#the website said it’s free for private use & technically this isn’t private use so like. i hope i do not go to jail
rtgame-fun-facts · 8 months
Fun fact: Rtgame is very kissable
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kurowrites · 4 years
The Live-In Boyfriend - Chapter 1
Looking for live-in boyfriend, the title read.
It had only been put up the day before.
Well, well, Wei Ying thought to himself. Isn’t that exactly what I was looking for?
He clicked on the link and quickly read through the text of the advert.
Since you all enabled me yesterday - have a chapter of Wei Ying being supremely stupid. Link to AO3.
(Note that this fic is going to get mature later on. Also don’t try this at home pls.)
Wei Ying usually wasn’t the kind of person that eavesdropped on the conversations of people he didn’t know. Most of the time, it wasn’t worth the effort of spying, anyway.
(Too many boring people in this world.)
But something about the day he’d had so far, and the way the two girls seated next to him kept giggling and exclaiming in (pretended?) shock, made him listen in. It wasn’t like he had anything better to do. He was just sitting there, sipping on his depression coffee, trying to decide what he was supposed to do next.
“A website?” the girl with a truly impressive set of pink lacquered nails exclaimed. “Isn’t that super sketchy?”
She emphasised ‘sketchy’ by tapping her long, sharp nails onto the tabletop.
“Noo, not at aaaall,” the other girl, dressed in a figure-hugging dress the colour of a ripe banana, replied. “You have to provide identification and they do a background check on you, to make sure you’re not a criminal or something. The sugar daddies too, of course.”
“Oh really?” Pink Nails asked, and immediately looked a lot more interested in the topic.
Well, Wei Ying had to agree with Pink Nail’s interest – he could use one of those sugar daddies himself. Someone willing to pay for his expenses, that would be nice. A lot better than being homeless, at any rate.
“Yeah, and you can even chat with them before meeting them,” Banana said, twirling her hair around her finger coquettishly. “It’s not like I’m going to go out with just any guy.”
“And that’s where you met him?”
“Yeah,” Banana said, leaning back a little, clearly satisfied to have the undivided attention of her companion. “You have lots of choices, and you can put in your preferences, too.”
She leaned forward again, and lowered her voice to a fake whisper that did nothing to make her voice less audible over the soft café music.
“I was really lucky with my current sugar daddy. He’s really generous because he has an established career and a lot of money. He likes kinky sex, but that’s fine, because he also kinda gets off on me sleeping with other guys, so it’s not like I can’t still go out and do whatever I want. I’m just providing him with company and a pretty thing to hang off his arm whenever he goes to a party or something.”
The two women laughed, and returned to the discussion of the advantages of this website.
Wei Ying’s attention was caught. He looked down at the sad little weekend bag next to his chair that contained nearly all of Wei Ying’s worldly possessions, discounting the boxes of books he had managed to stow away in Jiang Yanli’s attic. He’d had to sell all his furniture because he had no space where he could put it anymore. The landlord had kicked him out despite Wei Ying’s best attempts at negotiation (curse his entire bloodline), and now Wei Ying was, essentially, homeless. He had no idea how to weather the next few weeks. He had no stable address, and he needed to look for a new job. Things weren’t looking good for him.
So, he sipped on his possibly last coffee for a long time and pretended not to listen in to the conversation of the two women next to him. And when Banana finally mentioned the name of website she had been using, he felt compelled to casually unpack his own laptop, make use of the café’s free Wi-Fi, and enter the name of the website into his browser.
He was just curious, that was all.
His search returned with the result that this website was in fact the equivalent of a dating website, only for sugar babies and other forms of… special companionship. The company claimed to be classy and strict with their background checks, made assertions of quality and high customer satisfaction. And the registration as a potential sugar baby, companion, or whatever else they wanted to call it, was free.
Wei Ying paused for a moment, wondering if he really should do such a thing. All assertions from the provider aside, it was still a risky thing.
He took another look at the bag at his feet. It couldn’t get much worse than it already was, could it?
He clicked the ‘new account’ button and filled out the application without a second thought.
Looking for the right sugar-person wasn’t exactly a simple thing to do, Wei Ying realised about three pages in. He had decided early on that the gender of this potential sugar person didn’t actually matter, but that had the simultaneous advantage and disadvantage of increasing his possible matches considerably. He wasn’t sure how to make a choice in this wild new world that had suddenly opened himself up to him.
He was a bit nervous about the having sex part, too. He tried to imagine having sex with someone he didn’t really know and maybe didn’t find very attractive, but he drew a complete blank. It might be better to stay on the safe side and choose someone who didn’t have sex as a prerequisite. That might work out better for everyone involved.
God, with all these options and decisions, it was as complicated as looking for a job.
Well, technically, if he did it right, it might be a job. Well, not really, but he might get enough money to keep him afloat for a little bit. And with enough money, he might be able to both afford a decent apartment and find a well-paying new job.
He absent-mindedly scrolled past adverts looking for highly specific… qualifications that Wei Ying definitely didn’t have, and was considering giving up when he saw an advert for the same city he was living in.
Looking for live-in boyfriend, the title read.
It had only been put up the day before.
Well, well, Wei Ying thought to himself. Isn’t that exactly what I was looking for?
He clicked on the link and quickly read through the text of the advert.
Looking for live-in boyfriend
The ideal candidate must be clean, quiet, obedient, and sophisticated. Must be able to play his part convincingly around relatives, business associates, and friends. Good table manners and skilful socialising are required.
Physical relations are not required, but negotiable if so desired. Strictly no romantic entanglements. Affairs during the duration of the contract will lead to immediate termination.
I offer a large apartment with own private room. All ensuing costs (rent, food, clothing, allowance etc.) are covered.
The advert didn’t reveal much about the writer and his personality, so it was difficult to say anything about how well they’d fit together. But the man offered a room! Without the prerequisite of sex!
He clicked on the profile of this potential sugar daddy to find out more about him. The man, who went by L. Z., was the same age as Wei Ying, and had been working in his family’s company ever since he graduated university. Someone who had been born into wealth, probably.
He lived alone and was openly gay, so his family would expect him to bring a man to public events and family dinners. His hobbies included music, reading and tea ceremony. All in all, Wei Ying started to wonder if he was being catfished, because the age and occupation said successful young man, but the rest of it said boring middle-aged uncle with a receding hairline.
But what did Wei Ying care about boring when such a perfect opportunity presented itself to him? He didn’t want some kind of old, kinky dude. He simply wanted a place to stay, and if that stay came with an allowance and some social contact, it would be perfect for him. He had good table manners. And he did well at socialising. Most of the time.
He decided that ‘quiet’ and ‘obedient’ were relative things. He could be quiet! Sometimes! If he was reading interesting things!
He was going to contact this person, worries and fears be damned. What use was it to wait around? If this man was actually for real, he might get snatched up by someone else quickly.
He clicked on the 💌 button on the sidebar of the profile, and typed out a quick message.
Hi L. Z.!
My name is Wei Ying. I live in the same city as you and as coincidence would have it, I’m currently looking to be a live-in boyfriend! We’re the same age, too, so I think we would work very well as a couple!
I also like reading (if you have a library, I’d be all over that) and I think I can safely promise not to have any affairs while we’re dating. As for the rest, I think it would be best to judge for yourself. I’m free the next few days, so I have time for a personal meeting!
I’m a little curious though – why are you looking for a live-in boyfriend? Not to judge you, since I’m obviously responding to your advert, but you seem like a man that’s very put together. You probably could choose anyone you wanted, so why an advert?
Best, Wei Ying
He didn’t really think that he would get an answer soon, and half expected his message to go ignored, but it took barely an hour until a notification pinged on his phone, indicating that he’d received a reply.
He eagerly clicked the ‘view message’ button.
Dear Wei Ying
Thank you for your message.
I agree with you. Someone from the same city and of the same age would be a good potential partner. If you do not mind, I would like to invite you to my apartment for a personal meeting. We can meet in a café if you are more comfortable meeting on neutral ground, but you should know where you would live before you make any decisions.
To answer your question: I am not interested in a romantic relationship, but my family has been concerned about my happiness ever since I came out as gay. They want to see me in a fulfilling relationship. I want to make them stop worrying. A contractual arrangement will take care of these issues. Once we terminate the relationship, it would also provide me with a good reason not to date for some time.
Best regards,
Lan Zhan
Wei Ying gaped a little. That was a… very decisive statement. This Lan Zhan certainly didn’t beat around the bush.
Oh god, was he really catfished? Human trafficking, perhaps? But then…
He had no time to lose, and getting a home and money as a package deal was very tempting. If Jiang Yanli ever got wind of this, she might strangle him with her own bare hands. But well. She never would get wind of it. Wei Ying would make sure of that.
He pulled out his laptop again, and typed out a second answer.
Hi Lan Zhan!
Nice to meet you again. 😊
Meeting you at the apartment is fine, just know that I’m going to inform a friend of my whereabouts and check in with them to make sure everything is fine.
Tell me your address and a time that works for you!
Wei Ying
He sent the message and within a few minutes, he had an address and a time – the next day, at 5.30 pm. Lan Zhan also assured him that he was perfectly fine with Wei Ying telling a friend where he was. So maybe not a catfish, after all?
Wei Ying immediately looked for the address online, and it was a nice, modern building in the centre of town. Not some kind of seedy warehouse or an abandoned house. If he ended up disappearing in that part of town, there would probably be witnesses.  
He sent a short confirmation to Lan Zhan, telling him that he would be there at the desired time. And then, he spent the rest of the evening panicking about what he had done.
He just barely remembered that he needed to contact Nie Huaisang and use him as security. Nie Huaisang was the only one he could think of right now that wouldn’t try to talk him out of this. Jiang Cheng would just straight up murder him.
He had committed now. There was no way back.
His internet search had already informed him that the apartment was in the better part of town, so Wei Ying had expected a rather classy apartment building. What he hadn’t expected was that said apartment building came with an actual concierge. He’d never had to go through a concierge to meet any of his friends so far. The entrance hall almost looked like a hotel.  
Good gracious, this might all be an elaborate prank.
On the other hand, if he disappeared, now he had another witness.
He walked up to the concierge’s desk and smiled at the man behind the desk winningly.
“Hi, my name is Wei Ying. I’m here to meet Lan Zhan.”
The man gave him a critical look, from his ponytail down to the thick black leather boots he always wore, and picked up the phone in front of him.
He entered a number and let it ring a few times.
“Good evening, Mr. Lan,” the concierge said when someone picked up on the other end of the line. “A Mr. Wei is here to see you. Yes, understood. I will send him up immediately.”
The concierge came out from behind his desk and directed Wei Ying to the elevator. He held the door open for Wei Ying and pushed the button for the right floor, then bid him goodbye.
“Thank you!” Wei Ying called through the closing elevator doors, but the concierge was already out of sight.
Oh well.
He was going to meet Lan Zhan. Right now.
He quickly pulled out his mobile phone and tapped out a message to Nie Huaisang.
[Wei Ying, 05:29 pm] I’m going up to the apartment now. IT COMES WITH A CONCIERGE. 😱
The door pinged and opened onto an empty hallway with elegantly tiled floor and a tasteful but abstract mural on the wall. Wei Ying stepped out of the elevator and looked around curiously. Which way was he supposed to go?
“Wei Ying?”
There, at the end of the hallway, a man stood in the frame of an opened door.
This must definitely be a catfish, Wei Ying decided then and there.
There was no way that a man this beautiful needed his help.
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dollarsblog461 · 3 years
Macbook Pro Openvpn Connect Download
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A VPN protects your internet connection, so you can browse the web safely, enjoy your favorite websites and services, and access geo-restricted content from anywhere. It’s easy to configure a VPN connection on an iPhone, and we’ll show you the fastest way to do it.
OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security, and enterprise-scale remote access. Free Vpn For Macbook Pro free download - Hotspot Shield, VPN Gate Client Plug-in with SoftEther VPN Client, CyberGhost VPN, and many more programs.
What is a VPN on iPhone?
VPN, a virtual private network, lets you access the internet via a secure encrypted connection. This adds an extra layer of protection to your browsing, so nobody can snoop on your online activity.
There are two main cases when you may want to use VPN on your iPhone:
Protect your data online. VPN is a must while using public Wi-Fi. Such networks are typically unencrypted, so bad guys can easily get access to your passwords or credit card numbers. VPN encrypts your data and makes it unreadable to hackers, so you can safely check your bank account from a local coffee shop. VPN is also useful at home if you don’t want your ISP to snoop on your activity.
Access your favorite music, movies, websites, and services from anywhere. VPN makes your device think you’re in another location, so you can enjoy Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and any other services that may be restricted for you.
How to set up a VPN on iPhone
The fastest and easiest way to add VPN to your iPhone is by using Documents by Readdle. Documents is the super app for file action. It lets you do what you want with your files, from watching movies to PDF editing. Documents features a built-in VPN service that works across all your apps.
Here’s how to configure a VPN with Documents:
Get Documents for free.
Launch the app and jump to the VPN tab.
Tap the big Start button.
That’s it! Now, you can enjoy safe and private browsing. You can also pick a different server location if you need to bypass certain geo-restrictions. VPN works across all your apps, even when you close Documents.
How to connect and disconnect a VPN on iPhone
Once you’ve added a VPN in Documents, you can quickly turn it on or off in the app:
Open Documents.
Jump to the VPN tab.
Tap Start or Stop.
How to manually set up VPN on your iPhone
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We’ve just explored an easy way to add a VPN to your iPhone. Alternatively, you can configure a VPN connection manually in the settings of your device. You’ll want to use this method when you already know all the connection details. For example, your employer can provide this information to let you set up a corporate VPN.
If this is your case, follow these steps:
Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
Tap General.
Scroll down and select VPN.
Tap Add VPN Configuration.
Here, you can select the VPN type and fill in all the required settings.
After adding all the details, tap Done at the top right of the screen.
Once you’ve added a VPN configuration, a new VPN toggle will appear in the iOS settings. Just turn it on to start using the VPN.
If you’re looking for the easiest way to use a VPN on your iPhone, download Documents. Turn on a VPN with just a few taps, enjoy safety and privacy while using public Wi-Fi, and get access to your favorite content from anywhere.
We’ve built Documents to supercharge your iPhone. Documents lets you do what you want with your files, without juggling between multiple apps. Browse the web safely, download anything, watch movies, listen to music, read books, and more.
Download Documents for free and supercharge your iPhone!
Are you experiencing those Wi-Fi problems with your Mac? For example, your MacBook Pro won’t connect to wifi, connected but no Internet or the network speed is super slow, etc.
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Our smartphones may be equipped with the latest wireless data capabilities, but our MacBooks definitely aren’t. We rely on WiFi to do our daily work, and when it inevitably experiences an error of some sort, all you want to do is throw your hands in the air.
After all, WiFi frequently seems to be on the more technical end of things, shrouded in mysterious terms like “DNS”, “modem”, and “IP address”. It can be a bit intimidating to try and fix without worrying that you’re either doing nothing or making the problem worse.
But no one likes mindlessly refreshing a webpage and hoping the WiFi fixes itself in the meantime, so in this guide, we’ll show you a few ways you can take matters into your own hands to find a solution.
Do You Know?
You can troubleshoot network connections in the office or at home with WiFi Explorer. It’s an awesome app that shows you what’s going on with your network and helps you fix it when needed. The app offers a range of extensive details about all your Mac networks in the vicinity, including their band, signal quality, range, security status etc.
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is what determines your maximum internet speed, but your usage at home is what ultimately determines how well your connection functions. Whatever your provider advertises is always going to be more than the rates you actually get, but you can always make adjustments on your end to get things running faster.
Bandwidth is not the same as Internet speed. The Internet speed is how fast data can travel on your network, whereas your bandwidth determines the volume of information that can travel at that speed. A larger amount of bandwidth means you can request more data at once, which will make your connection seem faster, but it’s not worth paying for if you don’t use your Mac for much beyond Facebook and email.
It’s important to connect to secure networks even if it means using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy. While it’s tempting to use the free coffee shop WiFi, the lack of protective password puts your computer at risk because malicious users can use the shared network and attempt to break in. If you must use one of these networks, a proxy or VPN can protect your computer by isolating it from the other connections.
Connection Problems
Issue 1: Physical router interference
Cause: A router sends electronic waves, but these can be impeded by thick walls or other large blockages such as a row of metal filing cabinets.
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How to Fix: If your router is currently buried behind a file cabinet, in a closet, or otherwise awkwardly placed you should move it to a more open and central location. If your router is already in a fairly clear area, consider where you’re sitting. Can you minimize the amount of distance between you and the router, or otherwise move closer?
Alternatively, consider purchasing an extended if you can’t seem to move the router to a location without too much interference.
Issue 2: Neighborly router interference
Cause: As we said earlier, a router sends electronic waves. These waves occur at certain frequencies and can be interfered with by other electronic devices such as microwaves or your neighbor’s router.
How to Fix: Most routers come pre-calibrated to certain frequencies or contain software that helps them pick the best channel. You can manually change the channel though by following a few steps.
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Step 1: Find out your router’s IP address. This is usually printed on the router, but you can also check in System Preferences > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP > Router;
Step 2: Copy the IP address into the address bar of your browser and hit enter. You’ll be directed to your router’s settings;
Step 3: Select the channel you want. Make sure to choose a channel 5 to 7 away from the original, since many frequencies overlap;
Step 4: Use Wireless Diagnostics to monitor which frequencies make the biggest difference in your wireless signal.
You can get open wireless diagnostics by navigating to Spotlight and then beginning to type “wireless diagnostics”. It should be the first option.
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Open the app and click “Continue” to start diagnosing.
Issue 3: MacBook Pro or router failure
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Cause: When there doesn’t seem to any conceivable reason your WiFi shouldn’t work, it’s not your fault. Sometimes the MacBook Pro, the router, or both experience an unexpected error that’s invisible to the eye and impossible to figure out exactly what went wrong.
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How to Fix: Your best bet at solving this type of problem comes in two parts: your computer, and your router. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Turn off the wifi on your computer from the menu bar along the top;
Step 2: Turn off your router by physically disconnecting it (or pressing the power button if it has one) so that all the light turn off;
Step 3: Restart your MacBook from the Apple menu in the top left of the menu bar;
Step 4: Once your Mac has restarted, turn the router back on. You’ll need to wait 2-5 minutes for all of the lights to come on and for the signal to begin sending again
Step 5: Turn your Mac’s WiFi back on, and allow it to connect to the network.
While this method isn’t guaranteed to work every time, it often solves mysterious wireless issues and with a little luck, your problem is minor and will be resolved with a bit of restarting.
Problems Once Connected
Issue 4: WiFi connection is spotty
Cause: If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a million times: your router transmits waves, and when these are weak at your location, you’re going to have connection issues. In this case, you may have been able to connect to the network but now service is patchy at best. The cause is simple — you’re too far away for the frequency you’re trying to use.
How to Fix: There are two different ways you can fix this issue. First, move closer to the router if you can. This is the easiest way to attempt to solve the problem and maybe all you need to do.
The second way is to use a different frequency band than you normally would. By defaults, your router uses the 2.4GHz band, which is weaker than the 5GHz many router models have available. If your router supports 5GHz, you should switch to this instead- it usually appears as a different network in your WiFi list, with a “5GHz” or “5G” as part of the name.
For example:
If you have a large home, an extender might be a more practical solution. It will amplify the signal from your router so that it can reach the areas of your house that usually suffer from poor coverage.
Issue 5: WiFi connection is very slow
Cause: If things have suddenly slowed down, it’s highly likely you can point to another person to take the blame — someone else is eating up your bandwidth! Make sure to check your own computer first though, especially if you’re running multiple programs in the background.
How to Fix: The easiest way to figure out the culprit is by running a quick scan using Advanced Network Care, it’ll show you the connection speed issues found with your current network and fix it if needed. An alternative is a Wifi Explorer as we already mentioned above.
However, you can also fix that manually. Bandwidth refers to the volume of data that can be transmitted over your WiFi connection. Certain apps can require larger bandwidth and thus restrict the data available to everyone else.
If this occurs in your home, the first step is to check your own applications. The most common offenders are multiplayer video games, video-intensive apps, or files that are uploading and downloading. If your Mac isn’t running anything strenuous, then ask the others in the household if they are.
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While you can’t get more bandwidth without paying for it, you can ask anyone on the network to limit which applications they use at one time. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll need to wait a few minutes while a download finishes or until the other person is done working.
Final Words
WiFi issues on Mac are among the most frustrating issues that can occur on your computer. They’re confusing, bothersome, and significantly slow your productivity. We hope the methods listed above help you resolve any issues you face.
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Do you use a different method to troubleshoot your wireless network? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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myrbizrep · 3 years
The Best Webhosting Services for 2021
Do You Need a Web Host?
If you own a business, web hosting is a necessity; it's no longer an optional luxury. Our always-connected world demands that business have an online page. In fact, even local brick-and-mortar mom-and-pop shops must be discoverable via the web. At the very least, a company needs a page with a location and business hours.
Why? Because word of mouth only gets you so far in the internet era. People discover new businesses—even local business—via Bing, Google, and Yahoo. The days when they'd just look you up in the yellow pages are long gone. If you don't have a sharable website address, your chances of building online word of mouth via social networking plummet, too. In other words, no website, no discoverability, no money. Of course, web hosting isn't just for businesses. You may want to host a personal website or blog, too. Either way, the services here have you covered.
See How We Test Web Hosting Services
The first step in building your online presence is finding a web host, the company that will store your website's files on its servers and deliver them to your readers' and customers' browsers. Bluehost, a PC Mag Business Choice winner, is a reader-recommended option.
Web hosting services offer varying amounts of monthly data transfers, storage, email, and other features. Even how you pay (month-to-month payments vs. annual payments) can be radically different, too, so taking the time to plot exactly what your company needs for online success is essential. Many of these companies also offer reseller hosting services, which let you go into business for yourself, offering hosting to your own customers without requiring you to spin up your own servers.
You should also familiarize yourself with the many web hosting tiers that are available. In your research, you'll find shared, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting plans. Each tier offers different specs and features that you should take the time to analyze. I'll break them down.
What Is Shared Web Hosting?
Shared hosting is web hosting in which the provider houses multiple sites on a single server. For example, Site A shares the same server with Site B, Site C, Site D, and Site E. The upside is that the multiple sites share the server cost, so shared web hosting is generally very inexpensive. In fact, you can find an option for less than $10 per month.
You could think of the sites that share your server as your roommates; there's really not that much separating you from them. Sure, you can close the bedroom door, but they can still cause nightmares for you in the kitchen and the bathroom. In web hosting terms, all the sites share a single server's resources, so huge traffic spike on Site A may impact the neighboring sites' performances. It's even possible that another site could take down the shared server altogether, if it crashed hard enough.
What Is VPS Web Hosting?
VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting in that multiple sites share the same server, but the similarities end there. A dedicated web host houses fewer sites per server than is the case with shared hosting, and each site has its own individual resources.
In housing terms, VPS hosting is like renting your own apartment in a larger building. You're much more isolated than in the roommate situation mentioned above; it's still possible that a neighboring apartment could causes annoyance for you, but far less likely. In web hosting terms, Site A's traffic surge won't have nearly as much impact on Site B or Site C. As you'd expect, VPS hosting costs more than shared hosting. You'll pay roughly $20 to $60 per month.
What Is Dedicated Web Hosting?
Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, is both powerful and pricey. It's reserved for sites that require an incredible amount of server resources.
Unlike shared or VPS hosting, dedicated hosting makes your website the lone tenant on a server. To extend the housing metaphor, having a dedicated server is like owning your own home. The means that your website taps the server's full power, and pays for the privilege. If you're looking for a high-powered site—an online mansion for your business—dedicated hosting is the way to go. That said, many dedicated web hosting services task you with handling backend, technical issues, much as homeowners have manage maintenance that renters generally leave to their landlords.
On the topic of dedicated hosting, many web hosting services also offer managed hosting. This type of hosting sees the web host act as your IT department, handling a server's maintenance and upkeep. This hosting option is something that you'd typically find with dedicated servers, so it's a business-centric addition. Naturally, it adds a few bucks to the hosting cost, but nothing that should break the bank if you have the resources for a dedicated server.
Business Hosting
When it's time to set up shop, look for a web host that offers the aforementioned dedicated servers, as well as advanced cloud server platforms (such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud), custom server builds should you need it, and 24/7 customer support. Depending on your business' focus, you may need a web host that can handle pageviews or visitors that rank in the high thousands or millions. Many busy hosting plans offer an onboarding specialist that can help you get started, too.
If you're planning on selling a product, look for a web host that offers a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, because it encrypts the data between the customer's browser and web host to safeguard purchasing information. You're probably familiar with SSL; it's the green padlock that appears in your web browser's address bar as you visit an online financial institution or retail outlet. A few companies toss in a SSL certificate free of charge; others may charge you roughly $100 per year for that extra security layer.
What Is WordPress Web Hosting?
WordPress hosting is for people who want to build their sites on the back of the popular WordPress content management system (CMS) from WordPress.org. There are multiple ways to set up shop using this free, open-source blogging and site-building platform.
You gain the most web-building functionality if you create a self-hosted site. This typically involves transfering the free WordPress CMS to server or signing up for a web host's optimized WordPress plan. With an optimized plan, the host automatically handles backend stuff, so you don't have to worry about updating the plug-ins and CMS, and enabling automatic backups. In these instances, the WordPress environment typically comes pre-installed on the server.
You can also host your website on WordPress.com, but that's different from the kind of hosting mentioned above. WordPress.com uses the same code from WordPress.org, but it hides the server code and handles the hosting for you. In that sense, it resembles entries in our online site builder roundup. It's a simpler but less flexible and customizable way to approach WordPress hosting. It's definitely easier, but if you want to tinker and adjust and optimize every aspect of your site, it might not be for you.
Extra Web Hosting Info
If you're not sure of the type of hosting your business needs, you might want to start small, with shared Web hosting. You can always graduate to a more robust, feature-rich package of, say, VPS hosting or even dedicated hosting in the future. Unfortunately, some hosts don't offer all hosting types. Consider how much you expect to grow your website, and how soon, before you commit to anything longer than a one-year plan. It's worth spending the time up front to make sure that the host you select with is able to provide the growth you envision for your site, as switching web hosting providers midstream is not a trivial undertaking.
Once you decide you price range, you need to consider how long you'll need web hosting. If it's a short-term project—say, less than a month or two—you can typically receive a refund should you cancel your hosting within 60 days. Some companies offer 30-day money-back guarantees, others offer 90-day money-back guarantees. Once again, it's beneficial to do your homework.
The Web Hosting Features You Need
Many web hosts offer limited features in their starter packages and then expand the offerings (sometimes tremendously) for higher-tier plans. Read the small print to make sure the plan you are selecting offers what you need. If you need a site builder application to design your website, make sure that the low-cost web host you are picking actually comes with a site builder. Many of them require you to pay for the builder as a separate add-on. Website builders usually don't cost a lot of money, but if you can find a web host that includes one for free, that's money in your pocket. And, if it's integrated with your hosting service, you're more likely to have a smooth, supported experience.
You also want a web host with 24/7 customer support—if not by phone, then at least by chat. Forums, knowledge bases, and help tickets are all well and good, but sometimes you just need to communicate with another human to get things ironed out as quickly as possible. That said, not all 24/7 customer support teams are equal. Companies like GoDaddy and Liquid Web boast incredibly knowledgeable and helpful customer support squads—a fact that we confirmed in our in-depth reviews of those web hosting services.
When it comes to server operating systems, Linux is typically the default option. Still, some services offer a choice of Linux or Windows hosting. If you have specific server-side applications that require Windows, such as SQL Server or a custom application written in .NET, then you need to make sure your web host has Windows hosting. But don't let the idea of a Linux host intimidate you. Nowadays, most web hosts offer a graphical interface or a control panel to simplify server administration and website management. Instead of typing at the command line, you'll click easily identifiable icons.
Windows hosting is often more expensive than Linux hosting, especially in the dedicated server area. That's not always the case, but it's something you should be aware of as you shop around.
See How We Test Web Hosting Services
Email Hosting
If you aim to have a web presence, you've got to have email. It's a convenient way for potential customers and clients to send you a message, Word document, or other files. Thankfully, most web hosts include email in the price of their hosting plans. Some web hosts offer unlimited email account creation (which is great for future growth), while others offer a finite amount. You, naturally, should want unlimited email.
That said, not all web hosts offer email. WP Engine, for example, does not. In such instances, you must email accounts from a company other than your web host. GoDaddy, for instance, sells email packages starting at $3.49 per user, per month. That might sound like a hassle, and just one more thing to keep track of, but there are actually some webmasters who feel that separating your email hosting and web hosting services is smart. That way, one provider going offline won't completely bork your business.
Uptime, Uptime, Uptime!
The aforementioned features are valuable to the web hosting experience, but none matches the importance of site uptime. If your site is down, clients or customers will be unable to find you or access your products or services.
Recently, we've added uptime monitoring to our review process, and the results show that most web hosts do an excellent job of keeping sites up and running. Web hosts with uptime issues are heavily penalized during the review process and are unable to qualify for top ratings.
Ecommerce and Marketing
One thing we learned in reviewing the services listed here (and many more) is that even though the packages are very similar, they are not identical. Some are more security-focused than others, offering anti-spam and anti-malware tools. Others offer a variety of email marketing tools. While most of the hosts we've reviewed have built-in e-commerce, you may want to consider using a more-robust third-party online shopping cart application like Shopify instead.
If you're ready to select a great web hosting service, check out the chart above to see PCMag's top picks in the space. When you're done with that, click the links below to read our in-depth, tested reviews of the biggest and best names in web hosting.
If you're just getting started in the web hosting game, make sure to check out our primer, How to Build a Website, and How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website. The Best Courses for Learning How to Build Websites is an excellent start, too.
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whatznewz · 4 years
Anonymous Has Joined The Fight
After a recent video uploading on Facebook from the famous Anonymous, the “Black Lives Matter Movement” has a new ally.
By now we might’ve all heard about it: the group of hacktivists known as Anonymous has joined the #blacklivesmatter movement and protests that are occurring in the present day.  Who are they?  Where are they?  What are they? How are they going to help the movement against the American police and military forces?                                                                                                      
Let’s rewind all the way back to 2003.  A website by the name of 4chan, basically a cruder version of Reddit, was semi-popular.  This website, however, did not require its users to form an account, so everything was anonymous and people could generally post what they wanted without any backlash due to not having a designated username.  The anonymity of the website is perhaps what sparked up the given name Anonymous.
Originally, they started as a trolling group, a sort of joke.  Things that the group of trollers started to do in the beginning included sending unpaid pizzas to houses, posting humiliating information about public figures or other 4chan users, DDoSing different websites (method used to take down websites from the inside), and occasionally prank calls or private chats on other networks.   In 2008, what was meant to be a private video of Tom Cruise praising scientology made it online.  It was suspected to be uploaded by the trolling anonymous users that originated from 4chan.  When the video was taken down, the anon users seemed to have been angered.  This started a wave of trolling against the organization that had taken the video down.  This provoked protesting outside of the Church of Scientology.  However, the protesting eventually calmed down and the anon users went back to their regularly scheduled trolls.
Essentially, this “group” of hackers isn’t really an organized group.  While there is technically a team of anonymous hackers, they only make up a very small percentage of the people that continue to support the group and hack for similar causes to that of Anonymous.  
In the past they’ve hacked their way through recognition with some controversial issues like “Operation Tunisia” (2011), “Operation DarkNet” (2011), “Operation Russia” (2012), and many other big activism events throughout the years of 2010-2012.  This form of activism can prove to be very powerful when a group of people is experiencing social injustice and needs something to be done. ______ The infamous Guy Fawkes mask that can has been used as a sort of face for Anonymous originates from the comic and movie adaptation V For Vendetta.  V For Vendetta, summarized, follows the story of a young woman who is “rescued from a life situation by a masked guy known as ‘V’.” (V For Vendetta (2005) - Plot Summary - IMDb).
Guy Fawkes, however, is not fictional.  Fawkes is a historical figure who had attempted to blow up Parliament (1604) in hopes of destroying the British government and instating catholic domination.  He failed at his mission, but perhaps this act of rebellion is what inspired Anonymous to wear the Guy Fawkes mask.
In addition to the mask and the movie, Anonymous also has their own slogan: “Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous.  We are Legion.  We do not forget.”
As far as we know, Anonymous communicates through 4chan (though I would not recommend searching the website), image board wiki forums, and IRC networks.  Although Anonymous claims to not have any set leaders and, like I mentioned before, has only a small group of legit Anonymous hackers, it does have a way of targeting specific organizations all at once.
For example, a wide-range of people have strong opinions on something that’s unjust in the world.  If the subject at hand seems to have a big enough impact on the world, Anonymous has stepped in to reveal classified files, expose authoritative figures, or to hack their way into private institutions (may it be the government or a corporation) to fix the problem or assist people in their activism. Because of their efficiency, they are considered a legitimate threat to the government or shady companies. ______
Anonymous is back?
Recently, on May 28th, the Anonymous Facebook account posted a video regarding the recent events of George Floyd’s death, the unfair power of Minneapolis police, and the protests that are now happening all over America. In the video, Anonymous said the following:
“Greetings citizens of the United States.  This is a message from Anonymous, to the Minneapolis Police Department.  
“Police brutality and murder is a widespread problem in the United States, which has undoubtedly infected nearly every jurisdiction in the country, but the Minneapolis Police Department is among the worst and has a horrific track record of violence and corruption.  This week’s brutal killing of George Floyd, which has sparked protests and national outrage, is nearly the tip of the iceberg in a long list of high-profile cases of wrongful death at the hands of officers in your state.  In fact, in the past two decades, 193 people have been killed by police in Minnesota.  
“In recent years, we have seen numerous high profile killings in the area, including the deaths of Jamar Clark, Philando Castile, Justine Damond, Thurman Blevins, and Brian Quinones.  These are only the cases to catch the headlines., where videos or other evidence proves that the police are lying.  Sadly, in the vast majority of police killings, the only one left alive to tell the story is the officer who took the person’s life, and thus the cycle is able to continue because none of these murderers ever face any justice for their actions.  This travesty has gone on for far too long, and now the people have had enough.  
“In the most recent case of George Floyd, the blatant disregard for human life exhibited by the officers is undeniable and all evidence that has been released so far has shown that Floyd was being entirely compliant with the officers, which contradict earlier claims from police that he was resisting arrest.  Furthermore, our initial investigation of the offending officers has revealed a criminal pattern of violence on the job.  At least two of the officers involved in Floyd’s arrest, Derek Chauvin and Tou Thao, have a history of on the job shootings and excessive force complaints.  The Star Tribune reported this week that Chauvin, the officer most directly responsible for Floyd’s death, has been involved in numerous on the job shootings where suspects were killed.  There were four officers on the scene at the time of the incident, one who kept the gathering crowds away, and three who were forcefully holding Floyd down.  Onlookers warned the officer that he was crushing the man to death, but none of the police on the scene seemed to have any concern for Floyd’s condition.  You may have fired these officers to save face, but it is obvious that this type of behavior is condoned, if not encouraged within your police department, as it is in others.  Officers who kill people and commit crimes need to be held accountable just like the rest of us, otherwise, they will believe that they have a license to do whatever they want.
“You will claim that this is the work of just ‘a few bad apples’, but what of the officers that stand by and do nothing while they commit offenses against the people they encounter, and the police departments like yours who refuse to prosecute these criminals as they would one of the citizens that they are sworn to protect.  
“People have had enough of this corruption and violence from an organization that promises to keep them safe.  After the events of the past few years, many people are now beginning to learn that you are not here to save us, but rather, you are here to oppress and carry out the will of the criminal ruling class.  You are here to keep order for the people in control, not to provide safety for the people who are being controlled.  In fact, you are the very mechanism that elites use to continue their global system of oppression, and the world is finally starting to wake up to this, and they are becoming increasingly angry every time they see blood needlessly spilled without consequence.  
“These officers must face criminal charges, and officer Chauvin especially should face murder charges.  Unfortunately, we do not trust your corrupt organization to carry out justice, so we will be exposing your many crimes to the world.  We are Legion!  Expect us.”
As you may be able to see, this is not any form of a warning to the Minneapolis Police Department and the government, but more of a declaration of action.
Over the weekend, the Minneapolis Police Department and the city were both kicked offline, but it’s undecided yet whether this was an accident or the work of Anonymous.  Real records of President Trump’s past with sexual assault of a child has been “leaked” by this hacktivist group.  I say “leaked”, because these reports were actually shown to the public years ago, but still kept quiet by supporters of Trump.  Additionally, names of other police brutality victims have also been released to the public by the hand of Anonymous.  Lastly, police radios have been reportedly hacked in the midst of protests and riots, playing either polka music or “Fuck the police”.
Overall, Anonymous joins the fight against police brutality and black social injustice, and the protesting continues.
Follow for more news and send requests for updates on current events.  Check the next post for pictures on this article.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
Just like how Keanu Reeves became a National Treasure™, Josh becomes a National Treasure™
Josh has a huge fan base that wholly adores him and maybe wants to marry him (At least in my fics he gets the respect he deserves).
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"Leo, when I asked for you to keep an eye on what's going on in social media regarding public opinion on the pro-android campaigns, I didn't mean this..."
The brunet glared In mild annoyance as Markus walked into the kitchen holding his laptop. His annoyance escalated to mild irritation when he noticed his Accord profile was online.
He promptly got up from where he was seated with the others, dropping his cards on the table on top of everyone else's (which made a winning North throw up her arms in anger at her sudden loss), and walked over to his brother to snatch it away from his hands.
"Don't snoop through my shit, asshole!" Leo growled as he set the laptop down on the table. "I've been keeping up to date with shit too, so don't get your panties in a knot..."
"Playing Fuck, Marry, Kill with a bunch of strangers online isn't keeping up to date with public opinions..." Markus groaned.
"Shit, they started a round of FMK? Nice..." Leo snorted before shaking his head. "But in all seriousness, that Accord server there, is an exclusive team of elite that I assembled for that little favour you asked. They're pretty good at keeping me up to speed on things... Sometimes shit doesn't really happen all day tho, so we get bored and discuss the finer things."
"Like Fuck, Marry, Kill?" North rose an eyebrow in disbelief.
"Yep." Leo popped the 'P' at the end for emphasis before beginning to type into the chat. The four androids noticed his chat handle was 'KingOfTheUrbanJungle', an obvious play on his actual name. Charming. "Usually it's pretty chill, unless there's been anything dodgy going on online. We got an expert keeping up with the shadier sort, and another that's been keeping tabs on android supporters and community modders."
"Isn't modding illegal?" Simon asked.
"Only because Cyberlife's pitched the hissiest of fits over their merch being potentially stolen and copied, or worse, repaired at home. Cyberlife hates DIY engineers and mechanics that have an eye for robotics...That sort of crap. They're intimidated." Leo explained as he left an inquiry on who the FMK prompt was for. "That's not even accounting for people who can't fucking afford their ridiculous insurance policies. You know they tried to bill dad after the cops shot you down..."
"They did what?!" Markus looked horrified.
"Yep. Tried to bill a bed-bound elderly man who nearly died of a heart attack. Dad told me they only got their tiny dicks back in their pants after Elijah Fucking Kamski rained hell on their parade since technically he has full rights to your software and design..." Leo shrugged "Score one for androids being property I guess... But only this once."
"Those sons of bitches..." Markus muttered darkly before the laptop pinged.
"Oh! Ooh that's a hard one..." Leo mumbled as he read the prompt, sent by someone going by 'LatinaLatte'. What an odd chat handle. "Damn."
"Is it celebrities?" Simon asked.
"Nope. She's asking out of Markus, Josh and North, who we'd fuck, marry and kill." Leo admitted with a grin on his face.
Everyone stared at him.
He gulped.
"...Obviously I would not fuck Markus...?" He offered "But I'm uh, not inclined to kill anyone so uh...hard choice?"
They still stared.
And then the chat pinged.
Someone going by 'LamentingMercenary' immediately presented their thoughts.
"Fuck North, marry Josh, kill Markus." Leo wrinkled his nose "Of course he would, what an ass..."
"Wow this game sucks..." North glared daggers. She was not too inclined with being the subject of someone's fantasies.
Another ping, 'LatinaLatte' this time.
"Fuck Markus, marry Josh, kill North." Leo read.
Another ping from 'MercifulDisappointment'.
"Can you fuck and marry Josh and kill both North and Markus?"
Leo cackled when 'QueenBitch' replied to the last comment with a clearly disappointed "No" while everyone else started laughing in chat. Leo nearly forgot he had an audience.
"Ok so uh, there's like a lot of people saying fuck and marry Josh...consistently." Simon pointed out. "Not one person has said kill Josh."
"It's rigged I tell you..." North grumbled. Leo blinked at her in confusion and then shook his head.
"Nah not really... There's like, a fan page of you guys, with polls and shit...Josh is like, #1 in all of it."
The others, including a very uncomfortable and flustered Josh, all stared blankly at him.
"...What?" Markus asked.
"You really don't know? Markus I linked you the damn Facebook page..."
"Nobody uses Facebook anymore!" Markus protested.
"Well fuck Markus, they still do and holy crap it's insane... Here." He quickly closed his Accord tab and opened up the ancient website that should have been dead and buried by now thanks to a lot of law suits, but that came back crawling from the grave every two years. Surely enough there was a fan page dedicated to the Jericho leaders and Josh scored the highest in popularity, with Simon coming close second.
"What the shit?" North gawked.
"Yeah... Crazy right? Makes sense tho, Josh is like...The perfect poster child here." Leo shrugged.
"How exactly?" Josh looked very uncomfortable.
"...Dude...You're nice. And nonthreatening? You help old ladies across the street, you're very gentle with kids, you help with the community..." Leo listed off "You're not... I donno, overly perfect and unapproachable. You don't openly fight people. You don't yell, you don't hide away at the tower all day... People get like, super nervous around Markus and North, and they see very little of Simon so you're like... The only Jericho leader they ever actually seen being a part of society?"
There was a collective silence from the four androids. They were stunned really, after hearing all of this.
It was a little hard to process.
"You're all doing good out there, fighting the good fight and helping who needs it... But yeah honestly you three are a bit too scary. Josh is openly kind and outgoing and that gets people more at ease..."
"So basically... People prefer Josh because he's just... Being himself?" Simon blinked.
"... Yep."
"To be fair, it's easier to get behind the cause of someone who reads to kids in his free time."
"I...How did you know about that?!" Josh frowned. He hadn't told anyone what he did with his spare time.
"It's on YouTube. Some of the androids at the tower uploaded videos of you with the kids at New Jericho. It's super cute dude."
"Oh god...That's really creepy! And embarrassing!" Josh covered his face with his hands in mild distress.
"It also apparently made a chatroom with 11 people horny for you." North pointed out.
"North, not helping!"
"Then stop being so cute all the time!"
"He can't it's in his nature." Simon shook his head sadly.
"Simon don't encourage her!!!"
Leo smirked as he watched Markus sigh and try to help mediate the ensuing argument, before typing into the private Accord server chat.
"Can we all agree Josh is like, a national treasure, and that deep down we'd all marry him?"
The chatroom seemed to wholly agree with him on that one.
And then 'G69D' commented.
"So would you fuck or kill your brother? I know for a fact you'd not go near North even with a 20 foot pole."
Leo grimaced and closed his laptop.
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unseenthewriter · 4 years
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Chapter 1: 3344 Words
Fic Total: 3344 Words
Series Total: 3344 Words
I was zoning out at my laptop’s computer screen. Professor Dr. ah what was it again? Jones? Was droning on about one of his kids? He’s gotten off task again. I didn’t ask Dr. Cuddy if I could sit in on these classes for this. I sighed and glanced over at the envelope that I placed my guess of what the final diagnosis was going to end up being for this lecture. Normally I end up being right at least 90% of the time which is a much higher rate than all these actual medical students. It’s a good thing they don’t know that. Being outsmarted by a high school student makes most people a little pissy.
I turned back to my laptop and quickly finished up the final touches on the website I was building for a client. I’m technically a homeless teenager and have to make money somehow. I didn't exactly run away. My Mom died and I left Minnesota to try and find out who my biological father is. Last time my Mom mentioned anything about him it was that he was living in Princeton. So during the summer I forged some documents and got into a private high school here on scholarship. I accidentally sprained my wrist doing some uh... backflips and ended up finding out about the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital Free Clinic. Decided to start volunteering here shortly after.
I sighed and crossed my arms as the Professor finally got back to the actual lecture. Sitting in the back row I noticed someone walking in. A grumpy looking middle-aged man with a cane. Dr. House. He was the Doctor that helped me out with my wrist. Bit of an ass at the time but I didn’t mind. Although from what I’ve heard about him since then he’s always an ass. He sat down near me leaving a gap of 2 chairs between us.
House grabbed the envelope that was sitting on the desk next to me. “Is that a Princeton Prep uniform?” He asked.
I turned my gaze from The Professor to Dr. House. “Last I checked yes.” I responded.
“Why would a rich kid go to the Free Clinic?” He asked.
I sighed and turned back to The Professor. “I’m there on a scholarship. Most Doctors would ask how my wrist was doing.” I said.
“I’m not most Doctors.” House said.
“So I’ve heard.” I muttered.
“What’s the envelope for?” He asked.
House is lucky I’m not a violent person because I kinda wanted to punch him or something so I could focus on the lecture. “I like to guess the final diagnosis at the beginning of class.” I replied and turned my body away from House to TRY to imply that I wanted him to shut up. House took a peek at my guess.
A while later the Professor finally confirmed the final diagnosis. I grabbed the envelope back from House to confirm. I was right again. I put the answer in the spreadsheet I made and noticed my percentage of correct answers jumped up. "93%." I mumbled to myself and put my laptop back in my messenger bag. 
House blocked my route out of the row with his cane. The last few people in the room left. "Why do you sit in this class?" He asked.
"The medical club at my school sucks ass." I joked.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"You've seen my medical file." I said.
"Didn't look at your name." He shrugged.
Of course not. 
"Jay." I said and pushed his cane down to clear my path while staring directly into House's eyes. They remind me of mine actually…
A few Doctors walked in interrupting our stare down. "What are you doing here House?" The African American Doctor asked.
"Harassing a teenager." I said before leaving. If I had looked back I would've noticed a very slight smirk on House's face.
I was slowly awoken by a rhythmic tapping on one of the backseat windows in my car. There was a heavy weight on my chest… I fell asleep doing history reading again didn't I? The tapping was getting louder. The sound was too harsh to be someone's fist. Maybe an animal or something. I groaned softly while pushing the textbook off my chest and opened my eyes. There was nothing in the window facing me so when I turned around to see the face of Dr. House hitting his cane against my window I almost jumped. I scowled and rolled down the window. "What do you want?" I asked. I don't even want to bother asking how he found me.
"You homeless?" He asked bluntly, ignoring my question.
"Depends you going to call social services if I say yes?" I asked.
He didn't reply. That was probably answer enough for him. I opened the door to get out and stretch my legs. Sleeping in the backseat of a car isn't great but I don't really have a better option. I cracked my neck. "What do you want?" I asked again.
"I looked through your file again." He started.
Of course, he did.
"Said your Mother was a Dr. Shannon Flynn. No Father mentioned." He finished.
I swung my arms back and forth a bit to try and loosen my shoulders. "Yes, my Mom was the Cardiologist, Dr. Shannon Flynn. Never met my Father. No idea who he is." I replied. House is lucky I'm not in a crabby mood and willing to satisfy his curiosity.
"Was?" He pressed.
"She died this July." I said and grabbed my zip-up hoodie from the passenger's seat. It's starting to get a tiny bit brisk now that it's October. Me losing like 20 pounds hasn't helped. I threw the tie in the spot where the hoodie was before shutting and locking my car.
Getting a somewhat decent night's sleep has made my body a little restless. I started walking to my school's football field. No practice this weekend meaning I have the space to do some flips and handsprings.
"Why run off to New Jersey?" House asked as he followed me.
"Last I heard my Father lives here." I said while getting over the fence to the football field. I opened the gate to let House in.
I took off my hoodie and dress shirt. Now I was only in my undershirt and pants. "What are you doing?" House asked.
I was surveying the football field. Visualizing what I was about to do. I'll start off easy. A roundoff followed by two back handsprings. "I'm restless." I replied before doing the tumbling.
God, there's something about flying through the air that really puts a smile on my face. I followed up with a roundoff back handspring backflip before turning back to House. He had one eyebrow raised. Guess he didn't expect me to be a gymnast. Then again once I started transitioning to a guy no one had expected me to be a gymnast. I still have the build of a female gymnast. Extremely short and lean. Actually, I think the reason I sprained my wrist was that I hadn't gotten used to weighing even less. 
Now the two main reactions I get when I'm spotted doing flips and stuff are:
"Wow, that's cool!"
"Hey get off that roof!"
I'm definitely not expecting either of those reactions from House so this should be interesting. "I assume this is how you sprained your wrist." He said as I walked up to him slightly out of breath.
"I over-rotated doing a backflip off the wall over there." I admitted while pointing at the half-wall near the main school building.
"A little rude doing gymnastics in front of a cripple." He commented. Ah, so that's his real reaction.
I caught my breath and put my dress shirt and hoodie back on. "You followed me." I shrugged. "Any other dying questions? I have Biomedical Science homework to do today." I said.
"Biomedical Science?" He questioned.
"It's an elective." I replied.
House went quiet for a moment so I assumed he had no more questions. I took a glance at my watch before he spoke up. "Your Mother. Did she go to a conference in Seattle back in 1992?" House asked.
I froze. I've heard about that conference many times from Mom. Doing the math and the number of times she's brought it up. I'm 80% sure I was conceived during that conference. Yes I know I think too much. "Y-Yeah." I stuttered.
"Thought I recognized her name." House said before leaving me stunned by the bleachers of the football field.
I knocked on the door to Dr. Wilson's office. There are two things I mainly do while volunteering at PPTH: helping out Bill the IT Guy and hanging out with the cancer kids. With Midterms slowly creeping up on me I've been a bit busy meaning I wasn't exactly sure who Wilson wanted me to see. There wasn't a response which was odd because I could tell the light was on in his office and I could hear someone moving around behind the door.
What I had expected when I opened the door was for Dr. Wilson to be so absorbed in the paperwork that he just didn't hear me. It's happened once or twice. The scene in front of me didn't even remotely cross my mind.
Dr. Wilson had his head face-first on his desk passed out. Dr. House was chilling on the couch reading a medical file. "I'll come back later." I mumbled.
House turned his head to look at me. "Why are you here?" He asked.
"I volunteer here." I replied.
"In Wilson's office? What do you do? Give the heads of departments backrubs? Because I'll hit you up on that." He joked.
I glared at House. "No The Hospital in general." I huffed. "Is he okay?"
"Hasn't slept in a few days. One of his patients dying or something. Gave him a little something to help him out" House said.
That would be Joey. The little guy was doing so well. Entirely unexpected. Must be eating Wilson up inside. I'm trying not to think about it myself. "You drugged him?" I asked.
"Well if that's the conclusion you want to jump to." House said. That's a yes then. I guess House cares about Wilson in his own messed up way.
"Right whatever just tell Wilson I'll go help out Bill today." I said before leaving.
This past week I've noticed House much more often than before. I don't think it's just because my brain is acknowledging him more now that we've talked a few times. I think he's watching me.
Sure I've been wondering if maybe House is my father. The fact that he was at the conference I was likely conceived at, recognized my Mother's name 17 years after the fact, he's living in New Jersey, the not so low key stalking and well we really do have the same eyes. But this isn't something you just go up and be like: "Hey did you have unprotected sex with my Mother at that conference?". 
I wanted to bang my head against the table I was sitting at. I was trying to study for my Latin midterm but I just couldn't focus. Especially with House watching me from a few tables down.
It's almost 8 PM so the cafeteria is basically empty besides the two of us. I sighed and shut my notebook. "You're not being very slick you know." I said to House.
House took that as an invitation to sit down at the table I was at. "Little self-centered thinking I'm watching you." He said after sitting down.
I glared at him. "We're literally the only people here right now and you're not eating anything." I pointed out.
"You're not eating anything either." House countered.
"I needed a table for studying." I said gesturing at the Latin books and notes in front of me.
"Latin huh?" House mused and flipped through one of the books. "You look like you already know what you need to for this midterm."
I sighed and rubbed my hands on my face. "I do I just can't spell." I said in a frustrated tone.
House raised an eyebrow and looked at one of the pages of notes. "Seems like you can spell just fine."
I sighed again. "Not even questioning why all my notes are typed?" I asked.
"Bad handwriting?" He said.
"Okay well yes but also because I'm heavily reliant on spell-check." I said and ran my hands through my hair. "I can barely spell English words let alone Latin."
"So you're not studying Latin you're studying how to spell in Latin." House said.
"Yes." I said.
"Sounds like a waste of time." House said and loudly dropped the book on the table.
It is a waste of time and I know it but I have to try. I guess I'm a little paranoid that if I don't do AMAZING at everything someone is going to find out I'm homeless and everything will fall apart… Again. "You say that like talking to you isn't just as much of a waste of time." I shot back.
"I know Latin." House protested.
"Any tips on how to spell Latin?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"Point still stands." I said and crossed my arms.
House leaned back in the chair he was in. "Any updates on The Father Hunt?" He asked.
Yeah, you're the most likely candidate that I've met since getting here in August. 
"No." I lied while uncrossing my arms and looking back at some of my notes.
"You're lying." House said.
I said I wanted to bang my head on the table before? Now I want to even more. I meekly looked up at House. He was watching me intently. "I think you know what I'm thinking." I said and quickly looked back at the notes that I was not remotely reading.
"No idea." He said in a tone that made it obvious that he DID know what I was thinking he just wanted me to say it.
I banged my head on the table. I hate this. I hate this situation. Why did Mom have to die? I could've gone my whole life without needing to find out who my Father was if she didn't die. "You're the most likely candidate." I grumbled.
"Now was it that hard to say?" House mocked.
I didn't respond. I want to sit here with my head on this table for eternity.
"Come on get up I need your blood." House said.
I slowly lifted my head. "Why?" I mumbled.
"Well unless you got some other proof that we're related in which case you've been holding out on me." House said.
Paternity test. He wants to do a paternity test. If he wants to do a paternity test that means there's a pretty good chance that House is my father. I gathered up my Latin books and notes before silently following House.
House had let me sleep in his office last night which was nice. I think he's been working on some difficult case or something because he was there the whole night too. I was almost late for school because my phone which has my alarm was dead because I forgot to plug it in.
I handed the now completed Latin midterm to my teacher. I know I didn't bomb it at least. Done for the day now. My last period is a free period and the school doesn't care if I leave early. My now charged phone rang once I was out of the building. My caller ID signaled that I didn't know who it was. I threw my bag in my car and picked it up. "Hello." I said hoping it wasn't a spam caller or something.
"You coming to the hospital today?" The voice asked. House.
"I normally do on Friday's yes." I said while starting my car. "How'd you get my number?" I asked.
"Cuddy had it in your volunteer file." House replied.
Makes sense but also a little intrusive. "You could've asked for my number." I huffed.
"That's no fun." He said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Come to my office when you get here." House said and hung up.
"Will do." I said in a sarcastic tone and turned on the radio.
Once I got to PPTH I made my way to House's office but he and his team weren't there. I spotted Dr. Wilson walking down the hallway. "Uh, Dr. Wilson Sir?" I stumbled over my words trying to get his attention.
"You don't need to call me Sir." Wilson said to me.
"Right yeah sorry." I mumbled.
"Rose wanted to see you this morning." Wilson said.
"Do you uh know where Dr. House is?" I asked but made a mental note that Rose wanted to see me.
Wilson looked back and forth between me and House's empty office. "Since when have you and House known each other?" Wilson asked.
Well longer than I've known you. I even walked in on House drugging you earlier this week.
"Not too long. He wanted to talk to me about something." I said.
Wilson was thinking I could see the gears in his head working. "Are you why he's been acting so weird recently?" He asked.
"Dunno he seems pretty weird anyway." I said with a shrug. Wilson gave me a side-eye.
"I don't know Kid you're giving my weirdness a run for its money." A voice said. House.
"Kid? Did you forget my name again?" I huffed.
"Yep." He popped.
You literally drew my blood yesterday what the hell. 
"Now Jimmy me and…" House trailed off.
"Jay." Wilson said.
"Need to talk." House finished.
"Why so secretive?" Wilson asked.
"Doctor-Patient Confidentiality!" House said.
Wilson looked at me. "Are you sick?" He asked.
Depends if House really is my Father my mind is probably pretty fucked up. 
"Not in any way that would affect kids with low to no immune system." I said.
Wilson looked at both of us. "We're talking about this later." He said to House and started to walk off.
"That's illegal Jimmy." House yelled to Wilson as he walked off before going into his office. I followed behind.
House threw me an envelope once I was inside. The results of the paternity test I assume. Well, this is it. Either House is my Father or I'm wrong and the likelihood of finding out who my Father is plummets immensely. I opened the envelope.
It's Positive. I looked up at House.
"Ran it twice to make sure." He said, sitting down at his desk.
I wasn't expecting to actually figure out who my Father was. I mean the chances? All I knew was that he potentially was living in Princeton. For all, I knew he could've moved away or died.
"You okay?" House asked.
Part of me as a kid wondered if I even HAD a Father. I mean yes, of course, I know how babies are made but the illogical part of my mind always wondered.
"You better not faint." House huffed.
I blinked. "Sorry I wasn't actually expecting this." I mumbled and sat down.
"You weren't expecting the paternity test results?" He questioned.
"I didn't expect to be correct." I said barely audible.
"Well if it was negative we would've both been incorrect which is extremely unlikely." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'm rarely wrong." House said.
Right totally not a massive ego there.
We sat in silence for a while. "What happens now?" I asked. I mean I did it. I found out who my Father is but someone like House? I doubt he'd want to take me in even though I'm 16 so it's not a long term responsibility.
"We'll see." House said.
That's about the worst response he could give me. I would've preferred a "Well this was fun but I'm going to call social services now." Over that. Uncertainty absolutely kills me inside.
AN: Yes after delaying this for 50 years I’ve finally posted this. We out here finally doing what I’d say I’d do ages ago. Anyway if you can’t tell from all the posts I’ve made already on the blog I’m VERY excited about this fic. House MD is like my fave fandom to write for so like lol we back at it boys. But yeah this is a LONG TERM PROJECT and so like I’m very hype.
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While you’re out mining dating apps for love this Valentine’s Day, these platforms are doing the same to your data. That’s because these apps and sites’ business models rely on the information you provide, to determine things like the matches they suggest and the ads they show you as you swipe.
But in a sea of strangers’ profile pictures, it can be hard to tell how, exactly, services like Tinder and OkCupid choose the suggested matches for you that they do. After all, the algorithms that power these platforms are proprietary, and companies have no interest in dishing out intimate details about how they work, neither to us nor their competitors.
Still, the information these companies have volunteered (and what they’ve disclosed thanks to data privacy laws like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation) can give us a good idea of how they generally work. As to whether these algorithms are actually better than the real world for finding love? That’s still up for debate, though that hasn’t stopped 30 percent of US adults from trying one of these platforms at least once in their lives.
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What types of data do dating sites track, and who can get it? Join the Open Sourced Reporting Network
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Christina Animashaun/Vox Open Sourced is Recode by Vox’s year-long reporting project to demystify the world of data, personal privacy, algorithms, and artificial intelligence. And we need your help. Fill out this form to contribute to our reporting.
First and foremost, whatever data you explicitly share with a dating app or site, the platform now has it. Depending on the platform you’re using, that can mean your gender, sexual orientation, location data, political affiliation, and religion. If you’re sharing photos or videos through a dating app, yes, the company has access to those. And they might be screening them with AI too; Bumble uses such tech to preemptively screen and block images that might be lewd.
But a dating platform can also have access to data about your activity on social media platforms if you connect them to your dating profile. As journalist Judith Duportail recounted in the Guardian, the dating app platform Tinder had maintained at least 800 pages worth of information on her that included info from her Facebook and Instagram accounts (including her “Likes” and the number of Facebook friends she had) and the text of conversations she had with every single one of her matches on the app. (You too can try requesting some of your Tinder dating app data, if you’re curious.)
So whatever service you’re using, be it an app-based platform like Hinge or a website-based service like Match.com, it likely has a bunch of your data. And these platforms work with third-party services that can also receive information about you.
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For instance, a website data tracker can pick up the URLs you visit while you’re on a dating site and use that information to gather analytics or target ads at you, as we explained earlier this week. Your data could also be shared with third-party companies that your dating app might work with for the purpose of studying their site usage and to help target ads.
Some of these dating-sharing processes are questionable. For instance, back in 2018, Grindr was forced to admit that two companies it had paid to study its app usage were ultimately able to access information about its users’ HIV status (that practice has since been stopped). The Android versions of OkCupid and Tinder, which are both owned by the Match Group — which, yes, also owns Match.com — have reportedly shared users’ data, including information about their political views, ethnicities, and location, with a customer engagement service called Braze, according to research from consumer protection agency the Norwegian Consumer Council earlier this year. (Responding to this report, Match said that it does not use “sensitive personal information whatsoever for advertising purposes,” and that it uses third parties to “assist with technical operations and providing our overall services.”)
Though they share user data with third parties, dating companies generally claim that they’re not selling users’ personal data. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have security vulnerabilities. Here’s just one concerning example: A bug in the chat feature on the dating app Jack’d made it possible to view users’ images sent as “private” on the public internet, as reported by Ars Technica last year. And on Tinder, a security flaw caused by issues on both the Facebook platform and Tinder’s login system allowed researchers to take over accounts on the dating app with just a user’s phone number (the problem, which was raised in 2018, was quickly fixed).
Another privacy consideration: There’s a chance your private communications on these apps might be handed over to the government or law enforcement. Like a lot of other tech platforms, these sites’ privacy policies generally state that they can give your data when facing a legal request like a court order.
Your favorite dating site isn’t as private as you think How do the algorithms use my data to suggest matches? While we don’t know exactly how these different algorithms work, there are a few common themes: It’s likely that most dating apps out there use the information you give them to influence their matching algorithms. Also, who you’ve liked previously (and who has liked you) can shape your future suggested matches. And finally, while these services are often free, their add-on paid features can augment the algorithm’s default results.
Let’s take Tinder, one of the most widely used dating apps in the US. Its algorithms rely not only on information you share with the platform but also data about “your use of the service,” like your activity and location. In a blog post published last year, the company explained that “[each] time your profile is Liked or Noped” is also factored in when matching you with people. That’s similar to how other platforms, like OkCupid, describe their matching algorithms. But on Tinder, you can also buy extra “Super Likes,” which can make it more likely that you actually get a match.
You might be wondering whether there’s a secret score rating your prowess on Tinder. The company used to use a so-called “Elo” rating system, which changed your “score” as people with more right swipes increasingly swiped right on you, as Vox explained last year. While the company has said that’s no longer in use, the Match Group declined Recode’s other questions about its algorithms. (Also, neither Grindr nor Bumble responded to our request for comment by the time of publication.)
Hinge, which is also owned by the Match Group, works similarly: The platform considers who you like, skip, and match with as well as what you specify as your “preferences” and “dealbreakers” and “who you might exchange phone numbers with” to suggest people who could be compatible matches.
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But, interestingly, the company also solicits feedback from users after their dates in order to improve the algorithm. And Hinge suggests a “Most Compatible” match (usually each day), with the help of a type of artificial intelligence called machine learning. Here’s how The Verge’s Ashley Carman explained the method behind that algorithm: “The company’s technology breaks people down based on who has liked them. It then tries to find patterns in those likes. If people like one person, then they might like another based on who other users also liked once they liked this specific person.”
It’s important to note that these platforms also consider preferences that you share with them directly, which can certainly influence your results. (Which factors you should be able to filter by — some platforms allow users to filter or exclude matches based on ethnicity, “body type,” and religious background — is a much-debated and complicated practice).
But even if you’re not explicitly sharing certain preferences with an app, these platforms can still amplify potentially problematic dating preferences.
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Last year, a team supported by Mozilla designed a game called MonsterMatch that was meant to demonstrate how biases expressed by your initial swipes can ultimately impact the field of available matches, not only for you but for everyone else. The game’s website describes how this phenomenon, called “collaborative filtering,” works:
Collaborative filtering in dating means that the earliest and most numerous users of the app have outsize influence on the profiles later users see. Some early user says she likes (by swiping right on) some other active dating app user. Then that same early user says she doesn’t like (by swiping left on) a Jewish user’s profile, for whatever reason. As soon as some new person also swipes right on that active dating app user, the algorithm assumes the new person “also” dislikes the Jewish user’s profile, by the definition of collaborative filtering. So the new person never sees the Jewish profile.
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If you want to see that happen in action, you can play the game here.
Will these apps actually help me find love? A couple of respondents to our call-out (you, too, can join our Open Sourced Reporting Network) wanted to know why they weren’t having much luck on these apps. We’re not in a position to give individualized feedback, but it’s worth noting that the efficacy of dating apps isn’t a settled question, and they’ve been the subject of extensive debate.
One study last year found connecting online is now the most popular way to meet for US heterosexual couples, and Pew reports that 57 percent of people who used an online dating app found it to be at least a somewhat positive experience. But these apps can also expose people to online deception and catfishing, and Ohio State researchers suggest that people suffering from loneliness and social anxiety can end up having bad experiences using these platforms. Like so many tech innovations, dating apps have trade-offs, both good and bad.
Still, dating apps are certainly helpful tools for landing a first date, even if their long-term success isn’t clear. And hey, maybe you’ll get lucky.
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phroyd · 5 years
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This is the fact sheet and FAQ posted on the morning of February 7, 2019 (and then quickly taken down) from the official Congressional website of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Green New Deal.
[Editor: Read the Green New Deal resolution filed with Congress here.]
LAUNCH: Thursday, February 7, at 8:30 AM.
We will begin work immediately on Green New Deal bills to put the nuts and bolts on the plan described in this resolution (important to say so someone else can’t claim this mantle).
This is a massive transformation of our society with clear goals and a timeline.
The Green New Deal resolution a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. It will:
§ Move America to 100% clean and renewable energy
§ Create millions of family supporting-wage, union jobs
§ Ensure a just transition for all communities and workers to ensure economic security for people and communities that have historically relied on fossil fuel industries
§ Ensure justice and equity for frontline communities by prioritizing investment, training, climate and community resiliency, economic and environmental benefits in these communities. § Build on FDR’s second bill of rights by guaranteeing:
· A job with a family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security
· High-quality education, including higher education and trade schools
· Clean air and water and access to nature
· Healthy food
· High-quality health care
· Safe, affordable, adequate housing
· Economic environment free of monopolies
· Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work
There is no time to waste.
o IPCC Report said global emissions must be cut by by 40-60% by 2030. US is 20% of total emissions. We must get to 0 by 2030 and lead the world in a global Green New Deal.
Americans love a challenge. This is our moonshot.
o When JFK said we’d go to the by the end of the decade, people said impossible.
o If Eisenhower wanted to build the interstate highway system today, people would ask how we’d pay for it. o When FDR called on America to build 185,000 planes to fight World War 2, every business leader, CEO, and general laughed at him. At the time, the U.S. had produced 3,000 planes in the last year. By the end of the war, we produced 300,000 planes. That’s what we are capable of if we have real leadership
This is massive investment in our economy and society, not expenditure.
o We invested 40-50% of GDP into our economy during World War 2 and created the greatest middle class the US has seen.
o The interstate highway system has returned more than $6 in economic productivity for every $1 it cost
o This is massively expanding existing and building new industries at a rapid pace – growing our economy
The Green New Deal has momentum.
o 92 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Republicans support the Green New Deal
o Nearly every major Democratic Presidential contender say they back the Green New deal including: Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Jeff Merkeley, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Jay Inslee.
o 45 House Reps and 330+ groups backed the original resolution for a select committee
o Over 300 local and state politicians have called for a federal Green New Deal
o New Resolution has 20 co-sponsors, about 30 groups (numbers will change by Thursday).
Why 100% clean and renewable and not just 100% renewable? Are you saying we won’t transition off fossil fuels?
Yes, we are calling for a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases. Anyone who has read the resolution sees that we spell this out through a plan that calls for eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from every sector of the economy. Simply banning fossil fuels immediately won’t build the new economy to replace it – this is the plan to build that new economy and spells out how to do it technically. We do this through a huge mobilization to create the renewable energy economy as fast as possible. We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.
Is nuclear a part of this?
A Green New Deal is a massive investment in renewable energy production and would not include creating new nuclear plants. It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible. No one has put the full 10-year plan together yet, and if it is possible to get to fully 100% renewable in 10 years, we will do that.
Does this include a carbon tax?
The Green New Deal is a massive investment in the production of renewable energy industries and infrastructure. We cannot simply tax gas and expect workers to figure out another way to get to work unless we’ve first created a better, more affordable option. So we’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal in the face of the gigantic expansion of our productive economy and would have to be preceded by first creating the solutions necessary so that workers and working class communities are not affected. While a carbon tax may be a part of the Green New Deal, it misses the point and would be off the table unless we create the clean, affordable options first.
Does this include cap and trade?
The Green New Deal is about creating the renewable energy economy through a massive investment in our society and economy. Cap and trade assumes the existing market will solve this problem for us, and that’s simply not true. While cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan to mobilize our economy, any cap and trade legislation will pale in comparison to the size of the mobilization and must recognize that existing legislation can incentivize companies to create toxic hotspots in frontline communities, so anything here must ensure that frontline communities are prioritized.
Does a GND ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure or nuclear power plants?
The Green New Deal makes new fossil fuel infrastructure or nuclear plants unnecessary. This is a massive mobilization of all our resources into renewable energies. It would simply not make sense to build new fossil fuel infrastructure because we will be creating a plan to reorient our entire economy to work off renewable energy. Simply banning fossil fuels and nuclear plants immediately won’t build the new economy to replace it – this is the plan to build that new economy and spells out how to do it technically.
Are you for CCUS [Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage]?
We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective. How will you pay for it? The same way we paid for the New Deal, the 2008 bank bailout and extended quantitative easing programs. The same way we paid for World War II and all our current wars. The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit. There is also space for the government to take an equity stake in projects to get a return on investment. At the end of the day, this is an investment in our economy that should grow our wealth as a nation, so the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity.
Why do we need a sweeping Green New Deal investment program? Why can’t we just rely on regulations and taxes and the private sector to invest alone such as a carbon tax or a ban on fossil fuels?
· The level of investment required is massive. Even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.
· The speed of investment required will be massive. Even if all the billionaires and companies could make the investments required, they would not be able to pull together a coordinated response in the narrow window of time required to jump-start major new projects and major new economic sectors. Also, private companies are wary of making massive investments in unproven research and technologies; the government, however, has the time horizon to be able to patiently make investments in new tech and R&D, without necessarily having a commercial outcome or application in mind at the time the investment is made. Major examples of government investments in “new” tech that subsequently spurred a boom in the private section include DARPA projects, the creation of the internet - and, perhaps most recently, the government’s investment in Tesla.
· Simply put, we don’t need to just stop doing some things we are doing (like using fossil fuels for energy needs); we also need to start doing new things (like overhauling whole industries or retrofitting all buildings to be energy efficient). Starting to do new things requires some upfront investment. In the same way that a company that is trying to change how it does business may need to make big upfront capital investments today in order to reap future benefits (for e.g., building a new factory to increase production or buying new hardware and software to totally modernize its IT system), a country that is trying to change how its economy works will need to make big investments today to jump-start and develop new projects and sectors to power the new economy.
· Merely incentivizing the private sector doesn’t work - e.g. the tax incentives and subsidies given to wind and solar projects have been a valuable spur to growth in the US renewables industry but, even with such investment promotion subsidies, the present level of such projects is simply inadequate to transition to a fully greenhouse gas neutral economy as quickly as needed.
· Once again, we’re not saying that there isn’t a role for private sector investments; we’re just saying that the level of investment required will need every actor to pitch in and that the government is best placed to be the prime driver.
Resolution Summary
Created in consultation with multiple groups from environmental community, environmental justice community, and labor community. 5 goals in 10 years:
o Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers o Create millions of high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all
o Invest in infrastructure and industry to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century o Clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all
o Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of frontline and vulnerable communities
National mobilization our economy through 14 infrastructure and industrial projects. Every project strives to remove greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from every sector of our economy:
o Build infrastructure to create resiliency against climate change-related disasters
o Repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure. ASCE estimates this is $4.6 trillion at minimum.
o Meet 100% of power demand through clean and renewable energy sources
o Build energy-efficient, distributed smart grids and ensure affordable access to electricity
o Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency
o Massively expand clean manufacturing (like solar panel factories, wind turbine factories, battery and storage manufacturing, energy efficient manufacturing components) and remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing
o Work with farmers and ranchers to create a sustainable, pollution and greenhouse gas free, food system that ensures universal access to healthy food and expands independent family farming
o Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle
o Mitigate long-term health effects of climate change and pollution
o Remove greenhouse gases from our atmosphere and pollution through afforestation, preservation, and other methods of restoring our natural ecosystems
o Restore all our damaged and threatened ecosystems
o Clean up all the existing hazardous waste sites and abandoned sites
o Identify new emission sources and create solutions to eliminate those emissions
o Make the US the leader in addressing climate change and share our technology, expertise and products with the rest of the world to bring about a global Green New Deal
Social and economic justice and security through 15 requirements:
o Massive federal investments and assistance to organizations and businesses participating in the green new deal and ensuring the public gets a return on that investment
o Ensure the environmental and social costs of emissions are taken into account
o Provide job training and education to all
o Invest in R&D of new clean and renewable energy technologies
o Doing direct investments in frontline and deindustrialized communities that would otherwise be hurt by the transition to prioritize economic benefits there
o Use democratic and participatory processes led by frontline and vulnerable communities to implement GND projects locally
o Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local
o Guarantee a job with family-sustaining wages
o Protect right of all workers to unionize and organize
o Strengthen and enforce labor, workplace health and safety, antidiscrimination, and wage and hour standards
o Enact and enforce trade rules to stop the transfer of jobs and pollution overseas and grow domestic manufacturing
o Ensure public lands, waters, and oceans are protected and eminent domain is not abused
o Obtain free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous peoples
o Ensure an economic environment free of monopolies and unfair competition
o Provide high-quality health care, housing, economic security, and clean air, clean water, healthy food, and nature to all
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There are girls
There are girls who think they will just stay in front of the camera and make money. But all the things they do there will affect their minds. The next step is prostitution. I see that now.The webcam industry also does its best to entice young women into the business.But what about cam girls that don’t use studios? I decided to interview a cam girl name Ona Artist who is essentially a camming celebrity—she has 1.3 million followers on Instagram—to find out what that life is like. Turns out, it’s even more work.She's got camming down to a science. "It's all about saying to people they are sweet," she smiles. All a man needs is attention, when he wants it, and he'll be Anna's until the tokens run dry. Regulars will sit in her room for hours, pouring money away — these are the lonely ones, Anna says. "They want to hear that they're loved... that they're sweet... that they're kind... that's how you keep them coming back. It might sound mercenary, but these guys are getting exactly what they're paying for. Only a man in the deepest bog of delusion truly believes the cam love is real — if you're spending hundreds of dollars for a companion on your computer monitor, you have to be willing to suspend disbelief. Plenty are willing — particularly Americans, who for whatever reasons (Anna chalks it up to a sort of cultural shamelessness), are more "generous" than Europeans, and more likely to buy into the act — and pay for the privilege of watching something interactive.
I have considered opening up my profile again a few times since, and very well might once I get over the ‘what will people​ think?’ ​paranoia, and memorise the retort I have planned regarding the government youth unemployment in Australia: With youth unemployment currently sitting around 13%, creating your own job using the resources you already have (in this case, internet connection, webcam, studio lighting and cute knickers) becomes a much more viable option than waiting for callbacks from the 20 resumes you sent out last week. That said, the idea of my future prospects of employability could be damaged if this was discovered, and I do wonder about the percentage of money the site makes versus the percentages the models make.The first time I went private with a guy I freaked the fuck out. All he wrote was get naked. And so far all Id done in a chat room was flash my boobs for an influx of tokens. I froze up in stage ­fright and closed the room. In my group chat I wrote: Sorry, cam froze. And I logged off for the night.It also gives Domino a chance to indulge in her geeky professionalism: "I like being able to network with people who aren't my strip club customers, [and] it's a way for me to see how good I am at SEO and social media. This is fun for her. Domino says she's "always been a very sexual person," so while camming is tiring, of course, on-camera kink isn't onerous, if you can put the monotony aside.That wasn't always the case. Before she started stripping — both online and off — Domino was a suit: working at a Fortune 500 company as a graphic designer. She quit the firm out of boredom in 2010, and now mainly flexes her aesthetic skills to push her online sex shows. Unlike most cam girls, Domino isn't affiliated with a network like LiveJasmin. She's completely independent, streaming strip and fetish sex shows from her home studio, straight from a website she built herself. Stripping at a local joint came first, but after breaking her wrist, Domino segued away from brick and mortar clubs. She'd heard there was good money to be made doing pretty much the same stuff online — and she could be her own boss.
"It's about selling your brain, not your body," she says. "I see it like a performance, like a show. But this is not a job for everybody - a lot of girls quit after a few weeks or even days, because they have this mindset that they're selling their body. Your mindset is what matters in this job. I have my limits, and I truly do not feel exploited.The whole thing is an amazing facade. You think these girls are camming from their rooms when they have free time, but no; they come to the studio at 8 AM and sit there until 6 PM. They work 40 hour weeks and often pay the studio 50 percent of their income. In exchange, the studio provides them with a built-in audience, a technical infrastructure, a hair and makeup person, a wardrobe—they even have people that train them on what clients tend to like and how to keep people in a quiet room with you.Lana works in Room 8. It is dominated by a circular bed with cushions. There is a wardrobe containing some of her clothes.Another camgirl, Heidi, 23, has bright blue hair and once sat on a kitchen bench and painted herself while more than 40 men – paying customers - tuned in to watch. CONTINUED BELOW...
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deeptacogentlemen · 3 years
Buy Facebook Page Verification
Facebook is not only a place to enjoy social media to post your photos and other things. Now people use it for business purposes. One can also Buy Instagram Account verification. It is often said that only public figure like celebrities or brands can verify their account, but it not right even you can also apply for the verification of your account/Page.   AN Instagram/Facebook Page can be verified by following the instructions below. Buy Facebook Page Verification.
Steps To Verify Your Facebook Page/Instagram Account
There are four steps to verify your account.
Your Account Should Be Authentic/Buy Facebook Page Verification
everyone can verify his or her account on Instagram. To verify an account, it must be real. For example, your real name or your business name, these are the name of the real things on papers on your identity card your name is the same as it is on your Instagram account. You can’t choose any name.
It Should Be Unique
means that your name should be unique. You have to make your name and username; both are unique. You can only verify your name once. No one with your name can verify his or her account.
It Should Be Essential
means your account should be on the high search. You should have more traffic on your account if there is more traffic on your account, then it will be considered as more unique. You should also have at least 10 to 15 articles in a newspaper with URL so that people may search you on Google; it increases your authenticity. If you are well known because of your work means your account, people know you because of your work provided on your account. If you are more searchable on Google, you have a website on Google you are searched on Wikipedia, the more chances of your ranking and verification. It may take time, but if once built, you will be able to verify your account quickly. You can also buy your account verification easily.
It Should Be Complete In A Sense
After having the proper name and username, there should be a good profile picture, complete details of your bio. You should have at least one post on your account, and the last thing is your account should not be private; you should have a public account.
You can easily buy an Instagram account and easily buy its verification. Still, before Buying an Instagram, you must know that buying account or verification is not safe. It is against the terms and conditions of Instagram, therefore you technically you are not allowed to buy or sell account, but it isn’t peculiar. I want to mention here to make you aware of the fact. Before buying verification, you should have a little knowledge about the real and the scammer. To avoid scams, there are different strategies that you can follow. The first step is to find a reliable person to sell his account. Different people get their account verification in different ways. When someone tries to get knowledge about verification of his account on Google, he can see different people giving their services to the people, making them buy account verification. Still, before buying from them, you should assure that is this a real person giving his account or a scammer because most of the time, these are scammers. Technically you are paying someone to get your blue checkmark. By using your account, you can earn more by promoting brands and products in their updates then you spend on the verification
How To Avoid Instagram Scammer? Buy Facebook Page Verification
To avoid scammer, you can use these different ways. The first is you should have the option of money back. IN some cases, they also give you this option to give you your money back or that you can pay after getting your verification. Here arises the question of how we can know that if someone is not a scammer, you can judge it by the way he treats you. The real seller gives you the offer to check free whether your account meets the requirements or not. He also gives you the option of giving your money back if your account gets not verified due to any reason. The scammers often charge less so that people may come to them, and they never give you the offer to give back your money. So YOU can check by yourself whether the person is reliable or not.
After getting a reliable person, you still should be aware of while choosing the way of giving him money. You should use PayPal goods and services, and the other is the use of a middleman. I case of using an intermediary, you have to select an intermediary by mutual understanding and have to give the money to him, so after verification of your account and your satisfaction, your middleman will give the money to the seller. This is quite safer. The other way is to use PayPal goods and services. In this case, the same as the other, you have to give money to PayPal, and after the completion of your work, it will be transferred to the other party. If you are not satisfied with your work, you can report your seller and can get your money back. And one thing essential is that you should have a written argument and the screenshots of the chat, so in case of any unfortunate, you can show PayPal your conversation and can report the seller. You can also use the option of video chat in this case when you contact the person on a video call, and he refuses, then there are chances that he may be a scam. So in this way, you can save you from getting scammed.
Price Of The Account/Buy Facebook Page Verification
So far as the price of the account verification is concerned, it may vary from market to market. The price can also help you identify a scammer. The scammer often charges less. The price may be $5k to $8k depends on the work and efforts using in the verification of your account. Buy Facebook Page Verification
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readyfox890 · 3 years
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Home >Blog > 12 Solutions to Fix
12 Solutions to Fix
Why isn't Razer Synapse opening on my PC? Here are 12 solutions to detect and fix your issues.
Download Razer Synapse 1.85 for Mac from our software library for free. Our built-in antivirus scanned this Mac download and rated it as 100% safe. This free Mac application was originally developed by Razer USA Ltd. The bundle id for this application is com.razerzone.RazerSynapse. The most popular versions of Razer Synapse for Mac are 2.0 and 1.0.
Download Razer Synapse 2.0 Manager 1.34 for Mac OS (Keyboard & Mouse). This being said, if you wish to install this version, download and apply the package, and install it on the system. Also check back with our website whenever possible, to stay up to date with latest releases.
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by Helen | Jun 18, 2020
Since its release, 'Razer Synapse won’t open' issue has lasted for years. If you’re a gamer and fans of Razer, then having no access to Razer Synapse could be frustrating for you. It is frustrating because after having the mentioned issue, you won’t be able to use a mouse and keyboard connected to your PC, and your game won’t work. Therefore, we jump in to help you with a set of Razer Synapse Problems and their solutions as well.
What Is Razer Synapse?
Razer Synapse is a unified configuration software released by Razer designed to configure and customize Razer hardware series (RGB lighting, keyboard macros, mouse DPI, etc.). Officially, Synapse allows its users to rebind controls or assign macros to any of their Razer peripherals and automatically saves all its users’ settings on cloud. Thus, when its users working with new Razer peripherals, they can apply their special device settings from the cloud savings without personalizing them one by one.
Why Is Razer Synapse Not Opening?
There are many possible reasons for Razer Synapse not working, simply software breaks down, driver outdated, unstable USB connection, surround module interference, antivirus software interception, device compatibility problem, and so on. And, one person’s Synapse was unavailable may due to one or more causes.
Razer Synapse Will Not Open - How to Fix?
As for different causes, the solution is unlike. The following content will sort the solutions into three groups.
Way 1. Relaunch Razer Synapse
If this is the first time you failed to start Synapse or you feel like you don’t pay your attention when opening it (maybe your clicks miss the icon), you can relaunch the software and run it as administrator.
Way 2. Check USB Connection of Razer Peripherals
Go to check the USB cables of Razer mouse, keyboard, etc. to see whether they are connected firmly or not. If not, just fix them or replace new ones to solve Razer Synapse not opening issue.
Way 3. Upgrade/Reinstall Razer Device Drivers
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Check whether your drivers of Razer hardware devices are up to date or not. If it is not, just upgrade it.
If that doesn’t work, maybe you need a fresh installation of those drivers. Reinstallation will also bring you the latest version of device drivers.
Step 1. Right-click “This PC” (for Windows 10) or “My Computer” (in Windows 7/8) and choose “Manage” to open the “Computer Management” window.
Step 2. In the Computer Management window, click “Device Manager” in the left menu.
Step 3. Find and uninstall all Razer devices’ drivers. Just right-click on the driver and select “Uninstall device”. (Yes, here choose “Uninstall device”.)
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Step 4. Disconnect all Razer devices form your computer by pulling out their USB cables.
Step 5. A few minutes later, restart your PC and plug all those devices in again. And, Windows will auto-install the drivers of the devices.
Way 4. Reinstall Razer Synapse
Move to the Apps & features a part in Windows Settings, find and uninstall Razer Synapse. Then, go to the Razer Synapse official page, download and install the newest version Razer Synapse 3.
1. Make sure to completely delete all Synapse related folders (C:Program Files (×86)Razer ) and data (C:ProgramDataRazer directories). And, those files are hidden in default, you should first unhide them before deleting.
2. Do not install the Razer Surround Module after Synapse’s reinstallation.
Or, you should go back to the old version of the software to deal with Razer Synapse not opening. Some users mentioned that Razer Synapse 2 is more stable than version 3. Besides, Synapse 2.0 supports MAC OS except for Windows while Synapse 3.0 can’t.
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Way 5. Disable/Remove Razer Surround Module
If you take a fresh installation of Razer Synapse described in Way 4, you are suggested not to install the surround module. After Synapse reinstallation, log into your Razer account and let Synapse connect to the Internet.
Wait without any operation until Synapse shows the above screen. Then, you’ll get 2 notifications when clicking on the top-left email account: Razer Surround and Synapse Update. Click “Razer Surround” and select “Cancel”. Then, you can update Synapse if there is an available update version. Finally, restart the computer from Razer pop up notification.
If you already have Razer surround module installed, just uninstall it from Apps and Features in Windows settings.
Way 6. End Razer Processes for fixing Razer Synapse not Opening
For Razer Synapse 3.0 not opening, some users fixed it by closing Razer processes before launching it.
Step 1. Right-click the Taskbar and pick “Task Manager”.
Step 2. Click on one Razer process and click “End task” on the bottom left corner. Then, close other Razer processes in the same way. You can only close them one by one.
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Step 3. Finally, run Synapse with administrator authority.
Way 7. Check Synapse’s Compatibility with System
Usually, this method can solve Razer Synapse not opening problem in Windows 7 or Windows 8.
In Win 8, go to “Synapse Properties”, select the “Compatibility” tab, and run the software with Windows 8 operating system.
For Windows 7, the operations are similar. Yet, you have to run synapse with admin and without any antivirus service running on.
Way 8. Create New Synapse Account
Another way to solve Razer Synapse not starting issued is to create a new account to log in. this is a temporary solution found by a synapse user. He himself confirmed that after a period of time’s use of the new account, the program will not apply again. Therefore, you should create another new account. He reminds that after you set up your account, make sure to export everything to a file. Then if you have the problem again later, all you have to do is create another new account and import the file and you're ready to go.
Way 9. Install the Newest Microsoft .NET Framework
NET framework is a necessary system configuration for Razer Synapse. If there is no NET framework, Synapse isn’t functional. Still, an outdated framework may also result in Synapse not applying. All in all, get the very latest version of NET Framework (currently 4.8) is the final solution.
Way 10. Turn off Windows Defender or Third-party Antivirus Firewall
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These security programs may regard Razer Synapse as spyware and freeze it. Thus, it may get Synapse work again by disabling the antivirus software.
For your own third-party security applications, just temporarily stop it by yourself to fix Razer Synapse Won't Open issue. The next will show the guide to turn off Windows Defender.
Step 1. Type “control panel” in the bottom left search column and open Control Panel in the search results.
Step2. Scroll down to find and open the Windows Defender Firewall window.
Step 3. Click “Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off” in the left menu.
Step 4. Choose “Turn off Windows Defender Firewall” in both private and public network settings. Then, click “OK”.
Note: Remember to turn on Windows Defender Firewall after successfully launched Razer Synapse.
Way 11. Update Computer Operating System
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There is also a chance that an old system version is not compatible with Razer Synapse. So, update your OS might also solve Razer Synapse not opening the problem.
Step 1. Open computer settings.
Step 2. Select “Update & Security”.
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Step 3. In the Update & Security Settings window, check for system updates; download and install the update if there is any.
Way 12. Take a Clean Boot
Carry out a clean boot to explore execution problems within a booting procedure, like mistake messages and programming clashes. Then, solve these problems may fix Razer Synapse access unavailable issue.
The Bottom Line
If none of the above work in your situation, you can try to contact the Razer support team. Though not a few people complained that its useless to rely on the support team; they are not that technical and won’t finally solve the problem, you can try your luck if there’s no other solution you can think about. Or, just keep searching in Google for further solutions. Good luck!
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
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“Above, there is heaven; below, there is Suzhou and Hangzhou.” - Chinese Saying.
Of late, I’ve noticed that most of the LI diamond scenes in the engagement tour follow a pattern:
Hana’s scenes focus on helping us with an upcoming task, which briefly/extensively dealing with her own background story. Your walls don’t need ears if you have Hana because if she’s around and a character that you have to form an alliance with/ask questions to needs a little persuasion, Hana manages to overhear and help you attain the object that character so desires. For instance, the Parisian Fashion Show, the Patisserie scene, the Champagne scene in Shanghai. Exception to this is Hana’s Library Scene in Paris.
Drake’s scenes tend to focus on his distaste for courtly life and their ‘ostentious’ ways, and often allow the MC to take a breather from court maneuvering and the ongoing investigation. Some give us some extensive background on certain aspects of the story, like the attempt on Liam’s life and Savannah’s story, and others are fun and flirty. For instance, the Italian Restaurant scene, the Dive Bar scene, the Pool Scene and the Trip Around NY scene. Exception to this area the investigation at Capri and the Savannah scene - both of which revolve around solving certain mysteries.
Liam’s scenes revolve mainly around the experiences he wants to give the MC openly but can’t because of the position he is currently in. This applies to his scenes in both books. In Book 1, he has to keep his interest in the MC as private, resulting in him taking her either to places that mean something to him, or that are aimed at getting her to sit back and relax a bit. In Book 2, he is held back even further by his engagement and impending marriage, and tries to steal as many moments as he can with the MC - again, by showing her places that mean something to him. This is but fitting, given that his romance with her could (if you pick that choice) begun while seeing the Statue of Liberty. Liam’s scenes are all about showing the MC the beauty of the city they’re in, and exploring the legends and stories behind them. These scenes tend to fulfill all the wishes that the MC lists at the beginning of Book 1: to see the world, to live an adventurous life or to fall in love. Whether the MC is into adventure or romance, these scenes fit the bill for either. For instance, Blue Grotto in Capri, Eiffel Tower and Ponts des Arts bridge in Paris, Hangzhou West Lake in Shanghai and Central Park in New York. Exceptions include the Opera scene, since that is technically a court function.
The Hangzhou West Lake sequence doesn’t have a personal story the way Blue Grotto or Eiffel Tower do, but Liam does associate certain things about it to the MC and her own journey.
Hangzhou West Lake
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(Photo credit: China Discovery website)
Marked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011, the West Lake has often been considered an incarnation of Xi Shi (the Lady of the West), one of the Four Great Beauties of ancient China. It was originally a lagoon adjoining the Qiántáng River, which then got developed into a manmade lake sometime in the 8th century, with a gradually and carefully built landscape comprising of gardens, pagodas, causeways and little islets.
Hangzhou’s West Lake is also considered a famous romantic spot - often teeming with couples - and is home to a number of love legends. Its own creation legend boasts of the lake being a jade jewel from the heavens that dropped to earth. The most popular love legend, however, is the Legend of the Lady White Snake.
This legend chronicles the love story of a snake spirit, Bái Shé Zhuàn, and a human, Xǔ Xiān, who fall in love, get married and live in marital bliss for a few years before tragedy strikes. An evil monk, Fǎ Hǎi, turns out to be the main antagonist in their story: first by revealing to Xǔ Xiān that his wife is in reality a snake spirit, and later by kidnapping him to bait the spirit into a battle - which the latter loses - and subsequently improsoning her…leading the couple to be separated for decades. It is thanks to their grown son that they are later united.
What’s worth noting here is the level of trust and love shared by the couple: when her husband dies of a heart attack caused by knowing her real identity, Bái Shé Zhuàn faces multiple hardships to attain the herb that will revive him, and Xǔ Xiān tells him the moment he comes back to life that he will never stop loving her, no matter who she is. Even when he is imprisoned, he manages to break free from the evil monk to make it by her side. Bái Shé Zhuàn is no less. She goes to war for her beloved husband, willing to beat down every obstacle in her way to reach and rescue him, and despite the long agonizing wait finds happiness when she is reunited with him.
The legend is not mentioned in the scene, but the fact that Liam chooses this spot for its romantic connections makes it worth a comparison to the Liam x MC story. The most striking parallels to the Legend of the White Snake Lady that I can see is reflected in Liam’s willingness to trust the MC despite all the evidence stacked up against her, and the MC’s willingness to fight for herself and her relationship with Liam (if he is her LI).
What Does It Mean To Be King?
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If there is one thing I’m at odds with the writers of TRR in, it’s how ruling/kingship/the nature of politics is viewed in the TRR universe, and how this general worldview is reflected in Liam’s thoughts and opinions.
Thoughout the books, we have been presented an ideal for “how to be King” in Liam - and this is an ideal upheld by the rest of the characters: Maxwell talks about the boundaries that stop Liam from picking the MC in the first chapter of Book 2, Regina states that Liam was perfect in his role as king even if he wasn’t too keen on becoming one, and in our most recent chapter in New York, Drake buys the compass as a way of reminding Liam “not to lose his way” the way Constantine did - implying thereby that he thinks the path Liam is already on is the best one for him. Within this universe, Liam’s largely peace-loving, people-oriented style of ruling seems to be what ALL the people that the MC is supposed to trust, are rooting for.
As for Liam himself? We may see flashes of strategizing and planning here and there, but the overall impression we get is that he wants to keep his people happy, and struggles to balance that with his love for the MC. He speaks of power coming with responsibility, speaks of learning that his own needs as a person weren’t as important as his duty towards his people in Paris, speaks of being a king and being a man as two separate things. But we hardly speak about court enough to get a clear idea of how he plans, makes strategies, deals with his enemies. And this is where I feel we’re missing something pretty big when it comes to understanding Liam at all.
This is our first scene with Liam after Constantine’s shocking admission of being involved in the conspiracy surrounding the MC. Throughout the books Liam seems to associate everything he has learned about being King with Constantine (especially in the Eiffel Tower scene) and the latter’s betrayal shakes the core foundation of everything he has believed in in many ways. To a large extent Liam is right. Nothing justifies Constantine’s decision to put a guest to their country in that vulnerable a position, not even the current situation in Cordonia OR past rebellions. Constantine made his choice to harm the MC, and subsequently to force Liam to choose Madeleine. Liam makes HIS choice as King by standing up for her and demanding that Constantine support them in their mission.
But here is where I differ from the way Liam/the writers view things:
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The way Liam makes a distinction between being a king and being a person troubles me - mostly because it seems too simplistic a divide to me. The truth of Liam’s role as a politician is that he will have to make decisions he isn’t comepletely comfortable with as a common man, but that will protect his people and secure HIM against his enemies. A man who has lost his mother in one conspiracy, almost lost his own life in another, would have a better idea than most that such a black and white view of politics may not always be beneficial to his political role. He would know - better than most people - that good intentions and straightforwardness can only take you so far when your court is brimming over with corruption.
However, there is a chance that his questions here may also factor into how the end of this book works out. It is possible for Book 2 to end with an assassination attempt - possibly aimed at Liam - and if it does, the question then will be how this incident will affect Liam’s own thoughts on his role as king. Will it result in him embracing the side of him that can strategize, direct, get his hands dirty better? Make him less willing to compromise and more demanding of what he wants fulfilled? Will he resort to unorthodox methods to achieve his ends, having almost lost his life (again) to court politics? Will the MC get to see more of him as a crafty (I hope) politician? Only time - and the writers - will tell.
The Legend of the Dragon Gate Waterfall
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Liam doesn’t mention the Lady White Snake legend at all, but there is one traditional Chinese/largely Southeast Asian legend he does relate to the MC, and that is the legend of the Dragon Carp that survives an almost impossible journey and makes it against all odds to the Dragon’s Gate Waterfall, where the fish transforms into a mighty dragon by the blessings of the gods. It is said that many koi fish swim upstream against the river’s strong current, but few are capable or brave enough for the final leap over the waterfall.
This legend is important for several reasons. One is what both the dragon and the koi symbolize in Chinese culture. The Chinese dragon has long been an auspicious symbol of great and benevolent, magical power. The image of a carp jumping over Dragon’s Gate is an old and enduring Chinese cultural symbol for courage, perseverance, and accomplishment. In Liam’s mind, the MC’s fight to clear her name is as tough and as strenuous as the journey of a koi up the Dragon’s Gate, and her determination and never-give-up attitude make her “the most loyal, tenacious woman I know”. Liam confirms as such in his dialogue with the MC: The story has come to remind me of you. Watching you throughout the engagement tour, you’ve been fighting your wall up the waterfall…and when we find Tariq, you’ll reach the top and become a dragon, and nothing will ever stand in your way.
There are many parallels between the MC’s own story and the legend. The first and most obvious is that no matter who she romances, the MC goes through incredible hardships during her stay in Cordonia - hardships that would have potentially broken other people and forced them to give up and return home. But her connection to Cordonia, and her determination to be truly with the people she loves, is what drives her to brave out this difficult journey and make it to the end.
The MC’s journey also resembles the dragon koi because of how different she is from the other suitors, and how she manages to succeed despite her obvious disadvantages. She starts out as a foreigner on Cordonian soul - and not just any foreigner, but one who is competing for the hand of Cordonia’s future king. She has zero experience of court life or class protocol, has largely well-intentioned but not very efficient coaches in the Beaumont brothers, and has to navigate a system she has very little awareness of, often with little assistance. On top of this, she is caught in the eye of the storm when it comes to courtly intrigue, and now has to fight to regain her reputation in Cordonia. She is truly the carp that swims against the current.
The other reason is the fact that no matter how the story turns out the MC is slated to succeed in her larger mission and become someone of major importance in Cordonia. In doing so her story will then become a reflection of the ancient Chinese proverb - lǐ yu tiào lóng mén (the carp has leaped over the Dragon's Gate) .
This five-character expression, according to the Chinese Dragon study project, “was originally used as a metaphor for a person’s success in passing very difficult imperial examinations, required for entry into imperial administrative service”. The imperial examination system in China is a 2000-year-old, and the ultimate path to wealth and glory was through passing these daunting, difficult examinations. These examinations and tests determined whether the individual who took them would make a fitting civil service official, and often involved lifelong study and multiple unsuccessful attempts. To ensure that the system did not descend into nepotism, an open examination system called kējǔ was maintained. The Chinese Dragon Study Project further maintains that “to this day, when a student from a remote country village passes the rigorous national university examination in China, friends and family proudly refer to the 'Liyu Tiao Long Men.’ More generally, the expression is used to communicate that if a person works hard and diligently, success will one day be achieved”.
The MC’s struggle is made even more daunting by her position in Cordonia as a foreign woman with no social station, a commoner, someone who is severely lacking in experience, breeding and courtly education. For her to reach to the top of the pile over skilled courtiers like Kiara and Hana, titled ladies like Penelope, on par with powerful women like Olivia and Madeleine, makes her very much like the dragon-carp-like student who gets in through the open system and makes it through despite the odds (especially if she makes the correct choices in the story). Furthermore, her attempts to clear her name further give the reader the impression that like the student taking the imperial exam, and the koi in the legend, she will face all the obstacles standing in her way and survive.
To Be A Queen
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(Screenshot for Applewood Hedge Maze scene from Abhirio’s YouTube channel)
Liam speaks of what he feels about being King at the beginning of the scene, but it is only after the MC responds to the legend he narrates to her that we see what Liam thinks of how the MC will fare as a queen. When was the last time Liam had done this? At the Applewood Hedge Maze.
There are, however, a lot of differences between that scene and the West Lake one. In Applewood, Liam is certain of his choice and confident that the MC will be a good queen for Cordonia, but he doesn’t have a clear idea why yet. So he asks her what she would imagine her moniker to be, and what causes she plans to champion. This is his way of getting to know her better, and seeing what she, as queen, will be passionate about. As Regina said at the opera, Liam obviously sees something in her that everyone else didn’t.
By their tryst in Shanghai, Liam has a better, clearer idea of her as a woman and a person, a more nuanced experience of their dynamic and how they work together (if he is her LI). He speaks of her as being an integral factor in his decision making process (which choice would make me worthy of the MC?) and an inspiration for him to do the right thing (I look to you for strength. I look to you for the courage to choose the right path, even if it is the most difficult one). Liam’s trust in the MC was pretty strong already, but the events of Book 2 solidify that trust and confirm his belief that she is the best queen for Cordonia.
The main difference between the Applewood Hedge Maze and West Lake lies in how Liam sees her. Applewood shows us the hope that the MC will be the queen Cordonia needs. Hangzhou West Lake shows us the certainty.
This scene deals briefly with Liam’s thoughts on being King (as a counterpoint to what he says at the Eiffel Tower), but more importantly, it deals with how Liam views the MC’s journey, her struggles, her determination to stick it out and fight no matter what. To him (if she is his LI) she is the koi that became a dragon, the fish that fought its way to the top of the waterfall, the most fitting queen for Cordonia. This scene shows us the MC, through Liam’s eyes.
"Leaping Over the Dragon's Gate - The Realms of the Dragons", by Michael P. Garofalo on the Green Way Research Website.
"2000 years of Examinations in China" from the China Sage website.
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designlabpune · 3 years
10 Ways to build a right website for your business
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Define Your Goals
Everyone has a primary purpose of a website building. Define that primary purpose, along with all other goals that you want to achieve with your business website.
If you want to have a truly successful website that generates leads and makes money, then you need to be setting goals.
I know personally when I hear someone talk about setting goals, I roll my eyes and let out a deep sigh.
But yet, there are some great advantages to setting goals such as bringing focus and being able to measure the success or failure of an objective.
Also, it helps you to define your budget for website building.
If you simply follow the consultancy advice, they'll end up adding all the features to your website (which you don't need), making it irrelevant and costlier.
Choose a most desire Domain name
Deciding the domain name is another crucial aspect of your business website. Because the domain name decides the URL of your website.
It should be short, descriptive, and easy-to-remember, steer clear of abbreviations, acronyms, and numbers, if possible, avoid customer confusion.
Also, you need to decide on your top-level domain or TLD. This is the suffix at the end of your domain names, such as .com, .net, or .biz. However, nontraditional TLD names have grown in recent years. These TLDs can be based on location, such as .nyc, or type of business, like .marketing, .agency, or .law. While these can be descriptive, .com is still the main go-to. Read our article on choosing a nontraditional TLD for more information.
Once you end up choosing the most desirable domain name for your business website, check out its availability and purchase it from popular domain registrars.
Purchase safe and secure web hosting
Completed deciding your website goals and domain name, what next?
Well, now it's time to spend money to buy safe and secure web hosting for your website.
Web hosting provides a server for your website where all data is stored for the public to access all the time. Thus, you must buy safe, secure, and good tech support web hosting. It may demand you to pay a little higher but that's okay if you want to give the best yet safe and secure experience to your users.
There are two types of web hosting available viz Shared less-expensive web hosting. As the name suggests, you share servers with other websites and have to compete with them for faster loading.
Another one is dedicated web hosting which is quite more expensive than shared web hosting. But in this, you get your private server and won't have to compete with other sites.
Implement Content Management System
Content Management Systems (CMS) is important to maintain all your digital content. Choose a CMS which caters to your needs.
Good CMS will help you maintain your site, and you don't need much technical knowledge to use it. You should choose a CMS that is designed for your unique needs; different systems are used for different reasons, such as user-friendliness, extensibility, and budget.
Free versions of CMS are available. But if you are a dedicated entrepreneur who wants to expand your business; never choose free versions.
WordPress, Drupal, Joomla! Squarespace, Six are some of the popular CMS systems which offer you the best experience at good prices.
Display all essential pieces of information along with a clear Business Description
Your website should display who you are and what you are doing. The website should convey all the information about your business.
Visitors shouldn't feel confused when they visit your small business website.
Make sure your main homepage banner (also known as a "hero image") and subsequent banners are visual representations of your services, and also that you have an introductory text blurb near the top of the page that describes who you are and what you do.
Additionally, make sure both your main and footer navigation menus have "About Us" page links easily accessible so people can click them and read more about your business in-depth.
Work on User Interface
As I always say "your website will succeed only if it can impress your customers". And, if your website isn't able to provide the best experience then all your money worth nothing.
Thus, work hard to enhance the user experience. Make sure your small business website interface leaves a positive impression that drives results.
You can do so by implementing the following suggestions:
- Use an attractive layout and easy to read fonts. - Make sure your graphics are compressed and optimized for fast loading. If your website is slow, search engines like Google will penalize your ranking. - Research the competition to see how they have designed and optimized their websites; implement similar components that will work for your small business website. - Publish easily accessible contact information. - Incorporate obvious call-to-actions
Test and publish your Website
Before announcing that your site is live on the web, make sure it works on all major browsers, like Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
Click through each page and feature on every browser to ensure images show up, links are correct and the format looks smooth. This will take some time, but the effort you put in now will save you future complaints from visitors who can't access certain features.
Also, make sure that your website displays properly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Because now it's an era of responsive Websites. And, believe it or not, but most of your users prefer mobile for daily searches.
Optimize it for SEO
SEO is an essential practice that makes your website successful. It helps your website to rank higher, this increases visibility and traffic on your website.
SEO is an extremely important ongoing process that can mean the difference between showing up on the first page of search engine results pages (resulting in large amounts of free traffic to your website) or page 300 (resulting in no traffic).
Website building is not an easy task. It requires a good amount of research and patience. Use the above tips to make things easier.
But it's important to understand that you can't make a rocking website on the first try. As I said, building a successful website requires patience.
If you're getting frustrated with something, take a deep breath, relax for a minute, then google your problem.
Or, connect with any experts which can guide you all the way to get the most desirable website for your business.
If you are looking for any experts to build your business website then I'm waiting for you at DesignLab, Connect with us.
Also, if you have any questions about website building, feel free to ask in the comment section. I'll answer every question.
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If you own a business of any size, web hosting is a necessity; it isn't a luxury. An internet-connected world demands that businesses have websites, even if the pages simply detail locations and hours of operation.
Why? Because word of mouth only gets you so far in the internet era. People discover new businesses—even local business—via Bing, Google, and Yahoo. The days when they'd just look you up in the yellow pages are long gone. If you don't have a sharable website address, your chances of building online word of mouth via social networking plummet, too. In other words, no website, no discoverability, no money. Of course, web hosting isn't just for businesses. You may want to host a personal website or blog, too. Either way, the services here have you covered.
See How We Test Web Hosting Services
The first step in building your online presence is finding a web host, the company that will store your website's files on its servers and deliver them to your readers' and customers' browsers. Bluehost, a PC Mag Business Choice winner, is a reader-recommended option.
Web hosting services offer varying amounts of monthly data transfers, storage, email, and other features. Even how you pay (month-to-month payments vs. annual payments) can be radically different, too, so taking the time to plot exactly what your company needs for online success is essential. Many of these companies also offer reseller hosting services, which let you go into business for yourself, offering hosting to your own customers without requiring you to spin up your own servers.
The Best Web Hosting Deals This Week*
HostGator: Up to 66% off Hosting Plans With Unmetered     Bandwidth and Disk Space
Bluehost: Up to 60% off on Web Hosting Plans
Domain.com: Basic Hosting Plan With Scalable Bandwith     Starting at $3.75 Per Month
Godaddy: Up to 50% off Web Hosting for New Users Starting at     $5.99 Per Month
*Deals are selected by our partner, TechBargains
You should also familiarize yourself with the many web hosting tiers that are available. In your research, you'll find shared, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting plans. Each tier offers different specs and features that you should take the time to analyze. I'll break them down.
What Is Shared Web Hosting?
Shared hosting is web hosting in which the provider houses multiple sites on a single server. For example, Site A shares the same server with Site B, Site C, Site D, and Site E. The upside is that the multiple sites share the server cost, so shared web hosting is generally very inexpensive. In fact, you can find an option for less than $10 per month.
You could think of the sites that share your server as your roommates; there's really not that much separating you from them. Sure, you can close the bedroom door, but they can still cause nightmares for you in the kitchen and the bathroom. In web hosting terms, all the sites share a single server's resources, so huge traffic spike on Site A may impact the neighboring sites' performances. It's even possible that another site could take down the shared server altogether, if it crashed hard enough.
What Is VPS Web Hosting?
VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting in that multiple sites share the same server, but the similarities end there. A dedicated web host houses fewer sites per server than is the case with shared hosting, and each site has its own individual resources.
In housing terms, VPS hosting is like renting your own apartment in a larger building. You're much more isolated than in the roommate situation mentioned above; it's still possible that a neighboring apartment could causes annoyance for you, but far less likely. In web hosting terms, Site A's traffic surge won't have nearly as much impact on Site B or Site C. As you'd expect, VPS hosting costs more than shared hosting. You'll pay roughly $20 to $60 per month.
What Is Dedicated Web Hosting?
Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, is both powerful and pricey. It's reserved for sites that require an incredible amount of server resources.
Unlike shared or VPS hosting, dedicated hosting makes your website the lone tenant on a server. To extend the housing metaphor, having a dedicated server is like owning your own home. The means that your website taps the server's full power, and pays for the privilege. If you're looking for a high-powered site—an online mansion for your business—dedicated hosting is the way to go. That said, many dedicated web hosting services task you with handling backend, technical issues, much as homeowners have manage maintenance that renters generally leave to their landlords.
On the topic of dedicated hosting, many web hosting services also offer managed hosting. This type of hosting sees the web host act as your IT department, handling a server's maintenance and upkeep. This hosting option is something that you'd typically find with dedicated servers, so it's a business-centric addition. Naturally, it adds a few bucks to the hosting cost, but nothing that should break the bank if you have the resources for a dedicated server.
Business Hosting
When it's time to set up shop, look for a web host that offers the aforementioned dedicated servers, as well as advanced cloud server platforms (such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud), custom server builds should you need it, and 24/7 customer support. Depending on your business' focus, you may need a web host that can handle pageviews or visitors that rank in the high thousands or millions. Many busy hosting plans offer an onboarding specialist that can help you get started, too.
If you're planning on selling a product, look for a web host that offers a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, because it encrypts the data between the customer's browser and web host to safeguard purchasing information. You're probably familiar with SSL; it's the green padlock that appears in your web browser's address bar as you visit an online financial institution or retail outlet. A few companies toss in a SSL certificate free of charge; others may charge you roughly $100 per year for that extra security layer.
What Is WordPress Web Hosting?
WordPress hosting is for people who want to build their sites on the back of the popular WordPress content management system (CMS) from WordPress.org. There are multiple ways to set up shop using this free, open-source blogging and site-building platform.
You gain the most web-building functionality if you create a self-hosted site. This typically involves transfering the free WordPress CMS to server or signing up for a web host's optimized WordPress plan. With an optimized plan, the host automatically handles backend stuff, so you don't have to worry about updating the plug-ins and CMS, and enabling automatic backups. In these instances, the WordPress environment typically comes pre-installed on the server.
You can also host your website on WordPress.com, but that's different from the kind of hosting mentioned above. WordPress.com uses the same code from WordPress.org, but it hides the server code and handles the hosting for you. In that sense, it resembles entries in our online site builder roundup. It's a simpler but less flexible and customizable way to approach WordPress hosting. It's definitely easier, but if you want to tinker and adjust and optimize every aspect of your site, it might not be for you.
Extra Web Hosting Info
If you're not sure of the type of hosting your business needs, you might want to start small, with shared Web hosting. You can always graduate to a more robust, feature-rich package of, say, VPS hosting or even dedicated hosting in the future. Unfortunately, some hosts don't offer all hosting types. Consider how much you expect to grow your website, and how soon, before you commit to anything longer than a one-year plan. It's worth spending the time up front to make sure that the host you select with is able to provide the growth you envision for your site, as switching web hosting providers midstream is not a trivial undertaking.
Once you decide you price range, you need to consider how long you'll need web hosting. If it's a short-term project—say, less than a month or two—you can typically receive a refund should you cancel your hosting within 60 days. Some companies offer 30-day money-back guarantees, others offer 90-day money-back guarantees. Once again, it's beneficial to do your homework.
The Web Hosting Features You Need
Many web hosts offer limited features in their starter packages and then expand the offerings (sometimes tremendously) for higher-tier plans. Read the small print to make sure the plan you are selecting offers what you need. If you need a site builder application to design your website, make sure that the low-cost web host you are picking actually comes with a site builder. Many of them require you to pay for the builder as a separate add-on. Website builders usually don't cost a lot of money, but if you can find a web host that includes one for free, that's money in your pocket. And, if it's integrated with your hosting service, you're more likely to have a smooth, supported experience.
You also want a web host with 24/7 customer support—if not by phone, then at least by chat. Forums, knowledge bases, and help tickets are all well and good, but sometimes you just need to communicate with another human to get things ironed out as quickly as possible. That said, not all 24/7 customer support teams are equal. Companies like GoDaddy and Liquid Web boast incredibly knowledgeable and helpful customer support squads—a fact that we confirmed in our in-depth reviews of those web hosting services.
When it comes to server operating systems, Linux is typically the default option. Still, some services offer a choice of Linux or Windows hosting. If you have specific server-side applications that require Windows, such as SQL Server or a custom application written in .NET, then you need to make sure your web host has Windows hosting. But don't let the idea of a Linux host intimidate you. Nowadays, most web hosts offer a graphical interface or a control panel to simplify server administration and website management. Instead of typing at the command line, you'll click easily identifiable icons.
Windows hosting is often more expensive than Linux hosting, especially in the dedicated server area. That's not always the case, but it's something you should be aware of as you shop around.
See How We Test Web Hosting Services
Email Hosting
If you aim to have a web presence, you've got to have email. It's a convenient way for potential customers and clients to send you a message, Word document, or other files. Thankfully, most web hosts include email in the price of their hosting plans. Some web hosts offer unlimited email account creation (which is great for future growth), while others offer a finite amount. You, naturally, should want unlimited email.
That said, not all web hosts offer email. WP Engine, for example, does not. In such instances, you must email accounts from a company other than your web host. GoDaddy, for instance, sells email packages starting at $3.49 per user, per month. That might sound like a hassle, and just one more thing to keep track of, but there are actually some webmasters who feel that separating your email hosting and web hosting services is smart. That way, one provider going offline won't completely bork your business.
Uptime, Uptime, Uptime!
The aforementioned features are valuable to the web hosting experience, but none matches the importance of site uptime. If your site is down, clients or customers will be unable to find you or access your products or services.
Recently, we've added uptime monitoring to our review process, and the results show that most web hosts do an excellent job of keeping sites up and running. Web hosts with uptime issues are heavily penalized during the review process and are unable to qualify for top ratings.
Ecommerce and Marketing
One thing we learned in reviewing the services listed here (and many more) is that even though the packages are very similar, they are not identical. Some are more security-focused than others, offering anti-spam and anti-malware tools. Others offer a variety of email marketing tools. While most of the hosts we've reviewed have built-in e-commerce, you may want to consider using a more-robust third-party online shopping cart application like Shopify instead.
If you're ready to select a great web hosting service, check out the chart above to see PCMag's top picks in the space. When you're done with that, click the links below to read our in-depth, tested reviews of the biggest and best names in web hosting.
If you're just getting started in the web hosting game, make sure to check out our primer, How to Build a Website, and How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website. The Best Courses for Learning How to Build Websites is an excellent start, too.
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