Dearest Readers,
Picked up a couple items for my upcoming Bridgerton Ball. All of the Ton is excited and so I am.
In other words I bought these things for my upcoming Bridgerton party lol
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isabiele · 7 days
i already love her and am tearing up from her death
I felt this in my bones. I too, cried while writing her death scene.
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thetonhq · 2 years
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The throne room looms, sparkling crystal and fresh wisteria decorates the fixtures to perfection. Everything must be perfect for presentations, after all. The official start of the London Season, a quiet statement from the Crown to show its people that all is well and good within Buckingham Palace and beyond. There may be a war waging on the continent, but now was a time to forget such things, and focus on more trivial pursuits.
She’s always late, just by a few minutes. It is fashionable, and really Charlotte knows she can do just as she pleases. The court bends and dances to her desire, not much more. There was just that one thorn in her side…Whistledown. If the author was lurking amongst the debutantes this year, she hoped to make an impression.
The room hushed considerably as she walked in, her usual ladies Kedley and Sewlyn a few paces behind her. There were new Patroness faces this year, but Charlotte had yet to commit their names to memory. The Pomeranians yipped and circled, only settling once Charlotte took her place amongst the padded throne. The court looked so solemn peering back at her, the Queen thought, but Charlotte kept her own placid expression absent mindedly petting one of the eager canines that climbed into her lap. She waved to the doorman to get the presentations underway.
“Please step forward, miss.” He cleared his throat quietly to the closest debutant, opening the scroll to announce them and their titles.
The time has begun for you to make your grand introduction before the Ton! For our players, head over to the events channel in our discord for further instructions.
Every opportunity in this event, regardless of whether it is your first meeting with the Queen or not, is a chance to earn her favor. Do your best, but be aware that certain things are up to chance. Later, you will be partnered to explore Buckingham Palace.
You will need to roll a die for this first part. Then, reply to this post as if it were an open starter, and tell us how your character has prepared, who their chaperone is (if they have one), and their mindset. You may make your post curtseying/bowing before the Queen, but you may not control her. Once the die is rolled, reveal the outcome at the end of your post.  Good luck! 🍀
Here is our masterpost about the gathering →
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*screenshots the highlights of my youtube to mp3 downloads folder as if it were some fancy aesthetic spotify wrapped image or whatever* 
#I don't know how spotify works I'm not sure how the images people share are actually generated  but you know what I mean lol#Though I do wish the native windows music player thing kept track of like.. how many times you listened to a song or something#merely because I think it would be really funny for me since I'm very much a like 'listen to the same 3 songs on rotation for literally#4 months at a time. then eventually rotate in another few songs to replace those. never revisit any of them again' type person#And like most media I have a lot of trouble connecting with music or ascribing it the same deep meaning that most other people seem to get o#ut of it like. I think maybe it has something to do with my emotional range in general being very shallow (I am neutral 90% of the#time and even when I'm not I just don't feel things very strongly. when I do feel antyhing it's weak fleeting emotions usuually that#I don't even remember a few days from then. You know how babies don't have object permanence? It's like I don't have emotional permanence lo#l. Which is probably standard for like. severe childhood neglect situations where nobody was around for you to mirror their#emotions in early childhood or whatever usually happens when people are being raised. Like if nobody was there to encourage the development#of emotions and show what those look like then maybe your brain just doesn't develop them properly or etc. etc. ANYWAY gjhjhb)#I think maybe that has somehting to do with why it's just really hard for me to care about media of all kinds - and even when I do it's not#very deep. Also probably why I've never really been in a fandom or gone to a concert or been really into anything like that. Because people#form deep emotional connections and memories and attachments to their favorite media and I just like... don't#I can still like things!! But it's always in a more like.. intellectual kind of cognitive way if that makes sense? Like if I liked a TV show#it would never be becaise I find the message heartwarming or the characters relatable or because it made me FEEL something. It would be bec#ause the lore is cool and I like to analyze it. Or I think there's an interesting social dynamic going on which is fun to kind of pick#at the innerworkings of. And if I like a song like.. it's not because This Music Got Me Through A Hard time In My Life or because#I relate deeply to the lyrics or it makes me feel a certain way - it's usually because the overlapping of instruments or thetones that are#used interests me or there's something intruguing or cool about it to hear. Part of why I like classical or choir music is that there's oft#en so many instruments playing over each other it's like a little puzzle to try and hear each part seperately or etc. etc.#Which isn't to say that I can NEVER relate to or feel some sort of attachement or idea related to a piece of media. but just that it's not#ever very strong. like not powerful enough to be some significant motivator or pivotal aspect of my personality or etc.#BUT ANYWAY. I still can like things to a degree probably not just the same exact way as others lol.#So I rarely even listen to music that often (maybe once a week or so? I'll listen to like one song or two. but I'm not like a 'have music on#in the background playing in the house all the time' or 'listen to music while I get ready' type) but when I do it's very repetitive. I do#think it would be interesting to see the statistics then lol. I thought windows media player used to track statistics so I wonder why the#'updated' version of that on windows 10 doesnt??? Maybe bc they assume everyone is using streaming services instead? stinky#I don;t think the built in music player on my phone tracks anything either. It's more of just a file accessor or something. hmmgbb#That alone will never convince me to actually use some service to get music though lol. I don't need the statistics. yttmp3 for life babey
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sovereiigna · 2 years
open starter || open to anyone @thetonhq
It was all she could do to quell the pounding of her heart. A thousand thoughts raced through Marina's head. A thousand little lessons, the culmination of a lifetime's efforts and remonstrances, all leading to this moment. The moment her life was meant to begin.
Chin up. Back straight. Don't trip. Eyes bright. Soft smile. Breathe. Breathe.
She felt her mother's hand briefly at her back, a reassurance even as she urged the young woman forward. Marina waited until her mother moved on ahead of her, as was custom, before taking a deep breath and stepping into the light.
"Her Majesty, Queen Charlotte, and Her Royal Highness, Marina Georgiana Charlotte, Princess of Wales."
It was as if someone had lit a fire under her skirts, and Marina's cheeks warmed, a pretty blush suffusing her dark cheeks and making her eyes sparkle as every eye in the ballroom suddenly turned to her. She did her best to smile warmly as she followed her mother down the endlessly long curving staircase down to the ballroom floor.
It took everything in her not to stare, to act as if she had seen and done it all before, the same way The Queen so effortlessly seemed to glide through the room. But the lavish decorations of the ballroom! The stunning display of the gowns! The music! The princess's eyes lit up with excitement and genuine delight, nearly forgetting her nerves in the glittering wash of her first steps into real Society.
She was so overcome, she very nearly missed the person standing before her. Embarrassed, Marina offered her hand, a little too quickly, and flashed the stranger a genuinely warm, albeit slightly embarrassed smile. "Forgive me. It feels as though I've stepped into a fairytale... I was so entranced by the hall, the glow of the guests, that I seem to have forgotten all my manners!" She laughed, taking a moment to study the stranger's face more closely. "I missed your name. But if you will be so good as to remind me, I promise I shall be very careful to keep it locked safely in my memory."
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thetonhq-narrator · 2 years
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Dear Readers,
The snowy pathways have done little to discourage the incoming participants for this season. An interesting group of characters, both new and returning, must be enjoying the interlude before the fun truly begins. Mamas are anxious to have their daughters married off, and others are eager to see who will be named the Diamond of the Season. Do not doubt that I will be watching very closely. Some have already begun to catch my eye. How dreadful.
Readers, we've come across one of the most sought-after Lovell gentlemen on the market. Major Lovell [@majorjasperlovell​] is a decorated soldier returning home from war, who already has young ladies fawning over the his bravery. His time spent in captivity only adds to his allure, but he returned home a year ago and did not attend the last season. This author wonders if his extended stay in the country is more than healing a wound. Terrible things can happen to the mind when facing confinement, and Lord Lovell’s eccentricities have intensified, according to my sources.
Consequence: Your membership at all social clubs have been suspended for a week IC. These respectable establishments will not have a loon as a member of their clubs. You are looked at with pity and fear when you walk down the street. 
The opera house is a wonderful place to immerse yourself in music and drama. Singer Rachel Clarke has dazzled audiences for years and is said to be retiring soon. Tragic. It does seem the young, unmarried woman will be expecting a child soon. Her cruel glances at Mr. Thomas Dowding [@misterdowding] beg the question of whether his powerful words enchanted this singer and left her with something to remember him by. Poets are known for their dalliances. Could it be a coincidence?
Consequence: The Patronesses of Almack’s declare you “unmarriageable.”
The gentlemen may have their struggles, but the ladies of this season are not exempt from my criticism. We have a returner this season in the form of Lady Grovesnor-Rivera [@viscountessxia]. She claims she left the last season early due to her new duties as Viscountess, though it appears she also left due to heartbreak. Mr. Alhborn, a desired suitor from last season, was courting the Viscountess, before openly mocking her appearance to fellow gentlemen at the horse races. Word reached her ears, leading to her quick exit. Being plain and making a scene do not make a pretty picture. 
Consequence: You receive a flood of angry letters from distressed mamas demanding you, a titled lady, set a better example for their unwed daughters. This is nothing compared to the gentlemen keeping a wide birth between you and themselves, not wanting to subject themselves to your dramatics. 
It is wonderful to see young women make their debut for the first time. Lady Magnolia Wetherby [@latetobloom​] returns to English soil with her father, the French Ambassador, after having escaped Napoleon’s advances on the continent. Surely, her time spent in France will make for an exotic choice for the Diamond. However, did France teach her how to be the perfect English wife? My sources tell me not. It is a shame to see a woman of high birth with no wifely skills.
Consequence: Your strolls down the street are met with laughter by the eligible ladies of the Ton. You are mocked and ridiculed for lacking any wifely abilities. Overwhelmed by the scorn, you “take ill” and shut yourself in your home for three days IC until the attention dies down.
The return of Countess Wright [@ladypwright], or former you could say has made a return to society after the loss of her husband. What a sad tale, but to act so unladylike is despicable. Sadness does not excuse drunkenness, or we’d have to forgive every drunk in the city! Even so, her drunken stupors have her behavior like a servant, cleaning rooms before passing out in her own. This author questions if her staff is not doing their job, or the Countess is attempting to make amends to a dead man.
Consequence: Your entire maid staff is refusing to work. They would quit if Whistledown’s letters did not taint their reputation to do their job. Your home is a mess for a week IC. Hopefully, you won’t have any callers during this time. 
Princess Marina [@sovereiigna​], a stunning addition to the ladies of this season, is making an appearance. Gentleman, do not think the princess will be so easy to win over. The Queen and her daughter have been heard to have had loud arguments over their differing expectations for this season. The Princess insists on a love match, or no match at all! A selfish thing to want when your match determines the fate of the kingdom. Readers, is the princess ready for this? Or will she leave with a broken heart and no prospects?
Consequence: Your declarations for a love match have gentleman coming in droves to sing your praises. Your guards are overwhelmed by the amount of men approaching, and you find yourself alone, surrounded by suitors. You leave the encounter fearful, staying close to your mother’s side. 
The time is coming for the ladies and lords of the season to find their match. Last season saw the union of Lord Harcourt and Lady Mulgrave. I'm curious to see what pairings or heartbreaks we'll see this season. Rest assured, I will be watching with my quill ready. I know you all missed me.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown
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ladywinsomes · 2 years
— 1st September // Mowbray House
The front rooms of the townhome were almost wall to wall stacks of trunks and boxes as the staff prepared for the final journey back to West Sussex. Lydia’s own trunks were packed, as well as a new carriage her father had sent. The scene was somehow both somber and hopeful. A chapter of Lydia’s life that had been wrought with extreme highs and lows was coming to an end, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her name had been changed back, her finances were now settled, and she was looking forward to seeing her dear mama.
With the hustle and bustle indoors, Lydia had decided that one last afternoon in the garden was just the thing she needed.
She had just finished a chapter of her book and stood up from her spot under the tree. Her bonnet had slipped off her head and her chocolate curls blew in the warm breeze. Running her fingers through it, she turned to see a figure coming from the direction of the house. The soft smile she wore quickly bloomed into a wide grin when she realized who was approaching her. Lydia dropped the book into the basket at her feet and took off, walking briskly toward Kenneth.
As they neared one another, a laugh bubbled from her throat and she clasped her hands behind her waist. “Lord Ridel,” she looked up. “I must say, I did not expect to see you so soon.” It was difficult for Lydia to mask how much she had yearned to see him one more time, before they both left town.
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themarquessofislay · 2 years
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For the Queen’s Introduction, Kenneth has chosen an English look to blend in with the crowd, since he will not be presenting himself. He is wearing a black waist jacket with a long, blank and white patterned waist vest. Kenneth wears matching black pants and boots. A simple white shirt and cravat complete the outfit.
His unruly curls are tied back in a low ponytail. However, not all of his curls could be tied, so some of his curls fall above his forehead and the sides of his face.
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majorjasperlovell · 2 years
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For the Queen’s Introduction, Jasper is wearing a fitted maroon waistcoat with a light brown, patterned vest. Underneath, he wears a plain white shirt with a matching maroon cravat. Dark brown pants and similarly colored topper complete the look.
One of the more interesting features of his ensemble is his braided hair and high bun. "A novelty," he calls it, as no other gentleman would dare wear such a thing.
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misterdowding · 2 years
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I daresay, Thomas Dowding is absolutely divine at grammar, witticisms, reading, geography, literature, and French. And accomplished in fencing, dancing, penmanship, history, politics, philosophy, Italian, and singing, too. Though – did you know – he is dreadfully poor at croquet, badminton, playing cards, mathematics, natural sciences, boxing, and hunting? We do hope that won’t harm their prospects.
MATTERS OF SPORT. 0 Horse Riding 1 Carriage Driving (e.g., phaetons, barouches) 0 Croquet -1 Badminton -2 Fencing 2
MATTERS OF SOCIALIZATION. 8 Dancing 2 Etiquette 1 Fashion -1 Penmanship 2 Playing Cards -2 Grammar 3 Witticisms 3
Thomas doesn’t make enough money to wear all the latest trends in fashion and in fact, does not care very much for it. His charm makes up for his clothes, which aren’t bad besides. Unfortunately, though he’s absolutely dismal when it comes to cards, it’s still a hobby he often indulges in, much to the dismay of his mother and their coffers.
MATTERS OF EDUCATION. 11 Mathematics -1 Natural Sciences -2 History 2 Reading 3 Politics 2 Geography 3 Literature 3 Philosophy 2 Religion 0
Thomas received a decent education but being a poet and a bit of a drifter considering how often he travels, his strong points are all related. He was not raised religious and has very little interest in it intellectually, though he does enjoy its aesthetics.
MATTERS OF LANGUAGE. 6 French 3 Italian 2 German 1 Greek 0 Latin 0 Spanish 0
Thomas has picked up a little of a lot of languages throughout his travels but having spent the most time in France and Rome, his French and Italian are best. He’s completely fluent in both, although his Italian has a bit stronger of an accent and he’s more likely to forget words. He knows some German but cannot be said to be fluent or even close to it.
MATTERS OF ARTISTIC PROWESS. 2 Pianoforte 0 Violin 0 Harp 0 Singing 2 Painting 0 Drawing 0
Although it is not on here, Thomas is obviously an excellent poet in addition to these other artistic pursuits listed. Aside from poetry and a self-taught knack for singing, he’s also a competent flute player. Oftentimes, when alone, he’ll play for himself. It takes a close friend to coax him into playing with an audience and a closer one still to get him to sing.
MATTERS PERTAINING TO GENTLEMEN. -3 Boxing -2 Hunting -1 Dueling 0
Thomas is small and not one for fighting, his sword is his pen. He also hates hunting, he finds himself quite introspective over the poor animal’s life whenever he’s roped into it. Really, he’s quite the bummer to take hunting, and so fortunately, he gets few invitations.
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lordpembroke · 2 years
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Goodness, LORD ERNEST PEMBROKE has arrived in London. HE is TWENTY SEVEN, of the SALISBURY PEMBROKES. Though they are RETURNED to the Season, we can only describe them as ECCENTRIC and PLAYFUL, dear reader. Accompanied by THEIR HALF-BROTHER, they have settled in and are accepting social calls. But be warned: they are known for their IMPROPRIETY.
London Residence / About / Personality / Family 
Personality & Traits
With the talent for scandal he’s known to have, Ernest has settled into his role as a rascal rather comfortably. He enjoys watching a good debacle, the restraint of high society more often a nuisance to him than anything else. He becomes bored far too easily to play the upright gent that knows all of the right things to say, all the correct airs to put on, no, he has a much more enjoyable time letting society deal with him as he comes to it. 
Charismatic, a tad eccentric, and impulsive without fail, Lord Ernest Pembroke is fast to make himself the heart of any celebration. These too are airs, of course, the face he puts on in public to stir up some amusement. He’s known to be somewhat of a critic, and though he may speak a very big game he’ll step down when he senses fists might be coming his way. Some of his greatest enemies might call him a coward and a scoundrel but Ernest sees himself more as a break in a monotonous routine but with the good sense to avoid whatever trouble may come from that.
When he’s not putting on this grand performance for his own amusement, Ernest is prone to fits of gloom and impatience. He needs to be doing something, always, boredom is pain which is why he’s picked up an incredible number of hobbies. He’s well read, always in the know about current events, knows where to find the best of anything, and shockingly has even been found to keep the company of men and women from the lower classes. Perhaps he’s lonely or perhaps there’s something about himself that he can’t stand to be alone with for long but whatever the cause, Ernest is sure to cause a stir. Biography
A viscount and heir to an earldom, Ernest always was a bit of a scoundrel. It was a trait his poor mother tried incredibly hard to raise out of him but never could quite succeed. His best friend growing up was his half-brother, the product of an affair Lord Salisbury had, and whom Ernest is still close with.
Throughout Ernest’s childhood, his father was preoccupied. They were far from close and his mother, while more present physically, was so very bitter over his father’s affairs that Ernest found her cruel and sometimes even frightening. At times she could become aggressive and so the brothers learned to avoid her. They became each other’s closest family and Ernest came to listen more to the housekeeper than to his parents. At least the housekeeper was kind.
Distant as they were, Ernest didn’t hate his mother. On the contrary, he loved her as any son would. Some days she was more forgiving and they’d go for walks or into town with one another but others she would regard him coldly with nothing more than an insult on her tongue, like his father. At least, Ernest always knew what to expect from his father.
One day, when they were vacationing in the north and Ernest was only fourteen, he and his mother went for a long walk near the sea. It was then that they fell into another of their spats, his mother diminishing him as she often did and eventually grabbing onto him, drawing back to strike. Ernest pushed back from her, causing her to lose her balance and fall from the cliff into the sea below. It’s a memory he can’t stand to think about and that only his brother knows the truth of. It was an accident, he said, nobody needs to know. And nobody did. Ernest barely spoke for weeks.
When he did start to come back into himself, it was clear that something vital had changed in him. He acted as though there were a motor inside of him. He couldn’t stay still for long. He couldn’t stand boredom or solitude, couldn’t stand to be idle. Whenever boredom came he was quick to cause a scene, if only to create something to busy his mind with. It started out childish with outbursts, things that could be excused for his age, but as he matured the nature of his impulses did as well. He traded mud pies for laudanum. His father’s disappointment in him was absolute.
In 1799, he moved to London to find some excitement away from the disapproving eyes of his father. He fell into a variety of circles from classes high and low, inciting scandal seemingly every week. 
Dark Past
The image of his mother’s body against the rocks and waves lives fresh in Ernest’s mind, causing him to fall into a deep panic whenever near large bodies of water or cliffsides.
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harmcityherald · 2 months
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Battlefield Earth
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Meme Friday at The Ton! 🧣  Each Friday, we’ll post one or two memes for characters to reblog on their accounts. Reblogging the meme specifies that you are accepting asks from it, and that you’re also sending asks out to others. Feel free to reblog and answer memes until end of day Sunday. After that, save what’s left over in your inbox for the next Meme Friday. Enjoy!
Card Suits
The meaning behind each of the cards in a common deck of cards is not a commonly known thing. Send in a card and a suit for the corresponding headcannon related to each one’s meaning.
♥️ Hearts
Ace - How easy is it for any sort of relationship to develop with your muse? 
Two - How often do things go well for your muse in their relationships? 
Three - How cautious are they with newfound relationships of any kind? How about older ones? 
Four - How often does your muse travel? Where do they typically travel to? 
Five - How would your muse react to learning that someone close to them was jealous of what they had? 
Six - How does your muse handle blossoming feelings for another? 
Seven -   How does your muse react to having promises broken?   
Eight - How often does your muse accept invitations from others? How do they react to unexpected guests? 
Nine - What is the one wish your muse wants to come true more than anything else in the world? 
Ten - How does your muse act when their luck is at its absolute best? 
Jack - How does your muse view their friends, both old and new? 
Queen - Does your muse pay back kindness that is offered to them? If so, then how do they go about doing so? 
King - Does your muse often give out advice? How do they react to being given some?
♣️ Clubs
Ace - How frugal is your muse with their money? 
How often do they run out? 
Two - How does your muse react to being challenged? What about hearing gossip, be it about themself or someone they know? 
Three - How would your muse feel about their partner having more money than them? 
Four - How does your muse react to learning things are being hidden from them by those closest to them? 
Five -  How often does your muse rely upon new friends for support rather than old ones? Do they use this as a method to test how much they can trust them?   
Six -   How does your muse handle success when it comes to financial related matters? 
Seven -   How does your muse react when financial success causes issue with their relationships?   
Eight - How does your muse handle difficulties in multiple aspects of their lives at the same time? 
Nine - Does your muse ignore new opportunities that present themselves in their quest for what they desire, or do they take them? 
Ten - How does your muse react to unexpected things happening to them? 
Jack - How far could the one closest to them go before they decide to stand against them? 
Queen - What is the breaking point for a romantic relationship with your muse? 
King - How much trust does your muse place into those older than themselves?
♠️ Spades
Ace - How does your muse think their life will end? 
Two - How does your muse handle tough decisions in life? 
Three - How faithful is your muse in a relationship? 
Four - What is the worst promise your muse has ever broken? 
Five - Does your muse quit in the face of difficulty, or do they push through whatever obstacles come their way? 
Six - Does your muse take the small victories in life, or do they ignore them in focus of the large ones? 
Seven - How does your muse handle loss? 
Eight - How would your muse handle betrayal? 
Nine - When has your muse’s luck been at its absolute worst? 
Ten - What is the worst piece of news your muse has ever had to deal with? 
Jack - What is the rudest thing your muse has ever done? 
Queen - How would your muse react to losing their significant other? 
King - How far into their darker side would your muse go to achieve their goals?
♦️ Diamonds
Ace - Does your muse actively try to improve themselves, or do they knowingly allow themselves to remain in their same habits? 
Two - What does your muse do if they disapprove of another’s relationship? 
Three - How much legal trouble has your muse been in? What caused it? 
Four - How does your muse treat items left to them by another member of their family? 
Five - Does your muse work towards improving their skills in what they do for a living? Do they manage to maintain a happy home life while doing so? 
Six - How often do previous relationships cause problems for your muses newer ones? 
Seven - How does your muse react to road blocks in their career? 
Eight - Does your muse believe in “love at first sight” or do they believe that it only comes with time? 
Nine - Would your muse ever ditch an employer for another without notice? 
Ten - What does your muse define as being “well off” in life? 
Jack - Does your muse use unreliable methods for “high risk high reward” gains or do they go the safe route with things? 
Queen - How often does your muse find themselves being flirted with? 
King - What does your muse want to achieve before settling down to live the rest of their life doing things?
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sovereiigna · 2 years
a little night music || open to anyone @thetonhq
Once upon a time... The Theatre Royal, Covent Gardens. January, 1801. Post ( x ) Event...
‘I am not afraid. I am not ashamed. I will not be made to hide my face.’
Marina silently repeated the words to herself, all the way from the carriage, up until the moment she reached her seat in the royal box at the opera house. It was one of her ladies in waiting, Nell -- kind Nell, honest Nell -- who had offered her the words. “This is nothing,” Nell held the scandal sheet up for the princess’ inspection. She put the page down, cupping Marina’s face in both her hands, gently but firmly forcing the girl to lift her face toward the light. “If you can let a thing like this knock you down, princess, what will you do when you’ve really made a mistake? If you’re going to hold onto words, then you might as well hold onto these. You’re going to need them this season, believe you me.”
‘I am not afraid. I am not ashamed. I will not be made to hide my face.’
She took her seat, in full view of the whispering masses below, her smile sweet, though a little distant, her attention fixed on the stage. Like so many others, she had come to enjoy the wonder of London that was Rachel Clarke, before the young woman was to abandon the stage. Funny... She didn’t look pregnant. Though perhaps that was all the clever costuming and lighting...
Marina could practically feel her guards tensing as someone approached her box. She was more than grateful for their presence, but the way they all snapped to attention after that awful party now always made her flinch. Still, she turned slightly in her seat, just enough to see her visitor out of the corner of her eye.
‘I am not afraid. I am not ashamed. I will not be made to hide my face.’
“I’ve told them they’re not to allow in anyone who’s carrying flowers or chocolates,” the princess smiled, a little wryly. “I’ve had enough false flatteries of late. You’re not, are you? Carrying flowers or chocolates?”
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rabidoq · 18 days
drops this here. @theton :)
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sitaron-ka-taraanaa · 6 months
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