#they talk shit about people on tiktok but they're all on the same level
sugaryvanity · 9 months
my GOD how I HATE retwt.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
Have you read the latest script of K&J's podcast about the Michael episode? I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts. They were talking about Jenna acting out and being forced to take time off. And they mentioned being upset because other people were acting out and getting storylines or being given time off to do other things. The later one is def about D since he went to do the musical but I can't believe he would act out for that, it's like totally OOC.
Same anon as before as I was just finishing to read the script. They did indeed talk about Darren being written off and I'm debating if I should listen this time because the way it's written they seem very jealous of him. I'm getting upset by just reading this. So I'm still very curious about your thoughts about it if and when you have the chance to read/listen to it.
I actually figured you guys were all tired of my opinions, lol.
Yes, I did kind of skim the transcript this morning because I saw people talking about it and was curious. And, I have a lot of complicated feelings about the whole thing.
First of all, though, I say this with love to all the Blaine and Darren fans out there -- Kevin and Jenna are never going to be able to be objective when doing this podcast. I keep thinking about all the other rewatch podcasts I listen to, and how all of them - even when discussing things that were hard to go through and/or things that weren't that great with the show - have a level of decorum that Kevin and Jenna just do not have. I do not know why they began this podcast, but digging into the show on a media analysis level just is not where their talents lie.
(Also, I don't think they love Glee the way those other podcasters genuinely love their show and that just colors how they see things. I'll get more into this in a moment...)
And I get that it's frustrating. Believe me, I do. There are plenty of Kurt things they do not talk about that drive me nuts. But at the same time, I feel like the 'recaps' have boiled down to praising Naya, Amber, and themselves; commentating on whatever BTS stuff comes up, and discussing shit on TikTok. I'm not sure why they're even bothering with the 'recaps', tbh.
But guys - if this podcast is upsetting you, if you're finding yourself this anxious or mad or whatever -- it's time to stop. They're not going to change how they do things, and at this point, I'm not entirely sure what you're waiting for from them? Maybe it's time to stop hate listening <3 <3
As for the acting out -- I think a lot of the cast probably did. I'm sure Lea was a terror to work with at times. I'm sure Mark probably wasn't easy either. I know Naya spoke up on a lot of things -- though the producers didn't take as much issue with her until the Season 5 drama. Chris was pretty vocal about choices with his character. I can imagine Amber being just as frustrated with Mercedes' lack of anything to do. Didn't Heather say she kept it all inward? And what about Diana who really seems to not ever want to talk about Glee again?
So - who knows what acting out means, tbh.
Keeping all of this in context -- this cast was very tired by the time Season 3 came around. There were too many characters to service, they keep adding ones in, and they were all very young. (And for those of you who are experiencing your early 20s right now? I hate to say this to you -- but you are all still very young.) Added on the fact that the producers clearly did not understand their mental health needs (as evident about how apologetic Ryan Murphy seems to be about all of it) you get a lot of young people expressing their frustration in a lot of different ways over a lot of different things.
I think that Jenna has some very, very complicated feelings about the show -- and in particular about this era because this is where she had a rather big break down. You know what, I do feel for her, because I can see where she's coming from. I can't imagine - feeling like you're tied to a job where everyone around you seems to be getting a better deal than you, and you're trying to be the nice one, and eventually, holding all of that inwardly will make you crack. I'm glad she went to therapy. I kinda hope she's still going to therapy because it seems as though a lot of this is still bothering her.
And I don't really think that Darren, specifically, is ultimately what led to Jenna's breakdown. I think it was a lot of things compounding on each other and Darren on Broadway might have been the last straw that caused her to crack.
I will say (again with all the love to Darren, I adore the guy) there was underground talk that when Darren first got there - he didn't exactly handle his newfound fame in the most eloquent of ways -- in that he was a little on the pompous side. But again, that was age, and by the time Season 4 came around, by all accounts that I came across, he was friends with everyone.
That said - none of this is Darren's fault. It's not Darren's fault that Ryan Murphy handled his young cast and their mental health very badly. It's not Darren's fault that he jumped on opportunities when they arose. It's not Darren's fault that through his natural talents Blaine became a way more popular character than half the original cast. And it's not Darren's fault that Jenna has her own shit to deal with.
So, yeah...
I guess those are my thoughts.
And I'm still here enjoying Kurt, Blaine, Chris, and Darren -- and believe it or not, a lot of the show in general. And I don't really listen to Kevin and Jenna's podcast anymore because they just don't care about the things I do -- and that's fine.
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
I don't know how to say this kindly, but each and every Aeon take I see is from somebody with utterly zero literacy skills. It's shocking. Their opinions and analysis can only be explained by either A) they're 13 or B) they don't consume anything at all outside of cheesy videogames. It's the same shit with a whole lot of Leon stans too.
Note: I'm really not trying to be a bitch, but for the love of god, do not take your analysis opinions from TIKTOK. Do not do that. Form your own perception from canon material first. Then take every online review with a grain of salt and compare it to what you've found and what significant people within the making of said material have to say. God, I genuinely don't want to be mean, I just don't know how else to say it.
You said it before and I somewhat agree, anyone who cares about Ada as a character doesn't ship Aeon. I'm gonna add on to that by saying anybody with any level of capability to understand who she is, her arc, personality and holds a minor interest in any future appearances, does not ship it. OG Ada was... nothing. Just a couple of easy tropes tied up into a vessel. No arc. No known motivation. The fact they've decided to take her on again and WRITE HER for arguably the first time (lol) should be celebrated.
I'm gonna tack on a boiling hot take here, but both OG and Remake are so incompatible that it's impossible for Ada to exist with any worthy script while skipping around and fluttering her eyelashes at him. It's nonsensical. Leon is also completely robbed of any meaningful cathartic arc while just... ignoring her crimes because she shared one trauma with him and has nice legs. No we won't elaborate. That's what OG gave us.
Why are these people so LOUD in fandom spaces? I can name three shows this year that ended and pulled the worst takes imaginable, that I still have a hard time believing came from grown adults who watched them.
they're all people who get a superiority complex about being "right" -- so if they ship the canon ship, that makes them Objectively Right and no one really has any room to tell them that they're wrong. it really has nothing to do with the ship itself and everything to do with being on the "winning" team. it's mass tribalism and a desire to lord status over others. in an alternate universe where cleon won out as endgame, all those people would be cleon stans. i promise.
but there's one thing that you can use that objectively proves that OG and remake are two different timelines. i've never seen an aeon person (or anyone) refute this in a way that matters; pretty much every time i pull this out, whoever i'm talking to has to take the L.
operation javier.
krauser, much more than ada, is proof that OG and remake are incompatible as stories. unless someone really wants to try to say that OG krauser trained OG leon, in which case you go "bitch when" and point out the fact that krauser and leon did not know each other in OG until operation javier, and krauser faked his death immediately after.
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Tbh I'm Black and I thought people shipping Namor and Shuri were just a bunch of cidhet White reylos. And from what I'm seeing it is the same for a lot of us. It's time to accept that Black people are going to be divided in this matter, and that's okay we don't all think the same. But we aren't getting anywhere assuming the haters are just white by default
I used to live on tumblr more but now I live on TikTok more and I've seen nothing but Black women discussing this ship and I didn't even know there was controversy around it until I got literally attacked lol. It's also weird to assume someone is white, period. I usually only assume someone is white when they're, like, on Twitter saying some outrageous Far Right political shit but preface it with "As a Black man,". (Or I assume they're a bot.)
Like, it's out of left field, to me. Idk how other Black women are taking it, but it's crazy, like literally delusional and insane, to me, to assume that I would make this blog years and years and years ago and just elect to be one of the most underrepresented and disrespected demographics of comics fans and superhero movie fans for fun so that I could... disagree with the fans of a movie that wasn't even in the realm of existing, yet. Like, I'm a white Reylo (I don't even like Reylo, or Star Wars fans at all tbh). I played the long game, pretending to like Iris West and Misty Knight and Valkyrie and defending Anna Diop and all of that... just so I could sneak my white ass in to ship Shuri with a character y'all find distasteful? I remember a few years back when people were shipping Shuri with Bucky and a lot of people objected, but I don't remember this level of vitriol and I don't recall anyone just trying to strip long-standing blogs of their identity over it. Marvel fans have always had disagreements and shipping has always been one of the biggest ones, but I've never, in my life, felt so attacked over an opinion that I don't even hold that strongly. Like I said, I don't care about the ship that much. I only said it was fun. I don't see how shipping 2 fictional people, even lightly, even in passing, is antiblack. Antiblackness is such a bigger thing than "you shipped characters I don't like".
Usually, we're fighting the opposite, which is nobody shipping the Black characters at all, or not liking any ships with Black characters, or treating the Black characters in the ship like the psychologist for the non-Black characters in the ship. I ain't never seen no shit like this. I didn't know y'all didn't like antagonist/protagonist ships that hard. I didn't come on here to convince anyone of anything, I just came here because it's usually a fun place to geek out about these movies and things. But, no, it's not fun. Y'all are on here making huge judgements of people over shipping... like Ryan Coogler wrote it that way. Talk to him, if it bothers you that much.
But to question my entire identity, my family, my political leanings, my loyalty to my community? It's sick. Like, I can't even defend myself. If I start saying, like, I was literally getting tear gassed at BLM protests in 2020, I sound ridiculous. If I say ACAB, I sound like I'm trying too hard to convince y'all I'm Black. If I talk about actual Black American issues I care about, like the school to prison pipeline, I sound like I'm just bringing up talking points. But you guys get to decide I hate myself and other Black women because of Shuri and Namor, a fictional African princess and a fish man who were written into a screenplay. Like, what fucking sense does that make?
Like, none of this is real, but I am a real person behind this account. Y'all are making me physically ill over this.
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bioethicists · 9 months
when I found out about the joke I was immediately confused thinking that it had to be a joke abt how a lot of primarily white men idolize the roman empire to a concerning level.
but I couldnt find anything else indicating that and only found comments agreeing. I was a little annoyed after tbh
i asked my wife + bestie abt this bcuz they're both blissfully non-theory-types + claire basically said "well, i think it happens because we are all taught abt the roman empire constantly as children as the beacon of civilization so we all think of it often and not many people think past that as to WHY" + they think the gender thing is just the same sort of thing as "dads always want to talk about wwii" where ppl just. see something is true but either don't care to or don't think to apply a critical lens to it
idk i think we need to start cultivating communities where applying a critical lens to things is encouraged + exciting + collaborative so that ppl stop seeing critical perspectives as Ruining Fun or so ppl don't avoid thinking critically abt things until someone makes them feel ashamed abt it. cuz i would love to see this become a meaningful collective conversation about what we idolize abt the roman empire + how that becomes gendered/racialized + what beliefs might be coming out of that but my prediction is someone on tiktok is going to catch on + make a condescending sanctimonious post abt it + everything will either silently vanish or go to shit
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tinyfoxpolice · 3 months
11:00 - welcome to the life of a hustla
11:00 - $30 an hour...but I would get chill vibes
11:00 - I'm inclined to take it as a break while earning money
11:13 - I would like to state that if I didn't fall down the wild red pill of feminism with female dating strategy on Reddit I would have kept my standards on the floor and what was happening to me wasn't okay
11:14 - but also I was wild on the internet for fucking years
11:14 - you should've seen...no I can't.
11:15 - just light it all on fire immediately
11:15 - I go back to that period of time and I think that it was a good thing because I didn't understand what was happening and why I went a certain direction
11:16 - terribly wild and crazy things where I was an absolute mad man stirring a pot and then lighting it on fire and trolling so hard where possible and then pornography
11:16 - I can't even look at reddit anymore because Im like ???? What is this place
11:17 - I think I got rid of it last year entirely. I was getting sick of listening to how every problem in the universe was everybody else's problem
11:18 - it was the same with tiktok, same with Instagram, same with facebook. Everybody was consuming all this media at all possible times
11:18 - But the thing with all these people on the internet is that they deliberately curate their lives to look a certain way. I've hung out with so many people that lived lives that wasn't what they were posting online. They were unhappy, they didn't even like their partners, they hated their lives were different after children, they only wanted to do fun things, they would rant and rant about everything was terrible
11:20 - The people who post the longest "deep and meaningfuls where they're grateful for life" are trying the hardest to convince the world they're happy
11:20 - So many people I went to school with. I know those people. I know what they were like. I've interacted with them as an adult and they were all still the same
11:21 - It was just weird to look around at everybody and realise they were built exactly like that, they were happy with that and they wanted the world to see something different that wasn't that.
11:22 - it's a weird level of cognitive awareness where they know who they are truly isn't socially acceptable so they curate media to show something that is.
11:22 - it was a really bizarre concept to come to terms with
11:23 - so you're aware you're a piece of shit, trash talking others, bringing people down purposefully, engaging in the behaviour....but you desperately need to make sure anybody else who doesn't know you doesnt see that
11:24 - why not.....change?
11:24 - it was so weird. They reproduced and then complained
11:24 - I could go on forever about people who have children and then hate their lives
11:25 - everybody really out here believing that kids would be easy
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
Stan twitter (I'll call it stan twitter but they're on other platforms too, especially Tiktok) is full of sociopaths and I'm not exaggerating. Those people are mentally unwell. We all have mental issues but they're beyond help, are so out of touch with the world, are so angry and insecure and have victim complexes. They hate anyone who is popular. They turned on Harry when he beat Taylor Swift's vinyl record for most albums sold. They hate him because he is a threat to their faves and are desperately trying to cancel him. All of this hate started when he started breaking music records. They did the same with Olivia Rodrigo (they turned on her). Ed Sheeran. Justin Bieber. With Olivia Rodrigo they were struggling to come up with reasons to cancel her so they started painting her as a racist and using photoshop to fake tweets she made. Nicki Minaj stans are one of the worst, along with Kayne fans and pop girl stans like Swifties. Nicki fans have been harassing the woman who spoke up about Nicki's husband sexually assaulting her. They're just awful.
Hi anon as someone who has been on most major SM apps besides IG I can say yeah people are toxic and hypocritical. I wouldn't go as far as saying their mental don't feel like that's something we should call others but yes I do understand why you are at such a high level of anger towards twitter and tiktok users.
There's the regular non fan accs who hate Harry based on misinformation and shit that's just not true and those are the people that for no reason hate Harry and want any excuse to justify their hate even tho he is probably one of the better celebs to like. These are also the people who don't get fandom culture and have made fun of those in fandom culture since the 2000s. Just bc you don't understand how a singer, youtuber ect. can make someone's life better doesn't mean you need to shit on those who get it and the people they like.
There's the hypocritical ones are those who act like that hating Harry for ??? reasons but ARE fan accs and for people like K**ye, Blondie and N*kki who have proven time and time again they are not even remotely close to a good person so why tf are talking about Harry and his fans? Also I noticed they all have the same thing in common with the notion of always being the victim and never the problem. N*kki as you mentioned bullies actual victims.
And there's the Harry fans who clearly just like Harry bc they feel they need to and or have a following in his fandom so they don't want to leave it even tho they dont give af about him fans are just as bad. These are the ones who care more about being "fandom famous" than actually caring for the artist they stan. They just stan whoever is hot in the moment and probably change their stan list often.
I see this often with OT4/5 stans who say they stan Harry but any chance they get they will throw Harry under the bus to help uplift other members usually Liam or Zayn. Also what you said happens a lot people claim to stan Harry but then get mad when he beats records other singers they stan held. If you actually liked Harry you would be happy for him. If you're mad he "beat you're other fav" clearly the other is the only one you actually like.
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sophocused · 2 years
situations at work that let me know that the internet is truly the only safe space for me, as a queer, mid-sized, SE Asian woman. also I'm from Canada, and a pretty liberal city at that, and yet the ignorance and covert discrimination is still much the same.
can I say a little how spineless some of my co-workers can be when it comes to actively thinking about pride, and reducing the comp-het that kids learn from majority of media and family?
yesterday, one of the 11 yr old boys was trying to make a gay joke, where the punchline is to "trick" one of us daycare teachers into saying we're gay.
my other two coworkers, just saying, "no, I'm straight. what are you trying to say?" like it almost sounded like they were offended to be presumed to be gay.
I said, as half-jokingly as I could but with full determination to shut this mess down, I said, "I mean, would it be so bad?"
And finally one other co-worker said "Yeah, would it be so bad?".
And I said, "And during pride month too!"
Needless to say, I will never stop making kids slightly uncomfortable for making jokes that they were taught is supposed to be acceptable.
I got non-binary kids coming out to me, gay, lesbian, and kids as young as 9-11 years old telling me they're bi or pan or don't know.
It fills me with joy, that I could be there, an adult who is supposed to be the responsible one, the anchor, to be there to validate their emotions and experiences.
During her break, my coworker A (cis woman) was talking shit about our coworker B (cis man) which at first was just the reasonable kind.
"He acts like he's the boss of us when we're at the same level," and other simple coworker complaints like that.
Then, coworker A got too comfortable with me. She started saying things like, "He acts more like a girl like me," or "I usually get along with gay people, but I don't know why he's so different."
Coworker B has never confirmed their sexuality or I believe is not comfortable disclosing it, but anyway that was all sorts of messed up.
I was taken aback and honestly feeling an internal, "The gay was too stunned to speak". (Using gay as an umbrella term)
Coworker A goes to the gym at 5am every other morning. She is on a strict diet that involves her feeling guilty even for having a donut or a cookie provided by work.
I showed her one of my old pictures from 2020 when I was 20-30 lbs lighter and she exclaimed so loud that I should join the gym and workout with her and "get that body back."
Breh just let me be fat and pretty in peace.
I was working while Coworker A and Coworker D (she works in a different room) were talking in a sort of open conversation again.
They started talking about Coworker B again and some presumed BL they saw in his YouTube search history, and gossiped that it's scandalous bc he works as a Catholic Sunday School teacher.
Coworker D also exclaimed with shock and disgust, "I can't believe this girl into a boy and boy into a girl stuff. Or that girls can know if they like girls already. They're so young to be thinking about that stuff!"
She said it with such bravado like she was used to the people in the room agreeing with her when she spoke like that.
Coworker A, who acted like she's an "Ally" and that "love is love" just said, "Yeah well, they're seeing a lot more because of tiktok these days."
Coworker D proceeded to talk Iike it's the exposure to LGBT+ content that is "turning" the kids gay or trans.
I was fuming, I did not speak, not my circus not my monkeys, esp bc Coworker D was quitting that day so she's thankfully no longer working with kids.
I hate it here.
I need to talk a gay person of colour, who's maybe also neurodivergent, and also mid to plus size.
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What the fuck is "femininity", anyway? Pt. 2
I was watching a video a few months ago about Evangelical Christians complaining about what they perceived as androgyny - women wearing pants and not having long hair, men not going fishing or wearing beards - and then said something to the effect of "These people are straying from God's design!"
I suppose the Bible does have some parts that can be construed as saying that women should have long hair, men should have short hair, and they should both look different and do different things. However, wearing certain clothes or hairstyles, or doing the majority of tasks don't have a biological component. If men were naturally, biologically, by-God supposed to have short hair, it should grow to be an inch long and stop, right? I've seen some Christians rebut the "only men can wear pants" argument on the basis that the stereotypical Christian man wouldn't like, nor properly fit into a pair of women's pants. I would take that a step further, because I think it's hilarious, and say that if women wearing pants were a 100%, by-God biological impossibility, they would have one leg, or be like nagas or mermaids and it would be physically impossible to make pants for them.
Another example: musical instruments are assigned gender stereotypes for some fucking reason. A friend from middle school said she wanted to play the trumpet, but was given a clarinet because it was a "feminine" instrument. Conversely, I've seen boys who started school band on a flute or clarinet either switch instruments, or quit band altogether. Perhaps small hands make it easier to play the piccolo, and it's less annoying for a strong person to carry around a tuba, upright bass, or bari sax, but there's no reason for the player's genitals to enter the equation. During the 18th century, the acceptability of an instrument for women was based on whether the player had to spread their legs to play it. Pianos, violins/violas, and flutes were allowed, but a cello was indecent. I'm not sure, then, how harps became stereotyped as "feminine instruments" when they're both gigantic and require the player to straddle them...but here I am trying to make sense of nonsense again...
Finally - and this is the big one - there is the downright schizophrenic relationship some male communities have with female attractiveness and things women do, or have done to them, to change how they look in pictures and videos.
I feel I must preface the rest of this point with something: "men" and "women" are not hive minds, and it's important to not strawman half the population based on a conglomeration of the worst representatives you have experienced. If you go outside, in real life, and think about the couples you see, it becomes very obvious that the majority of men you will see are attracted to women who aren't skinny blondes with big boobs/asses and the majority of women you see are attracted to men who aren't 6-/7-figure earners. People who seem to express that they are totally alone and perpetually shit-on by a world of "Chads" and "Staceys" feels like the same type of mindset school kids have, where they obsess over not being included by the popular kids while they're befriended and included just fine by kids they actually have more in common with. It's not a healthy mindset to have, but excusable in school kids because kids are immature by nature and they mostly grow out of it; however, to be an adult and still think like this is a good sign to get help.
I'm talking primarily about the incel community and perhaps some of the groups that this mentality spills into.
A post was going around several years ago and I think the photos were taken from a clickbait which was taken from a makeup artist's portfolio. The MUA might actually have been Goar Avetisyan (https://www.goaronline.com/courses) but the before and after pictures resembled the ones on the link above -- one with absolutely no makeup or hair styling, and then the other with full glam, special occasion makeup and styled hair, a wig, extensions, etc. The way it was presented was "LOOK! HERE'S PROOF W*MEN AREN'T ACTUALLY HOT! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! THEY'RE LYING TO YOU! ILLUMINATI EXPOSED!!!!"
I can see why they're mad, because the dishonesty surrounding makeup, but especially photoshop, plastic surgery, posing, and airbrushing can get toxic. I'm old enough to remember the old-fashioned mindset where women were supposed to hide their "beauty secrets". Don't apply makeup in public, keep your roots touched up so nobody knows they're dyed, and if you have any treatments or surgery always deny having them. Wear your makeup to bed, then wake up early and fix it before your guy sees you.
I couldn't imagine how awful I would feel if I had Instagram or TikTok when I was growing up. I had enough moments of feeling frustrated because I didn't naturally look how other people looked, and I didn't realize that people in TV and movies were wearing makeup, that magazine ads were photoshopped, etc. Just being an extremely average-looking human being with no concept of basic grooming, comparing myself to other kids at school was hard enough without the rapist-run media adding another layer of bullshit.
When I realized the layers of lies, it was like...how long have I been wasting my time and money on this totally made-up problem? How much did I actually improve my life and happiness chasing it? Or, did it actually make me more miserable? How much could I have accomplished if I put the same amount of angst into a different pursuit -- instead of fixing my face, I could have been fixing my art...When it comes to pursuing an unattainable ideal, there is no end to the horror.
So, I suppose, when a group of men (...boys, whatever) realize that "hot women" are a spook, and the the ethereal creature they've been told by society to put on a pedestal is actually not far removed from them, and it shits and farts, it seems very reasonable to feel angry and like you've been taken for a ride by "the system". It can be easy to blame women for this, and hate them. And it's probably easy to get stuck here.
Instead of being perpetually angry, they have to mourn the death of this ethereal spook-woman, and move on with an acceptance of reality as it is. Women, too, have to kill and mourn the spook-woman as part of self-acceptance.
One positive evolution of the makeup fandom is that while the makeup has gotten more intense and elaborate, makeup tutorials have demystified makeup. When tutorials started to become popular, there was a lot of "Excuse my eye-circles, excuse my pimple, excuse my skin, excuse my hair, excuse my lighting, excuse my room, excuse my, excuse my, excuse, excuse, excexcexcexCEXEXEXEXEXEX- *boom*" and thankfully someone eventually came along ($10 says it was a drag queen) and said, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, NOBODY CARES," and eventually the makeup fandom became okay with letting a bare face be a bare face. You wear the makeup, you don't wear the makeup. It doesn't matter. It's just a hobby.
To refer back to my original point, the confusion of makeup (something culturally feminine) with biological femininity has really fucked up both men and women. Everyone is better off extracting the two from one another, and it seems like many people are in the process of doing that. It helps women hate themselves less, and it helps men humanize women and have better relationships.
However, the image of the spook-woman, "10/10 model" is so ingrained in some parts of the culture, as the apex of the vertex of femininity, that despite complaints about how makeup is a lie, discarding that in favor of just a healthy, bare-faced woman feels like embracing post-modernity and a slippery slope to embracing ugliness as beauty. I think the lack of exaggerated femininity that spook-woman makeup provides feels threatening because the woman's face looks more masculine in a purely relative sense. The exaggerated femininity of the spook-woman, as it is for the Evangelical Christians who follow strict gender roles, provides additional separation between the sexes which serves to reassure men who are A) preoccupied with their level of masculinity and B) hyper-aware of their standing toward the bottom of this hierarchy of masculinity. I think the entire hierarchy benefits from them being placated by more separation from women, because if the bottom whatever percent of men are too dissatisfied with their standing, they may start punching upwards or wanting to attack the hierarchy itself. The men at the top don't want that because of the benefits they receive for being at the top.
MGTOW and the incel movement really kicked off after Gamergate, and intensified with subsequent "waves" of feminism. The discontent men direct their frustration at women, but they also direct their frustration at the men not troubled by what women do. There's suddenly a lot of interest in whether you're an alpha, a beta, a gamma, omega, a sigma, a ligma male, etc. and which one is the better type of male to be. There's a lot of hatred for "Chads" and I see a lot of jealousy directed toward men who are married and have families, usually in the form of "She's just gonna divorce you, take half your shit, and then manipulate your kids to hate you. You'll see...you'll realize you should have spent your whole life banging whores."
This all seems like the result of the ol' spending money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like. This is undoubtedly the idealist in me, men and women would be better off to cut each other some slack. We could see one another as fellow tragic, flawed individuals instead of fleshlights and ATMs, escape the Matrix and spit in the faces of our rapist, media elite overlords.
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THANK YOU for saying all of that about the sk8 fandom. I think it's mainly because it's a young fandom with a lot of young people, but yeah, they have zero chill. It gets kinda annoying when you actually stop and think about the show and realize that a lot of things are just,,, not the way they think they are/should be
Also, I have compared some Reki and Langa scenes to rinharu scenes, but it's mostly because I see them and think "nice reference Utsumi" because they remind me of them so much, but to say RL are in the same level as them, or any other couple they've compared then to is kind of a stretch. Reki and Langa are, at best, a very very tame version of any of those, and while is see why they would focus a lot more on the puppy love thing they have it really pales in comparison (although they don't really compare it to free! because they're so hellbent in calling it queerbait as though half of the scenes they claim are so romantic did not also happen in there before, because they really don't understand how romantic coding works in anime).
Anyway, your blog is amazing :)) You always come off as a very smart person who is also just so done with people's stupidity and I'm 100% here for that haha
Haha no problem, needed to get it out of my system anyways. It’s true, but also once again being young shouldn’t always mean you’re that stupid, let’s be real here. And if you are that stupid, they need to know about it at least, so next time they’ll maybe think twice before saying stuff they say.
Their main problem these days is their herd feeling, it’s like one says smth stupid, others, having no brain of their own, repeat it and here’s what we have at the end. A whole field of a damn cicadas meaninglessly shrilling. 
It would be much more entertaining if they’d have enough brains to at least not put sticks in their own wheels, but they sadly don’t, so taking them down isn’t even satisfying. Not to mention the fact that you don’t even have to do anything, sooner or later they’ll embarrass themselves, cause the combination like “a sense of self-importance we have, but real life experience and brains we don’t have” leads to a disaster. Tiktok won’t help you with everything and half of them don’t even know what they’re talking about in most cases, they only love throwing loud words trying to scare easily impressionable ppl these days, cause everyone is like “I don’t wanna be cancelled so I won’t say anything” lol.
They just do not get that when you start smth like this, same as with a good lies, you gotta be smart. Like ok, they don’t distinguish real life from fiction, fine, but they can’t even check the age of the characters of their other ships before yelling “pedo” about others, so idk what to say here really. I just truly feel bad sometimes about even saying smth, bc like maybe just let them be, imagine the embarrassment of being this stupid? Who even puts them in charge of other ppl’s money idk. 
Yeah, I understand I compared the scenes, too, it’s inevitable, cause they’re all there haha. I was like “our” and thats also “ours” lmao. What I do not get is why would you compare them as if they have the same relationship depth (like high schoolers who have known each other for a month and a couple who knew each other for 7+ years and who planned their future together) or say that the reasonings behind the character’s behavior are same, when they’re entirely and I mean ENTIRELY different. It’s like not even anywhere near same. Like the comparartion of their break up with 13 year old Rin just hit me too hard, I was like.. let’s just not, not pls haha I’ll write a damn essay, but pls it hurts my soul seeing this. And comparing their fist bumb (ai, excuuuse me, eternity sign) to victuuri exchanging rings, I was just on the floor seriously. I just can’t handle the fandom of this pairing, it’s too weird for me. Logic left the chat on their tag and holy shit they’re blind to everything. I’m even glad I’m not into this pairing, cause I feel kinda sad for normal ppl who are into it, bc its like entering a kindergarden. Llike an absolute zero connection to reality, reading too much into things and all the chastity belts in one place, I was like... oh damn I’m too old for this shit and even if I was invested I’d probably still run away haha.
I’m really happy that you enjoy the blog! Thank you so much <3 Haha I have zero tolerance for stupidity, true. It’s such a bad quality tho, I sometimes suffer a lot just by seeing smth and be like “I can’t, I just have to say smth, I just have to, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sleep, it’s that stupid” lmao.
And sometimes part of me goes like “you know it’s pointless, it’s like talking to a tree”, but other part of me is like “no, it talks, and it means I can shut them up” lol. But I truly don’t get why ppl listen to this and indulge them seriously. Like I know stupid ppl prevail in this world in general, but like in fandoms they’re pretty easy to dethrone, if you bring up the right arguments. And I know in rare occasions, when you really cut them deep, they tend to attack in large groups like locusts, but it’s not like they can eat me through a computer screen, so idk. If I’ll get invested in that one ship after s12 I just might poke them a bit more out of spite lmao.
But also they are kids really, I mean, you can scroll through the tag and know for sure that like “yeah, that’s kid’s perspective”. Most of them didn’t even reach the age of the characters they’re watching things about, but like to pretend that they know stuff and most these days don’t have enough additional knowlenge to be smarter than their age, cause they are too busy well, tweeting about the stuff they know nothing about, so it’s kinda not really enjoyable to talk to them since I’d rather discuss it with someone who at least was in high school already and you know, not extra lol. 
I’m just kinda upset that it turns out to be a kids fandom, that’s all. Cause like chats and dms and sisters are great, but like I want the tag to look hella different, seriously. Bc I’m interested in characters and relationships complexity, not pink vomit. Well, you know the enjoyment of a great fandom. It’s a bliss. I have those thankfully haha.
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lie---ability · 3 years
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for too many times in my life had i been wrong about people. so much that anyone who tries to have anything with me makes me anxious. i even get anxious about my upcoming job at Virus & Partners because new people = chances of any of them hurting me. i have been wrong about people so much that i think it's because i idealize them so much. i mean an example could be us hanging out everyday, do a lot of things together, stay out late together, ditch others for each other, chat each other right after being together the entire day, say i love you and get home safe — and i'd think we're best friends!!! only for her to say we never were. and that she never wanted to be close with someone like me. so it must be me, right? maybe i just fell in love with the thought that she's a great best friend. at the same time i think, no. she was a best friend, she did exist. that version of her existed. or at least did when it was convenient or beneficial to her, but when the time came where it wasn't, she threw me under the bus, become totally different from who i loved. who i proudly said was my best friend. all those months that built up my comfort, trust, attachment — ended up being told as a lie. and if it came from the person herself that they were lies, who am i to say she's just saying that for whatever reason? she said it herself. we weren't best friends even if she said it before. so what was the truth? was i just really stupid and idealistic? or are people just so awful now? it's like i'm this fish in a pond who's so easy to catch with just the right amount of treat. like i'd swim away when you approach but try a bit more and i'd fall for it. attachment issues suck, more so my abandonment issues.
but this post isn't about jodie. this is about my first boyfriend, rikko.
first because rj doesn't count, the fuck? that shit was a joke lol i just got a dose of reality at an early age. no love there at all. who even falls in love at 13? that shit illegal. so yes, rikko is my first boyfriend ♥️ and even though i've dated guys before, he's the only one i ever loved so far. i love him so much. in fact, before i was already starting to think that maybe i'm not capable of love? i mean, i'm aware i'm a mean person. but i didn't think of myself as someone incapable of falling in love. but among the guys i met and dated, ALL OF THEM WERE JUST TO FEED MY EGO. ego ego ego. tell me i'm pretty. keep asking me to go out and let me reject you over and over again. show me how much you wanna take me out on a date again. over and over and all of them were unintended! when i do talk to someone, a part of me tries! maybe this could work? but it kept ending the same way. ego food. which led me to think fuckkk i'm incapable of loving too? what am i here for then tfuck? — until i met rikko! and everything he did and said, i wanted more of it. the more he laughed, the more he cried, i wanted to keep seeing them, even if he laughs/cries for the same reasons over and over. i wanted the things he wanted. i wanted to like the shit he liked, and i did! i hated touch but i love being held by him. he was expressive too! like the other boys! but for some reason, it wasn't ego food. they became credit scores for me. each time he gets a point, it adds up to my reasons why this is it! why this is worth a try! and i struggled and fought hard. the commitment and daddy issues, the anxiety, the fear of abandonment, blah blah and he did and said the right things at the right time he went at the right places, gave the right gifts, promised the right things — all for him to turn out to be just like everybody else. he died months into my life. he couldn't keep up with the character he played, and idk why people keep playing a character on me. jodie played the supportive bff but really wanted to be some sort of main character which i think is rather difficult hence the hurtful betrayal. and then there's rikko, who played the boy i could ever want, but never was that person. he never was that person to his parents and friends, and i thought he would suddenly change for me? that's some boss level pick me girl shit. i love rikko, even now as i type this. i met him january 2020, it's july 29, 2021 today, and i love him so much. but i'm not sure if i should be with him anymore. on principle, morals, self-care, common sense, logic, religion. why? because he died. he died last january 2021. he's no longer the same rikko i fell for. his hands aren't the ones i fought myself to hold. he's not the same person who went all the way from paranaque to cainta for me at 8pm because my dad told me he almost had another baby with someone ON MY BIRTHDAY. he's not the same person i looked at up at Sm Aura thinking he could be the one. and that i belong here, with him. that i love being with him, and he could be other things, but i want to be with him. he didn't know it, but looking at him as he talked about his friends, those things ran in my head. it was the same rikko who got teary eyed when he misunderstood me there at the Sm Aura rooftop, thinking i meant that i was just playing him. the rikko who gave me a necklace for no reason, wore it on me and even had it in a totally unsuspecting case (tea bag) which made the surprise funnier and cuter, is... yep... no longer here. the rikko who kept reminding me i'm redeemable, that i'm not my anxieties, i'm not my bad brain, i'm not my small voice, that rikko is long gone. and still i stayed waiting, making excuses, reasoning out with myself, trusting that he'd come back and funny enough, 7 months in and... he's still gone.
the saddest part is he doesn't want to be like that. or so i think. he tries. i see him trying. i see the efforts. he tries to ask me about my day, about my worries, why i'm anxious, why i'm sad or irritated. he asks me about work, applications and when i'm out with friends or family. he tries to make time for me even now that he prefers valorant over ml with me, i know he tries to play ml with me. he tries to take some time off work to talk to me. he tries to post on social media now, shares my ig stories, joins my tiktoks and get along with my jokes. he tries. i know he does. but that's the thing. he has to try. and maybe those things, he just isn't. and the difference between trying and develop is with development, there is direction. there is progress. with rikko... it's unstable. sometimes he can do this, but the next times not so sure. and as someone anxious with rejection and abandonment issues, inconsistencies are okay, but a lot of them? and major ones? NOTHING GOOD WILL COME OF IT. so many things rikko doesn't know and still he has it in him to say or assume a lot of things about me. one of them is when he said i'm ALWAYS annoyed at him. does he know how many times i get annoyed at things he do? but i don't address all of them not because i don't want to but because i acknowledge that they're not worth the fight or i'm just being hotheaded or immature or maybe inconsiderate. i think first before i act on him because if i learned anything about rikko, emotions have to make sense! which is wrong in the first place but that's who i'm with! but at the times i can't help being tampo, annoyed, or upset, he finds it in him to tell me i'm a l w a y s annoyed? WHEN?!?! i even asked him when and i know he realized it but still he fell stubborn to his pride. does he also know that his gifts don't make me kilig anymore? they just relieve me at this point which is sad!!! fucking sad!!! why? for example, for my virtual college graduation i was getting anxious few days before because i'm worried he won't give me anything or do something for me which will surely trigger my ~neglected issues~ and if i do get triggered, instead of addressing and being there for me, instead of making it up to me, he'd get mad! he'd make me feel that i'm asking for so much, for the impossible, all while i see it happen to people. i see other dudes give their girlfriends things without occasion. i see them try to like the things their girlfriends like, even embarrassing ones that she posts on social media. i see men constantly expressing their love for their gfs, for the person they asked to commit to them. all while i have one who would call me demanding, needy and exhausting. imagine? lol i get anxious he won't fulfill me not because i'd get sad but because he'll get mad when i get upset. he'd make me feel awful and remind me of the reason why we should end. and i hate that. i'm fighting so hard to take it off my mind, i hate thinking that we're incompatible, unhappy and that we're just trying to revive this love we have for each other. that love really isn't enough, even for us. so when he got me this bouquet for graduation, i was 95% relieved and 5% kilig because awwwww but more importantly, I WON'T BE TAMPO WHICH MEANS I WON'T HAVE TO HIDE AND HE WON'T HAVE TO GET ANNOYED AT ME BEING UPSET! as i type this all the more i feel bad because it's so clear i shouldn't be with him anymore. it hurts each time it crosses my mind. i really see rikko as the love of my life. and idk why. because he shouldn't be. the love of your life should be someone who makes you laugh, makes you strong but can also let you cry. the love of your life is the one who holds you on your way out of dark times. the love of your life is the one who corrects you in ways that won't make you feel bad, but in ways that make you feel cared for. that he's telling you so out of concern, not because he thinks you're a difficult sick mental person who needs an on-call therapist and an attending nurse. the love of your life should be the person who makes you cry the least.
but he doesn't deserve it also. maybe he's not ready to be in a relationship just yet. and there was no harm in trying. in fact i'm happy he tried because if he hadn't added me on facebook and hit up on instagram, i would have never known what love was like. i would also have never known how fun and exciting it is to be in love. it's so nice actually! to lie down with someone and just know they'll be there when you wake up and even if you do wake up in the middle of the night, you're safe with them. and no matter what you look like in the morning or how loud you snore or how stretched you are in bed, you are loved by this person next to you. and they chose to sleep with you too. to be as vulnerable as you are. and i loved that with rikko. we sleep together, we wake up in between sleep just to look for each other's cheeks, we shower together, we do weird shower dances, we have secret baby things, and a lot more things that you would think from here on meant forever. because these things, how could you ever try them again with someone else? because from where i am right now I HATE THE THOUGHT OF THOSE WITH ANYONE WHO'S NOT RIKKO. but stay with him for what? for what at this point? i'm not God. i'm just an anxious person with daddy issues who has enough money hunger and dreams plus a mom, aunts and 1 friend who loves rikko so much. i can't change him. and i shouldn't.
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