#theres that and also aries child libra parent
princessjojo-x · 6 months
Love Notes
💝 rxships have a better chance of surviving if 4H, 5H & 8H synastry are all present.
💝 mars conjunct/trine/sextile moon - your personality in bed will be similar to your personality in daily life, perhaps more extreme in some ways but not a complete change.
💝 mars square/opposite moon - you’ll have a complete different personality in bed compared to daily life.
💝 in order to get over your ex using astrology, meet someone new who has their south node conjunct your ex’s moon, ascendant or venus.
💝 in regards to your natal chart, 5th house shows how you act in the beginning of rxships & your dating style (first dates, first kisses). 8th house shows how you act when feeling real connection & how you behave sexually.
💝 often cancer & taurus placements end up together.
💝 prominent fire & air placements tend to love bomb without realising.
💝 starting a new rxhsip during venus rx is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a karmic partner.
💝 a lot of married couples have their ascendant in neighboring signs.
💝 having a partner with a fire moon makes you feel like you’re always competing for the spotlight.
💝 chart ruler conjunct 7th house in synastry is a marriage indicator. chart ruler is the planet that rules your ascendant sign. my ascendant is cancer so my chart ruler is moon. my moon is in aries so they would be libra ascendant.
💝 you’ll have the best rxships with people whom have placements opposite your ascendant or moon sign. (capricorn, libra placements or capricorn, scorpio, libra asc/moon)
💝 your best match will not have similar placements to you but instead opposite energy to balance one another out. find someone with the energy you’re lacking. (air placements)
💝 check his parents sun signs bc it tells you what energy he’s familiar with. he may not have the best rxship with his parents & those sun signs but it is the energy he is most comfortable with despite everything. you can also check his best friend’s sun sign too.
💝 having many oppositions within synastry can feel like you lust over each other but there’s always something stopping you from being with each other. it’s important to have patience & faith in these rxships. without maturity results won’t be see.
💝 high chance of compatibility if theres more harmonic aspects (trines, sextiles) than hard aspects (oppositions, squares) within synastry chart. however, you NEVER want a rxship with no challenging aspects bc that would be so boring & you’d both lose interest quick asf. we need that spice, that challenge, that potency.
💝 trine = the most positive aspect
💝 sextile = harmonious & ease
💝 square = challenge & action
💝 opposite = attraction & instability
💝 moon = represents a man’s spouse. (taurus/aries/cancer moon)
💝 mars = the type of man women are attracted to
💝 venus = how we love/want to be loved & the type of woman men are attracted to
💝 juno = venus & mars shows what partner we think we want but juno shows what marriage partner we need & will get. (leo)
💝 rising of your juno persona chart = shows what partner you‘re destined to marry (capricorn)
💝 lust = represents desires & uncontrollable turn ons. lusts energy is not related to love or romance, no emotions involved, it’s abt our instinctive
💝 the last six signs are often a lot wiser but they lose their innocence somewhere along the way. but the first 6 signs have child like wisdom. aries is the newborn. taurus is the infant. gemini is toddler.
💝 the least compatible signs are taurus & virgo. the spark dies quickly & partners get irritated with each other as time goes on. but partners stay together bc the rxship “works” practically.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
it’s honestly no wonder i interpret angouleme and regis as developing something like a child-parent relationship later on because right off the bat as soon as they meet angouleme starts bullying him softly but he’s not mad and instead just confused by it which i guess is a trademark of daughter-father relationships
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licoricecookieee · 3 years
Spouse astrology #01
( bcoz the previous one is too long, so I simplify them)
Theres a lot method to know future spouse to live with, like upapada lagna, navamsa chart, darakaraka, and so on. As per vedic
You can figure/ expect your future spouse through your parents birth chart. If your birth chart its your future son/ daughter in law
( Clue: use bhavat bhavam/ house to house method)
To find your spouse nature look at your parents 11th house of network and gain, Natural kaalpurush of aquarius, 11th also rules son/ daughter in law. As 7th from 5th, 5th represents child then 7th represent spouse
Sign of your parents and their planet in that house is your spouse personality. If empty check their ruler. Dhristi/ conjunction on their 11th Lord also modify the results. Kindly check them holistically/ contact your professional Astros as they more experienced there
1. Your fathers rising is libra, then 11H is in leo. He has venus in leo conjunct his mercury. The present of venus give good looking and good mannered spouse. Because mercury they will look younger than you, yet they're friendly and approachable to others, leo in your dad 11H give spouse from high status, confident and have ego issues if sun weak.
2. Case if empty, your mother rising sign is Sagittarius. Then 11th is libra. Because her 11th is empty, so we check their venus sign. Venus is in 5th house aries without any aspect. Venus in aries brings mars quality if you're boy chance to get tomboy bcs mars is masculine planet. They're also involved in competitive sports as 5th is house of hobbies and romance, quite aggressive when approach you yet devoted
Check your 7th and its lord both natal and navamsa chart if good condition, then loving spouse and quite smooth. Also dont forget to your Almighty as they choosing you a right way
Note: for 2nd and so on check 3rd from 11 where falls in their Rising sign then do same way
Credit from shawty astrology
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astrojoong · 3 years
Seonghwa’s Birth Chart
☉ sun in ♈︎ aries  
aries is the child of the zodiac so honestly its no surprise that this is his first life
he’s just so full of wonder and excitement its truly lovely to see
so excited about learning and exploring the world around him
second decanate so his subruler is the sun
aries with a touch of leo flair
the sun subruler adds in just a touch more dignity and pride to aries
reigns in a bit more of aries’ impulsiveness and recklessness 
instead it adds to his hunger to succeed
it also really brings out his showmanship and ability to perform
when he performs he is able to show both raw aggression and passion while also maintaining poise and grace
holds an intense drive which can sometimes be to his own detriment 
has the potential to push himself too hard, and put too much pressure on himself
can have little to no patience or attention span, needs things to be constantly moving and changing, with new challenges arising or else he’ll become bored and dissatisfied 
☽ moon in ♋︎ cancer
(ayyy i have a cancer moon too) 
basically... a whole Mom
ok so the moon is at home in cancer
she’s right where she wants to be so that just means that she is That much more powerful
cancer is a feminine sign and she adds a very soft dimension to his aries sun
cancer is the middle child of the water signs, which means it can either take on a more parental role or a more childlike role-it has the versatility that the youngest and eldest signs lack (same goes for all middle signs)
in Hwa you can definitely see that its taken on the parental role
he is very in touch with his feelings and the feelings of those around him
super intuitive and really just a whole ass caretaker
so incredibly loyal and sensitive and protective
on the flip side this may also make him prone to nagging if he’s not careful, and it likes to team up with his aries sun and make him WAY too hard on himself
can be Incredibly self critical and have the potential to get stuck in ‘moods’ which can bring down everyone else around them (there are actually four fucking cancer moons in ateez idk how they survive if one- or god forbid- multiple of them get moody, my dad and I are both cancer moons and we engage in something I like to call vibe warfare in which we accidentally throw off the Entire balance of the household if one of us is feeling moderately shitty or In Our Feels)
☿ mercury in ♈︎ aries
mercury is pretty happy in aries so theres a lot of benefits to this placement
a wonderful conversationalist
there's that underlying fierceness that aries brings
witty, outspoken, and very original
very jovial in his speech, good at joking around
also very good at arguing.
watch tf if you get on his bad side he can go OFF
very lucky person
normally doesn’t put a Whole lot of thought or planning into decisions but they usually just work out for him
♀ venus in ♒︎ aquarius
maybe not the best at expressing love
I think his cancer moon is a bit at odds with this placement, he feels  all these emotions and can seem like he’s great at expressing them, but he’s really only showing surface emotions
I think he is very good at hiding his true feelings, even if he doesn’t mean to, he keeps certain things very close to his chest
very magnanimous, a great socialite  
personal freedom is very important
people with this sign are a little notorious for not wanting to be tied down, maybe having some commitment issues, we haven’t seen Hwa in a relationship so who knows
did I say freedom was important because freedom is Super important
really is able to satisfy his urges to travel and experience exciting new cultures and situations through his career. He honestly seems super well suited for the industry.
♂ mars in ♈︎ aries
ok mars is at home in aries so you know shit is abt to get INTENSE
much like how his cancer moon makes all his feelings super strong
this is all abt aggression 
essentially if Win by Ateez was a placement
an absolute force of nature
definitely some major self confidence coming through here
very courageous and honest, but potentially a little blunt, especially if he’s worked up
that's when he starts to lose his filter a bit
the good thing is, he doesn’t seem to let his anger build up or fester, he deals with it when it happens
this is also the ✨sexy✨ sign so lets just say he is very Active and... depending on where his houses lie, it could definitely point to him being more assertive in the bedroom. 
♃ jupiter in ♓︎ pisces
Jupiter is essentially the planet that tells you what you should do with your life
I am not surprised he’s in music 
pisces is like Known as the soulful, artistic sign, so the fact that he found his way into a career where he can play to his aries need for passion and power while also expressing himself and his emotions in a creative fashion, and in a way to help others? fucking incredible. 
He has a healing ability to him
Just being around him makes others more at peace
Very interested in/talented in emotional healing
♄ saturn in ♈︎ aries
jfc final aries 
its like his chart is just Oops! All Aries
if Jupiter is the planet of good luck, saturn is the planet of bad luck
saturn is what stands in the way
its not too bad though
it just means that he will have a lot of obstacles that he must continuously fight against in his journey to success
but good news! while it may seem like they’re never-ending, the difficulties begin to let up as he gets older and gains more experience
saturn in aries means he’s ambitious and determined
it may place these obstacles in front of him, but it also gives him the strength to persevere 
♅ uranus in ♒︎ aquarius
ok from here on out, up until chiron, its more generational so I’ll touch on uranus, neptune and pluto in my overall ateez analysis since they all share those signs
♆ neptune in ♒︎ aquarius
♇ pluto in ♐︎ sagittarius
⚷ chiron in ♏︎ scorpio
chiron tells us what our biggest wound is
Seonghwa’s has to do with his self worth and emotions
scorpio is a very intense sign, it doesn’t half ass anything, pain or pleasure
he will go through or will have already gone through something that will be catastrophic to who he is as a person. 
it will/has cause(d) a great deal of emotional pain 
in his life he has to learn how to love and accept himself, how to control his emotions and how to make peace. 
the lesson that must be learned is one of renewal and transformation, of endings and beginnings
⚸ lilith in ♎︎ libra
lilith is meant to represent our innermost psyche
primal urges and base desires
it also shows our fears
Seonghwa’s deepest fear seems to be one of rejection
he needs to find a balance in his life, learn healthy boundaries
he’s very susceptible to other’s opinions and influences 
I feel like it may not be as much of a problem because he has so many other fortunate signs to counteract this but it could be an issue if he isn’t careful
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inthestars011 · 4 years
What it’s like falling in love with him 💓💓🥺 *check venus*
Based mostly on personal experience
Aries Venus- falling in
love with him was like always remembering the feeling of his loose red tee shirt even if you just felt the cotton warmth as it grazed your arm lightly as you walked past in the hallway. He’d stare right through you and make your body go cold, or sometimes he’d lightly smirk and you’d feel the burning of a million suns as they rolled and rolled
into the pit of your stomach without mercy. Loving him was like constant tension, an endless dark corridor. Loving him was like heartbreak that you begged for. He would say he just didn’t want you, and leave, disappearing through the trees and wistful breeze. But he would come back forceful and angry everytime he heard that your arm may be wrapped around another man, he’d ask you where you are and he couldn’t handle the thought of your fingers intertwined into other hands. Loving him made you angry and loving him set you free. You realized that the two of you were just not meant to be.
Taurus Venus- Loving him was like forgetting what it once felt like to be touch starved. Some days he’d let his fingers dance lightly on your leg, other days, he’d kiss your neck as you moaned and begged. Either way you knew you were home, you knew you were safe. There’s nowhere you’d rather lay, than under the sun and in his arms. Both sensations brought warmth and love. You’d laugh as he seemed to make your parents fall in love with him even more than you, he was so scared to lose you. He would cook for you, feed you hot soup when you were sick. sometimes, you’d disagree on things and he’d be kind of a dick. You will miss the golden summers in his eyes, the loyalty in his fingertips. You will miss the sun as it rested in the peaceful sky, the sweet honey in which you’d dip your feet in gently.
Gemini Venus- Falling in love with him was like laughing about the crude joke he made whilst being entranced with his sly smile as he wrapped his mouth around a beer bottle. You wanted him to savour you in his mouth and drink you like he did that Miller lite. He loved to make memories with you, even if memories is all that they are. A faint recall of true love, a remembrance of his smile. Butterfly’s are beautiful but are almost always gone by Sunday morning, he always brought a rude awakening without realizing. You will remember the fresh grass as it tickled your backs and not the sound of your heart as it cracked, you will remember staring at the stars and wanting to bathe in galaxies above, and while you looked up at those stars all he did was stare at you, and you’ll remember how the staring was slightly intrusive but nonetheless mischievous, innocent and cute. He was in awe. You will remember the nervous smiles, the cold bathroom tiles, the time worthwhile. You won’t remember your heart breaking.
Cancer Venus - Falling for him was like finally being cared for. You were an abandoned child left on a door step and he took you in and cradled you tight, he loved you even as you tried to fight, he loved you even when it didn’t feel quite right, he loved you through your darkness, through your stressful nights. As soon as his soft little heart decided you were family, he’d never ever leave your side and you’ll feel his wrath if you dare try. You were sick and broken and he held you, god, he was the only one who held you. He’d be moody and jealous and influence the entire mood of a room, he sometimes made you feel sad and wanting to find somewhere else to hide, crawl back up inside your mamas womb. He always made you comfortable, wrapped you up in a blanket full of love and he would show you there is warmth in not only the sun but also the moon and the stars. With him you didn’t feel unloved, no, love was always all around you and you didn’t have to search very far.
Leo Venus- A love with him was not a love that felt detached, no, you were the centre of his universe and that you were sure. He’d come home and tell you stories, some that made you laugh, some that made you cry. But they captivated you. God, he always captivated you. He was your gleaming star and you were his night, you were just perfect together, the shoe fit just right. He would get jealous, grabbing you and kissing you in front of everyone, you’d say “what the hell?” he’d chuckle and say “I wanted to claim what’s mine”. maybe that was too possessive and annoying or maybe you began to fall in love with it just as you did with his touch that gleamed and burned. people said when they heard you both giggle, the sound resembled two lovers as they intertwined, people would let out an “aww” as you two danced goofily in the living room after a few too many glasses of wine. He gave your heart exotic life under party lights and he let you win everytime at beer pong just because he wanted to please you. It took him a while to really reveal but one day he glanced at you and said “I really need you”.
Virgo Venus- falling for him was like finally being important. He worshipped you in a way that was quiet and soft. He criticized himself he never felt he was enough. He was always on his knees calling you an goddess as you sipped your fresh mint tea. You laughed and you said “I’m nothing of the sorts” he grabbed your face and told you, “ you absolutely are”. He helped you learned to love yourself and taught you so many things you never knew, theres so many things about the world and you really had no clue. He’d fix his hair and never know where to put his hands and you’d laugh and put them on your body and softly say “if you’re not sure where to put your hands; this is where I think they’ll stay”. He‘d shake with a nervous tremble and giggled with excitement. He picked the lint of your sweater and ran his fingers through your hair, he had an angelic type beauty, skin pure and fair. He would get grumpy when he was tired and sometimes it felt like he didn’t care, but he always gave his heart to you, he was always willing to share.
Libra Venus- He loved with a heart that was open and naive, a heart recklessly worn upon his sweater sleeve. He was so kind and soft he was almost unreal to you, he had hair like golden waves and a smile soft and true, he was delicious like candy, a body that was like a meal to you. And he was always read to be devoured as long as he could devour you too. There was red wine, roses on the bed, and fancy dates just for you two, the romance completely swept you away and never failed to enthral you. He was the prince and you were the princess and you giggled because you never knew that in a couple years would be living out a cheesy Taylor swift song in real life but here you were. Kissing the boy of your dreams, drinking champagne, and making love on the satin sheets. “Here we are baby, it’s just you and me.” He softly whispered in your ear, there’s no other words you’d rather hear.
Scorpio Venus- He loved you because you had a deepness about you, you had a sad soul and it struck him the right way. He never fucked with chit chat, no, he had a soul that yearned for more. He was destructively emotional, a mind that was at constant war. He wanted to change but only when he was with you, he could finally see good parts of himself, that he’d never seen before as you kissed along his scars and broken heart. He hated how much he loved you. some days he’d disappear and you wouldn’t hear from him, other days he couldn’t keep his hands off of you as he caressed along your body and wiped away your tears. He’d punch the wall and you hugged your knees, you’d scream as he crawled on the floor and cried, feeling weak. He taught you that love is something to fear. Love isn’t always clear. True love isn’t always comfortable and you felt that as his presence grew near.
Sagittarius Venus- He had eyes, full of lust honesty and fire. Two broken souls looking to move on, Bonnie and Clyde, forever on the run. Who said romance couldn’t be fun? He’d grab your bum and kiss you quick, soon the flame would burn out of the candle wick. He left you crawling for more, ugly, needy on the bathroom floor. You still recall the 3 am calls when you two felt like riding into the night and seeing where the stars take you, you touched the sky with your fingers tip, and then touched eachother and found meaning in the universe. Love can be true even when it is fleeting, a quick and passionate love can be just as defeating. Before you know it, he’s on a train, and you’re wondering why he ever went away. He’ll explain that his gods told him to go where he feels free and he can rest his head because down there he is authentic and true, and that he loves you so, but that place isn’t with you.
Capricorn Venus- He wants the poster image girl, someone sensitive and sweet to balance out his cold exterior. You were the only one who could make him feel truly warm. Before he knew it, he was in love. Perhaps it happened with a little playful nudge or a giggle in the wind. You were perfect for him, a match made in heaven, he was the wish you had been waiting for, your 11:11. He’d be quiet about it but as soon as he felt comfortable he told you about his dreams of picket white fences, lawn parties and kids learning how to play baseball in the yard. He told you he saw your face, Ivory and soft, blurry and faint in every one of those dreams. He worked till his hands hurt and you’d massage them at home, he had a serious look, stern to the bone. You’d kiss him and add the perfect softness to his life, it wasn’t long till he asked you “will you be my wife?”
Aquarius Venus- He wouldn’t dare say the word love, and he covered his ears as soon as the thought struck your mind and the word touched your tongue. Because you were only his best friend, a best friend that wore his stylish blue sweaters and he said you made them look better. You were just a best friend he couldn’t stop thinking about, a best friend that had a mouth he loved to taste, a best friend that he’s seen in only her lace. And you’d say “that doesn’t seem like a best friend to me” but all he’d do is laugh and disagree. Hed say “who’s to say what’s love and what’s lust, what is and what isn’t meant to be.” It hurt you because sometimes he was cold and almost alien like, but he was electric to the touch, he was neon lights and an addicting drug, so this so called “best friend” wasn’t someone you would give up.
Pisces Venus- once you are in love you saw him turn automatically soft, suddenly his hands melted into icecream and you couldn’t help but be addicted to how it was so sweet. He would tell you reminders of his love everyday, it was way of begging you to stay. He would tell you how sometimes you remind him of the flowers in may, or this really heart wrenching song he heard the other day. You would feel special and loved, like you two were angels or specks of stardust continuously falling. His love for you pours out like a waterfall and all you want to do is lay underneath and choke on it and let it drown you in the most hauntingly beautiful way. He is your saviour, your soft reminder of sunny days. He is what you never knew you needed when you always felt defeated, he was a wonderful sparkling surprise, he was more of a god than simply a guy.
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suriyankaouthai · 7 years
answering all of the questions on this post by magicastrology ARIES: what are you passionate about? - soren has a passion for art and beauty; he grew up doing things that would be traditionally considered feminine, and never had much interest in traditionally masculine activities, like football or rugby. before finn encouraged him to start his youtube channel, soren thought he might try to become a professional makeup artist, and if that didn’t work, he was still thinking about studying art history. TAURUS: name 3 of your favorite books. - the art lover by carole maso, the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur, & orlando by virginia woolf. - honourable mention: art & fear by david bayles and ted orland; a room of one’s own by virginia woolf; the book thief by markus zusak GEMINI: what was the last text you sent? - stop trying to bake cookies you’re ruining our oven and our apartment smells like burnt ass [ sent to finn while soren was attempting to livestream his daily makeup ] CANCER: if you could choose your child's zodiac sign, what would it be? - libra sun aquarius moon LEO: name something you love about yourself. - he would probably say he was most proud of his artistic skills, and his improvement in them over time. he also really likes his nose. VIRGO: what's your #1 pet peeve? - when finn ruins his kitchen....callin u out LIBRA: describe your dream partner. - finn SCORPIO: do you trust easily? - no SAGITTARIUS: if you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be? - he would visit his family (both in thailand and in the states) CAPRICORN: what's your dream job? - he has his dream job, but he also would have loved to have been either a college professor teaching art history, or to have worked in a gallery (for either art or photography, he’s not too picky) AQUARIUS: do you believe in aliens? - he hasn’t really thought about it, but he doesn’t see why they wouldn’t exist? PISCES: describe someone you love. - he’s tall and funny looking. he’s way too competitive and he’s basically a walking disaster. can’t keep anything clean to save his life. has a stupid nickname and makes dad jokes and stupid puns. he also looks like jojo mcdodd from horton hears a who and talks soren into playing video games with him, even though soren always wins and he gets upset about losing. and he loves soren (he hopes) even though he’s dumb and teases him all the time and the met when he was still dating some random girl. SUN: describe yourself in 3 words. - kind. gentle. soft. - also: “the mom friend” MOON: what's your favorite song? - body gold by oh wonder RISING/ASC: how would you describe your style? - leather nd studs nd band tees. 90s wrong side of the tracks aesthetic. skinny jeans and doc martens. blacks, whites, pinks. circle glasses and sometimes circle lens for videos. lots of rings, on his fingers and in his ears (and he’s thinking about getting one in his nose). he likes to dress punk even though he’s super soft MARS: are you easily angered? - not really? VENUS: what's your aesthetic? - soft punk + minimalism + plants MERCURY: what color do you talk in? - pastels; usually pastel blue, but sometimes lavender JUPITER: what moral do you live by? - be eccentric now. don’t wait for old age to wear purple. SATURN: what's your biggest fear? - pocrescophobia. arachnophobia. URANUS: are you rebellious? - no NEPTUNE: share one of your dreams. - collab with rihanna. or have his art hung or sold in a gallery. PLUTO: what's the biggest thing you've learned by far in your life? - sometimes its important to let life drag you along for the ride. sometimes you have to drag it along for the ride. and sometimes you have to hope the ride doesn’t kill you in the process. LILITH: do you have any guilty pleasures? - probably drunken noodles ? or instant ramen with as much hot sauce and soy sauce as his kidneys can tolerate. also horror movies and 90s boy bands. CHIRON: have you ever broken a bone? - yes. he broke his ankle the second time he attempted a pirouette. CERES: are you a mom friend? - yes PALLAS: do you have a good relationship with your parents? - they’re distant, but theres no animosity. he’s very close with his siblings and cousins. JUNO: do you believe in soul mates? - y e s (and he might even dare to say he’s found his in a certain shithead) 1ST HOUSE: are you confident? - no 2ND HOUSE: if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose? - does finn count as a personal item? (KIDDING) anyways he’d probably choose his art tablet. or their cat? 3RD HOUSE: do you like to read? - yes 4TH HOUSE: what does your bedroom look like? - minimalist. paintings hung up on the walls. the bed is never made (soren complains, but finn insists “why bother making it if we’re just gonna muss it up again later”). it’s pretty modern? kind of like a loft. 5TH HOUSE: name your favorite movie or show. - tangled (also: big hero six & studio ghibli movies) 6TH HOUSE: do you participate in community service? - not really; he would if he found a cause he was passionate about though. like creative outlets for underprivileged kids. shit that’s a good idea, maybe he’ll start a foundation for that. 7TH HOUSE: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be? - aries ( w i N k ) 8TH HOUSE: do you believe in reincarnation? - yes 9TH HOUSE: what's your favorite quote? - “It is fatal to be a man or woman pure and simple; one must be woman-manly or man-womanly. ... Some marriage of opposites has to be consummated.” 10TH HOUSE: are you good at public speaking? - yes. that is to say, he doesn’t get overly tongue tied or panic at the thought of public speaking.  11TH HOUSE: what sign(s) is your best friend/squad? - ( idk who his buds will be yet tbh ) 12TH HOUSE: do you like to be alone? - yes. sometimes. oftentimes.
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