a bracelet to your right and left wrist when wearing the level 5 business career outfit yfBody_EF01BusinessSuitMed!
Issues like these are fixed by the production team. In both of these cases, an asset was set to restrict the placement of another asset.
Production modified the tags, and now these assets no longer restrict placement.
These three issues are considered clipping issues. They generally appear to the player as one asset poking through another asset (and in some cases the character model itself).
Fixed a clipping issue with GP01BootFoldover and various pants.
ymHair_GP04Slashed will no longer poke through yuHat_GP04Toque.
ymShoes_AnkleSquareToe will no longer clip with ymBody_EF04ShirtSkull.
These issues are fixed by the art team. And are generally addressed by modifying one of the offending asset’s geometry (moving stuff around), or addressing something like weighting (how an asset lays against other assets).
The highlight issue fixed here, turns out is also a clipping asset issue.
Fixed a broken highlight issue that would occur when hovering over yfHair_ShortShave and yfHair_BuzzCutNatural while in Create a Sim.
It could be engineering, since highlights are handled by code, however in this case, it was a geometry issue with the hair assets that created the highlight issue.
This is a character layering issue.
Female Sims with a masculine frame should no longer have two belly buttons when in Create a Sim.
Keeping this short, but Sims have layers (like an Ogre). And if the wrong layer is added to the stack, you get issues like this. This issue is an engineering fix that required a different layer to be used in order to properly create the Sim.
This is a geometry vertex issue.
Fixed an issue that could cause some eye presets to stretch the geometry of various hair assets improperly.
This issue is addressed by an artist, and in this case was caused by a single vert (the angular point of a polygon) that was being incorrectly shared with a part of the face that caused the hair to stretch.
This is a texture issue.
We fixed an issue with a visible seam on the torso of female Sims.
This issue is addressed by an artist, and required the artist to modify the texture of the base Sim model. The texture being the paint over that makes a Sim look like a Sim, and not a wire mesh. And the base Sim model being the bare Sim without any assets.
Hope that provided just a little insight into some issues, and who fixes them. I know this focused primarily on asset issues, but I just wanted to dip our toes into the waters of development…
…wow, that sounded really cheesy.
Many apologies, and thanks again for your patience and time!
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