#the tuttle twins
uprockinrainbow · 1 year
The Ghost and Molly McGee meets Tuttle Twins: Infinite Money Glitch
Molly McGee as Emily Tuttle
Andrea Davenport as Karinne Carmichael
Darryl McGee as Ethan Tuttle and Liam
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miranda95 · 2 years
The Tuttle Twins Review – The ideals of a free society for kids
With these books, your kid will learn things like:
Why a free market economy is the most effective means of reducing poverty and allowing people to trade with one another.
How property rights enable us to make decisions that are best for us and our families.
Why are entrepreneurs who build enterprises to assist us in serving and improving our lives making the world a better place?
What is socialism and why is it so harmful to our liberties and well-being?
How vital the Golden Rule is for people to get along with one another, regardless of where they live, what they look like, or what they believe.
Why is education so important, and why should children be permitted to learn about areas they are passionate about?
What true laws are, and why the government should protect our rights.
…and so much more!
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What Makes The Tuttle Twins Hannity Books So Different?
The Tuttle Twins' Book Series Introduces Important Ideas That Aren't Taught in Schools.
There are no other children's books that cover such a wide range of free-market subjects in such a fun way. The books cover important freedom-based concepts that most of us never learned as children. It's not too late, though!
The Tuttle Twins books encourage children to acquire "adult" concepts, which they enjoy. These books explain those ideas in an easy-to-understand manner, with useful illustrations... and we've been amazed at how well kids rise to this challenge. Yours will, too.
These stimulating stories encourage kids to make sense of the world, and we've heard a lot of positive Tuttle Twins reviews on how effectively this is working.
That's what their books are for: to help you have fantastic talks with your children about the ideas that established our incredible country but are now being attacked.
Parents have lacked a vocabulary to express these topics to their children for far too long.
But not any longer. With the Tuttle Twins books, that problem has been solved!
Head to  Tuttle Twins Review to read full article and get 50% coupon code.
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animationfanboy2k4 · 9 months
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"That's what friends are for, right? "
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volleypearlfan · 7 months
there's a right-wing knockoff of Bluey called Chip Chilla. nothing is sacred in this world. Conservatives always complain about cartoons "not being for kids" (read: having LGBTQ+ representation), but Chip Chilla isn't for kids either - it's only for pearl-clutching moral guardians who want to feel good about the shows their children watch.
It's like how that doll line, Lammily, wasn't actually targeted towards kids or doll collectors -- it was only for parents and Buzzfeed bloggers who wanted a "wholesome" alternative to Barbie. Lammily faded into obscurity while Barbie is still going strong, so I don't think we have to worry about Chip Chilla replacing Bluey. Also, Rob Schneider is in it...gross
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friendrat · 5 months
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My kids and I all yelled, "TOOTHY COW! TOOTHY COW!" It was great. 😂
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yumcha-af · 2 months
Day 5 of posting about this show until I have someone to talk about it with
(Tuttle Twins via Angel Studios)
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aalt-ctrl-del · 1 year
oh boy. what the hell is this?
I question the costume choices they put on this kid. It's very 1930s era. Not the girl, there's a Christopher Robin sort of boy talking.
yknow, blondish, white, and blue eyed.
When he dropped the ice cream, I legit thought the kid was gonna say, "Our taxes pay for food stamps, but people don't deserve it".
The only propaganda I got in my school was when our super conservative middle school teacher taught us how communism was bad, and not everyone deserved to get paid a working wage because they "didn't go to school", or they made poor life choices and deserved their living situation.
And I lived in a Democratic district where all the students have working parents, or some of the kids had to already get jobs to support their families - so kids sleeping in class wasn't unusual, and no one bothered them because they already had full times jobs plus school.
Then some weeks the militant recruiter's would come by handing out pamphlets to try and enlist students for training. Everyone has freedom and equal opportunities.
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tignya · 1 year
I'm waiting for the day someone tries to say that The Jungle was leftist socialist propoganda, and that Teddy Roosevelt was taking hard earned money from poor ol' giant corporations that practically poisoned people.
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todaysamlearned · 2 years
Today I learned about the Tuttle Twins.
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unterwaesche · 2 months
I keep getting these Tuttle Twins shorts and I gotta say, I'm deeply uncomfortable with this being aimed at kids. They get most of the surface level information right, but this whole idea that if you just organize and force the government to tweak itself a little then things will get better, or that the underlying issue is that we're all picking sides and then sticking with them for life come hell or high water (which is a fair cop but doesn't get to the bottom of it) and not the fact that we're not able to revoke our consent to be governed, and therefore are not consenting to be governed, it's just statist propaganda disguised as libertarianism. Who thought this was a good idea?
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yoshimickster · 2 months
Why did YouTube recommend me the Tuttle Twins? Does YouTube think I'm a Libertarian asshat?
Or WORSE think I want to brainwashy CHILDREN into libertarian asshats?
Well jokes on them, I ain't GOTS no children!
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uprockinrainbow · 1 year
The Owl House meets Tuttle Twins: "A Tale of Two Spoiled Brats"
Amity Blight and Boscha as Karinne Carmichael
Alador and Odalia Blight as the Carmichaels, Karinne's parents
Hunter as Ethan Tuttle
Hooty as Copernicus
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happy2bmyownboss · 2 years
Our 2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum and Schedule
Our 2022-2023 Homeschool Curriculum and Schedule
I know most families are just now finishing up their 2021-2022 school year and looking forward to a few months off but we aren’t like most families. We’ve decided to adopt more of a year-round school schedule which allows us more flexibility to take time off whenever we need a break or have something important or unexpected come up… which has happened a lot lately! We have it planned so that we…
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silvermoon424 · 7 months
I've been watching Youtubers clown on stuff like PragerU Kids and The Tuttle Twins since those have been in the news lately (if you don't know, they're conservative curriculums/media aimed at children). And like
I love how conservative/libertarian children's media is so obsessed with owning the libs or whatever that they almost always end up spurning lessons that are universally taught to children regardless of political/religious/etc background. So you end up with lessons like "sharing is bad," "you should be suspicious of people who are different than you," "some people are more equal than others," etc.
It's really telling, but I feel so sorry for the poor kids who are being spoon-fed this bullshit.
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yumcha-af · 2 months
Day 4 of posting about this show until I have someone to talk about it with
(Tuttle Twins via Angel Studios)
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pizzaback · 2 months
why’d they make Marx so cute on the tuttle twins
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