#these are tools that can and should be used to the benefit of our dogs
fjordfolk · 2 months
i don't even think one has to go as far as to unravel the whole idea of breed, registry and stud books, because i know for a fact that in other animals one has managed to have all of these things without going fckn batshit
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Hi, it’s me, a BIPOC creator ready to talk about Tom
I’m going to preface this in saying that I was really hoping that Tom would listen to the people who were genuinely disappointed in him and wanted him to do better. I want to highlight that people were expressing their own past history with right wing grooming towards racist ideologies, dog whistles, and downplaying of Black and Indigenous suffering during the peak of the situation on top of all the hurt that comes with another trans person not understanding how bad their internalized transphobia is. In light of Tom deleting his tumblr, changing the L4L twitter username and privating both that account and the main one in question….I have some points as a disappointed ex-fan that I hope extends to other communities.
First and foremost; I would like to be clear and transparent:
I was one of the POC creators that asked QLP from Florescent Red Studios to echo my feelings at the time. I work a lot, I try and vividly express this and didn’t have the energy at the time to address this despite having a lot of words that I have gratefully seen echoed through the situation as it has developed. A few of them have carried over from seeing devs being harassed from a separate situation over the past year that I have a lot of words on. If you’re the perpetrators of that event I highly suggest you apologize and work on yourselves, but that’s an issue for another time.
To be honest, I will always be disappointed in people like Tom who hide these sort of hateful views, but…sometimes I can’t say I’m not surprised. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, because, in all honesty, I love this community we’ve built despite the drawbacks that come with making something new out of nothing and wanting to support other people. I can say for certain that a lot of us were the weird kids, and it’s more than amazing to have that safety in community, but I can’t ignore that there are some issues.
We’re still people despite being online, people who sometimes can be more busy than usual. Tone is hard to pick up on and sometimes it’s hard to fully communicate how you feel, but immediately jumping into hatred and defensive mode is never the way to go, and there should be room for open discussion when people are hurt and still trying to make space to educate others. There should be space for open discussions because we have this mediation tool that we can walk away from and come back to when we look at it objectively and not emotionally.
Tom, if you see this, I want to ask you if you actually fucking care at all about me and what a lot of people in the BIPOC community went through/are currently going through in the hands of conservatives that have groomed you into their ideology. I want to ask you if you really know about the actual fetishization we face if it isn’t straight up murder, misogyny/misogynoir, etc? Because it sounds to me like you were a tourist and I’ve strictly only been to either sides of the coast because you will never catch me in the South in this country unless I am in severely Black populated cities. And even then you’d never fucking catch me in the South.
It’s hard for me to touch on the grooming topic further because I’m a victim of multiple instances of CSA….I don’t believe in just pointing at one community, I think every community should keep themselves in check when it comes to shaming and ousting out p*dos and N*zis at the least- because again, they shouldn’t fucking be tolerated.
I will echo this sentiment: if you don’t condone what you’re writing about, you shouldn’t be condoning or perpetuating worse actions in a community full of BIPOC, disabled, marginalized, etc fans in real life.
On the note of BIPOC, please…please actually learn about our history and struggles. Whether it’s taking a history course, watching BIPOC educators….it’s something I think people should really learn about. It’s painful, it’s hard, but it’s what we have to live with everyday and don’t have the energy to remind people of all the time because of how draining it is.
I will be clear, I’m expressing my disappointment. I don’t want any harassment towards anyone, you shouldn’t be lowering yourself to that level.
But- I’m fucking tired and am urging people to do better. Please.
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
Had to unfollow an artist I otherwise admire and love because they've turned to Designer Vegan nonsense ( "Designer Vegan" = "shameshameshame how DARE you even think of meat you are evil | animal husbandry is literally slavery | humans are eeevil creatues | go vegan or you're not a true abolitionist." Yes. Seriously, that last one's not made up). It's just sad. As a person who supports animal rights and human rights, I hate the "no true scottsman"- fallacy of Designer Veganism soooo much. My sister is vegetarian and I would drop milk if an actually sustainable alternative was made; I'm also a vetrenarian's granddaughter and my vegesis took FFA.
Slavery is keeping another of your species as property. It's wrong. It's always been wrong it's just that early humans got up to some messed up habits. It's a primal behavior we've learned to articulate as wrong and should have been commanding as such long before the Gospels put in that part about Jesus okay-ing a slave-owner for being nice. Slavery is wrong the same way cannibalism is wrong. A dog or a person eating a horse is not cannibalism, a dog eating it's own is. For what in animal rights is considered "unhealthy", disturbed" and "stereotypic" behavior- in human rights it's what we call "amoral" and "wrong". Although, to call this behavior "unique" to humans, is untrue. They're a very different animal than us but different ant species absolutely go to war, take slaves from rival colonies, and even farm aphids like we do cows or sheep.
Animals owning other animal species is called animal husbandry. Humans beings are one of those animals who practice it. We are not evil, heartless creatures for eating and taking from other creatures. We are tactful like the ants, we are intelligent and thoughtful like the monkeys. We are as social as dolphins or parrots. Call it a 'gift' or a 'curse' but our ability farm animals, not humans, other animals, is our rite as our own species, hence why we do it throughout our many different cultures. I don't see how this is comparable to colonialism or slavery. It is an instinct. It is our nature. And...isn't it so amazing that we (humans) recognize that at all? Isn't it wonderful that we, an animal, similar in so many ways to dolphins, parrots, elephants, pigs, monkeys and apes, can make a world where we don't HAVE TO kill if we don't want to? Where we can make homes and habitats for animals that don't 'benefit' or 'care' about us personally at all just because we know it's the right thing to do. That we can try and problem solve for ways around factor out the cruelty all together in animal husbandry? That we've developed a way at all for some of us to live without animal husbandry at all - even save animals from it? Would our world be so different than it is now if somehow orca whales had grown legs and opposable thumbs? Wouldn't they have developed tools and made societies? Wouldn't they have gone to war and committed war crimes against other orcas and had orca races and cultures? Wouldn't they have a distinction between other animal's rights and their own rights as orcas? Probably, if their behavior in their wild pods indicates anything. Orca whales partake in blood sports while they hunt and personally torture their pray.
But back on topic and-also-kind-of-on-that-same-thought; humans as a species are omnivorous. As a species we can choose not to eat meat (no, humans can not live souly on meat; Peterson) and probably without milk and eggs. However, not every individual human has that luxury.
Not every human CAN go vegan. Some people are allergic to the plants that give you proper protein or fat. You could never force a person with a severe nut allergy to go vegan. No- your allergies will not be "cured" if you "just stick to veganism" even more. That's malnutrition. That's an eating disorder. That will eventually kill you. Same with people who take way better to veganism- don't force them to eat meat or drink milk if doing so makes you physically sick.
Beyond that, Veganism is an entire lifestyle. You shouldn't be shamed into it/ lead into it on falsehoods. Vegans do not have to be evangelists about animal's rights by degrading the lives of other humans. Vegans are not abolitionists because different animals we coexist with ARE NOT fellow humans. We don't live in zootopia - species is not the same as race. They never will be the same unless we literally find aliens who we can interbreed, communicate, and create cross-cultures and transpecies customs with.
Veganism should be made available for everyone who wants it and not be a money-intensive endeavor where you must eat a VERY SPECIFIC way to be a "true vegan", or an emotional one where you have to hate the animal you are in order to love animals around you. There's a reason vegans are seen as stuffy, elitist, privileged bullies- the vegans who aren't exactly like this just don't last, OR they're just unable to practice their veganism openly. Why would you when the biggest name isn't a buddhist monk but an animal abusing pedoKaren screaming at Gordon Ramsay? If she doesn't hound you about being a "fake liberal" for your refusal to disown your nut-allergy cousin, that self-proclaimed carnist' blog on tumblr will conflate you with her anyway. So what's even the point of confirming your lifestyle when it's a mark of "shame"? It's unfair.
So to sum up:
Human rights and animals rights are not comparable. Switch out humans w any other species of animal, and we have the same problem.
Animal rights are real rights. They should be a priority of all humans given the kind of animal we are.
Animal husbandry is not at odds with animal rights.
Animals rights are not the same as human rights because human beings are all one species. Millions of types of animals are not.
We mustn't compare ourselves to species so unlike us, but slavery is wrong to humans because of the kind of animal we are.
DON'T force people with allergies to eat what they really shouldn't be eating.
If you go vegan, know that other people can't. Live life as the best truffling pig you can.
If you love meat and dairy, know that other people don't and in some cases can't. Red meat sensitivity is real, shut up Jordan.
If you eat meat and dairy maybe do your homework. Nothing hurts from finding out how your food gets to you.
Be cool and support family farms who really do love their animals.
If you force your dog or cat to go 'vegan' with you, you are 100% abusing animals.
Vegan candies are delicious, actually. Just very sticky and still not safe for dogs.
We have to coexist. We are all humans and we all love animals and the world we live in. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
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redbixbite-solutions · 10 months
Everything You Need to Know About Machine Learning
Ready to step into the world of possibilities with machine learning? Learn all about machine learning and its cutting-edge technology. From what do you need to learn before using it to where it is applicable and their types, join us as we reveal the secrets. Read along for everything you need to know about Machine Learning!
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What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a field of study within artificial intelligence (AI) that concentrates on creating algorithms and models which enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. The process involves training a computer system using copious amounts of data to identify patterns, extract valuable information, and make precise predictions or decisions.
Fundamentally, machine Learning relies on statistical techniques and algorithms to analyze data and discover patterns or connections. These algorithms utilize mathematical models to process and interpret data. Revealing significant insights that can be utilized across various applications by different AI ML services.
What do you need to know for Machine Learning?
You can explore the exciting world of machine learning without being an expert mathematician or computer scientist. However, a  basic understanding of statistics, programming, and data manipulation will benefit you. Machine learning involves exploring patterns in data, making predictions, and automating tasks.
 It has the potential to revolutionize industries. Moreover, it can improve healthcare and enhance our daily lives. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional embracing machine learning can unlock numerous opportunities and empower you to solve complex problems with intelligent algorithms.
Types of Machine Learning
Let’s learn all about machine learning and know about its types.
Supervised Learning
Supervise­d learning resemble­s having a wise mentor guiding you eve­ry step of the way. In this approach, a machine le­arning model is trained using labele­d data wherein the de­sired outcome is already known.
The­ model gains knowledge from the­se provided example­s and can accurately predict or classify new, unse­en data. It serves as a highly e­ffective tool for tasks such as dete­cting spam, analyzing sentiment, and recognizing image­s.
Unsupervised Learning
In the re­alm of unsupervised learning, machine­s are granted the autonomy to e­xplore and unveil patterns inde­pendently. This methodology mainly ope­rates with unlabeled data, whe­re models strive to une­arth concealed structures or re­lationships within the information.
It can be likene­d to solving a puzzle without prior knowledge of what the­ final image should depict. Unsupervise­d learning finds frequent application in dive­rse areas such as clustering, anomaly de­tection, and recommendation syste­ms.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforce­ment learning draws inspiration from the way humans le­arn through trial and error. In this approach, a machine learning mode­l interacts with an environment and acquire­s knowledge to make de­cisions based on positive or negative­ feedback, refe­rred to as rewards.
It's akin to teaching a dog ne­w tricks by rewarding good behavior. Reinforce­ment learning finds exte­nsive applications in areas such as robotics, game playing, and autonomous ve­hicles.
Machine Learning Process
Now that the diffe­rent types of machine le­arning have been e­xplained, we can delve­ into understanding the encompassing proce­ss involved.
To begin with, one­ must gather and prepare the­ appropriate data. High-quality data is the foundation of any triumph in a machine le­arning project.
Afterward, one­ should proceed by sele­cting an appropriate algorithm or model that aligns with their spe­cific task and data type. It is worth noting that the market offe­rs a myriad of algorithms, each possessing unique stre­ngths and weaknesses.
Next, the machine goes through the training phase. The model learns from making adjustments to its internal parameters and labeled data. This helps in minimizing errors and improves its accuracy.
Evaluation of the machine’s performance is a significant step. It helps assess machines' ability to generalize new and unforeseen data. Different types of metrics are used for the assessment. It includes measuring accuracy, recall, precision, and other performance indicators.
The last step is to test the machine for real word scenario predictions and decision-making. This is where we get the result of our investment. It helps automate the process, make accurate forecasts, and offer valuable insights. Using the same way. RedBixbite offers solutions like DOCBrains, Orionzi, SmileeBrains, and E-Governance for industries like agriculture, manufacturing, banking and finance, healthcare, public sector and government, travel transportation and logistics, and retail and consumer goods.
Applications of Machine Learning
Do you want to know all about machine learning? Then you should know where it is applicable.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)- One are­a where machine le­arning significantly impacts is Natural Language Processing (NLP). It enables various applications like­ language translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and voice­ assistants. Using the prowess of machine le­arning, NLP systems can continuously learn and adapt to enhance­ their understanding of human language ove­r time.
Computer Vision- Computer Vision pre­sents an intriguing application of machine learning. It involve­s training computers to interpret and compre­hend visual information, encompassing images and vide­os. By utilizing machine learning algorithms, computers gain the­ capability to identify objects, faces, and ge­stures, resulting in the de­velopment of applications like facial re­cognition, object detection, and autonomous ve­hicles.
Recommendation Systems- Recomme­ndation systems have become­ an essential part of our eve­ryday lives, with machine learning playing a crucial role­ in their developme­nt. These systems care­fully analyze user prefe­rences, behaviors, and patte­rns to offer personalized re­commendations spanning various domains like movies, music, e­-commerce products, and news article­s.
Fraud Detection- Fraud dete­ction poses a critical concern for businesse­s. In this realm, machine learning has e­merged as a game-change­r. By meticulously analyzing vast amounts of data and swiftly detecting anomalie­s, machine learning models can ide­ntify fraudulent activities in real-time­.
Healthcare- Machine learning has also made great progress in the healthcare sector. It has helped doctors and healthcare professionals make precise and timely decisions by diagnosing diseases and predicting patient outcomes. Through the analysis of patient data, machine learning algorithms can detect patterns and anticipate possible health risks, ultimately resulting in early interventions and enhanced patient care.
In today's fast-paced te­chnological landscape, the field of artificial inte­lligence (AI) has eme­rged as a groundbreaking force, re­volutionizing various industries. As a specialized AI de­velopment company, our expe­rtise lies in machine le­arning—a subset of AI that entails creating syste­ms capable of learning and making predictions or de­cisions without explicit programming.
Machine learning's wide­spread applications across multiple domains have transforme­d businesses' operations and significantly e­nhanced overall efficie­ncy.
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omniishambles · 1 year
Mycroft Holmes @governmentofficial​ continued.​
It was a cold, miserable morning and the fog had yet to lift from the fields but, surprisingly, Mycroft had yet to complain. Oh yes, he'd had a little grumble in his own head, but the weather was exactly what he would expect at the current time of year given the hour.  It was unfortunate but, alas, it was prime time for hunting. A few hours in the cold seemed worth it when the benefits were not only showing off a little, but also putting on some nice clothes.
They were at Musgrave Hall, the Holmes manor. It was a lot easier to spend time there than it had been in the past, what with how Mycroft was now the owner. While he was still a busy man, it seemed a waste to not utilise the opportunity - especially when Dracula seemed keen to accompany him. He seemed amused by the idea of a morning shoot, and Mycroft found that he quite liked seeing the other man when he was amused.
"There should be geese near the lake at this time," Mycroft stated as he stepped out of the house, shotgun broken over the crook of his arm and dog (borrowed from the groundskeeper) trotting at his heels. From where they stood, he could see across the land, towards the lake. There were no geese there yet but he knew that they would come. The damn things made an insufferable noise whenever they flew over, so Mycroft was certain that there was a flock of them in the area. It was just a matter of waiting.
"There's a hide we can sit in. If there were more of us, we could have a group of beaters chase pheasants out towards us, but alas, geese it shall have to be. It is less exciting, but we'll have to make do."
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      “Trying to lock me in a box are you, Mikey?” The vampire teased. He wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last in that area. But though he’d much prefer to hunt out in the open air, Dracula willingly agreed with the plan for the day. It was rare to see the other man in a good humour, after all. Better to let that flourish for as long as possible.
   Dracula was dressed like any English country gentleman, in tweeds and waterproofs that flattered his exceptionally tall frame. The firearm held in his large hands was a tool he’d had rare opportunity to use, and the idea amused him greatly.
      “It’s a far cry from hunting a wild boar on horseback, yes. But we’ll find our enjoyment, won’t we?”
   The vampire paid the dog some attention as it came trotting around him, seemingly unaffected by his nature. He had that effect on all kinds of animals. Some were wary of him, sensing he was a danger, while others were attuned to him, even able to be controlled by his will alone. Dracula scratched the dog behind the ear before letting it scurry off again through the dewy grass.
   To him, it was a perfect sort of morning. Dreary but mysterious. And the fog would allow a little more challenge to the hunt, as they’d be shooting geese from a box.
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This... Is BGNN
Things you might want to know, for Mar 21, 2023:
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'Wild Things' would've included a sex scene between Matt Dillon and Kevin Bacon if one of them didn't refuse to film it, the director says — There were only a handful of movies in the ‘90s that I paid to see multiple times in a theater: Dead Again, Forrest Gump, Seven, Pulp Fiction… and Wild Things. Why? See above.
Ciarán Hinds says he was put off by amount of sex in 'Game Of Thrones' — Um, dude, you’re one of my favorite character actors, but come the fuck on… you were the star of HBO’s Rome, which paved the path of global/family politics and gratuitous nudity/violence/rape/slavery/incest that Game of Thrones so eagerly traveled.
Roger Deakins Breaks Down His Most Iconic Films — 🍿
The doomers are wrong about humanity’s future — and its past — I’m willing to concede that this is the scariest time in human history… our communications infrastructure is such that billions of people can all share individual, specific fears, an historically unprecedented state of affairs. But it’s still the best time to be alive.
Stock photo sites' abuse of public domain images countered with better copies and a $0 price tag
why is the ocean so pretty? #shorts - 🍿
The hilarious story of 1908 "fake rescue dog" who pushed children into the Seine and then rescued them for steak rewards — In case you were wondering if credulous journalism was a modern phenomenon.
Safety pin: A tiny tool Indian women use to fight sexual harassment — Go get ‘em, girls.
Helen Mirren on Superhero Movies, Tarantino Westerns, and Why She Got Tattooed — This interview should be subtitled “How COVID boredom and the economic downturn leads famous old people to try slumming it.”
Why the Prestige is unlike any other Christopher Nolan movie — Well, the main this is that it’s very good.
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Miracle on the Sea of Thieves: How a Single Idea Powered a 10-Year Journey — A game I want to love, but, well… other people ruin everything.
Microsoft 'Confident' It Can Get Call of Duty Running on Nintendo Switch — Or: “Microsoft ‘Confident’ It Can Shovel Whatever Shit It Must To Keep Sony From Embarrassing It Indefinitely”
Glaze: Protecting Artists from Style Mimicry — It’s a temporary fix to a complex and evolving problem, but if it makes people consider the implications of emerging tech, then it will deliver long-term benefits.
‘Tetris’ Review: Taron Egerton In Sensational Video Game Origin Story That Plays Like A Nail-Biting Cold War Spy Thriller — The opening paragraph of the review states that the writer has never seen or played Tetris before watching the movie. Proving the writer is either culturally incompetent or a liar.
A fashion TikToker is selling a Rick Owens vest with the word 'urinal' on it for $425 and viewers aren't sure how they feel about it — 🍿
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Be Able to Effectively Defend Yourself if Attacked:
No matter what age, size, or level of fitness; you can benefit from a class on self-defense. A very large part of knowing how to defend yourself is the ability to read a situation (situational awareness) - being aware of your surroundings - and having the tools to avoid risky situations which includes an understanding of verbal deflection, de-escalation and deterrence. As we live in uncertain times, we should be prepared to defend ourselves in our home, car, at work, or on the street. If someone is intent on harming you or those you love, you have a choice; Run, Take It or Fight Back. Understand that if the attackers are 'that intent', they may not allow you to flee and, be assured, their attack will not be without serious, possible life-threatening, injury to you or loved one(s). In the case of a home invasion, the criminals have already decided (they don't care about) their fate and risk to their own safety/life. NOTE: Protection of property, alone, may not be considered self defense. Protection of life is self-defense. Likewise, intentionally putting oneself in harms way (voluntarily placing oneself in legal jeopardy) to protect the property of others is not considered self-defense. Refer to the following information on the legal aspects of self-defense.
[Video 1 & Article]   [Video 2]   [Video 3] Handling the Immediate Aftermath of a Self-Defense Shooting Video - Psychological effects of stress in a lethal force encounter Video - Class on Judicious Use Of Deadly Force (Adult Language)
Defusing Hostility:
It should be obvious that avoiding, preventing and diffusing hostility is a better option than conflict. Self-defense aims to stop victimization before an attack starts. Citizens seeking to improve their self-defense skills should also understand how mental health impacts their world and train on verbal deflection, de-escalation and deterrence. Learning how to evade a hostile situation or de-escalate a personal encounter are worthwhile skills in our Emergency Preparations.
Be Assertive, Not Aggressive: While assertive communication can sometimes be misinterpreted as arrogant, selfish, or unhelpful, by learning how to establish clear boundaries and communicate your needs and ideas clearly and respectfully, you can enhance your relationships with others, whether work colleagues, friends, or romantic partners. A gentle, diplomatic nudge that allows others to make the first move, garners respect. Read: Initial Aggressor: Losing the Right to Argue Self Defense But the fruit of the spirit is . . . gentleness . . . - Galatians 5:22-23 Nothing is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength. - Francis de Sales
Body Language & Self-Defense:
One of the most effective ways to avoid becoming a victim is to spot an attack before it happens and present yourself as a risky target. Whether you're being approached in a parking lot or walking through a crowd, using body language, and being attuned to the body language of those around you, is a powerful tool. Along with personal protection weapons, knowledge of body language takes away the would-be assailant's advantage of surprise. Here are some references to use and read body language for self-defense: Understanding Body Language & Pre-Attack Indicators Body Language Signs that Might Save Your Life Body Language Tricks to Show You're a Hard Target Body Language And Usage In Self Defense
Decide Your Responses NOW:
Can (WILL) You Effectively Defend Yourself If Attacked? Make no mistake; as the world is right now, where others still want what I have, a disaster situation will amplify that a thousand times. Right now, as I make plans for what I will do if disaster strikes, I need to decide [now] if I will fight or cave when the dogs of society begin to howl. If I decide to turn my back and walk away, I better be ready to scrounge for water, food and shelter or die trying. If I decide to share, I better have tons more than I ever thought I would need and watch my back while I hand it over. If my choice is to defend and protect, I need to decide, right now, at what point I will run, give up, or fight and, possibly, take a life. And, if I do take the life, or severely injure, my attacker, am I prepared to live with the consequences? I believe, in a crisis situation, most of us will have to make these choices. We will not be in a protective bubble. We will come face-to-face with thirsty, hungry, homeless people; some who will ask and some who will not. Before the attack happens we need to decide to what extent we are willing to defend family and self. Thinking through different scenarios will help prepare for the real thing.
I saw a TV show about a private, self-sustaining community of people who did not believe in the use of guns but one of them said that if hostile visitors would come, take over and not leave, eventually, those visitors would be poisoned or have their throats slit as they slept. These anti-gunners had pre-established a tolerance level and a plan.
Recommendations: Don't allow a potential attacker within 21 feet (Tueller Principal) Defend Yourself with a Vengeance Until the Attack Stops Get Self-Defense Insurance Learn to Recognize and Use Weapons of Opportunity An Attacker is Expecting a Specific Reaction. Respond Differently! Practice Self-Defense Through Awareness Learn and Frequently Practice to Effectively Use Your Chosen Self-Defense Tactics/Tools Related Resources: Podcast: A Guide to Protecting Yourself Against Unexpected Violence Self-Defense and the Bible Find a Self-defense course near you 3 Self-Defense Moves Everyone Should Know How to Use Body Weight in Self-Defense Techniques How to Defend Yourself Against an Attacker How to Defend Yourself Against an Attacker Carrying a Knife Surviving a Knife Attack From Behind How to Defend Yourself from an Attacker Non-Lethal Self-Defense Tools Firearms Training Basics Make Primitive Wilderness Weapons and Tools from Scratch Non-Lethan Self-Defense Weapons Weapons of Opportunity - Use Everyday Objects for Self-Defense Making and Using Improvised Weapons and Tools [Reference Link 1] [Reference Link 2]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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hollyjaques · 1 day
Dr. Ava’s Top Tips on Flirting & Dating
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If you ever seen an animal program on TV, you have probably seen some of their complicated and interesting mating rituals.
Every animal uses sexual reproduction from ducks to dogs, from lemurs to lemmings, from bats to badgers; even hamsters to humans have mating rituals. These rituals are written right into most animal’s genes and change very little over the millennia.
With humans it’s somewhat different. We have certain prewired responses to all sorts of things, and you’ve probably never even thought about this. For instance, you put your hand on someone’s shoulder to show understanding, concern, and connection. You put your hand on a loved one’s cheek to show closeness and acceptance. And there are many others.
Our meeting rituals are very complex because we are complex emotional beings. We not only use our prewired responses, but we also add in other cultural and social elements. Many of these differ from place to place.
It’s amazing that this knowledge is built right into us from birth. Even babies know how to flirt. In fact, babies are the best flirts around and know right from the womb how to get attention.
You may be asking yourself why do I have to learn how to flirt? Isn’t it built right into me?
Yes, it is, but flirting still takes practice to be an expert at it. As we get older, we need to relearn how to flirt.
After all wide should animals have all the fun??
Why Bother Learning About How to Flirt?
What’s in it for you?
Why should you want to learn these concepts? Certainly, because you want to have a rich, active dating life, but that’s not all. There are many benefits to learning these skills that carry well beyond dating, sex, and relationships.
First of all, flirting is fun! It’s a playful, adult game and lets you interact with others in a safe, playful way. It also builds your self confidence and even gives you new tools to deal with everyone in your life.
Another benefit is that it lets you explore your own “relationship self” by showing it to others. You’ll be surprised at how receptive other people are when you start showing this wonderful part of yourself.
When you are fun, playful, confident, and able to express yourself without shame, embarrassment, or guilt, you can naturally flirt with success.
Find What You Are Looking For
Are you looking for love? Fun? Romance? Sex? Intimacy? Companionship?
All these things start with the same first step. Finding a partner.
Here are some ideas that will help you reach any, or all, of these goals:
Incorporate a situation that in the past proved to be difficult and see that you can handle the same situation with a renewed perspective and acceptance.
Take the plunge and ask out that person you have spin secretly admiring. If your date proposal is rejected, realize that you can survive it. Your target rejected the situation not you. It is far better not to waste time on someone who is unavailable or uninterested. Move on to the next prospect.
Places to meet someone
There are many places to meet new people. In fact, everywhere you go is a new opportunity. Here are a few examples:
Airplanes, at work, auction houses, bars, beaches, bike riding, bookstores, bridge clubs, cafes, at the car wash, while taking classes, dance clubs, day trips, fashion shows, galleries, health clubs, while going for a jog, at libraries, matchmaker clubs, Men’s department stores, movies, museums, music festivals, parks, parties, personal ads, potluck suppers, book readings, restaurants, work seminars,  shopping malls, singles events, supermarkets,, theatre groups, through friends, through relatives, at trade show events, on vacation, while going for a walk, and of course, weddings.
How to Flirt
Make eye contact. Don’t stare. Raise your eyebrows. Wink if you’re bold!
A warm sincere smile is like an open door of approval.
Body language. These are the signs people through body language showing you are interested in someone else. These include the hair flip, swinging your leg playfully, the head toss, batting your eyelashes, leaning closer to someone, touching their hand, licking your lips, and cheering them with a toast.
Flirting Prompts
Here are things you can do to get noticed or use as conversation starters.
Carry a book with an eye-catching title.
Where a hat that suits your unique style.
Pin a button on your clothes that has a message to attract attention.
Take your pet for a walk.
Carry a camera and ask someone to take your picture for you.
Apply an outrageous bumper sticker to your car.
Wear clothes with unusual logos.
Drive a unique car or bike.
Conversation Starters
When you open a conversation with someone new, the words you choose to speak can be the most important, especially if you are on a quest to find everlasting love.
Take the seductive approach. This style should stir but not shock.
Try these:
You smell really good. What scent you wearing?
Weren’t you in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue?
Didn’t I see you on the cover of GQ magazine?
I hope you don’t mind, but I just had to let you know that you are the sexiest person here.
Do you mind if I sit down? When I saw you, I went weak in the knees.
If good looks were against the law you’d be arrested, booked, and jailed for life!
Can I buy you breakfast in the morning?
I was looking at the dictionary and there wasn’t a word that fully describes your beauty / sex appeal.
Dating Rules
Try these dating rules to become more sexessful at love.
Rule 1. Talk to everyone.
Don’t be embarrassed to let people know you are a single and be proud of it. Let everybody know that you are looking to meet that special someone and, who knows? One of your friends, relatives or acquaintances might match you up with your everlasting love.
Rule 2. You are in control period.
You are in control of whom you decide to date and whether you see that person again. Yet, all single people seem to think the other person holds all the cards. Dating is a wide-open field these days. If two people exchanged business cards or phone numbers, it’s not etched into stone who should call first. Spring a surprise by calling them first. At least you will find out if there is mutual interest. And if you do take the initiative and get turned down, praise yourself for having made the effort to test the waters, then move on.
Rule 3. Dating is not a crapshoot.
You make the choice as to whom you want to date and when. You don’t have to go out with everyone you meet. If you just don’t like someone well enough to date that person, tell that individual upfront you were not interested in a relationship, but you appreciate their interest. Never overlook the possibility of a friendship that may become a romance later on down the road.
Rule 4. Everything is negotiable.
Just because you may want to fall in love with someone who has the same passions as you don’t restrict yourself too much. Remember that everything is negotiable in life and in love.
If you meet someone you like who doesn’t share your lifestyle, be open to learning from each other. Compromises can be reached if you care enough to explore the possibilities. One thing I have learned is that couples can be very creative together when they want to find solutions to the problems that crop up.
Just because you want to fall in love with someone who has a passion for boating, and you meet someone who has a passion for horseback riding, doesn’t mean you can’t spend one weekend on the ocean and the next on the ranch. You can create a win-win situation. Likewise, if he’s a steak and potatoes person, and you’re a vegetarian, be open to exploring and learning from each other. Compromises can always be reached if you care enough to explore the possibilities.
Rule 5. Don’t turn anything down before it is offered.
Don’t read a person on your first meeting. Even if your instincts are right, the relations still could blossom, or you could meet your everlasting love through this person. I cannot stress this rule enough. In the rat race of life, we jump to conclusions about people without even knowing them first. I’ve seen more potentially good relationships bite the dust before they even got off the ground.
Don’t assume you know everything about a person on the first meeting either. Even if you don’t like what you see or hear on that first date, attune yourself to what you do like and see if there is more there. You never know what could happen.
Things to Talk About on a First Date
Below you will find important dating etiquette tips that can often make the difference between making a connection and blowing the opportunity.
Don’t talk about anything negative such as family or health problems.
Don’t talk a boat your financial status and never talk about past relationships especially if they were bad.
Do talk about your goals, work, hobbies, favorite places, and your personal philosophy.
Do ask a lot of questions.
How to Move from Dating to Intimacy
Intimacy is not about wild, rapid, passion. It’s more like an insatiable slow burning passion. Intimacy is about expressing your true feelings not just what you think is sexy to your partner. Touching each other on nonsexual areas is intimate. Intimacy is not about being critical of your partner. Intimacy is not about conquest it is about being present and giving pleasure not just receiving it. Intimacy is about enjoying the journey together.
Intimacy is not just sex, but incorporates trust, comfort, safety, surrender, respect and open communication. The sexiest thing is being focused and present while making love. Both partners must have a clear intention to be fully in the moment rather than being goal orientated. Most people don’t touch each other with intention. It’s a natural evolution that we should find a deeper level of enjoyment, by moving from sex to intimacy.
You don’t have to give up your regular sexual practices. You can add to your sexual repertoire by practising the art of intimacy.
To experience emotional intimacy, you must surrender yourself so that you feel complete to compliment each others souls. You must be willing to let down your defences and open your heart.
Intimacy is the plateau of sex that every couple strives for but must go through all the other steps before they can achieve it successfully. You need to be on the same plane sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We ultimately strive for our emotional doorway to open through all of our senses when we are both are present any available, emotionally to one another. You are honoring yourself surrendering and connecting with your soul mate.
Here are Three Steps to Move From Dating to Intimacy:
Step 1.  Share your feelings about each other to create an emotional bond.
Step 2. Focus on your partners needs wants and desires and put them before your own.
Step 3. Make a commitment to each other.
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wyatt-06 · 2 days
How to Choose the Best Grooming Clippers for your Furry Friend?
If you want to make sure your four-legged friend gets the best quality trim, you’ll need to be sure you’re buying the best equipment for them. Perhaps you want to save a little money on dog grooming services or you’re looking to start your very own business? No matter whatever your situation is, this review of the best dog clippers will make sure you have the best tool for the job.
There are many different types of dog clippers with all sorts of features and varying prices. The style of clippers you need depends on different things like the type of grooming you’ll be doing, the type of dog you have and your budget for grooming. To help you figure out exactly what the best clippers are there for you, here is our helpful guide that will give you an overall summary of each set of clippers featured below:
1.    Motor Power
To make the trimming process smooth and painless for your pooch, it’s important to buy dog grooming clippers that have a motor powerful enough for your needs. There are different levels of power which will be suitable for different types of hair.
If you have a dog with thick hair, you’ll need to look for clippers with a higher RPM like AGC Super 2 Speed Clippers. The rotations per minute decide how quickly the motor spins around, so a higher number will be more suitable for a dog with a thicker coat.
Motor power is something to consider if you’re running a grooming service as you may need to invest in multiple clippers with varying RPM levels.
2.    Heat, Noise And Vibration
Although power is important, you need to make sure you get the right balance because there are several issues that come with more powerful clippers.
Dog hair clippers with a higher RPM will heat up quicker, give off more noise and create more heavy vibrations. This can be a problem if you’re grooming a shy or nervous pooch.
It’s important to make sure your furry friend is comfortable when they get their hair cut so be sure to choose clippers that are powerful enough to trim them without causing any discomfort. Our recommendation on this would be Excel 5 speed detachable blade clipper.
3.    Weight And Size
The size of your clippers is often down to personal preference however it also depends to some extent on the type of dogs you’ll be grooming.
You want to make sure that the clippers you use are comfortable to hold, aren’t too heavy and have an ergonomic design that won’t cause you any discomfort. Depending on the size of the dogs you’ll be giving a haircut, you may require different sized clippers.
Smaller dogs may require smaller clippers like to trim those hard-to-reach places. ABK Grooming has all the types of shapes and sizes with us so be sure to shop around and find the best design of clippers to meet your needs. Our recommendation on this would be Pro – Animal EBC detachable blade clipper.
4.      Corded Vs Cordless
You have the choice to settle on rechargeable or corded dog hair clippers, each of that goes along with completely different features and advantages.
Cordless clippers offer a lot more flexibility and convenience when cutting your dog’s hair, but they are often less powerful, more expensive and need replacing sooner when the battery becomes worn out due to excessive charging.
Mains-powered clippers offer more power and don’t need to be recharged. However, they can be a lot more restrictive when it comes to where you can give your pooch a haircut because you will need to be located near a power outlet. There are benefits on both the sides that you need to weigh up before deciding on the best option for your needs.
We offer both types of clippers and the best one in corded would be Endurance 2 Speed Detachable Blade Clipper whereas in cordless you should go for Pulse ZR II Cordless Clipper.
So this summer, go stock up on amazing new and advance clippers!!
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dogtrainingonline · 26 days
Herding 101: Training Techniques Every Dog Owner Should Know
Herding is an ancient skill that has been passed down through generations, with dogs playing an integral role in assisting humans in managing livestock. While not all dogs are destined to work on a farm, many breeds still possess strong herding instincts that can be channeled into various activities and sports. Whether you have a Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, or any other herding breed, understanding the basics of herding training is essential for nurturing your dog's natural talents. In this guide, we'll explore fundamental training techniques that every dog owner should know to unlock their dog's herding potential.
1. Understanding Herding Instincts:
   Before diving into training techniques, it's crucial to understand the innate instincts that drive herding behavior in dogs. Herding dogs have been selectively bred for generations to exhibit behaviors such as stalking, circling, and nipping, all of which are essential for controlling the movement of livestock. Recognizing and acknowledging these instincts is the first step towards successful herding training.
2. Start with Basic Obedience:
   A solid foundation in basic obedience is essential for effective herding training. Teach your dog fundamental commands such as "sit," "stay," "come," and "heel" using positive reinforcement techniques. These commands form the building blocks of communication between you and your dog and lay the groundwork for more advanced herding commands.
3. Introduce Herding Commands:
   Once your dog has mastered basic obedience, it's time to introduce herding-specific commands. Some common commands used in herding include "come by" (move counterclockwise), "away to me" (move clockwise), and "lie down" (stop and stay low). Use consistent verbal cues and hand signals to reinforce these commands during training sessions.
4. Use Positive Reinforcement:
   Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in herding training. Reward your dog with treats, praise, and playtime whenever they exhibit desired herding behaviors. This not only motivates your dog but also strengthens the bond between you and encourages them to continue learning.
5. Gradually Introduce Livestock:
   If possible, expose your dog to livestock in a controlled environment, such as a farm or training facility. Start with calm and docile animals under the supervision of an experienced handler. Allow your dog to observe and interact with the livestock while reinforcing herding commands and behaviors.
6. Practice Patience and Persistence:
   Herding is a complex skill that takes time and practice to master. Be patient with your dog and celebrate progress, no matter how small. Consistent training sessions and positive reinforcement will yield gradual improvements over time.
7. Seek Professional Guidance:
   Consider enrolling your dog in herding classes or seeking guidance from experienced trainers who specialize in working with herding breeds. Professional instruction can provide valuable insights and help you overcome any training challenges you may encounter.
8. Safety First:
   Always prioritize safety during herding training sessions. Ensure that livestock are properly secured and supervised, and use appropriate equipment such as a sturdy leash and harness to maintain control over your dog.
Herding training is a rewarding journey that strengthens the bond between you and your dog while tapping into their natural instincts and talents. By understanding the fundamentals of herding training and employing techniques such as positive reinforcement, consistent practice, and exposure to livestock, you can unlock your dog's herding potential and embark on a fulfilling partnership built on trust, communication, and mutual respect. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn, you and your dog can master the art of herding and enjoy the many benefits it brings to both of your lives.
Visit our website at http://dogtrainingonline.com/
Sign up for our 7 Day Free Trial - https://members.dogtrainingonline.com/free-trial/
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ecoscreen · 1 month
Amazing Benefits of Using Magnetic Fly Screens
Why Magnetic Fly Screens Are So Popular in Auckland
Bugs and insects are uninvited guests of our homes. We try hard to get rid of them but often we fail. The reason is the lack of proper equipment. If you think closing your windows and doors will have you covered, think about the natural light and air that you will be deprived of. If you think of pesticides, consider the exposure to toxic elements, can you afford that? What is the solution after all? Fly screens! Magnetic fly screens to be specific because of their numerous benefits. If you want to get magnetic fly Screens, continue reading this article. 
Functionalities of Magnetic Insect Screens
If you want to protect your wall from mosquitoes without damaging it or using too much equipment like drills, holes, and nails, then you should look into getting one of those made-to-measure magnetic screens.
We ensure exceptional stability, incredible ease of use, and remarkable endurance of our magnetic insect Screen Auckland by combining a sturdy high-quality aluminum profile with magnets.
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Fundamentals of Magnetic Insect Screens
Screen Material: The screen material, which is usually mesh composed of aluminum or fiberglass, lets air circulate while keeping bugs out of your house. Because of its low weight, long lifespan, and corrosion resistance, fiberglass is the material of choice.
Magnets: The insect screen is fastened to the window frame using strong magnets. A snug and secure fit is guaranteed by the strategically placed magnets along the screen's edges. The magnets' strength makes them easy to put in and take out.
Adhesive strips: The magnets are fastened to the window frame and screen material using double-sided adhesive strips. No screws or nails are required for the installation because the adhesive forms a solid bond. 
Benefits of Magnetic Fly Screens 
Ease of Use: The magnetic technology eliminates the need for permanent fittings and equipment, making installation simple and hassle-free. It is also simple to remove the screens for storing or cleaning.
Better air quality: By allowing fresh air to flow throughout your house, magnetic insect screens enhance indoor air quality and lessen the demand for air conditioning during the warmer months.
Pet-friendly: Because of its magnetic nature, these screens offer an insect barrier while still letting your pets come and go as they choose.
Cost-effective: Many homeowners may afford magnetic insect screens since they are often less expensive than traditional fixed screens.
Ease of Cleaning: These things are often easier to clean. All you need to do the task is regular water and a sponge. Additionally, they don't need any unique tools or equipment to function. 
Safe and Durable: Because they don't need any specialized equipment to operate, they are durable and safer. In addition, they are made using simpler body parts than their rival equipment. They hardly ever get damaged, making them safer for your kids and dogs. Furthermore, they present very little risk of mishap.
If you install a magnetic fly Screens in your home, you will reap several benefits. But you have to make sure you choose the right screen door that will fit your house perfectly. If you have any queries or need any assistance in choosing the right magnetic fly screen Auckland, you should connect with a professional company now.
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haphuongswh00091 · 2 months
WEEK 8: The dark side of filters
Imagine one day, the Genie from Aladdin appears and offers: he takes 5 years of your life but then gives you a “perfect face”. Would you accept that trade? Actually, it does not need that much sacrifice to achieve an ideal appearance. With just one tap on the screen and the technology called Filter, you can attain the unattainable beauty that has been shaped, expecting us to live up to. But do those standards always give us the conditions to meet the mass expectations, or are they the reasons for several times we stand in front of the mirror, stare at our bare faces and hate our looks?
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From goofy and playful Snapchat dog faces, flower crowns, or rainbow puke with experimental purposes, the filters world has been developed so far with a diverse range of formats from cartoonish effects, interactive games to beauty modifications. Since Instagram allows users to diversify the filter library by uploading their self-created ones, a power imbalance between the creators and the users regarding personal aesthetic preferences arises. Barker (2020) points out the tight connection between face filters and feminine beauty ideals in a celebrity-led, self-image-saturated culture. This also happens due to the lack of policies and regulations from the platform operators to control the biases. (Hunter, 2023)
The technology itself might be neutral, but the creators and operators are responsible for importing the subjectivity, and the users are who unconsciously inherit the biases. A significant negative inherent is Digitised Dysmorphia, in which a person constantly feels the need to modify their unwanted features with technological tools. While the convenience of technology can help us see our most ideal appearances, it can lead us to not only compare ourselves with others but sarcastically, our digitized versions. Consequently, this adds to the reality that we are being heavily regulated by collective expectations about which beauty is more favorable than the others, breaking our perceptions about individuality.
Barker, J. (2020). Making-up on mobile : The pretty filters and ugly implications of Snapchat.
Hunter, T. (2023, September 20). Should women use beauty filters online? We all have opinions. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/09/20/beauty-filter-criticism-benefits-tiktok/
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moepuppy0 · 2 months
Safeguarding Our Canine Companions: The Significance of Tick Shampoo for Dogs
As dedicated pet owners, the well-being of our furry friends is paramount. Unfortunately, one of the prevalent threats to our canine companions is the presence of ticks. These tiny parasites not only cause discomfort but also pose significant health risks, including the transmission of various diseases. To combat this menace, pet owners turn to specialized products like tick shampoo for dogs. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of tick shampoo, its mechanism of action, and why it's an indispensable tool in the battle against ticks for our beloved pets.
Understanding the Threat Posed by Ticks:
Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that attach themselves to animals, including dogs, to feed on their blood. Apart from causing irritation and discomfort, ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Ehrlichiosis. These diseases can have severe consequences for our canine companions, ranging from mild symptoms to life-threatening illnesses. Therefore, preventing tick infestations is crucial for safeguarding the health and well-being of our dogs.
The Role of Tick Shampoo for Dogs:
Tick shampoo is a specialized grooming product formulated to target and eliminate ticks from a dog's coat. Unlike regular shampoos, tick shampoos contain active ingredients specifically designed to disrupt the nervous system of ticks, ultimately leading to their demise. This targeted approach makes tick shampoo highly effective for both treating existing tick infestations and preventing future ones.
Key Benefits of Tick Shampoo for Dogs:
1. Effective Tick Removal: Tick shampoo works by killing ticks on contact, providing immediate relief for dogs suffering from tick infestations. By thoroughly lathering the shampoo into the dog's coat and allowing it to sit for a few minutes before rinsing, pet owners can ensure comprehensive coverage and maximum effectiveness against ticks.
2. Prevention of Reinfestation: Regular use of tick shampoo helps create a protective barrier on the dog's skin and coat, making it less conducive for ticks to latch onto. This preventative measure reduces the risk of reinfestation and helps keep dogs tick-free between baths.
3. Gentle on the Skin: Despite its potent effects on ticks, tick shampoo is formulated to be gentle on a dog's skin. High-quality tick shampoos are pH-balanced and contain soothing ingredients that nourish the skin and prevent irritation, making them safe for regular use.
4. Complements Other Preventive Measures: Tick shampoo is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive tick prevention strategy. In addition to regular bathing with tick shampoo, pet owners should consider using other preventive measures such as tick collars, spot-on treatments, and regular tick checks to keep their dogs safe from tick-borne diseases.
Choosing the Right Tick Shampoo:
When selecting a tick shampoo for your dog, it's essential to choose a product specifically formulated for canines and containing safe and effective active ingredients. Look for shampoos that contain ingredients such as pyrethrin or permethrin, known for their efficacy against ticks. Additionally, opt for shampoos free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances to minimize the risk of skin irritation.
Tips for Using Tick Shampoo Safely:
To ensure the safe and effective use of tick shampoo for dogs, follow these guidelines:
Read and Follow Instructions: Always read and adhere to the instructions provided on the tick shampoo label. Pay attention to the recommended dosage, application method, and frequency of use for optimal results.
Avoid Contact with Eyes and Ears: When applying tick shampoo, take care to avoid contact with your dog's eyes, ears, and mucous membranes. If accidental contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water to prevent irritation.
Rinse Thoroughly: After lathering your dog's coat with tick shampoo, be sure to rinse it off completely with lukewarm water. Residual shampoo left on the skin can cause irritation, so thorough rinsing is essential.
Tick shampoo for dogs plays a pivotal role in the fight against tick infestations and tick-borne diseases. By incorporating tick shampoo into your dog's grooming routine and following proper usage guidelines, you can effectively protect your canine companion from these dangerous parasites. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to tick control, and tick shampoo is an essential component of a comprehensive tick prevention strategy for your beloved pet.
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pet-product-experts · 2 months
Discovering the Benefits of Using a Dog Harness for Training and Everyday Walks
Embarking on daily walks with your furry companion is not just about exercise; it's an opportunity for bonding and training. However, many dog owners struggle with the conventional collar and leash setup, leading to discomfort and even injury for their pets. Enter the dog harnes – a revolutionary tool that not only ensures your dog's safety but also enhances the training experience. In this post, we'll delve into the benefits of using a dog harness for both training sessions and everyday walks.
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Harnessing Comfort and Control:
The first and most apparent benefit of using a dog harness is the comfort it provides to your canine companion. Unlike collars, which can strain the neck and potentially lead to respiratory issues, harnesses distribute the pressure evenly across the chest and back, reducing the risk of injury. This increased comfort translates to better behavior during walks, as your dog feels less restricted and more at ease. With a harness, you can maintain better control over your pet's movements, particularly useful for larger breeds or those prone to pulling.
Training Reinvented:
Training sessions become more effective when using a dog harness. The harness offers a secure attachment point for leashes, allowing for smoother redirection and correction of behavior. Whether you're teaching your dog to heel, sit, or stay, the harness provides a reliable foundation for training exercises. Additionally, the sensation of wearing a harness can help desensitize dogs to external stimuli, such as noises or other animals, making them more receptive to commands. With consistent use, the harness becomes a cue for your dog to focus and engage in training activities, fostering a positive learning environment.
Enhanced Safety on Walks:
Safety should always be a top priority when walking your dog, and a harness significantly enhances this aspect of outdoor adventures. The sturdy construction of a harness reduces the risk of escape or slipping out, providing peace of mind, especially in high-traffic areas or around unfamiliar dogs. Moreover, certain harness designs feature reflective elements, increasing visibility during evening strolls or in low-light conditions. Whether you're navigating crowded sidewalks or exploring rugged terrain, a dog harness offers added security for both you and your furry friend.
Comfort and Style Combined:
Gone are the days of sacrificing style for functionality. Modern dog harnesses come in a variety of designs, colors, and materials, allowing you to express your pup's personality while ensuring their comfort and safety. From sporty neoprene options to chic leather styles, there's a harness to suit every taste and preference. Many harnesses also feature adjustable straps to ensure a snug fit for dogs of all shapes and sizes. With the right harness, your dog can make a fashion statement while enjoying maximum comfort during walks and training sessions.
In conclusion, the benefits of using a dog harnes for training and everyday walks are undeniable. From improved comfort and control to enhanced safety and style, harnesses offer a myriad of advantages for both dogs and their owners. Whether you're teaching basic commands or exploring the great outdoors, investing in a quality harness is a decision that will benefit you and your furry companion for years to come. So, why wait? Harness the power of this invaluable tool and take your walks to new heights with your canine companion by your side.
Must Read : Fetch Happiness: Shop Conveniently at Our Online Pet Store
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petstyle12 · 3 months
Importance of Regular Pet Grooming for Your Furry Companion
In the bustling city of Jaipur, amidst the vibrant culture and rich heritage, pet owners strive to ensure the well-being of their beloved furry companions. Among the many ways to care for your pet, regular grooming stands out as an essential practice. In this blog, we delve into the importance of Pet Grooming in Jaipur, emphasizing the top-notch services offered by Pet Style, the premier Pet groomer in Jaipur.
Why Regular Pet Grooming Matters:
Top Pet Grooming in Jaipur extends far beyond mere aesthetics; it plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and happiness of your furry friend. Here are some compelling reasons why regular grooming should be a top priority for pet owners in Jaipur:
Coat Health:
The coat is a pet's first line of defense against environmental elements. Regular grooming helps in the removal of dirt, debris, and loose hair, preventing matting and tangling, which can lead to skin irritations and infections. At Pet Style, our expert groomers employ gentle techniques and high-quality products to keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny.
Skin Care:
Just like humans, pets can suffer from skin issues such as dryness, allergies, and parasites. Through regular grooming sessions, our skilled groomers in Jaipur can detect early signs of skin problems, allowing for prompt treatment and prevention of further complications.
Nail and Paw Care:
Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and even lead to mobility issues in pets. Our Dog Groomer in Jaipur pays special attention to nail trimming, ensuring your pet's paws are comfortable and well-maintained. Additionally, paw pad moisturization helps in preventing cracking and discomfort, especially during hot summers in Jaipur.
Ear and Eye Hygiene:
Proper cleaning of ears and eyes is essential to prevent infections and discomfort in pets. Our pet groomers in Jaipur are trained to gently clean these delicate areas, removing excess wax and debris to promote optimal hygiene and comfort for your furry companion.
Stress Reduction:
Regular grooming sessions at Pet Style provide more than just physical benefits; they also offer mental stimulation and relaxation for your pet. Our compassionate groomers create a soothing environment, ensuring a stress-free experience for your furry friend.
Experience the Best Pet Grooming in Jaipur with Pet Style:
When it comes to best Pet Grooming in Jaipur, Pet Style stands out as the go-to destination for pet owners who prioritize quality care and personalized attention for their companions. Here's why you should choose Pet Style for all your pet grooming needs:
Expertise:  Our team of skilled groomers in Jaipur possesses extensive experience and expertise in handling pets of all breeds and sizes. Whether your pet needs a basic bath and brush or a full grooming session, you can trust us to deliver exceptional results with utmost care and professionalism.
Tailored Services:  At Pet Style, we understand that each pet is unique, with specific grooming requirements. That's why we offer personalized grooming packages tailored to meet the individual needs of your furry friend. From breed-specific trims to specialized treatments, we ensure that your pet receives the attention it deserves.
Premium Products:  We believe in using only the finest quality grooming products that are safe and gentle on your pet's skin and coat. Our selection of shampoos, conditioners, and grooming tools is curated to promote optimal health and well-being for your furry companion.
In the bustling city of Jaipur, where pets are cherished as beloved family members, regular grooming emerges as a cornerstone of responsible pet care. With Pet Style leading the way in providing top-tier grooming services, pet owners can rest assured that their furry companions are in good hands. Experience the difference that expert grooming can make in your pet's life and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier bond with your four-legged friend.
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avnnetwork · 4 months
Ensuring Canine Security and Well-being with Innovative Virtual Fencing Solutions
In the modern age of pet care, technological advancements have revolutionized how we ensure the safety and freedom of our canine companions. Among these innovations, virtual dog fences have emerged as a groundbreaking solution, offering a blend of flexibility and security. This article delves into the concept of virtual fencing, particularly focusing on the advantages of using collar-based systems, which we'll refer to as 'halo collar fences'.
The Concept of Virtual Dog Fencing
Virtual dog fence is a technology that creates an invisible boundary for pets without the need for physical barriers. This system usually involves a collar worn by the dog and a corresponding app that allows pet owners to set boundaries digitally. When the dog approaches the set boundary, the collar typically emits a sound or a gentle vibration, alerting the pet to stop.
Check Video :
Advantages of Halo Collar Fences
Flexibility and Customization: One of the most significant advantages of halo collar fences is their adaptability. Unlike traditional fences, virtual boundaries can be customized to any shape or size, fitting perfectly into the unique contours of your property. This flexibility is particularly useful for those living in irregularly shaped or uneven terrains.
Portability: For families who travel or move frequently, halo collar fences offer unparalleled portability. The virtual boundary moves with you, ensuring your pet’s safety irrespective of your location. Whether you’re on vacation or shifting homes, the continuity of a familiar system provides consistency for your pet.
Cost-Effective: In comparison to the costs associated with building and maintaining physical fences, halo collar fences are significantly more cost-effective. They eliminate the need for materials, labor, and ongoing maintenance costs associated with traditional fencing.
Aesthetic Appeal: Maintaining the aesthetic integrity of your landscape is another benefit. These systems are invisible, preserving the natural beauty of your surroundings without the obstruction of physical barriers.
Safety and Security: Halo collar fences provide a secure environment for your dog to roam freely. By preventing pets from wandering onto roads or into potentially dangerous areas, these systems significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
Training Aid: The technology also doubles as a training tool, helping dogs learn property boundaries and safe areas. This training can be beneficial even when the collar is not in use, as dogs tend to remember and respect the established limits.
Peace of Mind: For pet owners, the mental peace that comes with knowing your dog is safe within a predefined boundary is invaluable. This system allows dogs to enjoy outdoor time without constant supervision, offering freedom for the pet and convenience for the owner.
Considerations When Choosing a Halo Collar Fence
Size and Breed of Dog: Ensure the system is suitable for your dog's size and breed. The collar should be comfortable and the system's response should be appropriate for your dog’s temperament.
Battery Life: A long-lasting battery is crucial for consistent operation. Consider systems with reliable battery life to ensure uninterrupted protection.
Range and Signal Strength: The system’s range should cover the desired area effectively. Check for signal strength, especially if you live in an area with varied terrain.
User-Friendly Interface: Opt for systems with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The easier it is to set up and modify the boundaries, the more effective the system will be.
Reliability: Research and select a system known for its reliability and accuracy. An efficient system minimizes false corrections and ensures that the boundaries are respected.
The advent of virtual dog fences, particularly halo collar fences, has offered a modern, efficient, and humane way to keep our pets safe. These systems blend technology with convenience, providing a flexible, cost-effective, and reliable solution for pet containment. As we continue to embrace technological solutions in pet care, halo collar fences stand out as a testament to innovation, enhancing the safety and well-being of our beloved canine friends.
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