#there was more asks abt noted but i chose to respond to this one since they clearly wanted a response
ykwrites · 3 years
hihi! could i please request mitsuya, draken, or chifuyu with a reader who is insecure because she's plus size? you can choose which guy because i can't pick between them lol. thank you
Hi! Ofc you can hehe
Since you gave me a few options, I chose precious boi Mitsuya, hope you like it :)
I´m sorry it´s a lil short, inspiration is running low today 
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Pairing: Mitsuya x fem reader
Warnings: A lil angst. Reader is insecure abt her looks.
Rating: SFW
Requests: OPEN
NOTE: I decided to age up the characters, Mitsuya is about 24.
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You were getting ready to meet your boyfriend in a few minutes, he probably was almost there, and you worried more each moment knowing that you would probably be late again.
The situation was frustrating, everytime you went on a date you had to spend a ridiculous ammount of time choosing what to wear because nothing seemed to fit properly.
It was weird in a way, because you´ve managed to go through life accepting yourself enough until you met Mitsuya. He looked perfect all the time, every detail about him was perfect.
Him making clothes didn´t help either since that meant he worked with models all the time, making you feel out of place.
You recognized the sound of his motorbike right outside your door and shook your head, forcing yourself to take your things and head out.
''Oh, hello there''he greeted, taking his helmet off so he could kiss you''You look amazing''
Not believing his words, you just smiled and got on the bike behind him, putting on the helmet he bought you a few weeks into the relationship.
''We have to stop by the shop, I forgot something there''
''Okay''you hugged his back for support and Mitsuya started driving.
Going to the shop...ugh, obviously you would never tell him it made you uncomfortable, it hurt a little bit knowing that´s where he worked with all those models. Not because you thought he would cheat, but because you could never be like one of them.
When you arrived, there was surprisingly people inside, so weird considering Mitsuya was de owner and he usually closed up on sundays.
''What are ya´ll doing here?''he asked, looking at the few girls standing in front of the canging room.
He didn´t sound alarmed, so you assumed they were people he knew.
Before any of the girls responded, a tall figure oppened the courtain, fixing his clothes and waving at us happily.
''I´m sorry man, you forgot to give us all the fits for the photoshoot''Hakkai explained''I knew you were going on a date so I decided to come get them myself''
''Okay then''your boyfriend laughed, understanding what happened''Let me look at them real quick so I see everything is okay before ya´ll leave''
Everyone nodded and stood in line, waiting for Mitsuya to check the outfits.
Everyone but Hakkai, he walked over to you smiling. It was funny to see, because your boyfriend told you how he couldn´t speak a single word to a girl without blushing and stuttering, but he talked easily with you.
''I´m sorry I tried to keep him away from work so you could be alone with him and look how bad I did it''he laughed.
''Don´t worry, he´s almost done''you reassured your friend.
''Next time the three of us should make plans''
''Sure! I miss having you around sometimes''
''Okay, I´m done, ya´ll can leave''Mitsuya called out, opening the door and pointing outside.
''Thank you!, see you later Y/n!''
Hakkai left with all the other models and you stood awkwardly so Mitsuya could get whatever he left there and you could leave too.
He however, locked the door with the two of you still inside and signed for you to follow him back to the storage room.
''Okay, I want to show you something''he searched trough boxes with a big smile on his face, until he found a white rectangle one and took it out''don´t judge me, it´s not finished yet and I have to work on it more''
''Just show me!''you impatiently laughed.
''I know you like red, so I made his''
He took out a dress, it had thin straps, was short and asymetric. The whole thing wasn´t just plain red, it had details all around it that made it look ellegant, sophisticated, beautiful.
''Mitsuya, it´s really pretty''you complimented''I bet whoever wears it will be very happy''
''I want you to have it''
His words instantly wiped the smile off your face, it was an amazing dress, but there was no way it would fit properly.
''What´s wrong? you don´t like it, I can change things''he instantly dropped the box back on its place, looking extremely sad.
''No really, It´s so beautiful, but I don´t think it will fit''
Mitsuya froze in place, his face crossed with disbelief as he furrowed his eyebrows, breathing deep before talking.
''First of all, I have your measurements, it does fit''he started, getting close to put his hands on your hips''Second of all, if it didn´t, I can just alter it and there´s nothing wrong with that''
''But you don´t have that problem with your model clients...''
''I do! All the time''he kissed your forehead lovingly''Everyone´s body is different, clothes have to be made to fit you, not the opposite''
''I don´t know''
''It makes me sad to see you thinking that you don´t love yourself as much as I love you, and you are extremely dumb if you don´t see how beautiful you are''
''The dress is lovely, I´ve just been feeling insecure''
''You can try it on another time, okay? no pressure''
''Okay''you let out a faint smile.
''Seriously, woman, I wish you could see through my eyes because you are so beautiful I forget where I am sometimes''
Now he really made you laugh, Mitsuya being sweet and loving as always.
''Stop exaggerating!''you hit his chest playfully.
''I´m not, I love every inch of you''he held your face and kissed you deeply''and I´ll keep kissing you until you get it inside your head''
It was easier said than done, but maybe if he saw the beauty in you, you could start doing the same little by little.
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rotshop · 3 years
help girl i just woke up and im already thinking abt mag s/o again. anyway please consider ;
[ tw body horror, some brief light gore and violence ]
[ note ; reader is SLIGHTLY described. the only thing mentioned is that they have a noticeable, identifying scar on their face
hank + mag s/o
-he knew you even before the boombox incident. he doesn't even really remember how you two first met, he just remembers that you started talking to him and then just kinda kept coming back. at first he wasn't the biggest fan of you since he was 'doing just fine on his own,' but...he admittedly was already really attached to you. they've never been much of a talker and that's especially noticeable to you at that point in time but ,,, they respond enough with signing, nodding / shaking their head, or the occasional speaking that you're able to carry some conversations pretty well.
-he doesn't really. have. a lot of people in his life. you're really his only real close friend, it's kinda hard for him to fully wrap his head around it so !! they chose not to, instead focusing more-so on whatever it was you were rambling to them about that day.
-not super sure of where to put this lmao but ummm ehe . he's actually surprisingly touchy with you????? like. you've hung out at his house a few times and he just like. you'll start out sitting next to each other and you'll end up either laying with your head on their chest or vice versa . its . a little funny . you tease him about it a little and he just flicks your shoulder. also traces your scar a lot if you'll let them, they're not entirely sure why they do it, they just . like asking you about it occasionally.
-also you have scary dog privileges. they might look like any other grunt at that point but they're still tall as fuck and idk man !! something abt getting a blank stare from someone who towers over u would probably make u shut up and mind ur own damn business.
-again, he's not super good at fully recognizing / acknowledging certain thoughts and feelings of his but . yknow. he can definitely tell he at least worries about you a lot more than he would some other grunt he just met. he can definitely tell there's a reason he doesn't mind you touching him, whether by grabbing his hand to go show him something or just placing a hand on his shoulder or arm (most likely arm, again. hes tall. ). they can definitely tell there's a reason that they find themself genuinely enjoying your interactions.
-after the park thing you don't see them for a long time. everytime you try and call him the lines dead, everytime you try and ask others about him you just get choice words, all in all you're pretty much lost on the entire thing. sure, you know what happened but . it just never sits right with you. it doesn't help whenever people ask questions about them or give you wary looks because of your association, half steps back when you take one forward.
-anyway. yeah nevada goes to shit and you get magnified for the aahw. by now you just. don't really talk about hank. surprisingly, you have a little more of your old memories than the average mag !! congrats. problem is they're all foggy enough that you only really distantly decipher them. lmao. you aren't super high on the ladder but you're a pretty tough mag to beat. you're well known enough that other mags tend to hang around you when there's not much else going on. v2 mags especially think it's fun to mess around with you by jumping on your back or otherwise clinging onto you . idk man u've got like . a little family here .
-at one point or another there's an outing youre on that ends up going wrong. you get split up from the rest of your unit and are forced to hide out in some old abandoned building while you wait for backup. you're a little too injured to try and walk all the way back, a heavy gash on your side preventing you from doing too much in the moment. when you hear heavy steps on concrete you're able to give some sort of noise of relief, turning your head to look over your shoulder at whichever agent in your group had finally found you-
-you're instead met with red goggles and the end of a gun.
-any kind of relief is snatched away, you know damn well who it is by just the bit you can see in the dark alone. even standing in the shade between two windows (one of which you were sitting by, probably how they seen you in the first place- if that's the case though, it's a little weird they hadn't just shot at you through it.) you knew it was him. you're already stumblingly forcing yourself up to as much of your full height as you can manage, taking some kind of defensive position even as one of your hands ghosts over your gash. the throbbing pain of it and the feeling of blood sticking and running down your skin is enough that you can't seem to focus on the fact that he won't stop staring at your face.
-it doesn't take long before your legs seem to fail you, forcing you forward a bit as you kneel in some sort of attempt to keep upright. you're too busy hissing under your breath and screwing your eyes shut in pain as your hand covers your side to notice your company stepping forwards. you're snapped back to attention when there's a hand on your face, fingertips digging into your skin as they yank your head down a little further. you know you should be grabbing him, that you should be digging your claws into his torso and ripping him clean in half, throwing whatevers left aside and leaving. you know thats what you were told to do, what you were told they deserved anyway. yet, you aren't. instead, you're just giving some warning growl as you stare at them. you notice how the end of the gun is pointed away from you, how their touch seems to outline the mark on your face.
-"If you try and hurt me, I'll kill you." That's the only real heads up you get before he's crouching down and shoving your hand out of the way, grabbing something from his pocket to get to work on you. you don't fail to notice how little attention they're paying to you (aside from the focus on your wound, of course), that you could just rush forward and slam them into the ground if you really wanted.
-ok im skippin g ahead bc this is already way too goddamn long for hcs DEJWJCS
-anyway. it's a complicated relationship for a while. the others tend to avoid you a little but he just keeps showing up around you. they keep staring at you and just hanging around in your general area. it's not that much of an irritant if you ignore all the weird emotions and thoughts it keeps bringing to the forefront of your mind, forcing you to once again try and meddle with your memories.
-eventually he just starts walking over to you and sitting down next to you. sometimes he doesn't say anything at all, just sitting there and seeming to wait for one thing another- he never seems to find whatever that is, as he always gets up and leaves without a word at some point or another. then they start talking, its just little things at first, point-blank statements you can't say much on. sometimes they're just saying they and the other three will be gone for a bit othertimes it's some half-demand to let them look at the stitches they did on you (semi-related, he's not good at them. the stitches are pretty rough. at one point or another sanford has to redo them properly lmao)
-but then there's one particular night. they do the normal thing, come over, sit down next to you, not say a word. this time though you note how they're facing you. instead of some reminder or a demand for anything, he's pulling his ask down and asking a simple question. 'What do you remember?'
-it's a long conversation. he's talking more than he normally would by a long shot, occasionally stopping whenever his words seem to especially fail him and get stuck in his throat. you don't even really remember moving around, or even him pulling you in any way, you just know you somehow end up laying next to him with your head on his chest.
-whenever the memories do seem to click into place, it's hard. you have a lot of choice words for them yourself, months of being left alone without a word bubbling up with a vengeance, they listen to them. while some mags (such as yourself) do have the ability to speak, the san and dei don't think they've ever heard one with that much emotion in their voice. they've especially never seen a mag just break down like you do, they're both tensing up a little from their far away spot when hank's walking closer to you. instead of you lashing out or swiping at him though, you just sit there while he wraps his arms around you (as best as he can at least, it's a little difficult but he's able to get them around your neck and reach his other hand behind you well enough). you're eventually doing the same to him, though it's more so just your hands resting on their back.
-it takes a good while for proper trust to be rebuilt along with an honest, proper explanation from hank that only you're privy to. eventually though, there's enough trust that you're able to hang around him again without narrowly avoiding an argument or anything. they don't like being super affectionate or 'vulnerable' in front of the other two, so most times they prefer being in your or their room. also they're still touchy lmao, doesn't help that you're mag sized now and so they just want to hold you . its hard to explain, he's never been super affected by others heights and even when he is it's usually a negative thing for him but . for some reason . he just likes being shorter / smaller than you lol ,,,,,,,, hope you like holding them a lot bc that's what you're gonna be doing
-holy shit these are long so . i think .i am going to stop here.
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isolemnlyswear · 3 years
hey ev 🤭 could u pls write something abt remus showing the marauders map to the reader and explaining how to use it? tysm 😁😁😚😚
i solemnly swear | r.l |
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warnings/content : remus lupin x fem!reader , platonic!marauders x reader , swearing, mentions of sex, lots of cheeky lil jokes,
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @mistress-riddle @inks-and-jinx @jxsperhxle @punkrific @mellifluous-cosmos @krasivayadarling @orifortheweeknd @fallin-4-ya @daisyyy2516 @hoe4cedricdiggory @vsawyer1989 @fathermarty @silly-little-bl0g @outerspacecalum (tell me if you’d like to be added!)
note : thank you for beta-reading @miss-starkov <3 if any of you would like to beta read for a future fic lmk <3
a/n : yes i chose the title for my username. no i don’t regret it. and i’m sorry there is not much romantic interaction between rem and reader in this!! it’s more platonic w the marauders and remus is cute at the end but. <3
You're curious; that's all there is to it. You're desperate to open the complex folds of parchment and reveal whatever may be inside – that is, your boyfriend didn't tell you what it was before accidentally leaving it on his desk. And now he was gone, attempting to rally up the rest of the boys and prevent them from doing a reckless prank or two, leaving you alone to fight your urge to open it.
And it's stupid, really, but you give in. You sit down carefully on the desk – attempting not to make any noise, although not another soul is in the room – and pick up the paper.
You clasp gentle fingers around it, trying to open it up, but it doesn't open. It's as if it's locked; so you pull out your wand and tap it gently, reciting a quiet “Alohamora”.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and you berate yourself mentally for not realizing that Remus, along with the others, the master of all spells and tricks, would make it as simple as that.
You huff in annoyance, turning it around and inspecting the small lettering and drawings scrawled there.
Suddenly, you jump out of your seat, practically throwing the paper across the room when you hear the boys entering the room, clamoring loudly and speaking over one another.
“Where’d you put it, Moons? We need it, now,” Sirius asks, clearly annoyed.
“I don't want to give it to you if you're going to be gits about it–” the lycanthrope pauses as he turns around, finally setting his eyes on you. You're curled into the chair, worried you'll be chided for looking at this clearly important thing in the first place.
There's a few moments of silence, and Remus walks over to you, leaning against the wall flush to his desk. You open your mouth to speak, but Remus does the same.
“I'm sorry–”
“Now, what did you find?” Remus’s voice overpowers yours, for the cadence is slower and deeper, but it's not haranguing in the least; he, like you, is merely curious.
“I-I dunno,” you respond, eyes wide, and Sirius fights back laughter in the background, with James sitting opposite him wearing a prideful smirk.
“Well, I think you have what these twats want,” he says, shooting them a pointed glare, then looking back to you. He offers out his hands for you to give him back the paper, and you do so, cowering back into your chair, still scared of being reprimanded for looking through his private items.
“I'm sorry, I–” you begin, but Remus merely smiles.
“Don't be sorry. Y’were bound to find out somehow,” he says, fetching his wand from his back pocket.
“What-what is it?” you ask, now eyes wide with inquisition rather than fear. He doesn't respond, but he grins, raising an eyebrow and tapping the paper with his wand - much like you did.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The map - yes, you can see it's a map now - unfolds, intricacies making themselves seen as it flattens into a complex web of footsteps and pathways on the faded parchment.
You exhale in pure bewilderment, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“The marauder's map,” James says from the other side of the room, grin plastering his features, and Sirius has a similar one embellishing his.
“What does it do?” you finally ask, leaning toward Remus to get a better look at it.
“Hmm… Have a look up in that corner, yeah, there,” he says, and you point your finger to where you are - the Gryffindor tower - and find four pairs of footsteps in a dorm room. This door room.
And sure enough, there is one pair of footsteps directly next to another; one is labeled “Remus Lupin” and the other “Y/N L/N”.
You take in a sharp inhale, looking up at Remus, who has a shit-eating grin on his face, and then he straightens up to take a step. Your eyes flick from him, walking across the dorm to James, and to the map, which mirrors his movements exactly.
“Did- how did you make this?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing in inquiry, and if possible, Remus’s smile gets even wider.
“Take a few spells, tap into the ward system that Hogwarts already has… easy going, really!” Remus says, biting his lip as he grins again.
“Says the man that took four months to make it, let alone thinking up the idea since we fuckin’ got here,” James jabs with a roll of his eyes and a smirk, and Remus punches him in the arm, scrunching his nose.
“Hey, Prongs, I helped too,” Sirius pouts in feigned annoyance, and Remus scoffs.
“If by helping you mean telling me exactly who on the map we've pranked and attempting to list off every student in the whole bloody school, then sure, Pads, you helped,” the sandy-haired boy replies, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh fuck off, I got to about seventy.”
“The greatest wizard in our year! An uncanny ability to list off names of his peers! Get this man an award!” James says with great bravado, slapping his hands to his cheeks and getting up to kneel below Sirius.
“Bugger off, you two, or I'll maul you as Padfoot.”
“Ah! the big bad wolf! Let me protect you, Y/N, or he’ll come for our necks!” Remus says, holding back laughter, but you don't. You're giggling obsessively as the boy runs over to sweep you in his arms, feigning a growl at Sirius and guarding you with his limbs.
Sirius laughs, but it's distorted as he transforms into his animagus, a large, fluffy black dog, and runs at you.
He jumps at you – not with any attention to hurt, of course – and paws at your shoulders, grinning his doggy grin and you reach your arms from Remus’s grasp to ruffle the fur behind his ears.
A few minutes of gentle playfighting pass, and after your laughter subsides you're able to focus your attention back on the map.
You've moved to the couch now, and you're sprawled across Remus’s lap with his hands playing delicately with your hair. Sirius, the dog that is, is lying on top of you, and you're petting him idly as James rattles on about his latest endeavor with Lily.
The map catches your eye again, and you pick it up, diverting your attention from the dog on your lap and to your wand. You recite the words as Remus told you, and it opens, revealing two footsteps on top of each other where you're sitting.
James stops talking, and you look up at Remus.
“Where's Pads?” you ask, and the mess of fur on top of you perks his head up at the mention of his name.
“It doesn't show people in their animagus form,” Remus explains.
“Ah, that's why the animagus shit is useful, huh? Other than the, y’know, full moon,” you say, and Remus nods, smiling at you. “It does show us overlaid on each other, though,” you observe with a raised eyebrow, and James scoffs in laughter.
“That means we can see you when you-”
“James,” Remus warns, cutting off the bespectacled boy with a firm look, and Sirius lets out his dog laugh (a sort of snort and shake of his big head). James holds his hands up as if in surrender, and you laugh.
“Just sayin’, don't try anything.”
“Oh believe me, I will have this with me at all times we are–”
“Fucking?” James interrupts bluntly, cocking his head to the side.
Remus sighs. “I was going to say alone.”
“Same thing,” you say quietly, giggling, and Remus fights back a smirk.
“Moving on very quickly from that,” the lycanthrope says after a few beats, and you grin, sitting up in his lap to cuddle into his chest. Sirius jumps up and into his human form, laying back onto the couch and opening his mouth to speak.
“Ah-” Remus chides, “no ruining it. Twas so nice when you were silent,” he sighs in feigned wistfulness, and you laugh.
“Fuck off, you twat,” Sirius says, beginning to ramble on again, and you nestle into Remus’s lap, inhaling his scent with your face in his neck.
“M’tired,” you speak into his collarbone after a few minutes, and he smiles, kissing your forehead.
“Sleep, pretty girl. I'll be here when you wake up.”
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Omfg the story of us is one of my fav Taylor songs so can you write that with mark 🥺🥺 thank youuuuuu
|📣 ▹▹ brooo it’s one of my favorite too 😩😩 I hope u enjoy! 💕🌙 ok tbh I don’t really like the ending so sorry abt that😔😔
Send in your music requests! ✨👼🏻
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“I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us How we met and the sparks flew instantly And people would say, "they're the lucky ones’”
“Jesus you two are so lucky” Yeji couldn’t keep her comments in as you turned away from Marks retreating frame and to the green-eyed girl sitting in front of you at the library desk you two were currently occupying. Late night study sessions for the upcoming college exams called for loyal boyfriends to bring coffee from the campus starbucks for you and your best friend, effortlessly gaining brownie points with you.
“What do you mean we’re lucky?” You snickered as you handed her coffee to her and immediately sucked in your own cold, bitter sweet; feeling the coffee practically revive your body.
Yeji sighed with an elongated eye roll to express her clear annoyance at your confusion. “Y/n, everyone knows you and Mark are the cutest couple on campus. I mean you two met at what, a frat party?-“
“-yeah” you mumbled.
“-Yeah, and you two immediately clicked. I mean your two year anniversary is coming up, right? I won’t be surprised if you two are telling your children how you met in 10 years.” She laughed at the end of her sentence as you gasped and balled up an empty piece of paper in front of you; throwing it at her giggling and arm-protected frame as you whisper yelled,
“Yeji - shut up!” The light pink hue undoubtedly covered your face and ears at her claims as you both went back to the notes in front of you. Yeji - quickly forgetting the conversation - started complaining about the riparian plants of the San Joaquin (“-like we’re not even at the San Joaquin-“) but your mind was too preoccupied with the previous conversation, and a smile slowly etched it’s way onto your face as her words settled deep into your heart -
Unfortunately setting you up for heartbreak.
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“Oh, a simple complication Miscommunications lead to fall out So many things that I wish you knew So many walls up I can't break through”
“Well you were supposed to come over and help me pack!” You couldn’t help your voice from failing you and slightly raising in accusation and anger, and you cringed at the annoyance of your tone. You could hear Mark sigh on the other side of the receiver - even over the sounds that occupied his side of the call.
“Y/n, I know, I’m sorry. I thought you meant later. I didn’t know you needed the help right now.” You wanted to ask him to come over now; to drop whatever commitment he was already at and come be with you like he said he would, but the idea of stressing him more than the situation already is, you’re sure, left a twisted feeling in your stomach, and a metallic taste in your mouth. And, with yet another sigh - maybe the 40th one through out this entire, 6 minute call - you told him that it wasn’t a big deal and he could make it up to you later. You both mumbled your I love you’s before he hung up first - leaving you in complete silence.
Your heart burned at the thought of yet another conversation passed where you refused to let out the feelings that were too overgrown for the space of your chest. There was so much you wanted to say to Mark; so much that you wished he knew. Usually, you wouldn’t hesitate to tell him how you feel - but lately the conversations seemed strained and overworked, and you had reserved yourself to the insecure thoughts that maybe Mark didn’t want to hear how you felt, and maybe it was best for your relationship if you kept them in.
You spaced out your gaze as you looked around your almost empty dorm room. It was the end of your junior year of college, and you and Mark were supposed to be packing up your room. Mark, however, forgot about it and chose to instead spend his time hanging out with his frat brothers (like he always did).
No. You slapped the side of your head and shook it back and forth while trying to get rid of the jealous thoughts. It’s okay. It’s not that deep. You’re fine.
To distract yourself, you shot Yeji a text to come help you with your room. At this, your thoughts wandered back to that late night in the school library, and your frown deepened.
You’re fine. We’re fine.
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“Now I'm standing alone In a crowded room And we're not speaking and I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me yeah I don't know what to say since the twist of fate When it all broke down and the story of us Looks a lot like a tragedy now”
The music blasting through the speakers of the party was giving you nothing short of a migraine, and the unknown, red alcohol in your cup was doing nothing to soothe it. In your defense, it’s not like you wanted to be here. You would have preferred to be back in your new apartment, unpacking your boxes with a romcom playing, a candle burning, and your new cat, Ivy, cuddled up on the couch. Yet, when Yeji all but bullied you through text to come to the first party of your last year of college, you didn’t have much of a choice other than to attend. You hoped that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as your mind was playing it up to be, this thought being reinforced by your best friend. The minute you walked through the doors of the quite familiar frat house, however, you instantly regretted ever showing your face in these hallowed halls.
You knew almost everyone in this room, yet also felt like you knew no one. Lately, that was a pretty normal feeling for you. You had spent the majority of your college experience being friends with the people that partied all around you; getting to know them at events not so different than this one. Yet, you - ever the shy one - wouldn’t have even known them, if it weren’t for a certain person that occupied the majority of your thoughts. The very same person standing across the room from you, playing beer pong with his fellow frat members.
This summer had not been kind to you.
Your uncertainties about your relationship with Mark bled into the summer heat, and were reinforced by the distance you two shared. Calls became far too in between, and texts were sporadic and short; usually just quick check-ins and awkward hellos and goodbyes.
Those were all okay for you. Well, they weren’t okay, but they were better than nothing; better than not having him.
The climax of the summer, however, came mid July, when you called and he did not answer. This wasn’t a new thing, so you left it. Yet when you called him a second, third, and fourth time (in the span of 24 hours) and he never answered, never texted you, never even acknowledged you, you knew something was wrong. You didn’t want to be the annoying one in the relationship (always so insecure), so you left it once more.
For a week.
A week had gone by without so much as a two letter word between each other. Deep in your heart, you knew the relationship was over at that point. But how could one admit that they had lost the love of their life so easily? So finally, after three weeks of no contact, you texted him a four letter message that hopefully explained everything you felt.
So this is it?
Mark responded.
I think so.
That summer was recorded as one of the hottest since 1946, but you never noticed. Your tears kept you cold.
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“See me nervously pulling at my clothes And trying to look busy And you're doing your best to avoid me I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us How I was losing my mind when I saw you here But you held your pride like you should have held me”
If you could cross the room and pull Mark into your hold and hug and kiss him like you two never even broke up, you would do it at as fast as the speed of sound. But Mark didn’t want you anymore, he made that clear. He was laughing at something Haechan said, and he looked beautiful; you felt idiotic for staring. You prayed he - or anyone else, for that matter - didn’t notice you there, but after shooting a text to Yeji that you were leaving, and looking back up at him for the last time, you were surprised to see that he was already looking at you. His eyes were rounded larger than usual, and even from your corner across the room, you could see the shock in them at your presence.
Time stopped as you two stared at each other, before you finally let out a small cough and looked down at your shirt to “fix” it, while Mark quickly looked anywhere but you. Satisfied with whatever you were trying to do with your clothes, you looked at Mark’s awkward figure one last time through your eyelashes, before turning and walking out of the party. When Mark looked back to where he last saw you, you weren’t there anymore, and his heart became hyperaware of the ever present twinge of pain that seemed to constantly be there, whether he numbed it out or not.
To be clear, Mark isn’t too sure why he broke up with you. While he still was deeply in love with you, you and him didn’t seem to be on the same page anymore, and that was enough reason for him to leave you. He wished he could hold you, hug you, love you like he used to. But every time you came to his head, the cringe at the way you two ended things quickly followed, and he’s too embarrassed to even think about talking to you again.
With a sigh, Mark turned back to his friends, and spent the rest of the night trying to drink away the memory of your face across the room.
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“The battle's in your hands now But I would lay my armor down If you'd say you'd rather love than fight”
The insistent knocking on your apartments door at 3am scared more than annoyed you, and you couldn’t help yourself from grabbing the bat next to your bed before slowly making your way towards the door. You had 911 on speed dial in one hand and your bat in the other. It was moments like this that made you especially miss Mark, because lord knows you couldn’t fight back if someone tried to break in (not like you wouldn’t try).
Trying to distract yourself from the fear, you thought back to the party a month earlier, and your terrified thoughts had you thinking ‘if this is how I die, I’m going to regret never talking to Mark again’ as you arrived at your door.
You slowly lifted yourself to your peep hole, and let out a gasp at who you saw on the other side. You quickly placed your bat on the ground and your phone on the counter by your door, and opened the door wide.
“Mar-“ you didn’t get far before Mark took one huge step towards you, cupped your cheeks with his hands, and smashed his lips onto yours. You both stumbled into your home before mark pushed the door closed and spun you both, slightly pushing you against the door. After about 45 seconds of intense making out, Mark broke away and placed his forehead on your own.
“Hi,” you giggled out, to which Mark laughed himself.
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hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
can i ask why shownu is your bias?
of course u can !!!!! a heads up though jkhsa i always end up going on the Longest of rants when talking about how much i love shownu nd why he’s my bias ,,,
so !! firstable !!!!!!! i want to talk about his dedication to monsta x. it’s honestly something that’s just ? so selfless and incredible about him. time and time again, on every solo activity he’s had, he’s never once failed to mention his team. he takes every opportunity to introduce them and the members and always has the loveliest smile on his face when he thinks about them and he makes it so obvious how much he loves monsta x ?? literally u Cannot apply the joke of him being a robot here because i feel he is at his most expressive when he’s away from his friends and talks about them ,,,, like he just looks so happy to mention monsta x and he really finds little reminders in anything (ie. master key where he chose the number 7 to represent mx !!!) and i feel like he just has to let everyone know he’s part of the best team in the world :-(
shownu has such a strong affinity to being the leader as well nd like ?? he’s one of the best leaders i’ve ever come across ?? he knows when to lead the group and also when to let each of them shine individually (which is like All The Time im gonna b soft but he always always always lets his members shine before he does) and he has such a good dynamic with every member and with the team itself like ??? he’s been with them for so long ofc it’s obvious he’ll develop a good repertoire with them but he literally takes it to a more personal level ?? he literally treats all of mx like family nd as the eldest sibling in my family ,,, i can really see the resemblance between how we both treat the younger ones . i love watching him in the background of videos with different members because you can really get an understanding of who they are to him, and how he treats them all... like hes just such a loving person and it comes across in actions so strongly im always a little overwhelmed like wow ?? he holds so much love for his members and he might feel burdened as their leader but he shoulders it all so well without complaint and everyone knows they can help him too and :-( u really just dont get that kind of relationship with people you only know on the surface
and his talent ??? like ??? wow im blown away ????? every single era, im always waiting to see how he’ll surprise me and he honestly never disappoints. his vocals, his dancing, his stage presence have improved immensely since predebut. he went from being this boy who was overflowing with talent but had a clumsy touch to being ethereal on stage, to having beautifully trained vocals and a powerful dancing style that really captivates everyone who watches him. he’s always in his element when he dances, that i wont deny, but when he sings he has this ~glow~ around him that makes my heart flutter and fall in love a little more ??? especially when he gets so into the song and he scrunches up his nose to hit the note nd always gets this excited look when he hits it . he makes it so obvious that singing and dancing is his passion and i really feel ?? so blessed that i get to be a witness to his improvement. you really can’t undermine his improvement or his current ability because it’s ?? it’s There and it’s breathtaking
nD ANOTHER THING is his visuals !!!!!!! like ??? shownu is honestly one of the handsomest people i’ve ever seen ??? he has such contrasting features (well built body vs baby face) and its so so endearing to me :-( im especially in love with his big smiles, where his eyes scrunch up into the prettiest eyesmiles and he has the prettiest smile and his laugh !!!!!!! i love his laugh and his laughing habits so much !!!! how he always covers his face when its something embarrassing or how sometimes, when the members are being silly, he gets so into laughing that he doesn’t know what to do with his body . that to me is one of his purest laughs and i really cherish it every time he laughs like that !!!! nd plus jfhshfjs sometimes he even giggles and thats just !! me, when cupid points a Love Arrow to my chest: do it . pull the trigger cupid im in love with one (1) man
speaking abt laughter i wanna talk abt his humor too kjfhsakj hes honestly so so funny ??? like im not even being biased but he’s truly one of the funniest members of mx and i feel like people dont really see that because hes always so deadpan about it ,,, like his idle comments about situations are always the best but it’s also just as funny when he makes jokes that mx encourages like .. wow ... comedian of the year ? Definitely ! nd self cams too !!!!! i love mx self cams because hes always so into it .... like his face is :| but the way he moves is :D and !!!! hes really always doing the most for us mbbs :-(
also i literally talk about this All The Fuckinf Time but !!! hes not a robot !!!!! hes really not !!!!!!!!!!!!! just pay attention to him for longer than 10 seconds (eSPECIALLY with his fancams) nd u can see hes so expressive !!! he responds so well to his environment nd like !! idk abt u but thats not robotic at all !!! square up if u think hes an emotionless robot i’ll literally dump 900 fancams !!!!!! 
in conclusion like .... shownu is my bias because of the above ... bc he always goes above nd beyond for his team .... because hes so incredibly talented as a singer and as a dancer and as an idol and bc hes so endearing in so many ways that my heart is rly abt to just Fail nd give out from how much i love him
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highgaarden · 7 years
ok so bc I'm all like DON'T GIVE UP THE SUPERPOWERS wrt Caro rn I thought why not request a canon-compliant superhero non-AU for Caro where somewhere down the line she decides to ~use her powers for good~ and do the vigilante thing, mask and everything (no stupid impractical costume tho). Extra points if she and Bonnie form a whole Witch/Vampire superhero team. Klaus can read abt it in the paper and figure out it's Caro+Bonnie and be amused and be into it. ♥♥♥
i tried my best. also, i have no clue what’s going on in the originals, but from scraps i get an a very helpful explanation from my friend anne, i sort of got the gist of it, tried to work more of the plot into this, and then decided to just… not. much apologies, please be kind to my v. confused self should you decide to leave a review.
or: a superheroes origin story in five parts. 
Klaus/Caroline, Bonnie/Damon | wc. 3705 | ch. 1/5
read on: AO3 / ff.net
InWhich Everybody’s Week Must Have Been Pretty Rough
The weekend after Klaus escaped from his wall, he sat down in his studywith three bottles of liquor and double that amount of fresh blood, a steakcooked medium rare, and five years’ worth of newspapers to catch up with theworld.
Freya regarded him curiously. “You could have done away with the mess.We just ordered those new tablets.”
Rebekah was much ruder about the piles he left. She was probably stillmad she had had to miss four seasons of Supernaturalin order to save his skin.
Klaus didn’t answer them. He continued skimming the pages with aprevailing interest, rubbing ink and paper between his fingers. He soon foundthat he hadn’t missed much in his Marcel-imposed exile; that the mundanities oflife had persevered through the years.
His thoughts started to wonder when he was three-years deep into hiscatching up. Nothing caught his eye, and he was starting to feel the gratitudeof being able to sit in a comfortable armchair as opposed to being shackled toa floor dusted with rubble chip away.
Until he saw it.
He read the little opinion piece, then read it again, and a third timefor good measure.
And then he called Damon Salvatore.
At that point, not even Damon knew of their little hijinks despite havingmoved himself into their apartment. He used the pretence of “keeping an eye onthem” to make it past the front door. The living room became his sanctum santorum, and the couch he tookrefuge in constantly smelled like booze and Doritos.
Caroline was not happy with this arrangement, and made sure to be veryvocal about it every chance she got.
Sometimes it ranged from loud, to shrill, towake-your-neighbours-up-at-3am-because-Damon-you-fuck-you-left-your-underwear-in-my-laundry-basket piercing.
Tonight, Damon had the apartment to himself, and was glad for the peaceand quiet. Caroline was out on a date, and Bonnie was at the library borrowinga book. She was always at the library borrowing books, and he liked tellingpeople how bookish she was in a tone that was both patronizing and fond. It hadtaken some time, but he had finally perfected it.
In the middle of his Grey’sAnatomy rerun (“Denny? You chosea dying sack of meat over Alex? Really,Izzie?” he yelled at the tv), his phone rang.
It was Klaus. He hadn’t heard from the fucker in more than a decade, andwas immediately suspicious.
“City Morgue,” he answered cautiously.
“Just to be clear, you’re still second best,” came the familiar gout ofKlaus’s voice. “I only called you because Stefan’s number seems to not beworking, mate.”
“That’s ‘cause it’s not,” Damon said. “How do you still have mine?”
“If I wanted idle chit chat I would’ve resurrected Finn again.”
Damon muted the tv and got to his feet. “And yet here you are, makingidle chit chat.”
“I merely called to enquire about Caroline and Bonnie’s wellbeing.”
“They’re fine,” Damon said shortly.
“You best make sure they’re getting adequate rest for all thecrime-fighting they’re doing,” Klaus said, and killed the line.
Damon spat out his bourbon.
That’s how it all started, really.
Caroline was having a crummy night. The sole of her shoe had torn awayas she was chasing her assailant across the rooftops of Midtown, and it nowflapped with every step she took, and slowed her down considerably.
“I’m gonna get you, Raul!” she yelled, to make up for how she was losinghim, fast. “Your album sucked!”
Raul the Eurovision Vampire came to a screeching halt. He was screechingquite literally, because of all the insults Caroline had hurled at him in thepast week of stalking him, this one hurt the most.
“And your win last year?” Caroline continued as she hauled herself overa crumbling ledge. “Total pandering.”
Raul hissed and bared his fangs. “You know nothing of talent, sillygirl. If you did you wouldn’t be spending your nights in cowardice, hiding yourface with a gaudy mask. A poor man’s Catwoman.”
Caroline bristled, because it had taken her and Bonnie splurging on asewing course in Uptown to get their stitching just right.
“And you would’ve gotten more than a deal sponsoring mattresses afteryou won Eurovision,” she retorted, and Raul actually looked pained.
Actual, legit pain.
Caroline sighed. “Look, I’ll cut you a deal. See this stake here? Iwon’t stick it in your heart if you meet my conditions.”
Raul warily eyed the stake she was twirling between her fingers.Normally he would have told her to kiss his ass, but he was cornered, and hedidn’t fancy becoming a splat on the sidewalk.
That, and he was afraid of heights.
“And the conditions are?” he asked finally.
Caroline took a moment to rip the failing sole completely off her shoe.It came off with one clean pull, and when she looked up Raul was still there,which meant there was still hope for a redemption arc for him.
She gave him a winsome smile. “Do you have a pen?”
Bonnie slid in through her bedroom window, heady with glory. She hadgotten better at sneaking in and out at odd hours, but evidently not by much,since she managed to wake Damon up.
This was because he was in her bed when she threw herself on it.
“Damon, what the hell?”
Damon awoke with a snort. “A-ha! Proofof your foolhardy life choices!”
Bonnie rolled her eyes and unhooked her cape. She made a mental note to passCaroline twenty dollars. “Took you long enough to realize.”
“I am living with hoodwinks.”Damon pouted. “How could you not have let me in on this secret?”
“Damon, you helped me with laundry last week. You literally foldedpieces of my costume. It had my alter ego name on stitched across the front.”She swung her feet and walked to the paper partition by her dresser, where shewiggled out of her outfit safe from Damon’s prying eyes into a worn Whitmoresweater and blue shorts with lightning patterns on them.
“Are those anti-aging potions you’re brewing finally screwin’ with yourhead?” Damon was still on a roll. “You know how I had to find out? Klaus!”
“Klaus is alive?” Bonnie asked.
“Yes, and even in his state of barely living he ousted you and BlondeDistraction’s sly night crime-kicking.”
Bonnie started to respond, but then got sidetracked. “Blonde Distraction?”
“Uh – yeah.” He fiddled with his phone. “Blonde Distraction and FeistyFire.”
“That is fucking terrible,” Bonnie said mildly. “And not even ournames.”
“That’s what I call you in my blog, which I only update when I’m drunk. I’vebeen following you for years. Checkout the threads!” Damon waved his phone in her face.
“Are you drunk right now?” she asked.
“Yes,” Damon said sulkily, “but only half-stupid. You were never at thelibrary, were you?”
“Well, you were really sweet about it—”
“And you kept missing all those scrabble/pizza nights!” Damon howledinto his hands, betrayal gutting him like a fish.
“Damon,” Bonnie narrowed her eyes. “I’m tired. “The next time you spendthe night in my bed, I’m burning your brains out.”
“Reduced to being treated as one of your petty criminals,” Damonsniffed. “So be it. Our friendship always had an expiry date, huh?”
Damon slinked out of her room. Bonnie considered calling after him, butfigured she’d reason in the morning. For now, she had a huge bruise in her sideto nurse, and sleep was calling.
It started with scaring off new vampires from innocent clubgoers, andthen keeping the pasty creep-o’s who lived in the apartment adjacent to theirsin line when bodies started piling up in their shared dumpster.
Caroline hadn’t blown all her cash for an apartment in New York just forit to be crawling with the diseased, depravity and blood, so she took it uponherself to clean it up. An act of charity, if you will.
At night, she donned a mask and put on sensible boots. No stupidimpractical spandex for her, nor did she for a minute entertain midriff-baringleather, no matter how hot she might have looked.
Sipping from her thermos of warmed AB, she kneeled by stone gargoylesand prowled through the night. Afterwards she would either jump from rooftop torooftop, or practice her parkour, feeling invincible and (not gonna lie) reallyfucking cool.
At around 1am she got the read from Bonnie (in other words, Bonnietexted her in their coded-emoji) that their target for the night had arrived.
From five stories above she followed the sound of his footsteps throughthe alleyway, waiting to catch a heartbeat. When none came, she knew that hewas the one. His steps faltered when he heard a noise behind him. Caroline tookthe opportunity to jump down on him.
“Hello,” she smiled sweetly, when he was thrashing and spittingunderneath her. She was sitting on his back, which couldn’t be comfortable.
“Killing. Maiming. Money-laundering.” Bonnie came slowly from the mouthof the alleyway, her cape flowing behind her. “That last one’s kind of random,but the other shit we have on you—yikes.”
Caroline gathered his hair in her gloved hands and yanked hard. Thevampire cried out, enraged, but didn’t look away from her piercing gaze.
“You’ve got a locker full of civilians waiting like lambs forslaughter,” she said slowly, so he might not miss the threat in her voice.“Tell us where they are and you get to live.”
“I’m gonna have to call your bluff,” he rasped. “I’ve cut a pretty gooddeal, and ain’t no stinkin’ blonde and her twitchy sidekick are gonna stop me.”
Bonnie’s face darkened.
“Oooh,” Caroline whistled. “Bad choice of words there, bud. She’s not mysidekick. We’re partners. I kick ass, she takes names. Sometimes I take names,and she kicks ass. Though ‘kick’ might not be the right verb here…”
“I prefer not having to touch you scum,” Bonnie said, and from herfingers erupted flames.
Caroline smiled, eyes shining brightly in the fear that Bonnie hadincited into the now-still vampire.
“What are vampires most afraid of?” Caroline whispered into his fear.
“Werewolf venom.”
Caroline clicks her tongue. “No, the other thing.”
The vampire, cold sweat on his forehead, hesitated. ‘Uh—stakes?”
Caroline knuckled the base of his skull. “Fire, you moron. She’s waving it right in your face!”
It didn’t help that he passed out immediately.
Bonnie sighed and dropped her hands. The alley dimmed once again. “Canwe talk about this whole intimidation tactic thing?”
Caroline refused to look her in the eye.
It took about twenty minutes for him to come to, by which time Carolinehad gotten bored of sitting on his back and had decided to chain him to thedumpster instead.
After they heckled and tortured the information out of him, Carolinepulled out the usual contract – stating that no further harm would come to himfrom their hands if he got the hell out of the city and signed along the dottedline – when he started monologueing and posturing in a way that was really, really familiar.
Caroline pulled the pen away from his trembling grasp for it. Shesquinted in the dark alley, trying to make out his eyes.
“Caroline?” Bonnie asked, but Caroline barely heard.
The vampire was still monologueing, and Caroline felt a rising anger.She knew a compelled gaze anywhere.
“Damn it, Bon.”
Her fist swung out of her own accord, knocking the vampire out cold.There was a satisfying crack accompanying the slump of his neck, and Carolinedusted her hands off.
Bonnie eyed his body with distaste. “Harsh, Care. Don’t you usually waitfor them to sign the contract first?”
True to his word, Damon had indeed started a blog following the accountsof Blonde Distraction and Feisty Fire (not their actual names, but given thefact that he only ever blogged when he was drunk, he never bothered to learntheir real names) and their vigilante crime-fighting on his blog, WatchOutVillainz.com.
It was a smorgasbord of garish colour, Comic Sans, and badly-wordedheadings.
Klaus would never admit it, but he loved reading it.
He followed it with the same tenacity Caroline had for new episodes ofThe Bachelor, and one night even set up a username for himself to partake inthe lengthy discussions over who Blonde Distraction and Feisty Fire might be.
His username was entirely anonymous, and he enjoyed having a persona toparade as he took down trolls and ventured the tags, verbally maiming anyoneand everyone who dared speak ill of Blonde Distraction or Feisty Fire.
Granted, he didn’t care much for the witch, but thought that Carolinewould like it if he were to stand up for her too, so he did.
Damon showed up at his hotel room one night sullen-faced. “Get off mywebsite.”
“Make me,” Klaus said, typing progressively faster on his keyboard.
Damon failed to make him, and returned home, turning all his loyalfollowers on one hybrid_master_127. Unfortunately, Klaus seemed to have accrueda cluster of minions of his own in his short time of perusingWatchOutVillainz.com, and they threatened to hack into the mainframe of one ofhis life’s most precious work.
Damon, having limited knowledge of IT, highly doubted the existence of amainframe and whether or not it could be hacked.
In the end decided to play it safe, and Klaus stayed.
The way Caroline figured out it was Klaus who had been sending thugvamps her way was almost as fast as him discovering their true identities asthe Vigilantes of the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.
A week after Damon had almost thrashed his hotel room, Klaus opens thedoor to his magnificently ransacked quarters. Caroline was sitting on whatappeared to be the cracked granite of his bathtub, in his living room, with herlegs crossed. She was still in her mask and boots.
“What is wrong with you?” sheyelled. “Why can’t you pick up the phone and call like a normal person?”
“That would have ruined the fun,” Klaus replied. “Besides, would youhave answered?”
Caroline hesitated.
“I thought so.”
“You never answered any of mycalls.”
“I was chained up in a wall, love.”
Caroline considered this. “Hm.”
Klaus picked his way towards her, straightening lamps as he went. Minutegoosefeathers floated about his shoulders; the pillows had all been spearedonto the ceiling fan like kebabs. “It was all too easy to suss out it was you.”
Caroline refused to bite. Instead, she stayed silent, watching him comecloser and closer.
“You offered them redemption instead of gutting them alive, in documentform to boot.” Klaus sounded reproachful and he righted an upset table to hidehis exasperation. “Furthermore, Bonnie made no secret of her pyromanicabilities. She was always very artful with that certain power of hers.”
“You compelled yourself a massacre just to draw me out,” she hissed. “Ihappen to take my craft very seriously—”
“I know, love. I’m not laughing.” And indeed he wasn’t. In fact, he sortof admired the spirit in which she undertook her task. In all honesty, he believedthis to be a phase—it took him a while to process the fact that she’d chosen tospend her eternity (or at least, a significant early part of it) doing this.
“So why are you here?” Caroline asked.
“Because.” He paused. Why was hehere? Papa Tunde’s torment had left him withered and raw; Hayley and Freya hadgone to the ends of the earth to release him and when he’d woken up Hope waswell in her teen years. Despite the world staying to same, too much of what hecared about had changed. He needed—he needed to make sure, needed to see forhimself, how she was.
Perhaps she was right. A phone call would have worked better.
“I wanted to offer my services,” is what he decided on at last.
Caroline snorted so loud he thought it was a piece of his ceiling fallingon them.
“I know all the criminals in this city,” he insisted, dogging her downthe street. Caroline walked remarkably fast in the night. She had left her maskin the debris of his room, stating she had ‘plenty more’.
“I’d rather go to vampire jail,” she told him sedately.
“Ah, that rather poorly masked vampire rehab you set up,” he said,falling into step with her. “The Elizabeth-Bill Institute for the MorallyBankrupt. I was just short of amused as to what an easy target you madeyourself.”
“And yet the only person who managed to figure it all out was you,” shesaid.
“Well—Kol did, too. We were playing crime-bingo with your exploits.”Klaus grinned. “I was one money-launder away from a win, so I decided to pullthings to my favour.”
“I’ll wall you in myself,” she seethed.
“Oh, where will you possibly find the time in between all thiscrime-fighting?”
Caroline whipped around, fangs bared. “Leave me alone, Klaus.”
“How are the twins?” he asked gently.
“None of your business.”
“They should be around Hope’s age, shouldn’t they?”
“Stop talking about them.”
Caroline took a detour through an alleyway, and with more agility thanKlaus expected, climbed her way up the side of a building, all to get away fromhim.
Klaus weighed his options, then hefted himself up after her.
He found her sitting on a rooftop edge, the city pulsating beneath them.He sat down beside her and was surprised when she offered him a thermos ofblood. It was still warm.
“Where were you keeping that?” he asked admiringly, studying her outfit.
She sent him a look that could kill, and went back to countingheadlights. “Please don’t tell anyone,” she said quietly, after a while.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said. He cleared his throat and glanced ather. “When did it start?”
Caroline shuts her eyes. “A few years ago. Josie and Lizzie were growingup pretty fast. Alaric—he, well. Didn’t want me to have…” she gestured vaguely,“words were exchanged. I decided that if I could do my part to help in anyother way, I’d do it.”
“You’ll soon be bored with the futility of it, I imagine.”
“I’ve got an end goal in mind,” she said absently.
After a fashion he realized she had stopped counting headlights and wasfocused on a window in the building across the cobweb of streets. Two girls,remarkably alike, were pulling the curtains closed for the night.
“They’re nocturnal creatures,” he said softly. “If I could venture a guess,just like their mother.”
Caroline didn’t answer. Instead, she rested her head on his shoulder. Hestiffened in surprise, but she didn’t comment on it, neither did she move away.“Next time, just call. You can’t base my reactions on the girl you knew tenyears ago.”
“Some things will always remain singular,” he said. He wasn’t speakingabout her. She hoped she saw it in the look he was giving her.
Caroline pulled away slowly. For a long time, she only looked at him.Klaus took a chance and reached for her hand, after which she tangled herfingers in his. They stayed that way for only a short moment, but the feelingof her palm, soft in his, lingered long after she’d slid her thermos back intoits hiding place on her body and left.
Damon had taken to fixing them breakfast in the wee hours of the morningwhen they finally returned. He reasoned that it was the least he could do, whatwith all the slander he keeps slinging their way on his website.
“To blindside the scrutinizing eyes of the public!” he insisted,flipping pancakes.
However, when Caroline returned home with an extra guest, his spatulafell onto the island with a smack.
“I refuse to feed him,” he told Bonnie. So offended was he that Carolinehad brought Klaus home that he refused to speak to Caroline too. Looking rightthrough them, he pointed out, “And I only made pancakes for three.”
Damon gestured angrily at the table, where three immaculate plates piledhigh with pancakes and cream had been set.
Klaus scowled. “But there’s four more, burning, by the way, on theskillet.” He tried not to sound too indignant.
“You kidding me? These are all for Bonnie!”
As the two immortal beings squabbled, Caroline speared a triangle ofpancake with her fork. Bonnie sipped her glass of orange juice. It felt strangefor the apartment to be so full, especially with the presence of Damon’s entireliquor cabinet dotting every corner.
Klaus finally wrestled himself a seat next to Caroline, but not beforeflicking off Damon’s shirt that had been slung over the back of the chair with dispassion.
“That’s it! I’m done! You can make breakfast yourselves from now on!” Damon yanked off his apron and was gonewith a huff.
“Does this happen a lot?” Klaus enquired, sniffing around a piece ofbacon.
“More times than you can imagine,” Bonnie said.
In the coming days, Klaus visited more often. His hotel room had beenproperly demolished, he took to reminding Caroline, who sighed and held out atowel for him to use her shower.
Bonnie delighted in the fact that she now has leverage against having abroody roommate/parasite, seeing as Caroline had one of her own now, too.
Damon continued to be miserable.
Klaus continued to goad them with his offer.
Caroline and Bonnie continued their crime-fighting.
“Let’s not make this routine,” Bonnie told Caroline as she garrotted avampire who had been hell-bent on chowing down on a family of four. “By nextweek we kick them out.”
“You got it, Bon,” Caroline said, waving the contract in the chokingvampire’s face. “We’re burning the couch. And can we finally talk about that cape of yours?”
Bonnie rolled her eyes, but nodded her agreement as the vampire veryreluctantly signed her name along the dotted line.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
WOW, REALLY? Terry Crews Throws Gabrielle Union Under The Bus, Defends ‘AGT’ Amid Investigation + Gabby Hires Orlando Jones For ‘LA’s Finest’
When “America’s Got Talent” host Terry Crews was offered the chance to show support for former “AGT” judge Gabrielle Union (who publicly took up for him during his sexual assault controversy) – he didn’t. In fact, he threw her under the bus, calling “AGT” the most diverse workplace ever.
Get those deets, plus more about how Gabby proves we’re #StrongerTogether with the hiring of Orlando Jones inside…
We want to say we’re surprised by this, but sadly, black women are used to this sort of treatment.
”America’s Got Talent” host Terry Crews appeared on the “TODAY” show where he was asked about former judge Gabrielle Union’s exit from the show after one season. You’ll recall, she reportedly made allegations of a "toxic" and "racially insensitive" work environment behind-the-scenes at the show.
In the interview, the 51-year-old host said since he isn’t a woman, he can not speak on any sexism claims and as far as racism on the show, he has never experienced it.
“First of all, I can’t speak for sexism because I’m not a woman, but I can speak on behalf of any racism comments,” the “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” actor said. “That was NEVER my experience on ‘America’s Got Talent.'” 
“In fact, it was the most diverse place I have ever been in my 20 years of entertainment," he added.
After it was announced that Gabby and fellow judge Julianne Hough would not be returning to the show, there were reports that Gabby exited the show due to its “toxic culture," which included “excessive notes” on her appearance, including accusations that she was told her hairstyles were “too black” for viewers.
Terry said he believes we should “listen to women and always believe women,” but since the allegations were “given by an unnamed source” he’s seemingly on the fence when it comes to speaking out about it. He said "Gabrielle has not made any statements to this day about any of these allegations publicly,” so he wasn’t sure what to say/do. He asked his wife Rebecca King-Crews what he should do and she told him, “If [Union] hasn’t made a statement, why would you?”
The "AGT" host also said he had not spoken to Gabby since the allegations surfaced.
We’d like to note, Gabby hasn’t directly addressed the allegations, however, after her exit she broke her silence with a tweet, thanking everyone for their support.
"So many tears, so much gratitude," she tweeted. "THANK YOU! Just when you feel lost, adrift, alone... you got me up off the ground. Humbled and thankful, forever."
Peep Terry's interview at the 2:45-minute mark below:
Sir, if you're a true alley, you don't have to experience sexism to comment on it.
After Gabby caught wind of his interview, she hopped on Twitter to respond. She first put up a tweet about being thrown under the bus and how she stepped up when he shared his truth. She didn't include his name, but we know who she's talking about.
“Thank u! Cuz girlllllll,” she tweeted. “Truth telling, wanting change & having MULTIPLE witnesses who bravely came forward to let EVERYONE know I didn't lie or exaggerate, really exposes those who enthusiastically will throw you under the bus, forgetting quickly who stepped up 4 THEIR truth.”
"Can someone please ask abt what happens to all that diversity folks are talking about BEHIND THE SCENES. Like, legit...where the hell is all that diversity in the production though homie?," she asked. "In the decision making ranks who control the fate of the diversity in front of the camera?"
Everything is funny. pic.twitter.com/oUaW6lklpi
— Clarkisha Thee Bully (@IWriteAllDay_) January 24, 2020
You’ll recall, Gabby was one celeb who publicly supported Terry Crews when he accused WME agent Adam Venit of sexually assaulting him at an industry party in 2016. So yeah, this is like a slap in the face.
And check it...
When Terry was in the midst of his sexual assault controversy, he said he was surprised by the amount of support he received from black WOMEN.
“To be honest with you when it first happened there was none for a long time. But, I have to say this: the people who surprised me the most were black women,” Terry said. “Black men did not want any part of it.” “All my support came from black women, straight up. And that’s kind of wild. It shocked me. It shocked my family," he continued.
The "L.A.'s Finest" actress then went on to say to question the diversity behind-the-scenes at "AGT," specifically the hair and makeup department. She also said they all had agreed to not speak about the situation until the investigation had been completed, but it seems all bets are off now.
"Let's also talk about where the diversity is in the hair & makeup dept for contestants that DOES NOT reflect all that diversity that hits the stage. Let's Google the exec's that run the show & ask follow up ?? about THAT egregious lack of diversity. Let's discuss the facts," she tweeted.
Gabrielle also proved what solidarity actually looks like.
"American Gods" star Orlando Jones was recently fired from the series. And he claims he was axed from the STARZ series due to the racist new showrunner. In several social media posts, Orlando said his character Mr. Nancy had “the wrong message for black America" and the new showrunner didn't like it, so he let him go.
After Orlando went public with the firing, Gabby hopped on Twitter to request a sitdown with him. And it apparently happened because he now has a recurring role in the second season of "L.A.'s Finest."
"What solidarity looks like. We are SO much stronger together. So happy to work with you my friend! @TheOrlandoJones," she tweeted.
Despite it all, Gabby will continue to fight: 
Folks on Twitter are sounding off about Terry's comments with disappointment:
  Beyond disappointing. Terry Crews could have spoken to his experience without going overboard to discredit @itsgabrielleu. BTW, I didn’t have to know Terry Crews or see what happened to him to support him. Sadly, black women are used to this. https://t.co/2uuQ4Yr6oG
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) January 24, 2020
  I wish I could say this is disappointing, but that’s not a strong enough word. As a person who wrote an entire piece about Terry Crews and the lack of support he received from Black men over his assault, I am appalled to see him move like this.
This is garbage, @terrycrews https://t.co/BhLEAgCJh5
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) January 24, 2020
  Terry Crews is disgraceful for not only not publicly supporting Gabrielle Union but for choosing that moment to cape for the show. A black woman simply needed your support and you chose that moment to celebrate those who wronged her. No excuse for that
— God's Trombone (@TheBlackCyde) January 24, 2020
  It’s so sick that Black women & Black queers rolled up for Terry Crews while his cishet male peers shitted on him hard for his trauma & at his 1st opportunities he threw queer ppl & BW right under the bus for his comfort in patriarchy, etc. Not even for his survival... COMFORT
— Muting/Blocking = Self Care (@QueeringPsych) January 24, 2020
  Terry Crews is yet another example why I only support black women. I don’t give a fuck. Lmao y’all gon learn one day
— Muscadine and therapy stan account. (@MiAmorAlia) January 24, 2020
  Terry Crews received so much love and support from Black women. It's bullshit the way he is tap dancing and throwing Gabrielle Union under the bus.
— Stephanie! (@qsteph) January 24, 2020
  What's your take?
    Photos: Kathey Hutchins/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/25/wow-really-terry-crews-throws-gabrielle-union-under-the-bus-defends-%E2%80%98agt%E2%80%99-amid-investigat
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