#theres a line between them being like hey wtf happened where have you been and them being like WHAT DID YOU ~DO~
bullagit · 2 years
no for real though seriously if i click into a post-s1 fic and a thing that happens or has happened is the crew/lucius accusingly going all “what did YOU do to ED this is ALL YOUR FAULT” like on sight w stede, i stop reading and close that shit out immediately
ppl seem to approach it with an energy like it’s the equivalent of lucius giving ed that lil dressing-down in ep 7 or the “he really liked you did you know that” in ep 8, but it’s super not the same thing to try to put the whole drowning/marooning thing on stede lol
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Texts from The Lost Tomb, part 3
I didn’t mean for this to stray into angst but like the lack of updates with Li Cu in LTR?? I had to do it to em.
Wushanju Crew Chat, 11:05pm
Li Cu: what’s up losers I’m outside
Li Cu: someone come on and open the damn door
Wang Meng: Language:(
Li Cu: fine, someone come on and open the damn door please
Snake Eyes Chat, 7:00am
Wu Xie: hey are you awake? Sorry I missed you coming in:) was finishing up some work. How was the end of your first semester? Did that geology paper go well? Did the food budget work out or do you need some extra money next semester?
Li Cu: yeah about your work
Li Cu: heard a little rumor
Li Cu: about you going through some stuff during ur recent trip
Li Cu: some stuff you maybe forgot to mention
Li Cu: and you told me we gotta check in with stuff, so this is me checking in, okay
Wu Xie: oh? What stuff?
Li Cu: idk just like
Wu Xie: oh. That stuff.
Li Cu: yeah asshat I’m in the kitchen whenever you’re ready to explain your fucking bullshit. Also you’re out of milk wtf how am I supposed to make breakfast here
Main Chat, 11:14am
Wu Xie: okay so it’s possible I fucked up a little bit.
Zhang Qiling: What’s wrong?
Honorary Wu Chat, 11:30am
Wang Meng: Welcome home, Li Cu <3 not much has changed, ultimately.
Li Cu: it’s okay. not your fault, uncle. Doesn’t matter how I found out. Wait wait hold on what do you mean “the rest of us figured it out” who figured it out
Liu Sang: …hello.
Liu Sang: uh…so you’re Wu Xie’s protégé, huh?
Li Cu: oh well howdy there homewrecker
Liu Sang: Excuse me??
Zhang Qiling: I think someone on the roof is calling me and I should go find out.
Wang Meng: I would also very much like to be removed from this conversation.
Li Cu: all I’m saying is aren’t you the little creep who’s obsessed with Xiao Ge
Liu Sang: ???
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu is referring to a brief period of irrational thought on Wu Xie’s part, where he mistakenly believed you to be a threat to our relationship.
Liu Sang: what do you mean a threat??
Wang Meng: can you please take me off this chat.
Liu Sang: Wait, so Wu Xie told you about me, but…reading between the lines, he didn’t mention the cancer or anything bad that happened? Oh yikes.
Li Cu: don’t change the subject “Liu Sang”
if that is your real name
Like yeah you’re right abt it but still
just saying
heard you got good ears but I’ve got snake powers
so like no more funny business okay you superhearing harlot
Wang Pangzi: LMAO OH DO WE NOW
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu, this is all unnecessary and childish. Please apologize.
Li Cu: you say that now bruh but apparently you weren’t complaining when he was all “idol this” and “idol that”
oh and hey Wang Meng while we’re here can I show you my business class grade report later bc Wu Xie is all “what matters is that you learned and enjoyed the experience” blah blah all eat pray love you know how he gets and I want to actually discuss areas to improve so that when I take over this joint I do better than Wu Xie? Tho that shouldnt be hard lol
Wang Meng: hurtful but accurate. I’ll bring my best red pen:)
Liu Sang: oh my god. I’m too jetlagged to keep up with any of this.
Not A Homewrecker Chat, 11:52am
Liu Sang: Okay, we started off on the wrong foot.
Li Cu: I agree let’s start over
Start with how your little prank game almost got ppl killed
Liu Sang: And I seriously regret that. But we moved past that.
Wow, he seriously skipped over so much bullshit but didn’t skimp on mine, huh.
Li Cu: AHA so you ADMIT IT
Liu Sang: I’d like to think I’ve grown since then. That I’ve come to see Xiao Ge as a person and mentor, rather than an idol. I count Pangzi and Wu Xie as my close friends. I’m going to be staying here with them right now, I hope you can be okay with that.
Li Cu: see in my head you were going to be a lot less mature about it and I had a bunch of great follow-up insults planned
Liu Sang: I figured. I’d like us to be friends, though. Or at least not enemies.
Li Cu: okay but only bc you don’t know me yet so you won’t judge too much for this and I need to get this out to somebody I’ve been thinking about it for hours and my friends are still in finals and I’m stressing a little bit maybe
Liu Sang: ?
Li Cu: I yelled at dad
*Wu Xie sorry autocorrect
Liu Sang: …uh huh.
Li Cu: I yelled at him earlier. for keeping all that stuff from me. He started crying
Liu Sang: Wu Xie has been pretty emotional since we got back. Not necessarily your fault.
Li Cu: I made him cry right there at the kitchen sink and it felt like maybe the worst thing I’ve ever done
Snake venom and stabbings, no tears
Me saying I wouldn’t have gone to his funeral, all tears
Which I know was shitty to say but I was really mad
Liu Sang: If it’s any consolation, I think Wu Xie can understand the concept of being led by his emotions to make bad decisions…better than most people.
Li Cu: Xiao Ge came in then and looked weird
Like weirder than usual
Like he didn’t know which of us to be more mad at
Liu Sang: A common problem for the iron triangle, I understand.
Li Cu: I just ran out I didn’t have words right then and I feel stupid
but whenever they come back from their walk I’m gonna say sorry and stuff bc i could’ve come home to his funeral and I’m mad about it but also like. I could have come home to his funeral. I can get mean when I’m in a freakout mood. It’s not like I was scared or anything at all I don’t get scared really anymore ever but just like. Freaked out.
Liu Sang: He’s probably going to say sorry, too.
Li Cu: sorry I called you a homewrecker. Didn’t mean to slut-shame either
Liu Sang: I admit that after the initial shock, it was pretty funny. Super hearing harlot, it should be on my business card;)
Li Cu: this situation with Wu Xie is weird but kinda good ya know. And I have these freakouts sometimes that something maybe bad could happen to this situation. So consider this a shovel talk. But like, also not a shovel talk at the same time.
also I appreciate you saving his life and whatnot
Liu Sang: Noted. Now. Coffee?
Li Cu: sounds sick.
Be in the kitchen in 10. You can pick out what we watch for the household tv show tonight. no way is Wu Xie choosing some dry documentary about gravestone rubbings again. Pangzi just watches real housewives reruns and Xiao Ge won’t watch tv after he caught the last half hour of A Walk To Remember. Also i need my phone now to send some $ to Hei Xiazi since I owe him for…providing some intel
Liu Sang: Not even surprised.
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Ok but I have been thinking about this “Astor takes Zelda when she’s young” AU all night like:
So Zelda’s mom dies and Astor gets his astrolabe from Asivus after he fucks with the guardians and [REDACTED] and Astor has his little Calamity agenda all within a shorter amount of time than the span of time in HKU. This is so that Zelda doesn’t have too much knowledge about her role as Hylia’s vessel yet so that when Astor takes her she’s like “dope” and doesn’t really know exactly how important she is. I mean as soon as your mom dies and your dad turns into a dick, the first magic dadstor to come into your radius going like “let’s go vibe somewhere else” I think anyone would accept that.
So the princess is whisked away and the kingdom goes into pure shit and chaos, and Rhoam is left no choice as to basic double, no, triple down on Sheikah tech and the divine beasts, all while sending out searches for the princess—which never come into fruition.
Meanwhile, Zelda grows up with the Yiga Clan as an assassin shes got a sickle and short hair because yeah!! Zavis is still a spy but instead of joining the Yiga Clan to be more useful to Zelda, he joined the Yiga Clan to find her and when he did, since his dad and Zelda are all basically on the same side he doesn’t have really any loyalty to the crown anymore
Now just in case, Astor pretty much lies to Zelda about her past as she grew up, just so that there isn’t a chance she gets dragged back into castle life or anything. “Oh yeah, you were just some little noble girl who’s dad was a dick, and I was friends with your mom before she died so I decided to take you in” and it lines you just enough with what few memories Zelda has of her childhood that she believes it. And ironically, with her loyalty to Astor and the Yiga Clan, she grows to despise royals and laughs at the stories of the missing princess like “ha, what a nerd. Hyrule really is doomed since she dipped from her destiny, what a loser.”
Does Siv team up with Astor earlier since he doesn’t have Zelda to give him hope that he can overcome the Calamity? Maybe. Idk.
So anyways, Zeldas going out doing Yiga things and she meets a knight with a pretty cool looking sword, and she’s like “Oooo imma steal that” and then she tries but she failed because this kid is REALLY skilled. He beats her, but doesn’t kill her when he realizes “You’re just a kid?” Then, they hear someone coming, like a captain or something, and he tosses her a few rupees like “get out of here and go home, the others won’t hesitate to kill a Yiga like you—girl or not”
Now Zelda goes home but she’s PISSED. Not only did she get her ass beat despite being the most badass Yiga she knows, the kid has the audacity to toss her RUPEES as if she was just some common poor thief. What an asshole! But also, she’s super ingrained by him because pretty much her whole life she’s believed the knights and those with the royals are a bunch of ruthless assholes who do nothing but blindly adhere to their commands and rules. So the fuck is with this kid??
She doesn’t tell anyone about this encounter (mostly because she doesn’t want to be yelled at, nor admitting the embarrassing detail of being beaten) but she does tell Zavis about it. And he’s like “pfft. He’s just a kid, btt it give him a few years and he’ll grow up like everyone other asshole out there, trust me”
Then later on, Zelda sneaks out looking for this kid again. And she does, and they kinda cross blades, but mostly she just complains to him about how annoying he is, and she tosses the rupees he gave him back like “I don’t need your pity money!” And they banter for a bit more and eventually she’s like “what’s your name, huh?” And the knight is like “....you don’t know who I am?”
“Oh let me guess, you’re one of the hundreds of people named Link, is that it?”
“Something like that.”
“Well Link, I’m Mallory, and I’m going to kill you now!”
Suddenly Link’s stomach grumbles and he sheathes his sword “Dinner break!”
“WHA—?? Keep fighting me you idiot!”
“Nah...I’m super hungry.”
“What?!?! What’s wrong with you??? I’ll kill you!”
“No you won’t.”
“I will!”
“You’re already breaking a sweat and I’ve been holding back this whole time. Plus, if you wanted to kill me why did you just give me back my rupees when I had my back turned instead of stabbing me? Either you like talking to me, or you suck at your job. Anyways, cucco nugget?”
So they’re kinda friends now.
So time passes and they’re still secret friends, and they like being friends because they “keep it real” as the kids say. Link never admits to her that he’s the hero, but vents about his knight life and his dad who never seems to be happy for him despite his accomplishments. And Zelda vents about her life in the Yiga Clan, and despite being the best, Astor never seems to want her involved in the more important missions and never tells her jackshit”
“Well I guess that’s good for me. Would hate to have the Yiga’s best asset being used.”
“Hey this is serious!! I need to help in the destruction of the royal family with the Calamity!”
“Do you really believe that? That we’re all already doomed?”
“Well yeah. I mean, even if the hero’s around, the princess is dead, so you all don’t stand a chance. But don’t worry, when the Calamity comes I’ll give you a heads up and you can go chill in Faron or something”
Then, things be picking up with Astor and the gang, and he’s finally found an opportunity to kill the hero. And Zelda remembers hearing from Link that he sometimes hangs out with the Champions and the hero for protection, and she’s like, “can I come?” because she wants to be useful, but also to make sure Link doesn’t die or anything. Yet per usual, Astor’s like “No. Just stay here.”
Now Zelda gets super pissed and him and they have a fight, mostly circulating around the fact that Zelda’s been nothing but loyal to the Yiga Clan and yet she nevers gets to actually feel useful and it also put on the sidelines whenever anything actually impactful happens. “Hell, even ZAVIS does more than I do! What’s your problem?! Can’t you have confidence in my for once??”
And Astor in Astor fashion ends the argument super harshly like, “You won’t be ready for anything, ever. You’re still incredibly naive and foolish, so if you want to help, then you can help everyone by staying here, and safe, and away from everyone. THAT is the only thing of use you can do, so do it.” And then they go off to kill the hero and Zelda runs off to her room al frusterated and shit. 
But you know, you often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. And this Astor’s little plan to keep Zelda away from Calamity related business so that she can never discover her powers or who she is...is gonna backfire, splendidly.
So Zelda sneaks out anyway, with the idea in her head that if she kills the hero before Astor even gets there he’ll have no CHOICE but to recognize how competent and useful she is and he’ll eat his words!
But then she gets there, and she sees the Champions, and Link, and she goes to confront Link with sickle in hand like, “I don’t need you! Just tell me where the hero is, and I’ll spare the rest of you!” And the Champions are like “wtf” and Link is like, “Just leave. You don’t know what you’re doing.” 
“I know exactly what I’m doing! Just tell me where the hero is and no one else has to get hurt.”
And Daruk’s like. “Uhh...but he is the hero?” And everyone glares at Daruk, and Zelda goes into shock, like w h a t. Aw shit..so that fancy sword was the master sword...and he’s so good at fighting because he’s the bloody hERO FUCK, IT’S SO OBVIOUS NOW FUCK.
And I feel like as Zelda is contemplating her life choices in the moment. Revali would attack first because he’s like that. So he shoots her in the shoulder, or something, and she releases Link, and then something something her mask falls of and Urbosa recognizes her because of course she does. And Urbosa’s like “Zelda?!??!?” And Zelda’s like, “Who the fuck are you? Who’s Zelda? I’m Mallory.” 
And by that point, Astor is there and he’s like “wtf is going on here.” And he sees Zelda, and he’s like “Mallory get over here right now.” And she hesitates for a moment because she’s right between him and Link.
“Move aside, now. Quickly. We’ll discuss your insolence when we get back home.”
And she’s like “...No.”
“Excuse me?”
“T-There’s no need for this. The princess is dead, right? S-So what’s even the point?”
“We have to ensure victory for Lord Ganon. We’re just making sure there’s no chance of anything happening. There’s no need to defend them, they’re all doomed, they’re all the same. If the hero doesn’t die by my hand, he’ll die by the Calamity’s. So move.”
“You don’t know that!”
And Astor raises and eyebrow because this is basically the first time Zelda has questioned this, ever. “What did you say?”
“I...I said you don’t know everything! You could be wrong!”
And he gives a sad smile and shakes his head. “I know more than you know.”
“I’ll tell you when we’re done here, promise.” And then he does his little malice teleport thing and he’s about to kill Link with a big ol’ malice attack, and Zelda does that reaching out thing like “No!” 
And the BOOM. Her powers awaken, and EVERYONES like “oh shIT.” And Link’s the first one to be like, “You’re the princess???” And Astor’s like “hmmmmmmmm....fuck.” And Urbosa’s like, “Ok, I’m gonna stab Astor now.” and then she does! good for her. 
And then Zelda is freaking out like what the fuck just happened who huh where what huh and then theres conflict because she doesn’t want Link to die but also his team just sorta stabbed her father figure and then its chaos or something and uhhhhhhhhh yeah that’s all I got I have no idea how this would end. 
I feel Zelda wouldn’t go back to the Yiga Hideout after that, in fact I think she might run off with Siv because he’s like “hey, hey, hey. maybe gimme some of that light juice and get the calamity out of my head?” And of course Zavis would go whereever Zelda went (maybe?) She definitly wouldn’t go with the Champions yet, but they’re out looking for her. And also Astor would be looking for her with the Yiga Clan but mostly he’s like “fuck my life.” because literally everything he had been working towards and planning for over a decade has been ruined in like, an hour.
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beizhuo · 3 years
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alright folks , i made this post last night about amending my carrd rules . & now , after calming somewhat down from getting sick to my stomach about it , i must now make one final update post about this to make people really & fully understand where i stand . why ? because i am , once again , having / needing to finely comb through the people i want to follow & interact with due to some very , VERY toxic behavior & terrible , childish individuals that think its real cute to stalk , harrass , steal , & gatekeep folks . 
understand that i will NOT be namedropping anybody in this post . this is not my intention . i am not out here to isolate folks or make people ‘ chose sides ’ . making people do that is absolutely horrible ! i do not give a damn who other people interact with . i do , however have extreme issues with theft ( amongst other things ) . i can draw a god damn line at theft ! 
harassment ? don’t care . you’re trolling , i can ignore you . gatekeeping . you’e petty and attention seeking im here for friends anyway . but actual literal theft - i can draw a line there . please get out & OFF MY BLOG if you are so unoriginal that you haveta steal from me or my friends !
please know that you can interact with those thieves & gatekeepers , i don’t care ! but understand that i will most likely softblock you because i genuinely do not want them to find me . no hard feelings . ( they have found my other 2 blogs , and i am tired of them finding me ! especially for baizhu ! i don’t even follow some of my friends here cause of this ! ) i am not even in the genshin community to begin with . my group ? we don’t do communities for toxic behavior and people being so exclusive to the point of driving people out & away . its distasteful and mean ! do you know that i have some friends that were cut off from communities entirely all because they were a dupe ? tHAT is the kind of dupe drama i fucking hate . along with theft . anyway . i will start from the beginning of my rules that i deem important .
the irony that this is the first point . it is like it was a wonderful transition . anyway . this is actually having to deal with two rule points . and i want to group them together cause they are related .
myself & a few other people have come to find out that .... there is somebody AT THE VERY LEAST taking inspo from us . i will start with dupes .
my friend has a character and was WHOLLY mistaken for another mun . which is fine . that happens , but things took a turn for the worse when they were then shunned / cut off because they werent ‘ good enough ’ . do you know how HORRIBLE that is ? to be told that you aren’t good because you weren’t the mun that they wanted ? this is the type of shit i cannot stand with dupe drama . DO NOT EVER COMPARE DUPES WITH ONE ANOTHER !!! i mean it . 
i follow different childes ! and you know what i adore them both . they are both amazing ! 
sure i may have my mains / exclusives ( and im not inclined to interact with other blogs of that same character ) but i still like portrayals . i do , in fact , just READ threads sometimes . i don’t necessarily follow for interactions . like ffs man . i like variety . jesus christ .
going to mimicry / theft . you know ... i have fucking seen this with a couple of friends . there is a difference between coincidental similarities , however ! for myself & for my friends , we have SEEN inspo taken from us . im gonna say this really loud for people .
do not take inspo from me . especially without credit . absolutely do NOT do it . you are very unoriginal for doing that shit . 
now , you like something i make / made ? you are inspired to want to make something ? fine , that’s okay , you can ALSO fucking ask me , you can also credit me . as you fucking should ! you can notify me and go , damn , i really like your style , do you mind if i use it in xyz ? sure , go right ahead . do it . im begging you , go ahead and do it IF YOU FUCKING ASK ME . god im so fucking angry about this , but this is some vile shit . and im angry .
i am angry and terrified cause i literally cannot get away from these people cause they seem to be wherever i go . i DO NOT DO COMMUNITIES BECAUSE OF THIS .
as a good friend said : it’s like they are a virus that you cannot get rid of .
thats what happens with attention seekers unfortunately , but for the sake of my safety & health , i will not have it on my blog or dash . if i see these people on my dash often , i will unfollow .
and it isn’t like a specific person , its a GROUP of people . which leads me to my next point .
imagine having beef with an individual , and then going around and gatekeeping that individual and getting people to unfollow / block them . im not talking about , ‘ hey this person is vile because they ship incest ’ . i am talking about ‘ i had a disagreement with this person & they hurt my feelings >:/ they are mean and will hurt you . etc etc etc . ’ 
i do not give a flying fuck about somebodies issues with another person . so you guys don’t get along . not my problem . i have people that hate me . i have friends where i hate their friends . shit happens . i am probably absolute scum to some people lol . i get mistaken for other people sometimes . it’s fine , hate me cause you think im that person . that person is snowflake repellent anyway , go choke on your kool aide that you are drinking ig . 
okay sorry i am angry but still . people claim and cry about wanting to talk & communicate . but then . guess what . sometimes shitty people are like , so this person said this to me , and they are mean . IF YOU ARE THE PERSON THAT GOES ‘ OH MY GOD HOW DARE THEY ’ AND BLOCK THEM THEN YOU ARE THE PROBLEM . i will give an example . of using my two names that i have .
somebody goes to amphy and says ‘omg ghost said this , and im frustrated and angry with them cause what he said was uncalled for . ’ if amphy goes ‘ omg ghost is shitty ’ and then unfollows / blocks them without any other discussion , then thats an issue cause ghost has no idea wtf happen . amphy got involved in YOUR relationship with ghost even though ghost has been nothing but kind and sweet to you . you also don’t know if amphy is just victimising or being emotional either . so why they fuck would you believe somebody who is venting to you about it and then block somebody who did literally NOTHING to you .
i dont know if i explained that correctly but i will give you something more realistic , again without namedropping .
i have a few friends that hate one another . i’ve known all of them for years . but they all , i kid you not , they ALL fucking hate each other . there’s three of them . and they cannot stand each other . i just happen to be somebody who gets along with all of them . you bet your ass that at one point , they all came to talk mad shit about the others . what did i do ? i went , oh okay . well im sorry that you have issues with them . sounds like a bad experience , but i can’t do anything about that cause i am not you and i am not them . if you are gonna change my mind , it isn’t gonna happen , sorry !
i have had people shit talk people i have no idea who they are , and i just sit here just being a source for them to vent , but i never NEVER EVER act on anything i hear . why ? cause its petty drama and gossip . if you do that , then damn , sorry kiddo , get some help on that alright ? maybe be nicer . i dunno .
now . racism ? pedophilia ? incest ? HARMFUL SHIT ? that’s different . but again , theres a lot of miscommunication . i have people coming and pulling the cards like they are hot shit  and that isn’t fucking cute . THAT ISN’T CUTE GUYS . you are the problem if you try to victimize yourself cause of something YOU misinterpreted .
i have a friend that has this on their blog .
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i am literally going off on a god damn tangent . anyway . :) 
fuck you if drink kool aide .
i know that autism is the ‘common’ one here . you are valid okay . but guess what . ADHD , BPD, DiD, and straight up depression and anxiety are also things as well ! there are MANY folks here that are also undiagnosed as well OR they lay on some sort of spectrum as well . I am once again not going to disclose my own things here cause again THAT IS PRIVATE INFO , but fuck you if you refuse to see other disabilities .
also there are physical disabilities as well btw .
if you are not understanding of any other disability , or you wanna mute / deafen other mental disorders , YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM .
end of story . 
treat other people how you want them to treat you and don’t you dare ever shove your baggage at them . thanks . 
please be more understanding that some people are not okay:tm: . 
i implore you to get help if you need help , but sometimes some people dont have to take your shit . and they most certainly do not need to sit and take your issues if they are not okay either . its toxic and very unhealthy behavior to expect others to help you . they can help you as best as they can , but you need to understand that everybody has their moments . do not guilttrip them . do not gaslight them . 
but also understand that sometimes , people are saying things cause they genuinely need help ! you can be there for them but as a friend , you need to also tell them your own boundaries as well and tell them that they need to seek professional help .
but also , if somebody refuses to get help , then that is on them . not on you . 
anyway another tangent , but back to the point . autism , while you need to understand is something you need to see and understand , is not the only mental disorder ! and you need to understand that some people suffer from really REALLY shitty things and are sometimes undiagnosed . i am really REALLY tired of depression , ADHD , BPD, and DiD getting brushed under the rug like they are not important . cause guess what , there are spectrums ! all mental health is important . fuck you if you disregard the other disorders , you are being ableist .
im really sick and tired of this . you don’t like something somebody said ? you can either : ask what they meant or block / unfollow them . 
you have an obsession if you hover on their blog too .. do not do that . that is SO unhealthy for you . here is what a friend said on twitter . ( not name dropping them , just copy pasting them )
❛ i stg people need to fine a better hobby than to hate read a persons blog or profile. not a good look on you when you go and read what they post about just to get angry at something you think they said and then you go off spewing lies about it cause 'youre offended.'  
like you already hate them in the first place. you weren’t 'looking to see if they were a better person.' youre just looking to find another thing to hate about them. 
that is what hate reading is about. so you can read their posts and find just another reason to hate and laugh at how bad you think they are.
but it doesnt make you a better person. it just makes you a sad person with no life. stop hate reading people. grow tf up. go breathe on some plants or something idk.
i say this very loud and clear . if you hate read me , i live in your head rent free . not my problem . but it does become my problem if you begin to steal shit and start spewing lies about myself or my friends . grow up and move on with your life . sorry my life seems more interesting than you ig . idk .
anway this got long , and at this point i am going off on a tangent but !!!!
read my rules ig . idk .
you can dm me for more info if you want . at this point i have blocked the problem blogs for myself. if you are curious you can ask . HOWEVER. i am not going to tell you to block or unfollow . why ? cause at the end of the day , it is MY beef . this are my issues . i am NOT here to gatekeep .
i will say that i will tell you IN private the for MY story . but keep in mind that it is MY story . not yours . not theirs . it is all about perception .
my perception is that they are scummy gatekeeping thieves . they gatekeep the people they dont like or are intimidated by . i am somebody who fucking bites and calls people out on their shit , because of this ? i make enemies . but my enemies are not yours . i dont care .  dont give a damn . i am intimidating to people who are cowards and i don’t care . 
if they feel bad when i call them out , if they try to go around and do damage control , then that means they are guilty .
and then you can ask yourself this : why are they reacting like that ?
i am once again going to bring up that other twitter user that i quoted before .
❛  you dont like hearing that because someone is holding a mirror up to you and it makes you uncomfortable because you know you . and you know the parts of you that are good . so in your heart you have to come up with a narrative that makes you feel better about the fact that somebody is asking your to confront the parts about yourself that you hate the most .
anyway . this got long . im so sorry for the long read . im so sorry i sounded hostile ad angry . im just volatile sometimes . im just really tired . and i dont need to come on this blog and have a panic attack . 
anyway . cheers loves ! stay happy , stay healthy . drink your fluids . take your meds !
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blondecarfucker · 5 years
Bed of Roses (Chapter 20)
Roger Taylor x Reader
BoRhap!Roger Taylor x Reader
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Fic Summary: It's 1971. You just moved to London to study, and you find a band on a local pub after a bad date. The encounter doesn’t go the way you expect it, and neither does what follows this evening as you try to deal with loving Roger Taylor.
Fic Note: So I’ve had this story in my head for the last three weeks and finally decided to write it down. It’s completely planned. It will have 21 chapters and it’s divided in three acts: Dusk, Night and Dawn. It’s will be a bit angsty in the future, and it will most likely have some smut as well. I hope you guys enjoy it! Tell me what you think about it in the asks/comments/messages. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE STORY. If this is your first time stumbling upon Bed of Roses, thank you for stopping by! The rest of the story is in my masterlist, the link is in my bio - can't put the link here or else the post will disappear from the tags.
Chapter's notes: GUYS THIS TOOK SO LONG AND IM SORRY. im actually in another city at the moment and yeah, having free time has been a bit hard - i wrote this mostly on a plane and now im editing it on an uber on my way to class. BUT, theres only one more chapter to go!!! WTF!!!! its so close to the end???? i mean?????? but its been an amazing journey and mostly thanks to you all!! more thanks on the next chapter where im gonna be so cheesy thanking you all, just wait. anyway, nice fun sexy chapter to heal our hearts from the break up and stuff! hope you enjoy
Words: around 4k
Warnings: smut, alcohol, swearing probably. all in good fun tho. probably some errors cause its been a busy week
"It's the moment night time seems weaker and everything seems easier to figure out"
Chapter 20
You hold Roger's hand as you wait in line for the immigration officer to check your passports. The activity in itself is something the both of you did many, many times before - you travelled a lot with the band.
But this was different. You were not only alone with Roger, but there was nothing concerning you - his mood, your job, nothing. You feel at ease.
Roger's idea to go somewhere where none of you knew very well was brilliant. Since you're outside of your comfort zone anyways, you were both more easy going, not overthinking anything, just spontaneous. You knew the time where you would talk about your relationship and how you want to deal with everything would come, but you weren't stressing about it. You would think about it once the time came - there was no reason to be concerned now.
Cause now you could only feel Roger's touch, hear him humming something - you couldn't believe he was humming La Vie En Rose, the most cliche Paris song of all times, but of course he was. His shoulders are relaxed, and he brushes his thumb against the skin on your hand. His smell is all around you.
You could really immerse in the presence each other, now. Ever since you left London, where almost everything between you happened, you didn't really knew anything else - the fields on the window, the french being spoken by the people on the cabin next to yours. So you just laid your head on his lap as he ran his fingers through your hair and told you about the little things you missed.
His eyesight has gotten worse, and now he can't really do anything without his contacts. He met David Bowie in an award show, and he thought of you - he knew how much you liked him. He still knew all of Fleetwood Mac's 1974 album songs by heart - he kept the album you left in the old flat.
And also stuff about the boys. John's kid was a cute, quiet boy, just like his dad, and he didn't enjoy any of Roger's songs when he went to rehearsals. Veronica was pregnant with another baby - Roger's pretty sure it's a girl. Brian was still thinking about finishing his PhD, but never got around doing it - his schedule is too crazy. Freddie was growing tired of the long hair and clean face, and kept thinking about changing his looks, but couldn't decide on what he would do. He told you that ever since Freddie and Mary broke up, he started seeing more guys - none of you thought much about it. It was just another aspect of Freddie's life.
Roger kept writing songs now, even when they were on tour or at home. He was getting annoyed at the "No Synths" rule in the band, and tried to convince them to drop it. But he was happy with the new album - he enjoyed how they simplified the process of writing it, and thought mostly about writing songs they can play live the same way they play it in studio. The last time they did it was in their first album.
You just kept looking up at him, his defined jaw glowing against the sun, his bright blue eyes looking down at you to watch your reaction, your grin once he told you he finally finished writing Sheer Heart Attack, a song he tried to get done and in an album ever since 1974.
And now the immigration officer called you, and you laughed as you watched Roger try to speak french to the guy before taking the matter into your own hands.
And when he asked you what was your relationship with him, you just smiled and said "mon copain".
You knew Roger chose the hotel as you packed in London, sitting between all the boxes so he could use your phone. You didn't pay attention to which hotel he picked, but once you got to the Champs-Élysées, you knew he spent too much money.
You got off the cab at the Four Seasons George V Hotel, a building that was basically a modern castle, and you stared at him, shocked. "Roger, you didn't do this", you told him, your eyes wide as you entered the spacious and luxurious lobby, your luggage already being taken to your room as the lady on front desk recognized Roger. "Did what?", he asked jokingly, raising his brow at you, even though he knew what you meant. "This hotel. It's too nice and probably a fortune", you told him, and he shrugged. "Hey, we deserve it. We always did. But now we can afford it", he winked, and then took the room keys from the front desk.
"C'mon, I want to see how you're going to react to the Penthouse Suite", he laughed, and you coughed. "Um, I'm sorry? The what now?", you asked, and he playfully pulled you into the elevator.
He kept looking at you the whole lift ride, excited and nervous - he wanted you to like it, to enjoy his efforts, to take him back into your life somehow.
When he opened the door and walked to the side, his old genuine smile was back on his lips, and you couldn't help but smile back, even before taking a glimpse into the room.
And what you saw surprised you - everything looked expensive, but still comfortable. You first entered a huge living room, and every couch looked comfortable enough to sleep in. Then you walked to the bedroom, and the huge bed caught your eye - it was big enough to fit comfortably at least five of you. The bathroom looked like a spa, a huge bathtub in the middle of it, a delicate statue of a woman under the window that overlooked the Champs-Élysées.
You walked to the balcony with Roger beside you, and he laughed when you gasped.
The Eiffel Tower looked back at you, glimmering at the sunset.
You looked at Roger.
"You're unbelievable, you know."
He smirked. "I'm just trying to get you in bed, though", he told you, and you laughed as you walked closer to him.
"You did that when you didn't have a penny, Rog. You don't have to get us a huge suite with artwork everywhere and a view of the Eiffel Tower", you said, bringing him closer to you by his collar as he snaked his arms around your waist.
"I never have to do anything. I do it because I want to. Because I love you", he whispered, his breath against your lips, teasing, feeling like the ghost of a touch.
"I love you, Roger", you told him, moving your hands to the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
You held his hand as the cool wind passed through your bodies. It was the next day, and you've decided to walk to the Louvre by the side of the Seine.
It would be faster if you got on a cab, but the view of the Seine, the sounds of the city and the smell of pastries and perfume made everything feel even more like a dream. You were still tired from last night, and the night before it - you and Roger were acting like a couple in honeymoon ever since you met again, stolen kisses and arms wrapped around each other, trying to make up for the lack of touch in the last couple years.
And once you were alone, you'd hug and touch and kiss and fuck passionately wherever - sloppy kisses and love bites all over each other, first in London and now here. It didn't feel like you were together again for only about 36 hours - so much has happened, yet time passed by so fast. It was like you lost touch with reality ever since you looked at his hands on the pub.
When you thought of being alone in New York, it felt like a past life. But the weird thing was how your first years with Roger also felt like another life - you wouldn't act the way you did again, ever. But you were grateful for both times of your life. You felt like you could never get here, to Paris and to Roger, if those things didn't happen.
You got to the Louvre and you were surprised at Roger's interest - he wasn't simply acting interested while trying to get you to leave somewhere else with him. He was genuinely interested in the art, commenting about each style and dropping trivia about artists.
"Someone has been spending some time with Freddie, I suppose", you noted, and he gave you a half smile. "Well, the person responsible for bringing culture into my days spend some time away. I had to look for substitutes", he said, and you jokingly nudged at him.
He still looked at you adoringly once you started talking to him about the excellent state of conservation the mummy was in, or once you started analysing "L’Européenne".
You both kept quiet as you watched the Mona Lisa, only holding hands as you tried to get closer to the painting, dozens of visitors separating you from it. It was a time for reflection, too. The Mona Lisa invited you to think about yourselves, her neutral expression making you wonder - seeing it was one of your life long goals, and now you're realizing it with Roger. Being with Roger was something else you struggled to achieve, ever since the first time you saw him. But now it was the time to realize dreams - hell, you'll start working at the British Museum in a few days.
But you got distracted as soon as you got to the Venus de Milo. Roger snaked his arms around your waist from behind you and pressed a slow kiss under your lobe before whispering "You look just like her".
You felt a goosebump on your neck, but you tried to laugh it off. "I can think of a few things we don't have in common, though", you said, and he rubbed his nose on the curve of your neck. "Like what?", he whispered.
"I'm gonna start the list with the basics: arms", you told him, and he laughed against your skin. "I can think of a few other things, too", he tells you, back at kissing your neck. "Yeah? Like what?", you asked, and he sucks on your skin for a few moments, hitching your breath. "Your skin is softer", he says, and then lightly bites you, running his tongue over it to sooth it. "And you taste amazing. Everywhere", he whispers again, and you bite your lips as you feel another goosebump on your neck, and it didn't go unnoticed by Roger. "And the way you react to me”, he whispered, wetting his lips. "God, it kills me", he said, running his fingers over the area where the goosebump was.
It was a public place, but it didn't cross your mind when you turned around and pulled him in for a kiss, making it deeper as your tongue massaged Roger’s. His fingers brushed over your exposed skin, and you could feel how strong his grip on your waist was, wrinkling the fabric of your summer dress - probably inappropriate. You pulled him even closer to you by his hair, already used to its new length after two nights. It was only when you broke apart to recover your breath that you noticed how you were making out in a public place, and only because Roger told you.
"I know we're in public and I'm trying to be more discrete now, but all this artwork just made you look even more beautiful, like you belong around them. I just couldn't hold myself any longer", he said.
The warm water ran through your fingers as you filled the bathtub, only in your robe, as Roger spoke with the concierge on the bedroom. He told you he was getting champagne, but you didn't see why the concierge would go to the bedroom for it. Anyways, you wanted a warm bath.
After the Venus, you and Roger had a hard time keeping your hands away from each other. So you didn’t argue when he suggested you take a cab to the hotel.
The cabbie was an older man with a very rosy skin, and he barely knew how to speak english, but he sure tried - specially with Roger. You were suspecting he knew who Roger is, and Roger apparently thought the same, an amused look on his face as the driver tried to continue the conversation with him.
He was looking amused for another reason, too. His hands took his time on your legs, his long fingers brushing over your inner thighs, making you press them together as you tried to control your breathing. Roger kept talking to the driver as he slowly moved his fingers closer to you again, and you bit your lips to hold a moan when he pressed two fingers against your core.
You were already wet from all the teasing, and it goes through the lace of your lingerie, wetting Roger’s digits. He took his fingers away from you, and you frown as he rubs his two fingers against his thumb, smirking at you.
Then the driver asks him something and he turns to answer, putting his hand on your knees and then quickly sliding them up, moving them to your core again, massaging your clit for a few seconds. He looks at you so he can see your reaction, and you can hear the driver’s voice as you grip on Roger’s arm so he keeps touching you, pressing your lips together to keep quiet.
He keeps smirking as the conversation with the driver goes on, and you decide you can tease him, too. You move your hand from his arm to his leg, and he moves his gaze back into yours as you move your hand slowly to his inner thigh. His eyes get wider once you run your finger over his length, his cock already getting hard and visible through his always tight pants. The driver called his name so he answers another question, and you wrap your hand around him through the fabric of his trousers.
His breathing audibly hitches and he tries to be discrete by making it into a cough. He answers the driver and then looks at you, but you’re looking forward, innocently. He smirks again and then pulls your lingerie to the side, and, without more teasing, puts his two fingers inside of you. You gasp, and the driver looks at you suspiciously as Roger starts pumping his fingers inside of you.
But then the car stops in front of the hotel.
You take your hand away from Roger and he does the same, feeling like two children who got caught with your hands inside the cookie jar. Roger pulls out his wallet from his pocket so he can pay the cabbie, his fingers still glistening as he holds the leather wallet.
You then walk to your room without saying anything until you close the door. “So, that guy was pretty close to figuring out our little teasing game, huh”, he said, unbuttoning his shirt. “I was pretty close, too”, you said, winking, and he smirked. “I guess you want to go back to where we were before getting interrupted?” he raised his brow.
But you wanted to tease him a bit more. So you nodded a no. “Actually, Rog, I think I want to take a warm bath”, you came closer to him, wrapping your fingers on the back of his neck. “That’s a really good idea, in fact”, he said, and started undoing his belt. But you held his hand in place. “But you won’t join me”, you said, and he pouted in protest. “Not until you get me some champagne. I thought you were gonna be romantic before luring me into bed, Taylor”, you said, and he laughed. You let go of him and turn around.
“Can you unzip me, please?”, you ask, and you can hear him scoff, annoyed at your teasing, but then you feel him slowly unzipping your summer dress, then moving his hands to your shoulders as he slides your dress down.
You're not wearing a bra, so you can feel the cold wind from the AC on your hard nipples, getting even harder as you felt his lips on your neck once again, his hands pulling your dress down at your hips before it falls to the ground.
Then you move away from Roger’s grasp as you walk to the bathroom, without looking back at him, and you can feel his eyes on you as he watches your hips sway as you walk, only in your burgundy lace panties, your hair cascading on your back.
And now you’re inside the bathtub already, feeling the smell of roses and cinnamon from the bath salts you used, waiting for Roger. You hear the door close, and the concierge is gone.
“Rog? I’m waiting for you”, you say out loud, waiting for his answers. “Actually, I think I’m not in the mood for a bath. But your champagne is here”, he says, and you can hear a fake tiredness in his voice.
“Are you sure you’re gonna leave me here, alone, in this bathtub? I’m gonna have to do something to let the time pass, you know. And you’re gonna hear me do it without doing anything about it?”, you asked with an affected voice. You haven’t teased him in so long, you forgot how fun it was, especially cause he always teased you back.
“As tempting as your bathroom plans sound, I’m also alone here, you know. And your champagne is here. Can’t believe you’re gonna waste it after I got it just for you”, he said, and you laughed. You got up from the bathtub and barely dried yourself on a towel before putting your robe back on and walking to the bedroom.
Roger was sitting against the bed’s headrest, completely naked and rock hard. You moved your hand to your lips and you let out a sigh at the vision. He looked like a greek god - Apollo, maybe, with his golden locks shining against the afternoon sun, his skin glowing under the golden hour lights coming through the window. The bed was filled with red rose petals under him, the smell filling your lungs.
He opened his eyes when he heard your sigh, and he smirked at you. “Get the champagne and come here already”, he said, pointing his head at the table where a Dom Pérignon bottle sat on an ice bucket, and you did so. You climbed on top of the bed and started moving towards him. “Are you suggesting we play with food, Mr Taylor?”, you asked, and he nodded. “Give it to me and I’ll show you”, he told you, and you gave it to him as you sat on his thighs.
He popped the bottle open and some of the liquid poured over the edges. He licked it, looking at you, before undoing your robe with his free hand. He pulled it to the sides, looking at you with admiration as if he was unwrapping a Christmas gift.
You took the robe off and threw it to the side, and his free hand moved to the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. It was a slow, delicate kiss, where Roger tried showing you love, admiration, respect. Not only how much he wants you, but how much he cares about you.
But you pulled him closer to you, moving closer to him, and your bare breasts touched his naked torso, making the two of you moan.
That gave a new sense of urgency to the kiss, and after a few seconds, Roger broke it apart. “Tell me if you want me to stop”, he told you, and you nodded. He poured a bit of champagne above your collarbone, the cold liquid making you shiver, and then Roger’s tongue licked it, warm and wet.
He looked up at you to make sure you liked it, and you gave him a quick nod. He smirked, then poured champagne on your other collar bone, and licked it off again.
As you seemed to like it, he poured champagne between your breasts, licking it off right after and waiting a few seconds to see if you’d protest. He then finally poured a bit of champagne on one of your breasts, right above the nipple, licking you and the drink.
He kept doing it for a while, sucking on your skin that tasted like champagne and cinnamon, the smell of roses intoxicating him.
You broke away from his touch, and he looked at you, confused. “Can I try it?”, you asked, and he nodded, passing you the champagne bottle.
You started above his collarbone, and you could feel him moving under you. You wondered how much he would be able to wait before fucking you, considering he was already hard before you licked champagne off of him.
Once you poured champagne over his chest, you didn’t lick fast enough, and a drop of champagne rolled down on his torso. You leaned in to lick it right before it fell to his pelvis, mere inches away from his cock.
The feeling of your tongue close to his length did it for him - he had to have you, right now. He gripped your hips and motioned them up, and you understood what he wanted, so you got on your knees and stood right above him as he positioned himself on your entrance.
You slowly moved down, feeling him filling you, and you let your head move back as you moan in pleasure, your moan intensifying as you heard Roger’s voice whispering your name.
You started riding him slowly, small moans leaving your lips every time you felt him bottoming out inside of you, but you wanted him to go deeper.
So you got off of him, and he grunted, frowning at you as he saw you on your knees in bed. But once you leaned forward, putting your weight on your elbows, he smirked. “I want to feel you deeper”, you told him.
He moved to your back, spreading your legs a little more so he had better access to you, and you both cursed under your breath as he got inside you again slowly, so you could get used to his size on this new position, his grip on your ass getting stronger once he was completely inside you again.
You moaned his name, and he moved his hands to your waist so he could move inside of you with more control.
He developed a rhythm after a few moments, and all you could hear was the sound of your skin on his and the moaning (and cursing) coming from his lips and yours, too. You could feel yourself closer to your orgasm.
It wasn’t long before you reached your high, crying his name as you pulled the duvet into your fists.
Roger kept thrusting through your high, but once he noticed you were done, he pulled out. "Can you turn?", he asked, and without much thought, you turned over and layed down, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He gave you a tired smile and then got inside you again, thrusting. "I like to look at you", he told you, closing his eyes, focusing on his movements. He was like that for a few seconds, and you could see the beads of sweat forming on his face, his blonde locks glueing themselves to his forehead.
As his movements got more intense, you could see he was close. "Y/N? Can I pull out?", he asked, and you nodded a yes. He liked to do that sometimes, when you could get messy, but it has been so long you nearly forgot.
So he pulled out and his cum fell on your torso, covering your breasts and stomach. He fell to your side and stayed there for a few moments, before opening his eyes and looking at your torso. "Sorry for the mess", he said, getting up and going to the bathroom. You smiled when you heard the sink open, and your smile got wider as Roger appeared with a warm cloth on your hands.
"I guess this helps", he shrugged, wiping his cum from your torso carefully. Once he cleaned most of it, he giggled. "Maybe a bath is not a bad idea, after all. Will you join me?", he asked, offering you a hand.
Chapter 21
@taylorroger-s @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @its-nessi @anamcg317 @frenchieswiftie @queen-danielle-dani-dan @minihemo @shutup-sorry @theyrealllegends @killerqueenisthebest @ashagracelove @hardy-s @fuckinghurricanesoul @secretsweetscollectionblog @mrswinterhater @11mb0 @tamtam-go92 @derptatosaur @brianandthemays @phantom-fangirl-stuff @the-hysterical-queen @rogerofmylife @notevenlxvely @discodeakyy @x1975sos @16wiishes @jennycidesstuff @partydulce @melros-e @onevisionliz
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buddyhollyscurls · 6 years
blossom (do all 3), blush, bright, candlelight (or whenever your last dream was), cuddly, cutie pie, daylight, euphoric, fairy, garden, glow, jiggly, kisses, prince, princess, rainbow, starlight, soft, toot, whiffle, wispy (sorry there were just so many questions i liked!!!)
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?:
favorite book: the pigman series by paul zindel, because of romek by david faber, and the catcher in the rye by jd salinger 
favorite movie: life is beautiful, la strada, coco 
favorite song: ironia by mana, back to black by amy winehouse, i’ve been good to you by the miracles 
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?: when i was about 12? or so my brother got me and my sister a gift card for build a bear workshop lol i got a bunny i named babz she has on a purple sweat suit. i kept the box and her birth certificate but my niece messed them up and lost her jacket when she was a baby :( but i still have babz she sits on my vanity in my room i don’t think i’ll ever be able to give her up. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?: definitely faires i hope to be a fairy in my next life preferably a forest one who is able to make plants grow
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?: the last dream i REMEMBER had something to do with my trying to prevent death?? IDK BLAME GOBLIN I HAD JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT AND IT WAS SERIOUSLY AFFECTED THAT SHOW FUCKED ME UP 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?: the 60s have always held a huge fascination for me. like i remember i used to love February bc that was when we would talk about the civil rights movement and stuff and through that i remember being like 12 and seeing documentaries about the black panthers and woodstock. 
most precious item you own: i have a lot of those babz is one, i’m a very sentimental person i have a hello kitty box filled with pics friends have given me i have a Berenstain bears book i once put in a time capsule with my sister and brother that we had to dig up super early bc we moved ummm i still have cards and stuff friends have given me one is even from my tenth birthday, drawings my niece has made me, a shoebox full of journals i’ve filled up things like that i feel if i made them or if someone gave them to me they’re super precious. my book and movies as well.
favorite album of all time: tie between back to black or stg peppers 
talk about someone u love: i’m going to talk about my nieces and nephews rn bc i love them so much: adelie is the oldest she’s ten and my favorite person in the whole world. when she was born i took care of her a lot even stopped going to school for about a year so my sister could go and we got so close bc of that she is just so funny and silly and loving i hate that my girl has to grow up i want her to be little forever. next is my nephew Malcolm he’s so energetic and he plays a bit too rough with adelie and his brother and sister but he’s a great big brother he looks out for them and he and adelie get along super well. nicole is next she is an actual angel she is the sweetest girl in this entire planet she is so nurturing and she is super helpful and gentle. and finally my nephew diego. he’s three and the exact clone of my brother i even have this ig post of a side by side photo from when my brother was little they’re wearing red shirts and i stg they even have the same smile. my little man is so cute. when he was born it took a little while for him to warm up to us bc we don’t get the chance to see him as much as we did when adelie was born. but now its a complete 180 sometimes i’ll be walking and he’ll just run up and give me a hug and it makes my heart soar 
fairy; do you have a pet?: sadly i don’t haha i want to have a senior cat or senior dog but that’ll have to wait until i get my own place. hopefully whenever i get into something called a serious relationship we can get a puppy together and raise it together but who knows when that’ll come i don’t want a puppy until then tho
garden; how many languages do you know?: outside english i know spanish and a tiny bit of italian and portuguese just barely tho lol not enough to have a conversation but i can probably pick up a few sentences i want to learn italian portuguese french (that one is SUPER HARD THO FRENCH WTF) and maybe arabic 
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
1: ppl tell me i’m funny
2. i’m really honest 
3. i’m tenacious 
4. i’m very empathetic 
5. for the most part i’m a postive person i’m one of those ppl that are just everyone’s personal cheerleader 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?: watch movies lmaoooo this weekend alone i saw train to busan, silenced, see you tomorrow, this is not what i expected, turn left turn right, and lust caution. i don’t see movies during the week (during school anyway) so usually all week i try to be like what am i watching this weekend. it’s very rare i willingly make plans over the weekend we can hang out during the week but weekends are for movies.
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?: i am a romantic sap lol i am the cheesiest person i know but for some reason i’m not into cliches i guess like hmmm i guess for me the one i want most is to fall in love with my best friend. like i meet someone and we just click and they make me do the chris evans laugh A LOTand i’m able to open up and just talk with them and gradually one day its like oh snap. so this is the person i’m supposed to be with. tight. 
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?: atrocious. sometimes i can’t even read what i just wrote. but i hear ugly handwriting is a sign of high intelligence so theres that lmaooo. 
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?: uuuuhhh i don’t :((((((((( if i could i wish i could play guitar (i only know a few chords) drums, piano, bass, even the sitar ok brian and george made it look sick af 
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?: “For the first time ever, I think Haddock may have a point, you know.” my mad fat diary by rae earl (if u haven’t seen the show i highly rec it it’s one of my fave ever just a side note)
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?: hey arnold ok don’t even get me started on it i’ll talk forever how great it is even now its just timeless even adults should watch it and i’ve said this before and i’ll say it a million more times helga g pataki is probably one of the most complex, interesting, well written female character EVER on any show i owe craig bartlett my entire life. 
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house: the dining room its huge and its got big windows i love looking out windows so when i write i like sitting at the table to look out every now and then sometimes i’ll just look out that window when i wake up and be like damn its a new day. 
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?: hmmm…. i guess how idealistic i am. and how intense i feel about things. when i was a kid i thought everyone had strong feelings about something and just LOVED things all the time but getting older i realize being passionate about things esp things like books and tv and movies is really………. odd haha. like even now i will type paragraphs about a favorite movie or something that happened in a show and my friends will be like why are u like this. the same goes with how idealistic i am like thought it was normal to have so many things u want to do and see in the world but when i talk to my friends theyre like oh i just never thought about doing that so it makes me feel odd sometimes bc i know i expecet a lot out of life hahahaha. 
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?: either flight or invisibility 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?: i LOVE san diego and i LOVE california (in spite of how damn expensive it is here) but even when i was little i didn’t see myself living here as an adult with a family. i just always felt like this world is so big why live in one place your whole life. one day i want to live somewhere green and have my farm with my little animals and soccer team of kids haha. like linda and paul mccartney. 
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comicteaparty · 7 years
October 5th, 2017 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 5th, 2017, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Galebound by Respheal.
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Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning. Today we are discussing Galebound by Respheal~! (http://www.galebound.com/) For those new to CTP, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer so pay them no mind if you wish~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! Each chat a top comment will be picked and featured on an ad for this chat, so let’s have a great discussion~!
With that said, let us begin with this first question~!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Oooh, favorite scene so far. Hrrrrrm.
I really like din parting the waters
making the bridge
oh these are questions for us?
easy, the scene where Din jumps out the bed and charges his laser
To prompt discussion
i liked the fight in the hotel room too
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I'm definitely laughing at this.
no escape bruh
I really like Page 54 -- the end of the Dark Hour. http://www.galebound.com/comics/2415667/054/ I sat there for a while and was like... "What is this?" "Why is he smiling?" I've been really torn between Pascal thinking "You're so dead" and actually being relieved -- because who knows what could have happened? I've kinda stuck to the idea that Pascal REALLY wants to see killing Conan through though.(edited)
well theres always Parkers house hears Conan choking in background
Res' two page spreads are gorgeous btw
not really a scene but one of my fave pages is definitely that one where pascal is looking out at the ocean realizing wtf just happened
I laughed super hard at that one
Hahahah so many people said they relate to Pascal on that page xD
yeah but few know about his fish friend
"I sincerely love this page, my inner self relates to Pascal on a higher level"
If it's not in comic, it's not confirmed, Amarok
i feel that i personally have not bonded with pascal for some reason
perhaps my heart too sold on din
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I like this scene too. So glowy
We know very little about Pascal tbh. Din's been very quiet about him except "dude is gonna try to kill you."
yes my favorite page
love that spread
Wait, wait
I was itching to get to that page so bad xD
How many words has Pascal said in comic so far?
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
did he?
and what % of them has been a profanity
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
2/3 were curses
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
that third one wasnt a word
it was garble
Yeah it was just "ugh...."
............. New name added to the nickname. I'mma stick it in the middle: "Foulmouth"
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
creative censorship, my friend
hey pascal was told to kill, not talk no talking needed
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
fartmouth Pascal
oops this is gonna be archived lel
How many bad words DOES Pascal know, and are you going to invent new swears for him to use?
Well I mean
He hangs out in bars so
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
so he swears like a sailor
When he finally does get more than a one-word line, he's probably just gonna be like "You ------ --------- -------- you and your ----------- horse"
omg XD
i hope so
--and the horse you rode in on
the way this is worded makes me think pascal is gonna invent his own swears. gonna wind up using Din's name in one of them.
And then he whips out a knife and whoops, he really does have Murderpants now
Din will be so blown away
Wind puns
so many gale-blasted wind puns
has been kicked from the chat
.....can...can I answer the questions too? xDDD
if ppl got kicked for puns math would not be welcome here
rip math
you can answer the questions yes
math the punniest
i wont stop you
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
kinda found it funny how they argued over a change of clothes
That scene stayed pretty much the same in every draft
This page: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2437904/061/
Conan objects to being called a hick
Nah he owns it xD
ah the first attempt to explain magic
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
OOoooooh i liked that scene too
i liked din was nice in that scene and stopped magicking when he saw conan was sad
I'm not sure I trust this face sometimes
no, trust that face most of all
whats not to trust
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
what he's friendly
thats the face of honesty
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
or maybe not
Oh I mean re: "i liked din was nice in that scene and stopped magicking when he saw conan was sad"(edited)
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Artemis trust him so it's good enough
didn't he stop cause conan commanded it tho, lol
suuure he's just so nice tho
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
yeah that's what I thought too
I feel like Conan was creeped out tbh
shhh let me think din is nice O_O
din is nice in my heart
so what is this tea party
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
din is nice I think
Din is nice to Conan.
i don't feel like din is evil at least
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
so uh we discuss a comic every week
Din wants to overthrow a kingdom, though.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Sooooooooooooo not really all that nice?
i wouldn't say i think he's good tho either
i feel like he's someone's pawn
Din is nice in a very limited context
cause din very much has an agenda
mariah (rainy day dreams)
He's got too much big shit to do to be soft and fluffy
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he's nice
But sometimes you gotta feel like he's blowing smoke up someone's butt
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I'd like to believe
wondered if he was conan's dad's servant or something
@keltyzoid! https://comicteaparty.tumblr.com/about
and he's bound to their family that's why he has to take orders from them
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
like a book club only with comics
to be fair to din's not so niceness moments, he did just meet conan and is fulfilling some obligation. those are not factors where someone is going to be nice.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Hmmmmmmm I like that theory!
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
why does Din want to overthrow a kingdom tho?
so in that regard din is neither nice or not nice, he's just doing his obligatory duty
@keltyzoid! https://comicteaparty.tumblr.com/faq you can also check out the faq which has more info ;3;
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
is the king that bad?
I mean kinda if he sents pascal to kill conan
ty ty
well it may not be that the king is bad even. its hard to say when we havent seen the king.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
@keltyzoid! you can read and catch up http://galebound.com/
it's a short read(edited)
Din and Pascal are some hard boys to draw, so shout outs to Res for drawing them over and over again
Thanks! :'D
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I like Din's floofy hair
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
so floofy
That means a lot ;w;
din has the best hair ;3;
love din's floofy hair too
Very floof
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
curly boy
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
all the floof
they say curly haired boys are pervs tho
who says that
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies Lyall is not curly haiir tho
How would Din feel about being called a floofy guy though lol
lyall you need a perm
having someone sit there and ruffle his hair
admittedly, I thought, at first, that the line by his eye was just an age line XD
strange imagery of conan ruffling din's hair
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he'll shoot lasers at everyone
@Lyall and that's how Conan dies
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
well conan can do that
but what if he does it and commands don't kill me before hand
Conan's gonna end up shoved in the sea or something
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
what he can command Din to be a nice doggy and let Conan pet him
i'm late but i'm here!
Well that might help xD
Maho! o/
welcome all new ppl
is it ok to ask for a summary of what's transpired so far at the tea party?
i think the bigger question is is din's hair naturally that floof or does he spend hours getting it to floof O_O
pet DIn's hair but be careful not to dislodge the 8 to 10 random items he has hidden in there at all times
secret dagger stash
he doesn't know what's in there right now but he knows it would be a pity to lose them
it's more like wild untammed floof
Din's hair is a portal
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I'd like to think it's natural floof
@Mahotou The question is favorite scenes, but it devolved into discussing the floofiness of Din's hair
rather than picture din with curlers in at night
@Mahotou weve talked about fave scenes and aboout pascal's swearing
his floof is powered by the universe itself
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I mean can he summon hair sprays?(edited)
Oh yes and that 66.7% of Pascal's dialogue thus far has been cursing(edited)
curse him and his poofy shirt
pasc cant catch a break
oh i love din's jacket too
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
speaking of, a fav scene is pasc's smiling
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I like the scarf
best jacket
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
likes all the scarf
din the best dressed man
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
powerful and fashionable
probably someone's tool
but Pascal is so fancy
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
fancy murderpants
pascal is a snappy dresser too
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
both of them are
Magicians, they like to dress well
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
that red scarf is cool
they must work for rich people
who care how they dress
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
or maybe he just knows of a really good antique store
im back
what i miss
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
and Din forced Conan to dress up too
or they just like to look really cool while they performing their magic. how else you gonna impress da ladies
oooh we talking dress up
maybe it increases your magic powers to dress nice
the secret of fashion magic
Sure let's go with that
Din dropped that giant bag of cash at first
oh thats the one thing that tells us that "Lucie" isnt Lucie
so I mean
the fancier you are the more magic you can do
dude's got access
she hasnt complimented on his new outfit
She's a lil busy freaking out over his well-being
one time i saw a guy on Penn and Teller and he was dressed like a homeless man and his magic was sub par
uh huh sure
is she really her
i feel like it's a mirage to manipulate conan
ill take shes a fake for 800 bob
it's a mirage to sink ships >:/
What is Pascal in a glamor?
like i find it more believable that she's fake than real just randomly there
unless Pascal got his fish freind for a ride
(sorry, going with the jeopardy style answer lol)
hes still trudging the shore
Oh xD
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
pascal busy building sand castles
hell yeah
LOL he would too
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
does he like sand castles?
he might murder the sand castle
who doesn't like sand castles
No, no, he'd only stab people who crushed his castle
Pascal has principles.
he'd curse and cry
Conan's gonna break his sandcastle like the bully in Cool Cat Saves the Kids
is that why pascal out to murder conan and his dad O_O conan's dad crushed pascal and the king's sand castle?
nah pascal is being controlled by someone else too
Cool Din Saves the Kids
feel like pascal and din are just both being used
oh theyre for sure just being used
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
poor pascal
really din and pascal are BFFs that grew up together and dated
i mean the opening kind of set the tone for that XD
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
def ship
then they're like well it's a job
sorry bae
Din and Pascal?
Din has a boyfriend that is not Pascal, I'm pretty sure
I hope
he's super good looking
I think Din's type is blonde? :3
that's a truth
Where's that pic, Res?!
Of Din's BF?
yeah it's Conan shut up
they want the boyfriend Res
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Conan can just be a chaperone
i don't wanna push spoilers out of res tho
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
awww he's not my type
but if he makes you happy din i support
he's for Din anyways lol
QUESTION 2. In the most recent updates, it’s revealed that Din may have purposely let the assassin, Pascal, get away. It also opens up an important question: can Din be trusted? Why would Din let Pascal get away if that’s true? Why is Din so secretive instead of just telling Conan the truth? Is Din really just out to hurt Conan too?
Oh hoh hohohohoh
Din did say the less Conan knows, teh better.
surprisingly doesn't like long hair on male characters that much
thats what all secretive ppl say when they just want someone to shut up
maybe it was just a prank
I feel like Din doesn't want blood on his hands? Or at least on Conan's hands, to be honest.
well Din doesnt really know Conan
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
He's concerned for Pascal in a way
but he knows Felix
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
who's felix?
maybe din has been ordered not to tell conan things
Conans father
felix is conan's dad
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
oh carp I forgot
He knows Conan enough to know that he was some guy in a stable who had a life and was going to help with an assassination plot
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
see my memory fails me already
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
it's okay mharz i forgot too
But the question and answer is Does Din trust Conan
So, Conan's plausible deniability in this is key if Conan's not gonna get the axe.
enough to allow himself to be potentially controlled by him against his will
i doubt din trusts conan
i mean he just met him
conan is more like luggage to din probably
tbh I think there's some serious gaslighting going on right now though
Stuff's going to explode as soon as Checker-- erm, Artemis manages to get Din to wake up.
i dont think he's been ordered to not say anything. honestly i get the sense din is just being nice in this regard and feels the less conan knows the less conan's life is disrupted and the quicker they can get stuff done
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Somehow I just feel like it's his duty to protect Conan
i agree it seems he might be bound to conan's family
i don't feel like their relationship is that deep atm
cause din is doing a duty
and conan is basically the cargo
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
hahaha conan as cargo
Superjustin of Time and Space
Early on, he was even thrown over Artemis like luggage
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
yep definitely luggage
Superjustin of Time and Space
(and yeah just peeking in to see what's up)
Superjustin of Time and Space
hi super~!!
Superjustin of Time and Space
Keep up the good work Respheal, your stuff's awesome
Thanks :'D
Superjustin of Time and Space
and hey Draco!
You're welcome~
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
as for the why would Din let Conan escape
Superjustin of Time and Space
OMG that pic
obviously commands are verbal
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Din let Conan escape?
Why Din would let Pascal escape you mean?
Pascal yes
ah that makes more sense
Maho xD
my memory is fuzzy but i was like when did conan escape
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
if Din let Conan escape, the story is over
you had one job Din
COmmand are verbal so to override them u must have percise language or else a technical loophole could proceed
now I want to draw some stuff like galebound was a totally different comic
Superjustin of Time and Space
Alternate Ending
well its not over weve established din knows where conan is O_O
@Respheal I didn't get to read but i wanted to drop in and saw I love the art at least! <33 KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
Thanks <3(edited)
as Din may not know the wording of the contract, he must improvise
i hope din has this huge secret ulterior motive that really goes against everything that's been said and done so far and he was playing both sides in order to free himself or something, lol
cause he seems that type
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I hope you don't go too far. I've only read the main pages
i assume din just has past history with pascal
since i mean
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I feel that too
din knew who he was
wasnt like "oh rando assassin"
unless theres a magician association
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
and not just I just know he's an assassin
there's a connection
Superjustin of Time and Space
I love these images @Kabocha
mariah (rainy day dreams)
They went to baby murder magic school together
You know, in Ink Drop Cafe, I've been talking about how Pascal is secretly out to kill Conan, because Conan's clearly the evil little brother
they do look a like
i have a hard time telling them apart tbh
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Superjustin of Time and Space
there's sucha thing
I gotta admit that's more me sucking at drawing :'D I WILL GET BETTER(edited)
Superjustin of Time and Space
as babby murder time hour?
i think that's why i haven't bonded with pascal, he reminds me of conan mostly
but like better dressed
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
you did improve a lot Res
Thanks <3(edited)
Superjustin of Time and Space
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
same face syndrome is a butt
Pascal needs to show up moar so I can get more practice drawing him xD
hahah oh dear
Superjustin of Time and Space
i was thinking they were secret twins or something
while were on these subjects. let us theorize
who that other kid in that page
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
A childhood friend?
maybe one of them is din as a kid(edited)
cause of the black hair
my initial thought was it's conan
i thought it was conan the first time but the hair looks black
what if the other kid is pascal
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
that might be pascal lel
pascal and din
mariah (rainy day dreams)
mind blown
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2460520/067/ Conan has forgotten something though
i subscribe to that was Conan and Din in the first few
i thought it was conan at one point and pascal at another point. and now i just dont know
and he has memory loss
it's just some random kiddos, gosh
and has a history in Evenheim
for establishing shot
else why would the City Daemon help him
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
The woman is Conan's mom shot
Superjustin of Time and Space
Dang Kabo I love these too much
well one of the kids is din. unless theres another green eyed floof person
im guessing said scene was shortly after Conan's mom died and deadbeat dad left
Superjustin of Time and Space
your sketches
oh wait there's more to the kiddos
wow i completely forgot about this part, LOL
okay yeah that's def Din
no doubt
i remember i knew that when i read it
cause it's pretty obvious
unless he has a twin
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
that was 17 years before the start of the story
gotta be Din. 'cause dem green eyes
and the hair
i lean towards its pascal just cause it being conan is too obvious imo.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he has floofy hair
and he's better dressed than conan cause he's wearing blue
blue always the best
but we've also seen Conan's dad
and conan's dad is kinda fancy.
well it's not din's boyfriend
can cross that off
conan is their half brother O_O and his mom was a princess so he got a less shitty life
problem solved
I mean, I haven't introduced that many characters yet xD So it's either one of them or someone tht hasn't been introduced yet~~~~
that's very magi rebel, hahah
Superjustin of Time and Space
introduce more
conan is alibaba
Soon in webcomic time
it could be someone new tho, i dont discount that.
its not lucie
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
webcomic time = 10 years
she is also crossed off the list
i thought she was related to din cause of her black hair
mother or sister
who are you talking about draco?
The woman from the prologue I presume(edited)
Superjustin of Time and Space
k I'm gonna listen to some music, you guys enjoy the rest of the chat
Alrighty, have fun!
kay, laterz Super~!
Superjustin of Time and Space
Thanks~ And laterz!
thank for coming super~!
Superjustin of Time and Space
You're welcome. ^_^
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2294666/003/ The last line on this page
The hate between Din and Conan is not quite strong enough
you know how some comics have power of friendship? These guys gotta be powered by hate. :'3
right now its mutual distrust and distaste
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
doesn't this imply that din is borrowing power from people he hates to change the world to his own ideals so he is a two faced snake that's going to betray his master at some point, lol
especially wiht that accent and old outfit
Right now Conan is basically the one in charge...
he's not really
Of Pascal.
din is borrowing power from whoever told him to get conan
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he was looking for Conan's dad too I think
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
which is something strange
Wondering where the heck he is, anyway
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
cus Din and Conan gave different years on how long he was missing
check the brothels
imagines din with a "wheres felix" book(edited)
what sort of power are we talking about tho? like do you have to be bound to someone to access more magic? are we talking about political power? etc.
i think it's more a position of power
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
mind power?
like a rank of some sort
cause if were talking about rank
well not official rank
what if that lady was a court magician and she took the boys in and trained them
but more access to stuff
maybe but she was dressed pretty poor too
How many doodles did you make??? xDDDD
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Does the king have the same powers as conan does?
I'm doing these as I go
her dress was pretty nice imo. plain but nice
rank is involved with the command ability right?
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
it does?
her hair made me think she's poor tho
and i think she's a mage from implying they (herself and kid din) are stray dogs
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
again only reading the actual pages
its possible the king has the same powers cause in res' world info city daemons are generally heard by high ranking officials
if it does how does teh rank pass?
I think rank was only mentioned in the comments
the old king is dead. long live teh king.. but whos the king?
so it's wild mass guessing at the moment
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
that means conan is in a high position if he can command pascal
well if he's the king's son he'd be a prince of some sort maybe(edited)
which i guess bring's his lineage into question (looks at felix)(edited)
fuzzy memory tho will not benefit me here
to be fair some tidbits of info are more a question of did you read the supplemental world info
cause theres some juicy hints in there if you connect some dots
This is true
There's a lot of stuff I just plain can't fit in the comic xD But it's usually not 100% necessary info
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
was thinking what if Felix is somehow related to the king
wild guess
Felix is a rival for the throne?
That's a good theory....
oh reminds me i was thinking you should put the dusk appendix in the main menu bar if you can
cause i didn't think to look for world information in the about page
only when rebel pointed it out did i know it existed
I'mma subscribe to that one mharz
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
why does the king want Felix and his heir Conan dead?
is felix an illegal baby of royalty? is conan?(edited)
Hmm, I can see about making it fit in there
Making Conan a bastard lol
QUESTION 3. Conan himself is rather strange with having a rare ability to hear city daemons. He also has suggested there are important things he may have forgotten. Why or what is Conan that makes him as much a target as his father? Is there are a reason he seems to have hidden abilities? Has he forgotten something that will later be pivotal to the story?
drops question early since were on the topic anyway
hes a target cause his father is a target, making him a source of leverage
Someone wants to flush Felix out. :3
i just assumed he had his memories hidden to protect him and hide him from others
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I wonder if it's becos Conan's memory was rigged which is why he says his father went missing 14 years instead of 25
leverage only works if you intend to keep someone alive tho. so i mean hes leverage for din maybe, but not for pascal
or the king
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Like I feel Din's statement is more legit
Conan has the ability to hear THAT specific Daemon cause the City Daemon of Evenheim will protect its own people
meaning Conan has history in Evenheim
Could conan be older than people think?
Din's the kidnapper and Pasc is trying to kill Conan. he's targeted not to be ransom but to be killed. why's he a threat?(edited)
reinforced by the mark on Dins back, the same mark on Conan's Watch, and the same mark hanging above Evenheim's gate
maybe conan isn't a real person
Suddenly we've got a D.Gray-Man situation if he's older than people think xD
yeah i think conan has some sort of high station in evenheim at least
'cause Conan was born in Evenheim, or so we think... There's gotta be some record of it -- so Felix being missing mysteriously for 25 years would be a little odd, eh?
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
unless Evenheim doesn't keep records
im thinking Felix or at least the Renaud family used to be in control of Evenheim
well if he's assumed dead and had a different name it's easy
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
brb gonna food.
my guess is that while felix went missing, he had conan. so conan knew he was around cuz he was living with his dad
thats how i interpreted the 14 vs 25 thing
is that din didnt know where he was
but conan did
oh god, conan's dad was one of those sovereign citizen guys wasn't he
oh lord
that's the REAL reason Conan has missing memories
it couldve been conan's mom who was from the affluential family. felix is just some bum
his mom was dying of stress of his dad saying "you can't put me on trial here because that flag is wrong"
i hope
his dad is incredibly good looking(edited)
hes the bottom right guy
oh geezus
that cast page is a good resource
he is
i don't care if he's an asshole he's my new second fave
looks like you got a bro conan
I had fun with some of these descriptions lololol
Too good for this cruel world
pascal looks more like felix's son than conan does
maybe pascal was given conan's real appearance to protect conan
since pascal can protect himself
and is loved less
Pascal isnt smart enough to be a decoy
His murderin' pants
maybe pascal is a clone
a magic clone
Feather, Duke of Hot Leaf Juice
I am finally home, so I ahve to say this
pascal is too good for this world and wait a second pascal has green eyes
he gets back to the king after completing the task
Feather, Duke of Hot Leaf Juice
So that horse might be a person
maybe the horse is felix
Feather, Duke of Hot Leaf Juice
That was my crack theory for the longest time
felix is an animagus
he's a cat.
"congratulations captain murderpants on a job well done" "but im only a lieutenant" "I just promoted you"
felix the cat
har har har
Feather, Duke of Hot Leaf Juice
Alright now I got that here I'm gonna poof, I feel like dying sorry qwq
kay~! laterz Feather~!
Feather, Duke of Hot Leaf Juice
But yes, my crack theory was the mare was a person who happens to be the true heir and all the jazz
Hahahaha drop in to post that crack theory and then poof out xDD
Alrighty see ya o/
don't you mean
Get feelin better
true mare
during the dark hour, Artemis was a ... night mare
I'll see myself out thank you
But yes, that's where Pascal got the cinnabon part of his nickname
i wonder if its telling that felix and conan have middle names but the others dont. is this an indication of their fancy O_O
mark of royalty
or pretentious namers
Bit of a family tradition
Conan's grandpa's name is Matthias, and his great-grandpa would've been a Lucas
And on it goes
i drank way too much caffeine today
If Conan isn't ejected from the gene pool
his kid should probably have the name "felix" at some point(edited)
conan's real name is Felix Jr.
then the second child is banished
there can only be one
this is why pascal wants to kill conan
how spartan
but conan is younger
Conan was the favorite.
but he doesn't dress as well
Clearly not.
fashion too important
his dad was a hobo. Lyall
no he's wearing an ascot
that's why conan was hidden away as a stable boi
hobos don't wear ascots
Din's sleeping on the ground right now
and he was in an alley with a blanket and probably a hobo then :'3
Din is King Hobo.
no he was poor then
and sleeping on the ground is necessity
So you mean Din had a whirlwind of success?
he travels on foot and by caravan. sounds like a bumkin
no din sold his soul to the devil of the story
To be fair, Maho, they haven't gotten around to trains yet xD
Really, that part of things had to be a breeze.
so Res, how's din's soul looking on that pedistal?
Wait, if Din sold his soul to a devil...
Where is Rex.
everywhere always
it all comes back to freaking Rex.
I'm gonna start responding to theory questions with a kyubey expression
"Wanna make a contract?"
rex is a terrible bad guy, i hope res did better than that, hahah
on a more serious note din said that theyre after "felix or his heir" so does that mean they knew felix only had one kid or that there can only be one heir so if felix had more kids it doesnt matter?
gawd I hope Felix had a whole bunch of kids
Good question!
his kitten litter
Felix: Find them all Din, now find me
this is why felix left. he has to go around the world having kids
Felix: Sorry Din, my duty in life is to make babies with every one i meet
oh god
omg xD
Felix: I must share the beauty that is I
Felix's theme song is now Vanilla.
(by Gackt)
rather Booty Call
welp gotta go for now
Awww, see ya! o/
i may be back
Bye Amarok~! Thank you for coming~!
Thanks for joining :D
Ah heck
You guys are asking good questions though >:3
thanks for coming Amarok~!
i know nothing about Felix but he is now a full time player in my mind
And have grazed a fair number of truths(edited)
the horse was conan's mother all along
i think we could also ask why now? like theyve not cared for 25 years about felix but now theyre like "welp better go assassinate him"
maybe they were looking for him for 25 years tho maybe the question is, who let slip that felix has a boy in the horse land(edited)
his gambling debt got too high
thats true it mightve just take 25 years
yeah thats an equally valid question
why do they suddenly know about conan
omg he looks like Loki from Matantei Loki Ragnarok there
did felix send them a letter and was like "hey guys just want to tell you i definitely dont have a secret son in this location."
cause it's obscure
Definitely don't go to the ranch in Norin that has a sign saying "Renaud Ranch". No one of interest there.
His name is definitely not conan either.
Felix goofed up there
good going felix
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
what I miss?
felix not smart, just lucky
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
were talking about why everyone came to get conan now instead of earlier
I think we were talking about why people are after Felix and Conan
3. Conan himself is rather strange with having a rare ability to hear city daemons. He also has suggested there are important things he may have forgotten. Why or what is Conan that makes him as much a target as his father? Is there are a reason he seems to have hidden abilities? Has he forgotten something that will later be pivotal to the story?
-copy-pastes the question-(edited)
-cuz I kinda forgot what the question was too-
Icanfinallydotext OTL
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
throws confetti for draco
Answering this question is hard
i always assumed conan was a prince
i definitely think whatever conan forgot is important
or something to that effect
cause of the amulet
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he's an outsider prince
Conan forgot his mom.
prince of demons
prince of pizza
Like, seriously, that lady in the flashback
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
they have pizza?
Din: Conan what do you remember about your mother? Conan: ....I have a mother?
do they have pizza?
i've no idea
Probably something LIKE pizza
omg conan that's sad
Conan: Wait, what's a mother
Din: I am your mother
Suddenly Lost Boy
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he was just talking about how he was upset that his dad didn't come to her funeral too. (edited)
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Din is not a Damon, Draco
it's a dark hole i can paint you
http://www.galebound.com/comics/2460520/067/ But no, seriously, I feel like this was really really heavily implied
no i definitely think thats his mom too
either that or conan has an older sister
in the flashback
his first wife
conan had a wife
i thought he may have forgotten what her last words were
so he really IS older
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
conan is really a lot older than he looks
but when he was hidden he was made younger
add another 11 years onto that
because he too is a magician
Ha, add 11 years and he'd be Din's age
conan is felix
and pascal is his son
i dont think were going that far into the twilight zone
hey it can work
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
you can connect the bridges to make it work
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Draco it's not reincarnation
Kabo is SO PREPARED with these images xD(edited)
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
stahp applying Zenchav logic here
Conan: Why do you look so much worse than with your age lines
And then suddenly Din and Conan are fraternal twins
i can connect anything
do not take theories from me
@Mahotou -- no, I'm actually literally drawing this as I go
I know I said I'd prepare stuff, but I can't make this up
so one thing conan definitely forgot in that flashback is the amulet cause clearly hed seen it before
kabo super good at drawing fast(edited)
and his first horse
that someone stole
Probably Parker lol
gdi parker
we need to see Parker in comic
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Kabo is like a cali
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
is parker cute?
always the important question
parker's drunk all the time XD
He's uh.....
that's not cute
He's made an appearance in a lil derp comic I did for TWC
is his first name peter
awww kiss him parker
when he's awake
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
aww he's a cute tubby guy RebelVampire
QUESTION 4. Din tells Conan that the reason Conan is being hunted is because of Conan’s father, Felix. What exactly did Felix do to make so many enemies? Where do you think he went? Is he dead or is he out wandering the world somewhere? Do you think Conan will run into him or is Felix’s role inconsequential?
my eyes are tired so i read hunted as haunted
Felix stole a horse.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
the king's horse
Artemis is the king's horse
i think conan will meet with felix somewhere down the line.
Also, probably slept with someone's sister that he shouldnta
well felix slept with a lot of people's significant others
And that's when Conan punches the hell outta Felix (jk lol.....or am I?)(edited)
conan should punch felix anyway
say thanks for leaving to get milk and not coming back, dad
Felix: Come son, let us embrace
So, who did Conan inherit his ahoge from?
His ma or his pa
the pressing questions
That's actually a good question
That I don't remember the answer to
-looks up refs-
its the grandpa
from the horse
I know
neither. XD
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Felix: You shall do my bidding
takes over the underworld
no felix that's bad
If rank is determined by ahoge, Pascal is probably higher ranked
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
oh wait that's a different story
Felix: Conan let me show you my magic bag
I hope Conan's real name is Katz
Yeah, Pascal would have the larger of the two ahoge
Pasc has windmill sweeping hair
...Those two I DID draw yesterday
like Cat
so it's Felix and Katz
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
and a magic bag
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Felix the Katz
do not let me name things, i'm sorry
How much DOES conan know about his dad
nothing probably
how much does conan know about himself even
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Felix is probably a threat to overthrow the king which is why they want he and Conan dead
well he knows hes missing
how can you know your dad if you don't know yourself
that's deep.
Well, Conan has hinted a bit as to how much he knows about his dad
Which is to say: not much
Conan: I had a dad?
Conan: I thought I was born from these horses and Parker
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
might be fabricated
definitely fabricated memory
yeah that's true
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
poor guy
even if he had a memory it could be false
have we seen conan's belly button yet
conan is an unreliable source for info atm
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
if he's not got parents
like, if he was some sort of magical being
would he actually have one?
Alright Conan, lift yer shirt
does conan have abs,
the important questions
hell yeah
Boy works on a farm all day
work it farm boy
he had a nice back
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he's ripped
Din also has a nice back.
and a nice tattoo
that page where he took off his shirt
The tattoo is proof he sold his soul
for powah
it looks more like a brand than a tattoo to me. like someone took a hot poker and put it to his back. and it went sizzle sizzle
my first thought was what he's advertising
being branded gave him powerzz
someone used din as a billboard
powerful slave?
that's really a company
or being branded is him being marked as magician cattle O_O
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Din Works for Conan's clan
that's what i think
I feel like I've seen din's tattoo somewhere in comic tho
slave to conan's family
the watch
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Pascal works for the King
but maybe it's not the real king
its the same emblem on conan's watch or looks supsiciously similar
maybe felix was the real king, but went into hiding
that's why he's missing
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
maybe it was invaded
sht someone help me compare the watch to din's sholder
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
then King whoeverhisname is
we shall call him Gink
King Gink
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
is scared that Conan's clan will go revenge
draco you cant always just make new names by spelling backwards
Watch: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2362830/035/ Shoulder: http://www.galebound.com/comics/2369956/040/
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
which is why he wants Felix and his heir dead
yes I can
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
LOL draco
@Mahotou ^
Conan's real name is Nanoc
maybe Felix is a robin hood type
pushed into hiding but doing good for the poor
but he looks like an ass
so i doubt it
but i cant say for sure about the similarities. theyre just suspiciously similar.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Conan's mind is fabricated as to protech him
well that was kinda obvious(edited)
I feel like I remember seeing a comment once about some of the scenery in Evenheim and I'm like what are some of these comments talking about
and other stuff
Hahaha if it makes it easier to refer to the king Din's looking to overthrow, King Cymaria works (they go by their city-state name sometimes)
Ah yeah there were a few pages with cameos from other comics
maybe the king is a woman
cause their name ends in A
i'm sorry i really drank too much caffeine
if this is a matter of felix is the true king i still dont get why theyd wait so long to deal with him. not to mention even if he changed his name i think hed be found out cause a king being dethroned is kind of a big deal
yeah that's true rebel
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
probably because Conan is more powerful
and they were waiting him to grow up
but maybe he's a different kind of royalty
i'm not fully theorized in the construct of the world
im not talking about conan im talking about felix
so the hierarchy of such could be different than the assumed
conan wouldnt of been born yet
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
but it's related
Conan's 22, for reference
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he's 22?
like maybe there's a different kind of royalty amongst the magician
than with the lands
its in the cast page too right?
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
again, I didn't read anything aside the main pages
It's fine ^^
It's all optional supplementary stuff hiding back there lol
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
it's more fun to speculate that way
yeah conan is 22 so he was born 3 years after din and his cohorts think felix went missing.
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Felix ran away
i want to read it all again, and the supplemental stuff :<
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
met the magician girl
lived with them for 11 years
looks at pile of pages to draw
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
then ran away again
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
rip my theory
would felix be din's father then
so i guess felix left when conan was 8?
Oh nah I'm just trolling with my reactions mostly xD
All of the theories have been good!
bad parenting felix
abandoning your son
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
psh who does that
for the greater good
of brothels
no not you rex
get back in your hole
We need an icon for Felix now
That would be the grumpiest icon
felix joins dad of the year club
you can never have enough grumpy icons
i think Din's grin would be more appropriate for Res.
That's like the criteria for being a Magician: have a blood-curdling evil grin
i really love the pattern on pascal's shirt random
Pascal likes dressin up
he wears it well
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
he and din are
Pasc "i'm an assasin so i'm in all black but i wanna stand out and be fancy soooo RED CRAVAT"
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Hahaha Pascal wears the red cravat solely cuz it matches his magic's color
and his eyes!
omg XD that dork
also the blood of his enemies!
Well yeah the ring around the eyes matches their magic too
res, where's that stupid pic of pascal I drew
(Din's is kinda hard to see sometimes--I gotta fix that)
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I like red so I approve
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Gonna quote @Mahotou here
"WHO'S BLUE?????"
the entire comic
Now it is! xD
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
ironically mharz's name is blue and mine is red
with 6 minutes left to go does anyone have any closing thoughts?
tell us all the secrets
Since we're getting close to it, I was gonna mention what the next chapter's gonna be called
Chapter 4: Hear, Obey, Defy
*looks at Din
rip conan
din gonna disobey
it's okay din
i support you
kill him if necessary
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
be free Din, be free
free your genie bond
Hahaha funny you should mention that
Din -> djinn
oh i noticed
and then i forgot
but now i remember
When's Din gonna have another slasher smile?
but were all assuming it means din gonna betray conan i think. it could be that they cross the bridge, someone is like "din you take that boy to the king gosh" and then din is like no go jump off a bridge
look at din
of course he's going to betray him
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
I trust Din
with my pennies
i trust artemis
I trust din to do what's right for the story
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Artemis is best
i trust din to do what's right for din too
he forms a really really strong bond with conan
which could happen
but he does not have that atm
Hahaha I will say, a lot of you were SERIOUSLY on the right track
I was screaming
it was the horse theory wasn't it
You caught me
felix is a horse
Conan's mom never died, she's been the horse all along
just horsing around
to be fair tho if din wants to overthrow the king its not to his advantage yet to betray conan if conan is some necessary component
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Din wants to be king
i approve of King Din
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
overthrows the king first then makes conan the king
i feel like a lot of the story pieces are still missing for me to make a real judgement on who's right and wrong
I support king Din 100%
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
then overthrow conan
i want a picture of king Din
Res was totally blown away by the theories.
Yeah, that's the thing--there is a LOT of missing info right now
i feel he'd be very lelouch
More info will come of course.....but then that might just spawn MORE QUESTIONS
-evil laugh-
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
gonna wait until chapter 10
Mharz of Angels & Punchy Ladies
Likes to pile up things
Oh heck chapter ten's gonna be nuts
res so good at keeping spoilers
.....so is every chapter up to that but y'know
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party is now complete~! Thank you everyone so much for joining this week’s chat~! That being said, if you would like to continue discussing the comic, we encourage you to do so~! We want to give a big thank you to Respheal, as well, for volunteering Galebound for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Respheal’s efforts. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about CTP, please feel free to PM me, or e-mail me at [email protected].
With that said, next week’s Comic Tea Party will focus on Voidchild by David Lindholm. Please use this week to read as much of the comic as you would like. Hope to see you next Thursday (October 12th) from 5PM to 7PM PDT~! Until then~! Comic: https://tapas.io/series/voidchild/
5 notes · View notes
survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #8: “I’m Not Here To Have Small Talk With Anybody” - MJ
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After Andrew was voted out, Sam, MJ, Matt, Connah, and Josh solidified their majority alliance.  Once Jessy won immunity they decided they were going to vote out Allison.  Jessy knew she didnt have the numbers and was trying to decide whether to use her Tatzelwurm as a vote steal or wait around and use it to exile herself.  She took the opportunity to use it as a vote steal to get her side the numbers.  They were planning on voting out Matt even though he had an idol because they felt like the move was unexpected.  Last minute they decided to change the vote to Sam but didnt tell Connor because they thought he might leak it.  The Sam's alliance was going to vote for Connor but switched back to Allison at Tribal.  Jessy stole MJs vote and the vote tied 4-4-0 between Sam and Allison.  Sam was taken out 4-3 on the revote.  After that the players were told there is an instant tribal and they have 5 minutes before voting someone else though.  With the sides now with 4 numbers on each side they ended up tying the vote between Connah and Scott.  With no one budging the other 6 players went to rocks and Matthew Summers was eliminated. And thats what you missed on Glee!
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Old school will be old school. Not responding to messages to three+ days? Not cute. Stoping the half assed conversations a few hours before tribal? Not cute. Sticking with an alliance of six when it's a final two? Not cute. Josh is GOING to be 5th if he doesnt do something. They can pretend they arent working together all they want, but as far as I know, Andrew being voted out is the second merge vote, not first. I was the first merge vote. And MOST of this tribe did not vote me back into this game. Ironicly, almsot entirely the same six that just voted against one of my allies. Interesting. Pagoning isnt always based on tribal lines. Kiss my ass MJ. Unless you want to vote talk to me. Then i'll kiss yours. The good news about a 9 person vote and being in a minority 4 person alliance is that you only need one person to flip. The bad news is, the four person alliance is one of the people who just flipped. End my life, please and thank you.
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when mj votes my ass out he better be ready for my wrath
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omg original jinsei getting pagonged i'm over
anyways can we talk about how me? this flop? was the person to flip the vote around last minute and gather enough information and people to save mj? wig levitating into the milky way. a good round for me
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i cant handle this im shutting down 
at the very least i can tie my Riau placement at 9th. okay real talk day by day i'm close to just laying down and just rot. i'm still playing the game but it's soooo mentally and emotionally exhausting
i think it's because i'm playing with such a high caliber of players (did i use the word right) is that i'm literally exhausted all the time. I mean, look at who're left in this merged tribe....most of them here have made FTC. I am playing the exact same game I played on Sumbawa on 703 where I was on the middle of every round but the difference is that I'm much more visible here. The trick worked once again and people have been supplying me with information without asking for it. I know how both "sides" are voting and both of them are coming to me asking for my vote. I'm in the middle and I'm not in immediate danger but I'm not happy about it. It's a shitty position to be in.
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Also, can we talk about how I'm 4/4 on making it to merge/jury?? How iconic am I for doing that, especially after retiring 2 years ago. There's a lot of 3 and 4 time players that flop, so to say I was able to do decently well all 4 times is something I'm proud of so if I go home this round (which i kinda see happening RIP) I can have my head up high about it
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how to stop talking strategy with someone who’s annoying you 101: [2017-06-27, 4:55:00 PM] connor: what are you thinking??? [2017-06-27, 4:57:47 PM] Sam: to be completely honest, you haven’t come to me with the truth about a single vote so far and I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling you what I’m thinking right now because I don’t want to have my personal plans leaked. If you want to come to me with something I’m all ears  and I’m not gonna leak it but I don’t wanna sit here and feed you a bunch of bs for no reason
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why cant this alliance just do what i say BSNSKSMKSKSMSMANNSKSKSKSKSK "I say we go for.. Josh" me: who said dat? These ppl arent telling me something BSJKSKSKSKSLSK also I can't fucking believe we're letting Matt slide by with an idol BKLMSDAFKLMSDLAMK And.. Connah is an undercover threat He's under the radar and has good relationships with everyone btw i couldn't help but cackle when connor and allison said josh and tried to convince me to do so. BKLMSDKLAFMSM i think there's some.. bad naicha blood b/c connor/allison/drew were all aligned Maybe.. Everything isn't as it seems. every1 is being so shady KLMBKLMASD can't even trust my goats they're not even goats if they don't agree w/ me KSJLSKLJ I think connah would be the one most willing to work with us if we got rid of others. He's willing to give me information. This sounded so funny god KLBMLKSDALKFMSDA He's willing to give me information. BKLMASFLKSKLDM #EveryoneHatesJosh KLBMSDKLAFSDKLAMKM god when josh didn't vote w/ us it was SOOO funny @ allison's reaction she was legit popping off
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Whew!!! Can't wait for another last minute tribal council!! THis cast is so shady, like no one wants to talk about anything and its just... so uneasy. No one's come to me with a vote idea and I'm already in a lot of shit so I'm in no position to be like "oh well lets take this person out" or "this person should go" cause that was me last round and I can't make all the decisions for everyone here. Like if people wanna play this game, they need to make bold decisions and stand by them. As a member of the jury, I'm looking for big moves and half of this cast's moves are following the people making them. Which is... so disappointing. Like at least if i leave this round (which I'm pretty sure I am), at least I can say i TRIED to make moves  (ex. abducting Allison, getting Connor eliminated, trying to vote MJ out) so I can say I'm pretty proud for the way I played. I'm proud of being someone who TRIED to make moves as opposed to following the people who are making moves and making no effort to get them out. Anyways, I'm waiting for an opportunity to come my way and for someone to give me something to work with in this game. Jessy told me MJ has something up his sleeve, and I'm sure its "split the vote between Matt and Scott to get rid of Matt's idol" but who knows
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connah: i envy your position me: shut the fuck up
me: i won't talk to anyone i dont feel like it today On 28/06/2017, at 8:37 AM, Sam wrote: > good morning! On 28/06/2017, at 6:57 AM, Jessy wrote: > hi!! On 28/06/2017, at 4:32 AM, connor wrote: > when you wake up do you want to call On 28/06/2017, at 1:27 AM, Scott wrote: > Hey
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jessy has been very persistent about 'being closer now' and 'being tighter' and blah blah blah but like...... ok. i dont know about that sweety?
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[10:04:57 PM] Jessy: Do you guys think Josh/Connah/MJ could be making us vote for Matt and they vote for one of us, so it's 4-3-2 and Matt is forced to play an idol on himself and the person they want goes [10:05:35 PM] connor: maybe but I don't think so
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So of course at the last minute, shit gets real. Connor talked to both Connah and Josh about voting out Matt and they were both on board with it surprisingly. However, Connah wanted reassurance so I messaged him as was like "okay, so lets talk about this" We were on call for a bit and he seemed really willing to do it, I think he's just too afraid of the risks in this game. Which really would disappoint me if he didn't take the risk, cause like theres so many opportunities in this game to make moves and get to the end. By not taking the risk, you're just playing it safe. Jessy also revealed to me she has a vote steal she can use, so doing this can definitely help us all get to the next round of the game. Which it would be nice to not use it so that Jessy can advance herself more in the game with the escape tribal, however I'm pretty positive Connah may not flip so Jessy should just use it and we tie things up 4-4. I may be leaving tonight so for all I know this is my last confessional. Hoping for the best, and hoping that I'm not being lied to by Connah
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Okay so when Connor asked the alliance group chat who we should vote I said Connah b/c it's least expected. ☺ Connor said he thinks Connah would work with us. Allison said she agreed and that "he'd be willing to give her information." ☺ They both then dropped Josh's name which was really suspicious. It was also really dumb to me, so I said we should just wait to decide until the internationals (Connah and Josh) are online to talk. ☺ I tried to talk to MJ about the vote and if he was flipping to me. He said he had a trick up his sleeve and he'd tell me about it before Tribal Council. ☺ I asked him if he was waiting for Connah to be online and he said yes. ☺ He also implied it could've been an item from the map. He posted "H" and I said, "is that what letter you guessed in and found something for?" He sent the wink emoji. ☺ I bonded with Scott a lot and told him about my Tatzelwurm for input. He immediately said he doesn't want me to use it just for him and if it benefits me I should keep it. ☺ Scott called Connor. He then told me Josh and Connah talked to Connor about voting for Matt. ☺ Scott then said he wanted to split between Matt and Sam so none of them are idoled. He also hashed out things with MJ. ☺ Connor then messaged the alliance chat saying Connah and Josh would be willing to vote with us if the target is Matt specifically. ☺ Before all this happened, Scott and I came up with a scenario where if all hope was lost, I'd give him the Obsidian Idol and he'd have an intense call with Sam and give her an idol because Connah/MJ/Josh were splitting with our alliance against herself and Matt. It was just a hypothetical and it died off once this plan started. ☺ Connor told us that Connah wanted assurrance from our alliance to vote for Matt and we obliged. Scott talked to him and Connah was really "nervous" and has to consider it. ☺ After the call between Scott and Connah, Scott told me Connah really wants to separate himself from MJ because a lot of people see him as a follower but he also has concerns because it's "too early to make a move." ☺ I then talked to Connah and he said he was really nervous and panicking. I asked him what I could do and he asked me to convince him. I then brought up good points about the plan if it worked. I stopped talking to him because Scott told me Connah needed an hour to think about it. He went on Away as his Skype status. ☺ Also, Connah told me MJ didn't know about the plan at all which is concerning because I thought they were really close. ☺ I talked to MJ and I asked him about the "trick in his sleeve" and he said "I'm suddenly wearing a tank top." So I guess that's done. ☺ Allison just came online and said Connah confirmed to her the plan. Scott is still waiting for confirmation. MJ is also back.
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whateverpendejo · 7 years
School thoughts.. whats going on? 4/17/17
hmmm, so what’s new? i guess i’m just really over being here already. i can’t stand being in california no more. I just really want to go home, and be home and just chill for a min. I mean with bryan and everything we’ve been having problems but this post is not about him. It’s more so about people at HNU and work. I’ll start off with work since it’s been an on going problem. 
Work -
Apparently no one does shit any more. I feel so bad for boss because she hired shitty people. I blame ang for letting her hire shayla over the summer. I blame her as well for letting her convince me that she’s a good worker. Yeah summer RA is easy but i didn’t know the type of person that she is. Which is extremely laid back, does not like to work, and complains about literally everything. I honestly don’t know if boss is going to renew her contract because she’s too much. If i was her boss, I would not. Just being honest here. But she needs to get it together.
Lauren. Lauren can be a good worker, or a bad one. Which is why i hate working at night when the boss isn’t here because i have to deal with bullshit like that. One night i was working with her just to fill in an hour for sonia since she wasn’t feeling well and lauren decided to do homework on the research help desk. She was minding her business on the desk while i was on the main desk. I mean there was no students asking for help but at one point there was. So she did nothing, studying for school, doing homework, and I was there fricken doing all the work. I was going to be off in 10 mins or so and i didn’t want to call her out on it just because i didn’t want to seem like a bitch and say hey when i’m working here you should be on the lower desk, not the research librarian help desk. That’s what really annoyed me. It’s like if you’re getting paid to work, and you really need to do your homework, then maybe you should ask someone else to switch with you. 
The problem here is that people want to just do their damn homework at the library and that’s NOT what you’re getting paid for. Do the damn tasks fist, then proceed to do your homework. It can be the easiest job on campus, but if you’re not helping out and being lazy as fuck, then the library does not need you. We need to hire people that are not in cliques, meaning no friends because obviously they are lazy and have the same work ethic. Thank god here, i have no friends because they all use each other any ways. although i wish cordelia or brenda or franny worked at the library, that would have been more fun people to work with. 
anyways that’s all i have to say for the library. Moving on to the main story of it all: Angeline Banez.
So i know i’ve grown close to her through hanging out with namari and alicia with her because i would never choose to hang out with her unless they’re there. but i’ve grown comfortable with her enough to go on rides alone with her. until i began to realize the type of person that she is. So the day it all started was the times when HNU decided to cut the 4 majors. They cut Religion, Philosophy, Peace and Justice, and Latino Studies on top of the other 2 majors (nursing and music) so that gives HNU students only 14 majors to pick from, compared to the 20 that we originally had. 
So anyways, one day i was sitting in lunch and tucker was talking about doing something about it and ang was there eating with us. Tucker was saying something about not trying to get in trouble if he ends up doing something about the majors being cut. and Ang replies to him saying no, nothings going to happen to you trust me. Something about the last revolution she’s been in, and nothing happend to them and shit like that right. So basically supporting his decision to do something about this topic. 
Then one day i was working at the library and Alicia comes and tells boss that Bryan and a group of people came to her ISAC class and told them about their viewpoints and how we need to change this school. Basically asking for transparency between HNU students and the board so that we know these decisions are going to be made. Alicia’s point was that boss should be proud of bryan for doing something that he believed in and passionate about because no one else is brave enough to do that. But nooooooo. I get that Boss read in the email saying that they cut these majors because of these reasons and it’s a good reason to. So we can spend more money on other majors and invest in other things. Yeah, that’s a good reason, but where was the communication about that?? one day we have it, and the next day we don’t? like wtf. does HNU student’s don’t even matter and WERE the ones paying for this school. WE should matter. But that’s not the end of it. So then, Ang comes in and starts defending the school saying blah blah blah, this this and that to Sheena and Boss, and i’m already ignoring them, cause i don’t want to speak to them. Ang is so dumb i don’t understand how fake she can be. She’s changed. But not because of this, but even way before that. So then it hits 11am which means i’m off the clock and i leave cause i have class at 11. And i said bye to alicia and didn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Then apparently a person was standing there and they all stared at alicia like hello aren’t you working and they yelled at her and she was like no i’m not working. And there was 3 of them there, boss, ang and sheena and they wanted alicia to help the person like wtf. they’re so weird. 
Then after that interaction, i went to nobel during lunch and i told him you better stop telling shit to ang because shes fake as fuck and she’ll go and tell faculty and staff about what you guys are planning to do. She honestly wants to portray herself as on the side that you are on especially around faculty and staff. If there’s a person thats in favor for it, she’ll act like she’s in favor for it. If theres someone that’s not, she’ll be on their side. like how fucking two faced is that. And plus, when they had the last revolution when the twins where still in school, they were sending out the petition for people to sign via email and she even told bryan that she didn’t sign it because their info was wrong. Like ARE YOU KIDDING ME. she obviously has no right to say shit about info being wrong because she makes like she has info that is right.
She talks about how their revolution failed because they did not research enough about something and shit like that. like what? we’re asking about transparency and how our budget looks like for the school year. we’re a freaking non-profit school dammit. like that should be public information. and if they’re saying they don’t know how our money is being spent then clearly something is wrong here. So yeah for those reasons i don’t fuck with her. If she knows where our money is going then i want her to show me where i can access it. if she knows what the plans are for this school then i want her to show me where i can find that or what meetings has she sat in to show me that this school is not going to go down in flames. because it’s our degree that’s on the damn line. 
So for those reasons i do not fuck with her. 
ASHNU which is basically the student body of HNU needs to get involved with this situation too, to make it easier for the students to say what they want to say, but honestly we do not need them for this. If they don’t agree about what’s on the petition then they can go suck my dick. but basically the petition was written by students and faculty. so how you ganna tell me that it needs work when that’s what faculty and students want? yeah it would be easier with ASHNU but if they’re making it hard for us then forget them. so they decided to throw a town hall meeting to discuss this petition. 
During the town hall meeting, apparently it turned out to be a bashing of ASHNU meeting and we came to realize that no one even knows what they even do or what they even stand for. So that did not end up well, we are having another one next monday and i’m curious about what that will turn out to be. So anyways at 1 i had work that day when they threw the town hall meeting. it started at 12:30 so i stayed for the first 30 mins. I saw sonia getting food at Rosie’s cafe so i went to say hi to her and she asked me about what i was doing. i said i’ll tell her but the lady took her order. then after that meeting or so shayla sent on slack what the meeting was about through email. so it was a screen shot of the email that was sent to all students. Then sonia replied a while later and was like: “:( just saw this”
ang: they didn’t send it to staff
boss: ain’t we part of the HNU community?
Shayla: that’s why i sent it here because sonia and i were talking about it
me: it was for the students mostly
shayla:^^ Precisely
sonia: ahh, next time it includes us let me know
shayla: gotchaa
ang: did you know staff isn’t included in the petition tho, we aren’t crap
we get left out of everything
me: dude shut up then why do you know so much about everything
ang: we can talk in person rather then on slack
shay: students get left out of everything
me: then keep your opinions to yourself please
then i was in class in biomechanics and this bitch decides to call me like fuck off
ang: meeks we can talk in person. however regard to the previous comment that was in reply to sonia and eugenia as staff, i was stating that the petition address administration, faculty and the students but leaves out the staff. and by saying we get left out of everything it is in regards to staff issues that also hasn’t been heard. the student issues is as well a pressing issue but no opinion was issued towards it. if you feel you have any issues what have i have stated i am more than happy to speak with you in person.
me: i honestly don’t care about what you have to say. but thank you for the offer and clarification.
and then sonia went on to say something about being respectful on slack and shit the way sonia likes to stop fights or whatever. 
but it sucked cause i had to open with her the next day. i decided to go to the library after class finished because i didn’t want to have to wait for ang to get down to the library so i just checked out the key. Then when i got there, everyone was like omg meeks like you go girl, fuckn lauren was bowing down to me and shit hahah shayla came running in, and fonz was high fiving me like lmaooooo that’s too funny but she needs to fuck off.
So the next morning of course i’m on time and ang gets there at whatever time she wants to get there. and my thing is, if i go get breakfast and i see you, i’m not going to act like your mom and fuckn tell you to leave with me. i am not responsible or accountable for you, you’re a grown ass woman that needs to set her priorities straight. if you’re having a tough life, then tough. fuckn straighten out and get yourself together. and stop living on campus because ANYYONE can do your damn job. 
So anyways we open the library and i’m by the computer doing the spine labels. Ang goes hey do you want to clear the air about yesterday? i’m like you know what i honestly don’t care about what you have to say about it. and she’s like but what opinions did i have? and i’m like look, i just said i don’t care about what you have to say ang. at one point i was your friend but now i’m not. and i’m leaving in a month so i just want to be over everything here. and then she was telling me some of her reasons and i’m like you know what,  like i don’t want to speak for everyone here but i know i don’t like you, you know that saying of once you don’t like someone everything about them because annoying, yah thats you to me. and then she goes okay, so how can i better the situation? and i’m like you cant, i’m literally leaving in a month. maybe just keep to yourself and i’ll be okay. and then boss comes in and she goes to the back and i tell her how i feel and shit and i’m like boss please don’t schedule me with her because i will cry if i have to open with her. and she was like why you’re my best opener. so i’m like fine. but that’s going to suck cause she’ll be gone and no one will be there to break the ice or i won’t have someone else to talk to.
So that’s pretty much my story, and after that sonia too was like whats going on. cause none of the staff knew that i didn’t like her and i was like look it’s more of a personal thing than anything. she just needs to idk maybe leave the library so she can actually experience getting a job. 
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