#they rly said fck you to the disabled ppl on this show 😔
dragynkeep · 2 years
hello! this might just be self projection but I kinda hate how no one ever experiments with long memory in the fndm or even in show. Like i was drawn to oscar and oz cus I use a cane but It’s just a weapon and it disappoints me.
I like the idea of a modern au that keeps long memory as a actual cane. people use those rt.
or just, idk, they missed a opportunity to make oscar use it. the shows representation on that stuff is so hit and miss (cough cough the ableism in ironwoods later writing especially.) I thimk it would’ve helped and maybe create more cute ints between oscar and ironwood.
i am just rambling but I know you guys will listen to me brr
honestly same because like, it would make so much sense for ozpin to use a cane especially if all the injuries & deaths from his past lives are hurting him in a psychosomatic way & he uses the cane as not only a mobility aid but a comfort item to physically & mentally give him strength. yes it’s his weapon but it’s also something that allows him to have the life he does & i really do wish that they would put more thought into things like these because they’re really easy ways to feature disabled people in the story without either erasing their disability or treating them like they’re props for it.
oscar being this disabled kid who tries his best in the confines of his disability, being the next vessel for someone just like him who achieved so much —  just imagine how validating that would be. & it wouldn’t be in spite of his disability because that is part of ozpin as much as it is part of oscar & while their disabilities don’t define them, they don’t have to be erased for them to be worth something either. that bleeding into a relationship not only with ironwood but with yang too would’ve been something really nice to see as there’s been a painful lack of anything meaningful around the character’s disabilities in the show so far that isn’t just blatantly, jaw droppingly ableist a la ironwood.
we love to hear thoughts like this, esp as two disabled people ♥
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