#they haven’t killed each other yet but if given the chance to Howdy will but Wally won’t
krasytoonz · 9 months
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Don’t ask what happened during the card incident
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spacespazz101 · 4 years
Train Wreck Meets Dumpster Fire Part 2
Thank you to everyone that liked this! I was surprised on how many people actually liked this. This is actually a sequel to a series written by my friend JadePegasus (@the-paraphoenix on tumblr) on AO3 called Blood Gulch Freelancers please check it out if you like this, it gives a little bit of background and is what inspired this.
                                   Chapter 2: The Match Ignites
 They had landed without a hitch. That probably should have been their first clue that everything would go to Hell in a hand basket.
 “Ok, we’re a few clicks from Blood Gulch Outpost. You may now disengage your seat belts and prep for your mission. And Washington if you puked in my cabin again you will be cleaning the entire thing with your toothbrush.” 479er called over the planes’ PA. Wash let out a groan. He would have sworn that the others had convinced her to fly more erratically than necessary to keep him from talking to Texas.
 Wash had missed his chance to talk to her yesterday when he had picked up her commlink and the others had prevented him from trying to talk to her beforehand, and during the flight his own motion sickness had kept him from opening his mouth for fear of meeting his breakfast again.
 Everyone got up and started to check that everything was working and make sure that everything was ready to move. Wash let out a sigh. Texas began to fumble looking through her own bag. “Texas if you’re looking for your commlink I have it.” Carolina called. Throwing it at her. “Thanks” Texas spoke. Something like relief in her voice. Wash was dragged away from the pelican before he could even consider opening his mouth. So much for talking to Tex before the mission started, he would have to settle for talking to her after the mission was over.
 The canyon was a short trek from the parked pelican, close enough that vehicles were not necessary but just far enough to not be picked up on any sensors.
 As they looked over the canyons ridge, they saw what they would expect to see from any SIM base. Two bases on opposing sides, one red the other blue. What wasn’t normal was the small metallic box in the middle of the canyon where the Deadman’s Land usually stood. It looked almost like an outhouse. The outhouse-like object suddenly opened as they watched. Two soldiers stepped out of it. It must have been an elevator of some sort. There wasn’t enough room for storage of any kind.
 “They did a pretty good job whoever they are. They got the regulation colors perfect, but they missed the fact that Reds and Blues are supposed to hate each other” York whispered to Wash.
 As they watched the two soldiers part ways to patrol the canyons’ rim, Carolina took command quickly “Ok here is the plan. North you and York take up positions on each end, I want eyes on both the bases and those soldiers. Wyoming, Florida go to the command center in the caves. See if you can find what happened here since we lost contact. The rest of us will break up into teams and investigate the bases. Prioritize locating hostages and recovering data. Do your best to keep for triggering any alarms.” A glance was sent to CT and South at that comment. “Is everyone clear?” Carolina questioned.
 “Absolutely. “Wyoming
“Affirmative” Florida
“Whatever” CT
“Hnn” Maine
“Will do.” York
“Sure thing Mom.” South
“Roger.” North
“Sure thing, boss.” Wash finished
“Sounds good. Break on three?” The blue soldier
 Everyone jumped at the sudden addition to their huddle. It was the regulation blue trooper from earlier. He was still crouched over as if he was in a huddle with a ghost football team . He glanced at them after two beats of silence.
“You guys, we are supposed to count to three and then break or maybe it’s count to two and break when you say three? That has never been very clear to me. But we are still supposed to count before we stop huddling.”
 There were guns pointed at him now. “Well howdy their big fella, who are you?” Florida stepped in front of the trooper, signaling them to lower their weapons. “Oh, I am sorry I did not introduce myself. I am not supposed to share my actual name, or the fairies will try and take control of me, but everyone calls me Mass” The blue trooper, now identified as Mass, took Florida’s offered hand and shook it vigorously. “Well, we wouldn’t want that would we now?” Florida answered as if that statement was the most normal thing in the world. He others, that call you Mass, were they at this base before you showed up?” Florida continued.
 The blue soldier hadn’t moved to alert anyone of their visitors and he seemed to be telling the truth as far as anyone could tell. “I do not think so. I never met any other people that were here before me, besides the leader and Ricco I was the first person here. Everyone that was here before me had gone away a long time ago.” That didn’t sound good. That meant that Bravo team had to have been wiped out or taken before this soldier came in.
 “Isn’t that interesting. And what are you doing right now?” Florida’s voice gave no indication of his inner thoughts, but the slight tensing of his shoulders indicated that he was thinking what they all were. “Oh, I was scouting the canyon for any new friends! We heard that there might be some new friends visiting us soon… Hey are you-” Florida cut off the trooper before he could continue his train of thought. “Wow, new friends, that sounds great! How about you look that way and we look this way? We will call you if we find anything.” For a beat it didn’t seem like this Mass character would fall for it but then he responded with a cheerful glee only expressed by children, and extremely immature adults, on a sugar rush.
 “OK!!!!!!!!” and then he was gone.
They waited a few seconds to see if they could find Mass again, but he had vanished.
 “What’d I miss?” Texas’ voice had startled everyone out of their stunned silence. No one answered her, instead they all turned to look at Carolina again.
 “Ok new plan.”
 “I hate this plan” Washington whispered to Maine as they crept through what had been the red SIM base. They were the demolition team for this base. They would place the charges as South and Florida scavenged what they could from the bases’ computers. North, York, Wyoming, and CT were at blue base doing the same as Texas and Carolina were inspecting the metal plated elevator. They had an hour to work before they destroyed the base.
 Maine only grunted in response. They had yet to meet anyone as they traversed the hallways. Wash was getting worried as only the muted sounds of their footsteps echoed through the vacant building. “We have been from one side of this base to the other and we haven’t seen anyone. Maybe that Mass guy was just a SIM trooper left behind when the groups were relocated? It wouldn’t be the first time we lost SIM troopers.”
 “I don’t know Wash, if this place is down to just two SIM troopers then wouldn’t there be more dust or something? These bases are too clean for two troopers to take care of.” York’s voice over comms was distorted and filled with static. It seemed like the Counselor had been right about even short-range communications being disrupted.
 “But-Oof” Wash collided with Maine with a soft clang. “What?” Wash was cut off again with Maine raising his finger to his helmet signaling for silence. Then Wash herd it too, soft voices coming from down the hall. Wash and Maine both held their guns at the ready.
 “Wash, report.” Carolina’s voice cut through their speakers short and crisp despite the static that disrupted the transmission. “I think we found more Maine and I are investigating.” They began to creep towards the door where there were voices coming through. As they got closer the voices became clearer.
 “-like it tight down there.” Wash nearly tripped at the statement coming from behind the wall. Was that? Had he? No, Wash shook his head, it couldn’t be; he must have not gotten enough sleep, he had just missed too much of the conversation.
“Us too. We found the red guy from before and another in maroon are working near the computer terminal.” South announced causing Wash to almost miss what the unidentified person said next.
 “Make sure you use the good lube this time. The other stuff doesn’t work half as well.” Wash could feel his face begin to heat up. Why him? Why did he always end up in positions like this?
 “Contact.” North spoke this time. “One guy in brown armor working on some kind of terminal. Should we engage?” Wash took a breath. It was ok. Five guys in a box canyon. They could handle that. They had them out numbered two to one.
  “Penny, I am begging you, please just stop talking” A different voice this time, masculine and frustrated -err angry- yea angry was better. Ok, that was good. It sounds like things were winding down. Sure, there was another person in there but there was also a good chance that they would be taking these two by surprise. And who knows maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding.
“Well you haven’t given me anything else to do with my mouth while I’m waiting for you. I’ve been holding it for hours waiting for you to finish.” Scratch that. They are just getting started. Wash could feel his entire body go ramrod straight. Maine froze behind him. Wash took some comfort in the fact that he wasn’t the only one bothered by that conversation.
 “Confirm. On my mark everyone, engage with the suspects. Try not to kill, we can find out more once we take back the canyon.” Carolina ordered. The static was back again. There was a good chance that they would lose contact completely.
 “Umm, Boss, that might not be such a good idea for us. I think these two are umm, engaged in something.” Wash cursed his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence, but he couldn’t help it. He did not want to go in there right now. Damn their teasing he did not want to see what the enemy was up to beyond that wall.
 “Oh, just ram it Ham!” The voice, Penny called. “Oh, Fuck me. Slow down Penny or you’re going to set it off.” Penny’s companion groaned. Wash was sure he was red in the face by now and judging from Maine’s uncomfortable shift it was clear that he didn’t want to go in there either.
 “What are you so worried about Rookie? You’re near the garage not the barracks it’s not as if they are fucking behind closed doors.” York spoke this time. His voice light and teasing but he could hear some of the others snickering through the static.
 “Umm.” The static was worse now. Wash could barely make out his own voice coming through. That combined with the rapid beating of his heart was starting to sound like the revving of engines in his ears. Wash was about to articulate why it was such a bad idea when he heard the voice of one of the two in the garage let out a sharp alarmed cry. “Fuuuck!!!” and suddenly Wash wasn’t standing against the wall to the motor pool he was pressed against the side of an armored warthog.
I would like to thank everyone that liked this. I actually have most of this posted on AO3 but I figured that I could post most of what I have here and see if I can get any advice on edits and then repost the final product.
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