#theres a memory of playing tag in the streets with friends when you were still tiny
waluigisgaybf · 7 months
Have now figured out a lil bit about Durges childgood by desperately diving around on google
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saturnmyg · 7 years
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Min yoongi x Mafia!reader
warnings : violence, drug abuse, cussing 
genre: angst, fluff, romance, drama
word count: 1,624
character profile 
summary: Min yoongi aka Agust D an underground rapper on the come up , finds y/n outside of a club hurt and on the verge on passing out, little did he know saving her would turn his world upside down
AN: hey hey hey! this is my first bts x reader fic i’m kinda excited!!!, english is not my first language so please be nice with the critic! i had my friend matt proof read this so to make sure that i didn’t make any mistakes. this is going to be be multi chaptered, ill try to update once and if i can twice a week so i still have time to write one shots! also this one is more of an introduction but there is a teeny bit of yoongi x reader interaction at the end of this fic. hope you have fun reading this- sora 
@josh-the-smol-bean-dun wanted me to tag them when the chapter comes out so here it is dear!  
 Intro           chapter one 
Sighed y/n walked into the living room,  the evening sun illuminating her friends brown skin who was laying on the couch playing with her phone.
''Wheres your sis' y/n asked the short haired girl
.’'She has a game , supposedly shell be pitching for all nine innings.’’ came a lazy reply. One would think that for twins they would be similar which turned out it wasn't the case all. 
while rukiya had the same face as her sister imara they couldn't be more different Imara was the bubbly, popular one who loved sports and early mornings ,while her sister was more stoic, cynic, a homebody who loved to sleep and watch tv.
 Don't misunderstand rukiya was popular too but it was more that people were drawn to her because of her good looks and ''mysterious'' aura instead of her personality. ‘’By the way akiho sent me a message that said we should be at 9pm at sin city’’ said the girl.
 ‘’Well lets hope there wont be a brawl or she's going to lose her job’’ came a muffled reply from y/n as she was taking off her hoodie.
’’If that happens she's going to kill ya you know''
y/n laughed ‘’ill burn that bridge when i get to it.’’ 
‘’don't you mean cross the bridge when you get to it?’’ rukiya asked confused ‘’i like the sound of burning a bridge better, kinda dramatic don't you think?.’’ y/n said. 
 Rukiya rolled her eyes at that ‘’anyways hyun-jin cant come she has a date night with her girlfriend but if something comes up we can call her’’
 ‘’aight aight’’ said y/n and walked towards the kitchen. Today's mission wasn't really that big or important just a meeting with a low grade gangster who thought he was slick by running his business in the streets that was obviously y/n's territorial.  
As she arrived in the kitchen she immediately took out some vegetables, meat , noodles and started to cook. Thirty minutes later she took out two plates , placed them on the table and called rukiya to come to the table. The tall girl  plopped on the chair not bothered to sit upright and started to shovel in. ‘’your food really is the best’’
 y/n frowned ‘’stop talking with your mouth full you're going to-’’ rukiyas coughing interrupted her , sighed walked over and hit her on the back several times and sat back down ‘’from the way your scarfing down that food someone might think you haven't eaten for days’’ 
Rukiya looked at y/n ‘’you know damn well that akiho  cant cook and hyun-jin has a girlfriend who cooks for her the whole time’’ 
 Y/n raised one eyebrow ‘’and your point is?’’ she asked
 ‘’I'm trying to preserver just in case that day comes’’ rukiya shuddered , to be fair akihos cooking was disastrous how she always managed to mess up a simple recipe was a mystery to y/n 
‘’You do realize that i cook most of the times?’’ 
‘’exactly most of the time which means theres a time where you don’’ rukiya replied. ‘
’Gosh what would y'all do without me’’ she sighed , stood up and started to collect the dishes and walked into the kitchen
 ‘’we'd probably be dead’’ came rukiyas voice from the living room who was still sitting at the table
‘’anyways-’’ she continued ‘’ I'm going to take a shower start getting ready.’’ 
‘’Aight aight heard ya don't use all my shampoo tho its from lush and was expensive as fuck!!’’ Y/n replied as she was putting the dishes into the dishwasher. She walked back into the living room looking for any mess that needed to be cleaned up. The apartment was simple. The walls were painted white , there were a few decorations on the walls , mostly paintings that either y/n or praveena  hyun-jins girlfriend drew. 
Pictures frames were scattered everywhere around the apartment some with people  that were long gone or not involved in her life anymore some with her current friends . A red couch was to be seen on the left side of the living room with a tv and  a small zen table that had a vase full of sunflowers that were withered. 
‘’I need to throw them away-’’ y/n thought as she spotted them. ‘’Maybe ill go by the florist tomorrow when everything goes well tonight.’’ she continued.  She decided that shed throw them away another day as she simply didn't feel like doing it at the moment and walked out of the living room straight to her bedroom. 
Turned on the light, opened the wardrobe and took out a pair of black jeans and a black sweatshirt. ‘’too much black?’’ she asked herself and chuckled remembering how once akiho told her ‘’that you couldn't go wrong with black even if it means you're head to toe dressed in it.’’ She quickly got dressed, took a hairband and pulled her hair into a low ponytail. Brooding over tonights plan she didn't notice the tall girl standing in her doorway 
‘’you kinda remind me of those ninjas or spies from the movies.’’ Y/n jumped
 ‘’Holy mother of fuck, can you stop doing that you're going to give me an heart attack’’ she wheezed her hand on her chest trying to calm herself down. Rukiya chuckled and revealed her pearl white teeth.
 ‘’ I'm called panther for a reason’’ 
‘’ok first stop that cuz you look creepy as fuck right now and secondly i gave you that name when i was drunk as hell but for some reason it stuck with you’’ 
‘’ah yes-’’ rukiya replied , her hand on her chin looking up as if that would help recollect the memories of said night. ‘’That was at the freshmen frat party wasn't it? didn't you-’’ 
‘’we don't talk about that night’’ y/n interrupted and grimaced ‘’just like how barton and Romanov don't talk about Budapest, which i still wanna know what happened  but i digress’’ she continued. 
‘’Anyways i'm ready lets hit the road i want to check out the fuckers before we officially meet’’ rukiya smirked and dangled the car keys. They both put on their shoes and walked out the door. Similar to y/n rukiya was wearing black pants with a dark purple hoodie with a black beanie on top. They arrived at the car , y/n sat into the passengers seat while rukiya walked around the car and sat into the drivers seat.
 ‘’Please for the love of god , just for once drive safely’’ y/n said. 
‘’The hell do you mean i always drive safely’’ rukiya replied while lifting an eyebrow 
‘’uhm no remember how you almost ran over that old lady at a crossroad? Or the time where you almost crashed into the car in front of us? god its like you're playing need for speed or something’’ y/n countered back. 
‘’Aight granny-’’ y/n playfully glared at her ‘’ at least let me pick out the music.’’ ‘’Yeh whatever we have the same music taste so sure go ahead.’’
The sun has already gone down, taking with her the bustling and business of people trying to get to their destination. The sky was painted dark blue, speckled with stars that could faintly be seen because of the city lights. the window rolled down as the summer wind blew into her face. Yn truly loved summer, the time where all types of people came out a night to gather and drink, talk have fun together and just live life. ‘’How ironic’’ she thought and scoffed bitterly. 
Here she was , on her way to something that could lead into a blood bath while people around her wont be knowing whats going on in the shady parts of Seoul. ‘’We've arrived’’ came Rukiya's voice pulling y/n out of her thoughts. 
She unclasped the seat belt , reached to the backseat and fished out a backpack. ‘’We cant take the whole backpack with us so you gotta hide the guns and knives on your body’’ said y/n.
 Rukiya nodded absentmindedly while storing a few pocket knives into her holster around her forearm.
 They got out of the car, locked it and started to walk towards the club. Already from a far you could see people lining up to get inside. ‘’Apparently theres this rap battle going on and a few famous underground rappers are here’’  Rukiya said and lifted her eyebrows looking excitedly at y/n  ‘’we’re here for work’’ she reminded the tall girl . ‘’Honestly i could give a rats ass about work’’  ‘’me too but if they continue to do this bullshit in our district what do you think will that say about our group?’’ Y/n countered. 
‘’Yeh yeh whatever you say boss.’’ 
They arrived at the front door of the club where a big buffy security guard was standing ‘’business again?’’ he asked, his voice being almost drown from the beat that could be heard till outside.
 ‘’As usual’’ y/n replied. He stood aside and opened the door, just as they were passing y/n saw a boy that had striking mint blue hair . 
He was leaning against the wall next to the security guard holding a cigarette , dressed in black skinny jeans a white shirt and gold chains.  As she met his eyes, that seemed to be darker than the night, she saw that he was smirking as if he knew what kind of effect he had on people. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe it! the nerve he had to be smirking at her like that. Unknowingly to her he continued to stare at her as her figure vanished as she stepped into the the club.
part two tba next week!  
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jupeterian · 7 years
Ok so i was tagged to do the 20 questions thingy
@aquariusqueen tagged me but sooo long ago i was tagged by @missunderzztood to do something similar and ALSO even longer ago @moonmood (who i absolutely love) tagged me in one of these as well, so im just gonna do them all together. Im SO sorry i completely forgot! You are all so great and im so forgetful!!! I also apologize for this being so goddamn long
1) Name: Lucía
2) Nicknames: Luli or Lu
2) Gender: female
3) Sun sign: Libra ♎
4) Height: 1, 60
5) Sexual orientation: Bi
6) Hogwarts House: Slytherin 🐍
7) Nationality: Argentinian
8) Favorite season: i cant pick one!!! I love them all!!
9) Fav book: i have so many but i still think about Dan Brown’s Inferno and Truman Capote’s Cold Blood years after ive read them
10) Fav animal: there’s no way i can pick just ONE
11) Fav Scent: anything expensive and classy lol
12) Fav color: Turquoise (is that how u spell it? Idk, turquesa and also any shade of pink)
13) Coffee | Tea | Hot cocoa: Coffee
14) Average sleep hours: 6 hs give or take
15) Cat or dog person: both istg
16) Fav band/singer: my all-time favorite band is My Chemical Romance (I KNOW, but their songs feel like home ok)
17) Fav fictional character: i dont think i have one tbh
18) Dream Job: i’ll be an embassador so.. theres that
19) N° of blankets u sleep with: they are currently 3
20) Dream trip: well id love to travel everywhere really but the trip i had been wating for my entire life was my prom trip and it couldnt have been more perfect. Just 10 days in Bariloche, away from parents with the entire class, partying every night in a different club and during the day doing excursions in the snow. Idk how i survived being drunk w no sleep and high on ibuprofen bc i was sick af for 10 days but its the best thing thats ever happened to me
21) Blog created: i created my main like 2 years ago ? And Jupetarian last november
22) what made you decide to make a tumblr: i was really curious abt this site and then i stayed lol. With this blog, i just wanted a space where i could keep everything related to astrology without fucking up my main
23) N° of followers: i think Jupetarian has almost 200 now?? I never thought id have any followers lol so im v excited i love them all so much
24) Random fact: since this is not specific i could go on forever talking about myself lol but first things that come to my mind are i can speak 3 languages, play 5 instruments and i play volleyball?? But im extremely competitive and i get super angry, frustrated and judgemental if i dont win or get my way in literally everything lmfao
25) Fav book you were made to read in class: mmmm i loved The Lord of the Flies but i think my fav was a compilation of Cortazar’s stories
26) Best vacation memory: idk about “best” but there was this one time i went to california and we were in Hermosa Beach (san diego) with a friend and a bunch of guys pass riding bikes and chanting “national killing day!” And we were v confused
27) Best meal you ever had: chiken marinated in beer/wine/gancia or sidra i swear everyone needs to try it oh my goood
28) Last song you’ve listened to: ByPass’ opening song bc im a nostalgic bitch who cant let go her prom trip (its been a whole year KILL ME)
29) Last adventure you went on: like 2 weeks ago i had to lie to my parents about meeting with friends in a bar bc i was actually going on a date SOOO my dad took me to the bar, i lied to the “waiting-list lady” when i told her we were gonna be 10 people so she would let me in so i could wait until my dad left. After 5 minutes or so i got out and started walking like 8 blocks to the subway, watching my back the whole time bc i had lost sight of my dad (mind you, the city is v dangerous and i was alone and the streets were dark and empty i was so loving the adrenaline). I didnt know the guy, i was super far away from my home and i got back at like 4 am and i was SO HAPPY bc i love feeling free like that 💕
30) Fav mythological creature: prob mermaids??? Ive been obssesed with them since forever (i think its bc of my lack of water lol)
31) Fav story/myth/fairy tale: man, any old disney story. I also remember fondly pulgarcito, hansel y gretel, manuelita, and so many more
32) Last tv show u watched: Black Mirror and i still think about it every day
33) Calm or stormy: stormy but i love calm too (uuugh i can never pick smth when it comes to nature)
34) Fav painter: i just love rainassance and barocco paintings but i dont think i can decide??? How can i choose between so many beautiful things!!!!!
35) Ocean or forest: im gonna say ocean bc i feel a deep conection to it but i just.love.the forest.so.much !!!!!
Oh and i tag everyone that wants to do this (?
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